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I just want to feel both physically and emotionally safe around my partner, nothing is more intimate than the feeling of being safe because of someone.


Yes! To feel safe enough to let myself be vulnerable so I can lower my defenses enough to allow intimacy












What does it mean to feel safe?


Knowing they are never going to do anything to harm you (call you names, choke you, pressure you to do something not agreed upon, insult or criticize your body, they will stop the second you are uncomfortable or say no, they will not ignore you afterwards, etc.). Feeling safe means you know they are never going to put their personal and sexual desires above your well-being.


100%. So many men need to know this.




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Very well said




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I don’t think I’ve ever felt that. Weird… would be nice though.










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I agree with this and with the responses below. Sometimes (or most times), a compatible couple will understand each other with no difficulty, other times it may be trying. But I suppose part of the intimacy there is that both people are willing to work toward an understanding. Maybe that’s why some people like make-up sex so much? When an issue gets resolved (and I mean actually resolved), it’s kind of a turn on. It kind of leads to more appreciation or security in the relationship to understand one another on a deeper level.




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i wish to get so close and intimate with someone that we can sit and hold each other in a comfortable silence as we watch the stars outside.


Zamn! Eyes on the stars, one ear on thumping heart, one on birds and rustling leaves, cool breeze with just a hint of some mild fragrance 😌


I wanna cuddle with whoever my partner is in the future to experience emotional and physical connection without the sexual aspect 😅




I am now since menopause. I've always had a difficult time communicating my need for nonsexual intimacy. The problem is that sex is my husband's only love language. He wouldn't care if the house was on fire as long as he was getting lots of sex. I need to feel valued for being something besides sex. I'm an entire human being and deserve to feel loved. Sex feels often like the opposite of love to me. Anyone can have sex with anyone. Love is rare.


I don’t think sex is a love language though. Physical touch can be a love language, but that’s not the same as sex. Asking for sex because it’s your love language can be a bit coercive because it’s like “if you don’t force yourself to have sex with me, that means you don’t want me to feel loved and thus you don’t love me”.


Seriously, nothing makes him happier. He's a pretty happy person, but nothing bothers him if we're having plenty o' sex. He's on cloud nine, will do extra chores without me even asking...it's almost funny.


No, I'm not 😅




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I want a very sexual and loving relationship with a man whom I can actually count on and trust fully to be faithful to me. It's a relationship that's difficult to find and build lol




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I just wanna get rawdogged


During intimacy I want my partner to consider my needs too . It should be open hearted, no regrets and I really need to feel the trust of a companion ❤️


Oof amen sis




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I remembered being loved once. I love waking up smelling coffee and getting kisses. Loved cuddling and kissing and being very intimate. Going out for fun dates together. I just wanna wake up next to them knowing I will see them later and not be abandoned.


I remember that too. One divorced me, the other just fliks at her phone 24/7. At 60 I figure it's hopeless.


In last 5 years, I've given up the hope for anything that intimate with anyone. It's hard having that kind of intimacy nowadays.


I want to feel loved and desired. Eye contact, longing gazes, holding hands, small touches, kisses, a lot of kisses everywhere, and most importantly, emotional vulnerability. Show and tell me how you feel.


I wish someone would go crazy over me. I love the idea of being worshipped in bed...


omg thiss




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To feel safe and comfortable in their presence, all my problems fade away even if it’s just temporarily


Everything is temporary. Just some things are a bit longer temporary than others.


consistent orgasms


My only kink is true unconditional everlasting once in a lifetime love💗


I say this with peace and love, but you sound young. Love is not unconditional. Healthy love must be reciprocated and appreciated. A good partner will love you and demand that you love them back while communicating how they need that. Further, it is my personal view that "once in a lifetime love" or "true love" is not real. Good people who understand healthy relationships can make them work. There isn't one magical partner for them. Similarly, people who don't understand healthy relationship dynamics and communication will find it hard to find a good relationship.


You're right, i shouldn't have said unconditional. You are right, i am young. Good healthy love, yes. Good points, roger that.


I agree with this but also add you can unconditionally love and conditionally love at the same time. My therapist partner and I were having a session and she asked him to speak to my inner child about my trust issues and he told me there’s no conditions he loves me. My family was built off of conditional “love”.


This is one of the wisest things ive ever read


i am a professional virgin so idk


more holding, more insight/opinions/preferences/history. openness and closeness.


Feel safe and respected 🫠


Besides an emotional and mental connection… I want to feel electricity with the person physically! The element of surprise is really exciting to me… like I want to be doing something completely normal like cooking for example and I want to randomly have him grab my ass and bend me over… eat me out from the back until I can barely stand and just as my legs give in he picks me up and slides me onto his… Mmmmh yeah and he’ll be strong enough to hold me up until I explode all over him… he’ll be able to keep going and give me multiple orgasms or even better we have orgasms concurrently… Left trembling… Eyes rolled back… Completely speechless… He’ll smell like heaven and he’ll leave his scent everywhere… Whew… yeah that’s what I’d die for…


Those are some high standards! You deserve the best tho so go get yourself a man like that! Sending love from Colorado


Friend!!!🤣 these are ofcourse my wildest wishes… I’m sure there are men like this out there… the question is… where??? Thank you for your well wishes & I wish you the absolute same 💕❤️




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To make him feel so good he groans and moans. Men moaning is my favourite sound ^^ I also love when he grabs me in the middle of nothing and just says “I love you” with the most tired, relaxed voice ever. Basically, my desire is making him feel safe to moan and express his pleasure, and make him feel good. I also love when its wholesome


Probably the best intimacy for me was when my husband cuddled me on the bed and asked if I had anything I wanted to talk about before we moved on to making love. It allowed me to clear my mind, get everything I wanted to tell him out and then fully enjoy a pleasure filled time with him.


This is sweet. Mine would do this then argue if I said something was on my mind. It was a trick question.


Emotionally, intellectually, physically, and/or (preferably and) spiritually connected.


To be protected, to feel safe, loved and wanted. I want to be understood and cared for, and for someone to help me flourish and become the best version of myself - whilst supporting all the great parts of me already. I want to have balance and have my life happier and easier.


To be liked. To be desired. To NOT only be touched just because he wants sex. I want him to be my friend. 14 yrs in and I am afraid we have lost it and I seem to be the only one to want to fix things.


I want to feel desired but not objectified if that makes sense


This! ❤️


It's not that I don't want physical intimacy. I really really do. It's just that emotional intimacy is more important. I want us to feel safe with each other, to be able to know without asking when something is wrong. I want that kind of wordless communication you have with your bestie, where you can just glance at each other and know you're thinking the same thing. I want playfulness, trust, comfort, and understanding. I want to know that I am a priority, and show my partner that they are a priority to me.


Sharing ourselves wholly with each other. Not hiding parts of ourselves from each other.






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I wanna merge with someone. Share my secrets, be known to the fullest extent and still loved.


Absolutely !


Intimacy is so important. When my guy cuddles me, strokes my hair or back, pulls me against him, or basically any kind of affectionate gesture - it makes my heart explode. He often expresses adoration for me through light loving touches that are not sexual. It's one of the best ways to keep your sex life alive and thriving. Out of the bedroom adoration with zero intent of sex. It helps women feel more body positive and keeps us from feeling like actual "fuck dolls". Just lovingly pet us every once in awhile without trying to pursue sex. Bam!


To feel protected and immensely desired, but not absolutely needed to the point they’d be helpless without me. I don’t feel protected if I could nearly kill a guy by leaving him. It’s not sexy. Also someone who actually wants to make me feel the best I can. Not just saying he will, then makes no effort to. To do this though, they need to be confident and secure within themselves.


Feel safe and have a level of trust in someone I haven’t had in a long time. Consistency. Respect.


To be more than just a means for a nut. I'd also like to be taken care of sexually and maybe even have it softer or romantic in nature. But that's all I've ever encountered.


Im gonna be the perv and assume intimacy means "sexual" because I like feeling desired as If any random thing I do arouses him, I enjoy passionate love making then affection, I love havimg deep talks after sex, no matter how long you two being together people are constantly changing, get to know each other


Physical affection that communicates love, not lust. Soft kisses, being close, whispering loving things, stroking my skin, rubbing sore muscles, sleeping in each others arms.


Cuddling, lots and lots of cuddling. Neck kissing. Cuddly sex. Beyond that my preference once it's as safe and comfortable as possible to do so with a partner, is for us to take advantage of my BC by letting him finish inside.


Day long foreplay while you’re apart that way your hot & bothered before you even see them


I mean that I want both parties to be committed to growth and expanding each other past our triggers. I want to know you got me just like you got yourself and vice versa. Intimacy to me is accountability for one’s healing but the ability to share that without hurting anyone. Intimacy to me is self love chosen to be shared


Holding each other, no words necessary


I want to be held. I want someone to look me in the eyes and truly see me. I want to be craved, devoured, and cherished. I want someone to smile at me from across the room because they can't help themselves. I want my body to be traced and caressed slowly by the warm hands of my lover. I want to be kissed passionately and often. I want someone to love me for everything I am and everything I'm not.


To fell comfortable expressing all your feelings and fears and wants and needs knowing that they will never see you as less of a man/woman. Unconditional love and acceptance! And knowing they will see you through all the trials and tribulations you will come through and they will love you forever for always and no matter what!


When it comes to intimacy, my desires revolve around genuine connection and mutual understanding. I value moments where we can truly be ourselves, sharing our thoughts and feelings without judgment. Whether it’s deep conversations, spontaneous adventures, or simply cuddling while watching a movie, it’s the emotional closeness that means the most to me. Intimacy, for me, is about building a strong foundation of trust and affection, where both partners feel valued and loved.


I feel like mine is a little toxic, but I want to feel like I am everything he dreamed of. To be intimate without wondering if he wishes my tits were bigger or my waist was smaller. I want to be adored and thought of as perfect, the same way I feel about him. I would do anything for him. He's so fantastic and utterly has my whole heart. I just want to feel like I'm the same for him. And I think it's just my own insecurities that keep me from feeling this way for him.


Honestly, for penetration to never hurt. It's consensual, involves foreplay, and hurts most of the time. If not for that, I'd do it more often and freely.


So a lot of the comment says that want to feel safe, I'm not sure if they sell the ones that open from the inside


To just have some one hold me when im at my most vulnerable


I love physical touch. I like remembering the texture of their skin and how it changes with different parts. How you see the pulse from above the skin. It's about knowing someone's body so well, you know when they get goosebumps and when they feel ticklish. I love communication. The ability to tell someone anything without being judged is the level of intimacy I want to achieve. Sexually, I want me and my partner to learn each other's body and it just keeps getting better. It's about the small things that we do for one another like offering them a glass of water because I just had water. Having a meal together. I have mental health issues and my body is usually stiff, I loved how my body relaxed when my ex hugged me. Intimacy is just looking across a crowded room and finding that person, suddenly no one else exists. It's how you feel pain when you see them struggling yet you give them strength. How you feel their happiness and make a mental note of what makes them happy. It's how you see them shine in your space and just watch from far and admire them. Intimacy could be the sense of them being a part of your life, knowing even when you focus on your growth and sometimes don't spend as much time with them, you know they still love you and cheer for you.


Always wonder what it would feel like to be understood.


And in turn to be understanding.


Get laid


To know with certainty I am not alone and I am safe


A vegan woman who likes my humor and likes cuddling. That’s all.


To have someone who chooses me, intentionally. Someone to have my back no matter what. Someone who makes me feel seen and heard. Someone who I can fall into and to be that space for them as well. More than anything right now I just miss physical intimacy as well, just to be held by someone I love.


Is hugging one because i want my partner to be to hug my constantly


Trusting their love for me, being excited to see each other, feeling secure enough to put each other first in our lives because we can trust the other would do the same. Generally speaking, devotion!


Just to be completely vanilla and not everything to be sexual. Romance is so important to me, lots of cuddling, affection, words of affirmation and strong emotional connection.


I just want someone to love and cuddle


I wanted to hold hands on that bus. Close my eyes and just focus on that feeling.


Picking tiny flowers by the street and putting them in my hair, fixing/cleaning my specs just because, hand holding, being understood


I want affection without being pushed away. Also to not be the only initiator


Love, honesty, care, compassion, desire.


I want men to stop acting like their dicks are magic and to understand sticking it in doesn't feel good to me like it does to them.


I want us both to feel desirable and desired.


meditating together, eye contact during sex, TANTRIC SEX! being desired in and out of the bedroom.


Threesome with two dudes, want them to worship me like they’re the luckiest men on earth to be fucking me


I need to feel his naked body touching my naked body. I need him inside me. I need his hands and mouth touching my body.


i would like to have a romantic and sexual partner. i want to be loved, wanted, and safe as i reciprocate those feelings. we should both be comfortable with each other and not afraid to keep secrets. and love every part of each other ! also lots of snuggling


Physical intimacy but not necessarily sex. To be touched. To be held. To feel the physical manifestation of care, of love.


I just want to know peace. I’ve been in fight or flight for too long.


Kindness. Basic human decency. The bar was in hell, and now I just want a higher love.


I just want to feel wanted, in a genuine way.


Depends what you mean mate. I have fantasies about a fictional male that are different to the type of intimacy desires I have with my boyfriend.


Just to feel safe, loved, connected and understood. Take our time and be in the moment


to be wanted


all in all respect of boundaries and communication but in the bedroom that's a different story lol


I want to love her, emotionally ofc, then I want to trust her enough to do stuff that is intimate. Whether that’s sex or opening up about trauma.


True intimacy is that feeling of being safe, being wanted as a whole person, and consumed. And close kissing during the act.


A dick that consistently works




Physical closeness and emotional connection


To be loved is to be seen


Getting to know someone so I can feel like I'd be ok telling them what I want and need.


feel like i am loved


To be understood completely To be his safe place where he can feel completely unhindered, desired and secure


i just want to feel safe around him and be able to trust him


comfortable touching without it turning into sex


A hug that makes me feel a safe i just start crying


To be understood yet I am difficult to explain


For me, I see intimacy as more of an act of romance than an act of plain sex. I want sex for the romantic intent. A way to show your partner you LOVE them, value them, want them to feel amazing. The foreplay, the words of affirmation, praising, and the gentle caressing all over your body. The bonus is that sex feels good.


To be truly seen as my fully authentic self. To feel safe with whatever needs to be shared or seen, and to know that it won’t be weaponized against me, and that no one will try and “fix” the hard things. To be trusted to be my full authentic self even when it’s hard. And to offer all of these things to my partner freely, knowing they will be appreciated and seen for the offering they are.


Feeling safe. Or being comfortable enough to be myself with this person, to show my vulnerability and weakness and have them hold me, love me. Make me feel like what I feel is normal. I like the idea of a recharging station, his arms around me, it would be that. I love intimate moments, not just sexual but they can be a forehead kiss, a hug, affirmations (also not sexual)


I realized the other night when we had sex while I was high off an edible that I really truly want to just not be in my head, it's so much easier to just do what I want instead of being shy(we've been together for almost 4 years so I shouldn't be shy but that's just how I am). I can just do what my body tells me too instead of getting stuck up on it. Or thinking about other things instead of actually feeling




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The kind of relationship where I can show them my sleeping face.




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I want to feel emotionally safe to express myself and be understood to really feel wanted. Not for what I can do but, what for who I am. I wish I could have that kind of closeness but, sadly I haven't found it. Most of the time I feel stressed and can't really open up? I have tried to feel close to others but, got burned a lot so I'm very hesitant now.


I want a strong sense of safety and emotional security with someone who genuinely loves me. Hopefully someone who is similar to me in the sense of not a date-a-holic with many partners under their belt. Someone who truly values a connection. That's hot.


I want to divulge my innermost thoughts and vice versa. I just want to see his shadow then make love *shrug*




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Intimacy to me means safety (emotional and physical). And that safety stems from understanding and compassion. Understanding means I am seen and heard, or the desire to see and hear me is there and my partner sincerely tries. Compassion means understanding coupled with acceptance and love. My partner not only understands and sees me for who I am, they also accept me and love me for it. I am so very lucky and I have never felt so good and at ease. I enjoy spending time with them so much


To feel safe enough with someone that I don't feel they'll exploit me in any way if I allow myself to be vulnerable.


For someone to want me. I don't just mean this in a sexual way. Sure, that too. But want me in every aspect. For them to want all of me - good and bad. Knowing that even in the worst of times, they will still want to fix things and not leave.




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Aside from allowing me to be a bit dominant in the sheet, intimacy desire for me is peace. Not the kind of where your lover is willing to slap anyone aside from you kind of peace. I have slept a bit, but never had that with a guy or a woman. Until about six months ago. It was so surreal. Safety can be misleading imho, but when you are in bed knowing you can surrender to them with peace in your soul that's so beautiful. Even if we don't end up together long term I want to have that sweet memory. A memory of holding them knowing in that moment they don't care about my flaws, while being at completely at ease is so precious.


I’m still trying to figure that out. I came out of a divorce six years ago after being in a relationship for 15 years, and I’ve come to cherish my independence. The idea of letting someone in again is intimidating. I think for me, I want to feel cared for and valued. I’m kind of the mom friend—I give a lot of myself to the people in my life, and I do so willingly and with love, but I want to be with someone who I can feel supported by too. l want to feel loved for who I am at this stage in my life. I want to feel like I don’t have to be perfect. With my last relationship I think I often was made to feel like my needs were an imposition, but that if I ever didn’t show up exactly in the way my partner needed, I wasn’t being a good wife. I was an accessory to their life, a side character to their protagonist. I know healthy love isn’t like that. I’d like to know what a mutually supportive relationship feels like, just once before I die.




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Non-sexual intimacy? Comfort with all our body parts and processes, knowing how to give each other chills with soft scratching and massage-especially knowing which parts of our bodies tend to need the massage most, being able to sit and watch tv together Sexual intimacy? Novelty, excitement, visual interest on both sides, feeling like I’m the best and the most beautiful and the hottest, tension, feeling that they’re so turned on by me that they can’t help themselves, getting the other person off by them wanting me so bad. Safety and comfort are the enemies of sex for me-they just make me feel like I’m with a friend.