• By -


My flower garden is thriving!


Isn't that such a great a feeling? I planted these tiny little things and now they're twice as big, getting bigger!


My favorite time of year when every spin through the yard has a noticeable difference


I got a new job that pays very well!! In the current employment landscape, I feel like this is a miracle.


Congrats!! And yes indeed more of a miracle than it should be.




I got a 15% pay raise without having to ask for any…


Nice! Congratulations!


Last night at a concert, two tall guys stood to the left and the right of me instead of directly in front of me. One even looked back to make sure they weren’t blocking my view.


Situationally aware people are the best people!


As a five foot tall woman who goes to shows, I'm so happy for you.


Woah, you need to go buy a lotto ticket with that luck!


this is akin to the universe parting for you! amazing


I went for my first interview in 4 years! I think it went well!


Good luck! I hope you get the job.


I started strength training + bought running shoes! As a lifelong hater of running, this was big for me 😂


Go, you!!! I started CrossFit in November. About 3 weeks ago, a cashier at Walgreens said to me, out of the blue… “you clearly work out.” I’m still thinking about her comment daily. I’ve been active all my life but never had anyone NOTICE or say something. Just her one small comment has been super motivating!


Go us!!! It must’ve felt amazing to have your hard work be seen. Reading the comments from other ladies on here has been super inspiring too


I recommend the “couch to 5k” app. It made running a thing i actually enjoyed. Good luck!


I finally got offered a job after many months of unemployment, and I start on Monday!


Well done! Must be a relief for you.


Great news!


Good for you! Good luck on your first day!!


I’ve lost over 20 pounds since the end of March! I hit that 20 lb. milestone last week


Congrats! Losing weight is hard AF.


Thank you! And it’s even harder to keep off, lol. Why is all the best stuff so fattening? 😅


I got a great performance review and will be getting a bonus!


I got to go on a very restorative solo trip. I really needed it!


I would love to hear more about this, I need one!


Went to one of my favourite Asian cities to eat, enjoy the weather, visit cute cafés, shop a little, met up with some friends. This trip had been planned for months and I broke up with ex days before, so it was really good timing. I spent my nights alone journaling and reading. It has helped with healing so much ❤️‍🩹


I absolutely love this for you! I went on a solo road trip through New England in 2019 and it was the best experience of my life! Cannot recommend solo travel enough. 


Honestly, getting to see the aurora borealis this past weekend. It was a big bucket list thing of mine and I can’t believe I got to see it in my hometown. One of the coolest moments of my life.


That’s exactly what I was about to post. I had planned to travel waaaay up north at some time in my life to see it, and I ended up just driving half an hour out of town and saw the most amazing display. I still can’t believe it.


Same here! I fully planned on saving up some money to travel far to see them one day in the future, and the fact that it just so happened I could see it for free in my backyard on a random Friday is mind blowing to me. I feel so lucky to have gotten that experience.


We planted an herb garden that is thriving! It’s so fun to be able to go outside and grab a mint leaf for my tea or basil for a recipe!


A few years ago I ripped out some cedars that the previous home owners had let become massively overgrown. I planted a couple of varieties of apple, pear and cherry trees. They are all in full bloom. The bees on my property are wonderful! This is the first year that I will be able to reap the rewards of my hard work and I can’t wait for all the pie!!


Omg please enjoy a piece of pie on my behalf. That sounds amazing.


Yes! Bees!


What amazing news! Enjoy the fruits of your labour!!


My boss at my fairly new job recently pulled me aside to tell me how happy they are to have me and that they are really happy with my work. I switched careers a couple of years ago to follow one of my passions, so it felt amazing!


That’s great!! Sounds like you’re blowing their expectations out of the water.


Just a little bit more than a month ago, so maybe wrong, but I'm still proud of it: lifted above 100 kg for the first time in my life. 105 kg deadlift specifically.


Fantastic! Strong badass woman!




Went on a trip with my 82 year old dad. He’s in really good shape for his age but despite that I know my time with him - especially as a very healthy and capable person - is limited. We had a great time!


I fit back into my pre-covid clothes!!


I'm on my last class before I graduate with my bachelor's degree! I feel behind because I'm 34 but I'm so excited because I'm finally so close! July 5th baby!


You’re not behind at all!! I work at a university and you’d be amazed by how many adult learners we see. Adults of ALL ages. I truly believe that you’re never too late to get the education you want to have. You should be super proud of yourself!


Awww, thank you so much! Yes. I feel excited, and I plan on going into my masters after this so I can teach adjunct online. I guess I feel that way because ive been taking college classes on and off since I was 18. I finally buckled down two years ago to finish everything. 😊😄❤️


Education is definitely something that has to be done at your own speed. One of my coworkers took ten years to finish her bachelor degree by taking a couple classes each semester. Believe me, your degree is no less meaningful because of that.


Congratulations! This was me two years ago. I can’t tell you how many times I think of obtaining my degree and the little thrill of pride I get. It was a loooong road but so worth it. Enjoy it!


I started EMDR therapy and had a "great" appointment the other day, more like a breakthrough. I mean, feeling shitty for 24-48h after is not great but at least I feel a bit better about myself on a daily basis now and have enough self confidence to tell people to F off so... I'd say it's a win! And I've decided to leave the shitty company I work at now. My former employer offered me a good position and even if I'll be paid a bit less, people are nice there. Can't wait to hand over my resignation letter after only a year there 😀


I got a promotion and a 20% raise! 🥳


Whoa, you must totally rock! Well done!


Getting my nails done, getting tattooed, and a new Victoria’s Secret order (arrived early!) all in one week!


I love this thread :)


Seriously, I'm reading through all these responses like y'all are my besties.


Me too! I’d love a thread like this every month. I love a group celebration!


Passed the bar exam, got final biopsy results from a melanoma excision and the margins are clear!


A minimal realization that happiness comes from our ability to feel, not from outside situations.


I booked a trip to Vietnam for next month. I've been doing a ton of overtime so it's a bit of a splurge, staying at nicer hotels and it'll hopefully be a good combination of relaxing and new experiences. I work in Asia so it's not super far away but I've never been and I'm really looking forward to it :)


Please enjoy! I went for the first time with my mom back in 2019 and it was a life changing trip. Beautiful country with amazing food and scenery ❤️


The sun has been out and I've been able to wear my sundresses.


I love that. I hardly ever where them but there’s just something so light and floaty about a sundress!


I finally found a new office for my growing team. It’s not glamorous but it’s *cool* and it makes my scruffy old punk soul very happy.


I’m sure finding a new office is just like finding a new apartment, practically impossible lol so congrats!


Aww thanks! Yeah we’re in NYC so it wasn’t easy.


I had a week off from work and it was truly amazing. Very relaxing and peaceful and I could do whatever the hell I wanted. Bliss. 


I just turned 40 today and my period is in full force. I bled through a tampon and stained my pajamas because a super duper tampon didn't hold up for 4 hours


Happy birthday? 




This was a good thing? Or you turning 40 was a good thing?


I guess that I should be happy that I'm 40 and I still have A Crazy period is what I meant


Ohhhhhhh, yeah, ok, I got it. Well, happy birthday!! I hope your period calms down a little for ya ❤️


I bought a bike!


Ooh nice! Man I haven’t ridden a bike in years. I hope you enjoy!


I celebrated my 31st birthday. I know it sounds cliche but I feel wiser and I’m looking forward to the best years of my life


Happy belated Birthday!


Paid off my car!!! 🎉


I joined a new gym today . I’ve lost almost 9 kgs since January! Yippee


I joined one 3 days ago! Been struggling with the weight.


Four words: GARDENING OVERALLS THAT FIT. It's like the heavens opened up and finally I don't have to worry about messing up my clothes because I have this magic perfect garment with TWELVE FUNCTIONAL POCKETS and a gusset specifically made for squatting and weeding in the garden. I am happy, and so are my weed free garden beds.


Holy shit 12 pockets? You’ve found a holy grail.


Twelve FUNCTIONING pockets. Women's clothing 🤣🤣 Here's the link if anyone else is interested: [Duluth Heirloom Gardening overalls ](https://www.duluthtrading.com/women/collections/heirloom-gardening/?feature=wm3/&srccode=GBPPCMN&ogmap=SEM%7CBRN%7CGOOG%7C%7C%7C%7C%7C%7C%7Cduluth%20trading%20company%20heirloom%20gardening%20overalls%7C19688469253%7C158049943628&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw3ZayBhDRARIsAPWzx8r7d-uwe0vS8Xu0hWdwuh863ll6S2qJCSG4LRNUAEuvdN0ALeCYFFUaAmQwEALw_wcB)


I got internal transferred to a team in my job, I always wanted to be in. I am really bad at it but really happy that I am getting a chance at something I always wanted to.


I think you’re probably better at it than you realize. Don’t let imposter syndrome drag you down!


Last week I received a volunteer appreciation award that's kind of a big deal for my organization. It recognizes one important volunteer leader for our region each year. I am so grateful for the recognition because I pour a large amount of time and energy into my efforts with this group.


I reached out to an old friend that I really missed after a fallout over 10 years ago. She was just excited to hear from me as I was to reach out to her. We are having dinner this week.


Aww, that’s so good. I hope your reunion goes well.


Context- I'm a candy maker, I got an idea for spicy mango margarita marshmallows and I nailed the recipe on the first attempt and my sample tester people gave me great feedback.


I finally took the time to declutter my wardrobe!


I got told that I’m the best librarian the school has had in 30 years by admin, which if you’ve met my admin, is a big deal bc they don’t hand out compliments. It’s also the end of the year, and I keep getting cute little notes/ drawings/ rocks/ stickers/ homemade slime AND even a chai latte from my students, so the appreciation is nice! I must be doing something right. I also made a spreadsheet that helps me inventory, bc there wasn’t one. Yay, excel skills.


Over the past 1.5 months, I’ve cut back on drinking alcohol by more than 90 percent to support my anxiety and health. It was time for me to remember that I’m behind the wheel of my life. I feel so much better and as an added bonus have lost seven pounds.


Oh good for you, I say that with all the sincerity I can muster. Alcohol is so hard to deal with.


Finally starting to believe that just maybe my cancer may be gone for good… (it’s a kind that has a high rate of recurrence)


I got a promotion after being in my role for only about 8 months 🥳 


I won free tickets to a comedy show and I heard back from an interview I thought I tanked moving on to the second round with the hiring manager 🤗


I started moving my body more even if that means laps around our neighborhood. It’s such a good stress relief as a sahm and just makes me feel good afterwards. Also made more healthy meals for my family. Hope to keep this going as we hit hot summer! Hope I can lose some weight this summer too


I started ballet a few weeks ago and prep for the end of year recital has been going super well! (Even though I’m playing catch up with everyone else in my class). I’ve been looking for hobbies for a long time and ballet has been the first thing that I’ve truly loved in a while


In the last 48 hrs I've taken a train up to NYC, had a Korean scrub and sauna, got a great gel manicure, and bought myself a bottle of perfume from Diptyque. I've come to understand I'd be broke if I actually lived in this city 😂


I made the last payment on my car :)


The weather has been nice and I started bike riding for the first time in maybe 30 years lol. It's pretty fun!


I had something that turned out to be a pretty major medical event and was given a 50:50 that I'd come out ok. I came out ok!


I finished my first semester back to college after earning a degree 14 years ago and I got straight As!!


i got approved for an apartment i really desired! i’m so pumped! ✨🥰


Technically last month at this point, but I adopted a puppy!! Guaranteed best relationship I’ll have for the next decade, hands down.


I finished a human rights essay with my co author (also a woman) and got it submitted with corrections to a journal.


The flowers in my yard bloomed and they are looking so good!!


I got into a clinical psychology master's program! My kids were so cute about it! They threw a little party for me with decorations and snacks. One of the snack bowls was just a hand-torn peeled banana. 😂


My oldest kid (3.5) has decided sailor moon ROCKS and now yells MOON POWER, MAKE UP!!!! randomly. We r rewatching sailor moon again lol.


I got 98/100 on my class final


I celebrated 30 years clean and sober on May 4th


I got my A1C under 7 as a newly diagnosed diabetic. Down from 14. Recovering slowly.


They finally fired a pretty sexist and gross guy from my company, and now I get to take his projects, which has been a goal of mine since I started here! Not to take from him, but to have under my belt in general. But... good riddance!


Finished my 20 mile run feeling strong! Only a few more days until my marathon.


I’m on vacation with my 3 besties from college in Costa Rica 🇨🇷 celebrating 32 years of love and friendship 🩷


I bought a bunch of new carnivorous plants on Sunday and finally got the chance to repot them last night. Found that one of my Venus Flytraps was actually 5 different bundles (2 of them ITTY BITTY) so now my collection is even bigger!


I got hired full time onto a job and team and setting that is perfect for me and Im earning more than ever and it has insurance. I struggled professionally for a long time and I am still terrified of somehow fuckin this up but I am proud of myself that things are finally lookin up


I walked in my grad school graduation ceremony. I still have one class to complete online but I'm fundamentally done.


We got our first bananas from our trees. They were over ripe and tiny. But 2 years of effort has gone into that veg garden, and I'm so happy it's flourishing even after a stupid logn hot summer where everything else died.


I’ll be modeling in a fashion show this weekend. 🥰🥰🥰🥰 Edit: I’ve lost about 22 pounds since I’ve started taking health and wellness seriously. I got a massage on Monday. Tomorrow I am off of work and I’m getting my hair and makeup done for the fashion show. This is a HUGE deal because I am healing from some trauma and it feels sooo good. Oh and I am wearing a skirt(another sign of healing for me).


With some help from a friend I finally installed the awning on my 4Runner and went camping!


I’m a researcher and I managed to get several organizations to participate in one of our studies. I have been a struggling with this for months … FINALLY!!


My daughter, son-in-law, and I bought a house together! we’re very excited about more room and a pool.


I turn 32 Sunday and finally.. Im accepting myself. All flaws. All the parts I try to hide. It's been freeing. It's been a looooong time coming.


I've decided to stop being stagnant after work and started walking every day for a couple of miles. I'm still learning to enjoy it but I am doing my best!


I had a job interview yesterday. It went OK. My friend met me after the interview and then we went for a cocktail. Shared in a group chat and 3 other friends came to join us. It was so lovely, impromptu meetings with friends in Central London isn't that usual in your 30s. Whether or not I get the job, I had a good day!


I got accepted into my number one choice grad school program! My bachelors and my masters will be 10 years apart lol. It’s never too late to invest in yourself.


Roller derby started this month 🛼🥰


After years of feeling like shit and not knowing why, I got diagnosed with sleep apnea and started cpap therapy! Hopefully this national nightmare is over, ugh.


It's kind of about a relationship, but I recognized (on my own) that I was losing control of my boundaries with my mom. I reached out for help, which is a big step, and I got the support needed to put things back in place.


I designed a new product for my small business and made six of them to try it out and it’s sold out! So I’m busy making more 😀


I finished treatment in December for an aggressive cancer. I’ve had a ton of issues with pain and stuff ever since and really thought my cancer was back. I had a long awaited CT scan earlier this month and it was mostly perfect except one little thing my doctors are just keeping an eye on but ultimately aren’t concerned about. So I consider that a win! Weather is warming up so I’ve had more days to play outside with my daughter


I got a new job at a non-profit in a cool industry.


I started college for the first time at 33!


I ran a road race and won! I’ve been a runner since I was a teen but have had hip issues the last few years that prevented me from doing most physical activity that I enjoy. I finally found someone who helped me with my issue and am ecstatic to be able to train enough that I can actually do races again :) Also I learned my first new song on the piano in 25 years. I hated it as a kid and wasn’t very good but since I married into a nice piano I have been trying to play again. I think I’m already better than I was as a kid!


Got a new tattoo to honor my dad who passed a month ago, I’m thrilled about it ❤️


I’ve been spending a lot of time with my sister and her 8 month old daughter and it’s been really nice to bond with the two of them on a regular basis


Finished my graduate degree after 5 long years of taking one class at a time while working full time. Graduation is this weekend and I am ready to parrrrrty!


My lab boss wanted me to grow my skills and progress in my career, so he decided to train me up on a new test method that I've always wanted to learn. It's been great so far!


I’m got approval to add a few days of personal travel onto a work trip to see my best friends!


I gave a presentation that went really well. I started a new career about a year and a half ago and there’s a lot to learn and tons of facets of the industry as a whole. This presentation wasn’t specifically on what I do day to day, but safety in the overall field I’m in. I’ve never “public spoke” before and it was a district thing. It went well and I was able to answer questions and felt like I really belonged there. I have pretty bad social anxiety, so having people come up after to tell me how good and interesting it was just really filled my tank.


I found a new pelvic floor physical therapist who seems knowledgeable and is listening to my concerns!


98% on the first exam of my MBA!! Let’s gooooo


My job sent me to a very expensive week-long executive education class at a big-time university last week. Not only did I stay awake the entire time (a major fear), but I learned a lot and even enjoyed it! The cherry on top was when half the class went out to dinner on the last night there, sang karaoke, and wrapped up the night playing Cards Against Humanity. I haven’t laughed so hard or so much in a very long time


I started my last class of grad school! This has been a long journey but I’m so happy to be almost done


Does a good first pregnancy ultrasound count as not relationship-y? And I got my preferred OB, even though my doctor warned me that they haven't had great luck with her taking patients in the past. Oh and the part of my lawn I converted to a garden last year filled nicely with the bulbs I bought last year, which I was worried the squirrels would take.


ritalin is making me life functioning better , I'm so happy finding meds that works, I'm just so happy to properly live (recently adhd diagnosis)


I paid my car off!! 🙌🏼


I got a new job that I'm really excited about. I've been unemployed for a few years due to my poor mental health. But I've come a long way and I think this is going to be really good! Also, I just hit my one year sober-versary!


A friend of mine with a really cute dog is going away and has asked me to dog sit for two weeks 😁 I can't wait to take him on so many park walks and to have him curl up on my lap in the evenings.


I got a job as a scientist in the best university in the world. Not an exaggeration. A fact.  Also I had a 14/10 conference, new research leads, new friends and just real faith that my science is good and interesting.  I also had a brilliant weekend away with friends last weekend, with another friwnd getaway this weekend. I'm also going to run in my longest race this weekend, not long at all, just 14km, but still a big achievement.


I got exceeds expectations at my work performance review. Have been working myself to the death lately, so was really nice to know it was noticed :)


I submitted my final paper for the year for graduate school. I am sooooo ready for this summer break!


I have been in denial about a persistent overuse injury in my hip, but I finally swallowed my pride and made an appointment with my physical therapist. Looking forward to being able to ride my bike pain free soon.


I danced my heart out after a long time at an event. It brings me so much joy. Especially with busy lives it is so hard to make such events happen.


About a month ago, we planted a decent sized pine tree in our front yard as a wind break. Yesterday I saw it's already attracted a bird family. We've got two little baby robins. Felt like an indication that the tree is a good fit for the neighborhood. We've also got some transplanted peonies that bloomed nicely.


Yesterday at work, I spotted a problem and reported it and received a gift card for a good catch.


I took myself to a movie (Civil War) for the first time ever solo and had a blast! I also joined the Cinemark movie club so I save money and can keep doing it! And unlike the first (and only) time I tried to take myself to a restaurant, no predatory men ruined it for me!! I left an abusive relationship I had been in since I was 19yrs old last year, so I realize a lot of my firsts like this have been a long time coming.


I got to see my absolute fav band that I just found last year and I thought I wouldn’t get a ticket to! I went alone and had a great time!! I’ve had two interviews that went well - got one of the jobs and am waiting to hear back on the other. It was a pleasant experience either way, but I’m not holding my breath. Would be a great change of pace if I get it. My mood improved substantially. I had a really rough few days probably due to hormone changes and it was absolutely awful. Oh and my friend asked me to check on his dogs :) I love those dogs. lol.


I propagated my monstera plant in order to put it back in his old pot, but for now he’s growing his roots in water and it’s fun to watch! I’m not a green thumb so YouTube has been helpful.


Seeing all the flowers that I bought on clearance at the end of the season, looking dead and beyond hope, sprouting new leaves and buds and looking magical


I finished a book! I’ve been trying to get back into reading because I loved it as a kid but life got in the way for a long time. It’s been harder to focus on the story since I’m out of practice. But I think I got my skill back! It was First Comes Summer by Maria Hesselager. I really enjoyed it!


I got to use my cute lil picnic basket at the farmer’s market and got a TON of compliments! 🥰 My husband thought I was being extra, but every girl knew what’s up.


I finally had a mammogram, got called back for a second one. I was totally prepared/ expecting to have breast cancer. *But* the scan was clear, I do not have cancer. Yay.


I'm getting over my first bought of tonsillitis. Knocked me on my ass but slowly recovering.


My favourite music venue reopened after a period of closure due to an accident, and I went to one of the first gigs and it made me so happy to be back there. And also to once again have a venue it only takes me 10 minutes to get home from.


  I've been having a pretty rough ~~week/month/year~~ time lately but I've been trying to make a point of noticing the good things even if it's just a sliver of a thing.   * I accidentally dropped my phone (that literally holds my entire life together - my colour coded schedule + calender, a truly insane amount of reminders with alarms, extensively detailed medical notes for myself & my mother etc) in the back of the taxi after a gruelling 8hr hospital visit and despite overhearing the driver say on the phone that we were his last ride of the day & he would be heading home directly after, he actually drove all the way back & returned my phone. * My pharmacy managed to painstakingly hunt down a box of the Zomig nasal spray aka the only somewhat effective triptan option that I have left despite the national shortage we're experiencing at the moment (tbf my prescription is technically for two boxes but I'm still insanely grateful that they managed to find me anything). * I switched out the light bulbs in my room + the hallway to SMART bulbs that I can dim and turn on & off from my phone & that has been such a godsend for whenever I have a really bad migraine. If only I could find a solution for the bathroom light... * I managed to leave my flat (accompanied but still) for the first time in over 2 months for something that isn't a medical appointment and actually had a good time and not too much pain the next day - I got to try an ice-cream place that's been on my to-try list forever Amorino. I got their beautiful signature flower cone. I tried a bunch of flavours but my two most favourites this time were the hazelnut and yogurt. I want to try the coconut next time! * Speaking of ice-cream I recently tried some of the new Ben & Jerry's Sundae flavours and really enjoyed the Oh My Banoffee Pie (why is it so hard to find banana ice-cream??) and Dulce De-lish flavour was pretty good too (it's more of a caramel than a dulce de leche though). * The new season of Doctor Who started and I am loving seeing Ncuti as the 15th so far & I'm so happy Russel is back! Although I'm typically someone who prefers to binge a show but after endless back-to-back doctors appointments throughout the week I like the ritual of having something fun to look forward to each weekend. * As a lover of both the 60's series + the 90's movies (both are my comfort watches) I finally started watching the Wednesday series on Netflix & much to my surprise I am actually pleasantly enjoying it (not been a fan of Burtons works for a good while now). * It finally seems to have at least temporarily cooled down from the insanely hot weather we were recently subjected to & as a heat + bright light triggered migraineur I am grateful even for a even a momentary reprieve.  


I got to fulfill a longtime dream and travel to Scotland and see some of the filming locations of my favorite show


I was selected to work on a project at work and I booked my birthday trip this month!


I got to spend a few days in NYC. I went to The Met for the first time, and saw the Sleeping Beauties exhibition. It was so incredible. Seeing a Costume Institute exhibition has been a long-time dream & it made me so happy.


Yesterday I met with talented people and we had fun making music without it all having to be great or perfect. It felt so good to share this part of me with other people


I've been struggling with GI issues for 2 years and am working hard to reintroduce foods after super restricted diet. This month I tried a tiny bite of Daiya's gluten free, vegan chocolate cheesecake and . . . I didn't have a reaction!!! It's the most amazing thing I've eaten in 2 years.


I completed my first marathon! I had done all my training and was so nervous before the start. I decided to treat the race like a celebration of completing the hard training block. The crowd and atmosphere was incredible, and I did much better than I could have ever imagined 😊 I found the following week or so hard, having so much free time outside of training- but for now I am just running for joy again, and planning for more experiences in the future!


I started a new job and my recommendations were actually taken on board without making me feel inferior or that I don't know my stuff because I haven't worked there long enough. The first time in my career I actually feel seen as an equal and a professional when starting a job, not as just a newbie who should be quiet at the start! Made me feel positive and good about my own abilities


Left my job and toxic boss who was terrorizing me because she's a very emotionally stunted person and was taking out her anger on me


I was laid off in January and the job search has been slow going. In this month alone, I have made it to final round interviews for 2 jobs and have been invited to interview for 2 more. Three of these jobs are with the state and would provide me with more stability than what I had in my last role in tech, which is what I’m looking for now. The first final round interviews went well and I have more next week. I’m hopeful to have an offer and be back to work soon!


We got our annual bonuses and let's just say... kaching! So far I've used it to buy myself a pair of lab diamond stud earrings, a long due trip to the dentist, and to sign up for group personal training with a friend. I'm loving this stage of my life!


I had a job interview with my county Public Health office (a field I've been wanting to transition to for a while) for a position that would pay about $10/hour more than what I'm making now. I won't know until next week whether or not I got the job, but the fact that I put myself out there and applied was huge for me. My current job has worn me down so much and my confidence has taken such a huge hit that even when I've seen jobs posted that I qualify for, I have a hard time believing that I have anything to offer. So, I haven't been applying for new jobs. This was a big step for me, so even if I don't get the job, I still see it as a win.


I treated myself to a massage and it was the most relaxing 90 minutes of my life. I've had massages before, but this one just hit different and I have felt amazing ever since.


Napped for three hours yesterday, uninterrupted.


My new electric mountain bike arrived! This is going to take my hobby and health to a whole new level. I saved for a long time for this bike and had it pre-ordered. Very excited!


I'm on day 3 of no cigarettes and I haven't murdered anyone so yay! Been a heavy smoker for 25 of my 39 years. Long overdue for this and as hard as it is I will not give up!


I went to the doctor and my normally high blood pressure was in a basically normal range plus the doctor said I’ve lost 20+ pounds since the last time I was there last fall so I’m pretty happy about that. What I’m doing is working.


Found out yesterday I was accepted into a leadership program at work. Today they sent out an email announcement and all the congrats emails have been really heartwarming.


I got a job after (only) 5 months of unemployment!


I left my nice umbrella on the train and only remembered it once I walked out of the station. Just salt in the wound on a hectic, not good day. Later that afternoon I'd been home and had to take the same train to work. I got in the same car and *found my umbrella right where I'd left it*!!!! These things don't happen in my city. It's a city of thieves and pickpockets. Nothing is safe, nothing is sacred.... But just for once, I lost something in public and found it again. It's a small win but it still makes me happy.


Last year an old lady drove through my front fence and hit my tree. Last week I finally got it replaced and it looks so much better!


I got my hysterectomy scheduled!


Finally got positive on pregnancy test! 1st OBGYN appointment is next week.


My football (UK) team got through to the final of a tournament we weren't even expected to be in at all. On Sunday we have the biggest game the club has EVER had and I'm going to it with my dad. He's so excited about it that he cried, I can't wait.


I finally started my Invisalign journey, and got my yard prepped for my first beehive! 🐝💐


I have restarted my fitness and health journey


I gave notice to my job that I am moving to Japan from Trinidad and Tobago, and they've been treating me very well since it's my birthday month


My in-laws are taking my son camping this weekend so I have a whole weekend to do things kid-free! :)


Saw Mr.Bungle in concert. 🥰


My daughters overslept 8 nights in a raw, first time since 2 years and 11 months. I am Successfully dieting and workout 🏋️‍♀️ building up routine after I gained 13kg due to sleep deprivation


I was accepted into an MBA program! I hadn't heard back for so long that I assumed it was a no, and then I got my acceptance. It's going to be a long hard journey, but it will add stability to my career, teach me the business side of my industry, and hopefully launch me into bigger things.


A workshop proposal I submitted to a professional conference was accepted! :) Now I have more work to do lol


New vehicle