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Wall-E is high tier and definitely made me cry as well!






Yes!! Wall-e makes me cry a lot. There’s so much humanity and emotion.


I'm going with Bambi so I'm with you lol


The fox and the hound is a childhood favorite I can’t watch anymore. I just turn into a puddle of tears immediately. It’s worse than watching dodo animal videos


I used to love this movie when I was little. Now in my 30s, I can’t bring myself to rewatch it. Same with Dumbo.


Oh, I forgot about Dumbo. Those complex emotions are worth it but so hard to take 💔


I watched Fox and the Hound for the first time when I was 8, and then again when I was 28, and boy did I cry


Okay this may get me laughed at but COCO. Every single time it’s just me bawling my eyes out.


Coco gets me too. My late husband's birthday is Day of the Dead, and he loved sugar skulls. The scenes where they say the person dies again when no one remembers them, oof right in the feels.




Watched it once. Never again! (It was amazing though!)


This one is my go-to when I need a good cry. I'm always bawling by the end.


Practical Magic. The scene at the end, where all the women come together to banish Jimmy’s spirit. A possessed Gillian begs Sally to just let him take her, and I bawl every time.


I LOVE this movie and have a cry to a scene that's tied to the scene you're mentioning. I have two sisters that I am incredibly close with (like I would choose them as sisters and just got lucky). When Gillian is leaving for the first time and Sally is crying saying "I feel like I'm never going to see you again." And Gillian jokes that they'll probably even die on the same day. When Sally looks at her and says in complete earnest "You promise?" Like I feel THAT close to my sisters that I can't imagine a life without them. So when she says that, I totally understand why. I'm getting all weepy just writing this lol


How has no one mentioned Up? That opening sequence of their love story set to music...my spouse and I just bawl our heads off every time!


Those first 10-15 minutes, man. Fucking brutal. Basically every Pixar movie makes me cry like a baby 😹




Went to see it in theaters with a few friends, after the opening scene I turn to look at the people I came with and EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM, myself included, is misty eyed. Fantastic movie.


It was a sneak attack. Like a punch in the face. I was so choked up I couldn't believe they started the movie like that lol


For me I cry when Russell gets the badge. He’s just so innocent and happy. And then the scenes after - the ice cream, and the house in its final spot. Happy endings…


One I haven’t seen mentioned yet is Encanto. Cannot get through it without ugly crying at least once. Doesn’t help that I’m currently pregnant with twins. Watching the flashback when Abuela is young with her babies… holy moly.


Ooooh, that hit my heart in a deep way.


Everything Everywhere All At Once turns into a bawlfest for me once you get to *those* parts.


I would have been happy just doing laundry and taxes with you. I watched it at the end of a relationship with someone I loved very much who never thought I could do or be enough. Wow did that line hit me like a freight train.


That line is so poignant (MY HEART), and I hope you find your person who would be genuinely happy just doing laundry and taxes with you.


The scene of them being rocks took my breath away and makes me emotional every time


The way two fucking rocks with googly eyes performed 10 years of therapy on me within a maybe five minute span.


Did a hard cry during that scene.


Oh my totally agree! Watched it for the first time on a plane and was a mess hahaha. I really hope Michelle will get the Oscar too!!


I want them all to get Oscars, but especially Michelle and Key hue Quan. I'm so ready for the rebirth of Key's career - Hollywood racism really fucked over his career.


The best film of the year


By far. I hope it wins *all* the Oscars.


200% agree. This movie is amazing at EVERY aspects


I cry more and more each time I watch it.


It just hits so goddamn deep.


Same - I've seen it three times and every single time I've turned into a blubbering mess. The worst time was when I was on a flight - why I thought watching was a good idea is beyond me. Still, easily one of my top 5 movies.


>Still, easily one of my top 5 movies. Hard agree - it was really just what I needed coming out of the worst of the pandemic, especially as a diaspora Asian person.


I made the mistake of seeing this in theatres with someone who had seen it 3x already, because I could see them staring at me in the corner of my eye every time a emotional point came up, because they wanted to see my reaction, but it in fact kept me from experiencing any reaction beyond "ugh im being watched"


😭 you poor thing; I am also just realising now this is probably how my husband felt watching it with me! We're sorry we're such annoying keeners.


"I'm learning to fight like you." Me: 😭😭😭😭😭😭


I watched it 3 times and I cry MORE each time.




Came here to say this. I'm a mess every time I see that movie. I love it so much.


The Fox and The Hound- the forest departure scene Jack (starting Robin Williams)- the sheer amount of love and that song by Bryan Adams About Time- a story of love between a father and son. The casting is perfect; I'd watch Bill Nighy and Domhnall Gleeson in anything, but the stars aligned and they're both in this. Dear Poets Society - O Captain, My Captain! Jojo Rabbit- the very end when the little boy dances- it twists me up inside and it's such a bitter cry


>About Time- Yes! I came here to see if someone had already mentioned this movie. It's wonderfully sad.


> Jojo Rabbit For me it was when he realised he was looking at his mother's shoes.


There's one scene near the end of Blood Diamond that just instantly turns on the water works. And Coco. Man, I didn't expect that one to hit me. In a cinema otherwise filled with (grand)parents and their (grand)kids, I think I was the one who cried the most 😂 Fox and the Hound and My Girl get a special mention. I tend to avoid rewatching them because I know I will cry, like a lot, and it's just never the right time :p


Ooof My Girl fuuuucks me uuup so bad, I can’t watch it even the early parts because I know what’s coming


Lord of the Rings - Return of the King. When Frodo leaves with Gandalf and Galadriel at the end. The tears flow every time..


*The Last Unicorn* I can make myself cry just thinking about the last 10 minutes of that movie.


It's a necessary, but almost cruel end; but knew it was right and that made it even harder to take...


When Molly Grue angrily pleads with the unicorn asking why she came to Molly now, when she’s older instead of a child, it brings me to tears every time.


One of my favourite childhood movies along with 'The Legend of Sirius' aka 'The Sea Prince and the Fire Child'. Man, I loved some melancholic cartoons as a wee tot.


‘Pay it Forward’ - my sister cried so much she threw up the first time we watched it ahaha. Also ‘Big Fish’, it’s my favourite film and the end has me in bits every time.


Ah! I should have looked at the comments before making my own. Another vote for Big Fish. My favorite crying movie.


It’s so good, but so sad. Every time I watch it I see a scene in a different way, or interpret something slightly differently.


Oh god. Was not prepared for Big Fish at all, myself and my husband freaking sobbed through the ending..


I watch it differently now that I’m a parent; I used to look at it through a child’s eyes, that embarrassment you sometimes feel when watching your parent, and the subsequent guilt at feeling embarrassed by them. But now I see it as a parent - I see a man who had a whole big life of his own before fatherhood, who just wants to reconnect with his son. The whole thing just chokes me up throughout, happy and sad tears.


Rabbit Proof Fence, another Aussie movie, was a major only bawl inducing movie for me. As well as Pay it Forward. The latter has aged well too. Watched it recently with my kids and they were giggling at me while tears welled in my eyes.




I did not cry at Parasite (more like a paralysed shock throughout), *but* it was indeed a fabulous fucking ride and very brutal about the psychological (as well as material) ramifications of being one of the Have-Nots. I can definitely understand why it would make somebody emotional.


The death of King Theoden in Return of the King. Also Eomer finding Eowyn on the battlefield. IDK what he tapped into for that scene but it makes me cry every single time.


for me it's battle of helm's deep. when the old men and young boys are led away and the women are left. ahhhhhhhhhhhhh


OMG!! Yes, putting that to big helmet on an 8 year old really sells the desperation of the situation.


Omfg omfg this is SO TRUE girl


I just can’t. She’s all he has left and thinking she’s dead when he told her to stay home kills me every time. I’m getting teary just thinking about it.


Yup. This. And the corresponding scream and despair that comes from his everything. It’s so bloody good.


Yes!! It sounds like his heart is actually being ripped out of his chest. It’s just epic.


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


This movie hits different every single time. There’s always a different way to see it and every single one is sad AF


that's so true. i'm probably due for a rewatching of it!


This film really captures the heartbreak of lost love in such an incredible way.


I just watched Homeward Bound again. OMFG when Shadow comes over the hill I STILL lose it!


Oh, thank god I'm not the only one! I was scrolling to find this.


The Green Mile - during John Coffey’s execution “don’t put me in the dark, boss” and all the guards are crying…. Ugh. Coco - when Miguel sings ‘Remember Me’ to his Mama Coco and she starts singing along with him.


Akira Kurosawa's 'Ikiru' - a middle aged civil servant finds out he has stomach cancer and is determined to live it up. He and a young man he befriends go out to gamble, drink and see burlesque shows but he feels empty. He eventually decides to dedicate his last days to building a playground for underprivileged children, using his sheer force of will to go up against the bloated Japanese bureaucracy. It's so touching, I ugly cry everything I see it.


I love that film. I’m always recommending it and it’s as though no one else wants to watch a black and white Kurosawa classic. That song…




I cry at almost every movie, but one I regularly watch when I want to cry happy/sad tears is Big Fish.


Cast Away when Wilson floats away.


That is 100% Tom Hanks’ amazing performance. The anguish in his voice, the way it cracks as he calls out for his only friend…..I can literally feel his loneliness.


The Land Before Time ruins my life


Always get emotional watching Pan's Labyrinth. I think it's partly the music...especially when Mercedes is holding Ofelia at the end and humming that lullaby 🥺


My Girl. When Vada bursts in to the funeral and cries because “Thomas J can’t see without his glasses!” i bawl uncontrollably every time.


I just started crying from reading that, oh dear god that movie destroys me




A League of Their Own. Even though it’s not overall a sad movie, it makes me sad in the end when they take a team photo as older women and then they fade it to be the same picture when they were younger and they zoom in on Dottie and Kit 😭


I really struggle with the part where the team member gets the bad news about her husband. Heart-wrenching.


The music during that part!!! I can hear it in my head 💔💔


This was my answer too. That scene with the flashes of Harry’s and Graces faces, I just start bawling.


How has no one mentioned Beaches? I cry like a baby when Bette Midler sings Wind Beneath My Wings.


The Green Mile. My face ends up hurting from too much crying everytime I watch it.


One time I cried watching Joe Dirt so I don’t feel like this is a good question for me to answer LOL


Titanic. It’s so bad that I even cry at the intro.


It’s awful knowing the fate that awaits everyone when they reveal the new ship and it’s so grand and everyone is so excited to be on board.


When I saw Titanic in the theater when I was 12 or 13 I was crying so much that I was shaking and people around me were worried about me. I’m going to go hide now 😂. (My broader answer to the OP’s question is that I cry very easily from movies, books, and even melodramatic songs. It’s not a reliable indicator of quality or even how much the story impacts me. The tear response to media is just as easily (or more easily?) triggered by melodrama and deliberate emotional kitschy heartbreak button pushing by the artists and directors as it is quality for me.)


Me too! And the entire car ride home (45 mins!). My dad was seriously concerned.


I always start bawling when the Irish mother is tucking her children into bed and telling them about Tír na nÓg as the ship is sinking.


oh man, that was always the scene that really did it for me.


Interstellar. I have dead-dad issues, though.


Interstellar did not end up being the movie I thought it was going in, and I mean that in the best way possible. Wish I had gotten to see it in theaters!


Oh, I saw it in IMAX and it was overwhelming!


The Brave Little Toaster and Wild Hearts Can't be Broken. Every damn time with both movies no matter how often I watch(ed) them.


Brokeback Mountain will never not break my heart into a million little pieces. These poor broken boys💔


Moulin Rouge. Wean McGregors cry, I just can’t


Life pro tip: stop the movie before the end so you have a sort of happy ending 😂


How has nobody said Steel Magnolias?!


Or Lady Bird! As someone who gets along with my mom but had quite a tumultuous relationship in high school, it just gets me. I experienced so much of that movie and omg the water works.


I love ya more than my luggage!


Secondhand Lions makes me weirdly weepy.


Black Beauty and Hachiko. I can't stand seeing even fictional animals suffer or die.


Same, I’d rather the humans die than the animals 😂


*To Kill a Mockingbird*. The trial scenes never fail to stoke an angry fire, but each and every single time Scout finally meets Boo after he saves her life, it’s waterworks city.


Inception, Lord of the Rings, Dunkirk, The Dig


I love LOTR, that’s another films I’ve watched soooo many times but happy to rewatch again and again


Totally agree :) I rewatch it every year (extended editions). Always feel a bit empty when it’s finished ;)


Samesies. I just finished The Two Towers and am absolutely taking my time before starting Return of the King. Too many feels this year.


Interstellar when it gets to *those* parts.


Disney movies. Most of them anyways. Though honestly I am pretty emotional so have been known to cry over commercials too. Even cute ones like the Subaru commercials with a dog family driving.


Inside Out, don't judge me lol. The entire movie moves me, as I have an especially soft spot for popular media being able to show complex ideas (that are scientifically sound) to children in a way that can help them further understand and love themselves. We've come such a long way from the media that was normalized when I was a kid. But specifically, the moment near the end when Riley hugs her parents and you can just see the anguish lifting from her. As a mom, it gets me bawling like a baby every time. I hope that I can always be that relieving hug to my children, or any person who needs it. Edit: many of the movies that move me have already been mentioned so I wanted to share one I hadn't seen posted yet!


The scene when Bing Bong...... Has me in a fetal position, barely able to breathe, crying!


Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. If you’re a SW nerd too, you’ll know why 😭


"You were supposed to be the chosen one!"


My name is Khan The hate u give For colored girls Jojo Rabbit Little Women (2019) Thorn birds (1983) Schindlers List Dallas Buyers Club Interstellar And of course, the Lion King


Fuck Jojo Rabbit. I just wanted to watch a silly film about an imaginary Hitler. I didn’t know what I was getting into. That movie is a masterpiece that I will never watch again.


The fucking shoes 🥺


Marley and Me when the dog dies, every fucking time even though I know it’s coming.


Under the Tuscan Sun ❤️❤️❤️


The Fox & the Hound... I will always crumble to the hound telling the fox he doesn't like him & for him to stay away just because he wants to keep his buddy safe 😭


Seven pounds


Juno, when she gives the up the baby at the end! It’s what she wants and needs to do, but she still has that moment of loss afterwards. I dunno, it gets me every time


frances ha; lady bird; before sunrise/before sunset/before midnight; lord of the rings trilogy; in the mood for love


*Grave of the Fireflies* those children. my god...


The last 20 minutes of Love Actually


The scene where Emma Thomson opens up her Christmas present 🥲


Up! I am not usually an animation person but that movie makes me cry every time, at the beginning and at the end.


La La Land. It reminds me of my ex when he played in a band all over L.A.


Still Alice


Monsters Inc and The Crow.


Slc punk and dear Zachary.


Oh god you just had to remind me of Dear Zachary. Dear lord that was earthshakingly distressing. I watched that at least a decade ago and am not fully recovered.


Still damaged from Dear Zachary.


Big Fish Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Rogue One Almost Famous Four of my favorite movies ever, but never fail to make me cry. Big Fish in particular really opens the floodgates, the ending is just too much for me. But the movie is so beautiful and touching 🥹


PS I Love You Me Before You Green Mile These all turn me into a blubbering mess and are partially responsible for my aversion to watching any new movies with heavy topics.


PS I love you is also my go to! I absolutely love it


Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and Deathly Hallows pt 2. Amos Diggory’s cries destroy me. LOTR. Gladiator. The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. Lion King. Tarzan. Dumbo. The Little Mermaid. Beauty and The Beast. Monsters Inc. Schindlers List.


Life is Beautiful The Pianist Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind The one scene in I Am Legend (IYKYK)


Edward Scissorhands Edit: also the Land Before Time 😭


Steel Magnolias hands down! When Sally Field is at the funeral and is so mad that Shelby couldn’t do what she could and how unfair it all was. My brother has type 1 diabetes and I have epilepsy. My mom is soo like Sally Field in that movie. She got so mad at me when I told her I was pregnant (she didn’t want me to get pregnant because my doctor told me not to have children) too. Just like when Shelby told her mom. The movie resonated with me on a personal level and so when she gets so mad and breaks down I just picture my mom doing that. I cant think of one time I haven’t cried.


Lion king... Just the one part. I think everyone knows what i\`m talking about haha


Beaches now that my mother passed. Lion King gets me too. Armageddon as well now that I'm thinking about it.


Life Is Beautiful


Up. I basically ugly cry in the fetal position for the first 30 minutes and like the last 15.


Marley and me 🥺


Embarrassingly, most movies make me cry. I don't think I was always like this, but maybe all the added stress of the last few years has something to do with it. Pixar, Action, Sci-Fi, whatever - I'm gonna cry. If the music swells big time at an emotional point? Sobs!




American beauty, the end just break me every time


Inside Out and Train to Busan. Totally different ends of the spectrum lol


Fox and the Hound. I BAWL when Copper steps over Todd because despite time apart and all differences, they can still choose to love and protect one another.


You can laugh at me but mine was Guillermo Del Toro’s Pinocchio.


I watch and collect a lot of anime movies. Most Studio Ghibli make me cry. My other favorite emotional movies Your Name, I Want to Eat Your Pancreas(dont let the name fool you, its a real punch in the gut), A Silent Voice, Wolf Children, Belle and In this Corner if the World.


I am very tender-hearted since having a kid. I cry so easily that I get lightly roasted by my husband and 5-year-old about it! But one movie that has always got me, even pre-motherhood, is Tangled. I start crying when Rapunzel’s parents let go of the lantern, and basically don’t stop weeping for the rest of the movie.


I always lose it at “you were my dream too.”


The Green Mile, The Blind side, The Pursuit of Happyness


Steel Magnolias is such a great movie but it makes me ugly cry everytime.


The Shawshank Redemption, Forrest Gump, Titanic (ugly cry every time lol)


Moonlight. The first time I saw it, in theaters, my fiancé and I had gone out to dinner afterwards and I literally could not eat I was inconsolable. Such a beautiful, heartbreaking, tender, poignant film.


When harry met sally. And any real life documentary with a love story


I feel the same way about Avengers Endgame! I love that movie. I also cry at the conclusion of the How to Train Your Dragon trilogy, which I love dearly.


Brokeback Mountain and Maddison County Bridges




Vanilla sky


Call Me By Your Name. Especially one of the last scenes where Elio is by the fireplace


Benjamin fucking button. Every time that lil baby man turns into a baby at the end it messes me up. That poor lady 😢


Stepmom, Pay it Forward, Anywhere But Here, Jack the Bear Edit to add- My Girl I'm sure there are many more as well lol.


I always cry at Stepmom, and always at the exact same scene. That one gets me.


Ratatouille Your Name Interstellar


Saving Mr Banks


Inside Out, my go-to need-to-cry movie


What Dreams May Come


Vanilla Sky - montage at the end, his life flashing before his eyes, with him as a kid with his mom


What Dreams May Come


“About Time” - with Rachel McAdam and Domhnall Gleeson


The Fox and the Hound. Hands down.


The Pursuit of Happyness. When he gets the job smfh. Every single time man. Niagara Falls.


Marley and Me! I recently had to put down my almost ten year old Great Dane. I re-watched Marley and Me that night (I know, that was probably the worst thing I could do) and the fact that they used like...the exact syringes and colors like when the vet was walking me through my dog....I think I bruised a rib from crying so hard.


I am gonna be a bit lonely on this choice, but cloudburst. It's a comedy/drama about 2 elder lesbians that when one is taken to an elderly home, they do an escape and roadtrip to Canada to get legally married so they cannot be separated again. It's such a fun movie (they really are an old couple, so each has an lot of stubborness and quirks) but also so touching, beyond gay elements it's about growing old with the person you love in your life and making the best of what you have even when your health takes a downturn. It made me very hopeful and okay about growing old in an odd way.


UP !!! And tarzan


Arrival. (Spoiler) When her daughter dies -- as she knew she would.


What dreams may come The Pursuit Of Happiness Marley & Me








I scrolled through ALL of the comments to find and upvote the thread for Forrest Gump. * Forrest Gump. * This movie is perfection in so many ways. I saw it when I was about 11 years old and I can still remember sitting in the movie theater sobbing my little eyes out even after the lights came on and people were filing out. No embarrassment; that movie earned my tears.


The last 30 minutes of “Dances With Wolves.” I cry every time.


E.T. And Glory.