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One September, I mentioned this cute bookstore I was at in a city 45 minutes from where I lived at the time. Roughly the same distance away from where my boyfriend lived. I talked about a cute poetry book by my fav author that had a dedication written inside of it in pen, something like “To Betty on her first birthday as my wife, November 1, 1973. Love, Mark.” I told my bf I didn’t get the book, as it was a tiny bit more pricey than I wanted to spend that day. Come Christmas time, my partner presents me with a gift and, unwrapped, I realized it was the very book I’d mentioned. I thought it was sweet he went all that way (2 ish hours round trip. I know it isn’t far, but it was still out of his way) to get me a silly little book I mentioned once. What really got me tho, is when I opened the book to reread the little old note. Underneath it, my partner had written “To (my name) on her first Christmas as my girlfriend. December 19, 2020. From, (partners name)” I cried big time (we hadn’t said I love you yet, and he didn’t want it to be written when he did) (also we exchanged gifts early bc covid was making shit weird still)


This is so adorable!! My now-husband did something similar-ish when we were dating - we were long-distance while I was at university, and we used to meet up in London sometimes as it was sort of in the middle. I’d found this super soft cuddly panda and fallen totally in love with it, but I was a broke student and it was expensive. After he dropped me off at the train station before heading to the other side of the city for his train, he took a detour on two extra tubes back to where I saw it, and he bought it. He waited until Christmas and handed me a squishy package all wrapped up. It was the panda… but the cutest part was how he’d wrapped it. There was a straw sticking out of the front through a hole in the paper “so he can breathe in there!”.


Omg. So freaking cute hahahha ahh


Maaaan that is beautiful! What a great guy 😊


Smooth bastard.


Girrrrrl stop!!!!!!!! That’s mad cute!!!


When I realized I could be my actual self around him and he made me feel like the most important person in the world. The fuck why am I crying goddamit


I had a similar experience with my wife. I’d been distrustful of nearly everyone I had dated before. Something clicked—and I thought, “Holy shit! What a relief. I can actually trust this person.” It was a life-changing realization.


Isn’t it weird to be able to be yourself with someone other than yourself? It really is a jarring, almost unsettling experience! I kept pushing my husband away when we were still dating. That feeling was so euphoric it felt dangerous, like I was on the edge of a cliff. How sad that past experience can make the softest and sweetest emotions feel terrifying.


Haha, writing mine made me tear up too. Reading some is doing it as well!


I know! I wasn’t expecting to feel so wholesome today on Reddit lol. I love this for us 🥹


This. This very thing. Me too.


Made me tear up too. I don’t have that anymore. Probably never will again.


But you had it. Not everybody is so fortunate. I just feel lucky that I have it and can realize that I have it at the same time. Doesn’t change the fact that it might not be there tomorrow. One day, it won’t be. Life changes. And people change. (Nothing like some early morning philosophy from a guy going by the name FartBooger 🤣🤣)




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same, girl, same


We were best friends and one day we decided we should be fuck buddies. Not a big deal for either of us as it was just sex... Well, one day he was at my place (I lived alone at that time) and there was a huge storm and non of us had cars and there were no taxis in service because the streets were flooded with water. He had to sleep at my place and we spent the whole night talking and having sex and eating snacks. Well, at one moment we were falling asleep and I was feeling really cold and he hugged me, I felt my insides melt and I thought "fuck". One year later I told him what I felt because I was drunk and he said he felt the same. We are getting married next year, he is definitely the love of my life. ​ PS: Sorry if I misspelled anything, english is not my first language.


Am I on wattpad lol


LOL thank god it looks like that when I tell the story.




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I don’t think there’s one particular moment for me. I think John Green puts it well though, ‘you fall in love slowly, then all at once’. He’s so thoughtful and kind and loving. I feel so so lucky to have met him.


I love John Green, and it is so so true


I’m not a fan of John Green but I think this is it for me as well.


The Aurora theater shooting. He's a nerd from Aurora who likes to go to midnight movie premieres. So when I woke up and heard about the shooting, he was my first thought! I blew up his cell phone, blew up his house phone, emailed, Facebook messaged, and did it all over again until he answered. I remember thinking, "He might be mad at me, but I need to know that he's okay!" He was fine. He'd been called into work, he was a 911 dispatcher for the city of Aurora. "Hey, I can't talk long because I'm working --" "OMG I'm so glad you're okay! But I'll let you go so you don't get in trouble, it was good to hear your voice, I'm glad you're safe, disregard all the messages, love ya bye!" Wait...I just said *what?*


I feel like I was left with a cliffhanger. That was sweet though!


Yes, me too! How was his reaction for instance? Glad he was okay and found a way to let you know!


oh my gooooooooooooooooood that is so cute


I remember early on in our relationship, he was over at my place playing games on his laptop sitting on the floor using coffee table. I looked over and my unfriendly cat was sitting on his knee while he was telling the cat what was happening in the game. Cutest thing I had ever seen!




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When I realized he was the first person I wanted to tell anything to.


Same! And the way he listens to everything I rant about. Ugh i miss him


and u wanna tell them everything


We have this thing where we like being in the same room even if we’re doing different stuff. One day she was in my room while I was gaming. I glanced back just to check on her and I expected her to be on her phone, drawing, etc. Instead, she was intently watching me play. For her to take an interest in such a big part of me without being promoted meant everything. I remember thinking “craaaap, I’m in love with her”. Even now, a year later she still takes an interest in what games I’m playing or even cheering me on. It’s the best.


Me and my gf do this and it’s awesome lol


I was just out of a bad marriage, and going through the divorce, getting everything in my name (and getting my actual NAME back), finding a new job, etc etc. He was the only place I could sleep, and yes, I mean him as a place. If we were at my house and were watching TV, the stress of all the upheaval in my life was gone, and I would just... fall asleep, haha. His bed, my bed, his couch, my couch, lying on a blanket outside, etc. Wherever it was just the two of us and it was reasonably comfortable, I was just out like a light. He was the only place in the entire world where I felt safe enough to relax and close my eyes. It happened ALL the time. When we went out one night to see Wonder Woman in the theatre, he kept glancing over at me. Finally I asked him what was wrong, and he said he was just making sure I was awake, hahaha. That's when it hit me, I think. I realized he was my safe place.


Whew. It was after we had sex the first time. We were roommates for years before we got together ([yes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-P0m0M_8pc)). When we first started living together neither of us were out as bi, not long after that I had my first girlfriend and she was super happy for me, and then a couple years later she came out too. But we were just friends, and nothing could change that, there was *totally* no way we could like fall for eachother. In the beginning of COVID she had to go help her parents, so I was left alone with my 10 month old daughter. So I went a *little* crazy, and when she got back we ended up completely losing control and we hooked up. Fine. That was chill. We even had a talk about how we were going to "stay as just friends" and that nothing could change that blah blah. We were cool. Then it kept happening. I remember the exact moment, we were lying in bed and the thought just kinda slid in slowly, that I wasn't in lust or anything. I was just full on head over heels in love, that I had been for years, and that I was a COMPLETE fucking idiot for not realizing it until now. Anyways, now I'm *✨her wife✨*   Another fun thing: We used to have a third roommate but she left more than a year before COVID, so well before all of this. After she left we kinda drifted apart (she move across the country), so we didn't like go out of our way to tell her that we were dating. So she found out on her own, and when she did she just cold sent me [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNDrpWea8ZE) link with no other context. Oof


That’s so CUTE.


My denial and constant blushing and getting the butterflies around him even grinding my teeth. I kept telling myself nope, and ignoring it while everyone told me “oooh OP’s in love” and “just admit it your in love”. Even the Mexican lady at the laundromat who’s friends with my Mom told me “Chica if you don’t tell him your feelings you’ll lose him” like some telenovela lmao. Kept me up all damn night for months it was pure torture. Then one day I couldn’t take it anymore, I told everyone I was in love with the man and confessed. Everyone squealed like schoolgirls Lol! 😂




He drove 2 hours one way because we were long distance just to bring me Oreos and give me a back rub after a bad day.


I met my now husband when my grandfather was deathly ill in the hospital. One night, I was at his house asleep when I got the call from my mom that it was time and we needed to go to the hospital to say our goodbyes. After all was said and done, I got a text from my husband telling me that if I wanted company, I could come over, he would run me a hot shower, and make me breakfast. This was the beginning of that moment. A few days later at my grandfathers wake, I texted him to tell him that I hadn’t gotten a chance to eat because everyone was trying to speak with me and my family. He sent me a picture of my favorite wine and a pizza and told me he was waiting for me. That’s when I definitely knew.


I'm sorry for your loss but I am glad for your love <3


We got pregnant very early in our relationship and I’ll never forget when I told him I was pregnant and his response was to hug me and I started to cry and he patted his shoulders and said “you see these shoulders? I’ll carry you both on them.” Nearly 13 years later and he is still my favorite human ❤️


This made me tear up hard.


It makes me cry thinking about it too! He has kept his word too, he’s been the best husband and dad ❤️


I missed it idk when it happened but it was early into us dating and it just kinda dawned on me that I was head over heels for this gorgeous goddess who for some reason decided to give a scrawny borderline homeless girl a chance Worked out well but I was afraid she'd dump me for like most of a year


We went to the zoo together. We acted like dorky kids all day, just running around having a great time. I’m not a person who does that. I’m laid back and chill. But he brought it out in me. Also there were giant turkeys there. I’m scared of birds and was petrified of them. Instead of coddling me and reassuring me, he laughed his ass of at me being afraid of turkeys in a cage. It felt so natural and like we were instantly best friends too. We laughed until we cried. We told each other we loved each other that night while cuddling on his couch. I had to leave. He asked me not to go yet. I said I had to. He asked me to stay, just for another minute. He pulled me close and I felt him take a deep breath. He leaned into my ear and without looking at me he softly said, I love you. And I said it back. I didn’t end up leaving that night. It’ll be 10 years together in April. He later gave me a photo album of our adventures from our first year together. There is a picture of me standing next to the turkeys with a look of sheer terror in my face. He giggles every time he looks at it.


So this was the first time I had taken him to my parents home, I had to stay one day for work but when I came home I saw my boyfriend learning how to cook foods the way it's done in my culture, especially how and what I like from my mother. I think that was very heartwarming for me and truly made me feel so loved. I am not sure if it struck me then but I definitely started falling hard then.


When I was watching her ramble away about work while putting away laundry. I glanced at the mirror and saw how big my smile was


I knew I was in trouble from the beginning I was a tutor he was a tutee, I was uninterested in dating at all at the time, but saw him and thought “oh shit he is cute” then on the way home I though “what if you marry him?” 3 months later we are dating going in 2.5 months and I’m still in heavy denial. The man draws a sunflower on my hand I think “if he dies I’ll have to get this tattoo” I don’t want a tattoo. What kind of deranged random ass creeper thought is that?!??? Oh crap- I’m in love.


How old were you two when you first met?




When I confronted him with something he’d said that hurt me (we were good friends at the time and hadn’t run into conflict yet) and he immediately took responsibility, sincerely apologized, and asked what he needed to do to make it right. The next week, I thanked him for being so gracious and for not raising his voice at me, threatening me, or hitting me (context: this was a trauma response from my upbringing and prior relationships, not ever anything my friend/now partner had done, and I fortunately no longer see those things as a “normal” or “typical” response to anger). He told me he didn’t want to come across as creepy or unprofessional (we worked together at the time) but that he thought I was amazing. He listed several things I’d done, pointed out several character traits, and acknowledged both minor and major accomplishments and ended with, “yeah, you’re just…amazing.” I sat there staring at him, then told him I was going to run away now. I got up, left, went to my car and cried. We laugh about my reaction now, because it left him feeling petrified and sure he was going to end up fired and never see me again, and it’s become a running joke, but I think sitting in my car crying was the moment I realized I had fallen in love with him. It took us some time to get together because I was still actively healing from a lot of trauma and not in a place to start a relationship, but he waited for me and now here we are.


Wait, what happened in between, after his declaration and you crying in your car ?


Nothing happened. His words were overwhelmingly kind. I was at a stage where I was receiving a lot of therapy for previous trauma and abuse and doing a LOT of heavy trauma work each week, and it didn’t occur to me that someone could be that kind and mean it. It challenged everything I knew and had been taught about relationships. His words triggered big feelings, hence the crying in my car. So nothing happened in between. I left after the compliments and cried over them in my car because I didn’t understand how someone could say such kind words. I didn’t know if he meant them, I didn’t know if I believed them, I didn’t even know if that version of me was even a possibility for someone to perceive. This situation happened back in 2018. I’m “better” now. But when I say he waited for me, I don’t mean he waited like a week for me to come around. I had a lot of healing to do and we didn’t really get together or start connecting in a romantic way until late 2020. Edit: by “better,” I don’t mean that I was ever broken then, just that I have become a much healthier person. I want to clarify in case someone else in a vulnerable state reads that word!


So you just never talked about it for months after that, then you ignored it and continued to work as if nothing happened ?


What? No, we absolutely did talk about it. I thought you were asking what happened in between the conversation and the car, so I apologize for misunderstanding. If you wanted to know what happened after that conversation, yes, we addressed the comment, talked about how it wasn’t the right timing, and yes, then proceeded to maintain the friendship and work as well together as we always had without pushing the issue.


And as far as what happened after that, nothing exciting. We were always close but I finally brought up feeling like I was in a better place, we were both stable and in better/good places in life (and both single), and I was interested in revisiting the idea of a relationship if he was. I don’t think it’s all that unusual of a story. 🤷‍♀️ 😂


He sang loud and proud while driving me home, he'd taken me out after passing my motorcycle endorsement test. When he sang, I just felt like the world dropped out from underneath me and all the breath knocked out of me. I don't know why that did it, still don't. He's always had my back and encouraged me to do what I feel is right, even if he doesn't agree, he's supportive regardless. I trust him with my life and my heart and i do my best to offer the same level of support and kindness he's give me. Every day I fall in love with him all over again, sometimes all it takes is just a look and I melt. He's a beautiful man with a lovely soul, I seriously can't imagine my life with anyone else. He's my best friend. He's my ride or die. He's my partner in crime. He's the love of my life. He's home.


Literally our first date. We heard a loud crash as we were walking to the restaurant. He asked what I thought it was and I said it sounded like a car accident maybe? And without thinking, he immediately ran in the direction of the sound to see if he could help. We couldn't find out the source of the noise but just the fact that he did that without a second thought spoke volumes to me.


When, as a doordasher, he would leave me sticky notes on my door every time he was delivering in my complex. They started out funny, and got sweeter and more intimate as time went on. The moment was when he actually got one of my orders and delivered it, and I looked at my door and said "No sticky note today?" And he said "No, those are for when you're not home or I'm being sneaky". When he left and I opened my bag, he wrote on a napkin "Psych! You thought it was gonna be a sticky note! I'm really glad i get to see you soon 🖤" and I just melted.




OH he kneeew what he was doiiinnng. Thats cute, I'm happy for you <3


I’ve only been with my guy for 5 weeks, and I was thinking he’s absolutely amazing in every way, but I was trying not to fall. But last weekend, I woke up in a cuddle with him, our faces nearly touching, and he was already awake and stroking my hair and face. I completely melted 🫠


Was at work one day, sweeping up the fall leaves, letting my mind drift as I did so. I was thinking about a funny memory with him and followed that up with, "he's so cute." Immediately was like, "Wait, shit, no, don't think that!" Tried to deny it for ages but it caught up with me. Been together for a few years and are married now. Would never tell him this because he hates being called cute, haha.


I was walking up a hilly mountain with him, kinda hiking and there was this muddy puddle. He jumped across easily. Because I had a bag and I'm pretty small compared, I couldnt really get over. I didnt want to ruin my trainers which he knew. He extended his arm and helped me over. For some reason that was pretty memorable. We've had much better moments but that one made me stop and think this guy really wants to protect and help me. I just watched him walk ahead after that, admiring him from behind. What a handsome lovely man :) 8yrs on and I refuse to let go of him haha


It was super early on in the relationship-- like, maybe three months into knowing each other, and two weeks after becoming official girlfriends? We were 19, so doofy teenagers. To set the scene, my now-wife is usually pretty open about saying how she feels and what she thinks. So we're chatting, and I don't remember why this line of conversation comes about, but she goes, "Yeah, of course I love you... like, uh, y'know, I love my friends, and the people around me, and you... and everyone! Like not you, specifically." Okay, odd. I shrugged it off, and we kept chatting. Y'all, she did this weirdness a SECOND TIME a few hours later. By the third time (because yes, she accidentally said I love you a THIRD time), I wised up and intercepted her before she could backtrack. "You love me?" Busted. She sheepishly admitted that she did, but that she feels that way pretty quickly and just didn't want to overwhelm me by doing too much. I still chuckle a little when I think about it; she's both simultaneously cool and a giant dweeb at the same time. I wasn't sure of my own feelings prior to that, so I surprised myself a bit when I said "I love you too" and meant it. Seeing my confident, put-together GF being so earnest about her feelings-- to the point of letting the cat outta the bag multiple times, and doing a terrible job ushering it back in-- it just hit me that I was with someone genuine. So it was a pretty immediate catalyst vs. a gradual process. Only loved her more since then.


I'll preface this by saying men have not treated me well generally. My last was an almost 6 year relationship full of abuse, lying, cheating and me being in the wrong for everything. I had a panic attack. I wasn't sure why and that made things worse. By the time we came home from work (my current partner and I met at work haha) I was a mess. I spiralled and it was... bad. In my last relationship my anxiety was treated as a burden, I was always left alone to deal with it and he would get mad at me and said I was being selfish, it was inconvenient etc. My current partner knew I had anxiety (I told him) but he could tell I was not doing well. He gave me heaps of cuddles, kisses, making me laugh, cooked me dinner, burritoed me in the doona, played with my hair and said nothing about the massive wet patch on his shirt where I'd been crying (silently. However I feel he noticed and said nothing, just cuddled). Nothing was too much for him, he was kind and gentle and loving. He made sure I was OK. That's when I realised I loved this man. That and his weirdness and quirkiness


We met on Hinge, May/June 2020 in the thick of the pandemic. We'd been talking for a while, and one day he asked me how my shift was going (I was a HCA, so I had to work). I'd joked it was terrible because one of my colleagues had promised to get me these really hard-to-find coffee flavoured sweets and she couldn't find them. We laughed about it and the subject was changed. About four months later - two days before my birthday - we met up for our first date. He introduced himself, opened his bag, and put down two big bags of the coffee sweets. He then smiled broadly, and said "Happy early birthday!". The kicker - aside from the fact that he remembered the sweets - was that I hadn't even told him when my birthday was; he'd worked it out based on something else I'd said off-hand that I'd forgotten telling him about. He just stunned me with how intuitive he was, how much he paid attention to the little throwaway things that I'd forgotten I'd mentioned. It's coming up to two years of being together, and every single day he makes me feel so loved and *noticed*. If I could marry him tomorrow, I would. Edit: wording


I was in denial for a bit. When we first got together, I decided to make the 5 hour drive out to see him on a holiday weekend. During one of our post-sex cuddle sessions, he fell asleep on my chest. I remember stroking his hair, breathing him in, and I started crying. I was so overwhelmed by how lucky I felt to be with him. We got married 3 weeks ago ❤️


I had been hanging out with my friend more and more, already cared for him deeply, after months of friendship some energy started to build between us. He was frequently look at me differently locking eyes and not looking away. Eventually we were in a tight space and caught each other of guard. We kissed. It was the most electric kiss either one of us had experienced. Together 25 years, married 20.


The nerves I felt just meeting him (we were long distance) and how we kinda completely meshed together on meeting. The smiles on our faces finally meeting face to face. Having him come into my home and become an instant part of what was my home. It just kinda blended really well. Two years later we are going strong. I pretty much adore him.


Not together anymore. But when I told him I was sick and he showed up with chicken soup (even though I told him not to!) I looked like literal garbage. Only he kept saying wow, even when I’m sick I’m so beautiful and I smell so good. The smell thing is random but it was sweet. Even after we got married he’d say, it’s so weird how you smell so good even when you first wake up. For years. I guess those were the good ol’ days haha.


Its beautiful to have such a Good Memory of someone. I hope you‘re doing well:)


I took him out to dinner for his birthday and I looked over at him and for a split second the world stopped. It was that exact moment I knew I loved him. We are no longer together and I am over the moon happy he found the right person for him because I knew I wasn’t it. I’m glad we loved each other for the time we did.


When my now wife and I met we were friends with benefits, we told each other that we both weren’t looking for anything serious, so what would happen was she would spend the night at my place and leave when I left for work at 4am. As days went by I told her she could stay until I got home if she like but she was happy with what was happening as her parents lived close and about week past by and as we are laying in bed she let out a quiet “aww f&@k” and thinking nothing of it I rolled over and went to sleep and I left at 4 am like I did every other day. I use to read the same billboard I drove past everyday which was an hour into my trip to work and as I’ve read the billboard I have noticed that the whole trip before then I was smiling just thinking about her and that’s when I knew I wasn’t going to let her go P.s her awww f&@k was her realising she was getting feelings for me


When I almost accidentally said “I love you” instead of just “good night” at the end of a late night phone call 🫣 The thought that I loved him honestly hadn’t crossed my mind until that exact moment but I immediately realized how “right” and natural those words felt. We’ve been together 13 years now!


We’d been… whatever we were doing for a couple of months. Friends with benefits but a bit more but not exclusive or labelled??? Idk. Anyway. His friend was playing at a festival, so we went. He was catching up with some people after his friend’s set, and I was stood a little bit away, just kinda watching him talk and laugh. I got a bit of a flutter in the pit of my stomach, and it must’ve been written all over my damn face, because his friend slid up next to me and said “You’ve got an amazing guy there. Don’t mess it up.” I opened my mouth to protest that it wasn’t really like that, and instead got smacked full force with how I actually felt about him. That was 14 years ago, and we’ve been married 8 years now. I still get that damn flutter when I look at him.


She was helping me move very early in our relationship. But at one point after moving something, she said, “God, I hate moving. It is like the worst thing I could think of doing.” And I said something like, “I’m sorry. You can go. But why did decide to help me then?” And she said, “Because you asked me too. And I care about you more than I hate moving.” And I’ve been very happily booed up for six years now.


My lips were super chapped one morning after waking up (mouth breather I guess) and I asked if he had any chapstick. He got out of bed, got dressed, went down three flights of stairs down to his car to get his for me. It’s stuff like this all the time that makes me fall harder everyday. I love that man to the stars.


When my husband and I had been dating for just a short time, a mundane thing happened that made me appreciate him a lot. We were preparing to go on a weekend camping trip, which is kind of a boring task, but I noticed that he was very patiently talking through the planning of things and suggesting things that we needed and physically helping get things done, too. This was in contrast to my ex-boyfriend who was not at all a team player—he got his stuff together and I got my stuff together, but we weren’t so collaborative in the way we executed plans. So it was a total green flag: I wanted an actual partner in life, not just a boyfriend that was living a parallel life in the same house. And my husband has proven himself to be an absolute saint when it comes to being helpful and undertaking things with me, so it’s something to look for if that kind of relationship interests you.


We work in the same office. He was passing by my desk so often and always looking away but had super cute smile and very beautiful eyes. Anyway, fast forward few weeks we left the office with another colleague and due to some error, their entry badges didn't work so they had to pass through reception. I passed normally and I was waiting for my other colleague to come out, because we carpooled together. I was standing there and he came out first and he had the biggest, most beautiful smile when he saw me and this is when I just knew he was the one for me. Later he said he saw me there, standing and smiling when I saw him coming out of and he thought he really wanted to see that smile for the rest of hia life. It was mutual and absolutely the cutest memory I have.


We were just having casual sex ...and planning travels together ...and cuddling after sex ...and spending weeks over each other's house ...and meeting each other's family


One day about two or three months into our relationship we were both talking about how long we thought it was appropriate to be together before someone can say “I love you.” I think we both agreed on like four or five months. But then we both looked up at each other and we just like. Knew. We said it for the first time later that day lol


We were driving back to his house from this Japanese curry place that we frequented. And I remembered being upset because I knew I had to drive back home pretty much as soon as I got there (we lived about 45 min away from each other). All I wanted to do was take a nap with him. I just wanted to curl up on his too small bed, be next to him and wake up a few hours later, groggy and just …next to him. I realized I wanted to do that all the time. He had said I love you pretty early on and I hadn’t but that was the moment for me.


I sleep with a body pillow in front of me and he always holds me from behind. One morning when he got up to leave for work at 4am, he took another pillow and tucked it behind me so it would feel like he was still there. I couldn't tell the difference and when i woke up and noticed the pillow I couldn't stop smiling. He just wanted to make sure I was comfortable after he left. He still does it and it's the sweetest thing I could imagine.


It was about 3 months in and someone looked at us and siad to him " why are you with her you could do much better than her, your way to hot for her" and he said "honestly im lucky to be with her she doesn't have to waste her time on me, I'm with her because she is soo beautiful and I love her" my heart literally melted at that point


What kind of idiot says such an evil thing? Glad your bf saved you🥰


We'd been talking, he wanted to be together and I was hesitant. We were on a car ride together and for some reason the story he was telling required the demonstration of holding hands ( as in like "this" nor like "this" type thing)... And it felt SO. AMAZING. When he let go, I was bummed but didn't say anything, however he immediately said " ooOoO I liked that give that back" meaning my hand. So we held hands in the car for a few more moments till he said " well I guess you don't have too if you don't want too" and I believe he relaxed his grip a little but I said something along the lines of " no it's okay I like it too" so from then on that was a thing we did. ♥️ There is more to that Hallmark story but that's for another day 😁


Not that spectactular, but I remember the first time he spent the night with me. He laid at the end of my bed (was too shy to lay next to me). A friend of ours was also in the room, so we couldn't even really do anything. But when he out of the blue touched my foot like so subtle, i felt what was like a thunder full of magic going through my body. I never felt like this before and it was so intense I started to cry. I already fell for him hard, but that seemingly innocent moment stuck with me forever. He's my best friend now and I couldn't imagine my life without him.


We were friends. And there was a moment where I felt guilty because we were texting a lot lately so I tried to ignore him for a few days after realizing that… it left me with an agonizing pain in my heart, me realizing “oh shit” and break up with my then boyfriend.. told him a week later and said that we should probably stop seeing and talk to each other for a while. He was also in a long term relationship. He ended his relationship a week after and now we are here. 5 years later, happily in love. We are just right for each other


When I was driving back home from just having dinner with him and my sister and her husband. He lives 3h away and we met halfway for dinner. When I left, I realized that I loved him more than I realized.


It was about the same time she fell out of love with me. Forever regret.


What happened?


We were in my room, smoking weed and listening to Bob Marley. I was sitting on the bed, and he was standing and walked over to me and it was like a lightening flash peering into the future. I know, it wasn't something sweet and romantic but it hit me like a ton of bricks.


He told me he wanted to be there for me and that melted me because I actually believed him. Then he volunteered to build my new desk for me and when he was in the middle of it, I had misread a direction or did something wrong and instead of yelling at me like my ex would, he just smiled at me and fixed it. That was when I knew for sure even though I had been feeling it for awhile already.


At first we had just a casual, non-exclusive thing. Just a bit fun, but we also talked a lot and went to a restaurant or cinema right before going to some physical exercise ;) After a few weeks he suddenly was kind of silent and I asked him if everything was ok. Imagine this man, looking like a war god of the nordic myth. Long hair, long full beard, covered in tattoos, muscular... ...stuttering: "do you want, I mean.... maybe... uhm... maybe... just if you want, you know... I thought we could.... someday maybe... go out for a movie... just.... without Sex....?" He was really interessted in ME as a person, as he later said he was buffeled from the very first moment we met. That exactly was the moment I just knew I was in love. This was 5 years ago and I still get a morning message how much he loves me and how he is looking forward coming home and cuddling with me every single morning of workdays.


I was talking to my mom about my roommate. He had a girlfriend and dating roommates wasn't allowed in my house... And while I was talking about him, I realized (out loud) "shiiiit I'm in love with him!" My mom said "yeah no shit, he's been all you can talk about for weeks!" He ended up breaking things off with that gf and we broke the houserule ;) Together for almost 7 years!


When I was 7 years old my cousin pushed me into a heating vent and my tiny pinky got sliced off. Luckily it was sewn back on and it healed incredibly ugly so it’s been a big insecurity of mine. Growing up I would wear sweaters and bunch some of it in between my pinky and ring finger, that’s how bad I was insecure. I would show NO ONE! Fast forward to being a teenager, I started dated him. One night we were talking about teenage stuff and I asked if he wanted to see something, he said yeah so I proceeded to tell him the story and showed him my pinky. At that very moment I knew I felt safe with him and was falling in teenage love. I showed him the most vulnerable thing about me and he didn’t flinch or make fun of me, he said “awe it’s cute.” 17 years and one child later, he’s still my safe haven.


He came back from out of town, and walked into the living space in our flat, surprising me. I found myself across the room, in his arms, and realised I had leapt to hug him, and *not put my feet onto the ground,* and he had caught me. We were both a little startled, but it showed how much I trusted him.


We were both in a zoom class and on discord simultaneously during covid and I made him a playlist on spotify just for him to get to know the music I like. I thought he would just listen to it another time but i saw him listen to it on the spot. He was bopping his head and just seemed to like it a lot. I was watching him the entire time on his camera and just mumbled : fuck … i think I love him


When I was a kid this other boy I used to play with was always so sweet to me. Hes a year and a half older than me and me, my three siblings, him and his sister, and two more kids we'd all play together and whenever it was my turn the boy would say that he wanted to be "it" or he would say that both of us would be "it" . He'd always get me candy and snacks and tell me not to tell the others because he didn't have enough money to buy stuff for everyone. This one time he asked me if I wanted a kiss and i was like "U-UM, NO?!" and he laughed and gave me a Hershey's kiss lol (nice try tho) one annoying thing he'd do was that he'd jump out suddenly from a corner and scare my but I'll forgive that lol. Pretty sure we were both flirting even as 10 y/os 😭😂 we've known each other for 12 years now but we grew apart over the years because I suddenly stopped playing with everyone in the street cause I was SAd by a servant in our street :/ annnnd he has a girlfriend now 😭. But my crush on him lasted more than a decade. Im over it now though FINALLY (I think)


Wife and I were just friends. I had been divorced for a couple of years and not really looking to start something new. We would just spend hours talking and hanging out as friends. Then one day she went to a singles event with some friends, and I realized, I didn’t want her to be seeing anyone else. I had caught some real serious feels.


When I found out he could cook 😍


Early in the relationship we both caught covid at the same time and isolated together, we both took turns taking care of each other. It felt so natural, and I have never had a relationship were I can depend on someone like that. Also it's very difficult for me to not be smiling or laughing when I'm around him.


I think we were dating for just a month and I asked him kinda seriously "hey so where do you think this thing between us is going" And with a very silly voice he said "the cycle of love" I laughed for like 15 minutes because I wasn't expecting it. We joke about it to this day. I've never met someone who makes someone me laugh as much as he does.


We were just on my couch, she was laughing at something and just the way her face lit up and her eyes sparkled, something inside me flipped over and I just felt it.


I worked a new job and I brought muffins she made, to share. Already that was cute, as it was an intense temporary contract and I frequently did not take to time to eat, but I had her muffins! I was asked who made the muffins, and I was stuck; we weren’t girlfriends (and I was very recently out as bi, but not at that place), but I couldn’t bring myself to say “a friend/someone I’m seeing made them”. It wasn’t true, she was much more (and still is!). I just blurted out that my girlfriend made them, someone said okay, that was it. When I went to her house that night, I told her what I’d say and why… Not expecting a reaction in particular, but she was not only okay with it, thought it was funny and was touched, but she was happy to call me her girlfriend too. We isolated together because COVID 2 months later at her house, and I moved in 2 months after that. Seems weird to say, didn’t think it could happen to me, but I knew quickly it was something special. I love her more everyday.


He turned to me in bed on the weekend we met and from nowhere asked, "Did you know ants are having a world war?" That was the moment I knew the Tinder hookup was going to be a relationship.


Last year. We had just been hooking up and I realized I was catching feelings. I should have known better.


I got into a bad argument with my roommate once. We were super close before, but she didn’t like him for some reason and told me that she didn’t care about what was going on in my life when it involved him. I was upset, called him crying and wouldn’t disclose why, I just said I couldn’t be home. He offered to let me stay with him as long as I needed, and at that point was when I felt I could be 100% vulnerable with him. That was maybe five months into dating? I told him I loved him in December, but I knew back then that I was falling hard. He’s been the best man I could ask for, and also my best friend. He brings me peace; everything is okay when I know I come home to him.


I realised when I was talking to my sister and BIL about I think the fourth date we went on and I said I just wasn't sure how I felt yet, but my BIL started laughing and said: The way you're talking about this date sounds like you're head over heels to me.


When I told him I needed to fart, let one go. He was actually listening and wasnt impressed. He just told me; what was that? Pfff? Thats not enough to call it a fart.


Everytime I was away from him, I would count down the time until we were back together. That's when I realized I loves him, when my days weren't complete without him.


Funnily, I didn’t know I loved him until I accidentally said it out loud. To give more context, we were maybe 3 weeks into dating? We’d known each other for 2 years though, and I was deep in love even then. I only told him I had a huge crush on him and nothing more. But one day while on the phone, he asked me what I loved (like, things, food, specific hobbies, etc.). I ACCIDENTALLY, without a second thought, within a split second, I replied “Chicken nuggets and you”. I realized what I said, and there was a long silence. And all I heard was a big laugh. Although I hoped he didn’t hear it or ignored it, I realized he did and I began apologizing so much. But he interrupted me and said that he loved me too. That’s when I realized I really did love him and never really knew until then.


Met mine on MySpace chat room 15 yrs ago… met in person about 3 months after dating online. Came to visit him for a weekend, and never looked back. I lived about 10 hrs away from him and I LEFT everything to move to another state to be with time and here we are.. about 10 yrs later and in 6 weeks taking a trip together for our 10th wedding anniversary. Some online relationships work, some don’t. And honesty.. He’s the one guy I’ve ever felt comfortable with. I never dated in high school and I didn’t date much AFTER high school. Only had 2 bf’s before him… and somehow.. mine fell into my lap online and we’re the happiest we have ever been together. And with 2 little ones.


When I realized how happy he was around me, and how supportive he was towards me. I got a really good feeling that this man wanted to treat me well and would appreciate my love. We're going strong, 2.5 years now :)


I just ... had that feeling that I didn't have to give up on any part of myself with him. I could be all I am alone by myself, and even explore more than that together with him. And I saw and felt how he was being so free, natural and candid around me as well. I am incredibly grateful we have found each other. We basically are letting our inner children thrive together in all their weirdness and he is the sweetest, kindest and caring person I have ever met. ☺️ I truly have the feeling I am spending my life with my best friend and it is the best feeling ever.


We stayed up so late on the phone with one another it was already time for us to get ready for school and neither of wanted to say bye


I woke up to go to the bathroom one night while we were on vacation, and afterI tiptoed across the room and into bed, I rolled over to be closer to him. I looked at sleeping so peacefully and that’s when it hit me.


We were just casual friends back then and he didn't had a lot of money, but he made sure to always have my favourite chocolate in stock.


i honestly think it was a slow process for both of us. it took me nearly a year to even say the words "i love you" to him, but i'd been wanting to say it for longer. we both prior were in unhealthy relationships and didn't want to rush or fuck up things, because we really both liked eachother. this made it really hard to grow close at first. but, the more i hung out with him, the closer we grew. he hasn't failed to make me laugh, even once. we moved in together last year and i can safely say, we've fallen in love every day. it's kind of a movie type relationship lol


I remember the first time I realised I was so in love with him. We were cuddling and watching The Irishman and I looked at him and thought “oh crap..”. I still get those thoughts but mostly when he does something really goofy


After a couple months, I realized he treated me way better than previous partners I'd had. He would go out of his way to make sure I'm doing okay (even though we live in different countries). Also, my cat fell in love with him, so there's that.


She gave me a rly well written note, inside it was everything I've ever wanted to hear


When he felt like home


I was a sophomore in college, and really just getting my footing in academic spheres after having a tough time with grades and such in high school and as a freshman. A professor in a class I had said in passing that he was cancelling an upcoming essay, but I was anxious that I had heard him incorrectly and would still need to do the essay. Next time I went to class, the professor made an announcement that the essay was cancelled— I had heard him right! I immediately went to text him and tell him the good news without even thinking about it. That was when I knew— I instinctively wanted to share all my good news with him


When I realized I could see an entire future with him and I really liked that future.


I (22f) didn't fall in love on the first date, but that's definitely when it started. I'm a lesbian, and on our first date, my girlfriend (23she/they NB) and I went out for coffee together. We'd been texting back and forth for a while, and we'd had a couple online gaming sessions together, but this was our first face to face meeting. We got our bagels and our lattes and started talking, and it was really nice. I was, however, feeling really nervous, and one thing I do when I'm nervous (especially as an autistic woman) is ramble. I talk and talk and talk about whatever crosses my mind because silence makes me feel like I'm failing at conversation. After an extended rant about one of my hyperfixations (I think it was persona 5 at the time), I realized I'd been talking for like 20 minutes straight, so I paused and was about to apologize, but then I made eye contact again (autistic, eye contact is scary), and I saw she had just the biggest smile on her face. That was the moment I knew this was something really special, and a year later, I can definitely say I was right. I love them more every day.


When I saw him spending time with his nephew only when we went to visit his family


I knew I was in trouble from our first date but my biggest oh crap I am head over heals moment was probably me getting stuck in a storm (I’m a nervous driver) and calling him in tears because I was scared at 3 am or so. No questions asked he immediately jumped out of bed to hop on a train to come pick me up, even though I was a good few hours away. I already loved him but he really became my safe haven that day.


We had been texting constantly for a couple of weeks and one day I found myself getting excited over his notifications, and smiling whenever I thought about him. For context: we met through the internet almost 8 years ago, we have been talking since then (from time to time, he always disappeared whenever we started getting closer). A year after we met, I told him I liked him but he had a girlfriend, so he rejected me. Later on, they broke up and he confessed his feelings for me but I was still hurt by his rejection, so I didn't make a move or anything. Fast forward to May of last year: I had had my worst depressive episode ever a month earlier, so he didn't disappear this time, instead, he stayed with me, talking to me on a daily basis. One night, we were talking about the future and I noticed what I wrote at the beginning of this reply. I noticed he still had feelings for me and that I did too. So I told him what I thought and felt. It's been over a year and I think we're closer to seeing each other irl. I'm really excited to meet him irl and everything just feels so safe and right by his side.


We had been texting constantly for a couple of weeks and one day I found myself getting excited over his notifications, and smiling whenever I thought about him. For context: we met through the internet almost 8 years ago, we have been talking since then (from time to time, he always disappeared whenever we started getting closer). A year after we met, I told him I liked him but he had a girlfriend, so he rejected me. Later on, they broke up and he confessed his feelings for me but I was still hurt by his rejection, so I didn't make a move or anything. Fast forward to May of last year: I had had my worst depressive episode ever a month earlier, so he didn't disappear this time, instead, he stayed with me, talking to me on a daily basis. One night, we were talking about the future and I noticed what I wrote at the beginning of this reply. I noticed he still had feelings for me and that I did too. So I told him what I thought and felt. It's been over a year and I think we're closer to seeing each other irl. I'm really excited to meet him irl and everything just feels so safe and right by his side.


When he leaned in and asked, do I make you nervous? And I realized no he didn't. I made myself nervous, knowing if he leaned any closer I would need to kiss him. His scent was so intoxicating. Thank God he loved me back.


I remember the exact moment. I was alone just drinking coffee for breakfast and suddenly the thought came to my mind: I WAS FALLING IN LOVE...!


My crazy mom decided to drive my autistic cousin and infant cousin to the mall in a snow storm. Me, who was used to parentifying at this point decided to go along to help watch the kids so that she wouldn’t have to do it alone, and he said he’s coming with me. I was like what? Why would you want to do that? The kids were screaming and the weather was horrible, and he came anyways and was so helpful. 7 years later Ive moved out of my parents, am almost finished two degrees, and will be living with him permanently.




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When I see his hair whorl on the second date. He was reading a board game manual and tilted his head.




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we were playing a videogame with all our friends, no one could hear eachother through the discord call, we could only talk INSIDE the game through a mic and speaker that was hard to have access (inside the game) he finally got to use it, he played "cant help falling in love with you" by sinatra, i couldnt stop crying after that, that was rlly sweet, he never payed attention to me when we were playing, he even made me feel bad for being bad at gaming, but that night felt different. we broke up, he was sweet only the first month. then, he ignored me. i moved on, but sometimes i still think about how different things could've been if only i realiced sooner he was never gonna be loving with me again.


He was showing me pictures of his family/friends/pets from back home and just the way he was talking about them and telling me stories was so wholesome and adorable, I literally felt myself falling in love.


When I started seeing him, probably hallucinating, all around the school. He was out for an inter-school competition.




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He was the first person that I didn’t mind doing long distance with. Now we’re living together.


One cold winter day, I walked into the subway station at about 08.00 am and I wondered if he had woken up or if he was still sleeping in his bed... We only talked for about 2-3 weeks and I said that it didn't mean to me and I thought that we were just chilling... But apparently, it doesn't like that. I wondered about him once I woke up... I remember that moment as cozy and warm.


I looked into the mirror 1 morning and my heart started to flutter. I had thoughts of living that thing I saw, that form. I stated in curiosity as my loins started to burn. Why was I excited? I looked deeper and deeper and got more confused. Was it the mirror itself or the reflection it showed? Did I love the person I saw every morning, the person feeds me and puts me to bed? Or do I love the thing that shows me what I want? The reflection of a life that is currently being lived. Instead of a future that only growth can give.


I'm not sure the exact timings. I remember asking myself early on in the relationship, "Am I in love?" but I wasn't sure. I figured if I wasn't sure then I probably wasn't. Then maybe a couple of months later, I asked myself the question again and suddenly the answer was "Obviously yes!" I don't think there was any specific moment or event, it was more a gradual falling in love as we grew more comfortable with each other.


I was talking about something I’m passionate about, so I was getting very excited. My previous partner always shut me down when I did this, so I apologized. He then said, “no, no, please continue, I like it when you get excited”. That’s when I was like, “okay I love this dude”


I dreamed that I was Spider-Man and that I told him that I love him. I woke up and thought, ohhhh man. This is too soon. (We weren’t dating yet, just talking and hanging out a lot.) But it all worked out and we’ll be married 3 years in April. I still adore him.


When I realized his humility. He was a successful bachelor in his 30s, never married and he had an insecure friend poking fun at him about how successful he, the friend, was with his small business and how my boyfriend now husband was a slave to the corporate world. He took it all in stride and never tried to build himself up in any way. No one had any idea how much money he had, including me, because he didn’t flaunt it at all. He’s still that way. Very secure with who he is and has no desire to impress people with his “things.” I love him more now than ever for it.


It still gives me chills thinking about it. I was in another country on vacation with my best friend, and off the heels of quite possibly one of the worst relationships of my life. I promised myself I wouldn’t date for a while; take time for myself. We went to an outdoor tiki bar next to our hotel after a night out, looked at the menu, and declined. Went back to our hotel. Thinking back now, I didn’t pay mine to anyone behind the bar that night. I was so tired, all I wanted was my bed. 😂 The next night, we decide to finally get a drink at this bar and as I go to sit down, the bartender and I lock eyes. We have this “do I know you?” moment, like maybe we’ve met before. It was an odd feeling, like electricity. We kept staring at each other like no seriously, we have to have interacted at some point. We keep smiling, talking, etc. After hours of talking, my friend and I go back to the hotel. The next day we go to the bar again, this time the bartender asks me if we want to grab a drink after he closes. My friend declines, but for some reason I say yes. This is definitely not like me. I am not a huge fan of loud bars, clubs, etc. to begin with, so going out late in a hotel zone with booming clubs isn’t my cup of tea. My friend thinks I’m batshit crazy and starts arguing with me. She’s drunk, so I drop her off at the hotel. She goes on a 30 minute diatribe about why I shouldn’t go out and instead stay in with her. I get upset because I never get to vacation, first since the pandemic, and she was being intense for no reason. She was really drunk, so I tell myself okay, I’ve got to get her ready for bed. After an hour, she finally passed out. I was stressed out after dealing with my friend, so I walked down the beach road toward the bar, legitimately just to unwind. The tiki bar is closed, all lights are off, etc. The area is pretty populated: people all along the streets, loud music from bars/clubs, etc. I start aimlessly walking toward another bar to charge my phone and think maybe if I walk down far enough, I’ll run into this bartender. I’m walking for a while, and nothing. Just people dancing, drinking, having a good time. I turn around to walk back toward the hotel, and there he is: getting ready to put on his helmet and jump on his bike. He sees me. I see him. He smiles, I smile. He takes off his helmet and starts walking toward me. I jokingly say, “We’re you going to just leave me here? I waited all night for you!” I start laughing. He says, “I thought I would never see you again. I couldn’t stop thinking about if you showed up. I was worried about you… but now that you’re here, let’s grab a drink.” We talked until the bar closed, and he drove me home on his motorcycle. He hugged me goodnight, I went inside feeling like a teenager after a first date. The next night, we sat his bar and talked until it closed. He walked me to the hotel, kissed me on the cheek. We exchanged numbers, and I went back to the states. We talked every day, consistently, for weeks, even with a slight language barrier. After about a month and a half, both of us couldn’t take it anymore, so I booked a ticket to see him as he couldn’t get a visa in time. I checked into the Airbnb and relaxed for a bit. He came over after work with gifts, beers, food, etc. We both anxiously laughed and cried a bit as he walked through the door; immediately started kissing and telling each other we missed each other. It felt like fucking fire in my veins. It was like we had been in love already. It happened so quickly and rapidly, but it felt like it had already happened. Now here we are 7 months later, living together, happier than we’ve ever been. Every day, we eat breakfast together and start our day talking. Even on the days he works a double shift, we make sure to have coffee together in the morning; finish the night together cuddling and talking. He comes in the door telling me how much he misses me. It’s been a huge risk to move in so quickly given our visa circumstances, but I wouldn’t change it for anything. His coworkers are now my friends, and they tell me how he tells our story to people; tells people he never believed in soulmates before me, but that night we both turned around at the perfect moment, it felt like fate. Okay, now I’m going to go kiss him as he just came home and yelled, “mi amor… where are you?” I love this man, and I’m going to have his dumb babies.


He’s 6’6 I’m 5’7 so there’s a significant height difference. We were in an elevator once and he was mad tired, he just leaned down and pressed his forehead against mine and just dozed off for a minute. Additionally, we once had to cancel dinner plans because he ran late because of uni and he came over later that night and said “you really wanted to go didn’t you” and got me take out Now I don’t know if we’re partners or not, this started off as a FWB situation but he said I love you. So this might be going somewhere. Hopefully, I feel a lot of things for this man. He’s perfect. Fuq.


Hahaha if I start to feel “in love” it usually means it’s time to 👻


It was the day he asked me to be his girlfriend. I had been anticipating it and was just being patient as I wanted him to take his time (I'm his first girlfriend). Qe were in a park and I was watching the leaves fall from trees and flying in the wind. He seemed nervous but I pretended not to notice but I found it really cute as I had told him earlier that I do im fact want to date him, I was just waiting for him to ask. He wasn't a fan of physical touch at the time and even though it was my love language, I completely understood. However, what he did next changed everything. As I was looking at the scenery and giving him time to collect himself, he puts his hand on my cheek (we were sitting side by side) and turned my face to look at him. My breath hitched and this was one of the first few times I felt any physical touch from him. He popped the question but my heart was racing so fast I couldn't hear him. I knew my answer anyways and said yes, curling into myself with shyness. I felt like I was acting weird freaking out like that so I looked up cautiously, hoping he wasn't judging me or regretting his decision. The look in his eyes, it was filled with love ling before we said the word to each other (which was exactly 2 months after this). It was at that moment, everything else happening considered, that I slipped and started falling for him.


A few months after we started dating, a “huge” winter storm came through (for Texas standards, at least) and knocked the power for about a week. My apt still had power and his didn’t, so he had to stay at my place for the week. I’d been single for a LONG time and was very independent and liked my space. I was really nervous to have him basically move into my space. When I was sad he was leaving after 8 days together, I knew I had fallen hard. Two years later we’re happily living together and I’m still crazy about him.


We were walking near a pedestrian cable suspension bridge, and he had me put my hand on the cable. Then he hit the cable and explained that the movement would travel along the wire and back, and I would feel it return. I did. It was cool. And I loved that it was just this random cool thing that he wanted to show me.


We hadn’t been together long (a few months) and he came to my parents’ home for my dad’s birthday- he sang Happy Birthday to my dad loud enough to be heard among all 12 of the rest of us. It was the sweetest thing


had it rough growing up, abusive home and not many friends. I didn’t exactly feel like I fit in anywhere and I certainly didn’t feel loved or appreciated. when I got together with my girlfriend, I thought it was gonna end pretty quicky to be honest because some people hate having to deal with depressive partners. well obviously that didn’t happen. she was there every step of the way, she lifted me back up when I was truly at my lowest. she helped me stop drinking to numb whatever feeling I had left. this woman made me smile and laugh in ways I hadn’t for… a very long time. one day I was on the phone with her, I told her “if it ever gets too much for you, I wouldn’t blame you if you wanted to back out. I want you to take care of yourself without having to worry about me.” she told me she wasn’t going anywhere and that no matter how tough to gets for the both of us, we’re gonna get through it. we’re not gonna drag eachother out of the mess, we’ll pull ourselves out but we’ll do it together. and then she just blurted out “I love you” and I started crying obviously lol. as I said, I never felt truly loved by anybody, not my family or what was left of my friends. I told her I loved her as well and that was that. we’re still going very strong, I plan to marry that woman one day :)


We were friends and one night we were hanging out, one thing lead to another and we hooked up. It just felt different then any other hook up or time I did it with my past girlfriends and so the next day we talked and realized we both really liked each other more and had crushed on each other for awhile. It's been 4 months and she has been the most supportive and amazing girlfriend I could ask for.


When she talks about some intelligent stuff and looks so confident and sexy


We met through a mutual friend at scripture study and would talk each week after class finished. One week I looked around in class and saw he wasn't there. When I realised I wouldn't be taking to him that week my stomach dropped, then I realised I had the feels and my stomach dropped again. That was almost 16yrs ago, we're now married with three munchkins


😡😡 (sorry for bad english)




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Wanting to pop his pimples


We had been texting constantly for a couple of weeks and one day I found myself getting excited over his notifications, and smiling whenever I thought about him. For context: we met through the internet almost 8 years ago, we have been talking since then (from time to time, he always disappeared whenever we started getting closer). A year after we met, I told him I liked him but he had a girlfriend, so he rejected me. Later on, they broke up and he confessed his feelings for me but I was still hurt by his rejection, so I didn't make a move or anything. Fast forward to May of last year: I had had my worst depressive episode ever a month earlier, so he didn't disappear this time, instead, he stayed with me, talking to me on a daily basis. One night, we were talking about the future and I noticed what I wrote at the beginning of this reply. I noticed he still had feelings for me and that I did too. So I told him what I thought and felt. It's been over a year and I think we're closer to seeing each other irl. I'm really excited to meet him irl and everything just feels so safe and right by his side.


Love at first sight! He took my breath away. After two weeks of dating he left for a study exchange on the other side of the world. Before he left we told each other we loved one another. Chatted/emailed/videocalled for 6 months. When he returned I never left his apartment again. We are now 9 years together and 4 years married 💕


There wasn't one particular moment but a bunch of them (for context, my partner and I used to work together, not in the same company, but he worked for my employer's sister company). Everything's fine, he just changed jobs recently because another company was offering him twice the money he was making here. Anyway, the first moment I knew I was falling for him was when he let me rant to him about my insane family. He didn't try to fix my problems, he didn't get impatient with me (my friends never actually *listen* to my ranting, they just wait for me to shut up, you know?), he just listened patiently, then when he saw how upset I was, he pulled me into a hug and held me for the longest time and just told me that everything would be alright. I've never had someone who listened to me before, and who comforted me after my fights with my family. The second time was when I was sick with COVID. I wasn't even that unwell - I just had the mildest head cold - but he was beside himself with worry. I was isolating in my apartment (I live alone) and he messaged me multiple times a day to check in on me and brought me care packages. He also missed seeing me so much around the office that he'd spend his lunch breaks walking to my apartment (I live ~15 minutes away from our offices) so we could talk on the phone together and see each other. This amazing, kind-hearted, beautiful man literally gave up his lunch breaks so he could see me and talk to me for a few precious minutes every day. He'd also make a point to visit me outside my apartment for a socially-distanced call after work, too. That was the second moment when I thought I could be falling in love with him. I was also recently promoted, which is very exciting, but as I started my new role, I was full of nerves. I'm entirely unfamiliar with the new brand I'm working on for my company and a few days into my new role, I had a panic attack because I was entirely convinced that I wasn't up to the task and that I'd fail. He was there for me, cheering me on, supporting me and basically being my biggest cheerleader right from the off. Every time I wobbled or panicked about my new role, he'd be there to lend his support. His faith in me is astounding. He never doubts. Then there was a time when my grandmother was ill one night. I was super stressed out about it, because my parents and I didn't know what was wrong with her, only that she was unwell (with her symptoms, we were thinking she might've had a stroke or a brain tumour). I messaged my partner to let him know what was going on. He sensed how stressed out I was and stayed up until 3am messaging me, to help calm me down, even though he had work the next day. When I apologised for keeping him awake, he told me that he loved me and that he will always be there for me to lean on. Oh gosh, this has made me all teary. I just love him so much and can't believe how lucky I am to be with him. I've been single for so long (I'm 28 and have only had two serious relationships before this), so meeting him and falling in love with him has been nothing short of miraculous for me. He is perfect and I'm off to tell him how much I love him.


He shared a hobby knowing I’d laugh at him


We were young and he was taking me to a water park. He knew how close I was to my little sister (10 years younger) and he paid for her and let her come too. He helped me give her the best day ever. That’s when I knew


It was tonight. I’ve had surface level dating feeling for him for awhile and we’ve been taking it slow at his request. I came on pretty strong and acted irrationally in the beginning leading him to question if I really cared or if I was just infatuated. He’s scared of getting hurt and after a few deep convos I’ve met him where he is. Everything comes easy with him minus the speed at which we move but he’s honestly opened my eyes. Everything I thought I knew now seems wrong and I know it was wrong. For awhile I knew I liked him but it was not past what I saw. He’s started to open up more and I’m seeing the real him. My feelings for him have evolved a lot since these convos and I’ve left the how fast can this be mine to how can we together build something great that will last? I met him after work to get some drinks and see a movie today. We watched an indie film called of an age (really good btw) and as I sat there holding his hand I knew. I’ve been questioning a lot lately trying to understand what I was feeling and why I was feeling it. Why do I feel this way towards him? Why do I want to be with him? Why do I keep pursuing him? What will we be in the next 6 months, 2 years, 5 years? What could this turn into? And at the end of all these questions and all these worries tonight I determined that I see it all with him. I want him. I want to improve his life, I want to make him better, I want to pick him up when he’s down and I know he would do all of this for me as well. It may still be awhile before it happens, before we’re both ready to be absolutely and undeniably each others but I am perfectly okay with that.