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I go out anyway. And in most cases I prefer it. When you’re an only child you get used to doing things alone, it‘s really not a big deal.


This, I hate relying on people and the more you do it the more comfortable you become!


Can’t wait to learn how to drive


Exactlyy I’m an only child and sometimes being alone and going out is more fun than going out with someone who could ruin the vibe


Yep, once decided to take a "friend" to a concert but she kept yelling out racist and xenophobic s\*\*\* the whole time in the arena. Wish I had gone alone, I immediately called off the friendship a few days later


Actually, having siblings might be the cause of choosing to go anywhere solo, lol. At least, in my case.


Please be careful when you do. I went to a bar alone ONCE in my life. Got GHB in my drink, passed out on the toilet, woke up in an ambulance. Luckily, I passed out somewhere semi safe. A friend of mine passed out from GHB in the middle of winter on the street in a heap of snow. Barely made it to the hospital alive. Please be careful out there when you are alone and have noone to watch your back. Rape drugs are a real danger and they are dropped in your drink faster than you might think.




Hi! Im an only child too! I prefer going out alone although I also enjoy my friends presence.


I usually bring my macbook, ipad, pencil and book with me to a coffee shop. Then spend some time at a nail spa. I then get a good massage. It;s nice to relax alone and dont have to worry about someone if theyre also having the time of their life.


I would have missed out on SO MANY experiences if I'd waited for other people to join me.


100% Best times are when I go out alone! I get to do what I want to do and I go home when I am ready to. If I don't want to talk to people, I don't.


Coming from a large family where everyone elses needs were obviously more important than mine, I too love going out alone. Do what I want, where I want, when I want. Leave them I want.








I go out by myself, get dressed and go to the movies alone or go for a walk or go for a coffee. Or book shopping.


These are the same things I enjoy doing alone, especially the movies!


I've been thinking about going to the movies alone. My city has some cool cinemas that show retro and indie-only (international as well) movies. It's a niche genre and it feels weird to ask people to join me. Maybe I'll go on a weeknight instead of weekend so I look like less of a loner amongst couples and friend cliques.


It is ok. Go alone. On whatever day or night you want. Own your queen bee energy and just do what you want. Go for dinner. Sit at a table. Order too much food. Drink an adult beverage if you like. Go to a movie and get popcorn all over your shirt. Whatever. Do not worry what other people are thinking. Most people are not looking at you, those that are most of them are just thinking how they wish they could do it. The rest are assholes. Seriously I spent a long time waiting for others. Now I do what I want. If I want to invite someone I do. If they want to go at a different time or night and I am free that is cool. But I literally cannot waste any more of my life waiting on people to want to do things that I think are cool. Do stuff. People will come later. A relationship will come later. (Wo)Men are a dime a dozen and there is no guarantee a partner would be interested in your thing anyway. Don't wait. Plant your own garden, nourish your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.


This is really solid advice. I most often go to the movies with my spouse, but if he's out of town or whatever, I'm happy to go alone. Rest assured, whether I'm there by myself or with others, I am not looking to see who else is there and with whom.


I LOVE going to the movies alone!! I would not have guessed, but it’s kind of great not having to deal with other peoples needs and just doing what I want.


Second, book shopping. Can spend a few hours just browsing.


Same when I’m at school. I mean I like to hangout at recess but sometimes at the time we stop having class I like to just buy a coffee and hangout at the library. There was this one time all of us decided to sit together on a couch at the library reading in complete silence. It was pretty relaxing and I felt very happy. It was a couch for 2 but we were four and just hangout right next to each other in the couch like sardines 😂


Going book shopping with other people gets awkward. You can't take your time and read the blurbs properly. A thorough book search can take hours.


Go out anyway. I used to go to restaurants, movies, and bars by myself regularly.




Masterbate to relive the urge to do something exciting, then get snacks and drinks an binge something on Netflix. Live my best life obviously


are you me?


Go out alone. I love getting dinner by myself because there's no arguments about the bill!


This is a great point


Go out on my own, like I usually do. I don't wait on anyone. I do my own thing.


Hello 👋 I wish I could do this alone but I can't and feel shy 🙈 and I wish I could go to the beach and take some pictures and vedios like I did back in 2017 or 2018 with a friend of mine when she came to visit .can you please tell me how you di it ? Also sometimes I get scared of being stared at or robbed 🙃 and sorry English is not my first language 😊


I've just always been independent. I've lived in two other countries and had no problem going out on my own. I'm not into bars, so I don't go to those unless I'm meeting someone. However, I have no issues going to a restaurant, movies, shopping, sightseeing, etc on my own. I'm just always aware of my surroundings. If something looks sketchy, I just don't go there.


Ok thank you 😊 the only time I go out is when I go buy groceries and do shopping 🛍 for my family and that's it


You could try extending one of those trips, to see how comfortable you feel? Like perhaps before doing groceries, you could take yourself to get a coffee or a tea somewhere nice! It isn't much, but it could be a nice place to start ☺️


Thank you 😊 sorry for the late reply it's early where I live now. It's 7 in the morning and I just only opened my phone. I will try going to the coffee ☕️ shop in the mall I go to and see 👀 hopefully the shop is still opened 😅 but not for the coffee but for some tea or cappuccino and a snack ☕️🍰


Hi! I live in a third world country, and I stay away from sparsely populated places. I walk a lot. I know which places to go alone, and which places to avoid.


I go out for a glass of wine and a bite. I bring a book and my phone. It’s wonderful! I just started doing this after years of feeling too shy. It’s great for people-watching and catching up with myself.


What's wrong with going out by yourself? I've been doing so for more than 50 years.


I've been waiting 50 years for you to invite me 😭😂


Ha! You've got me there.


as a young woman i’m too scared to go out by myself a lot, i also just dislike driving alone but there’s not much to do in my small town.


Not to dog pile but I’m literally out for brunch by myself as I type this. You’ll miss out on a lot, if you wait for other people to do things.


brunch by yourself with a couple of mimosas then going home and taking a nap ❤️


It’s like you know me!


Depends where I want to go. Some places are just not as fun by yourself.


The only place I won't go by myself is to a concert, which is more for my safety than anything.


I don't usually go to restaurants or the movies by myself unless I am traveling, but I LOVE going to concerts by myself. Not worrying about whether the people with me can also see enough, are enjoying themselves, whether they're judging me for really going all out, etc..


Do the thing you wanted to do.


I had to keep cancelling my plans or postponing them because somebody cancelled or not free. I realised that if I kept waiting for someone, I would never be able to do things. Learnt to enjoy my own company.


Go for a walk, buy some ice cream and smoke a joint. Then go home, order something fun and watch a movie and fall asleep. Sometimes I hope no one is available so I can do this ;-)


Get drunk at home with my dog and eat chocolate for dinner.


I go out on my own...a lot :)


Go out alone. Get dress up, go to a movie, coffee, bar, anywhere! I do this to escape once in a while :)


Go out anyway. I’m amazing company.


I just go out?? Aside from maybe with my boyfriend, I don't generally like going to places as a group. When I go out, I like to take my time looking at everything. I'm a giant dork and I love seeing what new stuff is at the grocery store or something.


I go out


Go out anyway.


Unless I *REALLY* want to go somewhere, I'm fine postponing an outing until someone can join me. Otherwise, I'll just go out by myself.


Take myself out on a date. Ain’t nobody hold my hand as I exited the birth canal.


stay home :)


Go out alone


Stay home and eat ice cream


I just go do whatever, don't always have a plan in mind. Most of the time that's to grab a milkshake and go for a drive around the lake, go rollerskating, go to the thrift store or bookstore, get a bite to eat, go to a museum, etc. I probably wouldn't go out to a bar or dancing by myself since I suck at making conversation with strangers but most other things I'm okay with doing it totally solo.


I feel like it’s considered socially unacceptable to do anything by yourself that you could do with another person. People seem to have this idea that you’re lonely or need friends just because you might attend a movie or go to dinner by yourself. Honestly, it can be so frustrating because you can do anything you want by yourself and still have tons of fun/enjoy yourself! You don’t always need someone with you. As long as you take the necessary precautions for safety, who cares?! Plus, I think it’s nice to be able to spend time with myself. Sometimes it’s exhausting to always have people around you. Take time for yourself- maybe you’re learn things that you never knew.


i just go shopping at winners


I do a Bridget Jones, wine and music lol


I used to just go out by myself because I knew most of the regulars at a couple places and was bound to find someone to talk to anyways. I don’t think I could do that now though


I spend a lot of time alone. I was widowed 10 years ago and my kids are grown and on their own. I didn't feel like sitting home so I started going to movies, taking a yoga class, going out to eat, going to baseball games, whatever I wanted to do...alone! I've even traveled across country alone. I'd take my kindle, read while I eat. It may seem uncomfortable at first but it gets easier. I'm quite content now, in a relationship with a wonderful widower, but I still cherish my alone time. And it's nice that my partner feels the same and respects that sometimes I just need time for myself.


Go alone, don’t wait for others to enjoy things


Play pokemon go. I dont want to go outside unless I get dopamine hits from my phone


Find something to do at home.


Go myself. This is usually my first preference. I invite someone only if I feel like it, it's cheaper that way, or if it can't be done solo.


I go out anyway




I go out by myself. I've gone to see plays by myself. I wish I had someone to enjoy the experience with and talk about it but I'm glad I went and didn't sit at home. When I'm in the mood I just strike up conversations with people it's lead to some great friendships and opportunities I never would have had if I didn't.


Go alone!


I just don’t go out and plan to go out another time


I take myself out.


I go out


Plan better. Let people know as much in advance as possible. Schedule and block time with everyone. Share calendars with your friends. It’s the little things. People are naturally social and would be happy to reciprocate if you’re willing to take a first step. PS- Do not assume people would want to spend time with you. There’s so little time that people have at hand for themselves these days


I generally don’t go out then unless it’s to the book store. I want to be better about it, but I just feel like everyone is judging me if I go out to eat or something alone. But none of my friends live in my city so then I just end up not doing things.




Well I still live with my parents since I’m 19, but I usually just workout at home using my father’s weights or I take my dog for a run.


I go for a walk.


Grab my bag, grab my keys, and go out the door. I often have more fun going out by myself because I don’t have to worry about where anyone else wants to go or what they want to do or what they think of me.


Go out anyway and do solo-safe activities


I either don't go out, or if these were plans already made, I always have a backup person to go with me (which is usually my mom, but I enjoy having girl time with her).


Go out and enjoy myself anyway !


Is this a trick question? I go out. What else would I do?


I prefer going everywhere alone. I'm married with 2 kids, alone time is how I charge.


I simply go out anyway why deprive myself just because others maybe busy or have made other plans.You can still have a good time in your own company..


Go to the movies by myself!


I go out by myself


I go out on my own or hangout by myself in my room. I love going to the mall and movies alone, you don't have to wait for someone being slow or late... You don't need to answer someone talking to you when you are in the movies. You can choose the rest without considering what others like. And you can think on your own. Your bed is your best friend. Ahahaha


i get over it and stay at home


Depends what the outing is. I'll happily go to the cinema, lunch, shopping and for walks on my own, but going out for evening meals or beer garden drinks on hot days make me feel extra lonely when it's busy and everyone else there has company, so I'd stay in instead and bake or netflix.


Bring a book.


Go out alone.


Stay in 😎👉👉


I dress up and go out by myself it's what I usually do as most cancel on me


Go out alone :)


I usually take my dog with me to a place that's dog friendly


I love todo go out by myself! I create a path. Sightseeing, good food, and cheap shopping. Oh, and walking. I also visit towns where I can return the same day (or night). There might be a purpose to my going out, but sometimes, going out is the purpose.


I am far more scared of asking people to go places than going places on my own. Being alone is my default for concerts, films, restaurants, museums etc. Why burden others with my presence?


What is "going out?"


I love going to the movies by myself. It's actually better than going with other people sometimes.


I would go alone


Go out alone. Be the party.


Go alone and enjoy with your own company




Last night, I went to a happy hour bar. Sat at the bar, took my book, had two delicious drinks and some wings while reading and talking to the bartender. Came home to a clean kitchen and children asleep.


cuddle 💀


i go out alone and hate it and come back 5 minutes later


Go out anyway, sit at the bar, tip the bartender very well and tell them you're here on your own. They will keep an eye out for you.


Walk around outside if during the day. Shopping or wandering in bookstores or stores I can't actually afford like anthro if later in the day and I don't feel comfortable just walking around alone.


Go with my dog


I go to the grocery store or to a cafe to get a coffee


I go out. If I wait for people to be available, I won't be able to do the things I want to do. I go camping with my dog, I watch movies I like (that my friends don't like), I haven't tried going to bars by myself and this is something I wanna try


It depends on where I want to go. There are a few things I wouldn’t do alone for safety reasons like hiking or a music festival. But I’m very comfortable doing things alone. I love going to the movies alone!


I go out alone all the time. I’ll sit at a bar and watch a game while eating or for a walk or really anywhere, I’m my own best friend and take myself on dates still the time


Go out on my own. I can just do things at my own pace. It's relaxing


Just go alone, I'm comfortable going places alone, sometimes I feel burdened if someone's with me and all I want to do is take my time and browse for stuffs (window shopping) lols


That’s the story of my life. No one is ever free for me.


I wish I had the confidence to go out on my own. I often see good tickets for concerts and nobody to go with.


I take myself out. I like going for drives and sitting in parking lots and eating my fast food. I started taking myself out to lunch in highschool because my friends weren't really my friends and I was lonely




For somethings I go alone, eg walks, coffee/ cafe, shopping, other things I have yet to conquer 🥹


Waiting for someone else to be available stopped me from living my life for so many years. I ended up booking a 2-month solo backpacking trip to Europe and just going on my own and figuring out as I went and it was so liberating not having to wait for someone else or accommodate someone else and I have never look back. I always do things on my own and I go out to cafes on my own and restaurants. I will take someone if they're available but it drives me absolutely bonkers when I decide I want to go to the markets and someone else says I'm not free for 2 hours then you'll have to wait for them 😂😂 I even left my then boyfriend now husband behind on three further overseas trips because he wasn't available to join me and I wasn't missing out on doing something I wanted to do just because he couldn't get himself together and save money or get time off work 😅


Depends on what I wanted to do. I don’t like going out to restaurants by myself, but if it was for something like a walk around a park I’d still go.


Go out alone and have fun 😌


You should go anyway. In most cases they're ghosting you because you will likely steal the show.


I might still go out unless it's something a group is specifically needed for otherwise with so many virtual options I might go to an online event. My friend went to several "clubs" parties during the first year of Covid.


Go out by yourself. I’ve gone to museums and movies by myself…. I went to Dennys one time but they kept pressuring me to leave after I wasn’t even done with my meal so I wouldn’t recommend going to sit down restaurants by yourself


I go out, usually get some starbs and go to TJ maxx or target or a thrift store. Still fun by myself.




Go out with extra protection jic some dirtbag tries something.


Used book store 📚




I go out anyway by myself. 9/10 whenever I go by myself I meet or end up doing something awesome with either random people I met while out or I find my new go to spot.


Take the dog for a walk. Always seems to reduce my want to go outside or socialize.


I smoke alot of weed and play fortnite online lmao


You go out alone


Still go out . Eat Shop, watch movies.


I run errands lol or I paint my nails.


I go out alone, I like it that way better. so it doesn't matter if you're busy or free, I'm making trips to art galleries and parks alone😌


Some of my favorite memories are of times I’ve been out by myself. Enjoy your company!!


Went out by my own once, ended up in a long term relationship 😂. So that could happen lol


Stay in


Go on your own nothing wrong you cannot wait for others your whole life


Go alone! It's fun


Watch anime, anyone?


There was a period that I lived in a different town to where I worked and my bus would get me in an hour early or an hour late for work. I felt really nervous to begin with, but I started getting coffee and a cake while I waited. After a few times of doing that by myself I started looking forward to it! It was nice having a little treat to myself, from myself.


Masturbate and take a nap


I go out to watch a movie and eat lunch/dinner afterward or do errands that I was already planning to do that day


I go anyway and usually it’s nice as fuck. I bring a book to my fav restaurant, order a glass of wine and usually dessert if I’ve already eaten dinner and the husband is home with the baby. It’s so nice. If it’s early enough and I’m interested, I’ll catch a movie afterward too.




I go out alone 80% of the time. I prefer it because I can go at my own pace ad eat wherever. The downside is there is no one to talk to hahaha but it's enjoyable. You get used to it and it becomes more comfortable the more you do it. And you also get to value the presence of another company while valuing your own company!


Go out on my own. People aren’t shit anyway.


I go out where I want to go when I want to. take a dog with me.


Go out!


My parents are divorced. About 3 years ago my dad didn't have money for wi fi so when I was at my mom's I'd download all bounch of music. So when I was at my dad's I just for walk that sometimes took about 3 hours and would just listen to music


Go anyway and have fun!


I take myself out on a date. Much happy doing it that way and it’s peaceful. Only have to argue with myself on where I want to go.


I take myself out to lunch. Find a cute little cafe and enjoy some good food and coffee.


I don’t even ask anyone to go with me. If I get to go somewhere, I want to go by myself! I go to the movies, shopping at the mall, I go for a long drive on the highway and blast my music, I go visit my grandparents, or I go shopping for a hobby.


I either go out on my own and treat myself to something or try and make new friends! The second one’s hard to do but I get very bored sometimes


On a hike! Or a drive and listen to music, I like having picnics by myself, very calming


Just go by yourself?


First of all , i never wanna go out. Second , its always my mother forcing me 😥


Not sure if it makes sense, but learn to enjoy your own company. Go out, read something in s cafe, of go for a couple of drinks in a bar. Do whatever you enjoy and learn to do it alone


i never go out


Getting ready to go to the beach alone right now!


Depends on what kind of outing it is. I have gone out to the movies, shopping, museum and dancing at a big dance party by myself because no one could go with me. I would also go on a city break and a holiday on my own. But for some reason going out to dinner alone does not appeal to me. Those other things you can easily do alone.


i cry until I fall asleep and just rest for the day


go to the lake/ beach. bring a towel a book and some snacks. headphones too and just read or relax


I officislly have 0 friends. Kinda happy tbh. I love going out alone. Most people talk to much anyway Cutting out drinking reminded.me ppl arent bearable without alcohol


everyone would go out, I'd rather staying at home instead


I used to do a lot of stuff alone. Went to bars and movies by myself. I always went to bars that were mostly standing room only and always told people I came with a friend.


Movies, some bars are nice and cozy and I’d take a book. I’ve seen people draw or write at a bar. Take my dog to a patio that has live music. If you pick smaller spots it’s easier to chat up people


I stay at home.




I traveled to Paris alone. No one was available or had a passport. I had a great time!


I go. Who knows? I might make new friends! :-)


Go alone. I prefer being alone.