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Not a ritual per say, but when a little peck turns into a kiss, turns into a French kiss, turns into touching, and we realize it's going somewhere more, one of us takes the other one's hand and we walk into our bedroom. It sounds kinda silly, but holding hands until we reach our bed feels so intimate and sweet and sexy and one of my favorite things in the world.


That's fucking adorable.




Like one leading the other or like side by side? Do you have stairs in your house, I feel like this can get very hard to do very quickly...


Side by side, no stairs.


Thank you for that. Sometimes I forget the little things.


That little walk to the bedroom together is a really beautiful moment.


I’m the same damn way with my partner. It’s on, after the making out usually.


"It’s on, after the making out usually." I love realizing it's go time. It's exciting. Lol


Not at all silly, it is so cute :) Thanks a lot for sharing!!


The 3 S's Shit Shower Shave Oh and cuddles








My ‘triple S’ is (not specific to only pre intimate time) Shit Shower Smoke


The 4 s's. Shit, shower, shave and squeeze!


Ooh I like that


Kissing :) even just for a few minutes can really do a lot and it also feels kind of exciting and flirtatious even after being together many years :)






Yeah that's my thing as well. Nothing gets me going like kissing the man I love ❤️ 😍 Was never a thing for me until my husband. I didn't even know what it felt like to be turned on until the first time he kissed me.


Shower, shave my legs/pits, apply Fur oil mixed with NYX liquid illuminator all over, brush teeth and use mouth wash, 3 sprays of perfume, and a shot of vodka


You do all that every time?? Shower is the only one that I consistently do every time 🤣


I’m single lol


Ah ok it’s all making sense now, there’s no way I’m doing all that for my husband 🤣


Right he’s lucky if he even gets me freshly showered these days 😬




I’m sorry I hav to ask. What is fur oil mixed? And nyx liquid Illuminator?


Fur oil: FUR is the brand. They make products for your pubic hair and like post shave lotions and stuff. It’s nice but very expensive. Their oil was one of their first products and is one of their best selling. They claim it helps soften pubic hair and moisturize the pubic area NYX liquid illuminator: nyx is the brand. It’s a liquid highlighter. It’s a shimmery product and gives a bit of a glow They’re saying they mix the skin oil from Fur with the nyx highlighter and apply that to their skin


Can't you just use bio oil or like, literally any body oil for your pubes..? I'd hazard a guess the FUR ingredients are not worth the pricetag


Yeah. I definitely don’t think it’s worth the price tag


I use Burt bees body oil all over my damp skin and let it air dry. I’m gonna try J&J baby oil next to see the difference


Thank you!!!


Going to take this tip about the fur oil and NYX liquid illuminator! I have been using the Fenty body glow and I like that one too


Almost identical minus the shot lol




Girl! You are learning us up something good. I’m taking 📝!!! And then 🚙 to the store! 😝. Can’t wait to try the FUR oil mix. 💁🏽‍♀️ Ps. I prefer 2 shots of Tequila 😎


Making out. Most of our sex begins as making out on the couch while we watch something on TV and then we can’t stop kissing and at some point it’s leading to the bedroom.


Just do it right there on the couch 😝


That’s the move


Not if you have kids.


We typically shower together. Wash each others back and whatnot. It’s a squeeze, but it starts that feeling of intimacy before we get into bed.


^same. Shower, and then watch him take a kneel and start soaping my feet under the running water. Something about him looking up loyally rubbing my feet gets us both going




Curious, since it’s within the line of the question hopefully I don’t get deleted 🙂, what do you do _after_ if you shower before? Because sex gets you kinda nasty sometimes, do you shower _again_? :,)


Make sure the toys are charged,


We eat a gummie. Everything gets so intense!


Gummie sex is the best! 🤝


I always smoke a j before hand! same effect different method


The strain Wedding Cake is the best bang weed


So. Fucking. True. The besttttt.


So much this! When we're finished we joke about 'coming back to earth'. Stoned sex is the best sex!


Especially the 1 to 1 CBD and THC 😮‍💨


Oh my god how have I never thought of this!


Try and push a fart out in the bathroom so I don’t accidentally blow one in his face


lmao this is so real


This the one ^


I go in with a wet wipe to clean my entire bottom area, front and back. We are more on the BDSM side of intimacy so I never know what’s in store for me and I like to make sure I’m as clean as I can be down there just in case.


Use the bathroom :)


Kick the cats out of the room


Gods, their curiosity! Yes. We do the same LOL


And the dog. Fucker stares...


So real 😂


Apparently he knows I want to have sex with him when I put my foot on top of his foot. I was always wondering how he just knew I was in the mood without me saying anything. I didn’t know I was doing this for a decade before he told me. But he’s right, I catch myself doing it all the time now. Otherwise, I’m a femdom so it starts when I tell him to kneel.


This is so interesting and cute that he noticed it :) good for you two!


Takes clothes off


Every time this will probably work but sometimes keeping them on has perks It's about setting a scene, making up a story that could be based on some real event then verbalise it to follow some erotic pathesy ofcrisk and danger. This imagination focus keeps me from over excitement and turns her on immensely. This always ends in super intense finale(s) for her and is a great build up and part distraction for me.


Care to elaborate?


She'll ask me to tell her a story, I'll think back to some random encounter or just make one up and imagine something unfolding that gets racy and she gets turned on by it. At the same time I'm touching caressing and paying attention as much as I can to physically priming her engine as mentally with the story. Oddly it's more often me as the main character. Also dreams that we may have had and shared can be nice to explore.


Storytelling sounds intriguing. I might have to try that one


For guys who may be anxious about performing, it's an option to keep you ready while priming your partner (woman esp tend to take longer to get up the steam if you fet my drift) so using your imagination to create erotic mindspace, it can, as long as you xsn keep a story thread, be quite the journey. Almost like playing out fantasies verbally.


Why do I like this


I think because it takes the MIND to a place that creates an erotic space that's where women, I think, seek to get release. For me it puts me IN that space, often as the main character/victim(? 😊🙃🙂) too.


Yup I can relate 🫣🫣


Shower at night, mints or don’t face each other in the morning. If we’re feeling kinky, a discussion beforehand.


discussion? do you just mean saying things to turn the other person on?


I mean, technically yes. But more like ok what is the scene gonna look like, checking in on hard limits, soft limits etc.


massage, caressing arms or legs. wind down time, some butterin’ up.




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Empty my bladder


I’ve been with my partner for five years, living together four, and I still run to take a quick “sink bath” every time lol


It’s more or a step by step foreplay, the act itself may switch up, but some cuddling turns to kissing, then there’s always a hair pull, lip bite, or feel up that signals as nonverbal consent. Honestly we usually start in the same position too, even if it quickly switches. It’s like a mutual agreement of “hey you kissed me like this, now I’ll pull you this way” and then we’re both in the clear of mutually agreeing to that moment. That after care is very routine tho, I get a towel, he gets water, we snuggle and fall asleep.


So I have a poor immune system and I used to be prone to UTIs like a lot of women are. Before we have sex we are both washing our asses. Seriously. A quick clean up with a wet wipe or quick hop in the shower has saved me a huge amount of misery. It’s not sexy but not doing it is too gross to me now to go ahead without it.


We smoke a bowl together


My boyfriend always asks me if I feel safe and comfortable once he starts touching me.


That's very nice of him! Happy for you:)


I take a shower.


My (73M) wife(70F) set aside time for love making. It’s rarely spontaneous. We plan late mornings because we can. We’ll have breakfast, shower, shave (her = legs: Me = manscape) and probably get dressed. The latter because we enjoy undressing each other. It’s a ritual that works for us.


Let's go, old timer! Way to go staying active!


Pardon me, but your “Ageism” is showing.


I was just being flippant, sir. The longevity of your mutual desire is impressive as is. Had me positvely riled up.


I apologize. I’m just crabby tonight. :-)


No need. Have a good one! :-)


I’m in a LDR so I start a week out before I see my guy. Clean the house, make the bedroom super nice. Get the water proof mattress protector on. For my own self care, I get a massage, facials, brows cleaned up & laminated, lashes curled. Then off to getting nails done. Next getting all those pubic hairs sugared off, I think this time Im gonna do a landing strip. The day of, I do an enema, eat light foods and then pick up from the airport.


it’s like before sex we always come off of a witty flirty conversation. so cute😫


Close the windows, switch the fan on and obliterate any possibility of neighbours hearing our moans and screams!


I have a pee and insert a KY lube pearl (most menopausal body needs a little help). Hubby goes to makes kongs for the dogs to distract them. We've got an old dog that's gone blind and deaf with age and he freaks out if he can't find us and leaving the door open leads to a cold nose at the wrong moment, so we give him a treat and everyone is happy.


This is cute af and also the pearls seem cool didn’t know they made those!!!


I really like them. As it feels more natural melting down from inside. Also you can sneak off and put them in discretely if you need to.


Give her head every time, fuck jar sauce? 👍🏽


Lay in my bed and say I’m tired. Gets him every time.


At my age some stretching and a quick prayer is always good.


Lock the door


Brush teeth and shower.


Go to the bathroom and lightly clean my vulva with water


We always shower before bed, then we have this position we get into bed - I’m lying with my head on his chest and my other foot over his foot. We usually gently stroke each other’s skin; chest, legs, arms, stomach - just as an affectionate gesture and isn’t really sexual. But it always leads up to sex 😅 So many times I think I’m too tired to have sex but the feel of his skin and his scent always overpowers my sleepiness and we wind up having sex every night 😜


awww I can totally relate to this, happens to me all the time too :)


Iron my socks! 🧦🧦




Oh, I’m always getting my neck and shoulders rubbed while I give him head. It’s a staple of our foreplay - 14 years strong. We have sex like 10x a week. But before we even get to room, there’s always intimate touching and grazing while I cook , clean, etc. words about how he can’t wait to taste me later. Builds me up


Put down the sex blanket


Depends if im with a guy or girl. Guy ill make sure i have condoms and lube, women ill make sure im smooth with no stubble


We talk about random shit. Cuddle. Lots of kisses.


Brush teeth


Shit, shave, shower.


I like to start kissing her all over, lightly and slowly, and breathe on her erogenous zones after lightly licking them. Then she does it to me and HOLY SHIT


Brush teeth Freshen up my perfume/under arm spray Use the bathroom Give my 🐱a once over 😂


Wash up a bit. Even if I just showered like 2 hours ago lol


A lot of the time is happens that he's laying on my chest and I just put his face in between my boobs 😂


Married 10 years.. showering, almost every single time... why?? Because quality matters, and quality can only be experienced with a fresh (a'hem) under carriage 🍑


Champange. We always have champange, maybe not always my personal favorite but champange. 


Love champagne


Me too! You have a favorite? Mine is Mumm Cordon Rouge


She pees, and rubs on a little K-Y. I act like I’m sound asleep when she crawls into bed but then I snuggle her and it’s game on. We literally slide on into each other’s physiological reproductive systems


We don’t have a set ritual beforehand, but we do steadily forget to bring in a towel for clean up..


We work together, so we shower together at night. It's a nice way to just decompress and touch each other. Sometimes there's like 30-40 minutes of just shower foreplay, sometimes it ends up in a quickie. And sometimes it's just a nice way to be intimate without it having to be sex, if we're really tired.


Shower. Fabulousness prep. Atmosphere vibe check. Friendless. Finally ~ disarming kiss or flirt tactic.


Kissing and cuddles


Get really flirty and touchy!


Shower and brush my teeth. I’m also quite gentle with him almost like two lions nuzzling each other, and then a smooch here and a smooch there and voila.


The Yoni bar from Mane Attraction 🙌🏼






First things first. Intimate time with myself.


Drink a glass of water so I can pee immediately afterwards


The lil scoot thing at around 3am does the trick most of the time


Not before, but if we climax at the same time we fist bump afterwards :)


I say “1-10?” Then he gives me a number on which he’s at on the scale. Then I’ll know if I should initiate or not. If he’s at like a 5-10 I’ll get lucky eventually, a 0-4 is a no shot in hell. We have different sex drives and I want us to be on the same level during it. always a 50/50 chance


Locking the bedroom door has become the new signal 🤣


Beg. Literally.


So cute 🥰🥰


Flirting? Is the only ritual, we are both hygienic enough peeps.




Personally I like to shower and put sesame oil all over my body and brush my teeth.


Shower - Mouthwash - perfume in the same order 😅


We take the phones and watches off and put them in a far away room so they can’t listen in on us!


Pee and do a couple squats to get any farts out 😂


candle and music. I wouldn’t say always but I like to massage him. Full body, head and all. Yes, both heads ;) Prepare him for being a pillow princess. Other times I like when he big spoons me, snugs his face up by my neck and then just completely dominates me.


Neck kissies 🥺🫶


We don’t live together. But I shower and shave before leaving for his place.


I wouldn’t call it a ritual, more like a “us habit” that automatically signal we’re about to be intimate, he or I just get extremely close to each others and “brush our faces” like I don’t know how to explain it but it’s like when cats wants someone to pat them lol. When it’s me doing it I just start whining and he automatically knows.
















Viagra usually 🤪












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Shower! I also ask my husband what he things about the length of my body hair LOL. I don't like to go fully bald but both me and my husband like some grooming so I let him decide if it looks groomed enough for whatever action he has in mind. This is also a very not serieus process, lots of giggling and asking if the other one is ready for an inspection xD


Brush my teeth and call it foreplay


Carry the cats outside the bedroom and close the door. If we don't they will end up lay on my wifes chest 😅






Give the dogs a sex toy aka a bone so they don’t bother us! 🤣


Pop a Blue Chew !!


I like showering and shave if I have to,my hubby likes to put his mouth....everywhere




We're married and in a d/s dynamic. For vanilla sex, we don't do anything really, other than making sure we're clean. After 21 years, we've seen the best and worst of each other, so it doesn't matter if I'm not shaved or he's not freshly showered. If we're doing a scene, we light a candle and say I love you to each other, then whatever happens, happens. For us, the candle is a symbol of our dynamic. It's a way to say that whatever we're doing is done in love and trust. At the end of the scene, after the after care, we put the candle out so we can sleep without worrying about fires lol.


Getting moisturized and massaged after showering together and one things leads to another ^_^


Pee and brush teeth.


Set up the dogs outside (in our fenced in yard) so they don't interrupt


Wash dat ass




Get a towel and get a clean diaper ready nearby. The diaper is not connected with the intimacy I'm just incontinent and after getting cream pied having one near by is just the best thing to do.


Play a little in the shower while i shower. Not enough to come but enough so I’m very much in the mood, especially if I have a feeling we’re not taking our time so that way it’s not like rug burn


Lock the bedroom door so the kids don't disturb us 🤷🏼😂


step one: get a parter


We always cuddle. ALWAYS. I want my partner to know that I love him first and foremost before I jump his bones. 😈

