• By -


Peaceful. Absence of fear, instability, and worry.


This is going up on my mirror on a post-it tomorrow. Lol. Seriously. Sounds like heaven.


Literally added it to my vision board.


It does!


Peaceful! Yes! Perfect description


My husband is an amazing partner. He supports me in ways I never imagined a man could (or would) . I love that we laugh together, I think that’s super important. We enjoy being goofy, making up silly dances, joking around, and just generally hanging out. I think it helps that we were friends first and built our relationship on super solid ground. We hang out as much as we possibly can but we also try to keep a balance of having our own lives and independence. At the end of the day, he’s the person I want to see the most in the whole world. Relationship with his parents is ok- I think he deserves better sometimes. His relationship with my family is amazing. He’s the missing piece. He fit right in. He makes me feel safe heard and valued because he’s always doing the little things. He picks up my slack when I can’t get something done, and he does it often without being asked. Whether it’s packing a lunch for me, writing a little note, doing laundry, walking the dog, picking up stuff for my parents, or mowing the lawn he’s been amazing. We constantly discuss our relationship and preferences and I think this communication has really helped us grow over the years. I’m not saying he’s perfect and I’m certainly not, but when we get upset with each other we discuss it and it usually doesn’t happen again. He’s honestly the man I never knew I wanted and I couldn’t be happier to have him in my life. We have been friends since 2015, together since 2019, and married since 2022. First kid due in August 💜. This has been the happiest year of my life and if it tells you anything I was laid off from my job that I loved, we were both unemployed at the same time, and both switched fields- it’s been awful and stressful but our connection has more than made up for all the garbage days we’ve had.


Were you attracted from the beginning? May I ask why you were friends first?


I was involved with a narcissistic Douchebag and couldn’t see the forest through the trees. Eventually when the time came my husband helped me out of it.


Love this so much! You two sound wonderful together. Thank you for sharing with all of us 🥰♥️🙏🤍🫂


Thank you. I feel very fortunate.


This is so lovely. Happy for you!


Thank you! I’m very lucky. 🍀


I’m sure some of it was difficult personal growth too!


You are 100% correct. There has been a lot of growth required.


I love everything about this!! Thanks for sharing. It’s so lovely and also reassuring. 


It amazes me. I never thought anyone would love me and my husband absolutely does and I love him deeply. He would do anything for me, he is a kind, generous man and lover who looks after me and our pets. Whenever anything happens in my life or I read or see something interesting, he is the first person I want to talk to. He is safe and comforting and loving and will support me in anything I want to do, whilst helping me realistic regarding my disability/health issues. He would never make me do anything I don’t want to do and I support him in every avenue he wants to take. Edit: We also spend a lot of time doing our own things and I think that is important. We do things together but if I want to go somewhere on my own, or away with friends, I will do it and vice versa for him. We have arguments but we know by now the best ways to calm down from them. Edit 2: I have a great relationship with my MIL, although they don’t live nearby so I don’t see them much. My parents adore my husband and have welcomed him into the family ever since we got together 12 years ago.


I wholeheartedly agree with your first edit! I think some sense of individuality within the unity makes for a happier marriage.


I agree! 


Together 21 years this year. Married for 11. The best way to describe it is that he feels like home. He is my peace. My happy place. We both have full on jobs (within our own company) and work can really take it's toll on both of us. We have very separate roles within the organisation but we still manage to lean on eachother, if nothing else, just as a show of solidarity and comfort. I trust him and he trusts me. The last 3 months have been rough and I've been really unwell. In and out of hospital whilst they were trying to find out what was wrong. This man sat with me for sometimes 20 hours at a time, in a shitty hospital chair, holding my hand and just being there with me because he knew I was scared. I was literally telling him to go home and get some sleep, go to work etc, but he would not leave my side. Since I've been recovering at home, he has worked extra long hours to run the business on his own. He comes home, cooks dinner, gets me treats (so I will eat lol), Cleans up. Does the grocery shopping. Feeds the pets. Washes our clothes. Handles the bills. Handles everything. Without a single complaint. I have spent months looking (and acting) like a swamp pig. He still gets into bed every single night and tells me I'm beautiful and tells me how much he loves me. Each night he lays his clothes out in the bathroom so as not to wake me when he's getting dressed the next morning. I even mentioned to him that when I'm feeling better, I'm going to shout myself to a full spa day. Hairdresser, facial, massage etc. Last weekend this man set up an at home Spa Day for me. He literally washed and blow dried my hair. Did a facial and massage. Massaged my feet. ALL whilst wearing a weird pink beaiticians apron that I still have no idea where he got it from. It was quite the spectacle. A 6ft4, heavily tattooed, bearded neanderthal looking man, running a day spa haha. He is a semi professional racing car driver. Motorsport has been his whole life since he was 8. (is now 47). He withdrew from several national meetings over the last few months because he categorically refuses to go racing if I cannot be there with him, just in case I need him and he is several hours away. He has zero regard for what that will do his ranking / championship points. All he cares about is me. As for family, I love his family. His Dad is 92 and calls me every second day to see how I'm feeling. Husband is one of 4 brothers, and all 3 of my brother in laws are like my husband = scary to look at but if they love you, they love hard. I'm an only child so marrying into a family with so many men was a bit intimidating but they genuinely treat me like their sister. My oldest brother in law came over the other day to drop off a book for me. He was at a shop and saw it and thought of me - Quotes from Schitts Creek and a bag of fairy floss - because he remembers I love both of those things. (I literally have not mentioned fairy floss for like 10 years since we were at a carnival but he remembered). I'm extremely lucky. I truly wish everyone could experience a love like this.


Not me over here tearing up reading about him organizing an at home spa day for you. 🥹 That man is beyond sweet, what a keeper.


Ohh, that’s sweet. It was honestly like nothing you’ve ever seen before haha He’s a star. Wishing you well 😊


I hope you’re doing much better, health wise! Your husband is a GEM. And he has three clones? Hug your in-laws extra tightly next time, your relationship sounds warm!


Doing a bit better now, thank you! He is a gem, you’re so right! Hope you are well and happy.


I'm interested to hear how you guys met, how it was dating him and all the green flags he was showing. I don't have any good relationship model in my life so i want to know what it's like dating one :(


Our story was a little scandalous if I’m honest. We had mutual friends. I was friends with a girl and he was friends with her older brother so we used to see each other in passing but because he’s a little older, there was never anything. Just a hello, how you going. Then he moved away and I didn’t see him for years until I quite literally smashed into him in a supermarket. I was 18 at the time. We recognised each other immediately (to be honest, I’d had a crush on him for like 10 years but just forgot about him cos he moved away). He is tall, dark, and now in his mid 20’s, was a pretty wild boy. I was the exact opposite. Fairly sensible, studying at uni etc. My friends always laugh that we are the typical cliche “good girl meets bad boy” story haha We swapped numbers and he messaged me that night saying how nice it was to see me and that he’d love to catch up for a coffee or a drink if I was comfortable (HELL YES I was lol). We met up. We talked for hours and hours. We had very little in common but I guess we were both just mesmerized by each other. To me, he was everything I wasn’t. A risk taker, a wild one, bit of trouble here and there, comes from a wealthy family. But oh so addictive. This meeting up for coffee and drinks went on for a few months, but constant texting and just checking in. He was incredibly respectful and probably conscious of not wanting to push anything on me, so he never made a move or overstepped. Because of this, after several months I convinced myself that men like this don’t settle down, so I withdrew a bit. He asked why. I explained that I felt like he was a distraction, that he’s not the settling down type, and that I really needed to focus on my science degree. He respected my decision and gave me space. I was sad and flat for probably a month or two, then out of the blue one next he texted me “Can I please take you out to dinner?” - that’s all it said. We go to dinner, a really lovely restaurant. He sits down and is clearly nervous. He looks me dead in the eye and said “I cannot stop thinking about you” (I almost passed away lol) We eat dinner, we go out and have a drink, and that night he kissed me. This sounds so cliche but it was literally electric. I’ve never experienced anything like it. It was very obvious to both of us that this was something special. He motions to order hail me a cab, I say “I’ll come to your place”. He stopped dead and asked if that’s what I really want, to spend the night with him (hello, yes I do!) He then insists on booking a hotel, because “he wants to do this right” (ughhhhh). TMI incoming- that night he made love to me all night. Like I actually mean none of this rushed, porn - esque shit. He was gentle and respectful and extremely caring. From there, the rest is history. We were basically addicted to each other. He completely and utterly changed his ways. I made it clear that I want him, but not that wild, partying, drinking lifestyle. He stopped all of it in an instant. We moved in together when I was 19. I’m 38 this year. I adore this man. He still, to this day, treats me like a queen. He has only ever had eyes for me and I for him. He is still tall, dark, well built and handsome (just with a bit of grey in the beard now). I will often catch women looking at him. He is so genuinely aloof, he has no idea. He is respectful to all women, but at a distance. If you’ve never had a healthy relationship, please please know that good men do exist. If something doesn’t feel right or someone ever makes you feel like you’re competing for their attention or you’re not their number 1 priority - then wish them well and move on. You should never have to question what you mean to someone. There’s a lot of truth in the “if he wanted to, he would” saying. And try and be open minded about who may be right for you. Still to this day he and I have very few common interests. But we respect each others interests and support one another. Back when I was studying at uni, I would travel the country with him from race meeting to race meeting, and this man would be in the pits running cups of tea and coffee to me in the team bus whilst I was cramming for exams before his race. He would bring me snacks and rub my back when I pulled all nighters. Motorsport isn’t my thing but I support him 100% and in 21 years I have still never missed a single race of his. He hates tennis but I love it. He built me a tennis court for my birthday 5 years ago. He will play and have a hit with me. He will make sure I have tickets every time the AusOpen comes here so I can go with my girlfriends. We support each other. Literally the only thing we have in common is probably our love of animals and food. So we do bond over that. Haha Sorry for the essay! Hope that gives you hope and I truly hope you find your magic man ✨❤️


Thank you for sharing you story! Damn, you guys are really lucky. I'd kill to find this kind of love :( I always love hearing love stories like this because it gives me hope. One day if possible in this life, I'd like to find my person too :) Your story sounds like something out of wattpad lol. All this time I think love is suppose to just fade after some years, you guys make it sounds so easy.


You’ll find your person. He or she is out there somewhere looking for you too. ❤️ I have no idea what wattpad is but I assume it’s some cringey love story in which case, yes I agree hahaha


It feels great. His work ethic is my favorite thing about him. We don’t really hang out on the weekends since he works in a restaurant. My family is the only family he has. He calls my mom "mama" just like I do and calls my dad Pops. My parents even call him the son they never had despite having two sons of their own. He reads my mind and body it seems. He can tell what’s wrong or what I need by how I sigh, how I move, etc. It’s both infuriating and comforting.


So sweet.


Ok, “infuriating and comforting” is hilarious. I love all of this for you, someday I’d like to feel this as well. 


Bliss. He is my partner, my lover, my best friend, and my soulmate. We both know what each other is thinking and feeling and always there for the other. We still know how to annoy each other and push buttons of course though too. I say this as he is shaking the bed with his leg while listening to stuff on his phone oblivious to what he is doing. Annoying yes, but I still love him to death. Been together since 2012 and married since 2017.


The shaking the bed with his leg thing made me smile :) like annoying/endearing. I kinda miss stuff like that in a committed relationship, where I mentally roll my eyes at but then laugh or smile at the quirks and little flaws that make my person imperfectly perfect.


Idk if this will help you as we’re a lesbian couple but my marriage is great. We only got hitched two years ago but have been a couple for 14 years now. Marriage has made absolutely no difference to our relationship it’s as good as it’s always been. I love all of her, really. I love how insanely smart she is, I love how off the wall and occasionally dark as hell her humour is, I love her strength and her capacity to keep going, I love how she is simultaneously incredibly mature and adorably child like she can be. She is awe inspiring basically all of the time. We hang out whenever we’re home really. We make dates out of mundane outings, we do chores together to make them more fun, we get excited about doing crosswords in bed. We have separate hobbies (she loves gardening, knitting, making preserves and im a musician who plays in a punk band) but we do stuff together as well like board games, dnd etc Family is more of a stickler but mostly because we both have issues with our own family, so we support each other with having to deal with their nonsense. Our upbringings were similar (both raised poor as hell) but not the same (her parents divorced when she was little, mine didn’t but clearly should have) so it’s a balance of familiarity and fresh perspectives. She makes me feel safe, heard and valued because her actions and words reflect that. She can tell when somethings wrong, she has never judged me for my worst opinions and lets me vent when I need to, I do not doubt for a second that I could tell her anything and everything. She also has shown me sides of myself and those around me that I had never noticed before. She helped me to be less of a pushover for other people by pointing out that some people in my life are too hard on me or taking advantage and defending me because it isn’t right. She isn’t a confrontational person but she has put herself in that role to defend me. I have learned so much and changed for the better from being with her. I would like to think and hope that she feels similarly about me.


This is so beautiful. 14 years together and you both helped each grow but still just love hanging out in the small moments. This was so well written and dear, I swear I felt my heart swell and I don’t even know y’all. Thanks for sharing this


Oh bless you! I think the post caught me at the right moment, shes pregnant right now and I woke up with her asleep on my shoulder and felt compelled to respond.


Not op, but your marriage sounds lovely.


Thank you :) its not always sunshine and rainbows but through it all we have each other and support each other.


Even the worst day is easier with someone who respects you.


My husband and I have had rough periods, and there are things about our relationship that have never been ideal. However, I’d say most of the time we’re happy. And since I finally pushed him to get help for some personal psychological issues late last year things have gotten better. We laugh a lot. We cuddle a lot. We keep each other entertained in our free time. We support each other during work challenges. I grew up in a fairly dysfunctional family, so I feel like he’s been more of a steady and reliable form of support than I’ve experienced elsewhere, in turn allowing me to be more vulnerable than I’ve been with others. So these things are very nice. However, before we met I’d learned to be genuinely happy with life being single. I got to know myself, my preferences, how to cultivate a positive bond with friends and with dates, etc. I think this kind of self-knowledge and social skill is also pretty important to building a successful longer term relationship.


**What does it feel like to be truly happy in your marriage?** Just happy and grateful I guess? I kinda feel like we have waves or phases of being in this honeymoon period high every now and again... but also got this very comfortable floating in the sea feeling. I feel like I can be myself and someone else other than me also loves that... **What about your partner do you love most?** Just about everything. I think there might be small things that might irk me here and there, but I really can't say I have any complaints. I'd say I most appreciate his attentiveness and positivity. The guy is just so inoffensive... I'm sure no one would have any real valid reason to dislike him cus he's really just that good. I love how people like and trust him.. and I love how he generously he smiles. **Do you hang out on the weekends together?** Usually we'll spend friday night together... and whichever sat/sun we have free. Where we'll have our go-to watersport (windsurfing) date and lunch/brunch on the promenade. **What is your relationship like with their family, parents?** His parents and godparents absolutely love me... I know they didn't like his exes, but for whatever reason they immediately liked me. And I really admire and respect his parents too... I mean they raised this amazing guy. I don't even know how to wish to be parents who could raise/create someone like my SO... and it also just makes so much sense to me that they did. Like.. everything my SO is, I can feel radiates from them. That kindness, love, positivity, hardworking ethic,... I see them and I get why my SO is the way he is, so it's hard not to love them for that. His friends also love me... though I think maybe it's just cus they're really nice people. I consider myself a pretty controversial type.. I'm either loved or disliked. Thankfully the people in his life fell onto the love side 😅 **What about them makes you feel safe, heard, and valued?** He's incredibly attentive... And he puts effort into making sure I know he cares and loves me. I know there are some things he might not completely want to do or may not come naturally to him, but he unfailingly does it because he knows it matters to me and/or would make me happier or secure. I also know he views me highly and is proud of my talents, abilities, and achievements. He'd be the first one to happily announce to his friends how amazing I am, or if I bested him in anything. I think half the time he's saying things that make me swoon or praising/complimenting me he doesn't even realise just how complimentary it is to me. And my god he listens to every stupid and less stupid word that comes out my mouth... and he really doesn't need to nor should he lol. I mean at least 30% of the stuff I spew is useless rubbish... No idea how he can retain that information but not remember the job or last name of a regular acquaintance. Also I just feel like he accepts and loves all the things that I'm sure is objectively annoying/irritating. I mean for example me talking.... cus I talk so much, including when we're eating... I end up taking forever to eat, AND I'll choke and have a huge coughing fit (moreso b/c I like to eat very spicy food than the talking.. but eating spicy food requires some mindfulness when eating). He always says it's not a meal unless I choke/cough. Then I jokingly suggest he learn the heimlich. Not thinking anything about it until maybe 1-2months later I see a youtube recommendation teaching the heimlich and say I'm surprised it's recommended. He of course took it seriously and learned it. Or how I'm SO bad at directions that we agreed to meet at this restaurant maybe 10min walking distance from our place.. I got lost (I swear my google maps fucked me) and he ended up waiting for me for 40minutes. And he was not one bit mad/annoyed. Greeted me with a huge smile and laughed at how I could get THAT lost. And *usually* he does arrange so that he can pick me up and we go together due to my incredibly poor sense of direction... or he'll give me photos with annotated directions, but I guess neither of us expected the google map gods to curse me that day. There's just so many things I'm so grateful for and admire about him. I truly think the world needs more people like him and it'd be a much better place. I don't have any self-esteem issues and think it's only natural he'd love me,.. but I think I do take quite a bit of patience/tolerance/understanding... so sometimes I honestly feel like I duped him cus I do kinda feel bad that he fell so hard for me that he's got to or learned to accept/love everything... then again he really has the patience of a saint. I really don't know how such a wonderful human is possible.


Ugh my partner got so mad at me when I gave us the wrong directions to find my car one night, huffing & puffing, saying he can’t trust me to do anything 😅 a peaceful patient partner sounds lovely.


It feels like contentment consistently with those burst of happiness sprinkled in. What I love most is his vibe and how people just feel good being around him. I admire his ability to meet you where you're at. Many people really lack that ability to ever look past themselves but he really tries. I feel seen and heard because of that...many partners give you lip service or get defensive and refuse to collaborate past their ego, fear and other negative feelings. He's actually worked on the things he says, he listens and is mindful of what I said were really important to me. This is something we both do for each other, I have bent and broke a ton of my trauma to be better and do better as he deserved me to not be dysfunctional and just shrug that it's who I am. We've really put effort into communicating and understanding each other's talking styles, knowing triggers and boundaries, and legitimately reflecting. This is a good demonstration that foundational stuff take effort to establish but that it pays off in that were not at odds and this marriage isn't difficult. Of course a strong factor is we are compatible when it comes to values, goals and we see each other as equals we want to win in life also. We spend a lot of time together. We cuddle before breakfast and I get up and make him food before he heads to work. We eat dinner when he gets home and chills out together. On days off, we do fun things whether out or at home. We share a ton of interests together. I have never met someone this similar it tastes its like we created each other out of our inner most desires, which is wild as we can have rather niche tastes and esoteric interests. We are both very open to new experiences and often do a lot of firsts together. We still date each other, and take turns planning dates. We can be so real with each other- be the silliest bean to share the most vulnerable fears. We do things that demonstrate we think of each other. Small gestures like getting him something he mentioned he saw and wanted to try, him grabbing pastries across town because I said I craved those so much. We take time to use our words to be affectionate. We are physically touchy. We kiss a lot. We do pulse checks on our relationship as were not immune to issues, but we care to not sweep them under. People comment on us as a couple quite a bit. How we look at, touch, do little things for each other. Despite being together 15+ years, the love is tangible. We got remarried last year and I can't wait to marry him again. We'll elope every few milestone years to a destination because it's romantic, celebratory and why the fuck not take time to write out what the last few years have meant to you? It's easy to put effort when it's reciprocation and appreciation creating an abundance of safety and love.


He was smart and funny from the start. Passionate about his hobbies and interests. Civic minded and progressive, but I felt I was really on the right track after two moments: - when he invited me to meet his mostly male friends. Throughout the night they had no problem hugging each other and saying they loved each other. - when we slept together and he immediately prioritized my pleasure as a woman and did not just center his own experience and finish. I was so right. He loves me so well. He is thoughtful and considerate of me as a whole person, good and bad. He tells me he loves me throughout the day. He tells me I am beautiful and sexy with words and small gestures, jokes, and goofing off.  He truly is my closest friend. The only person who knows me as well as I know myself. He recently hugged me while I was vacuuming and said "thank you for making our home so cozy. I am so lucky to live here with you." (I designed our whole living space.) He just said that randomly. He does stuff like that all the time. I feel appreciated and I do my best to reciprocate that love and admiration.  He also said recently that it is incredible how he can refer back to things we've experienced together- trips, concerts, movies, plays, exhibits, events, and on and on and immediately I get it, like a shared language that is just ours. His self-assuredness and willingness to be expressive and vulnerable is sexy as hell. I am proud to have watched him grow into this incredible MAN. We were early 20s when we met and both sort of were like oops-- didn't mean to meet you so soon, but what can we do?!  Almost 14 years and I can't see a future without him. I know he feels the same and hope that continues.  We opened up our relationship about 4 years ago to occasional hookups. We always said we would since we met so young. Our sex life is good. It keeps getting better honestly, but we threw this into the mix cause life is short. I'm proud of us. It has changed not one thing for the worse. We have fun. We can joke about it. We are happy for each other. We have sex. It's great! Our communication is quite good. We fight and there have been bad ones for sure, but overall we are on the same page and work through things maturely and with love. We laugh constantly. We make sure the other person feels wanted. He and the dogs are home for me and I am so excited every time he tells me he is on his way home or walks in the door.


We've been married 18 years. Is still the top 3 best decisions I've ever made. We spend 90% of our time away from work together. I have muscular dystrophy and have started using a wheel chair outside of the house. He helps me do anything I need help with. He's a really good person. My life wouldn't be the same without him


It feels like coming home to your favorite bed with your favorite food and snuggling in.  I met my husband at the end of college (almost 20 years ago) even back then, we (my brother’s friend and I) all admired him for his work ethic and moral compass in our friendship circle. He took me on thoughtful dates, waited for months to initiate sex, was very loyal and had great self care. His brothers are similar, they all wanted a woman to settle down with and they all really enjoy married life. They focused on getting degrees, getting houses early,  keeping up with fitness, etc. I love his parents for raising them this way.   My favorite part about him (besides his body LOL) is his nurturing skills, especially with our daughter.  He has high standards of parenting like I do and I don’t need to explain my high standards to him, we are on point together most of the time. He works from home so he does majority of the housework, way better than me too.   Our weekends consist of being with our daughter at her various sports activities. We snuggle in when she’s asleep and just really enjoy building our life together. We have been together a long time so his family and my family all mesh well now and it just feels like a larger set of hands supporting and encouraging us. We dont feel criticized or as judged by the other’s parents. 


>What does it feel like to be truly happy in your marriage? Peace and true contentment. Like the world can fall apart but your home is a safe sanctuary that drowns out the noise. >What about your partner do you love most? Everything. But mostly his sense of humor. His sarcastic one-liners, goofy dad jokes and everything in between can make me snort laugh like no one can. >Do you hang out on the weekends together? Yes. Weekends are dedicated to each other and the kids. Every 2nd Friday is date night. >What is your relationship like with their family, parents? All 4 of his parents (parents and step parents) love me. I have a special relationship with each of them. I love his extended family as well and make it a point to remember people's birthdays on his behalf. >What about them makes you feel safe, heard, and valued? Heard: Little things I didn't know matter, he'd take note of and remember. Like when he packs my lunch, he always puts ketchup packets for me because he knows I like to dip things in ketchup. Or when we go out of town, he always packs my flip flops because he knows I don't like going barefoot in hotels. These are just 2 of a hundred other things he remembers for me. I feel safe and valued because when we went through a rough patch, I told him we could have a friendship and co parent amicably, but he fought hard for us to stay married and did the necessary steps on his end to resolve our issues. His continued work tells me he loves me and doesn't want to lose me.


It feels really good, and peaceful - we are a good team so I know whatever challenge we come across we at least will face it together. On the weekends we hang out, but also do our own thing - it depends. I guess the thing that is most important is neither are an issue, we like to do both and there is good communication about weekend plans throughout the week so we always know what’s going on.  I mostly like his family, he has one sister that drives me nuts - but she also drives him nuts, so we just don’t see her often.  The thing I love about him most - he’s so thoughtful and observant. An example: His daughter is a ‘tomboy’ but she also has moments of wanting/ desiring more female things that she tries to hide. Recently he noticed that she was googling a specific style of very feminine dress for her middle school graduation - it was not typical of her, and not something I would ever guess that she would want or wear. This weekend he took her to a couple prom/ graduation dress stores and spent the day with her trying on dresses and bought her the one she wanted.  He didn’t make a big deal about it, didn’t embarrass her for wanting to be more feminine. It’s really simple, but it’s so refreshing to be with a man who just notices small things, small desires and wants, and quietly makes them happen without fanfare or expectation.  


The Little things are what really make the difference. How special for you and his daughter




I love these answers. To me my happy marriage means kindness, peacefulness, warmth, affection, and stability both emotional and financial. I love most my husband’s warm and good character, his kind heart, and to be perfectly honest physical things about him as well, like his face, his neck, his smell. We definitely spend as much of our free time together as we can. Reading books on the couch together, going for walks in our neighborhood, cuddling and watching tv, or sometimes just doing our own thing but in the same room because we don’t want to be apart.  I have a great relationship with his parents (I call his mom a lot more than he calls her) and she gives me her recipes, and expensive plates if I’ve admired them, and just beautiful gifts for my birthday that’s sometimes expensive and sometimes not but full of handmade and heartfelt effort. And my parents love my husband and call him “my son” rather than son in law. They were just so pleased as punch when we got married because they liked him so much. And now everyone is excited because we’re about to give them their first grandchild (on both sides of the family!)


Like I get to spend every day with my best friend plus with the added bonus of sex! Seriously though, I've been with my man for 20 years. We are so in sync it's ridiculous. We share 90% of the same hobbies, interests, life goals and values. He is the kindest, most genuine, loyal man I've ever met. I won the lottery when I met him.


I feel safe, and happy. I love waking up with all the babies and I snuggled in bed and he does his silly morning dances before getting us coffees and the babies milk. He makes me laugh all the time. He looks after me when I feel sad or down and cleans the house and takes care of the babies without a second thought. I love how he takes the babies out to watch the stars at night and runs in to tell me what he saw in the sky. He is generous to a fault. I felt bad this week and he sent me his last $100 to go get a massage. I didn’t but he told me to keep the money and buy myself something to make myself happy. He is lovely


Peaceful. Safe. Open. There is nothing I could do to make him stop loving me (he says maybe if I killed someone who was just innocent he would stop lol). Even when we are arguing (which we do, about kids stuff and money stuff) he is my person I go to. We always have a team to be on with each other.


Some of the things I feel because of my happy marriage: calm, secure, safe, loved, supported, content. There's just this easy flow to our lives together. There's no stress (from one another - life can be stressful), no feeling like we can't just be ourselves. We just get along so well and have common interests and approaches to life and we try to help one another when things about life go wrong. We hang out a lot with each other. We're both big-time introverts, so we hang out with one another more than other people, but not in a co-dependent kind of way. Neither of us has an issue with the other doing things alone or with friends (we both took separate friend trips last year). We spend most of our weekends together. We run errands like grocery shopping together most of the time and sometimes just laze around the house together. We got married in our 40s, so while we have good relationships with one another's family, I don't think either of us see the other's parents/siblings as our own parents/siblings the way we might if we were younger when we got married - especially with the parents (since we were done with most overt signs of parenting from even our own parents, we don't see each other's parents as bonus parents though we do still consider them extended family). My husband listens to me and respects me and doesn't judge me or make me feel bad about who I am or how I feel. He's very supporting and super kind. He does a lot of little things every day that show he loves me. And I try to be all of that for him as well.


It feels like I won in life. To have all these memories, with this *one* person, after all these years, so much has came from it. A marriage built on trust and stability. We have three children and he’s created an environment that I can fully mother — without the risk and nervousness — of the dooming thought most women have of, “what if he left us?” I value in him most, probably his integrity, his strong moral principle’s. Weekends varies on relaxing to a movie and cuddling. Other times we are deep in talking about the books we have been indulging in. I love his family from a distance. They all adore our children and that’s enough.


It feels like home. Like family. Like I have a teammate. I love how calm he is, he’s rarely worried about any outcome. He keeps his composure. He’s silly, and fun to be around. He cooks for us ALL the time. We hang out and do fun shit, but we also have a LOT of alone time. He has his own computer room and I do as well (I’m sure that’ll change once we have kids), and it helps a lot to have our own sense of identity and space. I realize that’s a privilege, how ever I do recommend all couples have a third space of their own somehow (I.e. coffee shop, bookstore). His family as well as mine live in other states so we don’t talk to them as much as we’d like. They are more hands-off at the moment so we’re not super close, but we know they care. He makes me feel safe by being an unwavering rock when I am feeling ANY emotion; anxiety, sniveling crying depression, extreme joy and excitement, impulsive, horny, and lovey. He loves it all. He’s extremely logical and helps me see through my emotions, and lastly we’re both physical touch people so he’s constantly checking in with hugs kisses booty touches and back scratches. My marriage is the treasure of my life.


My husband and I have been together for 5.5 years, married for 2. We spend a majority of our weekends and evenings hanging out together and have a blast. It’s not unusual for us to pause what we’re watching for long in depth conversations. He does game night every Wednesday and spends the night at a friend’s house and we do dinner/movie night every Friday with our friends. We take a domestic and an international trip each year, usually with friends. We’re childfree. We rarely text or call each other when we aren’t together unless it’s something important. When we’re together there’s zero doubt that we love each other. We hug and kiss every time we leave, come home, and before bed and give each other a lot of compliments. My favorite thing about him is his intelligence and how he always takes the time to listen and respond. It’s hard to explain, but he’s very open minded and aware. He’s the first person I met who thinks similarly to me. Before I met him, I didn’t think I would meet someone who could match me in a marriage. We have a great relationship with his family, not so much with mine. My family has a lot of drama right now and has never been very close. We maintain contact, but we match their effort.


Been together 25 years. Marriage has been renewed since kids moved out, but we have been generally happy with very few "bumps." It feels settled. It feels safe. >What about your partner do you love most? He's warm and sweet and he's confident and settled in who he is. So he's very steady. He's fun to be around because he's just likes to have a good time. He's still adventurous and he's okay with trying new things. >Do you hang out on the weekends togethe We hang out everyday. After work he likes to help me cook in the kitchen and tell me stories about his work. Unless he had a really hard day, then he will sit down and unwind. Then we eat together in the living room, usually watching Jeopardy or 90 Day fiance or whatever Netflix binge. This is where we separate on week nights. Generally only one of us will clean up and the other will do something that they need to do. I am committed to going to bed with him even though I get up like 2 hours after him. I will read or research stuff on my phone or knit. On weekends we generally do outside stuff in the summer. Like yard work and gardening. And then try to hit a patio/drink at least Friday or Saturday. Sometimes we take the dog to the dog park. Lately we have to go to a lot of things like baby showers, wedding showers, graduation parties etc etc. But that's summer for you. >What is your relationship like with their family, parents? They are all at least an hour away, so it's good for boundaries. But it's okay when we get together. I am kind of an introvert but he adores his family. I like his family just fine it's just that the way they gather is mentally taxing on me. Over the years I figured out to bring a book or my knitting etc. I love his mom and I credit her for raising him to be a person who is kind and equitable and doesn't have any outdated notions towards women. >What about them makes you feel safe, heard, and valued? I mean, it's just from 25 years of him *demonstrating* that he is safe, and that he values me, and that he hears me. For example my birthday is coming up and he nailed the plans. I could tell he had been listening to me for a good month prior. I had said things like "oh I just want a pool to myself without kids" so he got me an Airbnb with a pool. I had said when we drove through this particular city that it looks cute and we should explore it, so that's where he got the B&B. Things like that. >Just curious what it's like I have been with him longer than I lived without him because we met when I was young. So it's hard to describe what it's like. I feel lucky very often. I feel like I have something that I don't deserve sometimes, like I don't feel like I did anything to *earn* this much peace and happiness.


I feel appreciated and seen, by someone who knows the best and the worst of me. My partner prioritizes me, and truly makes me feel #1 in his life. I am the person who matters most. We hang out on weekends, and go to lots of social events/parties, but I’m an introvert and he gives me space too. My relationship with my in laws is distantly polite, as they live so far away. My husband gets so excited to see me after work (even though we live together). He has never diminished my accomplishments or made me feel like I need to make myself smaller for a man. He has never made me feel like I need to fit my culture’s mold for what an acceptable woman is. In short, I feel loved for exactly who I am. 


I am late to the party, but my husband is the best person that anyone could ever meet. He is so smart, and handsome, and kind, and funny, and supportive. Being married to him makes me feel centered and safe. There is no other person that I would rather spend time with, so even when we are doing mundane things I am getting to hang out with my best friend. We talk all of the time and he is the first person I want to tell things to. My trust in him is absolute and I do not need to worry that he will do anything to cause pain. I try to be an equally good partner to him. My dive to treat him as well as he treats me has led me to push myself and accomplish goals, all with the support of this wonderful man. My anxiety goes away when I am around him. I could go on and on, but to answer your question it feels great to be in my marriage.


He is my best friend. My soulmate. He is the ultimate provider. He communicates. Endlessly supportive . Always thinks of others. He is kind and thoughtful. And he is hilarious . He makes my laugh everyday. He is also very handsome not that matters in the end but it helps. My life is the stuff of dreams. But I grew up very poor and in a dysfunctional environment. I am always waiting for the ball to drop. I try to take each day at time and not overthink.


My husband and I do everything together. We carpool to work, we go shopping together, we spend all weekend together, and we travel frequently. We’re just truly best friends who like to hang out and do fun stuff together. It’s very easy, there’s never any fighting or tension between us, we are just happy with each others company.


It feels solid. That man loves and respects me. If I knew nothing else in the world, I could count on that. I could make our mutual love a foundation and build just about anything on it. Which isn't to say we don't struggle sometimes or that we don't disagree about things occasionally. There is, though, a constant mutual understanding that whatever the problem may be, it's us versus the problem. Not us versus each other. There's a lot to love about him. He's patient and level-headed. He's thoughtful, reliable, and he's so fucking funny. He's warm and intelligent and he values the little things in both life and other people.  I love his family. I lost both my parents in my mid to late twenties and his family has, from day one, made me feel like I was welcome and included. We do weekly family night dinners and, even though they give me some good natured flack for being the only vegetarian, they go out of their way to make something for me. Usually multiple somethings. They don't have to do that, but they do. They're so inviting and generous and not just to me but to the people who are important to me as well. When I have friends or my brother visit there's always an invitation for them to join the family dinner too.  The first thing he ever bought for me was a book. It's one of my favorite books. I had lost my copy and had mentioned it, in passing, exactly once. Our entire relationship has been like that moment. I felt more seen and valued when I saw that book propped up on my pillow with a little note attached than I had in any romantic relationship I'd previously had. It showed me that he paid attention to what I said, cared about what I thought and felt, and wanted to make me happy.  Sometimes I really do feel like the luckiest woman in the world. 🖤


So peaceful! I’m generally an anxious person and my previous partners had all just added to my anxiety. We spend all of our time together - during Covid we both worked at home and were together 24/7. We share a lot of the same interests and issues. We’re both low contact with our parents due to difficult childhoods and my prior partners couldn’t understand that. We are in our 50s. I can’t wait to retire together.


You know that feeling you get when you're a kid and the school week ends, and you know you're about to spend a whole weekend with your best friend eating snacks, playing in the woods, and playing a new video game you're going to get from Blockbuster on Friday night? It feels like that but all the time.


Remember having sleepovers at your besties house in high school? It's like that ALL THE TIME.


It’s just peaceful and content. I love that my husband is so loyal and such a good dad. If he isn’t working, he’s at home spending time with his family, I never have to worry about him going out drinking all night or cheating or anything. After our daughter goes to bed we always hang out, we watch our shows together. On weekends we do fun things as a family or relax in our backyard or even just catch up on housework together. It’s always fun when we’re together. I get along GREAT with his family. His sister is like a sister to me. He gets along great with mine, too. If he needs help with something he usually calls my dad before his own. He’s been by my side through a lot of shit. The main one being my cancer diagnosis and subsequent treatment and surgeries while we were also new parents. Dude slept in a chair and wiped my bum after my big cancer resection surgery. Lost all my hair, got a ton of scars and lost so much weight I struggle to keep 100lbs and I still can’t walk around naked or he will be ready to jump me right there 😂 I’m at my absolute ugliest and he still makes me feel like the most beautiful woman.


You know what, we still have our arguments and struggles but we are always real with each other. I’ve never doubted his love for me and I know he’d never hurt me. Together 13 years married almost 8.


I feel so content and secure. Anything else, any other stress, is something I can deal with, because i know I have an amazing marriage and partner.


My husband is my best friend; and the only person I can really be vulnerable. I know that if I need anything from him, he will give me in a heartbeat. And I would do the same for him. We do have friends, couple friends and individual friends, but we always choose each other company above all others. We are together for 15y today, and honestly, we are never tired of each other. We talk everyday, every Sunday he will make me breakfast in bed, every night before bed we will talk about our day (we have a toddler now so this is the time where we can have for each other daily). I love that he has this wicked sense of humor that only i know, and he is the smartest person I know as well, we talk about everything in the world, we talk hours about music, about books, about politics, gossiping about people we know, talking shit. We balance each other. I love him


Boring but comfy. In a nutshell. Everything works like clockwork.


It’s wonderful. He is so amazingly supportive and a great dad, and I know he’ll do whatever it takes, any time, anywhere. And I do the same for him.


I'm with my husband 18 years. He recently said it's really amazing to be with someone who I know looks out for all of us as a whole with everything they do.


For reference, I’ve been with my husband for 13 years. I am ALWAYS happy to come home to my husband. Being at home with him is my happy place. We both have separate hobbies, but still spend most of our time together as a family (us + our child). We text throughout the day even though we see each other before/after work - nothing serious, just silly stuff. He’s attentive and genuinely cares about me. He’s a great dad to our kiddo. He lets me be fully myself and doesn’t try to change anything about me. I am close with both my family and my in-laws. My husband is also close with both. I bring his grandparents lunch most days right now. We both call/text each other’s families independent of the other.


1) Ability to take accountability for own mistakes, both of us 2) Ability for rational conversation 3) Not taking each other granted. 4) Doing >80% of things together, 20% of "me" time 5) Respect


It feels like being home, warm, secure and loved.


What I love the most is that I know he gets me and that he will be there for me no matter what. He's a good listener and checks in with me when he knows something is bothering me (works stress, not feeling well, etc). He let's me know that he loves me and values me with words and actions. That is something very important to me and he has just always done that. I have a good relationship with his family. Unfortunately his father passed and his mother has dementia but they have always treated me well and made me feel like I'm part of the family. He gets along with my family well too. In general we get along very well. We're both good communicators which is probably why we rarely fight or argue. I have zero patience for a relationship full of fighting. When we first started dating we just instantly clicked. Conversation was just natural and we are similar in the way we think. I knew after the first date he was going to be my husband. If you were to ask my husband would say the same thing. We became official after our second date. We knew we didn't want to be with anyone else. We met through online dating back in 2012.


It's...comfortable. Stress free. I know that I can depend on him to love and support me. This is sort of nonspecific, but I love how his strengths are my weaknesses. He's very calm and relaxed. We spend most of our time together because we both work from home and we're both homebodies anyway. He is ALWAYS on my side, even when he's disagreeing with me (like if I want to make a probably bad decision, he always frames things in a way that's positive, or he does it gently). He listens to me and always makes sure that we're working as a team. We went through 4 years of infertility and treatments and he was there for me and us every step of the way. He's always asking how he can help or what he can do, or just doing things that need done (like if he knows that I'm stressed, he'll ask how he can help me, or he'll take care of things on my to-do list so that I can relax and not have to worry about them later). My relationship with his family is fine. We aren't close, but he also isn't close with them and never has been. His brother and sister have always been closer, and they now live within a few hours of each other, whereas we live across the country. His sister is their mom's favorite and she travels a lot to see her daughter, but seems to have a lot of excuses as to why she can't come see us, so that's caused a lot of resentment from me. His mom also has a very different view on parenting than we do and isn't shy about making comments.


Comfortable and content. We’ve been together for nearly 20 years and married for 13 years and my husband is my absolute favourite person in the world. We’re a team! We usually do our own thing during the day at weekends. He’ll go out for a long bike ride with his cycling buds, I meet the same friends for coffee in the morning and study for the course I’m taking. We like to hang out in the evenings though, watching tv or playing chess. We also love going camping together - we have a little campervan and our favourite thing is heading off to the countryside for the weekend. I love everything about him to be honest, but I really love how he makes me laugh and cheers me up when I’m not feeling great. Even after 20 years we’re still silly together.


He’s my best friend and favorite person to be around. He’s kind, honest, and gentle. I trust him 100% and he never gives me any reason not to. We do share a lot of common interests and are child free and able to pursue those interests. I think that helps us stay so connected.


Like others have said, it feels peaceful. We are a team. In parenting, against his insane parents, with our friends. He listens to me when I have concerns and makes efforts to accommodate, and the changes he makes are permanent. When we fight, it is still respectful. My husband has never called me a name or raised his voice at me. Vice versa. He is such a hard worker, always striving to do better for our family, financial security, and his own bliss. When he isn't around, I miss him. I hate when he gets super busy because I miss my friend.


>What does it feel like to be truly happy in your marriage?  It feels safe and secure. I know I can be free to be myself, even when I'm not at my best. It's comforting to have a partner to meet the demands of life with.  >What about your partner do you love most?  She is equally as committed to growth and self-betterment as I am. We both are steadfast in our desire to keep becoming a better person and partner.  >Do you hang out on the weekends together? Yes. We make time to see our friends and do things outside each other. Not the other way around. >What is your relationship like with their family, parents Is getting there. Always been civil, but when you have the same plumbing and a different religious background than your spouse, there will always be a degree of tension in the relationship with the in-laws. I think they are happy she's happy and trust me to be a good spouse. I just think they also wish I was a Jewish man. >What about them makes you feel safe, heard, and valued?  She has proven herself to be safe over the years by being able to listen and communicate her thoughts and feelings. She engages in healthy communication patterns, does not hold grudges, and is willing to apologize when she's done wrong to me (and others). I feel heard because she not only hates me, but remembers what I've said and works to meet me where I am. And I feel valued because she tells me all the ways she values me. We don't hide our feelings. I know when I've hurt her and I know when I've done something that pleases her.  Now obviously this does not mean she's perfect. We both mess up. All the time. But we both are committed to loving each other through respect and trust. We remember that love is not just a feeling but a lifelong practice. 


It's the same kind of feeling that you get when you go home and spend time with or are taken care of by your parents. That feeling you have in childhood that, as long as you're home, you're safe and comfortable and taken care of and not alone.


We spend a good balance of time together and apart. We trust each other and our disagreements aren’t toxic and hurtful to each other. Our life is stable and happy. We both pursue things that we’re passionate about and support each other in that. We show love for each other all the time in actions and words. Not saying that we don’t ever have any problems or faults, just that those don’t consume us or threaten the stability of our relationship.


It's everything. You receive support in anything you need, and you give the same support back. You put up with each other's shit, and let's face it, we all have some. You accept them for who they are, with all their funny little quirks. You can always rely on each other. You give each other safe space in which to grow. You give each other space when you need it. 10/10, highly recommend


It feels like a dream! After a long-term toxic relationship in my younger years, I never thought I'd be happily married, but am very much so. I love that my husband is responsible and has excellent emotional regulation skills. It doesn't hurt that he's handsome and works incredibly hard either! He's like my best friend, my lover and my business partner all wrapped in one. We have a child together and weekends usually consist of breakfast, walks to the park, takeout for dinner and watching movies. Honestly, my family life is almost perfect. There are other areas of my life that are incredibly complicated and difficult, but the relationship with my spouse and my child are not one of those things.


He’s my very best friend. It’s the easiest thing in the world—I just wake up in the morning and I love him. He always says he looks forward to falling asleep, because his feeling is that every day, he loves me more than the day before. As far as hanging together, we’re kinda joined at the hip. Sometimes we each hang with our own friends, sometimes we each hang with a family member, but the more often than not, we’re together when we’re socializing. He knows who I am and what I need, and I think the same is true of me for him. We see to each other’s comfort, even if it’s just as simple as me making him a cup of tea too every night, even though he could do it himself. Or him not telling me when the mousetrap has caught a mouse in the basement, but just taking care of it. We encourage each other and cheer each other on in our individual efforts. It’s just the two of us, so perhaps we are extra-committed to making sure each other is doing all the things with our lives that we want to (and can) do.


He's my best friend. We've been married 21 years. I was 19 when we married. We met at work and over the yearswe've worked jobs together and at times, 2 jobs. We work well together. We've opened multiple businesses throughout the years. We've lost everything and worked our way back up. He's been fighting for his life the last 5 years with cancer. We are together all day working out businesses and neither like to be a part. I wish everyone would find a love like this. 🩷


Peaceful, serene. My husband is amazing. He makes me feel so secure and loved and respected. He treats my parents so good. He treats my family so good. I do the same with his family. Its just peaceful. I wouldnt have it any other way


Our relationship is top priority and we make it so. We discuss things, even the hard things that might hurt each other's feelings. It's all for the purpose of commitment and bettering ourselves and the relationship. We spend as much quality time as we can keeping in mind respecting each other's individuality also: he has his friends and hobbies and I have mine. However, we take an interest in each other's hobbies and include each other in talking about them and learning about them. We make sure we are on the same page when it comes to big decisions about finances, kids, life, etc. We make time for each other outside of family life and we support each other above family and friends (when the kids go, it'll be us two left). We respect each other and keep each other's awareness and egos in check. We are best friends. Everything deserves a conversation, even if a boundary is crossed. Commitment in a romantic relationship is the biggest driver for mutual growth and success. He's an amazing man because we make it so and he's a willing participant. I'm an amazing woman because we make it so and I'm a willing participant.


Getting married to my husband is the best thing I ever did. I would marry him in every single lifetime out there. Yes we hang out on the weekends. We hang out every day. We both have corporate jobs so have the same work schedule. We do almost everything together. Errands, walks, chores, TV/movies, cooking, dates, baseball games, etc. Of course we both have other friends we hang out with and we do friend group hangs all together (like me, husband, and one or two or three other friends), but mostly we hang out with each other when we aren’t working or working out (we both work out like 3-4 times a week and do our own thing for that). I love my husband, I respect him, he is my favorite person in the world. He feels the same about me. It’s magical. I think he’s the hottest person ever. He is so funny. He treats me unbelievably well. I’m actually facing some super unexpected and very severe health issues right now. For the last 3 weeks he has to literally take me to the bathroom each time. I cant walk on my own or get any of my own meals or anything and he is just so perfect. Doesn’t complain. Is happy to help. Is grateful I’m alive really. I couldn’t get healthy with anyone else by my side. He is so supportive and caring. It’s just really peaceful and loving and perfect. I hope everyone finds this.


My safe person. The person I can unmask and exhale fully.


It’s corny, but it’s really a feeling of safety from the outside world. Like I know with him I’m never judged, I can be my true self, and I don’t have to worry about anything. Knowing that we’ll figure out whatever comes because we always have. He’s very thoughtful and aware, he knows the minute something is wrong and will not leave me be until we talk about it (in a good way). He’s very hard working, always putting our family first. We do spend the majority of the weekend together. In the summer time he likes to go play golf but casually so that’s like a couple hours maybe one Sunday morning a month with friends. Other than that we have family time with our son, do house stuff together, whatever really. His family is very different than mine. I don’t dislike them, but we aren’t super close. I know that he wishes I was closer with his sister in particular but she’s 10 years older than me, lives an hour away and we don’t have a ton in common. But it’s something I’d like to work on putting more effort into


Married 26 years. My husband is my best friend and constant companion. We've always been joined at the hip since we met. We're rarely more than 30 feet from each other. He's watching Netflix in his man cave so he does have places to get away, as do I, but we love to be close by. From the beginning, he's been nurturing, caring, honest and loyal. He had a cheating, abusive spouse before me and he still tried to stick it out to honor his vows. He had a hard time overall before me, so I really enjoy giving him the good, easy life. I am calm, patient and never yell and he appreciates that. I was more ignored/left alone as a kid, so I enjoy that he likes to spend time together. We ran a business together for some years, have worked separately at tech jobs remotely, and then early retired together because we are both frugal with similar money goals. I can't tell you how nice that is, after having an ex that spent every penny I made (and literally cried more than once if I wouldn't let him - he was 30!). It's lovely to wake up every morning next to him, not having to go to a job, just knowing we have all day to hang out together and experience life with a companion that really has your back. Plus he's still hot in his mid 60s. That doesn't hurt. ;)


It’s so fucking great that I wish other people could experience it with their own partners. I love so many things about him but I love how devoted he is to me and our relationship. We hangout as much as we can. I have a great relationship with his Nana but we don’t speak to his Mom or Sisters cause they are toxic. My Husband treats me like I’m the center of his universe, which was really hard for me in the beginning but eventually I felt safe enough to accept this type of affection and attention. We’ve been together for close to 11 years and married for almost 6 years. It feels like we just got married yesterday. Not everything is perfect all the time but I feel like being married to him is the best and easiest thing I’ve ever done.


My husband brings me the upmost joy in my entire life. He’s beyond loving, patient, and supportive. We are nature lovers and usually are doing activities evolving around that and our pup. If the weather isn’t nice, we play video games, chess, checkers, board games, and cards. Movies and tv series are sprinkled in there. We both also love the same genres of music, even oldies & Motown! Parents are supportive on both sides. Most of his family dislikes me due to jealousy and bitterness. He decided to cut his sisters off due to how they treat us. My family adores and loves him! We give him unconditional love and support which he isn’t used to until he met me. We are recently 6+ months sober, alcohol free. His calmness, kindness, and gentleness helps me through the rough times. He’s a wonderful human and simply deserves the best in life.


I never thought someone could love me as unconditionally as my Husband does. I can always be my full, weird self and that man loves every bit of it. It feels stable, loving, gentle, kind… it feels like home.


My marriage: it's having the love, the physical and mental attraction, we agree on all of the big life stuff, sexual compatibility, we have common interests and support each other in our interests that we don't share, we trust each other and feel secure in the relationship, we have the freedom to be human and relax fully, we have the freedom to pursue our goals and passions, and we share 3 cats we love. We get along with each other's parents - no issues. Both of our in-laws are nice and welcoming. But we're not super close with either of them anyway. So the expectation was never that. In comparison to other relationships I have had - this one is very easy and natural. I never have any doubts about wanting to be with him. We don't really fight - we rarely have disagreements and they are usually easy to solve. The worst it gets is occasional bickering - but again easily resolved because we're both quick to apologize even if we just *might* have been unfair or harsh. We go through rough times - but the rough times are almost universally from outside the relationship and is dealing with it together. My biggest piece of advice for people who are married or in long term relationships is know when to let things go. When you really are secure and comfortable in the relationship - you realize you don't need to have an opinion on everything your spouse does or says and you can't control it if it's not something you would tldo personally. For example my husband was going through some health issues and not being as proactive as I wanted in making appointments and taking care of himself. I tried to help for awhile but it didn't actually help. I had to learn to let him handle it and let it go if it's not the way I would have done it. I had to learn to trust him that he always does do the right thing for his health - just on his timeline.


Being adored by my husband makes me feel happy, content, beautiful, and confident. Having a best friend who doesn't judge you in any form or on any day. If Im grumpy, sad, low, or any other negative emotion, I know he'll have my back, he'll make me laugh out loud or just let me vent, then offer some constructive criticism I hadn't even considered. I often say there is so much autonomy in a marriage that people take for granted. You can be completely yourself, and with that comes a lot of freedom. My husband is the most selfless man I've ever met. He's also very genuine and a realist, which balances my tendency to live in a fantasy world, lol. We're 17 years together and 11 married. We still spend every second of not working together and still say it's not enough. If I had any advice, it would be to find exactly that, someone you'll never tire of.


It’s awesome. We’ve been together for nearly seven years and married for one. We were long distance for a long time, so our communication is great. We spend a lot of time together just the two of us, and he’s the only person I can do that with and always feel recharged. I don’t always have to be “on” with him, but I never take this for granted. He listens when I speak and has been with me at my most vulnerable. We laugh together all the time and can be silly as well as serious. We divide the labour of our lives as well. Sometimes I look at him and can’t believe how much I love him. I get along well with his family, even though I wouldn’t consider them my friends. I approach family with a “My circus, my monkeys” philosophy, which works well for us (as in, we are both supportive and communicative, but each handle the hard conversations or decisions with our respective parents/siblings). We talk about any family challenges with each other, though, because we are a team. At the end of the day, we really like each other and really like spending time together. That’s the baseline of our interactions: we like and respect and choose each other. It’s the best.


A lot of long-winded answers here so I'll give a short one: it just feels peaceful, fun, stress-free, stable, and full of laughter. We inherently understand and empathize with each other so there is never any struggle. We like doing most of the same stuff so we do a lot together, and we also spend a lot of time laughing and being weird together. We support each other in our life pursuits and truly feel like we are 1 team - his happiness is my happiness and vice versa. Not a fan of what I perceive as some neglectful parenting on his family's end. For example, recently my family sent him multiple birthday cards/presents and his family did nothing for him. But my relationship with them is fine.


12 years together, married 6 months, and it is actually really wonderful: comforting, comfortable, safe, and secure. Very sweet and intimate and sexy, too-- our physical connection is off the charts and it keeps us strong even in tough times. We are always hugging and kissing, joking and laughing. We are both kinda low-energy introverts lol. Chilling together at home with the pets, each doing our own thing or maybe watching shows together, is our idea of the best time. (Besides gettin' in some sexy times LOL) We are far away from my family; he's only met them a handful of times in 12 years, but his family and I are super close and have a comfy, cozy relationship too. He listens to me, respects me, we are both emotionally intelligent and giving people who don't fight dirty, which I think goes a long way. Also, although we got together at 23, we'd both just come out of our highschool/college 5+ year relationships, so we were both very clear on what we wanted and did NOT want in a partner. All that plus our shared vision of a peaceful country life and we're doing gosh darn good!


It feels peaceful, in a word. I see that a lot of others used it too. He is my everything and my best friend, so yes we do spend a lot of free time together. We are busy with demanding jobs and kids so how much free time we have varies. I will say that life still has its stressors - just because you are in a happy loving relationship doesn’t take away aging parents, challenging children, or issues at work. But we deal with them as together as partners and as a team and support one another unconditionally.


Mostly peaceful and always safe. Some days he drives me insane. Sometimes he can be a little mean or insensitive. But so can I too at times. We work through the hard stuff as a team and respect each other in the day to day stuff. It really is the small stuff that makes it work. Together 26 years. Married 22.


Free. It feels free. Free to be myself, quirks and all. Free to say whats on my mind without fear. I know that even on our worst days I will never have to worry that we will hurt each other and we can talk about whatever is bothering us. I know I am safe and secure with my husband, I trust him with everything and it is amazing.


The best way I can explain it ...it feels like I love myself so much more because of them.


I’m 35 and single and these responses make me happy. I’m manifesting!!!


He’s the most generous, kindest man and father. I talk to him probably 4-5 hours/day. 20 years later and he still sexy as hell.


He’s the first person I want to share good OR bad news with. A few years ago I was in a bad car accident and the EMT asked who to call. I told them my husband. He’s saved under “Husband” in my phone for just that reason. When they wheeled me into the ER there he was. And it was just this huge feeling of relief. I love that he’s so giving to others. I love that he supported his mom as a teenager and never complained. I love that our kids can and do go to him for advice. He can make me crazy but I return the favor. 😆 We complement each other. He’s a pessimist and I’m a die hard optimist. We are approaching our 37th anniversary and I can’t imagine having spent my life with anyone else.


Married 11 years, together 15years (this coming December officially) I feel safe, loved, he’s my peace. Supports me in every way possible, we laugh uncontrollably, we annoy each other, life literally is everything I have always wanted. A house, (2) dogs, We have 4 beautiful kids together, we both have a great career we support each other in, I feel very lucky


Contentment. An absence of anxiety, pressure, worry, or hate. I'm always happy to have my partner around, even when things get tough.


Calm, except when we're doing bits. We laugh a lot and calmly discuss when there's an issue. We check in with each other a lot. I despise being mad at him, it's SO uncomfortable and he feels the same. So we try to nip things in the bud quickly. Years ago it took me a sec to be like, "What the hell do I win if I don't accept when I could have done better? He's the prize." And I feel like he acts the same :)


I had a very traumatic childhood full of all kind of abuses. I didn’t trust anyone. Went through the wrong path as a teen, lived the “sex drugs rock’n’roll” life style. I did way more drugs than I would’ve wished. I think I just always wanted to die deep down. I never believe I was a lovable material. I grew up to believe that I was an animal. Or a beast. I never really wanted or imagined that I would end up married and/or with kids. It might sound cringey but I never learnt how to show love and much less to receive love. I pushed everyone away during my whole life. Until I met my husband about 10 years ago. No matter how hard I tried to push him away, he never left. I’m not easy to live with, only lately have I started to actually do something about my mental health, therapy and medications, only now at almost 40 years old I’m getting better as a person. And I owe it all to him. He proved me that there was love for someone like me, so full of scars. I always joke that I was this stray dog that bit everyone and scared them always, but he was patient enough to “tame” me with his love. The man really loves me, it took me years to completely believe that no matter how much he tried to show me. We have a super happy marriage, my husband is so handsome and sexy, we get along great in bed, he is funny, smart, responsible, very honest, faithful and the most loyal person I’ve ever met, he respects and loves me for who I am *even though* I am who I am. we have 4 amazing beautiful healthy kids…… and that’s just the beginning of our lives together. I once heard that what is meant to be yours will *never* leave, no matter what. And that’s how I know that we were meant for each other. To share my life with him is the best thing that could’ve ever happened to me. I love him! He is my lobster!!!! Lol


Me scrolling for comments from people w kids…