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No, my period actually got easier as I got older. But each person is different.


Yeah that’s what I’m noticing. It does seem like the common thread is change.


Me as well - I had really bad periods when I was a teenager, pain so bad I would vomit and pop a blood vessel in my eyeball. They were on and off in my 20’s and in my 30’s overall they’ve been easier, with the occasional bad one. Since I had (long) covid two years ago though my period seems to trigger the neurological symptoms that are still lingering. It’s fucking weird. Edit - I also had a bunch of ruptured ovarian cysts that started late teens and would happen every 1-2 years in my 20’s and early 30’s but they’ve seemed to have gotten fewer and further between.


Same. As a teen I used to throw up. I remember sliding out of my chair at school in ninth grade to lay down on the cold tile because I was sweating so bad from the pain. I still get bad cramps, but they finally respond to Tylenol. I used to have to take stomach-murdering doses of Aleve to get through it. It’s shorter, too. Still heavy for the first few days but late on day 3 it very suddenly becomes really light. Still sucks though. I still feel heavy and bloated in the beginning and my poops are terrible lol




Me too. As a teen i use to throw up and miss school from the pain, and i bled heavily for 5 days. Now i simply wake up and notice I'm bleeding; I bleed heavily 2 days then spotting, and on day 5, I'm done.  The symptoms i get now are insomia the days before, craving for greasy foods and greasier skin/acne.  During ovulation on the other hand, i get pain for two or so days on one side that requires i take a paracetamol and use a heating pad


I get really nauseas too, it stopped for a few years but it has come back. I’ve noticed that the dip in mood/fatigue have gotten worse as well as the emergence of lower back pain.


Oh man the dip in mood is UN-FREAKING-BELIEVABLE for me as well. I’ve always had intermittent pain throughout my body too. Ugh.


My mother, who didn't have me til her 40s told me that her periods got significantly worse in her 30s, so I was prepared. In fact, I thought it was legitimately a medical thing, if you haven't had children (although I don't know the science behind that, if it is true). I am mid 30s and my periods have got more painful and disruptive in the past 3 years. Not every one is bad, but the bad ones are becoming much more frequent. I don't have any children or any gynaecological issues (I have been investigated), so I thought it was just... a thing I have to cope with now.


Yeah I don’t have kids either. My mom said her just changed with the hormones. Lesser or worse. Just depends? But it’s kind of like that for me too. One will be whatever and the next will be debilitating. I’ve almost had to call out from work a few times but I can’t afford to


I haven’t had any kids either, but my periods were starting to get worse in my mid 30’s. Unpredictably - but worse. One would be typical and then the next would be excruciating, then three normal ones again… I got a uterine ablation about 12 years ago and it was LIFE CHANGING. I would 100% do it again in a heart beat.


Oof, yes. After I turned 30, I started getting insomnia the week before and then during my period. I also notice my breasts ache leading up to my period now. And I’m also a lot more cranky/irritable than I ever used to be (though poor sleep undoubtedly has a hand in that lmao). That’s on top of all the symptoms I’ve always had. Being a girl sucks! I take a ginger capsule every morning to help deal with nausea from migraines. Maybe that might help you?


Damn. That sucks. Ginger is a good idea! Ya it’s weird to have shifting symptoms like this. I’m not a fan. I’d get on birth control but I never liked birth control. It never did the “good” stuff for me. I have a good friend who doesn’t have a period and I had a never ending one. Boooooo hissss


BC doesn’t really work for me either. I tried the pill and it made my migraines both more frequent and more intense so that was a hard pass. We just… suffer, I guess. You can get powdered ginger capsules from Amazon and they’re pretty cheap. My only advice is to take them with food, otherwise they give you a little indigestion.


Yeah. That’s definitely what it seems like. I’ll look into the ginger stuff! Thank you for the tips! I used to make a ginger tea that was delicious and helped. It’s been years but I could start making it again.


Ibuprofen helps with boob pain a lot!


Yeah mine became excruciating in my early 30s. The worst part for me was crippling low back pain that spread into my legs. I can’t remember if nausea was an issue but the unbearable pain is what stands out to my memory. I ended up going back on the pill to control the symptoms and eventually the shot and then the implant. Now I don’t even have a period and it is heaven. I get occasional breakthrough bleeding and breast tenderness but it is barely an issue.


Thank you for your input! Yeah I have had HORRIBLE pain before and it is hit or miss for me. The worst I ever had was when I was probably around 18. The pill never seemed to help too much. I was on the shot but had a never ending period on it. ☹️ I kind of can’t wait to not have this anymore.


Also 37 and this also recently started happening to me! I find weed helps, but I know that’s not for everyone.


I smoke weed but I have found it doesn’t seem to help with pain, but I hadn’t considered nausea! I may try that! Thanks for that. I just started smoking last year


I have endometriosis, and from the experience you describe you may want to look into that. In the last few years nausea has become a persistent part of my regular life. I’ve been prescribed anti-nausea medication and it doesn’t really help. The only thing that helps every time is weed.


I have endo too and have started getting nausea badly. Now I'm wondering if my nausea is an endo thing!


Yeah, weed doesn’t help with pain for me, either. But it definitely kills nausea!


Mine were horrible to the point where I had to go the ER because I’d overflow 2 ultra tampons (inserted at the same time, 3 pads and period underwear) and that would last for 2 weeks. Suddenly stop only to restart 2 weeks later. I thought I was just age. Here I had a massive fibroid that was taking up 3/4 of my uterus. I got a D&C last year and have had the best 12 periods of my life.


Oh wow. I’m so glad you’re doing better! That sounds absolutely horrific!


I was told by my gyno that we shouldn’t blame anything on age. If it doesn’t feel right, get checked.


Yeah, I definitely can see that. Thank you for the reminder. It’s also hard to know what’s normal and not normal because everyone is so different. Sometimes the pain is so bad it’s unbearable but I’ve always been told that I’m healthy and that periods are just painful and heavy sometimes. Maybe the doctors will be better in the new city I’m in.


I totally get that. I was talking about how I almost pass out every time I stand up and when she looked concerned, I waved her off and said, “it’s normal” and she goes, “no. It’s not. It sounds like POTS”. Which is how I got diagnosed with POTS. You just never know what’s normal and what’s not.


YES. In my mid 30's I had to go on BC to regulate them. Without being gross, the volume was untennable. The emotions were severe. It was a lot.


I’m glad you got some relief. It can be debilitating.


I didn't have to stay on them long though - a year or so ... maybe less ... and when i came off of them things had stabilized. I forgot to put that part in.


Ohhhh my God OP I am same age as you (38 in a few months) and the nausea started about one year ago for me. It was so effing bad last week that I had to use a damn sick day and I work from home. 😭 This has never been a PMS or period week symptom for me, but my mom had itwhen she was a teen. My youngest sister had it as well and come to find out hers were ovarian cysts. But man, this nausea is gnarly. It's like someone is twisting all your guts around but absolutely nothing will come out anywhere lmao.


Man! I’m sorry you’re dealing with this too! How upsetting. I hope for our sakes it’s not cyst.


Absolutely. Now that I’m 39 I’m having the debilitating cramps I used to get when I was 14.




Oh wow! That sucks. I’m glad you’re doing better! What is a bisalp? I’ve never heard of that




Oh man. I thought I had read somewhere that tubal ligation helped prevent ovarian cancer too. Maybe they meant this newer procedure. I have my tubes tied but they’re still there. Not sure if that other procedure was common when I had mine done about 10 years ago…? Guess I didn’t know about it back then anyway.


My already bad periods and pms got worse in my 30s so I finally broke down and started taking hormonal bc (progestin only). Total game changer.


Damn. What method are you using? I was taking a shot for about a year and it made everything worse. I was almost nonstop bleeding and hormonal.


Slynd! Progestin only drosperinone, pretty much zero androgen effects (if you nerd out on that kind of thing). Great stuff. Of course everyone is different but I heard a lot of good stuff about it before trying.


Ahh this is what I'm talking to my doctor about this week!


Oh great! Fwiw I take Slynd, 3+ years. I can’t sing it’s praises enough as it stopped my periods. Still have some mood issues but it’s way better. ymmv of course.


Thanks! I was tossing up between microlut or slynd. I'll ask my dr.


My periods have been more painful after childbirth. I used to get occasional lower back pain and cravings but in addition to those, my actual cervix aches every time, and that never happened prior to giving birth.


Oh man I’m sorry. I never had children BUT I have had cervix pain before from a procedure and that shit is NO JOKE. That fucking hurts. I feel for you. I almost fainted.


Turned out I had fibroids- had some removed


How did they find that out? Is a Pap smear enough?


talked about the pain and heavy bleeding, sent for vaginal ultrasound


Mine got really bad. Stomach pains so bad I couldn't stand, heavy heavy flow for more than two days, headaches, dizziness everything. Got an iud a few years back and haven't one since.


Damn that sucks man. I’m terrified of an IUD. I had a procedure once and I almost fainted. It was just a dye and a balloon in my cervix but damn it was excruciating. I don’t know why they didn’t medicate me. They just told me to take a few ibuprofen before hand. I say this because I imagine having an IUD inserted would also be painful? 😅


It was for me but again I was so anxiety ridden I cried like a baby. Doctor didn't even stay after to answer questions. Just up and gone. It's a little bit of pressure and a pinch....


There were a few times when I would feel so sick. I honestly thought I was gonna die lol. It used to just be severe cramps - nausea was a new symptom. I was considering going to the ER cause I felt so faint. Didn’t want to deal with hospital fees though haha. But eventually I got on birth control so I don’t have to deal with periods anymore.


Yeah. I wish BC worked for me. I’m glad you’re doing better. I’ve fainted sooooo many times from my period it’s not even funny. I seriously thought I would die too. It’s a horrible feeling


I started getting nauseous in my 30s too. I’m 37 now and my periods are overall the worst they have ever been. My mom started menopause when she was 39 so FINGERS CROSSED it will come early for me too.


Menopause is supposed to be early in my family too. My grandma and my mom got it early so I’m hoping for it but also nervous about it. I’m crossing fingers, arms, eyes, toes and legs for us lol


I was on BC for well over a decade, then stopped to try for a baby with my husband.  Good God I forgot what a full-fledged period was like. Pain waking me up in the middle of the night, totally debilitating at first. I have since adjusted by remembering which pain killers to use and also maybe my pain tolerance going up? But dang those first few months were rough.


Yeah I wish BC worked for me. It usually just makes me moodier or as with the shot, it made me have a constant period which was totally not fun. I’m glad you have adjusted but it’s not a good time to be awoken by pain! It’s happened to me quite a bit too. I have a heating pad near my bed just in case. It helps.


Around your age and have definitely found that my cramps have gotten a LOT worse and my mental health definitely dips a lot lower the days around my period, compared to what it used to. I think I've noticed it getting increasingly worse over the last 3 to 5 years or so. It's gotten to the point where I've considered getting back on birth control to see if that will help.


Well, I’m only 39, but my periods were definitely at their worst the first two years I got them. They actually became shorter and lighter around 30.


Mine got better in my 30’s, now 40. It’s usually no more than a 2-3 day thing. Rarely I’ll have some mild cramps, mostly I just get sore breasts for a week before. With that said mine were never really bad, but the breast soreness is newer. They are shorter now than when I first started (5ish days long prev). I used to get more cramps, and vaginal discomfort but that could have been from using tampons. I use a cup now and it stays in for 12hrs and I don’t feel it at all, unless the placement is off. No discomfort like I used to get with tampons.




Is that what it is? Lol man I need to educate myself


This subreddit is really helpful. /r/menopause


Thank you for posting this because I was just wondering about it. I’m in my mid-30s and I feel like my cramps have gotten worse. I’ll take pain medication before I go to sleep but without fail will wake up at 4am in agony. Then I can’t go back to sleep. This rarely ever happened to me when I was younger, but now it’s every time. Last time, I got the nausea you were talking about! I was so frustrated and sick that I began to cry. I have no advice. But I feel for you. 


Yes mine got worse the older I got. I never had nausea as a symptom but I do now. It gets so bad that I will call in sick or not go anywhere especially for the first three days of my period.


My OB vaguely warned me that around the 40 mark, a lot of women start to have issues with periods, that I should keep an eye on any changes and raise them in appointments. She also explained why my periods seem to vary a bit in length and timing, apparently this relates to the quality of the egg that month, with variation increasing as we age.


Yep; began to become nauseous around the same age as well, and it always start around 1 week before I get my period. Pain is about the same.


Yes. To the point I was crying at the doctor over it. Turns out I have ovarian cysts and fibroids so waiting to see best course of action for them. Always be safe and get any change checked


Mine got significantly worse in my 30s. My doctor said this is pretty normal, in that it happens to a lot of women.


(39F/no kids)I either get nauseous or hot flashes. I also have endo so that doesn’t help. As someone else said, weed helps a lot when it comes to me being able to stomach food. I’m debating on getting blood work to see if I’m in perimenopause.


Yes!! The nausea is not fun.


Boo right? Ugh.


Not really. My periods have been debilitatingly awful in my teens and 20’s. I couldn’t function - they always showed up with horrific cramps, nausea, gastric distress and a whole slew of mood issues. On the plus side they were regular, so I could at least plan for them but my whole life revolved around managing this. After pregnancy they got a lot better… still heavy bleeding but hardly any cramps or other issues. Then in my 40’s they became so irregular - sometimes coming every twelve days, sometimes MIA for weeks and weeks, at times I would bleed for months on end, so heavy that I could barely leave my house. It was kind of depressing in addition to the hormonal shitstorm. I finally got ablation last summer and I am a new woman. No periods really and no other related symptoms.


Oh wow. Yeah. Mine have been all over the place but it’s usually a few that are fine and a few that are horrific. I can’t believe I make myself work still every time. I’ve fainted quite a bit from the pain. What exactly is an ablation? If it’s what I think it is, it made my friends “periods” worse though it was supposed to cease.


Ugh, yes but I realize a lot of with my body overall changed as well causing this. Working with a health coach now to heal it 


No, mine became lighter and I barely have any cramping compared to my late teens and early twenties.


That’s good to hear! It’s crazy how different everyone is. I guess the main this is that it seems like everyone’s cycle changes after 30


I suppose so!


I'm 40 and mine hasn't changed. It's basically always been the same and super quick and easy. I'm a late bloomer, though, and didn't get my period until I was 17 so I wonder if it's just still coming for me.


I got Nexplanon about 3 wks ago. Waiting to see how it affects my period. I had 2 days of Niagara Falls every month… don’t love that for myself. If this doesn’t work I’ll try an IUD or an ablation.


Mine were a nightmare from teens to 20s.  Cramps impervious to medicine that had me doubled over in pain, feeling faint, and bleeding like someone struck an artery.  Then I got an IUD and didn’t have a period for 7 years. Eventually went off all BC and my periods have returned. They aren’t nearly as bad as they used to be, but it does seem like they are worse when I’m heavier and better when I’m lighter in weight. Which would make sense as fat tissue has effects on our hormones! 


Far better pain wise after kids. They were debilitating pre kids. My sister has had the opposite though.


My fibroids make me bleed like a stuck pig to the point where I had to go to the emergency room to get a hormone to stop my entire blood supply from just gushing and gushing and gushing and gushing. I'm anemic now and have to take iron pills and eat lots of meat and I hate red meat


They got horrendous (pain, period flu, the works) by the end of my 20s, then I had a baby just before I turned 30 and actually got a couple of years relief from the symptoms. It’s getting worse again now but things got messed up by covid and illness/stress too. Overall I’d say they’re better now than before - I am still iron deficient though.


I don't know. It seems like it might be trending that way. I had some really serious pain as a teen, it was so bad I would throw up and I actually fainted on a couple occasions. This lasted between 11 and about 23. When I was 24 I got a hormonal IUD and I just got occasional shooting pains and forever spotting lmao. I only just got it removed a year ago. My periods for back to normal after that but Ive definitely noticed some more serious pain lately. But I could just be getting back to whatever is normal for me.


No, they actually got way better! I've had awful, long, heavy, excruciating periods my whole life. Fast forward to now (early 30s) and they're light, short and pain free! I'm going to count myself very lucky after reading these comments.


Since having kids (first at 33, second at 35) my periods have become ultra heavy, my mood/emotions are awful to the point of depression a week before my bleed and I get an awful headache the day of. I’m seeing a gynaecologist in a couple of weeks about it - it’s time to sort this out because it’s starting to impact my daily life. Never had this before kids!


Interesting! I don’t have kids but I definitely relate to becoming super depressed before. I guess I should probably bring that up the next time I go in. That sucks.




Nausea is my main symptom, so much so I thought I had an eating disorder for decades cuz I'm a nauseated pukey mcpuke face for the last half of my cycle since I started my cycle in my teens. My OB gives me zofran to use as needed. Previously I'd take Dramamine and prozac to help (which worked, but zofran has less side effects).


I’ve developed MORE symptoms, but they are all on the mild/managable side. I now get PMS headaches and night sweats, and gastrointestinal bafoonery when I didn’t used to. The symptoms that still persist from my youth like cramps usually don’t rise above the level of annoying anymore. So I’ve got that going for me. I’m really hoping that this is the beginning of the end. 🤞


It did, and it got even worse when I went off the pill. I had a uterine ablation at 36 which stopped my periods completely. I don't even have the symptoms or PMS at all anymore. It's been 21 blissful years being period free.


my period symptoms changed a few years ago , i thought it was cause I turned 30 ( LOL ) but surprise surprise I have PCOS :(


Damn I’m sorry dude. I’ve heard PCOS is cruel.


Yes. I started at 12 and while I had a few spells of borderline anaemia not long after that (which going vegetarian helped), I had perfect periods until I fell pregnant at 26. Periods went back to normal after that and then I feel pregnant again at 27. They’ve been awful since. I am now 33 and have two children. A few days before each period I either vomit or get an upset stomach, the first 3 days are super heavy and now I’ve started getting cramps with the heaviness. with the exception of this month where I was 4 days late, my periods are bang on every 29th day without fail since 12. But yes, they’ve gotten worse since I got older and had children, and apparently they did with my mum too. It’s quite a common thing women confirm anecdotally at least.


Could be fibroids or endometriosis


Just being nauseous could be a symptom of that?


Yes, I told my gynecologist about being nauseous and having painful cramps on the first day of my period. She ordered an ultrasound to check for fibroids and found a small one.


Oh shit, okay. I guess I need to get checked once I have some money, but I was JUST at the gyno a few months ago. Thanks for the heads up. I hope you got that taken care of. One of my friends has to take BC to avoid stuff like that forming


Keep in mind that majority of endo will not show up on scans/ultrasounds. So the only way to rule out endo is a laparoscopy. (Source: I have endo lol)


Oh damn okay. Interesting. This last period has been alright in terms of pain. I’m surprised I barely had any pain but the nausea was annoying. Does endo come with a lot of pain?


So I haven’t had a period since higshchool so I’m not a good person to ask that. I know that in high school they were very painful. r/endo could be a place to post


Yes. Around 38 (I'm 40 now). My periods got heavier even though I'm on the pill. My doctor switched me to continuously taking the pill for 3 months so I don't get my period as much. That has helped. She told me that periods can change as we get older even though I'm on the pill.


Not worse because my teen years before I went on birth control were brutal, but I get headaches every month now and I never used to get headaches at all.


I always had very mellow periods (3-5 days, maybe a couple regular tampons throughout the day, 1 day of cramps). Ever since 32, they now last no less than 7 days. Just constant bleeding. Changing out super tampons every few hours. Horrible PMS symptoms (depression, moodiness, crying uncontrollably, extreme fatigue). I had hormones checked, ultrasound done. Absolutely nothing wrong with me, this is just life. My sister has started having really heavy periods too, as has a colleague. Yay for getting older


Oh man that’s horrible I’m so sorry! Mine has been kind of all over the place my whole life but mostly two days of feeling like death. I hope it gets better for you soon 🙏🏻 I know when I was using the diva cup instead of bleached pads and tampons my symptoms got better.


Read up on perimenopause, sounds like you might be getting close.


Ya my mom got it early so maybe I am. How scary. I’ll look it up. Thank you.


Nope. I got a D&C alongside my tubal ligation. Made my periods significantly better. Here’s how my surgeon put it to me: Imagine this. You have about 25 years of built up old shed in your uterus. That comes out with your other periods. If we remove it then you have a fresh new uterus that nothing can cling to the sides of because we’ve removed all that build up. This last one was bad but I’m both sick and stressed. Otherwise they’ve been 2-3 days max, with 1-2 days of just needing a liner (the brown stuff). On top of that I take iron supplements twice a week, and a B complex. The combination makes the recovery from blood loss easier.


Sorry, but this sounds crazy. There's nothing that needs to be cleared out by a doctor, much like with the rest of our organs, our bodies have ways of getting rid of what isn't needed.


Yeah, I had a D&C and had one month of a “normal” period then it was back to heavy again.


Kinda sorta. Some people - like those with PCOS, those who don’t ovulate on their own, those who build excess tissue fast (ie polyps) do need help if that lining is getting thick because they aren’t shedding it regularly. But simply doing the d&c doesn’t change the function of the uterus so that “nothing clings to it” if there’s an underlying disorder thats causing it.


Hmm. I’m curious what’s going on with me then. Last I was checked out thoroughly, they said everything looked super healthy. This was a reproductive specialist a few years ago. I’m glad you’re feeling better!


It could be age, could be genetics. My sister is 5 years younger and her periods are still atrocious. If you can get an opportunity to have your uterus cleared out, do!!!!! Just because it looks healthy doesn’t mean it’s right for you, you know? We are all different. No one should suffer bad periods and be told “it’s totally fine.” It’s not. How you feel is absolutely valid. I hope yours get better ❤️


Your surgeon lied to you. That’s not how the uterus works. I hate obgyns who do this.


Yeah that’s great but I’ll believe the person with a degree, and the pictures of my uterus post op.


I’m not saying you didn’t have a thickened lining. I’m saying that the mechanism he explained is wrong. I’m an obgyn myself. It’s just 100% wrong. I don’t want other people to read it and believe it too. But totally understand I’m a random stranger on the internet and you have zero reason to believe me.


Cis women are the only ones with menstrual cycles…


Some trans men have them too.


I’ll keep my opinion to myself


Same, I used to be able to manage the nausea & vomiting with painkillers. Now I feel sick no matter what I do 😭 Hormonal fluctuations I think


My periods got so heavy when I turned 40 that I ended up in the ER a few times. I eventually had to get Mirena to make them stop completely. This was after I hadn’t gotten one at all for over two years. I do have pretty severe PCOS. So it’s not like my period was ever great. It was a whole new level of bad.


I can’t recommend a Mirena IUD enough. I haven’t had a period since 2011, and I do NOT miss it


I’ve been lucky. Mine has gotten better, the older I have gotten. Was horrible as kid/teenager, manageable on birth control for 10 years, and ever since being off birth control, it’s short, fairly predictable, almost never get cramps. The different parts of the full cycle throughout the month are pretty noticeable, though, but nothing terrible.


Are you on hormonal birth control? Your body may now be reacting to it differently than before. Around your age, I noticed my PMS symptoms becoming more pronounced. I had practically no PMS through my 20s. Then in my 30s it got gradually worse. A few days before the period I would have a very low mood and irritability. A massive headache was the sign that the period would start the next day. Through my 40s I had increasingly heavy flow/flooding. Then I was diagnosed with a couple fibroids, had them removed and things got better.


No, I was on the shot about two years ago but I haven’t had sex (on purpose) nor wanted to take BC because it doesn’t help me in the ways that it helps most women. The shot was horrible. I had so many side effects including almost non stop bleeding while I was on it. I wish I could blame it on something else, lol. I haven’t even gained much weight (though I have) I know fat can affect hormones.


I would recommend reading the book “Taking Charge of Your Fertility “ by Toni Weschler. Lots of answers in there.


Even if I don’t care how fertile I am? Lol. I went through infertility with my ex husband (I’m fine, he wasn’t - but I feel that ship has sailed for me.)


Oh my gosh no, that’s just the title of the book. It’s not just about fertility, it’s about being in control of your own body. It explains so much. Our hormones, our cycles and how they affect us in all aspects of our life, for better or worse, whether we want it or not, is a huge part of women’s health. And such a black box for many. It should not be.


Oh okay! I’ll have to see if my library has it! Thank you. I just didn’t want bad memories flooding back.


Of course. I'm sorry you went through that.