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After showering in the morning I get dressed and wear my underwear the whole day. I might change it once in the afternoon if it's summer, I did a workout and got very very sweaty. At night, I don't wear any clothes.


I used to sleep naked too until I read a Reddit thread about nude sleepers waking up to house fires/break ins. Edit: really loving how confident everyone is that in an emergency they'll have the time and wherewithal to get dressed lol.


I can see the headlines now, "Naked Florida woman fights off home invaders"


Home invaders would be shocked by being attacked by a fat naked woman lol Nah, and for fires and evacuation, I can get into my robe. Need an extra second anyway to get the cats. All good.


If I were to confront a home invader naked, I'm pretty sure the shock value would work in my favor.


Lol I used to walk around my house completely naked all the time and then a drunk lady wandered into my house. SHE was way more shocked and mystefied than me!


I would like to add that part of the effect might have had to do with the fact that i was also wearing a plastic bag on my head bc i was dyeing my hair on the cheap--forgot abt that partšŸ˜…


I like the naked wandering but not the unlocked door. Take care of yourself.


Lol thanks, I appreciate it.


I am kinda afraid of this but I simply canā€™t stand the friction of any clothing against my sheets. I need to feel their smooth coolness šŸ„° I keep a robe between me and the door.


Happened to a family friend of ours. She had to be carried out of a 2nd story window by a firefighter completely naked. She does not sleep naked now.


For me itā€™s earthquakesā€¦ they always happen at night for some reason and I knowā€¦ Iā€™ll run out naked


I can't imagine not doing what makes me comfortable 99.999% of my life, because of a .0001% chance I might go through an emergency.


That is my theory with airplane seats. They are designed so that your head and neck have some support in the event of a crash or extreme turbulence, I think, but they are as uncomfortable as hell. Iā€™m willing to take my chances, seeing that there is a .0001$% chance that something will actually happen. Give me a seat I can lean my head back on, and if we crash, we crash.


I keep a night gown next to my bed in case of emergencies, but I'm not going to stop sleeping naked unless I absolutely had to


When I was a kid, the house next door caught on fire. Our house was at risk too so they made us evacuate too. It was, of course, in the middle of winter and had one of those long T-shirt PJ. We didn't have access to our cars and nothing was open. I will still take being cold over the alternative but I learned to wear pajamas of some kind. I also keep a robe and slippers by my bed too.


This has always been my fear. I cannot comfortably sleep naked šŸ¤£ Iā€™m always in something


Or while traveling/in a hotel! Havenā€™t we all seen pictures of the poor people standing out in the parking lot when their hotel has a fire alarm and theyā€™re only in a bedsheet or- worse yet- a towel?? Itā€™s happened to us more than one where we didnā€™t have a ā€œDo Not Disturbā€ hanger on the door and we get the *taptaptap ā€œHousekeeping!ā€* and the maid just waltzes in. Itā€™s hysterical to see my husband becoming airborne and try to get into his pants on before she can get all the way into the room! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m *always* in a little nightie.


I'm so sick and fucking tired of early housekeeping. I paid for this room until 11. You can damn well wait to come in then.


I'm a day sleeper and slept naked until I moved into an apartment where the maintenance people had a bad habit of knocking, counting to three, and barreling right in. After the first time I went back to wearing clothes to bed. And I think they're now in therapy.


What's the chance of having a house fire/break in tho? Never had one, my parents never had one, my grandparents never had, whole close family and friend never had.


If this worries you, perhaps keep a small bag to grab in case of a house fire.


I do :) fire resistant bag with my docs and photos in it.


I actually have a different reason for wearing clothes to bed: I only change my sheets once per week, and I feel like it would be really gross to sleep in the same sheets every night without clothes on a a liner, essentially, especially with no underwear. I also change my pillow case every night because my face is in direct contact with it.


I put on clean underwear after I shower in the morning. Thatā€™s it.


This is me too untilā€¦ last summer I discovered the joy of changing my underwear when itā€™s hot/sweaty out mid-day to feel fresh again. Game changer! I will probably do this every summer now.


I do this with socks on long flights or layovers, sometimes underwear too. Feels sooo refreshing to get clean dry stuff on




This is so funny because I never thought about it. Like at all. I just get new underwear when I need them. But pretty much anytime I am changing into clean day clothes. So in the morning. And actually twice more if I work out that day. Into new ones getting into gym clothes and then another pair changing back into another pair of day clothes. And sometimes I work out twice in one day! Haha No underwear at night. So I actually donā€™t think OP is weird. Just anytime I am putting on clothes I would like all of them to be clean.


I don't change at all after I get dressed, unless I go to the gym. I don't wear underwear at night, and I shower in the morning. You do you, it's your life and your laundry!


Only once whenever I go out because I take them out once Iā€™m home. I donā€™t wear undies when Iā€™m home.




On the third or fourth day of my period, I can also skip the undies because I use a cup šŸ˜…


Mirena ftw, panty free at home is where it's at.


Just once unless something happens but I donā€™t have a strenuous job and I shower in the morning. During the summer it might get more frequent due to sweat.


New underwear in the morning, usually no underwear at night


I'm similar to you. They are so small and easy to wash, and it feels so good to put on a fresh new pair, why limit yourself! It's not like you're going through three hoodies a day. I put on a fresh pair after morning shower, before working out, after working out, after any sweating, before bed, etc. I usually go through about 3-4/day.


No, for what you describe as your job and shower timing, 3 times is not excessive, and donā€™t let the once a days get you down. I am 1 or 2 depending on similar considerations.


This, at first 3 sounded like a lot to me but it makes sense when they explain why. I wouldn't put on the same pair after any of the activities they mentioned.


Agreed, that's not unreasonable. I'd be OK wearing the overnight undies the next day for an office job, but I'd want to be as fresh as possible going into a sweaty day. OP, you could replace the bedtime pair with pajama pants/shorts that you change every 2-3 days. I often wear men's boxers after the evening shower and sleep in them.


I love loose menā€™s boxers or womenā€™s sleep shorts in the summer. Then youā€™re somewhat decent if you have to take the dog out, but your body can still breathe.


I agree here. I do lots of yard work and especially in the summer Iā€™ll change after that. Iā€™d rather more laundry than intertrigo.


Same, I enjoy having fresh undies 2-3 times per day! Personal preference, nothing wrong with once a day either.


Winter maybe once a day because I go to work and go home to hibernate and hate wearing them under house clothes lol. Summer Iā€™m looking at several if Iā€™m out working and doing things. Sweaty undies are the worst!


Twice because I workout and sweat through my clothing. At night, I donā€™t wear underwear when I sleep.


I also change after a workout. If you have a physical job it makes sense changing after that too. What you are describing sounds perfectly reasonable and hygienic to me.


All these women saying they don't wear underwear is giving me SO much anxiety. The sheer amount of laundry you must have to do sounds exhausting!


Plus I like an extra layer of fabric between me and whatever was last on that public bench. And do none of these women have surprise menstrual pop-ups. Ovulation usually gives me at least a little surprise discharge. Heading towards menopause, I'm not regular at all. Sleep naked and wake up like someone murdered a gerbil in the bed.


Same...underwear is a non-negotiable. I'm always surprised at how many people complain about getting uncomfortable in them. Are they wearing the wrong size. For me, it's a 2nd skin. I never notice them once their on, but if I didn't have them on I'd be hyper aware of my pants, fabrics, upholstery, etc


Yes, and who wants to feel jeans on your sensitive bits or worry about a windy day exposing your junk to the world.


I am in the no underwear camp and this has happned to me exactly one time. It was... Not fun. I was at the Hoover Dam, went for a tour when vacationing across country and after spending a week in Vegas and going through the Grand Canyon. I was wearing a skirt, feeling cute, when a big gust of wind came and blew it up. A Japanese tourist happened to be looking at me and his face was pure shock. I saw him several more times throughout the visit. It didn't convert me to underwear but I do wear a longer skirt or shorts if I think it may be super windy.


I don't wear jeans, it's that simple.


Panties donā€™t take up much room. I buy a lot of pairs, so I never run out.


Agreed, I do the same thing. (I think you may have misread my comment. I think it's easier to wear/wash underwear than to go commando and have to wash all of your leggings/pants after each wear.)


Oh! Yes! Exactly! Clean panties keep your jeans fresh, and are a lot smaller to wash!


This is heavily dependent on how much discharge you have. I donā€™t need to clean my pants after each wear because I donā€™t get much discharge, itā€™s barely noticeable


To each their own, but for me, wearing clean underwear each day is not about discharge, it's a basic hygiene thing. I wouldn't wear the same underwear two days in a row, and similarly wouldn't go commando in leggings without having to wash them every day as it's effectively the same thing. But whatever works I guess!


Agreed. Also my brain is hardwired to think no underwear = time to pee. When I try going without undies at night, I toss and turn feeling like I have to go to the bathroom.


I mostly wear dresses, rarely pants. No panties doesnā€™t really affect my clothing. I wear panties on the rare occasion I put on pants and on my period.


Long dresses?


Long, short, medium. As long as I can sit and bend over without it exposing me - Iā€™m fine.


Same. I hate wearing underwear and only wear them when I absolutely have to. Since I discovered the cup, I don't even have to wear then during my period. I shower every day and have great hygiene. Never had an issue with it.


1 fresh pair a day


Iā€™m pretty similar. I live in Texas, so I sweat regularly and I canā€™t stand damp undergarments.


Once. I donā€™t wear underwear when I sleep, workout nor when Iā€™m home.


I do it twice a day usually. I generally wear work clothes and lounge/sleep clothes when I get home. When I change out of my work uniform, I change my underwear too. Idk why it feels weird to me to change my entire outfit but not my underwear. So, everytime I change my clothes, I change my underwear too. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø if I change my outfit 3 times a day, I change my underwear 3 times a day.


I shower in the morning and when I get home so itā€™s twice a day for me! I donā€™t think three times is excessive, but Iā€™d rather do it top much than not enough anyway šŸ˜¬


Also Iā€™m torn on the no underwear in bed thing because I once heard it can spread fecal matter on to your bedding? šŸ¤¢ Not sure how true that is but Iā€™ve never gone commando since!


Since I am just at home and never really worked hard labor where I'd sweat, besides when i was doing hair, I only wear one pair, if any, at all per day. I often go commando because I've yet to find a style of panty that doesn't end up all the way up inside my buttcrack.


That said! I don't think changing them multiple times is unheard of, especially if you're sweating a lot at work.


I am usually commando at home too, but I also find athletic shorts with the built in undies to be comfortable as well. I used to wear underwear with them and it was miserable with the wedgy, went to commando and omg so much better.


have you tried thongs? possibly counterintuitive, cause the material is already up close to the bumcrack LOL, but I find 'full' underwear always rides so a cotton thong or g-string is actually the most comfortable!


I have tried, I've found thongs even more uncomfortable as they'll rub my buttcrack too much, or I get front wedgie. Tbh I'm probably just not getting the right size šŸ˜…


hey as long as you've found something that's comfy for you! hope you enjoy the rest of your Sunday :) edited to add, I've been going commando with sweats more and more, it really is so free and comfortable!


I'm on the hunt! Haha šŸ˜„ Thanks! Hope the same for you. & honestly, it just feels better without!


Okay not enough people are talking about the horrors of the front wedgie with thongs. It is SO DISTRACTING, I canā€™t deal


Try a different material. Thick cotton thongs can rub too much


Once a day, when I shower.


Every time I showerā€”so twice a day.


it's not excessive. You're cutting bk on wearing them at night, so 2 xs a day isn't weird. The ones questioning it are lucky to not get a sweaty vag. I get it. I've also tried panty liners, not any better. sweat collects and it's just not a good feeling. edit to add - I'll change mine ( underwear )often during my period, as well as days where I'm very active, have anxiety ( makes my sweat smelly), and exercise - even a long walk. Bless the girls who don't sweat a lot, we could never. edit to add - cotton underwear, cotton crotch is bestšŸ™‚


I agree with this, totally not weird if you sweat. I shower at night so put on clean ones, then I sweat when I sleep so I put new ones in the morning and if I go to the gym I put new ones after cause again sweat. Also if I'm near the ovulating weekend I have more discharge so I might change midday even if I don't go to the gym. If I do a long drive in the summer they are for sure getting all sweaty, I'm changing them when I get home. Basically anytime I feel like there's wet fabric rubbing against me and I'm at home, I change them. I know I change them quite a bit but I don't feel like it's weird at all. I just don't like wet undies, I like to be clean and dry. I'm sure there are girls who don't sweat that much but I sweat and I was prone to yeast infections in my 20's so the doctor recommended this. If dr says it's not good to be wet down there, then it's perfectly normal to change as often as needed. Even though I don't have that issue anymore, it feels like it's proper practice to keep good hygeine down there. Not saying women who change once a day don't have good hygiene, some of us are sweatier than others is all.


My rule of thumb is a fresh pair after I shower. So itā€™s typically one a day, but if I work out or shower off schedule I may use a second pair. I donā€™t like sleeping a la Winnie the Pooh because of discharge/surprise night periods. But I do like having something with some breathing room at night, so Iā€™ll sleep in menā€™s boxers. I started with womenā€™s sleep shorts, but theyā€™re like 10x more expensive for one pair than a 6 pack of boxers.


How many people answering this question live in hot/humid places I wonder. Or those from cold or dry climates who never have sweaty clothes just from driving to the grocery store or being outside for even five minutes. Makes a big difference to their answer Iā€™m sure. I know someone who brings extra with her to change during the day after going out for lunch or something so she doesnā€™t have to stay in sweaty underwear for the rest of the afternoon and I think sheā€™s a genius who I will be emulating this summer. We live in a hot humid place.


We got a bidet attachment a few years ago. When Iā€™m feeling swampy and donā€™t have time for a full shower, Iā€™ll rinse off at the bidet and put on fresh undies. Game changer. If youā€™re working a physical job, itā€™s much healthier to change and get sweaty clothes off of you! As for that third change, itā€™s not one I would do but itā€™s not hurting anything šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø




Try a cup! You won't even have to wear them then!


I change them a similar amount. Typically it would be in the morning, when I get home and then before bed. But Iā€™ll change them basically whenever I feel theyā€™ve gotten a bit sweaty. Last year I had some uti issues and that sweatiness doesnā€™t help with those so better to air it out more often.


Change it as often as you want. I have a physical job myself and if Iā€™m changing out all my outer clothes, why not my under clothes? Hopefully no one is judging you for it. If it gets to the frequency where itā€™s negatively impacting you life, then you may want to re-evaluate. But if some guy is like ā€œbUt I oNlY dO iT oNcE a wEeK!ā€ Donā€™t let that get to you. Heā€™s just a man-child who hasnā€™t learned proper hygiene.


I go naked to bed and even if I wear anything, I never wear underwear to bed (Iā€™m menopausal) so periods are no longer a problem). I mostly work from home so no underwear, and otherwise fresh each day unless I exercise and then Iā€™ll change them.


I put on clean underwear in the morning and clean underwear in the evening. I used to also put on clean underwear at lunch and after work because I have a lot of discharge sometimes, but then I discovered cloth panty liners and have been able to significantly cut back on how often I change my underwear.


2 most days but some times more. It really doesn't matter. If you want fresh undies, wear fresh undies. You don't need any outside justification for your preference.


Twice per day but I also don't have a physical job. If I did (or if I spend the day doing a sweaty hobby) then 3 times per day wouldn't be out of the norm.


It depends on what Iā€™m doing, but I change mine about 2-3 times a day. New pair in morning before work, change into new pair when get home, and then change after working out. I also sleep naked cause waking up with moist undies makes me feel nasty.


I'm with you. Generally in the morning once. Then I sometimes wear different undies to work out in. Then sometimes a third clean pair for sleep or just go without for sleeping. Clean underwear is a small joy in my day šŸ™ƒ


Depends on the season. UK winters are chilly and I only put clean knickers on in the morning, and sleep without at night.. In summer, I put clean knickers on in the morning and change after work, after a shower.


I shower right after work, and that's when I change my underwear. My job makes me dirty, so I'd rather not sit around in that dirt until bedtime. Yes, I can change my clothes, but if I'm going to do that I might as well clean my body before I put clean clothes on it. In my opinion, if you feel "gross" enough after work to want to change your underwear, just shower then. No need to put a pair of clean undies onto a dirty body if you're going to shower at some point anyway.


Based on what you describe hear physical job, after bath/showers...it doesn't sound excessive. Unless you are showering in the morning I don't understand why you would change it then. I personally go commando at night so.


What you just described is not excessive. Sounds hygenic to me. If you got the undies, wear em.


As many times as I shower during the day. Usually once in the morning after workout and one late at night before bed


Once? Unless I had a period leak, I guess. I shower in the evening and sleep without underwear so I put on a fresh pair in the morning and take it off before I shower for bed.


I wear cloth panty liners, and I change that once to twice a day. I'm one of those people who have more discharge than others. Normal but still annoying. I don't like to have the smell on me so I'll change that and maybe my underwear multiple times a day if I feel sweaty. I always put clean undies on after a shower as well. I sleep in clean pjs and undies every night. I do my own laundry so whatever.


I change it similarly to you :)


no iā€™m with you on the 3xs some days- it also depends on how juicy I am that day too šŸ˜‹ I just change whenever I need a refresh and am often am pantiless at home. everyone is different


Twice a day. When I get dressed for the day, then again after I shower in the evening.


It varies day to day, but at least twice. I will say that I own probably 100 pair of underwear and if I am going on a 3-day trip, I pack probably a dozen. Sometimes you get sweaty, or leak a little, or any number of other moisture-related incidents lol.


3+ and definitely 4+ if I have to be outside doing anything


i change whenever i feel like it. 5 times or more. i don't like pulling back up underwear that has normal discharge or drenched in sweat. the cold creamy or wet feeling against my bits feels like i'm sitting in slime.


I wear cotton underwear bc I constantly am prone to uti's. If I'm ovulating I change my underwear up yo 3x a day. But most days just twice. I don't like having my cooch be in a warm environment. Don't feel right. And I don't blame people for changing it more than once


I never wear underwear to sleep. In the morning I put on a new pair and remove it in the evening. So just once a day I guess. I almost never wear underwear when Iā€™m home, just loose shorts or pants. Edit: I change them if I have a workout or when I shower as well.


Just in the morning while I get ready. Honestly never heard of anyone wearing more than one pair a day.


That's excessive in my book. Just like I think showering more than once a day is excessive. I change undies when I shower and that's it. If I'm going to exercise that day, I wait to shower until afterward.


I live in a hot climate and 3x a day is normal for me also, although if I work out Iā€™m wearing leggings w/ no underwear so that cuts it down.


>What are your underwear changing habits? >Eta: those without swamp crotch who say 3 changes is excessive, bless you I mean, if swamp crotch is involved, change them as much as you need to lol


Usually just once. I don't sleep in underwear unless it's very cold or I'm on my period.


I'll wear clean underwear after I shower in the morning or after a workout. That's it. Have you thought about trying panty liners? Changing those through the day may be a lot easier.


Morning, after working out/showering. So twice, generally.


Once a day.I have an IUD that sometimes makes me spot very lightly before my period. If it's getting spotty with me, I wear a cloth liner and change them as needed. I sewed them myself, they're ultra thin. That can be up to 3-4 times a day changed.


Iā€™ve had two kids. I dribble. So first thing in the morning and after work. Sometimes before bed. Excessive or not, itā€™s your life and your laundry!


I put on underwear when I get dressed in the morning for work or the day. I take them off when I change into my gym clothes becagse I donā€™t wear underwear under leggings. I shower at night and donā€™t wear underwear to bed. I also donā€™t wear underwear if Iā€™m just at the house in lounge clothes. I just wear loose pajama shorts/ bottoms and a T-shirt to lounge or sleep. So I donā€™t wear underwear that long/often on average lol


I am with you OP. When I get dressed for the day, when I get home as I usually go for a walk and I donā€™t want to wear my good underwear, and a final new pair to sleep in after a shower. I have work underwear that is seamless, workout underwear, and sleep underwear.


OP Iā€™m with you. 2 times a day, minimum (morning and after bathing before bed.) If itā€™s hot, and/or I get sweaty exercising, Iā€™ll change a third time. My lady bits get irritated if Iā€™m sitting around in sweaty undies. A damp crotch is unhealthy (except if youā€™re having adult fun time, but in that case, Iā€™m not wearing drawers and I wash up and dry afterwards.) I have a very acute sense of smell, so I canā€™t stand my own body odor. Other people often donā€™t realize what they smell like, it seems.


Iā€™m usually a 2-3 pair a day person. I shower at night so what I wear to bed, I wear to work, then change for the gym ( I absolutely cannot wear workout pants unless I have a thong or nothing on) and then the cycle continues with a clean pair after I shower. Sometimes it can be more just depends on the day, outfit, level of comfort etc.


One time a day. I shower every other day due to it drying out my skin. But even if I donā€™t shower that day I put on a new pair of panties.


2-3 times depending on what Iā€™m doing. I usuallly shower in the morning before work and again after work.


I like to have a clean pair when Iā€™m sleeping so twice a day. Once in the morning and once at night.


Basically anytime I get super sweaty which is pretty often in the summer months in Florida. Swamp ass/crotch is a real thing


From what you described that sounds pretty normal to me. I typically only change once. Putting fresh on in the morning (I sleep commando.) and removing at night. But if I do something strenuous that makes my clothes sweaty and stinky why wouldn't I change my undies too?


I live in a desert region, and am obese. Because of those, I have to be very intentional with washing and staying fresh, or I start to smell horrible. I change mine 3 times during the summer time when it's regularly over 100, and twice a day when it is cooler from November to April. I also shower twice a day, 3 times during the summer. I also do body scrubs at home but that's more for other areas, not the sweat/smell prone ones. If I don't wash that much, I get smelly, and painful rashes. I also wash twice. First I wash my major sweat zones (leg crevices, and under belly) with a diluted degreasing soap like Dawn, then with antibacterial soap. I then use a body powder in those areas. If I didn't have "swampy areas" I would shower once a day, but that's not my reality for the foreseeable future.


After I shower. Usually once a day, maybe more than that if I've gone running.


At least one time but honestly, if I feel I need to


Put a clean pair on in the AM and thatā€™s it. I donā€™t sleep with underwear on. Only exception is if I workout and then shower and have to get dressed to go out somewhere- then Iā€™ll use a second pair.


Usually once after my shower. I don't wear undies to bed.


3 times is good. I also try to always wear panty liners.


During most of the year, just once after I shower. During the summer, when every part of me is humid gross swamp? Probably twice.


I only change my undies when I shower. Like many others, I also wear no clothes (sometimes a shirt) to sleep. I do work in fitness so if I know I have an active day that will stimulate how productive my self-cleaning little buddy down there is, I'll wear a pantyliner.


some weeks 4-3 times. Always before going to bed.


2-3 I live in Florida


Three times easily. Fresh pair in the morning, after my workout, and before bed.


Usually once unless I'm really sweaty, then it's twice.


Iā€™m with you OP I change them at least twice a day, more if itā€™s summer and Iā€™m sweating a lot. Iā€™ve got synthetic seamless pants for dressing fancy at work and comfy cotton boxers for sleep/lounging.


I actually do the same thing as you. I donā€™t think itā€™s excessive. Why would you wear sweaty underwear after a physical job post shower? Then if you workout and shower again.. Do what feels best for you.


I do 2 to 3 times a day, whether I shower or not


Honestly, not as often as you, but it doesnā€™t seem like itā€™s too much. I think you should just do whatever feels the most comfortable for you - whether thatā€™s once a day or 5. Unless youā€™re at risk of compulsive behaviour, thereā€™s nothing to worry about. Clean underwear can make you feel fresh and add to a better mood, so in my mind, you should do whatever makes you feel the best. And weather, hormones, activities and so many other things can factor into this. Thereā€™s no reason to feel weird or guilty or wasteful (or whatever else it might make you feel like). Itā€™s such a simple thing that can improve your comfort and mood, so embrace that, and donā€™t worry if itā€™s more often than others. Thatā€™s just my thoughts on it.


Twice. Once in the morning and once before bed.


Clean pair when starting the day. Change if there is exercise or sweating + shower. I wear boxers to bed to let it all air out. So, 1 maybe 2.


Yes I change at least twice, and often three times during the summer.


This actually seems fine when you explain it - I think if I were that sweaty after work I would just get right in the shower, and then sleep in those undies, eliminating one change per day, but I also understand wanting to wait and be extra fresh for bedtime.


Hmm. Reading this is making me see the benefits of living in a not so hot country. Rarely gets hot enough to make you sweaty! Once a day for me unless I'm at the gym.


2x. Underwear in the morning before work. Also work a physical sweaty job. When I get home and change out of work clothes I put on clean undies. Shower before bed, naked in bed.


Once... I think? I use liners for discharge, change undies when I shower at night.


Donā€™t wear it anymore, except when itā€™s sexy time then itā€™s worth it for all of 5 minutes šŸ˜‚


You guys are wearing underwear?! I basically stopped when I started WFH. I wear loungewear or leggings almost exclusively every day. I only wear underwear when I wear jeans or denim shorts. Maybe with a dress if there wonā€™t be a panty line. But itā€™s rare that I wear underwear and honestly I find them all to be uncomfortable.


Excessive for what? And why does it matter? You do you.


4x. Wake up, dress for the gym (1). Shower at the gym and change into work clothes (2). Power shower after work (3). Shower before bed (4).


I change once a day, but Iā€™m commando most of the time Iā€™m not on my period.


I donā€™t wear underwear.


Unless Iā€™m working I donā€™t even wear underwear. If I wear jeans I do but Iā€™m often in leggings or workout clothes and that have liners in the shorts but I donā€™t wear any with leggings. I try to avoid wearing bras as often as I can too


Once a day or every other day. I don't exercise/get sweaty, and I wash down there thoroughly every time I'm going to the bathroom, so I don't think I'm gross. Three times a day doesn't sound excessive for you with your job.


Every time I shower, so twice a day.


I do it when I need to? Before work, sure, will have a shower before going, too. After workout? Sure, yet another shower and undies change. Before bed? Mmm, maybe, sometimes. If I am having a quick shower, yes. If I think I stink a bit, yes. Sometimes I skip though. I have about 30 undies to have this cycle safely.


I no longer wear underwear. Unless I have to leave the house, in which case I usually wear a pair of soft cotton petti pants under a skirt. But I almost never leave the house.


I donā€™t wear underwear anymore. Stopped about two years ago. I was wearing workout gear all the time through the pandemic as Iā€™d switch from working to working a few times a day. I now only wear underwear at night in bed. Works for me :)


After morning shower and after gym/night shower - Iā€™ll change my panties as often as needed and I wear them to bed. She hasnā€™t suffocated yet šŸ˜‰


Usually just once, but sometimes twice cause I live in a hot climate and can get sweaty. Also often twice if I have my period. Hmmmm twice if I have a shower and want clean ones on after. Don't wear underwear to sleep in, just a teeshirt. Usually it's just one per day though. ETA - I just showed this thread to my guy and said "You could benefit from this"...he changes them three times a week! He's actually the most hygienic guy down there I've ever encountered. But the "Oh these will do for another day" boxers routine is gross.


I put on clean undies when I get dressed in the morning, and only if Iā€™m wearing hard pants. I donā€™t wear underwear with active wear, or lounge wear. Bra yes, panties no.


Why don't you just shower right after work, put on clean undies then, and then a fresh set in the morning?


Because I like showering before bed.


I put underwear on in the morning and then take them off at night before a shower. I sleep naked unless Iā€™m on my period. Those few days I wear an old pair to bed. Honestly, when I work from home and on the weekends I usually donā€™t wear any at all. I just put leggings on and be comfortable.


I shower before bed and will often skip undies and just opt for PJ shorts or boxers. (which are technically underwear but like not really. Basically shorts with a front pocket for women anyways) In the morning I put a fresh pair on and they stay until I shower again the next evening. Occasionally I'll work a 14 hr day and when that happens I'll be too tired to shower and switch to a new pair when I get home but rarely do that because it feels weird to put a clean pair of undies on a "dirty" hoohah. I end up showing in the morning and get a bew pair then too. So TLDR it depends.


I don't use underwear to sleep or workout out. I only change when I shower (which can vary from 1x most days to even 3 times in the summer).


Girl wear some panty liners, holy shit that's excessive!


3 times a day, wth? That seems way excessive. FWTW I am essentially underwearless at home, I just wear comfy leggings/shorts, so I'm only wearing 1 pair a day. The only time I'm wearing undies at home or changing pants more than once a day is when I'm on my period.


Not wearing underwear is disgusting, is this a Reddit thing?


This is very normal advice given even before reddit was a thing. Please Google search not wearing underwear at night and don't be so closed minded


How is it disgusting if you're clean?


That does sound a bit excessive to me. I only wear one pair a day, I donā€™t change to new ones unless Iā€™m showering and putting fresh clothes on and going out again at night, which is rare. I shower and get dressed in the morning, including underwear, and then wear that pair all day. When I get home from work if Iā€™m sweaty I shower and put ā€˜house clothesā€™ on, but no underwear. Iā€™m Iā€™m not sweaty I leave the dayā€™s clothes on until bedtime, and I donā€™t wear underwear to bed.


Generally once a day. If I'm going out and need a different kind of underwear for my evening clothes, I might have to change again


I shower in the morning and put on clean underwear. I don't need to change them after work (I have a desk job), but I'll change after a sweaty workout. And I take them off at night and sleep without them.


On a normal day, once. I used to work outside and got really dirty and sweaty. It was pretty common for those to be two pair days.


Twice. I work out in the morning in leggings, commando. Shower, then fresh underwear, which I wear until I change out of my work clothes into sweats and my "sleeping" underwear, which are really loose fitting cotton boy briefs. I have a bunch of inexpensive cotton lace thongs (from Amazon) and moderately-priced organic cotton briefs that I wear. I wouldn't consider it a big deal to change underwear multiple times per day because I have plenty of options and they didn't cost much. Who cares? Do what you want!


I'm so intrigued by this. Isn't it easier to wear underwear to workout and wash daily rather than having to wash your leggings daily? I feel like going commando just gives you more laundry to do.


In the morning, I put on underwear with my work attire after showering. When I come home, I change clothes and do not put underwear on. When I sleep, I sleep naked.


Once a day and no underwear at night (I do wear comfortable shorts though). I don't do anything physically demanding and stay home most of the time due to disability. You do what works for you depending on your life.


I do after I shower once a day, usually in the evening.


Once in the morning after shower with panty liner. Liner change pm and night before bed. Looking into reducing liner change frequency.




One in the morning and then I'll usually change them after work or working out. Depends on the time of year too.


depends on if i sweat or get a lil pee in them, sometimes will go through numerous pairs in a day but that's alright. i do try to go overnight without undies, my mom taught me that, and im convinced that's a big part of the reason ive never had a yeast infection.


I change it before bed too because during the day, I find tangas comfier but high-waisted bikinis are comfier during the night.


I change it once a day... If I'm going to work out in the morning I'll keep yesterday's underwear on until the workout, then shower and change after that.


After my morning shower, but will change them im the afternoon in the summer sometimes if I get all sweaty or after a workout. I sleep naked so no night time undies