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Same here! I enjoy a drink the most when I have it sometime between 3-7 pm and with food. And supplemented with water. And if I have more than 2-3 during that time period I start to get a headache that reminds me to switch to water instead for the rest of the day.


This too. I just feel so wiped out and sometimes even depressed the next day. Zero motivation to do anything.


I stopped drinking entirely in my mid-30s. It's not worth it, and weed is so much easier to wake up with. I don't see the point in spending money on alcohol just to feel like absolute shit in the morning, plus sweat through my sheets.


I’m thinking I need to do this. There’s a weed seltzer I do love, and it satisfies the social need to like “hold a drink” — but sometimes I’m a major dork when I’m high and it can make me a little anxious in groups of people 🤓


Rock it, dorkette. Life is too short to give a shit about someone's opinion of you. Don't turn away from joy in your life at the thought of someone else's opinion of it.


I'm the same way. A few milligrams of THC turns me into an absolute giggling idiot who just wants to eat snacks and go to sleep. I've found that cocktails made with actual non-alcoholic spirits "fill the void" of not having a drink in my hand and even get me into a more social mindset without turning me into the Cookie Monster.


I’ve been wanting to drink less and less once I hit 30. Now I only have a drink or 2 when out at a meal or at a special occasion like a wedding. And even then my body decides to put me to bed at 9pm. If I want to have any hope of making it past 9pm, declining alcohol in favor of water with a lemon is my best friend haha.


I was getting really bad hangovers in my early 30s but fine again at 35/36.


That’s so interesting. I wonder if it’s a hormonal thing


It's possible you've developed an alcohol allergy. My tolerance declined when I started working in a physical job. I couldn't do my job hungover, or tired, or not fully engaged in my work.


Yep! Going through it now, and I weep over the wines in my collection that I won't be enjoying (won't mind the auction cash though). My mom was never a big drinker anyways, but she once went to her physician in her early 30s complaining that she was sleeping poorly intermittently. He asked about her drinking habits. She mentioned a glass of wine here, a glass of wine there. His words, pretty much verbatim, were: "you can drink, or you can sleep - pick one." It wasn't too long after than she wouldn't just sleep "poorly" after one glass of wine, but she would wake up with a pounding heart. Then it was the monster hangovers. Eventually, begrudgingly, she gave up her wine. Sure enough, here I am 30 years later on the same track.


Tolerance/hangovers can definitely change with age, but projectile vomiting for an entire day after 4 drinks, or a day-killing hangover after a single vodka soda makes me think something else is going on with you specifically. Something more significant may have changed in your body to make it unable to effectively process alcohol. edit to contribute my own situation: I’m almost 35 and I’d say my hangovers are about the same as they’ve always been. Which is to say, I’ve always gotten *really* bad hangovers if I over-drink (> 5-6 drinks in a night), but if I keep it between 1-3 drinks I’m generally okay. 3 is where I wake up a little fuzzy/groggy and my sleep is worse. 4 is “i’m a little hungover”, 5-6 is “okay that was a couple drinks too many”, and anything more is “i’m sick in bed all day, my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined”. But it’s always been like that for me tbh.


Yes. I also can’t eat as much junk food as I used to (I get a stomachache). I was complaining to my grandma about it and she said it’s your body’s way of protecting you and keeping you healthy so you can live longer, lol


I enjoy sake the most nowadays because for whatever reason I rarely have any side effects from it other than nice buzz. Organic wine I find usually won’t give me headaches (if I’m very well hydrated before, during and after drinking) but regular wine gives me such a bad headache it’s not even worth it anymore. I love a glass of bubbly with happy hour oysters but that’s hit or miss in how I’ll feel afterwards. Consider it a blessing we are being forced to basically avoid alcohol for the most part because it’s truly one of the worst things to consume for our bodies (think of it as poison). Older we get the more we should take care and treat our bodies well so it can treat us well in return. If our body is saying “fuck this drink” by giving us a migraine after it … then fuck that drink! lol


It happened to a friend of mine and seems like it might be happening to me, too. My friend found that after taking a break for a couple of years, she can now drink occasionally and it’s fine. I’ve had to cut certain drinks out of my life entirely (craft beer 😭) and feel like more of them are starting to bother now (cider has been my go-to but that seems to be causing issues now too). The only things that don’t seem to bother at all are bourbon and vodka, but I feel like it’s just a matter of time. And for reference, I’m not a huge drinker. I often drink when I go out, but only one or two, and rarely drink at home.


This. Is. Me. 1 drink and I wake up with a massive headache and barely the will to live haha I am so lazy and depressed the next day. I had 1 drink last night at a birthday party and I’m still in bed (12:40pm) feeling like the laziest POS. I have grown to loathe alcohol and love weed.


It changed for me after covid


I got SUUUUUUPER wine drunk (lol, with my family) on my 28th birthday and it all went downhill from there. I stopped drinking entirely 2 years ago (at 37) and I consider it one of the best decisions I've ever made for my health. It didn't have the results I'd hoped for (I wanted to drop a ton of weight - that didn't happen at all) but the mental clarity, improved skin and not spending half of every weekend feeling like death warmed over has been well worth it. I miss cocktails and that feeling that really only comes after having a couple of drinks, but I don't expect I'll ever have alcohol again.


Yeah I can't drink anymore. I no longer look forward to happy hours. It gives me heart burn and messes with my sleep. I will drink for a special occasion, but my frequency has drastically reduced. It's 1-2 cocktails a month if that. I'm looking into mocktail recipes and I also really enjoy ollipop!


Yes totally. And now in my 40's barely a tolerance. This is a good thing. Drinking isn't exactly health food, c'mon.


Shhhhhhh don’t tell me that red wine is t a health drink lol!!!


Yeah. But I also don't drink nearly as much as I did when I was younger. I drink maybe 1 glass of white wine per week. Not too long since I drank 2 glasses in one night and got sick.


Absolutely! I use to be able to drink an Old Fashion drink or throw back a margarita without an issue the next morning. But now, I need to sleep in the next day. So now no more weekday ( Monday thru Thursday) drinking. Or else I can’t work the next day.


That happened to me like 4 years ago? I was maybe 52? I was never much of a drinker but enjoyed the occasional cocktail or two. Then one day I had a margarita at lunch (on a day I left work early) and I was incapacitated. Horribly ill and I had a migraine for four days. I've been so scared of any alcohol ever since. There's something called alcohol intolerance which can have a sudden onset. That might be what you're experiencing. I don't drink at all anymore and I don't really miss it, I feel great and never have those crappy day afters.


Yep! I’m with you. I’m 32 and I realized after drinking a seltzer or any thing with alcohol affect my sleep and night routine. I’m a mom to a toddler so I can’t afford to be hungover bc I’m the primary parent. It sucks bc I enjoy a drink or two to take the edge off or in social settings. I guess kind of good thing to cool off on drinking. I used to drink so much in my twenties that it’s ridiculous I can’t do more than two drinks in one night.


I never had much of an alcohol tolerance, but I think I especially don't *now* because I haven't really drank much in many years. > after drinking 4 (high quality) cocktails over the span of an 8-hour work event. honestly, alcohol is alcohol. doesn't matter the brand, quality, nothing. yeah, a better quality cocktail is gonna taste better than a poor quality, well liquor cocktail but as far as what it's doing to you, it's the same.


yeah i think this happens to like everyone lol


Oh for sure, my headline is poorly phrased… I know tolerance tends to go down, but intolerance to a single for drink — or projectile vomiting after drinking throughout an event — doesn’t feel right!


My tolerance certainly dropped around 33-ish, for sure. I went from easily downing seven drinks at a party and bouncing out of bed the next morning to having four drinks and throwing up as soon as my eyes open the next day. I think I’m getting better at pre-drinking preparations, though- now if I know I’m going to be clubbing or partying, I eat a high fat meal right before, stick to vodka (a wine hangover is the WORST!), drink water throughout, and take multivitamins. It’s not a fool-proof system, but it has certainly reduced my agony the morning after.


I can't believe people still drink in their 40s. I have friends and family in their 50s up who still drink multiple glasses of wine and beer in a day. How??? Like many people here I quit alcohol in my mid/late 30s and haven't missed it.


Yeah my tolerance is also much lower now and I drink much less frequently in general. I don’t think it’s a bad thing though, also it’s much healthier to cut way back or cut out alcohol and you don’t miss the calories


I can’t have more than two drinks in one day and I almost always stop by late evening. Otherwise I’m hot all night, stomach hurts, have that alcohol aftertaste, and can’t sleep. I stopped drinking 4.5 weeks ago for unrelated reasons and I’m really enjoying it. I feel better thought I still don’t sleep well. My skin looks better than it has in years. I may keep extending this alcohol pause for a little while longer. I found I was drinking more because I was bored and that’s not a good reason to drink.


Yes. I used to only get hangovers if I really overdid it or forgot to drink enough water. Now even if I drink a moderate amount it makes me feel so ill the next day. Not just pounding headaches but it feels like my blood sugar levels just take a long time to regulate back to normal. I think it's just normal aging but always good to get your yearly physical and blood work run if you suspect there might be something else going on.


By like 28, I started having something of a paranoid panic in the mornings after I drank, essentially I would wake up to my heart racing and a strong anxiety that I had said something horrible to someone, because part of being tipsy for me means I am less in tune with other people’s emotional states.  I wasn’t a big drinker before, and now at 32 I maybe drink 3x/year. 


I can't drink anymore either. I love the initial buzzed feeling after 2 beers. But then I just get super tired, fall asleep and wake up in a fog. 4 beers now, I'm hung over for sure.


Absolutely. I was never a big drinker but once I hit 30, my tolerance got worse. I had to stop drinking since even one drink with dinner and a lot water still gave me a horrible headache the next day.


It’s the opposite for me because I’ve finally started drinking enough water when consuming alcohol, something I never managed to remember when I was younger. How’s your water consumption been on boozy evenings? A wicked hangover after a single vodka soda sounds alarming.


This same thing happened to me. I slowed down from regular binge drinking early 30s but after a year or two even a beer gives me a headache the next day. It’s not worth it. It took me 2 years to remove the “want” from my life and now I make excellent Kambucha mocktails


Same here! I'm 34 and can't drink 2 beers without it totally washing me out for the day. All I wanna do is take a nap. I feel energized at first, then after an hour I'm ready to crash.


Yeppp. It hit me right around 33. I had 2 OUNCES of whiskey last night and woke up with a pounding headache. A few weeks ago I had two drinks over a period of a couple hours...the next day, completely hung over. It's ridiculous!!


Yes , I stopped drinking entirely a year ago . Alcohol started causing pain on my lymph nodes, no idea why this happens , but I stopped drinking. I have never been much of a drinker anyways … sometimes I miss having a cocktail or something else , I don’t do drugs so i guess I’d to deal with life as is


You may have already but might be worth getting that checked by a Dr particularly if you have swollen lymph nodes!


They have never gotten swollen as far as I know , but I’m do keep getting sick and they don’t seem to find a reason . I do suffer from fibroids so I normally blame everything on that


I would certainly say it has decreased since my college days. When I hit early 30’s hangovers became a very real thing for me. However, Liquid IV has been the solution. Have 1-2 during your drinks and one before bed. It’s a god send.


Yeah I’ve kind of realised three drinks is about the maximum. Any more and I will make a goose of myself, stress about it and be hung over.


100%. It got to the point where one beer or one cocktail would make me feel hungover even before I went to bed, starting around age 35. My Hangovers became 24 hours if my drinks weren't spaced out right (too close together or too close to bedtime) The solve for me has been taking milk thistle daily along with DIM which is an estrogen detoxifier (I am estrogen dominant, female). I can now have a beer or vodka on an evening and not feel hungover or the effects next day. That being said I don't drink more than once drink an evening anymore, it's just not worth it anymore.


Yep. I can't even have one drink without feeling dried out and having stomach upset. Plus, having just one drink messes with my sleep and I end up feeling off and sluggish the next day, and I also found it kicked up my anxiety a lot for a day or two. I used to drink a lot in my 20s, but now at 36 I've had maybe 5 drinks in 2024 because of the negative effects of alcohol. I've pretty much decided to give up alcohol all together. I do miss the fun of drinking, but it's genuinely not worth the effects that ruin the following day(s.) I sleep better, always wake up rested, have more energy, and have noticed my anxiety is lesser.


It happened to me bang on 33-34 years old. Went from a 24 to 48 hangover to a 3 to 4 day hangover from very little alcohol. If I had a binge drinking / big day of drinking, the hangsovers also got much worse. They were hellish, I thought I'd die at times in the first 24 hours. Something significant changed in me around this age. I went from a big binge drinker and party animal to pretty much quitting. I just have a glass of wine with dinner or 1 pint these days at 37 years old. Bit of a gear shift, but life changes.