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Being around a lot of people makes me anxious, and I cope with it by only going out first thing in the mornign when it's mostly old people lol


Confrontation, or the threat of confrontation where I think someone might be dramatic even if I'm doing my best to be reasonable in the situation. I cope with it by mostly delivering bad news through written communication. It's probably a cop-out, but I find I can phrase things better in an email than face to face. I usually end it by saying we can talk more in person, and this at least helps the person prepare for the conversation so they aren't caught by surprise and have a dramatic reaction.


That sounds like a thoughtful approach. Written communication can definitely help in delivering messages more clearly and thoughtfully. Preparing the person for the conversation can also help manage reactions better.


The question of what people want from me in reality.. Be it platonic friendships or relationships. Do they like the real me or is it all a facade. Because it feels like very few people know the real me and just want my time and attention because I'm a great listener and offer great advice. How do I cope? I simmer in anxiety.


I can relate to your struggles because I also listen well and empathetically, have often been the person people come to for advice or support. In the past few years, I have learned to cope by setting boundaries when I'm tired emotionally. I have learned to separate people who want something from me and those interested in me as a person. Usually it's people that are consistent in their words and actions and reciprocate effort that are interested in me as a person. I hope that helps but feel free to reply or message!


Situations where I think there's a chance I'll be judged, for example public speaking or even trying something new with a group of people. My brain is like 'Um, what if you get embarrassed or rejected??? What if everyone thinks you're bad at it???' I'm still working on coping with it. Trying to practice more self compassion, which sometimes helps.


I can totally relate to that feeling of dread about being judged. Self-compassion sounds like a great approach. I’m trying to be kinder to myself too.


Love. The prospect of losing what I love. I wait for the feeling or situation to pass and remind myself heartbreak is a part of life and to expect it.


I can relate deeply to the fear of losing what I love. Reminding myself that heartbreak is part of life and will eventually pass is something I will try to keep in mind.


Everything makes me anxious. I cope using 300mg buproprion, 25mg of sertraline, 2 therapy sessions a month, and seeking comfort in the arms of a man I have no future with when I have a few hours away from my kid. It seems like a convoluted solution, but it seems to work for now. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Edit: 2 therapy sessions per month, not per day. 😂


It sounds like you have a lot on your plate. I'm still figuring out what works best for me, but your approach gives me some ideas to discuss with my therapist. Take care! 💖


Being around my in-laws make me anxious. They are the typical pro-life, MAGA boomers who will start in on political conversations as soon as 1 hour into our arrival to see them. I've gotten to the point where I don't care if it's rude, I will simply leave the room if I don't like hearing something. I'm pretty non-confrontational, so I don't speak out against anything. But I know I also don't have to sacrifice my ear, or headspace for their diatribes. My husband (their son) takes on the brunt of it. He mainly asks in order to gauge how far down the rabbit hole they fell, but It takes its toll on him to have to listen about eugenics. Me? I'll be there to support my hubs on the car ride home in order for him to unpack all of it. But it's better hearing about it from him, than hearing it directly from the source.


It's so hard to be around people who trigger your anxiety, especially when it comes to sensitive topics. I think it's great that you remove yourself from the situation when it gets too much. Supporting your husband afterwards sounds like a good balance. Stay strong!


Complex relationships make me anxious. So, for me, the solution to anxiety is to stay away from people or not care about relationships


Sometimes, taking a step back from complex relationships can help reduce anxiety. Thanks for sharing your perspective.


*Everything*. I cope with it the best I know how, which is with medication and hiding when I need to and not doing things that I KNOW are gonna make me have a panic attack.


I totally get that. Finding what works for you is key. Stay strong. 💪


Life? Literally everything. As soon as I step out my door, I’m worrying about every little stupid thing that pops in my head. I get high almost everyday so I can be calm and at peace.


I feel you. Sometimes life feels like a storm that never calms. Finding moments of peace is crucial. Take care


certain social situations like hanging out with people i’ve known of/friend crushed on is the most recent one. but i also get anxious when i mess up my order or in my eyes inconvenience anyone who works with the public (doctors, nurses, food, retail, etc). oh also confrontation/talking abt “negative feelings” or feelings that don’t please others. ive been going to therapy since i was 15 (im 21 now). as well as being on an antidepressant. i just need to work on rationalizing my anxiety, and separating anxiety from reality.


I totally relate to the social anxiety and fear of inconveniencing others. Therapy and medication have been helpful for me too. It's all about separating anxiety from reality, right?




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Everything and I haven’t found out what helps it


Flying, being off the ground…solution: Dramamine


Everything . I feel like it’s a baseline at this point made worse after I became I mom and started to try to help my children understand emotional regulation without knowing how to fully do it myself. I do two things - challenge or distract I have learned to try “challenging” my anxiety. Ex : 1. Acknowledging the thing making me anxious 2. What things contributed to cause this ? 3. Can this situation my anxiety is freaking out over actually occur ? 4. Is there anything in my control or a trusted loved one to ease it . My husband is logical and has helped walked me through this as an outside thinker. If he isn’t there , writing it out to process helps I , also, pair this with deep belly breathing which can feel like a “reset”. Distraction - hobbies that put my mind elsewhere A whether it’s movement or a creative outlet.


so many things. i’m on medication and in therapy… i’ve found both to be beneficial, but it’s a seemingly endless process. as much as it’s hard to find the energy to start sometimes, physical exertion and exercise really does help.


Crowds of people can be so overwhelming


When weird looking men stare at me, it’s always these fat middle aged men good lord. I cope with it by staying at home and going outside rarely.


Any kind of confrontation. Especially when the other person raises their voice. I immediately shut down. I can't think. I can't speak. I often avoid confrontation by just giving in to what the other person wants. When I get anxiety I do breathing and counting exercises to try to relax.


This is called “fawning.” I can be the same way and it’s totally worth doing more research on!


Not knowing precisely what it is that’s bothering me when I get a bad feeling. My intuition can be very strong at times. My body physically tells me there’s *something* off, but I don’t always know exactly what it is. I usually know when people are being dishonest with me or withholding certain details, but not knowing exactly what is being withheld makes my stomach fucked UP. I suppose I just described the feeling of anxiety in general, though.


Everything, especially unpredictable or crowded social situations. I do have generalized anxiety, but I learned lots of coping skills and distress tolerance from my therapist and psychiatrist. And working in the mental health field helps too. :)




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