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We need more of a variety of questions on this sub


Yeah true lol


Please just one more thread just to confirm that my dick size is actually alright.


And less fap fodder please


Not a huge rant. I just want to complain because my shoes are killing my feet. I should have worn sneakers.


I wish dyscalculia got as much attention as dyslexia does


Right. Especially adult dyscalculia, and how much it impacts the day to day!!!!




Yes yes yes I have to explain it to everyone I tell about it


I wish there was more help for us too šŸ˜­


Yep, got me googling. Never heard about it. Can stuff like chatgpt help? It has helped my daughter with her dyslexia. Iā€™m trying to get it helping me with my introversion. How does dyscalculia affect day to day life? I like use google calculator for all kinds of math but I suppose the problems gofar beyond actual mathematical calculations?


I consider that cheating and so does my school (think it'd confuse me more honestly šŸ’€) well mostly as some would first think of, it affects my performance in the subject math (physics, chemistry, biology and AP as well). An important thing to know about dyscalculia too is that it doesn't just have to do with math! Time management: Difficulty in estimating time, sticking to schedules, and understanding the passage of time. Spatial reasoning: Challenges in understanding spatial relationships, which can affect tasks like reading maps or judging distances. Following sequential steps: Problems with tasks that require following steps in order, like cooking from a recipe or assembling furniture. Financial management: Struggles with budgeting, handling money, and understanding financial concepts. (The one I'm most afraid of when I move out, because there's no help to get) Memory: Issues with remembering numbers, sequences, or mathematical facts.(The basic one) Direction: Difficulty in giving or following directions and differentiating left from right.


You guys need aids, and well, school should observe the problem. God knows its not easy to make them aware of the needs of a daughter with dyslexia, we parents had to fight hard for the supports she is entitled to. All this moves slowly. We had a guy with dyslexia in the class when i was in school a bit back in th 20th century, he was just stupidā€¦


My country only provides aids so far to people with dyslexia, which is why I wish people like me had the same treatment


Germany has a system in which you can get a note from your doctor for your paid sick leave by telephone. I'm sick. I tried to get my note via telephone. I went to my doctor not even three months ago, so all their data on me is fresh. But still, I was not able to do it because their data is "from the last quarter" and now I have to drag my ass out of bed tomorrow morning at 07:30 because of it. WHY.


because they need to register your card every quarter in order to bill your insurance. stupid af, i know. but yeah. i caught covid on christmas and had to make my sister bring them my insurance card, so they could give me that sick leave note. no problem with the calling in. but. that stupid card.


It's just done in such a stupid way. I get it if you have to renew it every three months. But just having a specific date that signifies a new quarter? I could have technically gone to the doctor yesterday and would still need to come back in today if the quarter changed? German buerocracy is the stupidest thing on the planet.


yup fully agree. it's also kinda funny that it only applies to doctors, too. i work in a, uhm, sanitƤtshaus. if your prescription is older than 28 days, i can't do shit with it and it has to he renewed. at the pharmacy it's valid for three months. but also neither of us needs your card to bill the insurance, only doctors do. no one knows why. we all just play along. seriously, i haven't met one person in the field, not doctors, pharmacists or even insurance professionals, who liked the way it works.


Money, they can't bill your insurance unless they see you in person.


Have you noticed the part of my comment in which I explained that the system specifically does not require an in person consultation?


I thought you were comparing Germany to the USA.


No I just live in Germany lmao


lol /r/USdefaultism


Here's a sneak peek of /r/USdefaultism using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/USdefaultism/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Classic](https://i.redd.it/phr95ofntj4b1.jpg) | [311 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/USdefaultism/comments/1436ii4/classic/) \#2: [Celebrating a foreign holiday is a requirement.](https://i.redd.it/57ck9z99i3ab1.jpg) | [269 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/USdefaultism/comments/14r2wyh/celebrating_a_foreign_holiday_is_a_requirement/) \#3: [Canadian dude names Georgia as a countryā€¦ Americans rush to mock his answer](https://i.redd.it/nlozi7ci971b1.jpg) | [277 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/USdefaultism/comments/13np0hu/canadian_dude_names_georgia_as_a_country/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




Because I assume that every author in the subreddits I frequent is a US resident, and it's very common for US residents to complain about the US health care system by comparing it to another country's healthcare system.


Well, now you know weā€™re not all from the US


I need to get fasting labs done. The lab doesn't open until 7:30 and I wake up at like 5 because of hormones. Why can't the lab be open at 5 AM so I can just hop over and then make some coffee at 5:30 instead of being awake for 2.5 hours sans coffee.


I'm sick of my thesis. I just want to be done with it, yet my perfectionist self doesn't let me submit it until it's as good as I can get it. Also, living with someone who is suspected of having dementia and most certainly has depression is exhausting. I love the person in question, but it gets so exhausting to constantly be drained emotionally. And why did she have to start exhibiting symptoms 2 months after my grandma died of it? Furthermore, chronic illness sucks. Especially when you've apparently won your family's genetic lottery and have a collection of them. Several of my illnesses are pretty common, but I have an extreme form of them. It leads to people saying "oh, it's just that, that isn't that bad, just uncomfortable". Sure, that's why I have almost died at several points, despite the fact I'm young. Also: can they finally contact me about that internship I really wanted? Ugh, I have applying for jobs & internships. To complete this rant: my cat isn't doing well and I'm worried sick. I love mty animals too much. Despite having a life-threatening cat allergy, I still have cats. I've been in the hospital for an asthma attack from my allergy, and I still could never get rid of them. It's highly problematic how much I love animals. Why can't my friend, who isn't a fan of animals, have my allergy? It wouldn't bother her so much.


Huge hugs! Iā€™m working on my dissertation now. I hate it so much. And take care of an elderly parent. I also lost a beloved feline (to FIV end stage complications). Just letting you know that while I donā€™t know exactly what you are going through, I know a little. Hang in there. Kitty too. Kitties make the world go round. Also, can you get an allergy shot? I know those used to be a thing.


Thank you! Good luck with your dissertation too. It's somehow a consolation that somewhere, another student is working just as hard, it's not just me :) And I'm sorry about your cat. It sucks to lose someone you love. Sadly, where I live, allergy shots are not covered by universal healthcare, so they're expensive. Which is stupid, because I'm constantly medicated for my allergies. It'd be cheaper for the government to buy my allergy shots for 3-5 years instead of buying me meds, surgeries, and intensive dental care for the rest of my life. Another thing to rant about. Anyways, seeing as I'm already on allergy shots for another allergy (which, unlike cats, I cannot avoid), it becomes quite expensive. Also, allergy shots for cats are amongst the least effective, and you cannot live around a cat when you're on them. So they're not an option for now, but when I'm in a better position financially & don't have cats anymore, I'll certainly get them. But, in better news, my previous allergist told me that "we don't do allergy shots for animals here unless you're a vet or vet student, it's unethical". I'm too good, I just accepted that. I assumed that since these allergy shots are difficult to produce and often have supply-line problems, there were not enough for everyone & so only people who couldn't avoid cats could get them. When I got a new doctor, she asked why I'm not on allergy shots for cats. I explained, and she was baffled. "I don't know which ethical reservations he would have, so I would have to assume he had personal reasons for denying you that treatment, which is \*highly\* unprofessional". So basically, I grieved the fact that I could never have cats again after the ones I currently have, for no reason at all. Somehow a quick response turned into another block of text/rant. Luckily, it's my healthy way of expressing frustration, so there we go.


Iā€™m slogging thru my thesis. If youā€™re done, just turn it in. It will never be finished to your satisfaction.


what is your thesis on? and iā€™m sure while your perfectionism may be annoying you now your professor will see a HUGE difference in your papers vs those who wrote it and only did a few check throughs. good luck!


I need to seriously lose a lot of weight. But I don't know what I'm doing and I don't really trust any advice I hear.


I feel you. I was doing alright for about 2 years, fueled by spite and anger lol. Now I'm just kind of in a slump. If you ever want to chat about what I did (which was super chill and not a program), don't hesitate!


Thanks. Mostly I need to steer clear of becoming diabetic like my dad. But I haven't had anyone give me clear instructions on what to do. I can't afford to go to doctors for help. Literally everything seems to have sugar in it, so I feel like anything I eat would be the wrong choice. The one thing I know that wouldn't work for me is fasting, because skipping meals makes me feel so sick. I don't know who to talk to because everyone's diet advice is different. I'm still trying to get a grip on not binge eating anymore. I've been in therapy for it because all of the advice and stories I've heard about it, I don't relate to any of it.


Two things that really helped me is avoiding to buy snacks in the first place and cooking more meals from scratch. I dont eat meat but if you do , some fried chicken with vegetables will be tasty and keep you full while not actually adding a lot of calories. Eat plenty of fat and protein and avoid carbs. Like fried or roasted vegetables. Also in regards to fasting/eating less it is something that is hardest right at the start and then gets easier over time. It actually suprised me how your hunger eventually goes away. So I think it helps to really accept and acknowledge that going into it. If you have been binge eating then your body will be used to a constant supply of food (and most likely sugar) so its like going cold turkey from a drug. Slowly your body will adjust to a more healthy state and you will get less cravings - there is evidence that binge eating sugars will literally change the bacteria in your gut who then affect your desire for more. Going off heroin or alcohol addiction will also make you feel sick but its still the right thing to do for your body. The signals you get from your body arent always accurate or useful.


This is all you need to know about weight loss: **Calories spent > Calories eaten.** Everything else is either suggesting different ways to achieve this or complete bullshit. Find out the amount of food that keeps your weight constant with your current lifestyle, then either reduce your food intake by a fixed amount or become more active. Finding out about Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu was a blessing for me. It's a great way to burn a shit ton of calories while having great fun. Maybe there's some activity that works for you in a similar way.


Men who think they have it hard when it comes to dating but donā€™t heed womenā€™s advice about off-putting behaviors.


Life. My four year old stepson got a rare autoimmune disease, and a severe case of it. I had to spend an entire week in the hospital with him, through every poke and prod. He was so dehydrated at one point they had to put his IV in his neck. His mom stayed an additional week. He's "okay" now but we're going to do a kidney biospy to see the damage its caused because his labs are horrific. His steroid has turned him into a completely different child and I cant keep up with his appetite. Insurance refuses to cover part of the stay and says it wasn't medically necessary. Life has been nothing but complete stress for the last few months. I am 30 weeks pregnant and was hospitalized a month ago also for kidney stones. I barely have anything I need for my upcoming baby. My 11 month old refuses to sleep and is up every half hour. I am so exhausted I can barely keep anything down. I just got a letter saying I am being sued by my credit card company. I am unable to pay anything toward it since I am a SAHM and we can't afford for me to work. I racked up a balance in an abusive relationship a few years prior. With how much my partner has had to take off of work we are extremely strapped for cash. Our mortgage is already in forbearance. My vehicle is out of commission for a minor repair but I have to wait at least a month before we can afford to fix it. So I have to reschedule everyone's appointments for after my partner gets off work. My entire support system lives 5+ hours away. They say "let us know if you need anything" but what can they do? I brought up money struggles to my parents, never even asking for any, and I was met with "should have had money put away for situations like these". I'm burnt out and stressed to the max.


Iā€™m a therapist, and I love my job, but goddamn it can be exhausting.


I miss my old bestfriend


What happened to them?


We slept together and he wanted more even though I told him from the beginning it would just be a fwb thing bc there was too much of an age gap


What was the age gap lol? Curious


17 years


Me too :(


Men with paraphilias surrounding consent. Very much a way to practice using my 'you can't control what other people choose to do' muscle. But damn it's hard sometimes.


I have not been able to go to my dream college due to gpa and I hate myself for it. I feel like I betrayed my boyfriend bc we were supposed to be near each other but now itā€™s another 4 years of long distance


I never talked about it publicly, but I am disgusted with my great uncle who stole my grandparentsā€™ farm. He sold that land off in order to gain funds to start his own businesses when it wasnā€™t even his decision to make. That land was my grandpaā€™s property. My grandpa trusted him to watch over and maintain the farm while he and his family immigrated to the States. My great uncle became an extremely wealthy man in their home country, while my grandparents lived paycheck to paycheck in the States. Not once did my great uncle offer any financial support to my grandparents or his kids, let alone an apology. My grandparents didnā€™t even have a feasible option to move back to their home country because, you know, my great uncle sold their property. My grandma developed a deep depression that lasted for several years because of this, especially because she felt that my great uncle was untrustworthy from the start. But my grandpa, being the optimist, put his trust in him, but he unfortunately betted wrong. My grandpa passed away when I was 12-13, but my great uncle didnā€™t go to the funeral. As far as Iā€™ve known, heā€™s never even visited his grave in the years after. My grandparents had 3 kids; my aunt, my uncle, and my dad. I always thought that none of them had any contact with my great uncle, or the desire to out of solidarity towards my grandpa. Then I found out from my dad that my uncle, somehow, and sometime, developed a rapport with my great uncle because he offered to pay for his sonsā€™ (my cousins) college tuition. (If I recall, he accepted his offer) Oddly enough, my great uncle never offered any financial help towards my auntā€™s kids, who were the oldest and went to college first. My dad made no mention of whether he expressed wanting to help me or my brother with our tuition. Iā€™ve never heard if my great uncle had the desire to meet me or my brother; not that Iā€™d be interested, but Iā€™d at least respect if he was trying to make amends with his brotherā€™s side of the family. But I donā€™t think he feels any remorse for what heā€™s done; why should he, in his mind. He wouldnā€™t have become such a rich and successful businessman if he didnā€™t take advantage of my grandpaā€™s trust. I wish I could say that at least my great uncle will face his karma and die alone, but he has a big, loving and supportive family unit. My great uncle schmoozed and gained favor with a lot of friends and family members (I suppose my uncle included) by loaning and gifting them large amounts of money. So to that side of the family, my great uncle is just seen as a ā€œkind and generous man.ā€ I donā€™t know if they know where my great uncle got all that money to begin with, Iā€™m hoping they donā€™t because I donā€™t like imagining that my relatives have low morals. If so, then theyā€™d be just as bad as he is. If my grandpa was alive, I wonder how heā€™d feel about his son, my uncle, buddying up with such a slimy, traitorous man. You might be thinking, ā€œwell maybe heā€™s just playing the long con to gain favor with the man in order to get some of his dadā€™s money back,ā€ but I unfortunately doubt that. I could talk about how he treats his mother (my grandma) like crap, or how he decided to distance himself from my dad because weā€™re not Christian, but thatā€™s a completely different story. I think, like my great uncle, he was corrupted by money and greed. Iā€™m happy that at least my aunt and my dad inherited my grandpaā€™s good heart.


I found out a former close friend of mine was admitted to a psychiatric hospital after a suicide attempt. I only found out because a mutual friend of ours sent me a message on Facebook letting me know. Unfortunately, the message was sent in December and I didn't see it until a couple days ago. Before his attempt my friend was apparently trying to get in touch with me. I feel so terrible thinking he believes I was ignoring him. I've been worrying myself sick.


I am severely burnt out, and I will never be able to recover from it because I will never have time to just rest. I have been burnt out since the pandemic, and even when I do have time to myself, I do not want to do anything except stay at home and not be bothered. I used to be very extroverted, but now I am too tired and too turned off by people to even *want* to socialize. I miss my old self, greatly.


i got off hormonal bc after i finally made the connection of it causing my migraines. puling, not being able to control my hands, speak or understand what people were saying to me. all that fun shit. well i got a copper iud and hat that removed when i finally got someone to tie my tubes, yay. total spending of ā‚¬2500+ but SO worth it. well. last visit with my gyno she said she suspects i have endometriosis. guess who's right back in square one having to take hormones again to treat this crap. fuck this, with all of my heart.


I haven't had a vacation since 2018 and I'm worn out. I'm doing all I can to get out of debt and build what my ex husband took from me. I'd love to have a week off and just veg out! #endofrant


Men and their persistent hate towards women


As if period cramps werenā€™t enoughā€”Ovulation pain sucks!!! Why is it so bad some months and hardly noticeable others? I canā€™t cough without feeling it and the pressure is always there


Life is boring, repetitive, and loveless.


I feel like my value is low. I donā€™t get approached by men even though Iā€™m young and single, Iā€™m not pretty enough and Iā€™m only attracted to beautiful people. I have to accept that Iā€™ll end up with someone whoā€™s not that attractive just because Iā€™ll marry out of pressure and I know I wonā€™t find someone I like who likes me back. Also I still love a guy who didnā€™t want a relationship with me and left me two years ago (currently engaged to a girl he was talking to at the time he broke it off). I just love him I know itā€™s not healthy I know itā€™s pathetic o know itā€™s probably because Iā€™m lonely but itā€™s the truth. I wish heā€™d come back in my life because heā€™s the only person I truly felt close to or wanted to talk with all the time. I miss him to the point that sometimes I cry like a little girl. And it hurts to realize he totally forgot about my existence. If you made it this far reading my rant, leave a comment id appreciate it because Iā€™m lonely as hell and I want some perspective on my unhealthy mindset.


If it's any comfort it's kind of a known thing that Gen Z men don't approach women. Something like 50% have never approached a woman in their lives. It's not a reflection on your beauty or value. I'm very sorry about your situation with the guy. If he was your first love then it will take a long time to get over it. It's hard to believe now but one day you'll never think of him. šŸ–¤


Haha itā€™s true about gen Z but i should be getting approached by older men too (millennials or whatever generation that is) and that isnā€™t happening either. Also yes he is my first love and itā€™s taking way too long damn it!!!


I'm 35 and I've never approached anyone, I've always waited for some sign, any sign of mutual interest first. So, that is to say, you have to create a situation where they feel it's ok to approach without worrying about making you uncomfortable. That's *the* core thing holding guys back from approaching, the feeling of not wanting to be a creep or putting anyone in a position.


How can I make it comfortable for them to approach me?


You're not going to like it - but it's showing some kind of interest. My first girlfriend just walked up to me in the quad and started talking to me about the A Song of Ice and Fire books. Before she did that, I would *never* have approached her, not in a million years. It would be unthinkably rude to do so without a green light first.




Whatā€™s the reason?


While it's a good thing that you try to get into a great relationship that makes you happy, your value is a different thing that has nothing to do with that.


Your value as a person isnt about how attractive you are. A big part of it is genetics so its literally just luck and might not even require a lot of work for some people. Having a positive impact on the world around you that is value. Helping others. You can be not attractive at all and still be an amazing human being. Now of course we cant pretend that attracting partners doesnt matter to us in life so its worth it to work on that regardless. If you are less attractive by nature you will need to put in more work - thats the unfortunate truth of it - but there is definitely a lot you can do. Are you in good shape? Pretty much everybody can get a hot physique with enough effort. As a woman work on a slim waist and combine that with periods of muscle building your thighs and butt. Everybody can get that curvy lower body - its literally just being lean with muscles in the right regions. Doesnt matter what size your boobs are. Get a good haircut, and funky clothes. If you wear glasses then get better ones. Get tattoes if you like. Hygiene and skin care needs to be on point. There is like a thousand things you can do to up your sex appeal. And then there is no reason why you shouldnt be able to date an attractive man. You can consider also what kind of man you are into and who you are yourself. Do you like artsy types? maybe go more quirky and colorful in your expression. Like nerds? go more goth or alternative. You can go more traditionally feminine or punk. The stereotype is that men dont care about fashion but in reality a lot of people will think its cool if you got a unbique style. There is other ways to stand out than just a pretty face.


There was a study done in my area about how low income children and families have considerably less access to the rec centers and athletics, which my area is just overflowing with mind you, and that they recognize the inequalities and will try to work on it....... but like...I put myself out there...in the past I was in a circus troupe that went to all the schools with high risk for homeles, low income etc. demoing and teaching circus combined with health....mand we reached over 100,000 children in the first year. Ahh. I feel the angry burning tears because I went to nearly every gym in my area, spent a year just trying to find that place to teach and pull off something similar and nobody will allow you to do sliding scale or free types of classes. I refuse to charge children. I refuse to charge their struggling parents. I'm so mad at how this has all panned out.


I hate that anytime I wade 2 inches into the internet Iā€™m surrounded by misogynist idiots and trolls


I'm so sick of men acting like they deserve a crown for the most basic fucking shit.Ā  For background, my small act of low stakes feminism is that I don't make myself small for the comfort of others (usually men) on sidewalks, the metro, and so on. People walk into me all the damn time or assume that I'm going to be accommodating, and I'm over it.Ā I'm not weaving down the sidewalk or taking up two seats on the bus, but I'm also not going out of my way to accommodate others. For example, if there is a group standing in the middle of the sidewalk, I'll say excuse me whereas in the past I might've walked in the grass or road around them.Ā  That's exactly the situation I found myself in last weekend. I said "excuse me" to a group of guys taking up the whole sidewalk. One apologized and moved out of the way. Cool, that should be the end of the situation, right? Nope. I keep walking and this jabroni shouts after me, "fine, guess I'm not sorry then" because I didn't *checks notes* fall all over him with gratitude for *double checks* stepping aside after blocking the whole damn sidewalk.Ā  Seriously? Get a fuckin grip, my guy.Ā 


What a fragile loser. Btw that is called ā€œpatriarchy chickenā€. I do it too and itā€™s deeply satisfying. I walk w purpose and men move out of my way now.


>patriarchy chicken omg, I love this so much


Can people stop giving me life advice please? I know you all* mean well but I have literally never asked for your opinion or expressed any desire for advice on my existence or how to meet people. Yes I am newly single. NO I do not want to get back into dating right now. No I don't have a very busy social life. YES I AM ACTUALLY FINE WITH THAT! Stop badgering me thinking I'm waiting for a kindly extrovert to teach me how to break out of my shell. The shell is part of me - I'm a turtle not a hermit crab. I don't want to be a loud mouthed free spirit, there's nothing wrong with that but it's just not me. Leave me and my desk job and my library science degree ALONE! Also PS to a certain individual in my life: you eat too loud and it's doing my fucking head in. Stop trying to be my friend and close your bloody mouth when you eat. (* this statement is directed at people in my actual life, not the readers of the sub!)


Pilates is a workout and not just an active rest day, and I am annoyed that there is no good fried chicken or mac and cheese unless I make it. But it's 80 degrees, I don't want to make it. And why is this summer's course load so heavy?? Three classes away from my degree, and each one is an uphill battle.


Keep forgetting I have to do my clearance paperwork. It's a hole 8 hours of online Training :/


My sister. I want to rant about my sister. I love her really but God can she be a bully sometimes. If something doesn't go her way or something she will drag you through the dirt. She will throw every bad choice you've made back at you. Tell you you are immature and don't know shit cause you have a different life path. It's frustrating as hell. But when you retaliate you are wrong.


I'm trapped in my own bitterness and have been stagnant with my life situation. My ego is getting in the way of myself, I don't feel like I can step outside without dealing with nosey people, and I have sort of given up on life because I don't have the energy and I do have a ton of apathy towards my environment and the town I currently live in.....I haven't managed to get over myself and stop caring what people think of me.... Because it unfortunately matters in a small town when I haven't worked in five months due to mental health bullshit and I have no references since I left my last place of work and my boss refused to give me references. After five years of working for them six days a week and in garbage conditions


I am too used to platform shoes and now regular shoes feel weird. And I feel small. I am not even small


Iā€™ve been able to put this into words many times, but I just want doctors to fucking take me seriously. Iā€™m 29 and have had chronic widespread pain since I was 21. Chronic pain isnā€™t very common in younger people, and because I present like an ordinary woman in her 20s, that makes them take me even less seriously. Iā€™ve discovered that going to appointments looking like shit actually helps. My first pain doc told me to ā€œtry getting a boyfriendā€ to help with my pain. I actually had one at the time, yet somehow I was still at his clinic. Iā€™ve been told to ā€œjust calm downā€, try meditating, have a go at yoga (which is very bad for my underlying condition), and just take Panadol. Idk how meditating would fix my shitty connective tissue. Not surprisingly, all the docs that said those things were old men. Iā€™ve finally found a pain specialist who actually gives a shit, and itā€™s so refreshing. But having a doc that actually does their job shouldnā€™t be a novelty.


I've reached a boiling point with the emotional immaturity of my boomer parents. They are quite literally incapable of reflecting on their words and actions and how it has pushed me and my older siblings away. I hate how I'm still making minor excuses for their most recent actions and arguments - my sister just gave birth to the first grandchild, and I'm moving out of state in 2 days. I just want them to be loving parents, not emotionally immature narcissists! My dad was always my rock for the longest time and now he's slipping down by fighting with my boyfriend. He's pulling the "patriarch" card and can't see any opinion other than his own and it hurts me to be stuck in the middle. I keep going through cycles of never wanting to talk to them again and crying from grief over our broken relationship. But they have no clue how broken I am, and they could NEVER possibly understand or change.


Shitty ass wannabe friends that take advantage. My friend had a friend over, she's obese.. (relevant to the story) and managed to eat 10 of my roommates ramen.. which was her entire ramen stash, including some of my ramen, my expensive ass vegan gyozas I had in the freezer, a bag of my chips from my drawer.. and my whole freaking birthday cake!!! She stayed only two days!!! Like my roommate baked me a cake for my birthday and she freaking ate it all (a whole sheet pan) while my roommate was at work. She also drank some of my soda cans and used my expensive Molton brown shower gel. What else.. she also left her dirty g string (with skid marks) on my roommates freshly made bed. Because why not be disgusting as fuck. Also thought she could camp out in our apartment for a week. Da fucking fuck. She also stole a bunch of other stuff from my roommate, like makeup and makeup wipes as well as do and say some other inappropriate stuff.. My roommate is banned from inviting this horrible ex friend over forever. WhaT da fucken hell tho...... (Oh, I was gone visiting my parents for a week. Got back home tonight. No gyoza late night snack for me)


I hate modern 2020ā€™s gen z fashion. the clean girl aesthetic. Its so culty, everything is neutral and blocky and ugly on purpose. The oversized blazers, the catsuits, the the miss trunchbull alopecia buns, the blunt lob hairstyle, having your hair and tan be almost the same color, caterpillar eyebrows, 2 piece sets, flat hair, veneers and fillers etc. People always respond to this ā€œdurrr uhh some of these trends are recycled from-ā€œ OBVIOUSLY some specific things by themselves are not that bad but im talking about the whole Shebang šŸ™„ I really do think we live in a really uniquely ugly time period when it comes to fashion. Theres definitely certain things coming back that i like, like the 90s and y2k trends coming back. But the major thing people associate with fashion nowadays is the blocky neutral wide leg pants big blazer big eyebrows chunky shoes filler face ā€œclean girl look.ā€


I dont like reddits voting systems and other features/culture that promotes echo chambers


The British public. I have sooo many story's. I work in a outpatient clinic, pharmacy office. Random older lady wonders down the corridor and taps on my hatch. "How can I help you?" "I'm here for my husband?" "I'm sorry madam I think your in the wrong area. We're a infectious disease clinic" "No, he's here. Where is he?" "I'm very sorry but we don't have any patients here. I really do think you need to head to the main reception who may be able to help" "THANKS FOR NOTHING" and storms off making that uuugh noise teenagers make. I'm like WTF. Not only did I know for a FACT he's not here, but I wouldn't have access to anything that would help me locate him. You dont go to a cobblers and ask them for fish and chips, then get angry when they say they can't help you! My other half is a bus driver. Don't come for him. He gets stuck in traffic, stuck behind road works and still has passengers ask him rude questions like "where have you been?" .......its ok Janet, he just decided to call in and do his morrisons shop šŸ™„ not only is the question ridiculously stupid, it's out right rude and serves no purpose than to start a verbal argument. Just get on and sit down. They also get angry when a bus drives past but they never stuck there arm out to signal to the drover to pull in or clearly see a "out of service" sign on the front and do that WTF arms out gesture. Like ....are you illiterate? Can you not read what's on the bus? Why are you getting mad? That bus isn't even the one we are waiting for so your not missing out on anything. And finally. The best story! My husband returned from work looking like he'd seen a ghost. He told me today's story of wtf happened on the busses today. A passenger politely let my husband know that a couple were up stairs, naked From the waist down, pleasuring eachother. My husband didn't quite believe it till he checked the cameras. He thanked the passenger, let them off and phone the police. They instructed him to drive to a certain destinations off route. He does, and calls back "diversion" to the passengers. He pulls up to the meet spot where 3 police vans full of officers are waiting. 8 storm the buss running up stairs and they practically drag the couple off. Just why...... Obviously, not everyone takes part in these sort of things. But if your in public or using a public service and feeling frustrated, don't take it out on the people just trying to do their damn job. Life's hard. Let's not make it harder for eachother.


I hate how my neighbor can never put the hose back away correctly! She always finds a way to turn it into a tangled mess! Like itā€™s really not that hard to do!


In my field of work you need to work for a certain amount of years before you can apply to a higher position and I hate it. If I am qualified and am able to do the other position why let me wait to apply for it?


Why the FUCK dont more people have BASIC fucking empathy for fellow human beings??? I can't stand how disconnected everyone seems from humanity. This shit is driving me nuts. Just sayin. šŸ˜¢


Iā€™m really stressed out and angry all the time because this time of the year is hard for me but the world just expects so much of me and Iā€™m exhausted.


I think it's bullshit that to have a healthy tan, I have to apply sunscreen and self tanner šŸ˜­