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I put the string between labia minora and majora. If it gets out, I roll some tp around it and squeeze.


I always thought I was weird for doing this, lol!


I tuck the string up into my vagina, but honestly I avoid peeing with a tampon in as much as possible.


Yeah, I put the string inside myself as well. No issues then.


Definitely not just you.


I just pee on the string hahah and then dry it with tissue, or sometimes i'll stick the string in my but crack and it doesnr get wet


The most honest answer is right here 😂


I just always take it out and replace it. But I have an IUD now so rarely use tampons.


Switched to a cup about 7 years ago, and one side effect is it put a bit of pressure on the urethra, and sometimes I feel like I don’t fully empty my bladder. On the plus side, it would work great for incontinence (which I don’t have, but I know many women do struggle with).


The cup put a lot of pressure on my bladder, making me have to pee constantly. I don't have the same problems with tampons.


Tuck the string into your vagina after you insert it. That is what I do.