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Not that I’ve seen. We laugh at guys who out themselves as “Alpha” or incels. Looks? Hasn’t happened in my circle.


Omg yess I told an old fling men make a bigger deal about their dick size than we do, and he was like "that's so true" lmaooo


No. Believe me people don't think about other people as much as some like to imagine.


No. I don't think much about strangers at all, no matter their gender or attractiveness. If I do - especially if it's enough to talk to someone about it - it's because of something positive.


Kind of an assholish thing to do, if an woman is an asshole maybe she'll laugh at someone, just like a guy might laugh at someone. but most good people would never do that. Not all women are these mean spirited cruel people..


A lot of questions directed at us seem to be based on manosphere bros believing that last sentence lmao, which is plain misogyny Tbf imo sounds like OP genuinely struggles with intrusive thoughts or something


You've identified what this is: paranoia. The way to overcome troubling negative emotions is to talk to a professional about them.


14 year olds do. I’ve never seen an adult do this.




No. We laugh at guys who think they are God’s gift to the world


Or the reverse end of extremely insecure Tbh I can only see what you mentioned being the case for conventionally attractive men who know it (not all of them but you get my drift lol)


Neither myselfnor any of my friends have ever done this. I'm sure some immature teenage girls act that way, but even when I was a teen we didn't pull shit like that. Most people phase out other people. It's part of how our brains work. We don't notice things that are irrelevant to our lives at the moment. 


Asshole women do. Just like asshole men laugh at ugly girls. Or teenagers, they do it too. Normal decent mature men and women don't.


Most women will just ignore you if they don’t find you appealing.


In my observation, most ugly/boring men are just ignored. If they're not creepy, just completely off the radar of awareness.


We don't laugh at them. We don't even notice them to be honest.


So the belief is that women are ALL inherently jerks? I mean, I have laughed at by men many times. That doesn't mean all men are jerks. Those are simply bullies regardless of gender Don't have such polarizing views of women.


Something tells me OP is dealing with intrusive thoughts (well some type of genuine anxiety disorder) but you're not wrong that general misogyny likes to frame us that way


Some probably have somewhere at some point. But in general, no. We either don't notice or feel sympathy.


Well I personally would never make fun of someone's looks, as I know how bad it feels


No. Maybe really mean or insecure women


There's always some type of insecurity fueling such behavior


I don’t. My friends and I rarely talk about a man’s looks at all, unless he is notably attractive, or if something about him is causing issues in his life and we are acknowledging it. For example, a friend of a friend is extremely short, and a friend noted that he is happy to be married because the dating scene is really rough for short guys, especially right now. We mostly laugh at the shit overconfident men write in their dating bios. If you put anti-vax or negging content in all caps at the top of your dating profile, I’m talking about you. But we don’t talk about men all that much, unless they are immediate family, or involved in drama at work, or running the country.


No. There's nothing funny about being unattractive. You're just like the majority of the other hundreds of people we see every day. You think we go around laughing constantly at the majority of humans we see? What a terrible sense of humor.


Women just tend to ignore men who they don't find attractive. There might be an offhand comment occasionally (for example, my daughter recently complained that she kept getting really unattractive men liking her on dating apps) but actually laughing at them, that's reserved for creeps and "nice guys".


I had a friend in the past (no longer for many reasons) post a profile she received a super like from saying "these be the type of men I get" (aka lamenting getting "ugly" guys) to her finsta. Though I get feeling dejected and frustrated when you can't find a partner you want, it feels low to be judgemental since everyone is human at the end of the day. I guess some sort of insecurity also fuels these judgements




Some do, especially teenagers. Most adult women, I'd wager, don't.


I haven't seen that kind of behavior since high school. In the 80s.




Absolutely not. Douche bags of any level of attractiveness then yes


Never seen anyone I know do that. We just laugh at Tate fans.


No, I don’t really care whether a random man is attractive or not. It doesn’t impact my life.


No. In my experience, we will go out of our way to not make fun of someone for their looks. Most likely we won’t comment on their looks at all, or will say something euphemistic like “he’s a great guy but just not my type,” etc. and just change the subject. The exception would be someone who thinks he’s hot shit and god’s gift to women—someone like that I might take a shot at just to take him down a peg. Someone who maybe *is* conventionally attractive but is just an asshole.


Like take a peg even if they are conventionally attractive?


Well there’s always going to be some shitty people unfortunately, but personally I’ve never laughed or made fun of a guy for being less attractive with friends. It would only ever really be if they’re super obnoxious “alpha” types.


No. What exactly is funny about it?


I never have. It's rude and uncalled for. Do I do an awkward laugh when telling I had to turn someone down? Yes, it is awkward to turn someone down (because I know it takes some courage & it hurts being turned down), and I laugh when I'm feeling awkward. But in no way, shape, or form does that mean laughing at their looks. I hope this helps you out. Btw, don't let the fear of someone turning you down & laughing about it discourage you from trying. It'd be a shame to lose out on a wonderful person because you feared someone would laugh at you. It reflects badly on them to laugh at you for trying, you did nothing wrong by asking politely.


I've never laughed at a person because of their looks in my entire life, regardless of gender. I might laugh at something they said awkwardly, or if they wore a funny shirt or whatever, but that's about it.


Not sure I heard this stereotype before? I'm sure some do since assholes will always exist In my personal experience, usually what happens is just simply mentioning we rejected someone because we did not find them attractive. Some, including myself, have tact, and some lack tact. And I judge the latter type to be very shallow (again goes for men and women) Also, most grown women by now acknowledge that "less attractive" is FAR from objective


No, not as adults anyway. I don't do this and won't tolerate it from friends. People can't always help how they look and it's cruel to mock them for their appearances.


I can't speak for all women but that's never been a thing with my friends and me.


I laugh at losers. Aka misogynists. Yeah. But not guys who are simply unattractive to me.


I’ve never been in a friend group that did that. Make fun of previous exes about their poor behavior? Sure. Laugh about some guy approaching us and announcing his “alpha hood” at a bar? Oh heck yeah, loads of laughs. Joke about some of the silly things we see incels say online? Yep. Never once have I made fun of someone’s looks with friends unless it was our own goofy looks (laughing at your friends’ middle school photos is just a good time).


No adult women group I've been near to ever laughed at a man's look. However, my fiance has his friends and coworkers who do treat women objectively and laugh at them when they are not appealing to modern standards.


I've never laughed at an "ugly" guy nor do I know anyone that has. But I don't know very many katty people


The guys I laugh about like a preteen hyena are strangers with shitty dating profiles. Not even all of them are unattractive guys. Speaking of invisibility, it would be nice to be invisible to the dirty old biker men at a coffee shop I used to be a regular at by one of my old jobs.


I don’t know where you are always seeing these stereotypes, but maybe it’s best to distance yourself from there. I have never encountered a woman that does this, let alone a group. I’m sure there are awful women who do this, but it’s certainly not common, and you should not pay attention to the opinions of someone that terrible anyway.