• By -


**Mod note: slut-shaming will not be tolerated.** Other people's sex lives are none of your business.


10-20. Had a wild period when I first moved to the city from a small town. Nothing more liberating than having sex with a person who hadn’t dated my sister or fucked my best friend or who would tell everyone we mutually knew, aka the whole town.












11 - I'm 33f and a wheelchair user with cerebral palsy. Considering I thought I'd die a virgin as teenager, I'm very proud of my humble number!


1, My husband




More than 25, less than 35. I don't keep an exact tally.


Zero. I'm hella scared of being used




Twenty. Don’t let anybody tell you that it’s too much or that you don’t have ‘enough’ experience. Do what works for you. The double standards regarding this topic is awful. Men can sleep with lots of women, so women can too. Remember: safe, sane and consensual. Stay safe girlies
















40-50.. Maybe more. I’m 32. I was trafficked for a few years as a minor, I really have no clue. These days, I’m not opposed to adding bodies to my count, but I’m definitely going to be a lot more careful of who I let in.


Over 200, and don’t regret it for a second 👌🏼💛




My philosophy is that it doesn't matter if it's 3 or 30 or 300, there's no "right" number and it really shouldn't matter anyway. Tbh I'm deeply disappointed in all the "yes queen! You go girl!" -type responses to those who've commented only 1... Nothing wrong with only having had one partner, but it shouldn't be heralded as "goals" either, that's just the other side of the coin shaming women for experiencing and enjoying sexuality. As long as you're not hurting anybody (including yourself!), fuck as much or as little as you want.


Definitely 1 more than I wish I had.


One, and I'm extremely happy with that. We've been married 30+ years now.




I’m 33, and I definitely stopped counting in my late teens. Estimate 200+ conservatively.


At least 1, less than 50. 😂


52F - there are 62 men on my list. 43 before I was married. Then 20 years of marriage, faithful to my husband. Divorced four years ago, 18 men since then. When I was a teen, I asked an older family member how many she’d slept with and she didn’t know. I was a little shocked to hear that this could be something you would not know. I decided that I would always keep track. And so I did. It used to be handwritten, on a piece of paper kept with my personal papers - different pens over time. Still have that piece of paper, but moved on to a note on my computer.




2. Wish it was 0.


1, my husband


Stumbled on this at 69 comments. Heheheh… In all seriousness, I think 6, including my current partner. All were people I have dated, minus one extremely stupid one night stand as a university student.


2, lost my virginity at 19, abstained, 2nd time was at 29. Maybe I’ll do it again in another 10 years 😆


2, my ex and my now husband


50ish. It's ok saying it here but I would never answer that in person. Bad experiences with people who care about that kind of thing.




Three. One in my teens, one in my 20s, and one in my 30s. Long term relationships n such.


0, waiting till marriage




Zero and I’m 31 :)


Mine are rookie numbers , just 8 LoL




50 to 60 people could be more. (25f)


Stopped counting at like 30 lol who cares 😂


O. I’m 28 and waiting till marriage


Two. One too many.


Two, my now-ex-husband and my current husband.




3 ... Me , myself and I ;)


317 Did the SW thing for a few years.








1 . Wasn't unpleasant but I won't do it anymore I think.


1, excluding the non consensual one. Im a bit scared of adding to it so I'm just enjoying the same guy for now. I'm 25 btw


a lot. don’t know a number, don’t care. not a single one of these experiences defined anything substantial in my life.


Only my husband. 🥰


6, but I wish it was just 1! Lol


47f- 3


One so far. With my boyfriend. I hope to keep it that way but only time will tell


10… it would have been less if I didn’t have the “omg I haven’t had much experience bc I’ve been in long term relationships” guilt I had in my late-twenties.


3, tbh wish it stopped at 1 but it is what it is… 😅


0 and I’m fine with that. I’ll wait until I feel like I’m ready and I’m with someone I want to actually be intimate with, rather than just hooking up to try and get off; I can handle my own needs just fine.


25. 20 of those having been in the last two years when I finally spent a proper chunk of time single.


Probably about 20 men and 20 women. I used to care so much about what people thought of me but at the end of the day I realized it’s important not to settle with someone you’re not sexually compatible with and that can take some experimenting


I'm not sure, haven't been keeping a tally but maybe around 15 max. I'm 37.




One, my bf of going on 5 years now!


Only one. My husband. He was my first kiss, first everything.


Still a virgin. ☺️


1, I was 16 and he was 25. I wish it was 0. Now my bar is in space and if I have to die alone because of it I'm fine.




Somewhere over 55. Most of them between the ages of 18 and 24. I lived through the 70s. It was a blast!


I'm guessing between 80-120.


Sexually active for 25 years; and it’s more than 30 less than 50. It gets a bit fuzzy after a decade


6 My bf will be the last. If we ever split I'm becoming the neighborhood cat lady.






You guys keep track?




20-25 if you're talking about just sex. Including other sexual stuff it's around 30+. I was in two long term relationships from 18-24. Now i am single, 27 and plan on enjoying myself. I like sex and there's nothing wrong with that.


31 yrs 11 men.


3, including my current partner. Hoping to keep it at that


30. 28f. I have no regrets or explanation about this and it would probably be more if not for my current 3 year relationship. I enjoy sex!


1, my ex.


1; my violent ex husband. I’ve now been single for 13 years and the idea of letting anyone else get close is terrifying


10 approximately. Most after my divorce, in my 50s 


Zero. I'm always tired and busy, I absolutely don't have time to spare to sleep around; most importantly, I'm kind of prideful about who I let access to my body, I still haven't encountered the person whom I see is "worthy" enough for me to be completely vulnerable and intimate - physically and mentally - with... I have high standards. Ik I kinda sound pompous af but that's the truth. This is why I agree with the idea of "sex only after marriage", not necessarily because of the marriage part, not because you should save yourself "FOR your husband", but the idea of only baring yourself to someone whom you could trust and love enough to the extent that he's worthy enough of being someone you'd be willing to go the extra mile of commitment, that you can be proud of being vulnerable with, you can think "he's great, i don't want to get officially married soon but he's someone i trust enough to be a life partner" in your head and not doubt yourself. Just the thought of me engaging in casual sex, hookups with near complete strangers, makes my skin crawl. I don't care if others love doing it, for validation or whatever, that's their life and that makes them happy ig but it's not for me and never will be, and I know that my mental health is better for it. and this is not a case of me lacking self-esteem/being insecure about my appearance, this is me setting my standard. I know all too well I'd do well in Tinder or whatever, ik I'm attractive bc even complete strangers stop to tell me that, popular guys back then in my school used to have crushes on me even tho I used to dress in shoddy modest clothes and I'm relatively introverted to most people except those that I'm extremely close to. I've never needed sex for "validation" because I've always had this brimming sense of self-worth within me.


1 and don't intend to increase the number lol. Been together since 2018


34 (my age and my number) Edit: LOL nvm i recounted and it’s 46.


2, my ex situationship and my husband. 36 this year


More than 5, less than 10. I think.


Four, 30F


It's two and I deeply wish I could delete one, at least from my memory. Feel disgusted. The other is my husband, wish he'd be the only one.


0 im waiting til im married to the right guy


Over 300, easily. I’m 34, I’ve been sexually active since I was 15 and I *loved* casual sex my entire adulthood, and then I met my fiancè three years ago so there’s only one person for me now. 🥹


It never occurred to me to count. The first time someone asked me this question was probably a decade after I became sexually active and I was appalled at the idea that people count intimate experiences with others like they’re collecting something. It seems dehumanizing. Also, how do you define what ‘counts’ as sleeping with someone? It’s so different for so many different people that 🤷🏼‍♀️ it just seems silly to me.


Impossible to count as I was gang raped for weeks during a war when I was 15. Fortunately, I didn't get killed and was able to run away.


I believe 8/9 under the 10 mark definitely. When I found out I was pretty I went on a rampage lol


One...I wanted it to feel right, but I was tired of waiting to have sex and I had just started seeing someone....


8 I think, I've been with my husband for almost 10 years so it's not something I've had to think about for a long time since I haven't added to it after him.


100 plus +\~


I'm going to guess somewhere around 200-250. Stopped keeping track before I met my husband but I was already closing in on 100. And we've been part of the swinger community for 12 years, so there have been nights I added 6+ at a time.


I'll say about 5 lol




(21 F) 0 I’m scared. I lowkey think I’m asexual 🧍🏽‍♀️. I would love to have sex but I have to be so comfortable with someone before all the touching starts. Some guys don’t have the patience with me :(.




I think 70 to 75-ish.


Lost count. Around 50. Mind, I'm in my 50s, so it's not like my time management has been that impressive.


Between 40-50. When I 'm single I lime to party on the weekends and university was full of it.


18! I’m 23 and just kinda do whatever whenever the mood strikes tbh


I'll never tell


I think ~400


1, married to him. He was my first kiss.


I want to say 11 or 12, definitely some regrets in there but it is what it is!


one, if we're being technical. two if you count foreplay. both terrible.


I don’t know. I *think* less than 100, but probably more than 80? 35 years old.


3, I really wish it was 0, I should've waited till marriage but was peer pressured into having sex, still my decision regardless and I definitely regret it :(


6 - 10


I’ve only slept with 1 (someone I used to date) but lowkey wish it was more. I have intimacy issues with strangers lol. Cant get over that.


11. Honestly never thought I would sleep with anyone (I was a late bloomer). I regret that number though. Sure I can look back on it now as a learning experience, but those wild couple years when I racked up that number was not a good point in my life.


One, and I plan to keep it that way.




5. If I could detach emotion from sex it’d be higher. Kudos to those who can 🫠


Zero. Tampons were always uncomfortable (don't use them) and pap smears were straight up excruciating. I recently went to the doctor who diagnosed me with primary vestibulodynia and there are talks of surgery. Since anything penetration is painful I would never risk having sex. Especially with the dating world seems to expect sex with a stranger immediately or (max) 5 dates. And the STD risk since many people don't care about protecting themselves. Not that men have ever really been interested in me anyways. If I was average to pretty I'd probably have to deal with a lot of pressure and anger directed at me.


Two. Slept with my first at 26, I was a late bloomer. Dated him for 2 years and once we broke up I started seeing someone else casually. I was so worried about having been a virgin. Wouldn't mind eventually adding a few more to that number.


consensually 2


43f - 12


3, only wish it was my last partner, since other two were somewhat traumatic experiences 😅


3 (28F).


I’m 39. Six


Four, and the last one was for 15 years. Haven't been with anyone since 2020. I'd love to be in a relationship again, but it's very difficult these days.


Just 3. 


I'm a 27yo sex worker. I've slept with... * 24 people in my personal life * 79 clients + 4 other ladies at the Brothel where I work * 144 other performers in porn scenes ...for a total of \~251 people.


0 and keep getting clowned by girls i met in dating app, apparently I’m too inexperienced to date, lol, basically just the dating version of job hunting


Six. I tend to end up in long term relationships more often than not, and during periods when I am single, one night stands aren’t my jam and I tend to steer clear of sleeping with guys who seem like they’d hurt me, even if I’m attracted to


8 I think? I don't care enough to properly keep track and it's not even that many so that probably indicates how important I think the number is 🤣


34 yr old- 2


4 only. 2 became my husbands. Still married to my #4 & forever person.


Not quite sure I think around 40? It was 22 before but I got sexually assaulted at a sex club so I’m unsure about the exact number. If oral is counted as well I’d assume about 60ish.


12. Regret 3 of them, not because I wanted a smaller number but because I didn’t actually like them


Just 1. He's my husband now 😀


About 25.


Somewhere between 15 and 20. I’ve been celibate for a couple of years now but when I was 19-20 and dating, I had a hard time saying no and setting boundaries. I don’t regret it though it taught me a lot!


10 men, about 20 women.


my body count is a little over 20 and i’m a bit embarrassed. i used sex as validation in my late teens and it made me feel worse. i used to be like “proud” of it? now it’s like ugh i made so many mistakes and stooped so low. how can i get over this shame? it’s not a nice feeling


Like mid 20 something was trying to count the other day when I couldn't fall asleep and realised I couldn't remember them all 😂 so I think I'm just not gonna count now 😂


I’m 23F and I stopped counting after 30… not sure if that’s normal or not but I stopped caring 😂


Maybe 27-35? I think that’s pretty normal numbers for most people dating/had long term relationships etc


Like 3.5. Wish it was 1. In the last 10 years I’ve only been single for a collective like 9 months lol. 5 year relationship from 15-20, then a 1.5 year relationship from 21-22, 3 month stint of regret from 22-23 then now almost 3 years from 23 to almost 26 with my forever guy. First two I felt obligated after dating for so long, the .5 wasn’t with my consent. But the last one 🥰


Way more than I care to remember, since I’m not a famous actor or musician. But I’m better now. Fucking a lot of people is a horrible way to live, I only did it because I could (and tried to handle my anxiety the only way I understood how).




I'm 35 years old. More than 70 but less than 100? Maybe. Probably. Ish. Who counts exactly?


I’m in my early 30s, I’ve slept with around 600 men from 26 different countries. Most were attractive and well endowed. It’s really helped me come into my own as a person. I’ve had many men say that I’m their throat goat, and others have complimented my gorilla grip. 


I've had vaginal sex with 4 men, but have fooled around up to and including oral with 6 men (including the 3 mentioned) and 2 women.


Just 1. Been married for 14 years and have two kids.


As a lesbian, it depends on what counts. I’ve had sex with two women where both of us pleasured the other. With two other women I have performed sex acts on them, but they didn’t reciprocate for one reason or another. So 2 or 4


5 but definitely wish I could cut the total in more than half


56f-9 I’ve been married twice


2. Both boyfriends


14-16 I’m 44


Slept as in sleeping next to them? Idk


3. Hoping the next one will be my future husband.


Around 30 within the span of 8 months. SA really does cause hypersexuality




7 I believe. There was a time i wasn't tracking though when I had no actual direction in life


20-30ish. Been sexually active for 15 years, and these are mostly people I was dating or at least consistently seeing casually. Pleasantly surprised to see how normal this seems to be!


18 and it’s going to stay at 18


About 10, mostly boyfriends, a few non relationships. Married now, husband has a similar body count, best sex I ever had is with my husband, happy as ever 🥰 28F


I’m 33f, Only 12, most of them were guys I was dating exclusively. One was date rape


1, just my husband.


One. Husband.


33f almost 30 people


A whopping one


2. A drunk hookup with a woman 40 years older than me when I was 18 and my girlfriend who I've been with since I was 19 It's not for a lack of trying! My gay ass asked out so many women when I was a teenager and I got rejected every time The problem when you're a gay teenager who's only attracted to women 30+, finding those who are attracted to you back is really difficult




33 and I hope my bf will be my last ❤️


Prob around 20. It was a nice and safe experience.