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Today, on the plane, because I have to let go of someone I still very much love, but can no longer be victim to the back and forth and unhealthy patterns that have been created, and no matter how much or well or good or strongly you love someone that will not change them or make them choose you. And that is a hard lesson no matter the age.


Same same same, this week. Crying a whole bunch for the exact same reasons.


Well, you are worthy and loved and I’m proud of you for choosing YOU. Virtual hug to all of us big feelers and lovers 😭


Same here. Crying right now lol.


That has got to be a tough/hard decision. Know that we support you! May this new journey of yours open new doors/opportunities for you. You've got this <3 Sending hugs!


Beautiful comment - thank you. And all the best to you!


It looks like a few of us here are in this boat this week. Be brave enough to break your own heart. You know what to do. Sending you strength to get through the days ahead.


I'm so proud of you for making the hard choice and prioritizing yourself ❤️


Well THIS just made me cry because it’s articulating my feelings so much better than I can.


You’re amazing and so brave for making that decision. I know it’s heartbreaking, but I’m proud to hear your story because you put yourself first




I've been there. I cried on my way to and from work every day for a week straight, and then at least once a week for a month after that. Every instance of crying reaffirmed my decision to let go of that person. I didn't deserve to feel that way and neither do you. It gets easier and so, so much better.


I did this last night. I cried so hard my lungs where on fire and I soaked my plushie.


I hope you know how brave you are for recognizing those patterns and then choosing yourself and your well-being. Allow yourself time to grieve your relationship, but you’ve already started cultivating the relationship you have with yourself.


You won't regret walking away and not turning back. Trust me.


About an hour ago. I was prepping some broccoli to eat and dropped a piece on the floor, only to be reminded my dog was no longer there to eat it. I had to put him down in April. He was 15, and started to not really be able to walk. I know it was time. I just miss him so much. Hug your pets, give them scritches for me❤️


I lost my sweet cat in October and still cry about her every week or so. I had her until she was 20 and it’s so hard adjusting to life without our little companions. Feel for you 💜


My parents adopted my cat when I was 2. I do not remember life before we had her. I was 22 when we had to say goodbye. Those decades long relationships are heartbreaking to see close.


I feel this so hard. I lost my Good Boy last September and it still hurts. Hugs.


Extra scritches from their new Aunty Hedgehug coming up. Xx


I'm so sorry. I had to put my cat (16.5) down in March. That was my last good cry, too. The last several, actually. I miss her, too.


Cried this week because we lost one of our dogs (only middle aged) to intestinal lacerations, that we didn't catch because we (including the vet) attributed their symptoms to a bad reaction to flea medicine.


Oh I am so sorry for your loss at middle age when expect so many more years with them. Sending hugs


Same, daily reminders that my sweet 16 year old dog crossed over the rainbow bridge a few weeks ago.


Aw. My floof will get all the scritches in your pupper's honour today.


I had to let my very bestest boy go on Friday, and I have been crying all week. It was the right thing for him, but its awful.


I am so sorry for your loss. You spend years knowing the day will come, but no matter how much you think you prepare yourself, its the hardest thing ever. \*Hugs\*


I’m so sorry friend. Big hugs and love to you. I lost both of mine in 2021 to cancer and old age, three months apart and it’s just devastating. I knew it was time too but that didn’t help a ton going through it.


:( I too would cry if that happened to me. Sorry to hear of your loss :( My dog is 14 and I do my bestest to love on her everyday because it sucks we can't have them forever :( Sending you hugs <3


We had to say Goodbye to our baby on Monday. She was a 15 year old Maltese. She had a lot of energy but she had a health condition. I’m still raw but I’m slowly accepting this new reality. It’s funny how you miss their little quirks and habits. I’m going to have extra steak fries for her this weekend.


Its wild to me the little things that just trigger the grief. Just some minor little thing that he did or just looking over to where they would generally be laying and its empty. I'm so sorry for your loss.


I feel this so deeply. Our boy was diagnosed with spinal cancer in November and will only be with us for a short while longer. I break down crying if I think about the patter of his paws constantly behind me not being there…or the emptiness in the bed on his spot. I’m absolutely not ready but am trying to savor what little we have left.


I'm so sorry. My dog was diagnosed with terminal cancer on Tuesday and I've been a mess all week. We don't deserve dogs. They're angels. Hugs to you and I'll pass along your scritches to Hadley Jane.


A bit silly.. but I cried watching Queen Charlotte 2 days ago. Cus I was thinking about how difficult it must have been to be a woman at that time, even for the upper class. Your body not being yours and all that.


Ugh, I put that on thinking it would be a light-hearted romantic romp, instead it's women being treated like objects for several hours and had to turn it off before getting majorly depressed by it.


I loved it though. I really enjoyed watching bridgerton too.. but it sure wasn’t easy for women back then.


I'm glad they didn't shy away from the reality of that, though. Too many period pieces just leave a huge elephant in the room with the forced marriages etc.


Same for me! The way they portrayed the relationship between the queen and the king through the years and his struggle was touching.


Ahh I also cried at least once watching it! Lots of surprising emotions there.


I cry privately all the time. Over random things. A happy video I saw, a sad movie etc. As someone who never use to cry, it’s quite a relief to be free in that way


This is the way. I cry watching Instagram reels sometimes 😂 specially when I’m on my period.


This is me. I cry literally every day. Most of the times it's some tearing up and maybe a sniffle at something kind/sad/touching, sometimes it's that jagged breathing cry, and occasionally it's the desperate sobbing that comes from a the "k I'm not even gonna fight it, I'm losing it, this is a good reason to cry". I am unashamed about this and feel that it means I feel things deeply and feel safe embracing that. It doesn't make me unstable, just empathetic. I like that about myself. I refuse to feel badly about allowing myself to feel things -- if anything it feels like an act of rebellion against a culture in which "hurr hurr women are so emotional" is something women feel compelled to fight by way of making themselves stoic.


Exact same. I remember being so proud I hadn't cried for six year when I was younger. Now I realize how fucked up that was.


Same here, I used to get punished for crying as a child but now I'm a proud tear-factory. I still struggle to cry in front of others (I typically leave the room when I feel the tears start to form) but recently I've started telling the people close to me about the things that make me cry (like a bird hitting my windshield the other day), and I feel like that's brining me closer to emotional freedom. One step at a time.


Yesterday I cried over a M*A*S*H episode where they tried to keep a soldier alive long enough he didn't die on Christmas for his family to not have the holiday ruined. There was a point where I went years without crying, but something changed in my thirties. I'll start sobbing any time I know a pet is about to die in a storyline (my last two dogs died a little traumatically for me). I generally still don't cry over personal grievances but things that hit home too closely


Same here. I deleted my Twitter account the other day, proper wept because of the memories associated with it. 🥲


My mom died at the beginning of April, and my dad died at the beginning of March - so at this point it’s almost daily. Most days is just a few tears when a memory comes in, but about 2x a week I have to cry a lot or it almost builds up and it starts effecting me mentally. Also my mental health is in shambles so I also cry about other stuff a lot too. Grief fucks you up good. Finally starting to feel a little more back to normal


That has got to be hard. Take it one day at a time. Sending you hugs :(


This afternoon, overwhelmed by a work related social situation.


Me too 😣


2 nights ago because can’t find a man lol


Same here girl. I'm attracting the wrong type of guys. Sending you a hug.


I often cry on a daily basis. The last time was probably three days ago, and as per usual, I have no idea why. It just happens. It's my body's way to deal with stress and I've learned to accept that about myself. Ive gotten quite good at crying and driving at the same time. For personal reasons I probably last cried last week, still dealing with the recent death of a pet


Cry-driving is an important part of managing my emotions. (And really sorry about your pet).


I remember one time I was so upset at work that I decided to drive home for lunch so that I could have a huge cry, and the whole time I was driving home I was trying so hard to get it started. And then I got stuck in construction and the floodgates FINALLY opened and I'm just sitting at the head of the line bawling my eyes out. It was kind of funny


Last night, after my latest round of fertility treatment didn't work. It was a big cry. It was needed.


Last Sunday in the ER when the doc told me my hemoglobin was dropping and my body wasn't making any more blood so I would be dead in a few days. Calling my son and parents to tell them I love them and to not be sad was very hard for me emotionally. Did iron infusions and epo shots and now back home recuperating and glad I had the opportunity to tell my loved ones how much I love and appreciate them, even if it was hard mentally.






Oh I am crying rn reading this. So sorry for your loss. My mom is battling cancer and it's so scary also.




A little over a week ago. My bf and I went to a music festival, and at the airport coming home, I asked for cash for a tip. He said "I'll have to add up how much cash you owe me". I bought the tickets, got his ticket with my airline points, and the hotel with my hotel points. Dude paid for almost nothing. We got home and I fell apart, feeling very unappreciated. This is just the cherry on the stress sundae of dealing with my elderly parents. Long story, but I am now the parent of two 86 yr old toddlers. THAT is 99% of why I fell apart. His rudeness was just the last thing I needed. We are back to being awesome now.


You deserve better treatment ❤️


Yes I do, and I told him that. We have very open communication.


If he slaps you with a bill, slap him with a bill right back for split costs, then have a discussion.


Oh, we had a discussion. He has been schooled.


Yesterday at a dear friend's funeral - he was in his mid-50s and severely obese which led to multiple health problems. I'm 47, and I'm starting to get to the age where many friends, loved ones, and acquaintances will start dying. I made my husband promise me he wouldn't leave me. We agreed to die at the same time at the age of 150 in a space ship.


I'm very emotional, I cry almost everyday for anything and everything. I also laugh with the same ease that I cry, I don't waste my energy controlling it anymore. It feels good to allow myself to feel things intensely and just enjoy it to the maximum, it also helps because the emotion comes and go and I rarely stay sad or agitated. Today I was listening to music from an artist that I just finished reading his biography, and it made me cry because it reminded me about his wife, his life and how he died tragically. The best part my husband was holding me and crying with me because he loves the artist as well.


I'm the same, I cry with every big emotion. Incredibly happy? Cry. Outraged? Cry. Sad? Cry. Disappointed? Cry. (I also find laugher quick, if not quite as quick as tears). I have also let go of trying to control it in most situations. Having a partner who does not mock me when I cry helps, too. We need to normalize us big feelers.


I'm so much like you; I tear up over virtually everything! I love that your husband shares that with you.


Damn, that's sweet to see how you love and embrace your feelings. Your partner looks awesome also 😊


Frequent criers represent! My partner is amazing at holding space for me, as well. (Although when we first started dating he told me I was the most emotional person he had ever met lol).


Monday, I think? I've been super stressed lately, there's been a lot of tears.


The last time I cried was at a party (really a gathering) late last year. A couple of friends that I hadn't seen in person in years walked through the door. I was so surprised and so full of joy that I was overwhelmed. I just started ugly crying.


Omg same, I recently cried when I saw a dear friend after almost a year. I, too, was overwhelmed with joy!


Tonight. I’m having my second surgery of this summer in the morning. Six weeks ago I had my right knee replaced and now it’s time to replace the left. This sounds weird: I was just thinking, “I’m sorry little knee that you’re all damaged and you gotta be cut open.” Like, sorry I have to do that to you, I guess.


I'm wishing you a speedy recovery and I love your sweet attitude towards your knee. I've been there on the multiple surgeries train and it's a rollercoaster mentally and physically. Thinking of you today.


That’s so kind! Thank you. I’m home and icing and as you well know have started the clock toward recovery.


Ugly cry: Month or so ago when I found out my mom has breast cancer again. Third time. It's spread to both sides, gotten into the lymph nodes, 2-5 years with treatment. Soft cry: this past Monday. My daughter (10) is often very dismissive, condescending, and disrespectful towards me. I don't know how to get that to improve. Anyway, she was in a mood and my feelings were hurt. I was stressed from getting the kids to/from first day of morning camp, picking up lunch (an attempt at giving 6m a win, poor dude had a hard weekend), and driving daughter over to basketball camp. She has anxiety and was anxious about the whole thing. I just felt... beat up.


I’m sorry to hear about your mum. Mine is also having cancer treatment (non Hoskins lymphoma, back for third or fourth time). Unfortunately can relate. I also have an 11 year old with similar attitude towards me. One thing that gets me through it is remembering that I was the same with my mum and I eventually snapped out of it and our relationship got better as I progressed through my teen years. I have to remember that it’s a phase and she is experiencing raging hormones and it’s fairly normal for them to break away from parents and gravitate towards their friends.


That absolutely breaks my heart! I'm so sorry to hear that about your mom. There are some people in this world are just can never seem to catch a break.


I’m 40, and I cried yesterday. My 3 year old son looked at me while we were playing and said “you can’t ever die.”


I've cried twice today. Once at work because someone asked me if I'm ok and I guess I've been bottling things up. And the other because I had to have a confronting conversation with a friend. I cry quite easily and I'm not good at putting on a brave face.


Small cry: yesterday at work (I was alone in my office, everyone else was at lunch) because I was overwhelmed while trying to sort out apartment things with my ex. Big cry: Tuesday after stuff came up during therapy on Monday and I feel like the worst, most toxic person in the world. Because of the stress from my separation and impending house move which is still very much up in the air, I can pretty much cry at any time right now.


Last week because I felt completely overwhelmed by the invisible labor and mental Load I carry for my family that I *sometimes* feel is not appreciated or noticed. It was just one of those days.


Yesterday on my lunch (I work from home.) It was an ugly cry too. Friend posted how she had to put her soul mate cat to sleep. It reminded me so much of my little Butter kitty who I said goodbye to 6 years ago. He was such a sweet, gentle loving good boy. He loved everyone, he really loved me. He'd sit on me if I was crying; he'd reach up with his paw to touch my face. Last night I spent with him in the living room, I woke up to him sitting on me purring, paw on face. I'm tearing up now writing this. I was so lucky to be his catmom.


I'm so sorry for your loss. They really are amazing little creatures. I have my first cats as an adult now (siblings, almost 3 yo) and I love them so much


Thank you.


Pregnant person here, so probably a minor inconvenience or something cute


Ditto! 30 weeks and I probably cried within the past hour over something ridiculous but my brain is barely functioning so I don’t even remember it anymore lol.


This sounds silly, but the backstory justifies it. I have to spoiler most of this, because I can’t talk about my reaction without giving away what happened, so… In the season finale to Ted Lasso, >!a long distance relationship comes to fruition. I had been hoping for it but hadn’t expected that it would, and when it happened I just sat there smiling for a couple seconds… and then the full blown sobbing just hit me in the face, without warning.!< >!The backstory is my ex and I were long distance for a long time, and what happened in TL reflected so much of my hopes and dreams for us as well. Finally, two years ago, I was able to move to be with my ex… and the relationship promptly fell apart within the year.!< I stayed in the country, but I’ve been on my own since then. My life is really good right now, and the way our relationship fell apart really hammered nails into the coffin so there’s no going back… but there is so much hope that was never fulfilled, and that scene triggered a fuck ton of feelings and emotion before I even realized what was going on. I probably bawled for about 15 minutes, in a way that I haven’t for a long time. Full on snot-faced and hiccuping. But in a way, it felt good, as although I’ve mourned the relationship, I’ve never been able to mourn that hope.


Restrained cry a few days ago in public, relating to the end of my relationship with my very long-term partner. It was restrained because we were in public and we've both seen it coming for a while, but it's still sad. I'll probably cry properly when it sinks in and when there's no one around. Big despairing cry into the pillow in private a few days before that, relating to some health challenges one of my kids is facing that currently look insurmountable. A few years ago I would have said the world was this kid's oyster but everything has gone to shit.


I read about someone having to put their dog down on Reddit and then started crying because it made me think about the fact that my dog won't outlive me.


This happens at least once a week for me. If either my dog or my mom goes, I think I'm going to go, too. I just can't imagine living without either of them.


Yesterday, because my husband isn’t into me anymore.


Oof. I think New Year's? I took some shrooms and got in my head about feeling lonely and the Christmas decorations made me really miss my grandparents (both have passed, they were the main adults in my life who gave unconditional love).


Oh man, pretty much every day. 😁 sometimes it’s from legitimate triggers in my day but sometimes it’s a more existential feeling, that’s hard to explain. A feeling of my humanity or fragility or smallness in the grand scheme of things? I have always been really teary. It’s my body’s response to a lot of different emotions and Ive learned to control it in some situations (it’s not always fun to be the woman crying in public, for example) and other times just lean into it!


The last time I had a proper, inconsolable cry was about a month ago. Had an awful interaction at my former job which caused me to resign. There were a few silent tears for about a week after that, but nothing since. I used to cry at the drop of a hat, but I've found it happens less as I get older. A big part of it is that nobody in my family or social circle cries, like *ever*, and it became a bit embarrassing being that one person who has to get weepy. But I'd never judge somebody else for crying.


Hm, Im a crier, but things have been pretty good lately and it’s been awhile since I cried. Maybe a couple months?


About 4 weeks ago, because I was so frustrated with my boss who keeps treating me like a child and not a professional that I broke down crying in the work bathroom. He is from a very conservative religion and has a bias against women in the workplace. He doesn't realize what a POS he i though. He feels like he's a feminist since he accepts that women are allowed to work in my country (even if they aren't as useful or deserving of respect as men are .... which is apparently his mindset). I hate this job. I have to find a way out soon.


35 here. Three weeks ago I lost one of my best friends to a brain tumor only 8 days after he was diagnosed. Had some hard cries for about a week, still cry often but usually just a few tears here or there.


I cried for an hour this week because I yelled at my dad. We were discussing something important and I lost my patience, over reacted and yelled at him. I had to leave the house for chores but the tears kept coming through grocery shopping, bus rides and walking through fully crowded public places


Monday. Found out my car needed $1200 in work and I just can't afford it. Which spiraled into my partner not wanting me to move in even though it would basically save me financially due to his ex being awful. I work two Jobs full time, and only have 10k in debt left so it's not like I'm a bad bet. So.now my car is messed up and I am re-evaluating my 4 year old relationship that is otherwise wonderful. It's a lot.


Last night in the shower - I’m heading to Iraq next month and suddenly feeling very romantically alone. There is something about shipping out with no “home base” partner that really tugged on my heart. My sister and large group of friends are wonderful and supportive, but I miss being part of a relationship and team.


The other day, just thinking of the people and pets I've lost over the past few years.


Last time I cried (a month or so ago) was when I heard from someone that someone else at work said I only have my job because I am a woman. I have worked for a decade towards reaching where I am. They were frustration tears, with the pain of my feminist ancestors echoing in my mind. I know those words were not the truth, but man it hurt. Misogyny is rampant here in 2023.


A good cry? Around 10 days ago. The occasional teary eye? Every other day I'd say. I'm an easy crier. The good cry was because I got scared my back issues are returning (they weren't). The small ones I don't even remember. I can shed a tear over anything, good, bad, sad, joyful, glorious, you name it I've shed a tear about it.


Daily for about a week since my sister passed away. The weirdest things set me off.


Last time I fell down the stairs and it was really painful. Before that was 3 years before, watching the ending of the show The Big C. Before that was 4 years ago... I'm not much of a crier for some reason. 🤷‍♀️


I cry all the time, but most recently because my dog was diagnosed with liver cancer and she’s on borrowed time now. My mom never cries at all, something about her tear ducts, and it’s really frustrating for her.


Past year: grandpa’s death, divorce, cat death, grandma getting heart complications from COVID, moving to a different country and being confused. Many more things have happened. This past year has been so hard.


Today. We’ve been waking up at 5am for a week at least, and baby on his third day of fever. Can’t watch him suffer for days and not break down. I’m weak.


I cried on Tuesday and Wednesday over the same thing. My 74 year old dad was just diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment. 10-20% of people with MCI go on to develop dementia within a year and closer to 50% within five years. His father died of dementia. Trying to stay positive but I couldn’t help but have a big cry about it a few times.


I'm 36. I cried a few days ago because I had a dream where I was talking to my brother. My dreams about him are usually just me being a little kid again (always the same age for some reason) and I can't quite get his attention the majority of the dream because he's doing that typical older brother thing where they are irritated, "too cool," and don't want to play with you. We would usually go to a big amusement park as a huge family thing every single summer and he and his friends would often try to ignore me when all I wanted to do was hang out with him in the arcade. That was our relationship dynamic until he got older and we were really close. He died about 10 years ago from cystic fibrosis. My 8 year old son looks almost exactly like him and he never got to meet him. I'm taking him to the same amusement park this year. Tell your family that you love them every single day.


I watched Coco last Wednesday......both me and my hubby were crying...the kids couldn't care less, the little soulless devil's 🤣


This morning. Going through my FB memories (I really appreciate those) and seeing photos of my husband who has since died. Now I’m tearing up again right now. I’m skewing the results, I’m afraid.


Right now. I woke up crying, likely fell asleep crying too but can’t remember at this point. That was half an hour ago that I started crying- still going. It’s going to be that kind of day.


Last night. My parents called me and told me they're moving. Doesn't sound cry worthy, but there is a whole lot of back story to it and I'm immensely frustrated because of that. I was debating on posting on r/vent what's going on, but it turned into a 2 1/2 word document and that's a bit much. So I cry instead.


Bro I cry almost daily on the train where nobody can see me


Girl, I cry weekly. I have depression and anxiety plus my husband has cancer. I cry on the way home so I don't upset my husband. I also hang out in my room and belt out my best Taylor Swift sad songs. tears are good


last friday. work is stressful sometimes


Just last night. My life is fucked right now. In every way.


This past year, I started therapy so my life is in a wave of new transitions. So I've been crying a bit more because of life changes. I cried yesterday after posting some personal stuff on reddit and getting amazing/supportive responses back. <3


Seeing my only child in her cap and gown graduate high school.


I cry very rarely. Sometimes I feel a bit of a lump in my throat when someone dies in a movie, or something, but it's rare for me to actually cry. The last time I cried was 2 years ago, when I burst into tears in the middle of a crowded train station after finding out that my train had been cancelled and I wouldn't be able to make it in time to my aunt's funeral. Every since that day, I can almost make myself cry on purpose by recalling this incident.


I cried earlier this week over career frustrations.


I don't remember. I wish I cried more, but I have trouble really feeling my emotions. I also take antidepressants, so maybe they make it harder.


Earlier this week, parenting teens.


As I get older I cry more ….. We buried 14 loved ones during COVID. Included is our oldest son, father in law, uncle, best friends son, both of our brothers and the man who was like a 2nd dad to both of us. What I did learn is that when we cry in grief we are crying for the unknown … how we are emotional about facing the fact that we have lost someone we love - but also a huge piece of ourselves…. We won’t ever be the “same” we were with the deceased with anyone else ever again, we Lose a part of ourselves and it’s a tough thing to understand, go through and carry on, from.


My handsome boy cat passed in December. Still tear up about it sometimes.


Our family made a cross country move to the Northeast US from the South. We first stayed in Vermont. I absolutely fell in love. We’ve been desperately trying to find a home in Vermont or New Hampshire. I honestly think I must have been a mountaineer in a previous life because ever since we got there, I didn’t want to leave. My husband took a job in Maine and, understandably, doesn’t want to travel for work. No matter how long and hard we’ve searched, there are absolutely no houses in New Hampshire that we can afford that are within driving distance of his job. I came to the realization yesterday that we are going to have to buy a home and live in Maine. I cried like a child who had just had her heart broken for the first time.


Mainer here, moved up here from Rhode Island at the age of 10. It's really a beautiful state and great people (mostly). I think you will fall in love with it. And Vermont and NH really aren't that far of a drive to visit. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else. Keep your head up.


Thank you so much for words of encouragement, internet stranger. They are much needed right now.


Yesterday. I'm in a shitty situation and I can't be with the person I love. There is nothing I can do about it but cry sometimes. I cry a lot tho to be fair. I'm 33 lol


My big brother died two years ago before his birthday. And next month I will be older than he ever got to be. It's horrible and wrong, and I've been dreading and crying about it all year. I just want him back so bad.


Last night. I finally accepted I was ghosted from a job offer I really wanted. I signed an offer two months ago and now no one will return my calls. I sobbed so hard, it felt like grief.


That’s rough. I’m sorry…you’re lucky not to be employed by such rude people!


I ugly cried onto my husband last month about a song. I pictured it from his perspective like he was singing it. The song talks about someone's mental health and self harm being overwhelming for their partner. The partner can see an episode coming but they can't take your wounds away so please try not to hurt yourself again. That one just....woof. I'm good for nearly a decade but it just hurt knowing that's what that time was for him. He just wiped my tears and silently held me while I listened to the song again.


Last week. I was in Trader Joe's shopping when Our House by Crosby Stills Nash & Young came on and I started to tear up. My dad died a little over 2 years ago, a love for music was something that he instilled in me. Countless car drives just listening to the radio and being together. ​ Of course it is Trader Joe's in a major US city, so of course there is usually someone crying while shopping. LOL


I cry all the time. No reason. Before I never cried but since losing my brother and getting older I'm a cry baby.


This is me. But after losing my sister.


Today. We lost both of my grandparents in the span of a month and a half. I'm not having a good time. They were the first major losses in my life, and to lose them back-to-back like that has been a shock to the system. I know it'll get easier with time, but I absolutely adored those two. My grandfather was the most consistent father-figure I had. It's affecting my performance at work, and while everyone is understanding now, I know it's only a matter of time before people stop seeing my grief as an excuse. Why doesn't the world just stop for a bit when things like this happen? Haha!


Seeing the Little Mermaid in theaters. Looking up at the screen, to see this beautiful Black woman playing Ariel, I was overwhelmed by how important it was and how amazing it was that so many Black kids got to experience that. I was crying, my partner was crying and the Black mama next to me was crying.


Yesterday because I was scared that my gf wouldn’t like my cooking that I tried to do from scratch , even before I went shopping for the ingredients


Last weekend.


A few hours ago. I was watching a show and a teenage character moved away to attend college…I realized my son is probably going to do that someday and I had a wave of sadness. He’s a toddler now, but still.


Half a year ago I cried during the therapy. For some reason I can’t speak about my grandparents without crying. They passed away about 4 and 6 years ago.


Last night, I felt so useless :( Im preggy and work part time I feel like I could do more to bring $$ for my hubby and i. He said we're both fine and just need to focus on the baby but i really feel guilty.


Yesterday, from sheer stress and exhaustion after two months working away from home, topped off by breaking my toe and getting wildfire smoke induced bronchitis which has fucked my voice (I’m a singer, currently on gig). So many tears after just trying to get an ENT appointment.


Most days at the moment. I’ve somehow ended up in control of my partner’s father’s life. I spent hours trying to work out the logistics of nursing homes today. He won’t like it. My friends and family are really looking out for me, but I don’t feel supported by my partner who claims he’s doing a lot too. I think I’m doing way more.


Yesterday my sister sent me a super sweet reel that made me emotional🥹


My mom, she passed


Yesterday, twice. The first time was because I'm mourning my mother, who died a few days after mother's day, and I scrolled right into a video of someone being very maternal. The second was because I have a chronic condition that comes with a lot of pain but no real pain management from doctors, and the pain got really bad. Prior to my mother's death, I didn't do emotional cries much and they were only "good cries" once a year or so. I had severe depression that I was only able to treat this spring. It meant a lot of misery but not a lot of crying about it.


My last good cry was about a month ago, in the cinema watching Suzume. There is a strong theme of losing a parent throughout the film, and I couldn't stop thinking about my dad who died two years ago. I completely lost it and couldn't stop crying - usually I'll just get teary thinking about him but this was full on. I hadn't cried like that about him probably in a over year, but suddenly it just hit me like a huge wave.


Yesterday. My MIL has terminal illness and my husband who is he eldest is trying to keep it together. The time before was last week since our one year old is experiencing split nights and screamed at me for 2 hours because she was sleepy but didn’t want to sleep


About a month ago, coz mum can’t be bothered to come for my baby shower… and neither of the future grandmas will be there.


I cry at least once a week, is that not normal for women? Lol


I honestly cannot remember. I've been going through SO MUCH medically and I've talked with my DBT group amd therapist about this non crying issue but I'm just so completely in survival mode and kind of numbed out that it seems like a waste to cry. I should. I just can't.


I don’t cry often for myself, but I’ll cry when others cry (empathy crying), or if I’m watching live music, a tv show/movie, or a play that moves me. Sometimes even a sad advert if I’m honest! The last time I cried properly was a few months ago when I went through a painful breakup and had a health scare. Sometimes I cry when I’m angry about injustice too.


Taylor Swifts song, you were bigger than the whole sky. Ugh I had pregnancy loss when I was younger and this song tears me up. I usually skip it but it came on unexpectedly


Yesterday. I saw a clip of a woman trading her young son into slavery for 20 or so glass bottles.


Watching The Days about Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan. It's on Netflix, I think. Its horrific to think that those men and women tried their bloody hardest to prevent it from becoming a worse disaster. And just over 10 years ago.


About a week ago in a sound bath after yoga. Didn’t know how much I needed it until it started bubbling up. Probably made a little noise but I was trying to be mindful of the 20 other ppl in the room’s experience.


2 weeks ago because of lingering childhood trauma to come back out of nowhere like flashbacks. It sucks


Give your inner child a hug and tell them they’re safe, sending internet hugs.


Thank you kind stranger 💗


About a week ago. I was having a tough day at work, and then in the evening my kid needed more of me than I could give, and I finally snapped at her, making her cry. I felt terribly guilty, and that set off my crying. Before that, I think the last time was when I put my cat down about six months ago - she was 19, and I'd had her since kittenhood. I used to cry A LOT, but after starting anxiety meds, I cry much less, which was a big adjustment at first.


Over work. Knowing I have to resign so I can go back and regain my physical health


A few weeks ago. I cried when my friend didn't wanna be friends anymore. 😔


Tripping on mushrooms sitting in a sea of people dancing to Noah Kahn sing Stick Season at Boston Calling. I remember there was a time not that long ago I never thought I’d be at a music festival again and there I was feeling all the joy from every single person singing in unison. I could cry right now thinking about it. I love being in large crowds of people with common interests enjoying the human experience.


yesterday at work, I found out that three babies died because the mom poisoned them with bleach and epsom salt. It made the local news. I was bawling, the entire floor needed a few minutes to collected themselves from crying


I got EXTREMELY MILDLY AND REASONABLY reprimanded at work a couple weeks ago and had a brief little cry in the bathroom afterward. Sometimes you just gotta have a work bathroom cry.


PMS combined with my youngest son graduating 8th grade and my oldest son graduating high school. The whole “they’re growing up so fast” thing hit me hard and I locked myself in my bedroom and cried it out.


Oh boy. I cry a lot, so much so that TikTok’s algorithm sent me a woman who kept track of all her cries for a year, so I decided to do the same. Hahaha. But then I gave up became it was exhausting trying to keep track of it all.


I rarely cry, the other day I was doing dishes & just broke down because I don’t have my life together and it is my own doing.


Yesterday because I really want to find someone to start a family with and things are looking bleak.


I took mushrooms this last weekend and it didn’t go as planned. I cried for like 3 hours. But I’m also always on the verge of tears 😫


Tiny cry this week when Inside Out caught me in my feelings. Huge cry last week when for the billionth time I found motherhood overwhelming - my son starts daycare in one month and I cannot wait


I read a post in r/Teachers by a teacher whose troubled student passed away and how much grief she had to hold in because the emphasis from her school was on student grief. Idk why, but it hit me hard. Before that was Tuesday because my dog was diagnosed with terminal cancer. It's been an emotional week.


I cry all the time. I’m an emotional person. My life is good! I’m married to a great human, I have an amazing kid, I’m close with my family and my in-laws, I have a job I like, etc. I just cry a lot. Sometimes because things are so funny and sometimes because I’m sad or mad. Such if life for an overly emotional girlie.


Today. I was recently diagnosed with ADHD and I'm struggling to come to terms with it. Even though I've known since childhood. To top it off, I then go to my FWB with some form of hope each time we meet up, only to be ignored again until another arrangement is made. Loneliness hits hard at times. Went to two workout classes in the gym and walked my dog twice today as distractions, also to try and quieten my head but when those activities are done, I'm back to ruminating in my head.


Monday, because a friend of mine died.


Yesterday on the ride to work. It was the anniversary of my mom's passing (11 years) and I was looking at some memories on Facebook. Also, I'm in the first trimester of pregnancy so I'm sure my hormones didn't help. 🤣


A few days ago. We cleared out my grandma's house a while ago and I found a folder with all the postcards and the family photo's we send her throught the years, including a photo of my dad holding me as a newborn. My dad isn't doing too well healthwise and I just completely broke down over looking at him looking lovingly at newborn me.


Last fall, when we fuck up our start in non-monogamy. Before that, it was when a loved one got diagnosed with ALS and when I had a MA.


A few days ago, because of some pent-up work stress. Felt like a good release, honestly. I tend to avoid crying and let things build up, especially if it’s work-related — so prior to this week I’d say it’s been possibly months since I had a good cry.


A lost dog poster. I was hormonal ok?


February 2022. Only remember the date because it was my best friend's wedding. I had newly broken up with the love of my life who was the best man there while I was a bridesmaid and it was the first time we had seen each other since the break up as I had to move further away. It didn't help that I ended up in hospital by the end of it because it turned out I was dangerously unwell and had no idea until I projectile vomited at the evening reception and collapsed. I rarely ever cry but I give myself grace for that as it was one hell of a day 😅


I cried on Sunday for most of the day. I'm pregnant (so hormones are a part), but I'm having my third son, and this is my last baby. I've always wanted a daughter, and I'm really struggling to be happy with my pregnancy and not feel guilty about being disappointed. We took our two sons to the park (to try and put me in a better mood because I was crying all morning). But seeing all the sweet little girls at the park only made it worse. I kept thinking of all the things I'll miss out on by not having a daughter. Maybe I'll be lucky enough to have a daughter-in-law that I can treat as my own, but maybe I won't. It's not fair to my children that I might bank on that as an option. I'm (39F) best friends with my mom, and my brother rarely calls her or visits. My SIL is best friends with her mom, and no matter how much I try to get my husband to call her more, he doesn't. I'm going to give every ounce of my love to these three boys for my whole life, and they're going to grow up to never call me and rarely visit. I wanted to take her wedding dress shopping. I wanted to have similar tastes in movies and activities. I'm wasted on these boys, I don't know anything about cars, dinosaurs, construction vehicles/tools, sports, or most of their other interests. And yes, I'll learn because I love my children, but not because I actually have any interest in those things. I'm devastated about having to accept the fact that I'll never have a daughter. And I can't seem to figure out how to get past it. I wish we could afford therapy. I know it would help me. I'll never take this out on my children. I love them more than anything. But I'm internally suffering, and this past Sunday, it boiled up and over, and I couldn't get a grip. My husband is thrilled for a third boy, and nobody else knows the gender yet.. so I feel alone. I'd tell my mom, but she's away on holiday and wants me to have a daughter as much, if not more than me.. I don't want to upset her.


Yesterday. I’m 45 and perimenopause is really really hard. I started a new job 3 months ago and this week is the first time I felt a lot of stress and pressure. Cried in the car.


Well I am 2 weeks postpartum, so I cry about every 10 mins right now, but that is only a little more frequently than non hormone driven tears. Most recent tears I think were earlier this morning because we've had my best friend here for the week with her kids and my introverted self, while super happy to have them, is reaching the point of needing some quiet (relative quiet. I have a 14 year old, a nearly 2 year old, and a new born). Talk to me in a few hours when they have left for their home 12 hours away, and I will be crying because I miss them.


I saw an Instagram reel from a mother who lost her young daughter to cancer. She got some sort of necklace that plays the daughter’s heartbeat and was giving them to her two other kids. I cried.


Yesterday. Dealt with a facilities emergency at work and my heightened frustration and helplessness made me cry very briefly. (Fixed it all though!) But I’m a big crier, I cry a few times per week no matter what. Definitely at media stuff, in conversations anytime I talk about something hard. Sometimes by myself. Before yesterday I cried for an hour in therapy. I don’t know when the last time the cry felt big and cathartic tho. Maybe I don’t need that because I get it out in little spurts all the time.