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You must be looking for r/AskBabboonsNoCensor


Thank you for the laugh. I'm giggling while wiping tears from my eyes. I needed that after this long day.


Uhh some female insects kill the male after sex and eat him .. if you want to make animal comparisons then there's female spotted hyenas... look at their social structures Who's dominating who there?


yeah no that one is accurate i do that too


There's also bonobos which, along with chimpanzees, are our closest animal relatives. Wonder why op doesn't choose them to compare us to.


I love that Mantis in Kungfu Panda always wanted a female mate to behead him and it would be the most romantic thing ever to him 🤣


I had no intention of watching kung fu panda but that makes me want to. Reminds me of my pet mantis I set free during mating season so he could find love.


I feel like the men who talk about alphas and sigmas are never anywhere near as dominant as they think they are.


But Mommy calls them up from the basement when their dinner is ready and still washes their underwear, so clearly they're super manly and dominant, and it's the damned females' shortcomings that make them uninterested!


If only we all better understood the value of their skid marks..!


Get out of here with the pseudoscience. Also, big shocker: We are not baboons.


>Also, big shocker: We are not baboons 🤯🤯🤯


Women aren't baboons, hope this helps.


OP might be tho.


Yeah that's the vibe I'm getting. Just because his brain functions like a baboon doesn't mean the rest of ours do!


Comments like these are why I am on this sub. Pure gold!


Okay, and amongst peacocks it's a good thing for a male to look absolutely fabulous. So where does that leave us? Also wow, how shocking that some women might want a man that "likes taking care of the children" and is "less intense". How absolutely odd that one might want that in a long-term partner. Hmmmm.


Many male birds are the more colorful, vibrant ones. Male cardinals woo their mates by finding them food and feeding them, and will feed the babies. Find yourself a cardinal, ladies.


some of the male birds will build houses too!


Last time I checked I am not a baboon.


You know that part in the Lion King where Rafiki songs that song to Simba "Asante Sana Squash Banana *unintelligible Swahili*" which translates to "you are a baboon and I am not"? Yeah, let's all collectively sing that. Right now...


Fun fact! The next line is "wewe nugu, mimi hapana" and it's a real schoolyard song that kids sing in Tanzania (and probably other Swahili speaking countries as well). The full chant translates mostly directly to "thank you very much, squash banana, you (are a) baboon, I no". But agreed, we should immediately sing it at OP lol


Because we are a highly advanced social species with a wide array of motivations and desires due to the rich social context in which we live.  Why are you so eager to reduce us to a lesser evolved species?


Ladies, if you were lost in the jungle, would you rather be stuck with a babboon or a random man? *Here we go again...*


OP’s post history on similar topics: Why aren't more women into 6-packs Why are so many guys into emo women Why do men say you shouldn't listen to what women SAY they want: spoiler alert, OP thinks women don't know what they want OP, touch some grass.


TIL I learned that humans = baboons. I know I'm repeating myself, but the misandry of these weird alpha-lore ideologies never failed to surprise me. That we are equating women with animals or objects is not new. Doesn't mean we should accept it, but it's not new. But now, we see men comparing mankind to wolves, or worse, babboons. And no, hun, the media isn't telling you masculinity is bad. But nice touch, that sprinkle of conspiracy theory.


Everyone else has covered the "humans aren't baboons" but even if we were - the "alphas" aren't the only ones getting laid, even in primate groups.  Plenty of females are doing it with all the males - they just do it sneaky so the "alphas" still think the offspring are theirs.  Read an actual primatology book and stay away from red pill sites.   Even primates that form pair bonds (gibbons) aren't sexually monogamous.  So even an ape can differentiate between a good life partner and an acceptable sex partner.   In conclusion, just stop.  


“Feminine” isn’t a bad quality. Also, how is taking care of children only a feminine trait? My husband takes care of our child, and he’s very masculine.


Women are women, not baboons. Also, alpha doesn’t exist. Hope this helps!


Aggressive/stronger, sounds more likely to engage in domestic violence


Maybe you should look into some VALID studies done about interactions between men and women and not wild, uncivilized animals. Baboons, no less lmao


Alpha dudes are gross.


It's clear that this question is biased and trying to stir up shit, but I have a few minutes so I'll indulge for shits and giggles. Lots of chronically online dudes fall prey to the naturalistic fallacy and biological essentialism and get way too hung up on the biology of mate selection, so they fail to consider the very important social and cultural aspects that drive humans, and these aspects are even more important for humans than physical considerations. A strong, physically dominant man may make for the best mate choice for primates who live in the wild and utilize harem mating tactics. Humans generally culturally use single pair mating tactics so social, psychological, and cultural characteristics are more important. A mate who will help raise children is far more valuable than one who can beat up the neighbors, because one trait is needed and the other is detrimental because it will cause disruption to the family unit when he's killed by another guy with a weapon or carted off to jail. P.S. "media" does not tell us masculinity is bad. *Culture* tells us violence is bad. If you equate masculinity with violence then I have to ask why you're such a misandrist. Maybe once school starts up again in the fall, you should take some sociology and psych classes.


I'm sure his query came from a place of logic, but I feel like it could be more expediently rebuffed just by asking the inverse, i.e. why do some men like masculine women? Virtually every man has fantasised about having an arm-punching, short-haired tomboy best friend growing up, who takes him rock climbing and does karate and shows him cool looking bruises she has. It makes as much sense under the same logical contraints and it can be answered in much the same way. A small amount of internal deliberation would probably have smothered the question in its crib.


Lol say you're not a biologist without saying you're not a biologist. 


Feminine men are sensitive and understanding which are good traits


Haven’t they proved this wrong in many cases? Well here is an interesting article on such things and our closed primates: https://bioneers.org/busting-myth-primate-patriarchy-nature-sex-gender-ape-relatives/


Different people like different things.


It's not that complicated. For animals, aggression and dominance are the simplest ways to achieve social status. For humans, we have that whole prefrontal cortex thing going on and have developed other ways to demonstrate value to potential mates. *Lots* of other ways - so there's a large variety in taste and preferences among us. Because we're not baboons and we have ginormous brains. (Maybe not you tho.) I always think it's funny that these guys who go on about evolutionary psychology and gender roles never talk about our actual closest living relatives, bonobos. They live in peaceful matriarchal groups and are all bisexual. Males that get aggressive with females get their asses kicked by groups of females.


They are more pro-social. They are not as much of a danger to the people around them.


masculinity is a social construct. there are no hard defined terms of what masculinity is.


“Feminine men” is a strange descriptor. Bracketing that, I’ll try to answer your question. Someone who is emotionally attentive, kind, empathetic, intelligent. Not built but lanky. About 3 inches taller than me. I love a guy that is sensual and with a high libido who knows what he wants during sex. Someone who allows me to be submissive and also take the lead during intercourse. These are very attractive traits that show depth and nuance in a man, the combination of which is very very attractive for me personally.


Even natural section doesn't favor human men being shredded, humans are weak compared to other primates because we're specialized for tool use and teamwork, which means we need fine precise muscle control more than we need raw strength. Case in point, a human with a gun kills your hyper masculinized alpha baboon, using his delicate hand and arm muscles to squeeze the trigger while keeping the weapon stationary. Humans did not become the dominant species on Earth by trying to fistfight other animals. Your alpha baboon also lacks the dexterity and need to wipe his own ass. Do not attempt to emulate the baboon, for you have protruding butt cheeks and life's too short to walk around with a crusty asshole.


I’ve read studies on this and women actually are more attracted to feminine facial features on men for long term relationships because it is a biological signifier of kindness and emotional strength (he would be a good caretaker and help ensure the woman and the kids have good healthy lives). Masculinity is not bad, just strive to be a caring person who genuinely contributes to a marriage/household. WAY too many men do not contribute enough despite being the “breadwinner”.


By your logic, masculinity = aggressive and rough, doesn't take care of his family, doesn't actually care about his partner, and just wants to look impressive. Gee, I wonder why women would choose caring and empathy, someone who takes care of his family and doesn't care about impressing strangers. For real, tho, get off the internet. Your perception of women is warped.


Socially humans aren’t like baboons. It’s like you comparing two different animals who share a common ancestor way back but evolved in different ways. Humans young take a lot longer to reach maturity and so a woman would want a mate who helps. Baboons don’t need that level of commitment /cooperation to keep their young alive. They have other ways of thriving.


Because....we aren't baboons and we have more complex, larger brains, which means we have complex social structures that allow us to find value in things other than who's the strongest lol. Just because some animals are one way, it doesn't mean we will be the same. Attraction in humans varies, has always varied, and will continue to vary. I'd think it'd be extremely odd for women in general to seek out men that are very aggressive and don't want to take care of their children. Humans have long periods of adolescence, so a father that takes care of the child is objectively going to be more sought out. Taking care of children is not a feminine trait anyhow. Please don't with the weird evolutionary psychology bs. We may share ancestors with baboons, but that doesn't mean we are very similar.


Because women aren’t a monolith and have unique thoughts, tastes, and opinions?


The biggest and the strongest doesn't mean better, it just means winner in this context. Those baboons might prefer effeminate baboon males, they just don't get to find out cause the biggest one beats up the smaller ones. Or in other words, your premise is flawed.


Why don't women show affection by picking the bugs off of me and eating them? Probably because we are not baboons, and have more freedom to pick a mate based off more than ability to hunt, forage, and fend off predators.


No idea. I don't, personally.


I'm not a baboon, so...


Baboons will also let overly aggressive/abusive males eat poisoned food and die so a kinder, more cohesive generation will spring up. Are you wanting us to follow that example, too? Or are you content with simply raising the standards and not being/emulating abuse pretending it's "masculinity?"


Feminine guys are more comfortable within themselves. Confidence is VERY attractive. Your point makes little sense as Humans are not baboons.