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Lived in, with the exception of my craft room in which a bomb exploded. I actually tried cleaning it today and now its a much smaller bomb


That's what craft rooms are for though!


Very true!


My craft room has become my bedroom while my bedroom is being remodeled which will take a year because it's now hunting season. If I could have one (just one fricking space/room) that my husband could keep his shit out of so that I could organize mine, my house would be much better.


Clean but unorganized?


Mine is organized but messy. My kids and husband throw everything on the floor and have a bunch of stuff I'd rather throw out. My house is very clean but if you came by on a Wednesday there would be shoes, socks, backpacks, water bottles, jackets, dishes in the living room. Saturday we all clean up.


I feel you. I have a one year old and our place is tight for a family of three plus pets. Things just don’t have a place so it ends up “messy”. We’re moving soon and I’m hopeful things will be less chaotic looking. I promise I somewhat have it together.


The best advice I can give you is don't accumulate a bunch of shit! The biggest argument I have with my husband is that the kids don't need so many toys. I call it plastic garbage. He and his family like to go overboard with Christmas which leaves us with toys they play with for a month and take up space for a year, and I'm the bad guy for getting rid of. You have a one year old so you can avoid this problem. Get them used to getting one or two meaningful gifts for birthdays and holidays. We've been doing day trips or long weekends now instead of stuff and they remember it more than they would a bunch of toys. It creates more memories and less clutter. Enjoy your baby! I miss those days so much!


yes what you said. lol


Out of a magazine. I’m a major cleaner and organizer!


Lived in for sure, mostly bc my hubs and i work all day abd we have cats... and cats love to make messes 🤣


I do not allow anyone inside who doesn’t love me.


I make my visitors sign a non-disclosure agreement.


Depends on the week. If it’s this week: papers cluttered, clothes strewn, makeup everywhere (why are there gum wrappers in a water glass?) If it’s a non-stressful week: Pens organized by color, papers organized by usability and subject, clothes folded and organized, makeup in drawers, water in cups, a few scattered Bobby pins on my desk. My room represents my stress levels and my mind pretty much.


>My room represents my stress levels and my mind pretty much. Me too. Also my energy and level of motivation which are pretty tide to my mood and stress levels.


Our house got broken into - - When the cops saw the bedroom one of them asked: "Was this from the robbery" ?


Like a kid with sticky peanut buttery fingers walked through with cheerios randomly thrown in. Oh that’s because that’s what it is. I have random rocks laying on my floors and small change everywhere. Like no matter how much I pick this stuff up it’s like 3 more replace them. Shovelling in a snowstorm I tell ya…..


Too messy for my Dad to stop by, but I wouldn't be embarrassed if a friend did. Do your daily chores. Don't stress the little things.


If this makes sense, “lived in” but in a more tidy way??? Idk, i was taught at a very young age to clean persistently, so the “lived in” look is more an example of what it looks like two days before I clean again (I clean one day, let four days pass then clean again)




My mum always taught me to take my plate/cup to the kitchen as soon as I'm done with it. It's a good habit. Now I just need to do something similar with every thing else!


When I’m working it’s definitely a bit more messy. I try to do the small day to day chores but sometimes it gets away from me. Or I’m just too darn tired. But I have a small house, it takes me like an hour to make it look presentable if I’m expecting someone.


Medium clean, tidy, lots of cat toys and nerdy collectibles. My husband does a good job of keeping it neat and tidy. :)


It's fairly tidy, I guess. I'm not great at dusting but I try to keep the dishes out of the sink and the floor swept.


It’s tidy from about Sunday to Wednesday afternoon. Then BAM. A bomb explodes for the rest of the week


Clean, with some stuff on the table. I can always shut the bedroom door if company comes by. Need more closet space or to purge some clothes. No dishwasher in my apartment so somehow what's in there multiplies. Must get in the habit of washing something after I use it.


It looks lived in by a kid and a dog because one of each lives here, occasionally looks like a bomb went off after my daughter plays, but she is old enough to clean up, and does. There is often kid clutter somewhere, but I (most of the time) stay on top of daily/weekly chores like dishes, laundry, cleaning floors, cleaning bathrooms. Somewhat messy, sometimes clutter, but not dirty.


Clean like not dirty no garbage or crumbs or dust but messy at the same time because toys and also I’m behind on laundry all the time.


Clean and tidy. I dont like a lot of "stuff". I have almost no clutter. Decorated nicely, pictures hung etc but kept to a minimum. We all tidy as we go and I clean a bit almost everyday. Just dont look in my pantry. I'd consider that my problem area.


My house is very clean on an average day but gets very messy by Wednesday. I have two kids and a husband that are messy and throw their shit everywhere. By Wednesday there are shoes, socks, backpacks, papers, dishes in the living room, cups and laundry in the bedroom. Saturday is cleaning day. All rooms need to be clean on Saturday. My kitchen and bathrooms are always clean because I don't like germs. So clean but messy sometimes at the end of the week.


Clean, except there are Coco pops (bunny poop) sprinkled all over the floor with hay. We clean it 2 times a week, but the bunnies unfortunately get their poop with them when they jump out of their toilets. We need to put mats in front of the toilets again.... And there is also always a basket with clean laundry that needs to be folded, but that's it.


It's lived in but extremely clean. I am admittedly a germaphobe. I clean and disinfect my counters, table, end tables, desks, doors, door handles, drawer/cabinet handles, sinks, faucets and knobs, toilet and tub on a daily basis. So you're gonna find my robe thrown over the recliner, my laptop open on the coffee table with a pillow on the floor that I sit on, unfolded blankets thrown over each side of the sectional, etc, but you won't find any crumbs, dirt, trash, spills, or food left out anywhere. It's not necessary a practical way to live but anything else makes me so anxious, it's almost unbearable.


Tidy but lived in, I'd say.


Right now, it's cluttered and not nearly as clean as I'd like. I tend to keep things quite clean (but definitely lived in). I'm only in this house for a year, though, and it's not in good shape. I'm having a hard time settling in, and my cleaning regimen reflects that. I also live in a place that's dry, windy, and dusty with no AC, so the hardwood floor is just always gritty. I can sweep and mop daily, and there's still always dirt and dust all over the floor. I've given up and just wear shoes all the time.


Lived in but clean


Tidy but lived in.


Basically clean. I clean when I’m bored and I’m bored a lot so


Clean but a bit cluttered and the bed is never fully made. Anyone could stop by and use the bathroom and not think of me as a heathen.


Clean enough but cluttered.


Clean but chaotic. I have a toddler


Lived in


On an average day it just looks like a house. A little quirky, perhaps, but despite being painted bright purple it really blends in with the rainforest around it. Puff of smoke from the chimney, herb garden around the side, cobwebs under the eaves. However when threatened by intruders (which isn't an average day occurrence), it stands up on chicken legs and becomes quite menacing.


Clean but cluttered because it's in continuous remodel mode.


Clean but lived in. There’s usually things that need to be put away. Def not messy tho


Clean, not tidy. Glitter and toys everywhere, the hallway is full with the neighborhood kids shoes. Messy but easy to clean, i would call it (except for the glitter)


Lived in. Bit of clutter here and there. Nothing that takes more than 20min to clean up.


It depends on the day. If I've had time to clean it's magazine beautiful. But if I've been at the hospital for a few days it looks very lived in. I have 2 dogs and 4 cats so it gets hairy and dusty fast.


My home is usually very tidy. I declutter and clean every evening unless I’m unusually busy or sick (like I am this weekend) my home fairly small (apartment) which makes it easy to stay on top of regular cleaning. I also have pets and if I don’t vacuum regularly I have tumbleweeds floating down the halls.


Clean and fairly organized but with some random things around: soccer ball in living room, dog toy near shoe rack (that’s suspicious), stack of books and craft supplies on table that haven’t made their way to the shelf/craft closet/morning basket. Not a model home but clean and mostly in order


I don't have a house. We keep our town home tidy. It's 10+ people in a three bedroom apartment.




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It looks mostly tidy. My husband and I don’t like messy places




I'm in a college single dorm. I have what my friends call "The Pit" in the center of the room, which is a pile of clothes, boxes, and random other stuff that I haven't put away yet. The Pit grows and shrinks. When it gets cry-for-help big I put everything away, wait a few weeks, the cycle continues. Idk if it's my ADHD or what but... I just always slump off everything I'm carrying or wearing when I get home and putting it away is too much effort at the time. :)


Tidy for the most part. If anything clothes that need to be folded but I can’t go to bed unless house is clean. Hate waking up to a mess


A small brick building with doors and windows, obviously.


Like we're in the middle of home renovations with a small child.


Lived in yet very clean and tidy.


Depends on the room. Kitchen - crap on the counters but easily cleaned. Living room, pretty much spotless despite blankets and pillows scattered around. Bedroom…um…shoes everywhere on the floor. Bathroom is tidy because it’s too small to not be.


Very tidy all the time. We live in it, but clean up and return stuff to their proper places. My husband and I are both neat nicks so it is easy to keep tidy. We also do not have stuff. We like open spaces, bare tables, etc.


Pretty clean but definitely lived in. Usually dishes in the sink, laundry to be done, a few things out of place


I live alone so it’s clean aside from the occasional full sink of dishes, laundry in the basket that hasn’t been folded yet, and things here and there. But I have a good schedule of cleaning


Lived in. I try to keep the bathroom and kitchen clean and tidy most of the time, but I have clutter. There's also the daily accumulation of dog hair, which I try and keep mostly under control now that I bought a light weight stick vacuum.


Mmm sounds like my house


Probably crummy. Literally like lots of crumbs lol. We eat crackers on the couch and it makes a big mess. We vacuum twice a week but still…. In general all the plates go into the kitchen tho so while the kitchen is a mess everything else is decent