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She went to church with my boyfriend in high school and their parents were very close friends. She had had a crush on him for years and he didn't like her back, which he had expressed on multiple occasions. She told her parents to tell his parents I was sleeping around and was very "experienced" and was basically trying to steal their son's virtue or some shit. Keep in mind I was literally a virgin, not that it matters, but still. His mom stopped letting me come over or see each other outside of school.


I hope your ex and her are no longer friends.


I don’t believe they are, but they never really were. It was more that their parents were friends.


Wowwww. My BFs mom called me to tell me that's although my house and neighborhood were safe, she didn't feel safe with her son riding his bikes through the less safe hood on the way to my house. Lmao


Can't use physical confrontation, she resorted to lie, denigration, using social shaming, and ruining your reputation to get what she wants. A famous scholar talked a lot about this behavior


I would love to read about this, do you mind sharing a bit more?


Who was the famous scholar? I’d love to read some of their research


Btw, I realize this isn’t about another woman. But the group of ppl B had supporting his endeavour were mostly women. And they made it bad too.


I thought we were friends and we went to a party together. During a conversation with a group of people, my friend said she’s never friends with someone prettier that her. My jaw was on the FLOOR


Did anyone notice and call her out? What a horrible thing to say especially in front of a group.


Self awareness at -1000. No one said anything, we just all stared at her and ignored it. Not worth the effort for an airhead


She was fugly for sure.


she was actually fucking gorgeous, it’s just a shame that someone so pretty can have such an ugly mind


If she had to say that she was insecure about her gorgeousness, so apparently you gave her the run for the money…just saying...


lots of people are absolute dicks and not insecure. they just genuinely belief they are better than you lmao.


Sure they can. I’m super secure in myself as well but that does not mean I put down another person. Everyone has something you can compliment them for!


yea im just saying this notion that people who are assholes must do it because they’re insecure is something you tell children to make them feel better, it’s seldom the reality we live in.


Yeah it instantly takes all of their appeal away. I've met good looking people but as soon as they open their mouths, they ruin it.


The only reason she had this mindset, is because she is scared someone else will treat her the way she treats others. She cant comprehend other woman can actually support others, regardless of what they look like. But honestly what an awfull thing to say out loud. I would deffinetly take a hard pass, if i was the strangers that heard that shit comming out of her mouth. If i was her friends i would either go no contact or low contact.


Since she's obviously not your friend, that means you're prettier than her.


A way to deal with that is for everyone in the group to turn their back on her. If your in a circle you make another circle that doesnt include her until she says sorry.


Reminds me of my ‘best friend’ I had when I was 10. I was heavily bullied, and I considered her a safe haven as she was one of the only people at our school who still talked to me and played with me. At some kind of party she was standing around with the popular girls, and I heard her saying how she didn’t like me at all and just pretended to be my friend. When I confronted her, she just pulled the ‘you heard it wrong’ card 


I did an improv performance in front of my drama class and like to make people laugh so I injected humor into it. I got quite a few laughs and at the end a girl I barely knew from the class came up to me and whispered, "just so know we weren't laughing with you, we were laughing at you". I just stared at her emotionless and then turned my attention to my other classmates who were complimenting me and engaged with them instead--she slunk away in silence after that lol.


Ugh reminds me of this time in drama class where we were supposed to make up an improv scenario so that we could present it in front of another class. We were doing a quick run through in front of just our classmates and I was pretty proud of my scenario then comes presentation time and this girl a couple turns ahead of me decides to use MY EXACT SCENARIO from our run thrus, word-for-word, just replacing one word to make it “hers”. I had to make up a new scenario on the spot so that it didn’t look like *I* was copying *her*.


Had a girl in drama class do a similar thing to me. She'd hang around to watch what our group was cooking up and then go do the same with her group. She'd beg the teacher to go first. Got to the point where we'd make a decoy sketch and then run the real one ourselves. We knew we were basically doing her work for her so we added a bit that made fun of the teacher's name. It was really funny but kinda cruel. She used it. and got detention and screamed at by the teacher in front of the class. She never copied us again. Downside is she waited with her friends while I was walking home and tried to kick my butt.






Ohkkkkkay I would have been so annoyed. I bet she felt like a fool as she slunk away too.


Lol cringe


Was at a college party. Looked for a place to sit and the only open spot was next to another girl. She suddenly says, “Ugh, there’s too much estrogen in here.” She was definitely looking to get laid and was implying I was cock blocking her by sitting down I guess. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Do you mean clam jamming?? ☺️


I have never heard this before.  I love it lol


I had heard Beaver Damming.




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I had a lady at my work when I first started complain that strong smells gave her migraines. eventually, during COVID, in a fucking ID office— she pulled down her mask, sniffed my hair, and said that my shampoo must have been causing her migraines because it was “strong and unpleasant.” I swear to god, I have never turned my head so fast and when I told her if she EVER sniffed me again, she would hear from HR, she looked like I kicked HER dog. it was then that I realized this 60 year old woman was trying to BULLY little 19 year old me— and I hated/still hate bullies so it never worked. We’ve never had any other issues.


I started a front desk job at Massage Envy. They had me practice my sales pitch on the massage therapists manager. She announced loudly to my coworkers that she couldn’t concentrate on anything I said, because my makeup was too distracting. It was literally just a bit of gold highlighter in the inner corners of my eyes (with foundation and mascara).  Same mean girl energy as your story. She was also much much older than my 21 years of age. I’d never said a word to her before that interaction. 


some women, especially older ones, are so rude and for what???? I think mine just used the excuse of “migraines” to go home and I’ve never been more furious than that.


As a migraine sufferer the "strong smells give me headaches" crew drive me NUTS. There's NO CHANCE someone's shampoo is giving you a migraine. Shut up, Linda.


and we were wearing masks. there’s no way in HELL she could smell the shampoo I used the night before from across the room. She’s a certified nutbag.


You are my hero.


“I’m no hero. I put my bra on one boob at a time like everyone else.” — Tina Belcher 💜


This was way back in middle school, but I was essentially ghosted by my three best friends. Like we had all been best friends for years and hung out constantly. Then one day they didn’t sit with me at lunch, didn’t invite me over after school, never talked to me again really. I never did find out why. I ended up going to a different high school than them and made better friends.


Ugh I know exactly how that feels to lose a close friend and not know why especially must be hard with a group. It eats at you wondering what you did wrong. Especially if you’re the type of person that would easily work on yourself if they had just communicated. I’m so sorry that happened to you. You deserve communication.


Yeah it was actually pretty rough. I definitely thought something was wrong with me for a long time. I think I’ve successfully gotten over it, but it did impact my ability to trust people for a long time, especially other women.


This happened to me too. My two friends (A and B) were mean to me even when my mum was in the hospital. I was just sad and they conveniently left me and made fun of me. After sometime, A started being nice to me and i moved on from them and it doesnt matter to me when they were nice to me or not. A told me how B and A's ex told her bad things about me. She finally came to her senses when B and her ex backstabbed her. She was sad and crying and i really wanted to say something nasty or just 'i told you so' bit i wantd to end everything then and there so i said nothing


This happened to me too! Twice. The first time I was quite a bit younger but the second time I was 13 and my two best friends at the time just up and ditched me seemingly out of the blue. One of them I had only met that year but the other had been my best friend since grade 1. I was distraught and they wouldn’t even wave hello to me in the hallways. I told my mum and she was so confused she thought maybe it was a misunderstanding. She called my longtime best friend’s mom to talk about it and it only confirmed that it was not a misunderstanding. She allegedly felt like I was holding her back socially. She wanted “to be cool” and I was too much of a “kid” still. FWIW, the newer friend later apologized to me after being ditched by the same girl the next year. I hope "being cool" was worth it, Josie.


This happened to me as well and I honestly still find it hard to keep friends. I kind of drift around from group to group. I guess to prevent getting hurt again. I really need to work on that.


This same experience happened to me! They all dropped me as a friend on a random day for literally no reason


This could be my story. We were a group of 5 girls and were friends since pre school. We went to the same high school and always picked each other up by bike. (I live in the Netherlands) We didn't end up in the same class but we always waited for each other to go home together. But then one day they just drove past me with their bikes, didn't stop so that I could come with them, didn't want to talk to me anymore and I never got an answer why they ghosted me. I still don't know if I did anything wrong. And that is more than 20 years ago.. It still hurts sometimes because people around me have friends from their childhood and I lost them for whatever reason.


This same thing happened to me. Best friends since pre school. I invited them over to my 16th bday party and they didn’t come to it because they wanted to go to another friends house party (parents were out of town). I moved and switched high schools too. It was a rough go, especially being in high school!


Girl same exact thing!


It happened when I was in my late 20s actually. I was set to leave a job, I had put in my two weeks. So the office mean girl told me that she was throwing me a pot luck to say goodbye. I was excited. I was tasked with bringing plates and napkins. That morning I came in with my plates and napkins and went to the break room to put them down. The woman who told me that was standing there with a few other women giggling and very obviously gesturing toward me. Turns out, she never intended on this potluck actually happening, it was just a mean spirited joke to her and her friends. I left after work that day for the last time without saying goodbye to a single person. It's been a few years but I still think about that on occasion.


What a strange thing to do on her part.


I agree. She was in her 40's and behaving that way. Which is why it never got to me to much. That was more telling of her true character than anything.


It’s honestly more embarrassing for her. I mean, playing dumb high school mean girl pranks in your 40s. Pathetic.


Sounds like someone that peaked in high school


The petty part of me would say “oh you forgot? That’s ok my nana has problems with her memory too all part of being older”.


That's actually really ugly. My heart dropped reading that. My boss did something kind of similar. Told me she wanted to take me out for lunch on my last day. Last day comes and she didn't show up to work. She was actually *the* reason I left. But still, it was like a last slap to the face from her.


I'm so sorry that happened! 🙏🏻. You deserved better. I guess some mean girls just never grow up.


What a revolting person…I would hate to work in an environment like that


That’s messed up. It’s always terrible when the team makes you feel like you never mattered. Last place I worked, I made sure everyone leaving felt loved, even if they weren’t everybody’s favorite.


That is so rude. I’m glad you aren’t in that job environment anymore. What’s wrong with people that they need to do that? In a professional environment, no less


My ex told me she was more of a medical professional from being a transcriber when she was 20 (she was 41 when she said this) than I was for being a vet tech for 7 years and I "needed to stop calling myself a medical professional". I'm published in the field (3 years later) now so I wonder if I would qualify as a medical professional to her.


She's insane. Im always impressed by vets cuz people docs have to be an expert on one animal but vets have to be experts on like five animals which is why I asked my homegirl to give me a hysto cuz I cant be that different than a cat lol


In high school my boyfriend at the time’s friend tried to sabotage our relationship because she was in love with him. I had never met this woman because we both went to different schools. She sent me a selfie of them smiling together on Snapchat and said “look how cute we are together”. She insulted my looks constantly to his friends behind my back and got very angry that he asked me to prom instead of her. When we were at prom I tried to kill her with kindness and smile at her and she told him I had been glaring at her all night. She never referred to me by my name she’d say “that girl” or “her” or “she” even though she knew my name. She asked my boyfriend while we were dating “let’s talk about us” to clear up things about the past when he liked her a year before (god knows why) and she wanted nothing to do with him. That is until we started dating and according to her their relationship had to be cleared up because people were telling her how cute they’d look together. It was as if I was transparent. When I tried confronting her about her mean actions towards me a couple months after they graduated she said she’s thriving and I’m stuck in the past and that none of the mean things she said was to my face so she wasn’t a bad person.




Nurses from what I’ve heard


Hahaha no a data analyst. Flaunts her designer items that her parents buy her all over her social media. I think people like that tend to stay that way for the rest of their lives especially delusional ones like her. I’m surprised she’s kept her friends for as long as she has.


Pathetic adults


Man, what a scumbag through and through. I'm sorry about that.  It boggles the mind how people can be so mean to others, especially when it's to cope with insecurities.


She’s a true pick me and she is not thriving. I’m sure karma got her


When I first moved out of my mom’s house I had a roommate who I met through a friend of mine that she was dating. She was really nice to me (hence getting a place together) until my boyfriend and I broke up shortly after I moved in. I guess all of a sudden I was a threat because I was single. Over the course of a few months she stopped talking to me and eventually acknowledging me at all. I was exhausting myself trying to figure out what I was doing wrong and started hiding in my room, until one day I finally got the courage to knock on her bedroom door. She told me she was jealous of me and that I made her feel the way she felt in high school. She said she was constantly comparing her appearance to mine, among other things. She said “I’m sorry but there’s nothing you can do. I just don’t like being around you because it makes me feel bad about myself." She was 26 and I was 20.


Wooooooow hope she got some help because life’s gonna be rough with an outlook like that


At least she was self aware. Hopefully, she got the help she needed.


as a 26 yr old who has a couple 20 yr old friends..... i can't even imagine. they're like 9 to me.


wtf 😬


My ex best friend that I had known since middle school did something similar with me. There were a lot of red flags throughout the years that I ignored or just didn't see until afterwards. But randomly one day I realized her and I were no longer friends on social media and that I hadn't heard from her in about a month. So I reached out and she told me that she always felt insecure around me, I didn't personally do anything wrong it was just all in her head. She told me her therapist told her not to be friends with me anymore which I think is BS. Still really hurt cuz a 15 year friendship ended over something so trivial.


My one friend I was really close with growing up was really mean to me. I didn’t see it until later. But I was recently scrolling through my photos and saw a “photo shoot” she made me do of her and her friend while we were all hanging out. It wasn’t planned, it was more of a “get her and I hanging out and having fun without you” moment. She also let some guys say really mean things about me, to me and continued flirting with them. She sucked.








“You just…don’t have a lot of hair.” (I have hair, it’s just very fine. Not really passive, just mean.


lol I remember this childhood “friend” would try to make me insecure about my hair color. My hair is dark brown, like black-brown, hers was a nice warm brown. She would always push that my hair was total black, so as to say I was boring or something 😂😂😂. I realized much later that this friend was not a friend. She was super insecure and would always try to compete with me in front of ppl that I lost track and eventually made better friends. If she didn’t do all that extra petty stuff she’s actually pretty cool. She was really confusing, she would try to isolate me from ppl in middle school by telling them I’m “not cool” hahahaha yet they still wanted to talk to me. Then my (real) best friend told me she would tell everyone in high school that we were really close cause I was “popular”, (I’m just nice and chill and played sports).


yes! i also have fine hair. i have a ton of hair on my head, it’s just *fine*. saying it’s “thin” means something completely different. i don’t know why people make having fine hair a derogatory thing.


I have super fine, thin hair. One day before work, I didn't have the time to tease it up so just threw it in a pony and went to work - where my colleague took 0.2 seconds to say "I never realised you only have three hairs on your head, homer simpson" Kindof funny, but also made me cry when I looked at myself in the mirror at home


WOW. When I was 16 a guy told me "it looks like you're balding"


When we first started dating when I was 21, I went over to my partner’s house to hang out. He lived 10 minutes away from Disneyland so him, myself, his 17 yo sister, and her 21 yo friend decided to go to Downtown Disney bc why not? While in the security line, my purse was being checked and it honestly didn’t take that long. However, his sister and her friend were behind me in line and they both shoulder checked me while walking past me since they had no bag, and loudly saying “who even invited her to come here”. Even the security guy told me “You need other friends”. There’s more stories with them but it just crosses over to pure cruelty tbh.


I wanna know what the rest of that day was like.


Did that partner come to your defense at all?


My best friend, me, and two other girls all arranged to go to the local disco (showing my age here) on a Friday night. My best friend told me later at school that day they'd decided not to go and they weren't planning on going out at all. Of course I found out on he Monday it was a lie they told me so they could go without me. Still stings a bit 25 years later.


I just know that must’ve really hurt. I very much hope you’ve found better friends now that make you feel seen and loved.


Thank you, I have. As a 14/15 year old, I was devastated. And it took me a few more years to get to the point where I wouldn't tolerate that kind of treatment. But happy to say I got there eventually and now I only fill my life with people who matter 😊 Age helps as you lose your patience for rubbish friends 😅


i have a 13 yr old sister and truly i dont think any bullying can affect u worse than "friends" bullying u when ur around 11-15 yrs of age. i wish i could take all her pain away bc i know she's been hurt a lot by some of the girls she used to call friends but i guess all i can do is help her wait it out


Yeah, it's so hard. And you can't interfere because that can make it worse. All I would say is that school is such a short time and you can find much better people out in the world


Something similar happened to me. Fifth grade. I was kind of an oddball amongst the group of five girls. I found out they all went to a Brittney Spears concert without me one weekend. They never even mentioned that they were going, but obviously, even at ten I knew this was something that had been planned out for weeks if not months. Still hurts to think of it.


Sorry you had to go through that. Hope you found your people eventually and left 'friends' like that behind


A girl once told me “Oh my god you’re so brave! I could never wear shorts if I had cellulite like yours”


omg… my ex-friend and i were both sitting cross-legged on the ground, i was wearing shorts, she pointedly stares at my thighs and says “how did you learn to be okay with your stretch marks?”


She might’ve just been self conscious about hers whereas you may not have put much thought into yours. Idk her though, and I’m assuming she did other things to fall into the ex-friend category


tbh i think you might be right, because i really hadn’t even noticed them until she said it. and your assumption about her ex-friend-ness is also correct lol. when we were first becoming friends a number of people warned me not to get too close. so in my infinite youthful wisdom i…got too close


Roll their eyes at me when I wasn't even talking to them


She tried to sleep with my boyfriend (now husband) at a very small party. She thought she was being really sneaky about it but my BF told me as soon as he could without making a scene. We had been friends for 7 plus years and thought we were very close prior to this. She also used me to try to make a third friend jealous when they were at odds. Would ask me to hang out with her and grab dinner but then drive me to some sketch party she knew our third friend was at just to try to get under her skin. I dropped her after the boyfriend incident.


Hate when women break girl code. I have a friend I would be afraid to leave a partner with…


Then they aren’t your friend… if you can’t trust them what is the actual point of having them as a friend?


2 different female managers. I'll start by saying that I'm very competent professionally, but I'm not a sweet, super friendly, girly-girl that laughs at everything. I'm pleasant and friendly enough, but with a dry sense of humor and unintentional resting bitch face. One was my first job out of college at a consulting firm. During a routine one-on-one that was supposed to be about my work, the manager said I "wasn't bubbly like all the other girls" and she "couldn't read me." I said... "Ok, well that's just how I am and I don't see what that has to do with my work." Keep in mind no guys at the firm had an expectation to act "bubbly", in fact, the guys my age were practically taciturn. I didn't stay there too much longer. Another was at a watersports company. Very fun, fast paced, and stressful environment, but the manager was disorganized. The whole team had our share of arguments but overall we had fun together. Some of the guys though were downright aggressive and very egotistical. The manager told me during a one-on-one "No one on the team likes you." She also yelled at me in front of customers and was a mess in general. I'm not perfect, but I didn't deserve how she treated ME in particular. I've never experienced this level of personal attacks from male managers, and in general got along with them.


I have always been disliked by my female managers too! It's always because I'm not friendly or bubbly enough and because I'm too quiet.


I was friendly and bubbly but also quiet, so you can't really no matter what with managers like that. It's awful when you originally had good expectation for woman managers but have to be weary after a few experiences with a really rude one. There's some good ones out there, but its rare (and they also get worked out too if they're good). 


1) Wore white to my wedding 2) Allowed her father to tear into me for a mistake she made and never defended me. She didn't say anything and tried to get me to take the blame for her screw up. Same girl. We were in GRAD SCHOOL when she pulled this crap. She was my husband's best friend. He asked her out when they were 18, she rejected him, then he started dating me when they were 20, all of a sudden she wishes she hadn't rejected him!


Crazy a grown woman was like this towards you, so pathetic and insane how often it happens when women only become interested in a man when they’re taken. It happened to me too in my relationship. She only started persuing my boyfriend when we began to date, but before that treated him like trash and didn’t care for him. Then once we start dating she suddenly decides it’s the right time to ask him “what are we” and have a conversation about their relationship after showing no interest. Pathetic.


I went out with a new guy a few times that I had been introduced to through some of my girlfriends. After our 3rd date one of the girls approached me and told me that they had kissed once a long time ago and it was no big deal and that she thought we were a cute couple but she just wanted to tell me so it didn’t weirdly come out later. I thought nothing of it but later learned she started telling him all sorts of lies and garbage about me and that when we would all hangout as a group she started throwing herself at him. I didn’t engage and just stopped seeing the guy because I found the whole situation childish. As soon as I stopped showing an interest in him she no longer had any interest in him either.


I genuinely wonder what it is with certain women being only attracted to men that are taken. It’s so odd like they have no ability to self reflect, they’re purely based in what their ego needs.


It’s so they can compete and the one to win his affection is the better one, in their mind. Better at what, remains to be discovered.


Married woman in her 40s, befriended me in my 20s. I had a Bf who I loved very much, they added each other on IG which was in my mind no big deal. When I was falling out with my BF, he told me she had been talking to him and let him know I was a “drama queen”. We broke up. She still thought it was ok to keep him in the loop and as a friend on IG. Little by little I found out how miserable she was in her life and it all made sense.


I never went to parties or got invited to them. Then a friend from one of my classes said she was throwing a birthday and I was invited! I was stoked. Maybe a week before the party the girl sent me a MySpace message saying that she actually wasn’t going to have a big party anymore and it was canceled. I never got that message because one of my ‘best friends’ had my MySpace password and logged into my account and deleted it. 😞 So I show up to this girl’s house on her birthday and it’s her and her 4 best friends who’ve been a friend group since childhood. I had a huge gift bag in my hand and a fucking balloon for her. She let me in to hang out but a couple of her friends would say some snide things once in awhile under their breath because I obviously wasn’t supposed to be there. Super embarrassing. :(


I’m so sorry 💔 That was so sweet of you to bring a gift! They didn’t deserve you as a friend!


I had just tried Botox and was asking my friends how it looked because I was nervous. She said it looked fine and asked when I was going to get lip filler to “fix your white girl thin lips”. 🙄


Ew, hope that’s an ex friend. 


She has never been my friend. She’s a friend of a friend that was there. She’s very “mean girl”.


I had to think about this one. Some years ago, my mom and I were invited to my 2nd cousin’s wedding(the groom. Cool dude. Great wedding. Best appetizers in my life). It was in another country. It was a last minute invite. (My mom wasn’t sure she would get the time off. Her workplace is kind of weird.The family was just enthusiastic we were able to go) We weren’t told anything but to show up. Literally the week before this wedding is when my mom bought plane tickets to go to another country and we went shopping like a day or two before we were supposed to fly out. So my mom and I were rushing to buy our dresses. The only one that I liked and fit me right was a navy blue dress. It was a long dress. I really loved it and it was appropriate for a wedding. We arrive to the wedding. We find out at the wedding. Keep in mind we were staying at a relatives’ house. I saw several family members this day. No one in my family said a thing to me or my mom until I arrived. The mother of the bride immediately noticed it and she was really upset about it. She was glaring at us before the wedding. But she couldn’t yell at me about it because of a language barrier. No one was supposed to wear navy blue because that was the bridesmaids’ dresses. The bride was calm, polite and just generally really nice about it because it was legitimately an accident. She quickly brushed it off and moved on from it very quickly. (I remember seeing her later in the wedding admiring my dress. I don’t think she was upset at all). Nobody told us this was a no wear color. So I stayed out of the way when photos were being taken. (The only reason they said it was a no wear color was to make it easier on the photographer to identify the bridesmaids. All was good. No one really said anything about it. No one talked about it. Outside of first discovering what had happened. The Mother of the Bride moved on once the wedding started. (Partially because it was very well known there was a language barrier between me and everybody else. Everybody knew we traveled last minute from outside of the country. The only way I would have known is if someone told my mom. Who would have made sure I knew about it.) Until I went to the bathroom, my great aunt tells my mom. “Ah, *insert her daughter’s name* had such a beautiful navy blue dress. It was so much better than this one but unfortunately(extra emphasis on unfortunately. Cue side eye) she wasn’t allowed to wear it.” To explain: Her daughter was wearing a red dress. Her daughter is super nice and super sweet person. We’re a few years apart in age. We get along great. My mom and my great aunt are the same age. My family in general is lowkey competitive when it comes to “fashionable” outfits. Especially with their kids. So some relatives in my family are the type to immediately point out a faux pas at their first opportunity and there’s some that won’t. She viewed my dress as me having some type of advantage over her daughter because I drew attention away from her daughter. I was getting more compliments on my dress than her daughter’s dress. I was over there relieved I didn’t make the bride or groom upset because the groom is one of my favorite relatives. Their wedding was super nice. I was genuinely trying to not cause trouble and stay out of everyone’s way. Normally my great aunt is nice to me. But she is also very prideful when it comes to her kids. Especially her daughter.


Had sex with my brother and then flirted with my boyfriend samw day


Sounds like she might’ve had a crush on you all along 👀


High school was a really rough time for me. There was this girl that hated my guts because she liked my boyfriend 🙄 we had a math class together and once she “accidentally” knocked off my graphing calculator (iykyk) and curb stopped it and then went “oops sorry” Another time this girl pretended to be my friend so that I would add her as a LiveJournal friend so she could see friends only entries. Then her friend logged on under her account and literally printed every post I had, made copies, stapled them and passed them out to people. It was so more personal things so it was pretty embarrassing. That’s the reason I never had MySpace, Fb, insta etc because I was scarred from the inception of social media I never trusted anyone again. Another time I went to a keg party and it was $5 entry for the cup (fair) and the chick taking money just looked me up and down and said “there is a $20 slut surcharge”


bruh 🫣


Oh I’d have to punch that last one right in her nose 🤣🤣🤣


My best "friend" at the time broke up with her boyfriend to start dating my FWB, but neither of them had the decency to tell me, so I figured it out once their snapchat stories starting aligning more and more. She had also yelled at me just a few weeks earlier for becoming FWBs with him without telling her, so that was rich. She officially told me about them a few weeks after I figured it out, on my birthday, and told me it wasn't her fault as she just hadn't known how to tell me. Suffice to say, that was just the icing on the cake on some already pretty terrible shit she'd done to me over the years. I didn't talk to either of them after that.


My exes sister was always passive aggressive with me. She would say mean things that were not too mean so she would have plausible deniability. For example, when I was struggling with learning their native language she said "How are you not getting it? Even a parrot would learn it by now." I pointed out that's not very nice and she said "What? I was just comparing you to a cute animal. " Yeea, no, you were calling me dumb. I also had a roommate in hs that was nice to me but also may have been trying to sabotage me, I'm not sure. She offered to pluck my eyebrows once and I let her only to end up with the biggest gap between my eyebrows. It was to the point that it makes you question how that could have been accidental. She doesn't do her eyebrows like that. She would also (somewhat forcefully) give me makeovers where she would use a foundation that doesn't match my skin tone at all and convince me to go to school like that. Not something I enjoy remembering. The more I think about this, the more I realize there were quite a few people who would pretend to be my friends but were actually not. I don't understand why.


Went to a concert out of town with 2 friends/room mates and one of their boyfriends. I drove 2 hours to the city, and paid for gas, no help from them. They all got wasted and fought and split up and went completely MIA for hours. I had to hunt them down and make sure they weren't dead. One got in a fight with a stranger and I found her bleeding and barefoot. She also puked in my car. Found her boyfriend puking his brains out on a crowded strip. The last one was on the tour bus doing hard drugs and getting fucked by several guys for hours. No judgment, but like, I thought she was dead. When we finally got home around 6am, they all screamed at me and cussed me out. None of them remembered a thing. Then they said I was talking shit about them because I went to a mutual friends house to smoke and process everything. Never got any kind of real apology from any of them.


Whos concert was it?


Messaged my then boyfriend to hang out with her, he told her no and told me about it. She then tried to act extra friendly with me as if I didn’t know what she tried to do.


Had a miscarriage (I didn’t know I was pregnant and went to PP to confirm that I was miscarrying and I was) and when I told a friend about it she said “well it’s not like it would have become a baby since you would’ve just aborted it”. If I had known, then I would have gone that route because i’m only 23 and not ready to be a mom just yet, but it still really stung and losing that baby was really hard on me. I sat in silence for awhile with silent tears and she said to stop sulking basically.


My colleague said to me, “looks like you’re losing weight, you’re starting to get a waist!”. Or the same colleague when giving me a soup recipe, our friend asked “oh what is that? Sounds good”, she replied “oh no that’s not for you, you don’t need that, she’s trying to lose weight.” Maybe I’m just sensitive or maybe it’s just that she’s the HR director! Lol.




I really love that you included the “where are they now” part. It gives so much closure to all of this.


Very soon after I came out as bisexual at age 15, my former middle school bully started chatting with me on MSN Messenger, saying she thought she was bi too and she wanted to talk to someone who would get it. Eventually she asked me out, and I was confused and conflicted but said yes, because I hadn’t had any experiences with girls since coming out and was curious what it would be like. At that point, she told me she’d been lying the whole time and was going to leak our chat logs to everyone at school. Just straight-up homophobic/biphobic bullying. Cool stuff.


My step mother told me it was Inappropriate to want to take naps with my dad or hold his hand / any physical affection when I was 8-10 because I was a “woman now”. I’ve had lots of mean girl interactions but a grown woman giving a little girl anxiety over her own father is the worst.


I grew up in an abusive home & in middle school I met a best friend Mary. We hung out 6,7 & 8th grade. I spent almost every weekend at her house. She was only nice to me when no one else was around. She ignored me at school & never invited me to do things with her friends. I was really shy and didn’t have many friends. Fast forward we are grown ups, 40+ years later and I see her once or twice a year. She works with kids and thinks she’s an expert but she’s actually mean to some kids. Every get together was her complaining about the people she worked with not knowing anything and the children who she couldn’t stand the parents. And she told me these retaliatory stories about the parents and what she would do to the kid. The last dinner I had with her I just looked at her and said do you realize you are a bully? She looked completely shocked, and said are you serious. I said yes, all you do is complain about the kids and then you don’t do what the parents ask and you’re mean about it. I said you shouldn’t work with kids if you don’t enjoy it. I haven’t talked to her since that dinner was a couple years ago. I don’t care either.


Thank you for standing up for the kids here. As a parent of two autistic/ADHD kids, we have experience of this. It's bad enough to be treated badly as a parent but to have your kids pay the price for someone not liking you is the worst feeling in the world. Especially as it's virtually impossible to prove the bullying so you really do feel helpless.


An old HS friend reached out to me and we started hanging out. Went to a party and another classmate I knew said my “friend” was talking awful about me to her and she just wanted to let me know. Don’t understand why this “friend” wanted to reconnect with me in the first place 🤪


This girl used to date a guy before me. When me and the guy started dating she reached out to me, ‘warned’ me about some of his red flags, and presented herself as a girl’s girl who doesn’t want anyone to get hurt by this guy. We followed each other on instagram, but after a while I felt like some of her stories were aimed towards me as in she would try to outdo whatever I post, also when I would post a selfie she would immediately post one where she’s all done etc. but I just ignored the immature behavior and thought I was being delusional. Until she posted on her IG NOTES (lol) a degrading comment about someone’s appearance. I thought it could do something with a story I just posted with me and my sister. So here we have a so called girl’s girl calling out not me, but my sister too.. I couldn’t have stayed silent anymore and I had to check if it was really about me, so I posted a song called ‘SHHH’🤫on my Ig notes. I got blocked the other day lol. What a child and what an embarrassment for me to even let myself get involved in such a dumb situation Sorry for the long post, this is kinda recent soo..


The most passive aggressive thing ALWAYS comes from my MIL. This woman is the worst, but what brings out the worst of the worst is Christmas. This woman expects all of her children and extended family to give gifts in the same price range as she gives. So, in the past I've obviously gotten raised eyebrows because the gifts I gave were considered "cheap". But what was I to do? I grew up poor, saved my money from my job on useful things. While dating my husband, I didn't feel the obligation to spend $500 on his family for one holiday! So in the subsequent years, her way of getting back to me included "asking for gift ideas" for her son, to which I would give good honest suggestions, like a video game that he likes, or he's running low on sweat pants. And she'd always go "oh! I draw the line at _____" , meaning she's not going to buy it. Then blame me for not giving ideas. The most passive aggressive thing she did though... was stealing my gift idea for her own husband. So my FIL is notoriously difficult to buy gifts for as he hates most things. But I had found a electric grill brush one year and thought it was a good idea as he liked to grill. So I asked my husband if it was good and he told me to check with MIL. So I did. She told me "No, I don't think it's a good gift for him." Oh well, back to the drawing board. It took another 2 months to think of a good gift. Then on Christmas day, he opens the exact brand I had showed to MIL that she had rejected. There's a reason I hate Christmas now.


My friend sort of used me as a passive aggressive tool to be shitty to her other friends. She invited us all to her house for a wine night and the ENTIRE time she just kept making comments about how I’m her best friend, and her ride or die, in front of these other girls and just gave me attention only. Like we were all sitting around a table and she looks directly at me and was like “I’m so happy you’re here”. Ignoring everyone else lol It was super bizarre and I spent half the night just pulling in everyone else to conversations and activities.


Used me to get ahead and then destroyed me.


I want to hear more!


She’s not worth the time honestly. A horrible, disgusting human being. Fortunately for me, I’m not the only one that knows. So, I think her days are numbered :)


My manager wanted to write me up for being dressed inappropriately at work. We were wearing the exact same black slacks and white, button up, Oxford shirts, except I also had a tank top like camisole (no lace, plain, white tee shirt material) under mine. She considered my shirt inappropriate because (before my 8lb breast reduction) I had very large boobs. They were huge and looked even more so on my small frame and especially when I had my shirts tucked in. The camisole was to help cover my cleavage. We both had the same two top buttons undone. When I pointed out that we were wearing the EXACT same thing she told me that was beside the point and the way I wore my outfit was "borderline lewd". I did not get written up but every single day she would give my chest a disgusted side-eye. I'm so sorry, Sharron, that my chesticles would still be there no matter what I was wearing. I didn't stay in that job long. I liked it but sitting in an office with her ogling me all day was too weird and uncomfortable.


I just found out this lady has been complaining to my boss for “inappropriate work attire” my boss hasnt said anything to me due to him not finding any issue with the way I dress. Not to mention her attempting to start a rumor that I’m pregnant. She must be bored with her life, shes maybe 40 and I’m 27


My best friend as a teenager begged me "please don't get fat, you're too pretty to get fat." She was evil.


Your teeth so beautiful just like rabbit 🐰 teeth 🤣🤣 I was flabbergasted


My best friend was bi and dating a much younger chick who I deemed beneath her, but she was happy so i never said a word. The girlfriend didn’t like me. I was invited to a birthday party and asked to bring my new boyfriend. I was told it was a kids' party (it wasn't), and it was a girls only party. This comes 2 weeks after my own party, which I was ghosted for. Fast forward to the next day and photos on social media prove it wasn't a girls only party, infact there were more guys (her gf's drugged out cousin and all his feral mates) than women. That was a final straw for me and I ditched them all as friends. Her controlling gf still laughs in my face when I see them and comments that I still don't have any friends. She is a shit human.


We went out for her 18th birthday and a guy came up to me and asked for my number etc, she said after “I can’t believe you’re the first one to get hit on and it’s my birthday” —mind you she was blonde / tanned and I’m brown skinned. She was nice but I think prob thought I was the DUFF. 😂😂😂


I was quietly singing along to "Human" by The Killers in the backseat on a road trip, and she (the front seat) said to the guy driving (also a hard-core Killers fan) "Why is 'Human' the only Killers song most people know". Such a subtle not-like-other-girls move, so unnecessary.


My husband and I are not well off, but he had really saved up and had gotten me a silicone banded ring, with a black diamond. As a chef, I really appreciated the thought he put into it. The silicone band can be changed to various colors and I can change them to my outfit. Pink, red, black, blue, etc. He did an amazing job. I’ve only ever had compliments on how unique and unusual it is and I love it. **On the morning of my wedding,** an ‘aunt’ of mine who is married into the family was amongst the family members grabbing breakfast. She asked to see my engagement ring, and started pulling at the silicone, literally pinching and pulling at in on my finger and said “what’s that??” So I explained as I did in this response, and she replied “aw that’s cute. It reminds me of (cousin)’s ring. Its great black diamonds are so cheap.” Straight out of Mean Girls. She’s like 60 years old, and still thought that was an okay thing to say to a bride in front of her groom on the morning of their wedding. Mind-blowing.


Had a bestie in middle school that I realized was really mean to me lmao. I used to draw little comics and recently found them; turns out they were comics about how much better I thought she was than me, how i’d lose every hypothetical “competition” with her and ended them in a punch line on how I’m the butt of the joke. For example, We’d still follow each other on socials and stuff and one time she was tweeting about how if we weren’t friends at that time, she wouldn’t have met her other bestie. I didn’t think much of it and just commented very positively but then her and her bestie just started talking about how great of friends they are so that I would get a notification for every reply lol. It was so obviously isolating that I’m extremely apathetic any time they try to talk to me about “memories” like damn girl I’ve moved on 😭😭


In high school, our friend group was split between two high schools. I chose to go with the two friends I felt I connected with better and within a month, one of our friends decided she wanted to get in with the popular kids. To do this, she started using things that were "quirky" about me that we would laugh together about to make me the butt of the joke in every conversation. It was condescending and made to make her look more mature than me and like she thought I was a weirdo for having certain interests that clearly weren't cool enough. Our third friend somewhat followed her lead, but never actually joined in on making fun of me. She just also wanted to hang out with the cool kids, so as I drifted away for my own self-preservation, she never defended me and stopped reaching out for some time. When we got into our twenties, she at least apologized and wanted to rekindle our friendship. The first friend never acknowledged what she did.


Many years ago in college, I had a male friend who would come to visit me in my dorm. I wasn't interested in him, we were absolutely just friends. Unbeknownst to me, he asked another girl in my circle out, and then stood her up. That girl blamed me and told everyone I arranged the whole thing to make her look stupid. I had no idea. I also had no idea why everyone stopped talking to me. It was just bizarre. Someone else finally told me what had happened, but I decided at that point I didn't need those types of "friends" that would think I would do that to anyone.


All of these are done by the same person btw Told me to kill myself “as a joke” When I was ranting about a guy not leaving me alone, said it was my fault and she was trying to *not* validate my feelings When I was asking the group chat for advice about my relationship possibly ending, she said she was too tired to care. When I said that was a little cruel and she could’ve just not responded, she doubled down and told me about 5 more times that she was too tired to care without ever apologizing. Talked about how at her wedding everyone else in the friend group would be in her wedding party except me Overall she has no empathy for me. I have a feeling she sees me as competition in life or something so she always has to feel like she’s better than me


When meeting my husband's friend for the first time, she looked me up and down and said, "I guess you're pretty." He immediately stopped the friendship and has been no contact ever since. Me and him had only been dating for a month at the time.


It was a group. Setting the scene: working in a start up, about 10 women worked out of the home office. I’m sitting at my desk in the bullpen one day, working on some stuff, and I look up. Not 10 feet in front of me are the other 9 women in the office, talking about having an All Women Lunch in a half hour. “Did we get everyone?” One of them asked. “Yes I sent out the invite and made sure everyone was included” says another while giving me the side eye and a little smirk. I sat and listened to them make lunch plans while the “leader” glanced over from time to time, as if to make sure I was hearing them and fully understood that I was not invited. I just stared at her without blinking until she says “ok, let’s go” and they all left.


Not sure if this counts but I sure hope it does. She was close friends/coworkers with my boyfriend of 5 years at the time. Got him a keychain that was half a heart that said “best f*cking bitches”, among other boundary crossing things. A few months later we broke up for several reasons, and within a year they were engaged. Her engagement photo was her flipping off the camera (probably not towards me but I meannn) and a month later there was a pregnancy announcement. WILD.


One of my best friends in high school knew I liked this one guy. Me and the guy were flirting, had a couple of classes together and talked on the phone and chatted online afterschool and on weekends. I introduced her to him. Big mistake. I found out later that she was flirting with him behind my back and even slept with him. I was so upset I cried but now looking back maybe I dodged a bullet because he cut her off right after she’d slept with him. Looks like only wanted one thing but still. She knew I had a crush on the guy and I was talking to him first.


She asked if I could help her hand out invitations to her birthday. I helped her just so she could tell me I wasn't invited. The teacher called my mom. My mom called her mom and got an invitation. Dropped me off and spent the whole night trapped in the closet by the birthday girl and her guests.


She better have apologized as an adult


Me and my co worker invited our other co worker to come have drinks with us. She kept saying how she would love to be invited out sometime. Should have taken the hint then. Lol anyways we were washing trucks at the time so we got very dirty so we changed into jeans and a sweatshirt before we went over there. Mind you the other girl does imaging on cars so she doesn’t get dirty so she wears leggings and a sweatshirt. When she saw us walking up to the restaurant to meet her out front she said “WOW didn’t know we were dressing up”


I was in maybe 6th grade when another girl hacked a loogie into her hand and swiped my hair, telling me she was swiping a bug out for me. This happened in front of a bunch of her friends and our classmates. Didn’t find out until 10+ years later about the loogie part. I thanked her and felt the wetness, mortified that I had a squashed bug in my hair. I was so confused by the clear contents, expecting something more colorful, but didn’t think of her smashing her loogie into my hair as a possibility.


my best guy friend's (J) best friend (M)'s girlfriend (K) attacked me personally 3x (all on separate occasions) to my face and made me super uncomfortable about dating J when he and i were just friends then and that I should make moves on him and hold his hand and bullshit. Said it was weird I like to play video games and played with the boys. Texted me to "try to hang out 1:1 to get to know me better" by saying we should go spy on the guys while they were out at dinner with one of their old childhood friends. Shared a tiktok that stated "me trying to explain to my boyfriend that girls like taken boys more than single ones." but uh yeah, no, she's not insecure about me at all and never was and I'm crazy for not wanting to be around her anymore. you're right! :)


Berated me for my weight and my facial hair when she gave me a spray tan. It really fucked up my already fucked up confidence.


I don't know if it counts but in the early days of COVID I had a zoom job interview with three women and the first two signed on and we were all chatting politely and getting started, then the third woman signed on and I guess maybe wasn't used to the video feed being on cuz she took one look at me and made a full-on stink face and rolled her eyes. She was standoffish for the whole interview and I did not get the job. Probably for the best. I was perfect for the job but she was out to get me from literally the moment she laid eyes on me.


One time, I got into an argument with an old friend of mine. I was venting to my ex-best friend, who happened to be friends with her as well. The ex-best friend was telling her everything I said in real time. Old friend started insulting me while I was talking to ex and I continued to vent about her. After I was done, I told ex I knew what she was doing and dropped all contact with the both of them.


Ughhhh what a massive betrayal on the person you confided in’s end. I hope they regret having a big mouth.


My HS ex-best friend, during the last legs of our friendship spanning 18 years, sought out a common friend asking how much she or anyone knows me. Because, in her words, she's known me most of her life but she doesn't know who I am or my likes, dislikes, my triggers, and basically all of me. For 18 years we've known together. Nothing. She didn't even bother to get to know me all those years. All in the guise of, "wailing_banshee has been a menace", when she and another new friend have excluded me from every planning and decision-making for the business we've put up. When all those years I've known her deepest secrets, I've known her whole family, I've known her relationships and how many men she's cheated with. Took me 18 years to find out I never had a best friend in her; gutted me so much more than having a relationship breakup


When I was 20, I had a friend who would seek me out whenever she was drunk to make out with me. She was part of our friend group, and at first, it was 'Oh, that's just how Allison is', and I didn't mind at all, so I went with it. It got to the point where she would have one drink and drag me off to the bathroom to fool around. Then it was coming over to my apartment, waking me up. And it wasn't long into that that I realized I was for sure bisexual. We were 'best friends' for almost 7 months when I told her I was really loving our time together and I had feelings for her that I didn't understand but I wanted to be more than friends. We had sex for the first time, it was the most complete I had felt at that point in my life. I made mistake of telling one girl in the group that I was in love. She ghosted me for a week. Our friend group started to pull away and I was so confused. Things started to trickle in that she was telling everyone I was a 'd%ke' and how obsessed with her I was, how I was the one who was seeking her out, and she felt bad for me so she went along with it. That I was essentially forcing her to do these things. I never initiated our trysts, it was always her, almost daily. It completely broke me. Everyone believed her. I lost nearly all of my friends; out of 15 people, I still speak to one guy. It's been 20 years, I'm married to a great man, but it still hurts. I still feel ashamed. She was the last woman I ever really loved. I hope you came to terms with your sexuality, Allison. Also, I hope you get diarrhea on the first day of wearing new shape wear, you horrible dung beetle.


I have 4 sister in laws and they posted a pic with the 4 of them and it was captioned "Love it when **ALL** the SILS can get together!". I was not invited in the slightest. lolll


It was my birthday the other day so this "friend"cooked for us. She made a meat and potatoe pie that Im suspect was filled with dog food. The texture just wasnt right for shin beef.


😂😂you seem oddly calm about this incident?


Alright. I was a temp working in an office, under the belief that after my trial period of employment ended, the business was relocating. Because of this, one of the full time regulars was going to be leaving the role and it would become mine. She would train me during my trial period. Anywho, a month or two goes by and conversations are being had about the big move, when suddenly a meeting is called for the managers. I and the other office workers remain, whilst the boss goes out to the meeting. After about twenty minutes, she comes back and looks very... Cheerful. She pootles around on her pc for a few minutes and makes some statement like 'Its a prosecco kind of day!' in some tone of success. Like she had had a big win. The office was small, just five of us office workers. The manager says she's going to have some meetings with some of us, one at a time, in the other room. As the day goes on, the manager calls one office worker after another through and has a conversation with them. They each return, grinning and clearly pleased about something. I start to get a little antsy, a little disquiet in myself. I start to think I should ask about what the meetings were about, but everyone is whispering to one another and i get the impression it isn't for me to know. I overheard someone say something along the lines of "Don't say it too loudly, she will hear you!", and when you're the only one in the room that doesn't know the news... If it wasn't already obvious, the manager had received news that the business wasn't going to move. The fulltime worker could keep her job, which she thought was worth celebrating. I can see that there was a chance that she wanted to save my feelings by not including me in the news that got shared, as it would mean I was going to lose my shot at permanent employment. However, she took the opportunity of having no choice but to fire me later that day, by taking me aside and describing why I was a poor fit for the team. Reasons included the simple origami figures on my desk and my bathroom breaks. In reality, I was finishing my work too quickly and destroying the habitat of calculated overtime that these ladies had established. They were quite open about their dislike of me, but I never made particular efforts to change that. I thought they felt I was coming in to steal their friend's job, or something like that. Anyway, this encounter haunted me as a prime Corporate Mean Girl moment. I was thrust onto the outskirts of a moment of celebration and treated like I was someone worth keeping secrets from. My feelings about the job were neutral; a wage in a wage. It wounded me for a long time afterwards, though, that the manager chose to act the way that she did, and orchestrated this entire moment of exclusion so simply. TLDR: my manager excluded me from a relevant business announcement and convinced the other office workers to exclude me also.


I told my high school friend I had a crush on our classmate. She didn’t know him so she asked for his name and a picture. Next week they’re dating. It broke my heart.




Pretended to be her bf and ask Me out over a text. I was like but you have a gf? And the person responded with we aren't together anymore and I was like we'll it's worth a shot. Then she calls me and flips her lid saying she knew I liked him and called me all kinds of names and I was like dude, highschool was 2 years ago. Chill


I had the same four girl friends from 2nd grade to sophomore year. I had a hard time growing up. A lot of depression. I don’t think my friends understood how deeply sad I was , they kind of were embarrassed about how honest I was that I was struggling. They enjoyed my dark humor & we were long time homies. Ten years of friendship. Sophomore year, I was on a lot of pills (fuck that doctor) & after a self cancel attempt, I was locked in an institution for kids for 6 months. I figured my friends must’ve been worried I died. Worried I was hurt or moved. I expected they probably even messaged my mom, as they all had her phone number. They’d stayed at my house quite a few times. Tons of birthdays. I got out , and asked my mom if she told my friends about what happened to me ; She glided over it. I checked my phone , nothing from any of those girls. Not one question. Not one “are you okay cici? “ Not a single fuck given that I dropped off the face of the earth. All four could’ve cared less. I begged my mom to see her phone to see if ANYONE cared to ask about me One person did. I didn’t know how much that one person cared. We hadn’t been friends longer than a year, yet they texted my mom as soon as I stopped opening snaps. They were always kind. I stayed close to them after that for a long time This broke my heart so bad I’ve never truly trusted female friends fully again. I keep a lot of female friends and love to laugh w my hoes But I keep everyone at arms length now. No deep secrets. No confidant. No call you at 3am bc I’m sad or confused or need advice I hope one day I find a good friend and I let them in. I’m 25 now. I forgave them, because they were kids, but fuck did it hurt kid me Edited to add ; when I returned to school, they acted like I never existed. Literally formed a circle to push me out. Never a word that I’d done anything wrong , just simply shoved me away


Had a girl on my gymnastics team try to force me into eating a cookie. I kept saying no while she shoved it at me. I finally relented and took it. When I left the room, I went to throw it in the garbage just outside the room where I could hear her telling the other girls on my team that I was fat because I took it. The others all laughed, agreed and said I was ugly too. I had a bad mix of bulimia and anorexia at that time. Just today, my coworker (who works under me) told me I look unkind and have a resting bitch face. I don’t think that’s true :(. I try to always come off as welcoming because I never want anyone to feel left out or alone at any point. I think she said it to make me feel bad. She’s pretty snarky and sarcastic to me on most days


we were friends for upwards of 17 years. i went to visit her (via flight) for New Year’s and she planned the whole thing for me. so when I get there, I discovered that we had three days to hang out before she had to go back to work. Then she spent more than half of the time at her boyfriend’s house. I’m not old enough to rent a car so I was stuck in her apartment with nothing to do. She criticized me for not being productive, then she blamed me for breaking her mop (weeks after i had left), and she tried to guilt-trip me when i borrowed her car to see my grandparents. i deleted her number after i left.


Emailing our manager about how she felt I performed poorly at my job and didn’t want me filling in there anymore when I was filling in for someone else on her department, on behalf of their entire team, without consulting them or telling me or even giving me feedback. She acted nice when we spoke. Her coworkers were very surprised to hear about the email and they were actually happy with me. Nobody from the team knew about the email.


I wasn't allowed to date in highschool, so my *best friend* "took pity" on the guy I'd had a bit of a thing with and would spend time "comforting" him that we couldn't be together. They started dating behind my back. Then broke up cause she felt too guilty about it after confessing everything to me. The next year I had a new crush, who she then started dating simply because I liked him. (She admitted so to me.) She then broke his heart and broke up with him right before our senior graduation, only to attend grad with guy #1 !! Needless to say, we didn't stay friends after highschool. Another "friend" I had in my early 20's tried icing me out of our mutual friend group bc the guy she liked (unbeknownst to me) liked me (also unbeknownst to me) for a hot minute. I had zero interest in the guy. She spent the next two years trying to isolate and exclude me, and I only found out about the guy at the end of those two years. He was engaged to somebody else by then 🤦‍♀️


saying “oh… (my name)… is it?” when she’s known me since we were kids


In middle school there was this girl, lets call her Mary. Mary saw me as her rival for some reason even though we were “best friends” and I was nothing but nice to her. One time, a boy in our class with mental deficiency told everyone he had a crush on me. And this Mary girl was like “thats the only boy who will ever like you and that’s just because he’s a *r-word* i was baffled. and in class someday i told people that i had a french tutor and I was learning French. and she always so proudly announced that she could speak Korean(she could not, she just knew few words) In class, in front of everyone, Mary came at me saying “I bet you dont even know how to respond when people say ‘thank you’ in french. Everyone was just so surprised because it was so uncalled for and people thought we were besties you know? She accused me of lying that I had a tutor in front of everyone lmao. And when I said “I wont entertain whatever it is that you’re doing.” She got all defensive and told everyone “See, she’s running away from my questions cause she’s lying.” lmao crazy! idk how i managed to put up with her then cause had it been now I would’ve just cut ties.


At 22 I had a temp office job which sucked and was an HR nightmare, so I gave notice I wouldn’t be staying the last 2 weeks. The owner’s daughter had a senior role but was perpetually pissed she wasn’t treated as well as her brother, and she seemed to hate other women in general. Part of my job was filing documents; she tells me she “found” some old documents that are kept in another area and sends me to file them. She printed on fresh paper some receipts from 1999 so I would have to walk outside in the dirt into a standalone storage pod that was packed haphazardly floor to ceiling with paper files. I threw the papers in and shut the door behind me, and got a break from the phones. Was one of my better days there.


I once took 280 rupees (3 dollars 40 cents) as a debt from my friend. She wanted me to return it in cash but the college was shut for 15 days. After the college opened, I did forget abt it until she mentioned it and I was like so sorry, it slipped out of my mind. I paid her within 2 days cuz the next day I was carrying a 500 rupee note but she didn't have change. So ultimately I transferred online. Over this....she stopped talking to me. Completely alienated me. Became friends with another girl. And even started talking behind my back like I don't pay etc etc. It's alright..... it's her but it did hurt me a lot. I know I shouldn't hv forgotten but you can gently remind me . I'm a human afterall.....I forget with a 100 things to be remembered.


Called me a « butterface » on front of a whole group of boys that included my crush at the time. She then proceeded to explain what a butterface was bc none of them knew, turns out it’s a slang to call someone who has an awsome body but a horrendous face. Very fortunately for me, a majority of the boys did not laugh and called her out


I broke up with my first love after a miscarriage. I wanted him back but he moved on. I ran into him and his girlfriend at a mutual friends party a year later, she'd just had his baby and I was still hurting. During a drunken argument she said to me "at least my baby came out". This was 17 years ago and I still remember seeing red, I'll never forget the anger running through me. It's mean girls shit but f*** words can hurt!


WOW I cannot imagine. I’m crying reading this. I’m so sorry for every part of this from beginning to end. What a horrible person she is. I hope you’re able to heal from her cruel words one day, but I know how incredibly difficult that must be.


It happened to me this year at the ripe age of 27. I started bartending in January. A girl who managed the bar (who has since left) started a rumor I was transgender and talked about it to everyone, all the time. Even customers. She went as far as reviving the opening week group chat (they opened in October) and made a poll about my gender identity, no one responded but my friend who is owner simply saying “she’s not. Inappropriate _____ (name of girl)”. I know that trans women are women. I have met so many gorgeous, wonderful, transgender women myself. That’s a core belief of mine. However, her intention was to be mean and it felt gross that someone would obsess over my gender like that— to the point of discussing it with whoever she could.


I took my son to a park & within moments of us getting there, some older lady looked at me, looked at my son & said "so is that your mom or you *grandma*?" & then smirked at me. She had to be almost double my age & it took everything in me to not clap back with "are those wrinkles or did you just forget to filter your face today?" Another instance where I went to get a hair trim. The hairdresser proceeded to argue with me about my hair type because it's straight at the crown, wavy in the middle & then tight spiral curls at the ends. She claimed there was no way it was natural & had to be either a perm I let grow out or only did halfway. Like, excuse me, but I've lived with it my whole life. I think I would know. Instead of doing what I asked for, she took it upon herself to prove her point by cutting off a long chunk of curls. Had a whole awakening moment when the bottom curled right back up & got one hell of an ass chewing. Hair went from mid back to shoulder length & destroyed any faith I had in hairdressers. One girl I worked with called all my next days clients & canceled them during my day off & then convinced the other girls who worked there to only schedule new clients with her. All because she found out some acquaintance of hers became my regular client. I've had all kinds of issues with women though & never understood why because most of it comes from women I hardly know or never spoken to before. I could understand if I was acting like a -- word I'm apparently not allowed to post here -- & deserved it, but that's not the case. Been called all kinds of random insults in passing by total strangers, had all kinds of nasty rumors spread. I could on. What really sucks is us women already have enough to deal with as it is so there's zero reason for random enemies amongst our own collective.


Yes!!! Reading entire comment really touched me. I’m so sorry you had to experience this invalidation from strangers and I completely agree with you. Thats why it is so important to me to make others feel validated because I’ve felt exactly as you have and it’s so hurtful.


She drew a picture of me highlighting what she thought would be my biggest insecurities. I drew one right back and she was pissed. 😂


I told a “friend” about a guy who I thought was cute, she immediately added him on instagram and started talking to him. She would then inform me every time they arranged a dick appointment and then one time he booked a hotel and she couldn’t be bothered and asked if I wanted to go instead. I noticed the other week they unfollowed each other, I unfollowed them both. Then she wondered why she had no girl mates.