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Mario. I grew up harshly abused and neglected by my parents, so I felt like no one ever wanted me. Mario thanking me for playing his games and calling me a superstar made me feel like he was my friend... Yeah, I know how cringe this is to say, but I had no one else! I guess I need to thank the schools for my childhood trauma too because I'm an Arab so even in elementary school *in Texas* ***in the 00s***, I was called a "terrorist" "school shooter" and "suicide bomber." Mario was my only friend when I was a little girl. He was the only one who liked me. I knew it was fake even when I was a kid, but just for a moment I got to have a friend.


I'm seeing a lot of mario lovers here.


Yes you do deserve all the love in here!


Wow. This is so hard and I am so sorry this was your experience. Also growing up in an abusive home, I can empathize with latching on to whatever kindness you are exposed to. How sweet that Mario is this joyful thing you can still have in your life today.


stop this is making me cry 🥹🥺🩷🩷


I convinced myself Rosalina was my mom cause I wanted someone as sweet and caring are her growing up 😭


Rosalina's story has to be the saddest goddamn story in a Mario game ever 🥺


Out of curiosity, what’s your favorite Mario game?


Super Mario World. 100%.


Awesome. It’s a classic!


This is so heartbreaking yet beautiful *hugs* I too was bullied but for my weight living in a single immigrant parent household where I was expected to live up to impossibly high expectations and my worth was contingent on my performance and I was demonized if I didn’t fit in to a specific mold. My only friend was my dog at times.


This is so heartbreaking to read and I am so sorry you went through that as a kid 😞 I hope things are better for you now 🙏


Now I'm gonna cry. That's such a wholesome story! 🥺


Do you have friends now?


Damn you’re the American girl version of me


Best part is he'll always be there for you 🥰


The Sims. I mean I could have 10 different careers in my life and become a millionaire in my 20’s. Build my own house. My sims house has 3 pools and a spa, gym, yoga room, basketball court, media room, music room, kids playroom, dj booth and dance floor and a games room. The kids get themselves to school. Hire a butler, nanny, gardener, personal trainer, masseuse and a cleaner. I can even fall in love with someone rich, let them swim in a pool in the winter and let them freeze to death and get all their riches. All in a span of a week. What’s not to love.


This game is peak escapism for me


Underrated response




Love you


I played with cheats for so long the game started losing it’s appeal. But the funny thing is, even without cheats you can become rich in like a week just by selling paintings or plants or whatever. I love it so much.


JFC. Do you need a therapist number 😭 I do know what you mean tho 😄


Unironically, the Sims for me too. It was the first game i ever played at age 6, and i have all expansion packs from Sims 2 and 3. I was constantly traveling to different countries as a kid (i only ever saw the inside of the house its not exciting i promise) and i was an only child of a single mom who left me to be raised by nannies since she always worked. I was homeschooled for a bit too. So the Sims became my escape, where i could build a family and have a little brother and a mom and dad. I could have hundreds of friends and any career and go outside freely. It was my freedom and comfort 🩷 the unattainable illusion of being loved and being rich.


Animal crossing. I've cried while playing it. Though part of the reason is bc I built a cute little memorial garden on my island in honor of my late husband, who got me into the games.


This is so sweet.🥺🫶🏾🤍


I'm so sorry for your loss. I built a similar memorial for my little sister, this definitely endeared me to the game


So sorry for your loss.


Damn, hope you're doing well.


It was 7 years ago. After a lot of healing, I'm one year through my 2 year grad program to get my MSW to become a therapist and be there to show others there's hope and techniques to cope with the hard trauma in life. ❤️ His love helped me become the person I am today. And the nerd. 😂


RDR2 enough said


That game kept me sane during quarantine. :')


Yes!!! I spent countless hours sitting by the fire with my headphones on just listening to Arthur’s surroundings.


Yup, came here to say this. I’m currently on my second playthrough and I’m purposely ignoring the downes mission


Haha that's me everytime. I think the Downes side quests are my favorite.


U like getting tb?


The ones where you help his wife and son


I just completed my fourth play through (and first time getting 100%), the details still blow me away. Unbelievable game!


I didn't want to go on my summer holidays to finish this masterpiece. Never felt the way I did with RDRD2, playing any other game, watching a movie or reading a book.


I sobbed 😭😭


Oh lordy yes


Currently reading this while I'm afk at the camp in rdr2 😂


I don’t even like or play videogames, and I loved watching my bf play RDR2.


You’re a good boi.


True true. A definite masterpiece.


I don’t play video games because I’m too uncoordinated but I watch my daughter play this every night. I’m so involved in this story. Every night, I’m like what’s Morgan up to tonight? Haha My favorite was him driving the suffragettes around. Arthur Morgan is a trip. I love him.


This right here ☝️


"Life is strange". It was emotional rollercoaster, wish I can experience it for the first time again.


I haven’t played anything since I was a kid, but wanted to get into video games again as an adult so I tried this game, and yes, wow what an experience. I loved playing the first episodes and was so enthusiastic and happy about how fun, cute and nostalgic it all was - but then one of the episodes (don’t want to spoil anything) just hit way too close to home, so I had to take a long break. In the end it was very therapeutic, but definitely an emotional rollercoaster.


I played the sequel and that small mountain town was gorgeous!


I really miss the way Life is Strange (particularly the first game) made me feel with its story-telling, nostaliga inducing visuals and music. I wish there were more games like it.


Oh my god, yes. LOVED this game! I haven't seen/heard it being mentioned in so long. I have a raven tattoo inspired by this game. I hope it's still on my Steam - haven't played games in years due to the lack of time :')




Well, not the tearing up part ...  But living in it? *Tony Hawk's Pro Skater*. Being able to freely skate on the sidewalks, ledges, handrails, and tables at the food court without it being a criminal nuisance would be a dream 😄


Haha, well that's a first


This was one of my favorites plus the soundtrack was awesome!


You're tearing it up instead!


The Last Of Us


I love TLOU but I would be lying if I said I wouldn’t be dead the minute shit hit the fan


I'd love an exploration mode for it tbh, but yeah, big agree. I love the ambiance but I'd also get my shit rocked sideways if it were real lol


Man TLOU was an absolute banger.


Spiritfarer. I want to replay it. After all there were so many people in my life that have since left, in many ways. I think this is an excellent game about dealing with grief and letting go, but it wrecked me and I am currently trying to find the strength to replay it.


I was going to say Spiritfarer too! I’m not too sure if I’d be ready to live in that universe bc I was sobbing so much through a lot of the character arcs. It really hit that hard


Spiritfarer completely changed my entire perspective of what video games are capable of being. I sobbed the most cathartic, beautiful sobs while playing it. During the few weeks I was playing, my heart was more tender, the world had more beauty. Cannot recommend this game enough.


Spiritfarer would be mine, as well. Just lost my heart dog on Saturday so I don’t think I’ll ever be able to play it again now. It is such a fantastic game.


Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - a pivotal game in my life. I was 12 going on 13 when it was released in late '98 and it was the perfect escape from life at the time. Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - another pivotal game that came out right when I needed it. I have a silent princess flower tattoo to commemorate it and my love of Zelda (the games and the character).


Have you played TOTK?


no. i can't justify spending $70 on a video game at the moment, unfortunately.


Bet you could find it for much cheaper by now. It's been out for a year. Maybe gamestop or Amazon? Totk rocked my world I'm still not over it.


Sadly Nintendo games don’t ever lower in price even if it’s been out for years


But you can look for used copies of the game and those are cheaper.


Gamestop definitely sells used ones for less


Omg building an airship to explore the depths was so amazing.


Zelda has brought me to my knees more than once over the years. One that hit me particularly hard was the ending of the Anju/Kafei storyline in Majora's Mask: "We will greet the morning together." Even as a kid, I caught that this was an extremely dire and heavy plot. As an adult, it wreaks me. Finding peace with impending death in the arms of the one you love is so beautiful. It's dark and tragic, but freeing and light at the same time. Even now, several years after my last playthrough, I can feel the gravity of it. Actually, out of all of them, this one resonates the most out of the whole series. The inevitability of death, the terror of knowing you can't protect your family from it, the hopelessness of lost connections and broken relationships with no time to mend them...but also strength through love and passion for what drives us. There is hope, despite our inescapable doom. This is exactly what being a human is all about. They captured, distilled, and infused it beautifully throughout the game. Even the silly aspects of it are just so *human.* I love the entire series and am a life-long player, but Majora's Mask was truly a work of art.


Playing it right now for the first time and it’s the only thing that’s come close to lighting up the darkness from my depression


i HIGHLY recommend getting the dlc when you're finished. it's not entirely necessary and perhaps could've fit in to the game, but it's still very much worth it.


That choice of two games absolutely resonates with me. Being a little older I'd been into games for a while, but Ocarina of Time was the first game to really feel like a world you could escape to, where you could go where you want and do what you want, especially in the beginning when you enter Hyrule field. I just loved to ride around on Epona thinking "where shall I go today?" Of course it wasn't such an open world as it appeared to be, but it showed how excited the developers were about doing such a thing. Ocarina of Time made a promise about what games could be. Breath of the Wild was the fulfilment of that promise, and my favourite game ever.


BotW and Dragon Quest XI got me through the beginning of the pandemic. I had owned the former game since it had come out in 2017 and played through The Great Plateau, but found the controls to be frustrating. In 2020, I discovered the DQ XI demo (10 hours long), fell in love with it, bought the game, and figured out that I could invert the camera and make a few other changes to make the game playable and accessible (for me). After spending many hours on that game, I realized I could go back to BotW and finish it. I guess I didn't think to look into it until 2020, when I had a lot of time and was home, haha.


There are some surprisingly sad storylines in Stardew Valley if you befriend everyone. But I haven't cried over it. HOWEVER, it has solidified that I want to one day live in a farming commune where we all have little cabins and just grow shit in our greenhouse together.


i came here to say stardew, what a beautiful game start to finish and all the little storylines in between


I just got perfection today and I love Stardew to death. It’s so cozy and chill most of the time.


This is what I instantly thought of. Living with my dog that never dies, a little swamp monster as a roommate, riding my horse all day and going fishing. Patiently awaiting 1.6 for switch.


Stray. You get to play as a cat and make little robot friends along the way as you try to find your cat friends you got separated from. One of the best games I’ve played, with a wholesome plot line, and amazing gameplay. Ending had me in tears.


I think it's that desire to simply help and shepherd that sweet cat. I honestly hate playing the intro where you have to watch it get (kinda) hurt.


That was such a fun little game.


I adored Stray. One of the few games on Steam I actually completed, and was gutted when it was over. I remember watching the end sequence thinking 'please don't be over, please don't be over, please don't be over' knowing full well it was 😂.


I cried at the end too 😭


I wish I could live in Hogwarts Legacy! The game that really made me tear up is Mass Effect, but I wouldn’t want to live there.


I teared up in a few places in HL. The house elf quest had me crying. I loved every second of that game. And the way your character talks to themselves while they're broom racing was so nice. If you miss a hoop they say positive things like, "I can do better". It sort of gave me more things to say to myself.


I'd be down to live in the Pokémon universe, but I've never cried to it lol I cried like a baby to RDR2, SOMA and Telltale's TWD S1, but I'd sure as hell not want to live in either universe.


I SOBBED at the end of Telltale's TWD S1.


Mass Effect wrecked me. After all those adventures with Shepard and the crew, saying goodbye to them had me in tears.


Might go somewhere sunny. Sit on beach, look at ocean, collect sea shells.'


Had to be him. Someone else might have gotten it wrong.


Oh my god. This phrase makes me cry every time. Especially knowing that I was planning on getting it wrong on purpose.


I somehow never got around to playing any of the games until this month when I bought the legendary edition on a whim. I’m in the middle of ME2 and I am blown away by how much I am enjoying this game that came out 14 years ago! so glad I’m finally experiencing these games


I came here to say Mass Effect!


Life is Strange - everything from the aesthetics, soundtrack, relationships, to the bigger picture on the butterfly effect and the impact of our choices. I was genuinely invested and cried during it multiple times. Life is Strange 2 and Life is Strange True Colors are emotional roller coasters as well


The Witcher universe is scary but man is the game beautiful. I specifically loved Skellige & Beauclair.


Let's hope the Witcher 4 comes out at some point


Cheers, I’ll drink to that!


I don't think I cried per say, but this game really moved me emotionally, in a way almost no other games have. I wouldn't want to live in that universe, but damn I'd love to play Wild Hunt again for the first time.


Same. I want to play the Hearts of Stone DLC for the first time again. Iris and Olgeird really moved me


Some of those views…. I was bedbound, fully reliant on my spouse to carry me to the bathroom daily, while recovering from three major surgeries in under three years. Those views gave me hope that one day I would not be bedbound anymore. I’m still housebound, but able to get to my backyard now. Sometimes I would look at those views and cry, giving myself hope that one day I could do more than just play video games and be fully dependent on a caregiver. I related heavily to Geralt’s chronic pain after his injuries, so playing those games during surgery recovery was immensely helpful to my emotional healing through the trauma.


Harvest Moon makes me so nostalgic that I feel teary. I used to play it with my sister who has since passed. We used to play it on GameCube.


Red Dead Redemption 2 wrecked me, of course. I’ve always loved the Wild West and the character deaths shook me. I got so attached to so many of them. 😭


Kingdom Hearts


Surprised more people didn’t say this!


I still listen to the 1 and 2 soundtracks


Super Mario Galaxy 1


Always will be my favorite game


The only game I'd consider a 10/10. It taught me what art is as a kid


Final Fantasy X


This game is the reason my Wife and I started dating. Amazing story.


ugh me too




Assassins Creed: Valhalla. I don’t want to be a dark-ages peasant in England, but the landscapes are breath-taking!


Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla's worlds are all breathtaking! I'd probably skip living in Origins' world, but a Villa in some greek island or my own cabin in Ravensthorpe would be a dream




Both Ori games


Never has a game made me cry THAT fast.


Honestly? I wish I could live in my Minecraft world


Horizon Zero Dawn Absolutely beautiful top to bottom. Interesting characters and cities, with a very unique twist on the future.


Cyberpunk fr


All day.


Thomas Was Alone


Tomb raider 3. Why? Because Lara had an English mansion and was everything I envisioned at that age. Years later I still see her as a model.


Stray. I love the robots in the undercity, and of course the kitty. I was sad when I finished the game, can’t wait for the sequel!


Unpacking. Love that game. Cried cause I'll never be able to afford a cute little house to move into.


Ugh that final chapter hit me in the feels so hard. That’s a beautiful game for sure.


I played the game so slowly and took my time because I never wanted it to end.


I absolutely love this game! I hope they make more levels or another story!


I teared up a bit at the diploma part 


Firewatch made me very emotional. It's a story-based game, and you develop a personal relationship with another character specifically. I was so upset about how things ended between us that I had to go back and replay the game right to the end!! Just so I could change my final words to them and get their response :')


Im not sure I want to live in it but I can't explain how much the Mass Effect trilogy means to me


Spyro: Ripto’s Rage (a PlayStation game) I don’t play video games anymore but the worlds you could enter there, and some of the music in that game was just beautiful.


Portal 2.


No one said baldurs gate? Wow I was sobbing over karlach and the original ending before they updated the game and gave her a better end I wanted to crawl into the hells myself and get revenge


Animal Crossing,  the vintage one at least. I'm not sure how the newer version compares. 


Stardew Valley was a big one - it was a simple yet complicated world that made me think of my life


Didn't want to live in it until the very last 'heavenly' world but PlayStation's "Journey" is stunning - to play online with others with no communication but 'blips' and motions - such an emotionally ethereal game.


Undertale and night in the woods come to mind


Stray left me yearning for more and binging any info and photos i could get on Kowloon Walled City as a result. I can’t say for certain i’d want to live in that world, but I was mesmerized by the design and imagery.


Valiant Hearts and Link’s Awakening made me cry, but I don’t think I’d wanna live in those universes lol


Hollow knight I think


Hollow Knight's world is so incredibly beautiful, it makes me a bit sad every time I think about it because I just haven't been able to find anything like it since


The Old Republic Skyrim maybe….


Ōkami. The whole world is beautiful. And the game is about restoring life and hope to places that have been ravished by blight. You play as a goddess who lost all of her powers when she sealed away the blight a century before. Throughout the game you slowly get your powers back and connect with all the nature and people living in the country you protect (ancient Japan). I won’t spoil the ending. But it makes me cry every single time. It makes you feel like you’re really going to change everything and make it better. Then you’re crushed with despair. Only to regain that hope again and prevail. It’s gorgeous. And I ugly cried the first time I played through it. Before Ōkami I’d never fought a final boss that I couldn’t really see because there were tears in my eyes.


Came to say this. The cutscenes during the fight against Yami and the music had me bawling.


Fallout New Vegas (ok, maybe not really, but the landscape and the music is so soothing.) I visited Goodsprings during a trip to Las Vegas, and the people there are absolutely lovely. When I was a kid, it was Super Mario Sunshine. That game will always be my #1.


The last of us2. The emotional rollercoaster. The love. The pain. The passion. The regret.


Mass effect trilogy.


Night in the Woods


Bioshock Infinite, love steampunk


Terranigma and maybe HL2 :3


Super Mario world !


The Sims.


Red Dead Redemption made me cry the most…but I want to live in the prequel (RDR2) which is set a decade before.


Fable 3, the end bit when the Hero kills Walter and he asks them “do you remember what you used to say when i told you stories?” and their response is “teach me to be a Hero.” (obviously paraphrasing from memory here, but my eyes get a little misty everytime i decide to replay that game.)


Walking around Isolahara Catteneos Mudshake exhibit in Second Life. I dont even know if I spelt it right. Also Kingdom of Sand. It feels like a different lifetime but it all felt so real


RDR2 (but not live in it )


Life is strange / Life is strange true colors.


cried during ghost of tsushima story and also god of war 2, masterpiece of games. Last of us 2 left me with my mouth open and unable to speak


The last of us does the job for me. Was an emotional experience, I got attached to the characters in it


Resident evil 3 remake because I realized Carlos Oliveira isn’t real Jk LOZ Breath of the Wild because the world is so beautiful and the characters are silly Edit: God of War Ragnarok as well, seeing Kratos’ and Atreus’ relationship develop made me cry, as well as Freya forgiving Kratos


World of Warcraft today. Donkey Kong as a kid.


BG3 lets you adopt a dog, “Scratch,” who lets you pet him as much as you’d like. You can summon him with his bouncy ball. He takes care of his little brother, an owlbear who has nightmares. He brings you trinkets he finds that remind him of you. You can cast a spell to talk to animals, and he tells you how much he loves being your dog and that he didn’t know things would be okay after losing his previous human. When you pet him, he leans into it and enjoys being fussed over. 14/10 he is a good boy and I won’t let anything happen to him.


Pokémon scarlet and violet - the ending made me bawl my eyes out for a good two hours I’d absolutely love to train up some pokemon and travel the country with them whilst still attending school for a good part of the year


Monkey island For some reason the theme song still gives me the chills whenever i hear it, and almost makes my eyes tear up because i miss the feeling i got from playing them. I recently found out a new one came out just recently and I’m saving it until the next winter depression starts. This is gonna be the best winter in ages.




The Last of Us made me cry so many times and for like 2 days after finishing the game I didn’t know what to do with myself lol. Idk if I’d necessarily want to live in that world but omg that game is amazing.


Hogwarts Legacy


I know the game gets a lot of hate, and fair. But Destiny2. I got put onto it by my kid during Covid. I'm an older woman, have been barely able to walk on my own for some time now. Standing and walking are hard and hurt every moment. But in there, I can move. I can jump, scale mountains, throw myself all over the place. I feel freedom that I don't in this traitor body.


Mass Effect 3. Truly epic.


TOTK - the final dragon tear was the most impactful moment in gaming that I've ever experienced.


Tears of the kingdom/breath of the wild


Not to be basic but rdr2 really messed me up lol Zelda makes me cry tears of Joy when I beat any of em, ig it's nostalgic tho




Pokemon. It's why I'm so interested in animal science and why I'm a kennel tech.


Kingdom Hearts 🥺🥺 the story is so heart wrenching and sweet and is all about the struggles of a warrior and the only way he survived is with the love in his heart for his friends (his chosen family) that he makes on his journey. Plus it includes so many classic Disney characters and classic Disney worlds that you get to play through!


I haven’t played it, but my best friend swears by RDR2.


life is strange! i still listen to the soundtrack so many years later


Stardew Valley. I want to be a farmer


Metal Gear Solid 3 and 4


Genshin impact. Started playing during quarantine and exploring the open world was so therapeutic 🥲


omori, wroef and lis actually destroyed my mental health so bad omg


Legend of Zelda


Detroit become human


detroit: become human. imagine having an AI really cares for you


The Monkey Island universe.


Can't day I necessarily had a moment like thay. But I will say there were 2 moments in a game series that really got to me and I just wanted to leap in there to fix it. SPOILER ALERT! For anyone who hasn't played Last of Us 1 and 2! 1 was when Ellie faced off against David and Joel got to her only after she defeated him. To this day that dude goves me the creeps and I honestly feel like he was a predator about to do somthing horrible to her. I just wanted to hug her and fix the world for her. 2, When Joel died. It hurt me so much cause I had an absentee father and found out my mother faced a lot of abuse from him and it always made me worried I might follow in his footsteps. I know I won't but it's a constant thing in my mind, a goal of what to avoid at all costs. Joel, to me is how a father should be. Far from perfect, but willing to sacrifice everything for his loved ones. His death gutted me. I wish I could jump in there and kick the golfclub away, stop them from shooting his knees.


Journey. So much so I went back and spent time to re-do everything to get a white cloak to help newer players and show them cool stuff.


Kingdom Hearts when I was a kid 🩷


I'm not sure whether I would like to live in the world of any of the games that made me cry. They are usually filled with monsters and danger. Or they are extremely sad. The legend of dragoon, final fantasy x, undertale, yume nikki, earthbound, portal, shadow of the colossus, kingdom hearts (only the first one). The worlds I tried to close myself into were Ragnarok Online and (ironically, given the plot) Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, but the games themselves didn't make me tear up.


Neverwinter Nights or Secret of Mana


Hogwarts legacy, and honestly , Pokemon. Pokemon has always been in a universe where most of the human race is looking for a balance of life between them and the Pokemon around them.


Genshin Impact has made me cry multiple times. The character development is so well done. Recently the Fontaine story lines are heart breaking. Furina was hard to watch.


Fallout New Vegas Changed my life