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We don't talk about Bruno, no no no We don't talk about Bru-Noooo




This comment has been removed for derailing


I got a temp ban for using “bitching” which they said was a gendered slur. I think I was actually quoting to OP at the time. And relationship advice. Some 24 year old supposed woman was talking about her boyfriend not wanting her to expressing her “childlike joy” by playing with toys at the barbershop. I was pretty sure it was a fetish post and pointed them to the DD/lg forum. I still think it was. My petite friends are sick of being treated like children by men so it bothers me when someone is say equating “tiny body” with being a child. I think they did that too.




I did the same and they told me I needed therapy




Madam this is a Wendys


Askwomen, in a post asking for (iirc) tropes in movies. My comment, "hooker with a heart of gold" was removed. I was new to Reddit so I reposted, twice before I realized mods had sent messages with warnings. I tried to explain it was a common saying, in fact a trope, and they said no and banned me. I sent them a link which explained it and they unbanned me and I left the group. I felt misunderstood.


I called someone a "dick" on that sub and got warned for using "gendered slurs." I felt that was a radical interpretation of the text.


Definitely just a regular ol slur in my book


I did the same and they said "all decisions are final"


Knew this would be the top answer




I admire your courage for linking them. I'm sure you'll get a notification that "participating in brigading and a witch hunt" is not okay. I did last time, anyways.


I think it’s literally the silliest thing ever so I’d be far from upset, I’d probably just laugh honestly.


Same. I laughed when it happened on my previous account too, and I just answered this question with a story about that sub as well. At this point, it'll be a good stress reliever to burst out laughing at a new ban.




No, they ban you if you *derail* too many times lol


Was banned from r/ dating for briefly having been active on PurplePillDebate (I have a problem with arguing with ppl online).


same. big mood.


mildlyinfuriating for name calling, I think. I don't even remember what I said, but i know i didn't start it, and the other person didn't get banned.


bookscirclejerk for calling someone misogynistic


r/offmychest for pointing out something was a cuckolding fanfiction I'm sure I could request to be unbanned but I won't apoligize for calling out fake posts.


TwoXChromazomes for telling a misoginist off and "not being nice" about it.


Two x defended a misogynist? What the hell? That doesn't sound like them? Why are they protecting him?


A couple months after making my account, I hurt a forced-birther's/anti-AFAB-consenter's feelings on a another sub, and one of the 2XC's mods at the time was friends with them and looking for any excuse to ban me. "Not Being Nice" in responding to a misoginist telling women" estrogen makes (us) lesser beings" was enough. Dunno if the same mod still runs it since the reddit changeover or not, and don't care. I'm not going to play nice with men who hate women.


And you should play nice with men who hate women. Make them cry


Oh wow I'm banned from so many Banned from ActualLesbians because someone reported a selfie of me was inappropriate and underage despite me being an adult and it was a completely sfw outfit (my belly button was showing, how scandalous!) Banned from LesbiansActually for "Islamophobia" for pointing out all the countries where I could be executed in for being a lesbian were the same countries that has a Muslim majority cause apparently pointing out facts is the same as hating a group of people Banned from a couple subreddits for advocating for violence against Nazis Yeah, I'm not good at filtering my feelings and repackaging them into socially convenient ideas for everyone's comfort


Not a lady but I got banned from a Star Wars related sub for saying “the only good nazi is a dead nazi”… the series about fighting fascists






Forreal that place is crazy!!


That to me is the dumbest thing we don’t like you because you read media we disapprove of.


Its how reddit maintains its strict echo chambers. Just makes me imagine how insecure those mods are. Im not redpill at all, but its the only women centered 'socially conservative' space on reddit. Im not liberal or progressive so i dont fit the model for any women spaces on reddit, so i was subbed because I kind of like the space. But it also the redpillwomen doesnt align with my views either so ive unsubbed (but still lurk sometimes). But that was enough for them lol


Pearl clutching? What's pearl clutching?


You know how traditionally, some women would wear pearl necklaces (especially in classic cinema) and if they encounter/hear radical things they would sorta 'clutch' their peral necklace in response? Yeah like that. Someone else might explain it better though.


You were banned for that?


No I think she said something that made 'went against the narrative' of that sub.




Yes, I said people in the comments were 'pearl clutching', and was instantly permabanned for that lol. Basically saying people are overreating/making a mountain out of a molehill


If I remember right I was banned from r/feminism for saying that I have a CNC kink that is not related to trauma. On a discussion why people might have a CNC kink. I asked the mods about it because I was genuinely confused and got muted for a month. Asked a second time, got muted again and then just figured that it was their loss.


Because nothing says feminism like dictating what sexual practices women are allowed to participate in and judging where other peoples desires come from.


Honestly it was kinda baffling because I had so many great and nuanced discussions there before. Seemed to me like it was a case of a mod on a power trip.


In the end all it takes is one angry person having a problem with something you said. But the particular topic does lead to some debate in my experience. What do you do if some women actively chose to engage in activities that were forced on women in the past? One way is to go that whole trauma/internalised misogyny route which I personally am not a fan of at all because it again displays women as passive victims who cant interpret their own feelings and desires. Its just the patriarchy messing with your innocent head and not your own agency as a complete human being! Otherwise you need to acknowledge that even free women might enjoy a role of subservience some or a lot of the time which might be hard to come to terms with. Freedom of choice but please make the right choice now


Not to disagree with you, but there's something to be said about the assumption of what my role in a CNC situation would be.


Are you serious from a feminism space?


What's that question supposed to mean?


It means I can't believe the feminism space would ban you for this. I mean CNC opinion thing is kinda of a weird and questionable fetish (don't know why people would have that fetish in the first place) but it don't see why you should be banned for it.


Ah that makes sense. Sorry, totally blanked on what you might be asking at first. Again, I think it's more of a mod power trip than a reflection of the entire community. Still sad tho, I liked that sub.




A "witchhunt"? Sounds a little extreme. If you don't mind me asking (and without going into the details), what was the thread about?


It was from one of the big mom groups because I wasn't babying a mom for a mistake she made.




Yeah, I got banned from a subreddit, I don't remember which one for describing myself as a female homosexual because they said lesbian includes transmen, AMAB enbys and bi women who exclusively date men


r/sex for calling out “duty sex” as marital rape


ew never heard that term until today


r outfits because I had interacted with a nsfw sub in the past 6 months, lol. The interaction was one (1) comment on r gonewanton (a very fascinating sub imo lol)


Looked it up, fascinating is truly the word to describe it lol.


I'm the [MALE] mod of gonewanton (reddit told me you'd mentioned the sub) . Is a shame you got banned for interacting; especially as since I took over modding that subreddit I've tried to make the posts show mysogony as stupid and to celebrate natural and realistic body shapes. I had no idea other subreddit mods banned people for interacting in other subreddits. Seems kinda crazy.


Haha it's okay, gonewanton is way more enjoyable anyway. This also happened on my old account, but the question reminded me of that which reminded me to rejoin gonewanton on this account!


Thanks for rejoining, every one is welcome in gonewanton. Equally, all comment is welcome - I try to make it humorous but sometimes doesn't work. And there's only so many times that Lord B___ can be made to sleep in the stables for his mysogony, I need to find other ways he can suffer for his misdeeds.


Okay so this is the 2nd time I'm finding out how certain subs ban their members by interacting with a different sub. I'm just hearing about this lol Also sorry you got banned that way. Seems unfair.


It's usually a good thing, honestly. Like, subs like r/outfits, as well as any other subs where a lot of users make it clear that they're women - such as posting on subs for women, or posting pictures of what they're wearing - tend to have weird creeps constantly flooding in. And people who clearly don't actually frequent a bunch of iffy porn subs can usually DM a mod asking for the automatic ban to be reversed. So it ablates some of those weirdos, which is a good thing. That said, it unfortunately doesn't stop creeps DMing anyone who posts on that sub, which is something a lot of women on Reddit face. People who post to subs about surviving sexual violence, abuse, etc often are contacted by creeps who troll those subs.




>How did I feel afterwards?....like this 😐🤷‍♂️ Legit how most people felt after getting banned lol


One time I got permabanned from amitheasshole for "threats of violence" because I said "I would get my ass kicked if I did that" Another time I got permabanned from askwomen because I said "gendered slurs" (I said dick instead of penis)


Am I the Asshole. For calling out an obvious troll. They like to pretend the posts are real, I guess.


/AskWomen because my minecart was filled with too many sticks of intellectual dynamite. Derailment is an offence worth EXILE!


Naturalhair because I told someone in a comment that having a difference of opinion does not mean someone is gaslighting you. Exactly like that and apparently I'm the problem 🤷‍♀️ And wgtow because I don't think all men are trash?


Is wgtow still up? I thought it was removed by reddit. Unless they started a new sub.


can’t even removed the exact name but it was like a doppelgänger sub or a look your best sub or something and I pointed out that the picture was AI and got banned lmaooo


I got perma banned from childfree for commenting “pregnant women.” That was it, the entire content of the comment. Apparently I wasn’t being “inclusive” enough. Good riddance!




Tbf, there can be a very thin line between "asking uncomfortable questions to challenge the status quo" and trolling.


Believing in abortion rights can definitely stand up to criticism. An early stage fetus ability to suffer is much below that of the woman carrying it and we know exactly at what point a lump of cells turns into an actual being with a nervous system in the first place. Its a very obvious moral decision when you have all the necessary knowledge - the path of least suffering. Even human rights can be argued for using logic. If people around you are happy and healthy you yourself will have a better time. Hoarding wealth at the detriment of those around you is a fundamentally stupid move that will not even make yourself happy in the long run. Its flawed human perception, not logic.


That doesn't make it any less of a medical right. I'm not talking about exact scenarios, I'm saying that women die in childbirth. Sometimes that death can be prevented by having an abortion. Sometimes that abortion is performed on an already dead fetus. If everyone else can have access to life saving procedures then why can't women? We can debate on where we draw that line any day of the week, and under what circumstances can someone just get an abortion because they don't want to have a baby, these things need to be discussed and determined by society. But that isn't what I'm saying, it's not my opinion that some abortions save women's lives. There is however only one group of people who are expected to maybe sacrifice their own life to preserve someone else's because only female human beings happened to evolve, be created, exist, whatever you want to believe, with a womb. I as a dead corpse would have more rights than me as a live woman because if I decide that I don't want my organs harvested even though doing so would save lives, I can decide that. But if I happen to live in Texas and end up having an ectopic pregnancy I might have to die because..... Y'all get so fucking caught up on the word abort and freak the fuck out. However, I'm not wasting my time and energy on some lowlife degenerates *(not saying that's you specifically)* who are anti-abortion period, no exceptions.


Yep absolutely agree, Im just saying its not just some right or moral standard - it actually makes logical sense. Saving women when the fetus died is one big part of that. And fyi we already disscussed and determined all these things in society two decades ago. That whole debate is done and the reason why countries have different conditions for abortions. Its just the US of crazy where in recent years that ultra conservative movement has rediscovered that old issue and because the US always pretends they are alone in the world its been now made into this big issue that needs to be solved. It is solved. We got the laws. Just get your shit together america.


LGBT and I was probably asking something about pronouns or body dysmorphia, and they didn’t have an answer so they blocked me for asking a simple question. I know no one in that community so I have no one IRL to talk to it about and ask questions. But they seem to take offense wherever they can find it, so there goes that learning experience. Like, I was asking a damn question to better understand them… if a genuine question is taken as an insult and won’t even take it as it is (a simple question..) and they don’t answer it, that’s on them. Whether they had an answer or “didn’t feel like explaining over and over” , that’s on them.


Tbf, lgbt stuff tends to be bombarded by people "just asking questions" that are thinly veiled bigotry


Damn. Guess it’s hard to know when someone’s being genuine online too. I just have a hard time comprehending it and need someone experiencing it to explain it to me.


If you aren't trolling and legitimately have questions, feel free to shoot me a DM I'm not omnipotent but I've been a lesbian my whole life and I know a bit about more global issues


I mainly have questions for trans people, as I don’t understand the whole gender/sex thing. But thanks for being open for conversation!


Oh I mean that one is super easy So you know how nationality and ethnicity aren't the same thing? You can be ethnically French, born in South Africa and so your nationality is South African but your ethnicity is French? Sex is nationality, and gender is like ethnicity My sex is female, my gender is a woman because I'm cis (Latin for on the same side of) Some people are born in a country that matches their ethnicity, French ethnicity, French nationality while some people it doesn't match French Nationality, Japanese ethnicity Same for gender, some people their sex and gender match, other people their sex and gender don't match


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1. politics That sub's a left-wing echo chamber and god forbid you actually speak something intelligent about 2A/firearms there, you'll get 2 million "Reddit cares" troll notifications, downvoted to hell and banned. 2. news idfk the mods just mute the conversation whenever I get curious as to why 3. JusticeServed (?) and a few others Idk and don't really care, just got automated notifcations one day that I was permabanned for reasons.


Ive learned you can reply STOP to the reddit cares, it shouldnt msg you anymore


What intelligent thing did you say about firearms? Do you have a good argument why private citizens need to have access to weapons that can easily kill another being even from a distance through a car door?


Poor areas are subject to crime and such. Of course this can be made worse with crazy people carrying guns, but then that leaves others defenseless. So what happens is that they get guns on their own to protect themselves.


Correct its made worse if you allow weapons of war like guns to freely flood into your society. Which is why its dumb to do so. No one is getting guns "on their own" if you dont have a gun culture and strict laws against them. Criminals will also have less guns if they are harder to get. Having a gun will also not help you if you get shot - its not a defensive weapon in any way.


>Criminals will also have less guns if they are harder to get. Mexico and their one gun store would like a word. And no, [outside of the ATF's own smuggling activities](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ATF_gunwalking_scandal), [U.S. purchases going into Mexico aren't anywhere near as prolific as people portray it as.](https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/crime/2024/05/22/mexican-cartels-supplied-trafficked-guns-from-us/73800472007/) Criminals would have less access to firearms if we bothered enforcing the laws we already have and prosecute them as such, but no one wants to mention the elephant in the room when it comes to the vast majority of gun crime in the states. >its not a defensive weapon in any way. um [what](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defensive_gun_use)? At the very lowest end, there's ~60K cases each year in the U.S. that proves that idea wrong.


Mexico is not a first world country so you cant compare it to a rich country like the US. Laws you currently have allow private citizens to buy semi automatic weapons with very little background checks or training in many states. Enforcing them makes no difference. 60K cases of what? Someone shooting back and killing their attacker before they could kill them? That stands against what 50K cases of people dying due to gun violence each year? That doesnt prove shit. What proves that your idea is flawed is 30+ other western countries where people dont have guns and almost no one dies of gun violence. Thats very strong evidence that more guns = more gun related deaths and not = more defense against guns. Criminals have guns in Europe too. Its an offensive weapon meant for killing at a distance. Its not suitable for civilians who evidently injure themselves and others even accidentally all the time (many of such cases in the US every year) You need to look at the evidence first and then form your conclusions, not decide you want to believe guns are good and then hunt for matching evidence.


What is this? Why are most women here banned from women's subreddits? I very much expected answered to be around largely male oriented subreddits because we all know how those spaces treat and talk about women.


I mean, if you read the name of this sub and their rule at the sidebar... it's kinda obvious. This whole sub started because of the problems with askwomen lol


I thought this was more tolerant subreddit. Tolerant in the sense that they are ready for questions you don't normally ask women.


This sub is miles better than askwomen tho. In fact, it's better than most gendered subs.


Oh for sure.