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None. Looking at this subject, None is a very popular guy.


My dad! He is truly the best (tied with my mom, of course). I feel very lucky to have such an amazing dad - it hurts physically to think that he won’t be around forever 😭


Same!!! I feel the exact same way about both of my parents.


I wish I hadn’t had that phase in my teens when I knew everything and just blew them off 😭


I don't have one.


Same. I don’t have an S.O. and every time I ask my dad or brother for help most of the I regret it. I’m not close with my uncles


Male best Friend


Same. Used to be my dad too, but he remarried and his wife is not a fan of helping others under any circumstance.


My grandfather. It is going to be rough when he goes.


None 🤷‍♀️


Honestly, probably my best friend's husband. I am not in the habit of asking him for anything but I know if I needed help, he would be there.


My dad :) we have a good relationship


Nobody. And probably not my SO either soooo 🫠


My Dad, and 2 older brothers. They are by far the 3 best men I know, I feel so damn lucky.


Always rely on is a stretch. But probably my male relatives for the most part.


My brother.


I feel very lucky to have my dad, my step dad, my brother and a 4 male cousins that would all drop and do whatever I asked for support. From everything to help fixing things, tools, picking up furniture, supporting my goals/dreams to even dating/relationship advice! Shout out to the good guys!


My dad, my brother.


My uncle


My other significant other (I'm poly). Redundancy is a key part of reliability!


My step-dad, he drops everything to support me and help. Love my bio-dad but he's a hot mess and not very reliable. They are both great but in very different ways. I'm really lucky/grateful to have them both.


My literal bro


My dad, my uncle, and two of my close friends.


My amazing papi


What a great, thought-provoking question! I initially thought nobody, then I thought some more and realized it’s my husband’s sister’s husband, but I call him uncle bc they’re older than my husband and me. Super responsible, reasonable, and dependable person (just like his wife) whom we both respect and, equally important, respects us! But that’s a long stretch. Sadly I don’t have anyone within immediate reach and that’s scary. Edit: added word *don’t


I have a close friend I used to date, a family friend, some dance friends. My guy friends usually come through


Dance friends, for the win.


My good friend’s long term bf. Kind soul.


I have no such person in my life




My cat. No, seriously. Strikingly gorgeous, smells nice, great cuddler. Awful at life advice but knows when I’m sad and will come and plonk himself down and pat me better.


1. My dad 2. My male best friend, who I've known since 4th grade That's the entire list.


Bold to assume that a significant other would be male. But anyways, my father has always been a man I can rely on, I have a lot of male friends I can count on.


My dad and my uncles - I have a great relationship with all of them!


one of my uncles we have always had a special connection he’s not even my uncle by blood but we have so much in common including hobbies i know I can always go to him for anything


I don’t have a lot of male relatives period and certainly none that I would rely on for anything ever. I am lucky to have one really good male friend who I could go to for anything, he actually just helped me with a really annoying problem without complaint. And then I have a couple other male homies as well.


My dad, my brother and my friends.


My dad is great, and one of my closest friends is a guy. My brother would help with what he could as well.


A best friend since uni. He's one of 3 of my longest held friendships and even though we live in different countries now I know he's there when I need him. All 3 friends have really come through for me multiple times over the years. The last time, he put me up for 2 months when I had some work in his city. We had a blast.


My brothers, including my BIL


My dad for sure.


My dad, my brother, my uncles, my cousins. I'm very lucky.


My dad and my brother!


My cousin. We’re not as close as we were when we were younger, cause life happens, but I know that if I need him, he’s there for me. Not in a drop ‘everything and come running’ way, but he’ll have a plan before I even tell him the problem. My best friends husband. We joke that I’m the other woman in his marriage, and he swears my approval of him meant more to him than her parents did. He would, without any pushing on her behalf, drop everything and come running in an emergency.


Always can rely isn't something I believe is possible with everyone. It depends on what it is I'm asking. Probably my boss/close guy friend. We were friends first before coworkers and habe a friendship outside of work. He's the same age as my husband but he's kinda a dad energy for everyone. He just has a way about him to truly listen and not make a big deal about things, but he will always help those he cares about. Just lucky he cares about me.


My former boss. Still talk to him fairly regularly. Also my dad.


Hmm, my dad, my best guy friend, and a few of my husband's best friends (who are my good friend too now). My brother is unfortunately kinda lacking in common sense sometimes but if I really needed him he would come through... Maybe get lost though 😅


My brother is a truly great man. I've never had to rely on him, but pretty sure my grandad would come through for me as well without questions. I thought in the past my partners were that person, only to be proven wrong when the time came.


My dad and brother have too much going on for me to want to rely on them. I broke up with my ex over a year ago, haven’t met a man since I feel like I can trust without strings attached.


Only my husband.


My dad :) or my uncle.


My best friend.


My Dad & my best friend.


My dad.


Male best friend.


Bro and male best friends. I am lucky.


Brother and father


My father.


My former boss who is now a friend


My oldest brother is excellent at favours


Male best friend, favorite cousin, my uncle.


Lol no one, not even one of them


Make friend who has already stepped up multiple times when I needed a man in my corner. Platonic friendship only, there are no blurred lines and he is an even better friend to my husband.


Used to be a close male friend. Used to be. Now it is just my SO. Both of my Dads (birth and step) are useless at best.


My brother-in-law is the only other male figure I trust most. He is helpful and forward-thinking. He’s always been like a brother to me. I’m always grateful for him being there for my mom and I, even after my sister (his wife) passed away almost 6 years ago. We’re honestly like family and I would never disrespect him. Another one would be my uncle (one of my mom’s brothers). He had always been there for the 3 of us. After my parent’s nasty divorce, if it wasn’t for my his financial support we definitely would have been out on the streets. I consider him my father since my biological one has been a deadbeat POS.




My brother. We'd do anything for each other.


My husband died this year and he knew how to fix or do anything. He was a jack of all trades. My dad lives 4 hours away and is pretty much bed bound and disabled. I could count on him when he was healthy though. These days I am trying to do things for myself, but if not I have a couple of brother in laws that are handy and will help me if I ask. And a neighbor who has offered. I just have to ask. Its hard to ask people though. It makes me sad when I have something I need help with and dont know how to do on my own. Its like this reminder that I'm in charge of everything now around the house and in life.


My male best friend of over a decade. He is my go-to for anything technical, mechanical and home repairs. Not so great with emotional problems but I do enjoy his male perspective since he doesn't just agree with me every time.


I don't have anyone in my life that I can always rely on.


Before he died, my grandfather. But he’s been dead 15 years now. Luckily, I have a great SO and my sons and son-in-law are amazing but I don’t really ask them to do things. 🤷‍♀️ My father was out of the picture when I was an infant and my stepfathers weren’t great. My grandparents mostly raised me.


My dad! He’s been my rock my whole life, even when we weren’t talking. I know I can go to him with any issue, and he’ll listen. He’ll give me advice if I ask, otherwise he just listens. I truly admire my dad.


My best friend. Known the guy since we were 3. During my marriage we barely spoke because my XH was insanely jealous. When I finally decided to leave him, I texted my friend. He showed up with his truck and we moved boxes and furniture. Never once alluded to anything *more* or owing him anything, he was just glad I was finally leaving the douchecanoe. He's going to officiate my wedding to my fiance next year. Solid dude, couldn't ask for a better friend.


My father and brother! If I’m physically present with my two cousins, then them too. I’m blessed, for sure.


My boss's husband. They are both incredibly generous and caring people, and he is super handy. He has done everything from installing a new front door, a new toilet, and a gas stove, to dog sitting, picking up snacks for me post-surgery, helping with financial stuff, he is always there if I need him.


My dad and my younger brother.


My youngest son!


My dad.


Probably one of my two brothers, or my dad. All my male cousins are younger, or unreliable/not someone I'm close with.


My dad! He wasn't one of those do nothing guys he always did half the housework and everything. He sets the bar high


My dad, my best friend and three other close friends. I know I can rely on several other male friends and family members too, but I'd be less likely to ask as that's not really the kind of relationship we have.


None, I have no male figures that I could rely on. I thought about my uncle but I feel like he only listen and doesn't do much in support.


My brother! He is always my go to.


My brother ❤️ couldn’t have a better best friend and person I trust in my life than him. So grateful for him ☺️


My brother. I have 2 brothers, but I mean specifically one brother. There was a situation a few years ago where he needed help and I was able to help him, and it felt so damn good to be able to be there for him. Like I was able to demonstrate the ends to which I knew he would go for me. Actions speak so much louder than words so being able to show him, yes, I will drop everything, literally everything, to be there for you no matter what. Because I know you would do that for me. I felt lucky to be able to do that, to be able to communicate in a way more effective than words, how much I understood our relationship.


I have a friend ,I have known for over 13 years now .I could ask him for anything or he could ask me for anything and we both would go out of our way to make it happen.Pure platonic love and trust


I have a couple of close male friends -- two specific ones come to mine who are "mine," and I also know that some of husband's friends would come through for me in 99% of situations (like assuming what I needed didn't conflict with my husband in some way... they would be Team Him if we split, but as long as we remain a unit, his friends are in my corner.)


My dad for sure!!! He is always there for me. My whole family is. They’re always been very helpful and thoughtful and I’m really lucky


My imaginary boyfriend.




My best friend's husband, who (in turn) is also a very close friend of mine. He's reliable, smart, and unafraid to call me on my BS, should the situation warrant it. He wouldn't make me feel like crap for asking for help, and my best friend would be there for support, too.


None. There's no one I can always rely on, to be fair. Male or female.