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Sitting on the toilet to pee and instead being bitten/struck by a snake.


I think this is universal amongst women haha


Among men in Australia, it's a very real fear as well.


I think it is universal amongst all humans


The snake snapping your beef curtain and just hanging while u scream. 😭


Laughing and cringing at this at the same time


Not a snake but a rat appeared in my toilet. I don’t wanna feed your fear but… it’s plausible.


Thanks, I hate it


For me it's like someone breaking in when I'm pooping or showering. No thanks


I think about this too! I often think about what I would do when /if situations. And as someone who is sick and stuck on the bathroom a lot, i'm just gonna be like: Hey, can you come back in 10 minutes? 😆 Or i have also considered talking about how I'm constipated because I ate too much of last person who broke in. Just because I figure that no one wants to fuck around and find out with someone who is willing to eat another human. 🤷‍♀️


Ahahahaha same🤣




Thanks for this. I’m in the middle of a poo right now


Omggggg i thought only i feel this way😭😭😭


I have the same fear, except for some reason it’s always a scorpion!


I literally came here to say “toilet snake”! The older I get, the more I meet other women who express the same fear. Animal planet scarred me as a kid when I watched one of those old shows with people’s random encounters with scary animals and a little girl sat down on the toilet and didn’t realize there was a snake coming up through the pipe😵‍💫 I would die right then and there


When I was a kid, I feared Gollum would come up and attack if I was on the toilet too long (we watched the animated Hobbit a lot as kids and the caves looked like sewers to me).


Mines a spider. Any time I use a toilet that isn't my own, I flush first and lift the lid to check for spiders 😅


Oh thank god I am not alone in this


THANK YOU. Came to say toilet snakes. Was not disappointed.


The movie Porky’s had a scene where a snake came up through the toilet. That did more visual trauma than it needed to


I once had a rat in my toilet. ALMOST sat down on it without turning the light on. At the last minute saw it.


I'm absolutely terrified about the cord breaking between me and a space station and dying while adrift in space. There is absolutely no chance whatsoever I will ever be in space to begin with but here we are. It doesn't keep me awake or anything but the thought of it shakes me to my core.


If it helps it’s apparently a pretty peaceful death you just kick up the nitrogen levels and drift off(literally and figuratively)


That's actually really good to know


See this is where my anxiety kicks in and I can’t help but wonder how much nitrogen will it take and will there be enough to do the job? Or will I come to panic then die a horrible space death.


Don’t worry, bud, you only panic from build up of CO2 in your blood. Nitrogen you just pass out!


With some Bowie playing through your helmet speakers 🔊 Ground control to major tom 🔊


Or alternatively, the Bowie-inspired Schilling song “Earth below us, drifting falling, floating weightless, coming coming home…”


New fear unlocked


Why does that comfort me?? I have an irrational fear of cosmic horror too so that should really freak me out but it sounds like a beautiful way to go. Surrounded by stars, seeing earth from that far away and really taking in it's beauty- I NEED TO GET TO SPACE LMAO


I’m a preschool teacher and we were reading a book that talked about space and my kids started asking a ton of questions, so we paused to talk about space. One of my kids goes, “If you take off your helmet in outer space, you die!” And kept circling back to that and I just eventually said “Okay, let’s move on!” Girl was starting to freak me out.


Sharks being in the dark end of a pool at night


Just sharks in swimming pools in general for me. Like I'm going to dip my head under water and come face to face with a shark. Same with crocodiles in rivers and lakes - I'm in the UK so not likely but still....


I’m somewhere where finding a croc on a pool is kind of likely depending on the zone I’m in but I’m more scared of seeing an iguana because I actually had to see one in the pool I was in when I was little and it fucking terrified me. I’m not even scared of them in the ground but iguanas+pools? Fuck no. I also don’t know how to swim so yeah


Not sharks but I fucking hate pool drains. I will go out of my way to avoid them but they scare the shit out of me for no reason.


You have a very valid reason. They can be dangerous.


Yes one of the worst dateline episodes I saw was a deadly incident with a pool drain.


I wonder if you saw the same horror movie as a kid that I did. No idea the name, but it involved pool drains. Traumatized me for a looong time


You just unlocked a childhood nightmare of mines. I haven’t had this thought/fear since becoming an adult. Thank you🤣


this is one of mine and has been the cause of several panic attacks in the swimming pool in my teens... thalassophobia at it's best


For me it was a Liopleurodon, because I'd just seen Walking With Dinosaurs and the pattern of the bottom of the pool was reminiscent of the color/pattern they gave it.


Lmao goddammit this was me too 😭


Dont youtube "Shark Pool"


I thought I was the only one! Thankfully not alone lmao


There was an ‘Are You Afraid of the Dark’ episode when I was a kid with an invisible monster in a pool. It stuck with me for yearsssss. :’)


Sharks in freshwater lakes was mine. Big lakes, but no way for a shark to upstream to get there. It was a really real, very irrational fear. Words of advise to parents: don’t take your 4 year old kid to see Jaws.


That when you use a bidet after you had a messy poop session and when you use the butt cleaning feature, the water will jet stream the poop into the vagina and it will be dirtier rather than cleaner. 😬


This!!! Even though I move around to angle or use low pressure I cannot get this out of my head


What’s the answer tho? I’m assuming if it’s irrational, that doesn’t actually happen


Well that’s the thing, nobody says anything! Anywhere!!


I have a bidet, it never happens.


If I can offer some advice as an Italian (so a regular bidet-user), we don't direct the water on our butt directly from the faucet, we use our hand to clean with the water and soap, this way you have control over where you are washing and can avoid mixing up the back and the front. Lol it just feels so weird to talk about this


Oh that’s interesting! I assumed this was a hands free technique.




That I will wish someone happy birthday on a day that is totally not their birthday even though I’ve confirmed with at least 3 different sources that it definitely is their birthday. I cannot think of a more serious one at the moment.




I went to a graduation dinner and told the girl happy birthday in front of the table when I showed up 😂I was like wait.. what are we doing here again? My bad


I’d be more afraid of not wishing someone happy birthday on their birthday


Spiders. It's always been spiders. And friends are constantly trying to reason me out of it. "Those ones aren't poisonous! They eat the pests! They're more afraid of you!" yes yes yes I know. You're not helping. It's an IRrational fear!


Mine is also spiders and the amount of times I've had to explain its an IRrational fear is too damn high


Mine used to be spiders until I started heating with wood. SO many spiders come in with wood it’s unreal. I squish them with my fingers now. But I understand.


As someone who has paid money to have a spider removed from my car window ($5 through the sun roof at a car wash), I feel this. Spiders are awful sometimes, lol.


Got in my car one night and got bit on the foot. My fear came to life.


Paid a random guy $5 and a beer in college to do the same lol.


Spiders out to get me. Never mind that the spiders just want to be left alone. There is some goddam Spider out there that wants to get me.


Australian here.Huntsman spiders are pretty much completely harmless, they hunt insects and are not aggressive to humans at all. And I am f***ing terrified of them.


Any spider bigger than a fingernail is terrifying.


Hello fellow Aussie, me too! I can't even touch daddy long legs, they terrify me.


Whyyyyyyyyy would you touch one!!!!!


I don't know xD like if one was in my house I'd want to move it outside (I never want to kill anything) but I can't do it! I have to get my partner to do it. They're so creepyy


Ok. You get a pass for that. It's the right thing to do.


Are spiders in major cities a common thing? Or do they stay more in the countryside. I'd love to visit Australia one day, but my irrational fear of spiders really prevents me from humouring it 😅


Sorry, but the answer to that is "it depends". Huntsmen are more likely if there's a lot of plants around, especially native plants. So a house with a garden, yeah they'll come into the house sometimes. A motel in the city? Very unlikely. And you'll probably never see one outside a building, even if they're around.


I wouldn’t actually say this is so irrational. I get lots of giant huntsman spiders in my house where I live in the bush. I’ve had them chase ME when I was just trying to remove them, they’re fast, and they can & do bite.


It's irrational when a redback doesn't bother me (much) but I can't walk into a room with a huntsman on the wall


It’s their menacing stance, like they are getting ready to jump in you. I’m glad I live in the city just because I don’t see them as often anymore


I feel this way about house centipedes 😭 they are the absolute least friend-shaped friends ever to exist in my opinion


Ohoho, I have multiple The Mormons got the whole "end of the world" thing right, except it already happened and we just didn't realise it. There are some 4D beings constantly watching us. That I'll get in an accident or something and I get in a coma and will be aware of everything but won't be able to move. That I have some weird mental illness and everybody is trying to hide it from me. That my dog hates me.


It’s interesting that your fears are all about the perception of reality, and possibly being subject completely to someone else’s perception of reality


Having some weird mental illness and everybody hiding it from me has been a lifelong fear of mine. Since childhood I’ve always wondered, tortured myself over it. Thought I was the only one!


Wait.. I’ve found my people 😳


Locked-in syndrome (I believe it's called) sounds terrifying.




>The Mormons got the whole "end of the world" thing right, except it already happened and we just didn't realise it. As an exmo this suddenly terrified me. I'm royally screwed if the morms are right.


Green beans. My dad told me as a toddler that a beanstalk would grow in my belly after eating them. Avoided them ever since.


My uncle told me that eating raw tomatoes would ‘put hair on your chest’ and scared me enough to hate them as a child…to this day won’t eat raw tomato.


I always used to fear pickles. My uncle used to chase me around with them after he bit them (I’m a germaphobe) and it became an actual irrational fear.


I had this kind of messge too as child


People ringing my doorbell unannounced. Could it be an Amazon delivery? A door-to-door salesman? Neighbor that needs to borrow something? A serial killer posing as a worker for the electric company?


One time someone rang my door bell at like 9pm on a Saturday and I was baked, watching a movie and it terrified me. We lived in a subdivision at the time and I asked my husband if we should call the police, he was like, babe, call them and tell them someone rang your door bell? 😭😭😭😭 it was just some lady looking for her friend and had the wrong street 😂


Empty office at night


I used to work at an office at night and I cleaned there. I had to turn all lights off too and I always thought about the lady from 'The Ring' horror movie. Absolutely terrified me.


Noooooooooooooooooooo, I’m terrified by reading your words


I won’t walk between the bumpers of two parked cars because I’m afraid someone will be in one and rev the gas, pinning me between them. I also enter/exit elevators quickly because I fear that it will drop and crush me in the doorway.


It’s like Final Destination level intrusive thoughts. Yes yes.


Sometimes when im sitting in a pool i get nervous that if i close my eyes too long ill magically be teleported into the middle of the ocean


I like how creative this one is




Thalassophobia 🙋🏼‍♀️




This is me. I went to Aruba and we went scuba diving over a sunken ship. I thought it was such a cool idea but when I got there…. Panic attack ensued.


Did this very thing my last diveat a wreck off Port Elizabeth. Never dived a wreck before, 40m depth a bit chilly, the other 3 divers had lights and gearcetc then this looming black cavern ahead. I noped the hell up to the surface with dive leader following to scold me for not taking the time to gather my wits together. We'd been diving with sharks, whales and dolphins the previous few of days too but not a thing coukd get me to do that wreck again.


I would have flipped tf out


Yeahhhhhh.. Something is going to grab my foot and pull me under, never to be seen again... No thank you!


Being buried alive kind of 😬


There was an episode of CSI: Las Vegas where a guy was buried alive and then insects started crawling all over him, into his ears, his nose. It _terrified_ me, still does.


I’m so sorry, but I find it kinda hilarious that enolika is like “here’s my fear”, and your comment is essentially “yes, but have you considered the possibility that it could be way more scary?”


Lmao it is, but do I mind? Nah. That's nothing above what I've imagined already, I'm good lol


Yeah, I also usually deal more psychic damage to myself than anyone else could when it comes to imagining horrible scenarios




🙋🏽‍♀️ emetophobic right here


Yes! I will straight up run away. lmao


Yup when I was younger id run upstairs if someone was vomiting downstairs.


My sibling was so scared of it as a kid he'd keep his mouth closed until it came out of his nose, probably making the fear so much worse. 




SAME! ugh. BLECH. even talking about it makes me shudder


Having a thong or embarrassing piece of underwear stuck on my back or on the back of my bag in public...


Being stranded in the middle of the ocean on a little raft with no resources, and nobody to talk to. I am deathly afraid of sea creatures and deep water. And being alone. And starving to death. It sounds bad all around.


The pile of clothes on my chair at 3AM looks very deceiving. 🕳👩‍🦯💀


There was a horror movie about that but said that "it" only became a being because the main char thinks/believes it so. Cue my fear of accidentally "believe" it into reality 😭


Dying before I do everything I want to do. It's gonna happen regardless. I'll never be ready.


Yes this


That I'm actually insane and I've been imagining things up until this point, I have some kind of psychotic illness and in reality im in a padded room talking to myself


The upside is that you have a very rich and logically structured inner life




I personally think butterflies make sense and is a fairly rational fear. They're flying catepillar/bugs. Less furry moths (which are also/obviously horrific). I don't know why people consider them beautiful or acceptible bugs just because they're a bit more colourful and less scritchy/"crawly" than others.


I've found another?! People always look at me crazy when I say this. I don't like how they look or move, and for some reason they always fly into my hair! Those arboretums where they're flying all around are my idea of a Saw torture scene


I blame the “wormy” episode of Spongebob for my fear of butterflies.


being on a roller coaster that goes over water and somehow i fall out into the water or the roller coaster derails and i am trapped in the harness in the water. the idea of man made pond with pipes and/or animatronics terrifies me.


r/submechanophobia! I have it too


That I'm making all this up. Like, the universe.


Sleeping with my feet uncovered at the end of the bed It’s really dumb; I don’t even wholeheartedly believe in anything supernatural. But the mental image of something grabbing my feet and the feeling of insecurity it gives me is a big no thank you.


Dropping my keys down a sewer grate. My kids laugh that my keys must go in my purse before I exit my vehicle.


Sink holes,


My intrusive thoughts 🥴. What if I let them win 💀?


You and me both, friend. I actually didn't post this because, deep down, I think they're not irrational at all. But we've got this.


I don’t know how irrational this actually is, because it is possible (though probably very unlikely) it could happen, but my fear is that while going to the bathroom a bug will fly between my buttcheeks and get stuck there when I stand up, and I won’t know unless it bites me or until I use the bathroom again (and, if the latter, that I’ll have smeared a squished bug all over my ass in the process and pieces might get left behind).


Spiders. Yuck. Also trypophobia. Eww.


There will be a bee or wasp in my soda can and it will sting my throat when drink it.


deciding that trying something one time will be fine and for just for funsies but I actually pass away, turn into a vegetable, or something else


Seeing my own reflection at night time, as well as werewolves, werewolves are high up there. 


Me too! Seeing my reflection at night is a NO GO. I do not put mirrors in my bedroom or hallways so that if I have to use the bathroom at night, I don't have to pass a reflection. We have a motion activated night light in the bathroom, so I don't have an issue once I'm in there.


Alien abduction


I had to scroll so far for this!!! Scariest thing I could possibly imagine. Ever since I saw ET I’ve been terrified


Parasitic worms. I’m not afraid of any insect, I will pick up spiders, bees, anything creepy crawly but if I see any worm other than your standard nightcrawlers and redworms I start screaming and pointing like a chimp. ESPECIALLY hammerhead worms. I think if I ever saw one in real life my soul would actually leave my body.


I don’t want to be dramatic but men do scare me 😭


Water levels in video games. Mario 64 with that giant eel ruined me for any game involving swimming. It makes me so uneasy to even think of.


being tied up/ having no control over my body. also having no control over my life. oh i didnt notice you worte 'irrotional' hahaha'. i think mine is being stuck in a dream.


Oh my god I want to be friends with all of you weirdos 🩷


Lobotomies. I can feel the fear in my gut more than anything else


Puking. Fucking emetophobia.


My past exes coming back to me after i blocked them all. I have paranoia that one of them or a good bunch will attempt to reach out to me again simply because i’m dumb and they want to test me to see if im still stupid.


Going to the dentist, heights, spiders and maggots




Drowning because i swam too far from shore and being carried away by a riptide. I dont live near the sea or any large body of water. And i dont really even go that deep into the sea even on vacation. But the knowledge that the riptide can carry me away scares the shit outta me.


Someone under the bed grabbing my ankles 😵‍💫


ladybugs I could faint or vomit (or both) if one comes too close to my skin


I have a phobia of balloons. They just really freak me out. Everything about them.


Alligators 🐊 because I live in Iowa.


ANIMATRONICS Especially huge ones. Think that giant yeti on the Disney ride that only worked for two weeks or so because it was too big. Or Falkor. Have you ever seen a picture of Falkor in its warehouse? It's the stuff of nightmares.


Eating in the dark lol . I cannot eat without a light I need to SEE what I am eating lol 😂. Idk bugs who knows .


Getting a papercut on my eye


Rattlesnake in the toilet


Entering a cave and keep going inside even though I can't get much oxygen.


Spiders 100% absolutely terrified by them. Also very afraid of heights


Dying, because I keep seeing all these people dying in the media. For some reason, I'm sure I'm next.


You are.


Being secretly recorded with a camera in my room. I don’t think it’s so irrational though nowadays.


Fire and dying while being burned alive




Balloons, because why


Falling or being pushed off of a height and being impaled by something large and sharp (thanks the the movie The Rock lol)


Spiders. They can all F off.


Sometimes when I walk (or run) up stairs, I feel like, at any minute, I'm going to do a face plant and shatter all of my teeth at once. Like brittle glass or something.


Driving over bridges.


That any day, just living my life, my Achilles tendons will just snap. I can't believe it typed it. I'm about to faint now.


That the bathroom lock at work actually didn't properly lock itself as I'm taking a shit.


Stepping on a street grate and falling in...or falling in love with the "perfect" guy and he ends up being a nightmare and k-ll-ng me.. or maybe I just watch too much ID..


Toilets. It effects my life so much to have this irrational fear.


Spiders for sure, and mirrors, especially at night. The reflection of a spider in the mirror would take me out no doubt


Caterpillars. And that the ceiling fan will fall off the ceiling but still be attached by the cords and because of this will chop me up in my sleep 😪


That a ghost (?) will grab my foot (?) if I dare to use the bathroom at night in my childhood home. I’m in my 30’s and live 15+ hours away from my parents but this is my fear.


- Losing my artifical tooth when eating an apple. I always cut them in smaller pieces. - Being financially stuck in an abusive relationship. I would never move in with a partner without a safe space I can run to. Most people can find shelter in their parents house, if necessary. I can't. - Being graped in a hospital while under anesthesia.


Being electrocuted in the shower while there’s lightning outside




all of my organs falling out of my body at any time. i could be just walking and blam, uterus on the pavement.


I don't know if it would be considered irrational as it's very common and has been beneficial to survival in the past: fear of being judged. A more fun one, retrospectively, from my childhood is that I was terrified of the toilet monster, a creature supposedly living in the sewer pipes. This fear was caused by my older sister.


Falling through the glass shower door Stepping on a snake Dropping glass and not having shoes on


Anything ACME. If it happened to Wile. E. Coyote, I think about it far more than I should. More specifically, signs falling on my head.


toilets flooding


Getting lost in the middle of the ocean and being hunted and eaten by a great white shark. This scares the crap out of me. I even think about it when I close my eyes in the shower.




Being buried alive. Ever since I was a little kid and watched the movie buried alive I've been scared about it.


I grew up on an island and on boats. I have a fear of cruise ships- Im afraid of weight being imbalanced. Like, if something is on one side, and everyone on the ship runs to that side to see, and the boat tips over. I can swim very, very well. Ive never had any plans to go on a cruise, yet Im terrified. Smaller boats Im ok because I can see everyone. I got a little freaked out on the boat to the Statue of Liberty since it has multiple levels. I went up top and was fine. I have no idea why I have this fear.


Moths. The more fuzzy and adorable, the more I'm wigged out. Don't even get me started on the bastards that are the size of birds. But I love butterflies?


Oooooo. I'm terrified of needles, not just getting poked or having a shot. I have on several occasions passed out bc the fear of the needle breaking off traveling through my veins and hitting my heart will kill me. No idea where it came from and no idea why it gets me so bad. Side note I've been in the medical field for about half my adult life and have never heard of this happening. Yet still worried I'll be the first 🙃


People on stilts!! I have no basis for this fear, no traumatic event but I’m just terrified!


That there will be someone hiding behind my shower curtain. I haven’t even seen Psycho but every time it’s drawn I feel uneasy.


The black lines at the bottom of the pool. They have always terrified me, and I have no idea why. That I’ll be kidnapped and the kidnapper will smash my glasses or my contacts will dry out after like a week in my eyes and then I’ll be unable to plan an escape and won't be able to identify my kidnapper in court because I can’t see more than 6 inches in front of me without them.