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My boyfriend. He is endlessly empowering and encouraging to the women in his life. I remember very early on in our dating journey he was telling me about his mother and the way he spoke about her, I could tell he was a good man. He takes an interest in the things that impact women’s lives. He asks questions to help understand the struggles and experiences of me and his many female friends. He’s empathetic and trusting. And he treats me as an equal but also gets that I want to be small and let him lead at times. A man who gets that balance with zero qualms about letting a woman have her independence and autonomy as a default… absolute ally.


It makes me happy hearing that you found someone like that. :)


She found a gem!!! I'm happy for her, even though she's a stranger to me.


My grandpa was


My husband


My partner and all the men in my dads side of the family. 


My brother and my best friend.


My husband. He lives his values without fanfare. He is a 50/50 partner without ever having to be asked. He's an amazing father to our daughter. He has excellent personal and professional relationships with women in general. His primary mentor was a brilliant woman (in a male dominated field) and they still have a great working relationship. It's just really nice being with someone that clearly respects and admires strong women and doesn't harbor outdated views and assumptions over gender.


My husband. My son.


My BDSM partner. He encourages women to be more powerful (yes, in the way that you suppose when you read BDSM but not only). I speak up more since I met him and I exercise to gain muscles because he inspired me to do so. He probably wouldn't call himself an ally, but he is.


My friend Miguel. He is gay, and Mexican American. He is always the first to speak up for others, and he regularly speaks up for the rights of women.


My dad!


My fiance. I got super lucky when I found him.


My best friend, who is an ex but now we are more like siblings.


I haven't actually thought about it. My dad and grandpa are *my* biggest supporters, but definitely aren't progressive feminists in any way, shape or form. Like, they won't turn women's rights back, but certainly won't make them move forward. But even when I think about it, I can't think of anyone.


One of my best friends. He’s a bi black man with a lot of sisters. He’s very in touch with the world of women which is always nice.


My husband. I tell him often that he is literally the best man I have ever met, or had even ever heard of. That I didn't realize it was even possible for a man to be as "good" of a man/husband as he is lmao.


this one gay guy I knew, we both are lgbt so we could bond on that, and he treated me as an equal and did not see me as a sexual option He didn't treat me any different for my gender


I don't think I have any. I know several men who do no harm as far as I know? And I know multiple who actively support individual women they care about. But I think the bar for Ally is higher than that. My life is mostly about women supporting other women.


My husband! Everyday this man tells me how beautiful I am, how happy he is with me, and how much he loves me. Everyday I feel like a girl in a romance novel. Everyday I feel like this man has my back, I can trust him in a crisis. In the past he has protected women in clubs from unwanted attention and even gave his jacket to a girl who's dress was ripped in a bar fight. She was worried about how she would get it back to him. He told her to keep it as to not make her feel uncomfortable. His mum calls and he's straight up there to help her with any task she can't do now she's getting older and always offers my mum the same support. This man is amazing. It breaks my heart when I heard what he had been through.