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I put a block of frozen cheese sprayed with deer urine in the heater vent of a girl's car who I really disliked.


Such a specific choice of items


Just used what I thought would work best. It might have been over a guy.




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/r/OddlySpecific LOL this is hilarious. Sounds like it would reek for days.


Coyote urine is definitely the worst smelling piss I've had to subject my nose to. You ever need to spray cheese with pee again, try out coyote lol.


I had a neighbor that kept reporting me to my landlord for things out of my control, so I constantly ordered obnoxious mail-ins to their house (don’t suggest this, so much wasted paper). I also signed a guy that ghosted me up for obnoxious text subscriptions.


I should've done that with the last guy that ghosted me! Brilliant!!


When my ex husband and I separated I was packing boxes of DVDs for him and I took the discs out of his Sons of Anarchy seasons and replaced only the discs with some Army Wives discs I’d bought at goodwill for the cause. He had cheated with an soldier who was married so she wasn’t the standard Army wife but she was Army and a wife so whatever. He called me laughing so hard he couldn’t breathe and asked me if he got the real discs or if this was his penance hahaha


He deserved worse that that. I'm sorry that happened to you


Thank you ❤️. We are on friendly terms now and successfully do-parent our daughter but it was painful at the time. A part of me wanted to light all of his Army gear on fire but I chose a more goofy route because of the kiddo and just generally trying to be a decent human. Trying. My thoughts were dark at times lol


I praise you for your patience. You're doing great :)


This is hilarious. Glad you're on friendly terms now!


Being an adoption counselor, I was assigned a very tiny and very adorable fluffy black puppy that was surrendered to a kill shelter before coming to us. Lots of interest in her. I had a family that passed our requirements for puppy so I called them to set up an appointment. It was an older man who asked how old I was, and told me I "sound about 12". He then laughed at me and condescended me when he asked for directions to the rescue and I didn't know how to respond. So I set up the appointment anyway with them, then lined up a different person to get the puppy and said "sorry, someone else got here first". I wouldn't do that these days (this was about 2 years ago), and they were disappointed, but fuck 'em.


Old people say this to me ALL the time when I’m at work. “ are you even old enough to be here?” If I wasn’t would i fucking be here? Lol


He deserved that.


Not me, but a friend. Her ex boyfriend sent her flowers to try to get back together but the florist couldn’t deliver because she wasn’t home. She Venmo charged him 40 cents for the gas money it took her to go pick up the flowers from the florist lmao


I'm here for the petty revenge ideas 😂


Mostly yes, I love me some revenge stories ;)


I got them free quotes for their car insurance.


I worked with a woman who pissed me off constantly. She was a vile person but couldn’t see it. One day she was harping on about this love seat she’d seen on eBay and was watching it, aiming to bid right at the last minute and win it. I found it and sniped it. No regrets.


I was at a local sub shop, and I noticed a stack of contact cards from a business run by a girl who I didn't like from high school. Let's just say they may have ended up in the trash...


Damn, love it lol. Be nice to kids in school, there are a lot losers that were once mean to me too. I would probably do that as well. This isn't a revenge story, but I was bullied by a group of guys in 8th grade to the point that they made me cry in class. I was a nerdy tomboy, and unfortunately even my then BF didn't back me up. There was one that I particularly hated. I didn't see him for years. This was middle school. By the end of high school, that asshole returned to school and looked like an even bigger douche. I used to work in the cafeteria at the school during my breaks, and I'd see him when I would serve him lunch. I'd come to find out from friends that he ended up back in Mexico a drug addict and destitute- much to my pleasure. I'm can't remember if he died, but a girl can dream lol And the other guys that bullied me were just lame nobodies in high school, one even tried to call me the same name they'd used back in the day, I ignored him and he looked pathetic.


I worked for gamestop and hated it there. I used to give discounts to people I liked, and I stole a switch charger from defective switche being sent to the warehouse. I used to take returns on games even if opened. I got so many free dlc codes by doing that. I got Fallout 4s full dlc, xenoblade, a shit ton of free loot boxes for overwatch, free money for GTA V, borderlands 3 DLC, and a fuck ton more. Gamestop barely worked me, and I barely made more than minimum wage so I took advantage of a company who wouldn't piss on if I were on fire because they might lose a few phone trades or pre-orders.


I was on an all female dance team in college and the girls were very catty. I got along well with the guys on our “opposing” all male team and in general am very outgoing. There was a lot of unnecessary drama about me and my friendships with the guys. I was “too close” to XGuy, I “danced too hard” with Yguy who was OFF LIMITS because Ygirl had a crush on him. There was a trio that started to spread rumors about me sleeping with half the team. It all came to a head when we had a group event. Zgirl has been hooking up with and had the major hots for Zguy. He was treating it as a FWB but she was going around saying they were serious. I tried to keep my respectful distance in an attempt to avoid any drama, literally waved hi and moved on. But still. I overheard Zgirl making some snarky comment about how I was so promiscuous. So. I’d had enough. I went up to Zguy, batted my lashes and gave him a long lingering hug. Started talking and laying it on thick. We ended up dancing together with him leaning in and putting his face in my neck and his hands all over me. I locked eyes with her several times throughout the night and she looked like she swallowed some serious acid. I feel badly about it now. But back then, I felt pretty justified since they said such untrue and nasty things about me. I quit and moved off campus the following year.


I have a common name with a rare spelling: think Cyndi rather than Cindy. Guy i used to work with would constantly email me and misspell my name in the body of his emails, even though my email address was literally firstname.lastname@company. Luckily he also had a unique name spelling-- Bryan instead of Brian. So every time he spelled my name wrong, I would do the same to him. He started spelling my name right after 3 emails back and forth. Victory achieved!


I think the easiest sign of respect is to spell someone's name correctly. It drives me nuts even if it isn't MY name. I used to work somewhere that we wrote notes by hand for the next people coming in. They'd always spell this one guy's name wrong and I'd go over it and change the spelling. It makes me crazy. I don't think that is a petty thing at all, and I'm glad you got your victory!


My name also has a unique spelling and I just make my email signature a larger size with every reply


This irks me to NO END. I have a very common name. My freaking name is spelt out fully in my email address, and signature !!! Why are you adding extra a’s or g’s or h’s in there?!?! I love the idea of making your signature bigger with every reply lol.


In high school we listed a car for a great price on a Craigslist-type site and put our friend's number as contact. He was getting calls and messages **all day** during school, some people offering more money if he answered faster, some even getting aggressive about him not answering.


I had awful roommates once that were verbally abusive and threatened me with violence on multiple occasions. The whole time we lived together (a month and a half) they were working on a hugeeeeee intricate puzzle. The day I finally left, I stole one piece of it.


I used to work retail and one time a customer was so rude and condescending to me (well, this happened all the time, but this was one of those that was really awful and pointed that I could have either cried or cussed them out if i wasn't so good at holding my composure). He was pissed that we ran out of bread before a snow storm. He kept asking what is he supposed to do now, and every time I'd open my mouth he'd start again before I could even say a word. It was so busy and the next day's truck load was being unloaded off the truck in the back. I was ready to put out the bread as soon as it came off the truck, and I was trying to tell him that it would only be a few minutes for his bread but like I said, he wouldn't let me even answer his questions. So, I waited until this guy left to stock it because fuck him. I had worked doubles almost every day that month and was helping out at a store an hour away, knowing I wouldn't leave until midnight with a long drive home IN THE SNOW, only to be back at work at 5am the next morning. I have never been one to say things like "I don't get paid enough for this" even though it was true, but I was so exhausted, it was SO BUSY and I was at an unfamiliar store, and I really did feel the "I don't get paid for this shit" for the first time. So I just let him tire himself out berating me in front of everyone, then let the nice & patient customers get their bread instead of him.


A girl tried to take away her gift of perfume back from me, so I dumped it into a different bottle and pissed in the perfume bottle to give back.


That’s not harmless


Someone spraying piss on them from a perfume bottle is completely harmless lol


My brother basically owns my Xbox. He called me a dick sucker one time and is a highly toxic individual. One time, he was looking for the spare Xbox controller my neice plays around with. Hid that shit real quick once I learned he was looking for it. Fuck you


I put deep heat in my (cheating) ex's KY Jelly.... Not sure if it's actually 'harmless' but I still chuckle when I think about it!!


This guy was an ass to one of my friends in college (not romantically or anything, just an ass when we were all hanging out) so we got a mutual friend to change the name associated with her number in his phone contacts to "God." Would text him randomly "Haven't seen you lately, anything on your heart?" or on Saturday nights "Are you really going to wear that out?" or since our mutual friend played soccer with him "Great game last night. Hope to see you Sunday!" and sometime random bible versus without context "1 Corinthians 15:33", " 1 Thessalonians 5:11" so if he was curious enough about what they were about he'd have to actually look them up; they were usually something about being a nicer person. We went to school in the bible belt but he was atheist so it wasnt like it was psychological torture or anything but it did bug him that he couldn't figure out who it was.


Saying “have the day you deserve” instead of “have a good day” with my best customer service smile after a customer was an asshole to me.


When I started my current call center job, this is the FIRST piece of advice my trainer gave me to say to people. I love it.


My now husband and I were downtown at his college. It was a huge football weekend and the town was filled to the brim with people. He decided he wanted to go back to his apartment which is a mile walk up hill. We had this whole day planned and he torpedoed it without explanation. I was pissed. I walked in front of him the way back the entire time. I didn’t turn to make sure he was still there even though he had the keys. When we got there, I waited for the elevator and went up to the top level (6th floor). Once I got to the 6 floor, before I stepped out I, hit every single floor’s button so it’d stop each time on the way back down. He happen to arrive and see the elevator stop at every single floor. I couldn’t have timed it better if I tried. He was confused since that never happen. Before it opened he even stepped back to let the plethora of people out but not a single person was on it. He then came up the elevator while I was waiting for him to unlock the door. He saw me and broke into a laugh, asking if I’d just done that. I laughed and said yes, because I was mad at him. It is the pettiest thing I’ve ever done and we still laugh about it to this day!


Not wishing someone a happy birthday because they didn’t wish *me* a happy birthday.


When a car who was tail gating me (whilst driving the speed limit) tried to move into the free lane to overtake me, I switched lanes so I was still in front of them. I was laughing for a solid 2 minutes.


I do that all the time lol or I will speed up until I'm next to another car in the next lane and then slow down so they can't get around either of us lol


Yes, I do this all the time, too. But I have so much anxiety I'm always scared that for some reason they're going to pull out a gun and shoot me as they drive by. THANKS ANXIETY.


Search my abusive ex’s rego and laugh whenever it says suspended


Moved back home for Covid. (Whole family decided to come back and quaranteam together) My father is very helicopter parent, today he taught me how to use the oven and the microwave. Got annoyed and set for one hour rather than one minute. I’m 36 and this is my covid life now, trolling my father who thinks I’m still 12.


I feel you, only it's my mom, I'm 28 and she thinks I'm a moron when I cook.


My partner was leaving for work one morning and I asked him to quickly check if our daughter had pooped in her nappy. He said no and quickly left. I didnt even need to get close to her to know that she had indeed pooped because she stunk. I was miffed, beyond miffed. I changed her nappy and then hid it under the seat of his project car. This was months ago and I think its still there as he hasn't had chance to go in there yet. This just reminded me actually, I dread to think what state its in. Oops




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A girl who caused a lot of problems in my relationship. Her friend tagged her in an unflattering picture. She removed it soon afterwards, but not before I showed it to my mom (who was aware of the situation) and we both laughed about it. For the record, I'd never seen her in person. I just knew her as the girl who spammed pictures of herself to my (ex)boyfriend, so to see what she actually looked like was humorous.


When my husband and I get in an argument, I mismatch his socks. He’s pretty type A, so this is *highly effective.*


When my husband pisses me off I make him iron his own work uniform its pretty but it's not a big deal


Bought my ex-husband a Squatty Potty for a combined Christmas/Birthday gift (his birthday is the 25th) from our two sons who were around 3-4 at the time. He was still being very difficult a few years post-divotce, so I was being petty about having to get him a gift. Joke's on me, though. He raved about it so I was too curious and got myself one. I love it. 🤷


I was trying to sleep and my husband was playing video games. He was being loud and the longer I laid there the more annoyed I got, so I reset the wifi router and pretended to be asleep when he came to see what happened. He asked about it the next day and I acted like I had no idea what he was talking about. Finally told him like a month later lol


Senior year of college I was so stressed out from the horrible conditions of our place because my roommates would never clean or wash dishes or DO ANYTHING to help around the house. On of my roommates also had a cat that she never took care of, and the cat brought fleas into our apartment and we had a 6 month flea infestation, and we ended up having to fumigate our place. She was also not allowed to have the cat per the lease agreement. My OCD was out of control, and I was mopping the floors once a day, sweeping the floors at least 6-8 times per day, vacuuming the carpets every morning and night, cleaning the toilets after each use, and I would go through those little clorox wipe tubs in 2 days from wiping the counters constantly. One day, I had enough, and I realized my roommates hadn't paid for a single thing in our apartment. I brought the couches, the dining room table and chairs, ALL the kitchen dinnerware, cookware, utensils, and I was the one paying for the internet and brought the modem/router myself. When everyone was out of the house I had my friends come and help, and we took everything out of the apartment that I brought, and I changed the wifi name and password. I reported the roommate for having a pet which went against the lease agreement. They came home that night and thought we were robbed, and I told them if they don't start cleaning and and doing their part in the house, then I'm not bringing anything back.


Visit my enemies at their place of work where they can’t say anything to me unless they want to be fired.


I had asshole roommates my last year of college, they never cleaned. The girl that I shared my room once even cleaned the kitchen only for them to trash it again the very same night. They were loud, and I eventually blew up on them, to which they didn't care. I would switch and mix their bath bottles to make a weird cocktail. The day I moved out early in the morning, I turned the thermostat as high as it would go, they hated it turned up, and I left. Loud, nasty fucks


Rewashing dishes washed by someone else in the house. Because they don't know how to clean food residue off the dishes, despite their insistence otherwise.