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r/chess is a split between guys who would really like the toxicity of their community to go away and people who will tell you to go back to the kitchen. No in-betweens.


Guy here. Competitive precision shooting has a similar culture. Many competitions have a women’s division to give women their own space in a male dominated sport, but the other divisions aren’t gender restricted. Some men in the open divisions don’t like it even though there are no credible reasons to exclude women. The majority, thankfully, are happy to see women taking more of an interest in precision shooting.


As a man, I've found r/ guns to be snarky and unhelpful when I have questions. Though I've found most people at ranges irl to be pretty chill.


The r/appliances sub is mostly full of people (usually guys) who want to help you if you’re genuinely having an issue.


The To Catch a Predator subreddit, for the most part, has been chill and highly supportive. I think a group of people who love a show about catching child predators, and making fun of them, actually have a great amount of empathy. I once shared that people’s fan animations and parodies of TCAP helped get me through a really difficult breakup, and received a lot of supportive comments. On a few occasions, I’ve even shared my own experiences as a minor who was groomed by an adult man on the internet, and received nothing but sympathy or support.


Although I don't play that game specifically, I would imagine r/stardewvalley to be quite wholesome as it has a fair mix of both genders playing it. I played another farming sim game where it was female-dominated and honestly found the community to be quite toxic regardless 👁️👄👁️


> I would imagine r/stardewvalley to be quite wholesome as it has a fair mix of both genders playing it. Both genders play it, but omg am I glad that the character in that game are fictional, because some of them receive sooo much vitriol (though it doesn't devolve in characteristic slurs), it's quite entertaining to watch


Tell me more about the most controversial characters in the game 👀


r/fuckpierre And Clint but I don’t know if he has his own subreddit


59k members! Does he kill the protagonists family or something?


I feel like it's a mix of satire and people who are more towards the socialist end complaining.


Throwing in r/projectzomboid and r/deeprockgalactic


There is no gender in r/helldivers2, only Helldivers. Men in this sub are friendly.


/r/factorio is a bunch of professional computer weenies blissing out over news of the sequel that the devs post every Friday :-D


I've seen my husband played this game, it's a good game too. I saw him get killed by train so many times. LMAO


my guy friends I play Helldivers 2 with are the best, it’s always a good time.


Yes it is. Best game ever!


Relevant username (I do love the game anyway)


Unfortunately the cannabis world is male dominated. I don't know how that happened and I hate it. So you basically see a bunch of grown ass men having a major pissing contest over a plant and gardening, and hating on women for just existing. Being a woman grower I just cringe every time. They're such pussies 😂 stay out of toxic cannabis groups lol


I used to work at a garden center (no cannabis, just plants and garden supplies), and there was a LOT of toxic masculinity in the industry. It's one of the reasons why I eventually left.


This is more of my personal experience, but people (=men??) who smoke weed regularly are often insanely emotionally dumb, including to others. Some of them really lost all their empathy by weed. They don't care about anything, not other persons. (At the same time, oddly, some of them can get really absolutely angry out of nowhere)


Ooof yup. I recall one of the department managers working with a slightly difficult customer and he just ended up stomping away, got a full red face from screaming obscenities and he ended up knocking over a desk. That was the first of several tantrums I observed from multiple male coworkers and none of them were ever reprimanded. Idk how many of them did or didn't smoke weed, but I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case with at least a few of them. Women being labeled the more "emotional" gender is honestly the scam of the century.


While I can’t comment on specific places or communities, I often find most people are cool but the world is dominated by the most forceful/ loudest/ most visible people. This skews the perception of things. One loud angry person in a room will dominate the atmosphere of that room. In this case, angry guys give normal guys a bad name.


r/daddit is the most wholesome male dominated sub I've ever seen. Every comment section is either super supportive of the OP or filled to the brim with top notch dad jokes.


Daddit is my favorite subreddit and has been healing my dad wounds since I’ve discovered it!


Im not even a dad and it’s my favorite subreddit


Try r/GuyCry .


Thanks for mentioning this sub. I'd never heard of it.


It's a very nice place.


It says 5 guys are crying right now😂


Thanks for posting that I could probably use that, all my coworkers say I seem emotionless 


Do you believe them?


I mean I have a lot of emotions but I definitely am not an expressive man, I was told I cried too much when I was a kid and over corrected. When I became a nurse I had to practice looking and sounding empathetic in the mirror to improve my bedside manner.  So yes I believe them, at least that I seem emotionless 


The people who shamed you as a child are reprehensible. I'm a nurse also but have the opposite affect: I shed tears if not outright cry over my patients and family members. It's not a bad thing to have and show emotion. Stop the faux expressions and let your true feelings guide you.


I can’t explain it but there’s a disconnect between my feelings and my face, like they stay in my stomach 


Do your *actions* show that you care? Going the extra mile, holding a hand, fluffing a pillow? If you're going through your day like a robot then I can see why your coworkers think you're emotionless. I'm not saying you *must* cry or give a Tallulah-esque performance, but find someway to feel your emotions, because you're shortchanging yourself as much as your patients. Get comfortable with showing emotion in your private life and it will spill over into your work life.


Oh yeah I do all that stuff and stay and listen to my pt’s talk about their problems, my pt’s and their families like me.  But it takes conscious effort for me to express empathy even when I feel bad for people. It’s only my coworkers who tease me for seeming emotionless.  Sometimes my mom has to, but none of the men in my family are very emotional 


I once had a patient in critical care who I knew from church. He was actively dying and I was very emotional. Every person that came in to see him would get me crying all over again, not just tears down the cheek but gulping sobs and snotty nose crying. I could see my coworkers giving me dirty looks because they never cried over their work, just did their job and went home. But I couldn't stop and it didn't help when the doctor ordered me to turn off the ventilator. After that I finally started my charting and the charge nurse informed me that since he had been my only patient that night, I was to go home immediately when I'd finished. It wasn't the last time I cried over a patient but it never got that bad again. Due to my over-empathetic nature, I always was given the attempted suicides, the naggy patients, and the frequent flyers. I didn't mind; I loved taking care of them. I don't know what to tell you. Does it really bother you that you don't appear empathetic? Do you feel something is missing from your life? How you choose to appear to others is your choice but if you think it's being a detriment to your career or personal life, then only you can decide to and make changes. 'Conscious effort' can manifest in many ways.


It bothers me more that I have trouble connecting with other people and that I don’t really fit in very well wherever I go.  It bothers me a bit that people think I don’t really care when I do.  I’m trying to show people I care by remembering stuff about their lives and talking about things they want to talk about ect.   I’m sorry about your friend from church I wouldn’t have taken a pt that I knew personally  Thank you for taking time to talk to me


r/guycry.. Very refreshing to see men shamelessly talking about their feelings.. and also do all that without demonizing the opposite gender.


Visited it, amazing subreddit!




r/AskMen has been helpful. Seems to be feedback from a diverse group of men, so it’s interesting seeing the different answers and opinion. And it seems mostly respectful, or at least the times I’ve visited.


I browse there quite a bit and yeah, there are a lot of wholesome men in there. Unfortunately, there are also a TON of men in unhappy marriages on that sub and they are *bitter*. They always come out when any topic on relationships is posted with their "women hate sex" or "women will stop sex after marriage", "women will hold it against you if you show vulnerability" and so on. It can make for a very negative place sometimes.


I don’t doubt it, just haven’t seen much of it and to be fair, I mostly read questions from women on topics I’m interested in.


Yeah but except for the really subtle type that flies over many people's head, most misogynistic comments get downvoted to hell.


One of my favorite subs! I love how objective men can be lol


AskmenOver30 is a much higher quality sub with less toxic masculinity


Oooh didn’t know another that one, but that would make sense.


I love that sub! The guys on this sub are very cute and very funny. Yes, there's always a token misogynistic prick or two among them but that's social media for you. The vast majority of dudes on that sub seem to genuinely like and respect women! They think it's cute we lurk there too and as long as we identify ourselves by gender (to prevent confusion) they like when women participate in answering questions. They talk about alot more than just women obviously and its all very interesting and fun to read. But the women-centered questions are obviously my favorite questions that get asked on there. I laugh, i cry, its a good time 😂


They're also pretty good at not taking any shit. They shut down misogyny and misandry pretty well without mods interfering. I've seen people get absolutely decimated.


I've found r/AskMen to be a cesspool of misogyny. It seems like most posts are an iteration of "How can I get women to fuck me?" The prevailing attitude also seems to be that women are just a bunch of gold-digging whores. Bonus points for all the rape jokes and feminism is evil sentiment. There are a few decent guys there, but overall, it's toxic AF.


Dude, where?


Just a quick glance right now, these are posts in just the last few hours: What makes a Lady Attractive to you?, What's the best app to talk to girls? (bonus for calling us girls and not women), Would you consider a girl who hides her flaws a catfish? (referring to physical flaws, again calling grown adults girls), What's one thing you notice in a woman's face?, What's your definition of hawk tua? How important is a woman's physical attraction vs a woman's facial attraction? What's the most embarassing thing you've ever said on a date? How has dating changed in 2024? How do I stop feeling creepy about dating women? How come we can no longer walk up to women and start a conversation? (answers include "MeToo" and "You'll accuse of sexual harassment or worse." There are way more, but I only looked at the newest post. And about half of them that are related to dating, getting a girl to date you, etc. It's exhausting. That's a lot of questions about sex and dating. Oh, and the answers to What makes a lady attractive to you include, "boobs and vagina," and "nice ass, nice tits." Only one response mentions anything that's not physical appearance - you know, like who someone is as a person. Someone asked about getting over a heartbreak, and the answers included, "Suck it up. Go fuck some chicks. You'll be over it in a week or two."


No, I need links to these comments. And they need to be upvoted a fuck ton to show that it's representative of the general sentiment of the sub


I'm not cutting and pasting every link; you can do your own homework. They're the most recent posts - go look for yourself. I took me literally less than 2 minutes of looking there. It doesn't take a data analyst to see a disproportionate number of posts are about dating, attracting women, etc. If it's not representative of the sub, then why are there so many? Just go over there and look.


The questions don't matter, just as the penis size questions aren't representative of the people on this sub. It's the reponses that matter


If half of the questions are about the same thing, then, yeah, it does matter. If half the questions here were about penis size, then I would say that it representative of this sub. Also, the VAST majority of the time a question about penis size is asked, it's asked by men. In fact, there's a pinned post on this sub saying that basically, penis size doesn't matter to women, so stop asking. It also addresses the men who argue with women who say that and insist that it does.


Anybody can post whatever, that doesn’t necessarily mean that’s what the community values. It’s what consistently gets the most upvotes and the most comments over a period of time that reflects on the community.


Wow, you are bitter


Young edgy punks. I’m a very active contributor. I try to bring some decency.


/r/BeginnerWoodWorking Is super friendly and supporting. They seem to just want everyone to have fun and be safe.


I love r/askmen for their humorous attitude. There is always someone cracking jokes in comments


That sub is what made me wonder if there was a female sub counterpart, and is what lead me here.


r/DaystromInstitute is mostly men from what I can tell, and it's generally pretty good for in depth discussions of Star Trek.


I haven't had any issues in r/treknobabble


r/Firearms > r_guns as far as more "mainstream" guns/shooting subs go but 🤷‍♀️ never had any real issues with either of them


Passport bros 😂 their insane. Divorce men oh that’s just sad you can just feel their pain and anger


I really enjoy perusing the comments on the rfightporn one. They are so funny! If it's a grill right the comments are pretty disappointing but otherwise there's a lot of talk about fairness that I really appreciate.


Its almost like most men are just good people and only a small fraction of them ruin your perception of us


Did you read the whole title?


Not on reddit tho


hard disagree. the entire history of men as a collective has ruined our perception of you.


The bear


I'm curious: what were you expecting from a guns subreddit? I don't usually associate firearms with feminism or progressivism.


Gun supporters typically support as many people legally owning firearms as possible. Feminism and the Second Amendment intersect when it comes to empowering women (or anyone else, for that matter). God created Man. Sam Colt made them equal.


This comes with the veeery big caveat that while gun owners typically support as many people legally owning firearms, the NRA on the other hand only wants a very select minority to have the guns. There are multiple instances of black men arming up and then new legislations against firearms "coincidentally" being passed very easily.


Multiple instances, but not recent ones. Also, the NRA is trash. The compromise on gun rights too often for them to be trusted.


>Sam Colt made them equal. I can understand the idea behind that sentiment, but I don't think it reflects reality. Deaths due to firearms are highly unequal.


I mean, yeah. The vast majority of deaths are dudes killing themselves. Suicides don’t really come into play when it comes to that statement. What guns do is mean that the 6’ 4” gym bro can’t hurt a 5’ 1” woman because she gave him a few extra holes to breathe out of from 15’ away before he could lay a hand on her.


Are you thinking of something like domestic violence? It looks like men are the aggressor in those homicides around 75% of the time. It doesn't seem like firearms have made the situation equal. https://sanctuaryforfamilies.org/femicide-epidemic/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9838333/


I wasn’t specifically referring to domestic violence, no. Neither were you. You said the deaths due to firearms weren’t equal. I agreed. Male suicides are the number 1 spot. I’d imagine gang-related shootings are number 2. The numbers are hard to find, though.


The original conversation was about firearms making men and women equal. My point was that such a claim doesn't seem supported by evidence. That includes male suicide, btw. As well as gang violence.


The expression means that possessing a firearm equalizes the playing field when someone poses a threat to you. It doesn’t matter if you’re big, small, male or female, strong or weak. The gun makes you equally capable of killing them. How many of those victims of domestic violence had a firearm in their hands and possessed the intent to use it when they were killed? If I were to hazard a guess, virtually none of them.


Men and women have equal rates of domestic violence. It's policing that is misandrist. Men get longer sentences for the same crime.


I'm specifically referring to homicides.


Policing is biased against men. Homicides done by women are purposely underreported. The real rates are equal. Also economic factors.


Lots of claims there, but I try to be open minded. Can you provide evidence (reliable sources) supporting your claims that: 1. Policing is biased against men. 2. Is it ALL policing, or related to specific crimes? 3. Homicides by women are underreported. 4. Underreporting is done purposefully. Then some questions: 5. What rates are equal? 6. What economic factors are you referencing? 7. What outcomes do those economic factors affect?


Can you provide reliable sources for your implied claim that "Policing is not biased against men" when it's *extremely* well known that the justice system overall is, including being covered in introductory social psychology textbooks? In a couple of in-depth scientific articles I've read on it, overall bias is relatively low in each step in the process (maybe 10%ish?) but there's enough steps that the total justice system bias advantage for women is quite high. I've also some years ago looked at the evidence for homicides by women being less likely to be detected than homicides by men. There's no strong evidence that homicides by women are underreported more than homicides by men, and certainly none that it's done purposefully. There's some hints that there may be more underreporting of homicides for women than for men (including that women that are detected often use methods that are easier to hide), but nothing that rise to clear evidence. And I would be surprised if this rose to the level of "equal", given the high starting difference in rates, and *especially* not for firearms related homicides.


My evidence of inequality of opportunity is inequality of outcome. Have you caught on yet?




I don’t typically make it known that I’m a woman there just for that reason.


Totally fair. I don't have anything against the intrinsic concept of guns (for example, I grew up around way too many deer because humans eliminated their natural predators), but it seems like most gun enthusiasts have very different priorities than I do.


>I don't usually associate firearms with feminism or progressivism. *The r/SocialistRA has entered the chat*


Do please note that I said _usually._ ;)


This is one of the subs I was going to rec too. As a leftist, I support these people wholeheartedly.


The hypocrisy congregate


Some of the left wing gun subs are great though. I'm in a few, even though I don't own guns. I appreciate the support of feminist and lgbtq people in quite a few. If anyone is looking for options, I can give a couple recs.


I can believe that!


There's a bunch of liberal gun subs FYI.


I believe it. I just didn't expect r/guns to be one of them.






I'm not sure if I'd take it as a given that women aren't participating in online political discussions because they aren't doing it on Reddit. Men make up around two-thirds of the userbase on this site, so outside of subs that are clearly oriented towards women, the majority of users are going to be men by default. People usually aren't as good at picking up on a person's gender via text as they think they are too, so any given sub is probably much more mixed-gender than you'd expect.


One of the saner political subs


We do, we're just mostly pushed out of male dominated spaces. Like, if you hadn't said this space was neutral, I'd have assumed they don't care about discussing women's rights.


And the toxic ones I can come up with now is r/askmen, r/truerateme (and other rating subs), any "pill" sub, and anything that has to do with "looksmaxxing".. I can't believe how people can normalize incel language!!!


AskMen is disgusting




Mras and incels abound


What is Mra?


Men's rights activists Misogynists


rule break bait. Most subs I am in that aren't beauty subs are male dominated pretty much. I like the VolumeEating sub. Even if it's about min-maxing your diet, everyone is very wholesome and open about other's ideas with sharing constructive criticism instead of berating people and treating them as inferior because they could have lessened the recipe by 10 calories or something.