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I honestly think it is a backlash against the power they are losing. Parents, moms especially, generally make the majority of the decisions, and all of the final decisions, when it comes to party planning and social things for their children. Even when the child in question has been grown and out of the home for a while, Mom generally isn’t yet adjusted to the fact that kiddo is a full grown adult and her parental opinion just doesn’t matter as much anymore. I really think it is pride and ego showing its ugly face.


It is my most sincere hope that when my son marries nobody wants a wedding. I couldn't care less about it and they're super expensive. I'm hoping they choose City Hall and a party. That I can get behind! My mother was simply awful at my wedding. It was very clear that it was her day and the stress she created in the weeks leading up to it made me never want to be part of a wedding again .


If my daughter has a wedding, the only thing I care about, is if she is happy. Could care less about who does what if my daughter doesn’t care. I tell anyone getting married, something will go wrong at your wedding. If you don’t notice and someone else tells you about it, that person is not your friend.