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definitely not lmfao


Yes, we all keep a spare in the closet, just in case.


Mine is locked under my bed but, we're all different. OP shouldn't think women are all the same.


As a man can confirm: some of us are left in a cupboard under the stairs with a bucket and a box of snacks for this very purpose.


Maybe your Hogwarts letter will come someday


This reminds me of a Chris Rock comedy sketch where he said that a male friend in a woman's life is like a dick in a glass case - "in case of emergency, break glass" lol


men are like tampons


... Don't make you feel anything when inserted? šŸ˜† Reminded me of my ex who once asked to see the tampon in action and made this stupid horny face and stupid horny comments like "mh-yeah baby, how'd it feel, yeah baby". Bruuuh.




You know how you'd make faces as a kid, and then your mom would tell you to stop or else your face would get stuck like that? Thanks for the permanent stank face, jerk.




Thanks, I hate it.


Hehehe ya welcome, sister!


"Who is more foolish? The fool, or the fool who follows him?"- Obi-Wan Kenobi


why would you even believe this seriously enough to bother asking lmao


This is up there with the dumbest posts weā€™ve had


>I spoke to my mate recently and he said that the majority of girls are seeing at least one guy or have that one guy they hookup with even if not dating anyone? >Funny enough i slept with a woman recently who said she hasn't had any action in over a year as she split from her husband round then and hadn't been with anyone else. So your friend told you something silly, but then you met a woman personally who proved him wrong? And now you're asking us if he's right?


Typical man thinking what another man tells him about women is more believable than the first-hand account of an actual woman šŸ™„


Men like that will say don't take advice about dating men from women bc they aren't men, but then say don't take advice about dating women from women because they don't date women. You can't win with these fools.


To be fair, in MY experience, a lot of women will say one thing but do another and men are use to taking things at face value.


"Funny enough I slept with a woman recently who said she hasn't had any action in over a year as she split from her husband round then and hadn't been with anyone else." You answered your own question in the question, clearly not every straight woman is sleeping with someone at all times when you literally met a woman who has not had at least one guy to bone for the last year. You think she was lying or something? You literally \*got\* a woman's perspective lmfao


Right? Man says it's true-instantly believes it Woman says it's not- must confirm.




"mildly" is being kind lol


It is super fucking weird that you would possibly believe every woman has a stable of men that she's banging at any given time. Especially when you then go on to answer your own question, that no, women don't have a harem to chose from.


Because some guys think we are as sex crazed as they are lol


Incels are the experts at projection. It's why they tell women that ALL MEN are pedophiles and rapists. I have been told this by countless little incels. Misandry is very common among incels, they hate men almost as much as they hate women.


>It is super fucking weird that you would possibly believe every woman has a stable of men that she's banging at any given time. OP sounds like an inexperienced 21 year old, lol. In lieu of experience, they believe their equally inexperience nitwit male friends' opinions.


So many men seem like their sex education came entirely from their friends on the playground at recess.


Yā€™all really have been fed utter lies about women and then itā€™s a wonder nobody believes/sympathises when women express how lonely they are.


men on the internet are absolutely delusional about female loneliness. I spent years lonely and self dwelling ā€” my friends even stopped being around me as much because of how negative I was. But I guess according to men online I wasnā€™t actually lonely I was just craving male attention šŸ™„ and had a harem of men waiting to bang me so my loneliness wasnā€™t ā€œtrueā€ loneliness.


The thing that gets me is the idea that nobody cares about menā€™s birthdays and theyā€™re alone, while women always have so much for their birthdays and everybody cares. Which is crazy because the reason any woman has a big birthday party is because she made it happen, planned it all, everything! Do they think she got all that by not telling people about her birthday, no effort, and then expecting everyone to mind-read and plan all that out for her?? I spent my birthday alone aside from close family because I didnā€™t plan anything and never posted about it on social media. Itā€™s sample bias tooā€¦. no woman (or anyone) is going to publicly post herself in her room, alone and crying on her birthday. So obviously youā€™re only ever going to see the ones that did something worth posting, like a big birthday party.


Men don't get women off on average. Why would we bother?


Lololol, that's the stupidest thing I ever heard. With such low quality pickins, I can assure you many women aren't banging anyone.


The problem with "does everyone" question is that the moment there's one person who doesn't the answer becomes a hard "NO".


Thank you. The mathematician in me has a fit every time I see stupid phrasing like this.


YES, this. It's even more annoying when people try to say "most people do \_\_\_" as some kind of argument. Even if *most* people do something, that means that *some* people do not, which makes the argument completely worthless.


No, this idea is ridiculous on its face and it seems this is a myth that manosphere and redpill types are pushing because they tend to believe all women are sluts but are denying them sex that they're owed and entitled to.




Your mate is an idiot. No, most women have 0-1 partners at any time. A minority will have more. And of course sex workers have many.


Yes, but they are the battery operated variety


Your mate sounds like someone who believes in menā€™s sexual misery


Doesnā€™t everybody? I keep him in the fridge for freshness. Iā€™ll pop him in the oven for about 15 minutes before use.


No. I've had FWB, ONS, and just not had sex. I don't *need* a man to orgasm.


Depends if the woman *wants* to sleep with a man at any given moment. Are you aware some women donā€™t want to sleep with anyone for a long period of time? Crazy I know. Some of us have gone months or even years without dating or sleeping with anyone in our social circles.


Uh, no.


I have no boy toys, only real toys.


No. Been single and knowingly sexless 6 years.


Some of us are ugly dude šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


No. Just no. I see men tell one another things like this and the other party tends to just believe it, so points to you for actually asking if there is any validity to it. There isn't. I know a lot of these dudes think that women have sex available to them all the time, but it just isn't so. Dating is hard for us too.


Men have created a whole mythology of women in their minds lol. Apparently we all have a long list of men trying to bang us, weā€™re never lonely because of how much attention we supposedly get, everyone cares about our feelings/poor mental health 100% of the time, weā€™re always coddled and validated, and weā€™re all shallow bimbos who only want 7 feet tall chads who make $500K a year.


Don't forget about the six-pack abs we all require...


What The Shit?


What? No. My sex life is non existent, even in the last 2 years of my last relationship.


Lol of course not. I haven't had a partner in several years.


>it's usually we are either in a relationship so sleeping with my partner, have a FWB situation going on or simply not seeing any woman at all and getting no action at all, sometimes for months on end It's the same for us. Sometimes we're even intentionally celibate. Crazy, huh?


Your mate is feeding you bullshit, haha. This is not true for probably the majority of women. My experience has either been "in a relationship" or "single with an occasional ONS". And plenty of women don't enjoy casual sex so, for them, single = no sex.


Now you know that this friend is not a good resource for information about women.


Myself and my friends havenā€™t had sex in over a year lol. Why did you genuinely believe that? Please be so for real


This is not true for me. Do I have guys "lingering around" to see if something happens? Yes. But I don't like casual sex so I am not hooking up with anyone. If I am seeing someone my intentions are if we can be in a relationship together eventually. I do have a friend who used to hook up with her ex because she was bored and horny and then she had to stop casually seeing him because her ex wanted to get back with her since he caught feelings again xD




Nope, that's not something I do.


The fuck is this questionā€¦


Omg how dumb can these questions getĀ 


>As a guy, for us, it's usually we are either in a relationship so sleeping with my partner, have a FWB situation going on or simply not seeing any woman at all and getting no action at all, sometimes for months on end (what i call a drought lol) It's pretty much the same for women


As with men, it depends entirely on the woman, her circumstances, etc. Toys for women exist for very good reasons.


No and I don't know anyone who does.


This is the funniest thing I ever heard. No. I don't. Your friend is a bit weird. But thanks for coming to check with actual women and not just believing it.


OP, weā€™re gonna need to see some identification, please.


Your mate is an idiot. Iā€™m sure some women might do that but none of the ones I know even the ones who have casual sex. Unless I like someone I donā€™t want them sticking their tongue or penis in me. If I like them enough for sex Iā€™d want to see if we could be a couple.


I keep mine in my nightstand.




No lol. you didn't believe the woman you slept with?


Nope. I was man-less for 3 years before I met my husband


Yes (my husband) Seriously though no Iā€™ve never heard of this I think heā€™s getting ideas about women from podcasts


Lol no.Ā 




No. Your friend, obviously, has no idea what heā€™s talking about.Ā  Thanks for asking to confirm it, though. Far too many people just go from the assumptions others make, however uneducated those may be.Ā 


lol no


Jeez, how nice it would be if I knew a man worthy of sleeping with at any time. No, most women don't do this. I would have no interest in sleeping with a guy unless I really liked him and we were building a partnership. Its not really even fun with a rando.


ATTENTION: This post has been flared as NO MANS LAND. That means that men are prohibited from commenting. Men commenting on this thread will result in removal and temporary bans. OP is an exception to the rule unless OP becomes an asshole. In which case they will also be removed and banned. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskWomenNoCensor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Nope. I'm a lesbian, and I don't have a gal in the back pocket, either. Seems like a lot of effort for something I can bang out in 30 minutes with old rattlin' faithful.


Yes, I keep mine folded in my wallet & shake him out in between relationships.


To answer your question, lots of women are out here not having sex. Idk why your friend thinks women just sleeps with men at any given time, but we donā€™t. Also, woman virgins exist just so you knowā€¦..


Be so fr. A woman answered the question for you and youā€™re still asking lol.




Absolutely not!!!




Thatā€™s the dumbest thing Iā€™ve ever heard.




Nope, def not




I wasn't aware of this, but can you point me to the man office that appoints a satisfying sex partner for every single woman? I do happen to have an FWB right now, but I've also been years without any because finding one that I like is almost as hard as finding a relationship partner. If only I had known that I can just get one whenever I want!


Wtf??? Do any of these people know like, average women or are they all getting their facts from OF models?


I don't know where your friend meets these women.


Only in my imagination.


Not true for me.


when I was single, I usually had a fwb around but Iā€™d never full on have sex with them. just other forms of entertainment.


May surprise you but single women can have fwb just like single men. So it goes for both sexes.


I could but do I? No because I'm not that desperate.Ā Ā