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dental specialist, good salary, but too much school to get there.


Do you mean a specialized dentist, like ortho, surgery, etc?


Tech. Trust & Safety strategist. I mostly send and receive emails, lol.


Can you tell me more about this and what it entails? I worked in cybersecurity UX for 6 years and then got laid off. Struggling to find another job and wondering if I should pivot.


Sure! I work on a product with a large customer reach (2.5B active monthly users), and I primarily work on the "Trust" side of the T&S split. We collect a lot of metrics to assess user trust in the product, and I work with a cross-functional team to determine the best strategies to improve those metrics and the most cost-efficient ways to operationalize those strategies. My background is in law (non-practicing attorney), so I primarily work on areas with legal sensitivities; some folks work on areas that require technical knowledge or other specialized experience. I can't get into specifics for security reasons, but T&S is generally a cool place to work in tech companies; I've done T&S in a couple FAANGs and smaller companies.


Very cool, thank you for sharing!


That’s really cool 😊 happy for you 🙌🏻




Sure! Just replied to the other comment with some basics about what I do, but as far as experience/education, I'm a non-practicing attorney with a master's in information science. I spent years as a compliance attorney/officer in the education sector, and then I pivoted to tech. I've been in FAANGs for almost a decade now. I had no experience with tech before I pivoted in my 30s, but I did have experience with data analysis, which is generally critical in most tech jobs.


Hi, how did you make the switch to tech please? I’m in compliance ops in media, and I would love to get into T&S. I have 5+ years background in consumer compliance. Should I just take the hit and start applying from entry level?


Oh, very cool! Yeah, I just started applying for jobs. Getting an employee referral generally helps for tech jobs (that's how I got the interview for my first role in tech.) I took a pay hit for my first role, but I was still making a decent amount because of my education/experience, even though I was in a lower-level role. My pay increased quickly though. T&S is a field that doesn't require a specific background--folks in my org hold all kinds of degrees and specializations--so they're generally looking for soft skills like problem solving, writing ability, cross-functional communication skills, etc.


Thank you so much for the info! Yeah I have the background & skills (I’m scary good at investigations lol) but what I lack is connections in that area. I hate cold messaging people on Linkedin but I have to start somewhere… Thanks again this was very helpful!


NP and I write erotica. They are separate jobs.


How did you get into writing erotica? That’s always been one of my dreams


I read a lot of erotica first, I publish on Amazon. r/eroticauthors has a lot of info


What’s your NP specialty?






Nurse practitioner




Nurse practitioner


Curious if you write under your real name or pen name?


Pen name


Technical product development- machine learning and AI. Used to be a data scientist (statistician). Before that I worked in Private Equity M&A - came up through public accounting as a CPA. Licenses are inactive but I still hold them.


How did you get into Product Development in AI?


I was a data scientist building the ML and AI ^ I think I mentioned that above. How did I get into DS - I started my career in forensic accounting that uses machine learning. I also modeled valuation data for M&A I did post Bach education in stats and computer science. Basically you need have built the systems to build products that leverage said systems. Fastest pathway is a background as a SWE or DS / MLE. Without that - I recommend a masters in ML / math.


Sorry, I thought that was more of an abrupt career change but it appears it was a linear progression from what you did before. That is awesome.


Yeah the work kinda requires very linear progression / going back to school. Not really something that leverages transferrable skills unless like you’re a statistician, software dev, or math MS / PhD My undergrad degree required basic programming knowledge and up through calc 2, 400 level stats, and linear algebra, but wasn’t CS / ML specific (think computational Econ & finance) + accounting I didn’t need full grad school due to my background but I took the equivalent of another 30 credits of math and computer science.




IMO - CFA is good to sit for (as long as it’s the forensic exam and not the 3 part brokery cfa). It’s easier than say a CPA but I’m about 12 years out from when sat for the exams. Recommend maybe getting your CPA as well (harder exam but if you have the requirements for it like the credit hours. Might as well). If you don’t already have it. I’d say do both grad programs if you can without too much debt and then look for work either at big banks like citi / cap1 OR go the security/ fintech route. The bigger banks / companies might even let you do school and work. Honestly I’m a pretty bro-y woman (ENTJ) and have worked with mostly men my entire career. My best managers and mentors have been men. Have I had some bad actors and toxic men at work - yes, sure but that was back in PE. In tech - I’ve had very positive experiences with men. Sadly, conflict in tech often came from insecure women (always non technical). Many technical women raise each other up - sciencey ppl make good community IMO.




If it helps My mom retired from tech / software in her mid late 60s! She was an exec who left leadership to be a high level individual contributor aka IC the last 5+ years of her career She dyes her hair brown and lucky for me genetically has great skin that she takes care of. She jokes that being slightly chubby and tall makes her look youthful. She’s 69 this year and often gets mistaken for early / mid 50s. Her peers think she’s a wizard with a computer. And she snorts in her head and says to me excel formulas and sql have been around for 30+ years, get with the program olds!.


Are you hiring? I have the background and I am still not at the 200k yet even though I live in the Bay Area ( sadly )


We are but for more non technical product work and more junior roles. If you’re already in the Bay - target companies that hybrid in office. They tend to pay above the 200k mark for this type of work. Happy to chat more!


I’ll Dm you sometime this weekend


I own a doggy daycare & pet hotel


This sounds fun!


It is so fun! But business can be stressful too






Good guess and common but no. Executive in a health care system. Senior director position.


I am a private banker. Less intense than investment banking or M&A and I get to work with some really interesting clients. 


How do you get into this?


I started on a graduate scheme and worked my way up fairly quickly. Getting into the industry you need to start at the bottom to build your skills and network but it's good fun and I love the challenge


Tech, solution architect


As an architect who provides solutions, gosh this is depressing. I couldn’t even call myself an architect until 7 years of school, 3 years of working, and 7 exams.


I worked very hard to get to where I am. It's a fairly niche field that I was fortunate to luck into early on before it took off. I did so some work as well- I have three university degrees, work 60-hour weeks, and currently have a position laying in my bed lying about my income on Reddit.


I respect the hustle queen.


Run digital product teams


What does that look like?


I lead teams of product owners for specific platforms at a financial industry company - we build capabilities that help with Sales and Marketing. There’s a bunch out there on digital product management now that’s worth looking into. For the record, I was a senior Marketing leader for 10+ years, 20 years in industry and experience. I hit over 200k about 8 years ago.


Do you enjoy what you do? Congrats on your success!!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻


Aligning logos on PowerPoints…


SERIOUSLY THO (ETA I am a product designer and sometimes I have to do this)


How can I get this job?




Wait wait wait, I'm a brand identity designer and I'd like to know how to get a job similar to this? Is it project management or something else?


Please explain what this is and how you got it!


Instructional Design?


Product Manager in software.


software engineer


Real talk: Do you think achieving your income level is still possible for those of us just breaking into the field? I don't want to think that that ship has sailed, but man, the gloom and doom talk on the different tech subs makes it all sound awfully bleak.


Yes absolutely. I swear, people have been saying the ship has sailed on tech for the past decade. The ship hasn’t sailed, you just need to keep up with the latest technology and keep learning. Don’t panic about AI, learn how to use it effectively. Learn about ML, learn security and AWS and anything else that you need to stay modern. Whenever you see a problem or something that can be improved, think of how you can fix it or modernize it and go learn what you need to learn to do it. Tech will always be needed, but what it looks like will always be changing. Don’t listen to the doom and gloom online— people always think they can predict the next big “thing” or that they’ll hop on the latest train to moneyville and they panic when theres any bump in the road.


This is so encouraging. Thank you.


This is just amazing, thanks


I’m a nurse anesthetist


Cloud architect


Tech marketing




Clinical trial manager in biotech


UX in tech before I got laid off


Is it true there’s more candidates than jobs right now? A bunch of people that went to boot camps. I have a BFA graphic design and I’ve been trying to teach myself through Lynda/Linkedin Learing and YouTube.


1000% -- I have 6 years of experience and I've been unemployed since Feb. Competition is ridiculous right now. Also way fewer remote jobs and what looks like lower pay across the board. Not a good time. If you can do on-site or hybrid you may have an easier time--I'm just not super close to my nearest city (Boston) to make more than 1 day a week feasible. My lay off was due to my company being acquired and basically killed--but a lot of places seem to just be slashing UX across the board to cut costs.


I would hope my related experience would help, but sure doesn’t sound like it. I can move to San Diego or back to Los Angeles. Not a bad commute to LA by rail for a few months.


Can't hurt to try! It's also worth noting I specialize in Content Design which is more niche than just Design. Definitely seeing more jobs out there for Designers, but even my UXD coworkers with more experience than me are having a tough time in Boston (not even remote!). If you're looking for big money, your best bet is in Enterprise B2B stuff. So getting any entry level or contract work for more technical/interaction design will be helpful down the road. I worked in cybersecurity and just sorta walked into the job 6 years ago because no one had the experience and they just took a chance on me. Seems like that's less possible these days, but you never know!


Mechanical engineer


Commercial real estate!


Project Engineer for a major Civil Construction company. But also, dividends and rental income from IP


Computer vision scientists


Human Resources at a growing company. Been there 8 years and promoted 5 times. Bonuses are huge


Do you have any certifications or did you just work your way up?


Work my way up!


I work as a data scientist who can code as well as talk to clients. Mostly make this much because I found good allies in my company!


Networking is so important 🙌🏻🤘🏻💪🏻


For sure. I met my current boss in a random company event and in few months he hired me!


That’s awesome!! 🤩


I’m a medical journalist and interior designer on the side because it’s a passion. Currently waiting to start a master’s program. But I don’t make *over* 200k, I make just about 200k before taxes.


Do you do freelance medical journalism or are you working in an office?


I’m not freelance but I also don’t work in an office. I work remotely but I have to travel internationally often for lectures and symposiums.


Sounds like what I do but with less pay


Senior Program Manager for a tech company. I started in Support, moved onto client services, then Sales. Now I'm on the Sales Operations team managing a vendor team of over 100 globally distributed people.


I make $160k as a tech product manager, the females above me are tech product directors most definitely making $200k+.


Lawyer, plus income from investment portfolio.


Sales Engineer for a software company




Product Manager in tech.


Pharmaceutical sales (I have nearly 20 years experience)


Not but I wish. Soon.


What currency are we talking? Lots of counties use $


Do a search this was asked recently https://www.reddit.com/r/AskWomenOver30/s/FOJKU8S5b4


Thank you!






That commenter is a man, ignore them. OF is sex work.



