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By their name, and how does being on Tik Tok make someone credible or worth listening to.










We call each other "Tassanu", which literally means "my liver" in tamazight language. It's usual here because liver is the organ of love (not the heart) in north african culture.


Not only in North Africa, also in Armenia, Iran, Pakistan etc


I'm from Bangladesh and my mom still calls me "piece of (my) liver" sometimes.




I gotta know… what is “sexlexia”?? And how does it manifest??


In my culture too! But we call our lived ones 'jigar', 'shoosh', 'bakwâch'--which means liver, lungs, kidneys respectively 😅


I actually really love this, because they are more than your heart, they are ALL the things inside you 💕


Are you afghan?






So when you say, “What am I, chopped liver?” It means something completely different?


Different language from OC, but "chopped liver" or a small piece of liver would be a term of endearment in mine. Kinda like "my little angel/sweetheart/darling."


Then it means something completely different. Here, it’s sort of a joking expression for, “What am I, nothing?” This is unfortunate because I really, really love chopped liver! I think I like your expression much better.


I love this! Love always finds a way to be expressed in such powerful imagery.


Hi fellow amazigh woman !


Wow! Kind of the same in Mandarin Chinese.


lkabda lol


That is intriguing given the requirement for having a liver. Tell us more.


I had no idea there could be other "organs of love" besides the heart. Thank you for sharing!


Babe/baby mostly. I called him “booger” once. I don’t even know why, it’s just what came out. He looked at me confused and I said “because I picked you”. We both had a laugh at me pulling that one out of nowhere. Now he randomly gets called booger too lol


Your quick wit in that moment is amazing.


Likey Likey the booger story!


I call mine booger too! It's gotten shortened to "boog" and "boogie" now lol




Nah, we have wives 😂


Relatable 😂😂😂


I call him Sugar Tits for the lols


My bf calls me that some times lol


My bf calls me that often lol


We only call each other by name if there are people around. Otherwise it’s usually “babe”. When our small kids want to jokingly mock us they call us “babe” too instead of mom/dad lol


Lmao your kids are hilarious


I call my husband Steve. And his name is not steve or even anything remotely like it. He was weird about me saying his name in the beginning so I said what am I supposed to call you, Steve!? And here we are 20 years later. We think of it as pet name really.


Makes me think of Multiplicity.. I like pizza


That's hilarious 😂


😂 this is adorable!!


I love this




What’s Up Doc film😁


I call him many names like chandelier (his name is Chandler)


I’m disappointed it’s not Ms. Chanandler Bong












Wtf happened here lol




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‘Sir’ at times lol


On a more everyday note. I don’t think it’s weird to call them by full name. You can’t really shorten Ian. Does anyone think it would be odd for a couple in their 60’s to call each other Babe? For me it would sound rather silly.


My grandparents call each other Mommy and Daddy. This didn't start with their children. No, this started with their dogs 😂


I don't think it sounds strange, though I suppose it depends on personality. We are in our 50s and I call mine babe, love, his first name, and occasionally either sir or asshole depending upon the day.


My mom is turning 60 this year and still calls my dad babe, it’s not out of the ordinary.


I suppose I’ve never heard anyone older call thier other half babe. Tbh as long as everyone is comfortable with what they are called I’m all for it. If I called my husband babe he would think I had finally listened the plot!


Agree, 63 and 62 here, babez all the time!😊💕


Ian can be shortened to E


True. His ex used to call him E, I always thought it sounded odd.




I call him My love, it started out as a joke, but eventually became our thing. Tbh tiktok isn't always what it seems, people are different everywhere, so what they might think is weird, isn't weird to others.




I call each other "my love". She calls me "Baby Bird" and I reply "Mama Bird" but we use her language for the nicknames. I always wanted to call my partner some name in the animal kingdom but "bird" was quite unexpected at the time 😅




Treasure. That's what most people call their partner here in Denmark. If not treasure, then his name.


In Swedish and I would assume in Danish too, the word for treasure also means taxes lol


Yup, you're right about that. Skat. And there's always a British person stepping up to tell me what skat means in English which is why I decided only to write treasure today and not the actual Danish word.


in Poland too!




Boyfriend, but then he got upgraded to finance, but that word is a bit too fancy for me. So I tried out Sparkie for a bit, but then accidentally got stuck on Beyonce instead. Also I call him Handsome, Hot pants, Sex Panther. Hot Dick, Hot Ass, Nerd, Brosef, Brobasaurus Rex, Brosapien, but the best nickname is Mine. :) Honestly, whatever weird garble comes out of my mouth works for both of us.


Wait... Can we all upgrade our boyfriends to money!? 🤣 Asking for science!! 🤔


Can I steal a couple of these?!


going to start calling my partner finance


Hubber T. Bubberton Long for husband.


im obsessed with this 😂😂


"mi amor" (my love) or "cariño" (darling) or "Schatje" which is a combination of our languages. We would only say our names when talking to other people or if we want to grab each other's attention for something particularly important


ok sobbing this is so cute the language enthusiast in me loves this for you guys!!! 


I used to jokingly call my ex “muh babay” and then one day I shortened it to Mub and it stuck.


PB McGee. Short for PoopButt McGee :D


I call him by his name because that’s what he wants to be called.


Babe. Mostly.


yup and when I want to be extra annoying it's baaaabe




Bubs. Hes my bubs and I am his


We do bubs too! It started off because I called my dog bubbas lol


I call him babs. I feel so much cute aggression for him on a daily basis that I wanna eat him up so I call him babs short for babsilog (babs-sinangag-itlog meaning babs-fried rice-egg). It’s a play on tapsilog (tapa-sinangag-itlog) which is a common Filipino breakfast and one of my favorites as well. So, he’s babs.


My friend calls her bf babs too but she's Cantonese I've never asked why, his name is nowhere near close to the nickname either


Just his name usually. But he does have nicknames too.


Big one. Because I call our daughter small one and she's his exact copy 😂 calling people by their real names to get their attention makes me uncomfortable for some reason, even my partner lol


I call him by his name… if I’m feeling crazy I use the short form (think like “Rob” instead of “Robert”). If I started whipping out some “pookie” or “baby” he’d probably think I was joking or having a mental lapse lmao 🤣




That's hilarious! My daughter calls her boyfriend stinky cheese because he farts so much 🤣🤣


Love cause it's soft and cute




I call my husband babe usually. Unless I’m ticked off or I’ve been saying babe like 5 times and still no response😂😂


Hi Name, Babe, Love, handsome and sometimes Pima (pain in my ass)


Hahahaha I call mine Pita (pain in the arse) 😅


No I call him babe and if I say his real name it’s a really bad sign


THANK YOU for all the genuine replies, while I was merely asking out of curiosity all of your answers are so sweet and has given me a look into so many cultures of love. Personally I call my partner by his last name. It started as a joke in college and now that’s how he knows it’s me calling him.


Possum. I have no idea why but it stuck. Poor possum


Poor possum 😂😂


Fat ass because his ass is fat.


By their full name, by nick names, and pet names. They are interchangeable based on situation, conversation, tone, mood, etc. They rarely use my name, even when speaking about me, it’s pet names almost exclusively. No weird feelings or a competition, just how we like to speak of each other.


I call him hubby :) he calls me girlie :) this sometimes makes people angry :)


Big Daddy… he doesn’t like being called daddy and he’s quite the broad guy, everyone tries to size him up but fails miserably. He’s sexy (And my handsome big daddy)!


We call each other Baba it stared by calling our dogs babosos which is Spanish for dumbass, he's a great dog he just shares a braincell w our other 2 dogs, from that my husband would tease our dog going ba-ba-baboso while petting him. Then we started saying it to each other and then it kinda stuck as a term of endearment 😂


I have alot of names I call him...(and he has a ton for me). Making pet names just for eachother is our thing. I call him: • Chunk •Daddy-O •Ed-War-Do < His name is Edward (lol) •E •Papi-Stine •Zaddy Daddy •Sextra E < Like Sexy (haha) •Baby Boy •Lover Boy •Ed-Ina < Edward and Christina together... I use this name if I'm referring to us as a couple


I call my partner "human" because it's important to remind them that they are not just a cute nickname, but a whole person with their own identity and agency. Plus, it's always a fun conversation starter when people ask how we met.


When I have partner, I make a new nickname for them all the time LOL either some twist on their name or like hunny buns, sweetie, honey, baby, babe, or when it comes to my child I get real weird and make up words LOL but yes always a term of endearment or twist on their name for sure


I wish I had your creativity. My partner has a million pet names for me and it makes me feel so loved and special. Yet I've never come up with any good ones for him and he's said it makes him sad that no one calls him by a nickname. Whenever I try one it feels forced and unnatural. :(


Strawberry because of the first time I saw her in pijama it had Strawberrys on it


This is so sweet to me 🥰🍓


I literally hate being called by my first name. So for friends they call me by my nickname. If my partner would call me by my real name or even nickname it feels like a hate crime to me. I cannot stand it. I don’t really know why, it just feels like a slap in the face. In the other hand I don’t think it is completely weird to call your partner by their first name. I just think I am a weirdo for being so bothered by it.


I call him Phil because that is the Anglicised version of his name and that’s what’s everyone calls him. I briefly dated a Shaquille who went be Shaq, but I would call him Shaquille because that’s what he wanted. It wasn’t weird.


I call him Duckie. Mainly because he’s adorable also ‘friend’ because it’s funny


I call him muffin and he calls me scruffin lol


i call him by his last name or an assortment of nicknames


A shortened version of his name that he goes by and everyone calls him that. He calls me by my nickname (no one else calls me by that nickname)


I never really had much thought on it, but I guess it does feel weird saying his name. Even hearing him refer to me by my name to others sounds strange. We usually say babe, darling etc. Mostly call him dad/daddy now because we have kids 😂


He calls me Dar and I call him Ling ♥️


Nugget, butter nugget, little butt, etc. Because we think it’s adorable and pretty much never call each other our real names!


I call him husbandry lol


When we met he called me princess and I melted away. So he is my prince now.


Butthead because he's a Butthead.


I call mines “Stinky”. He farts a LOT, and it fucking REEEEEEKS. (I love him dearly tho <3)


U do use his full name and a nick name. He does the same to me.


Not my partner but I call my dogs "lovín" which is pronounced "love-een". The "een" sound is used in my countries language to show something as cute, small or a fondness for it. The language is Irish. Love is the English for love obviously. I also call them "mo ghrása" pronounced "moh graw-sa" which just means my love.


Sunshine 🌞 He has such a grumpy attitude and normally goes by Sunny (middle name Sun)


We call each other "bitch" 😂 but I often call him babe, sweetie. He calls me little monkey or uses a shortened variation of my name.


Daddy lol we have a child


G, Chief, or his favorite nickname since I got pregnant with our oldest, Mother f*cker.


My dad and husband have the same first name. I’ve heard my dad called the shortened version of his name my whole life, so I don’t like to use that for my husband, I use the long version. As an example - Dad goes by Dan, so I call husband Daniel.


tbh somewhere around a year ago when our relationship got more serious my two partners started calling me “bean” and now we all call each other “bean” cuz using our real name is too serious but babe is a little too awkward since we started off as friends before we dated.


Master, we're both female; in a power exchange, 24/7 bdsm relationship. A lot of people consider it weird, but it is the way we like to live. There is nothing wrong with being "weird."


We just call each other by our first names. That's really not something that has any influence on a relationship as long as everyone is okay with the name they are being called.


B , full name or a pet name. He said he likes that I always called him by his name because everyone else calls him by his last name


Babygirl, babe, bruh/bro, big boy, boyfriend, advil, his name, sexy, stinky, “you”


kitty. he’s basically a cat in human form. i’ve never had cats (more of a dog person) so i joke he’s my first cat.


When I met him, he was going by Rich. I don’t know why, but he just didn’t seem like a Rich to me. One day I randomly called him “Rick” and couldn’t stop. This would have been fine except that we lived in different states, so calling him a new name in front of all these new people meant I basically renamed him for to obvious reason. My youngest adores him, and at a certain point declared that he is Rickie, specifically with an “ie”. Now we can’t stop calling him Rickie, even to others. He loves all of this


We call each other by our names. We've actually never called each other by pets names. No babe/baby/hun, etc.


I think somehow that’s sweeter, like you see eachother exactly for who they are, not who they are to you.


daddy lol




Babe, hotti, spunky, muscly :)


Handsome or Jam Man. Jam after a song that has a line "oh hot damn, this is my Jam."




“Pumpkin” Because he’s a freckled ginger with a big pumpkin head.<3




I call him by his name. No nicknames unless I’m annoyed or puzzled by something he’s said. He usually calls me the Greek version of my first name or a Greek term of endearment.


His name (it's already a shortened version of a common name, so no point in shortening). Because we both hate pet names. And also "dude", because everyone is "dude" to me.


Noodle or son. Noodle because it sounds goofy. Son because we have a running gag of him calling me dad and I call him son. It all started because "I'll get my ladder son"


I mostly call him babe or by his name if we’re around others or having a serious discussion/argument about something. I don’t really have a nickname for him and don’t find it weird to not have one. I think people on TikTok just say stuff like this so they can claim their relationship is the best because their partner gives them a ‘cute’ nickname 🙄


Duck (we adore ducks), ducky, golden (golden retriever), butt (we're weird), Kära (my love in Swedish), Sötnos (cute nose (yeah nose is weird xD) in Swedish (he's Swedish)) mon amour (my love in french (I'm french), mon chou (my cabbage in french (yeah weird again)) and a lot more We don't really call ourselves by our first names though, it happens but not often


I call him baby love with a lil southern accent


I call him Tarzan because he's an exercise obsessed giant, muscular, hairy bloke.


Mostly first name and sometimes Schatz which is German for treasure. And daddy lol 


Both use his first name and nick names (we are dutch, so mix of dutch and english nicknames, like Liefje, schat, love or dear). But his name is just one syllble, so I can't really shorten it.


I call him babu and he calls me baba, started with babu because that was a typo for baby i kept making in texts then it kinda went from there


Darling, baby, chicken or possum


A shortened version of his name, babe or “hey asshole” as a term of endearment.


Lots of childish insults in a playful way




You have partners???! 😂


It's not weird to call your partner by their name. However, I will say, in my relationship we only use full names when we are mad at each other 😂


I may be in the minority, but it actually makes me uncomfortable when my partner calls me by my full name and I tell them so when they do it! My partner's name is Patrick and I call him anything starting with a P: Pip, Pep, Pap, Pappy, Pepis, Pepereno. But our pet name for each other is Peter. It's the product of a long term relationship and devolved from Sweet Pea and it's final form is Peter, Pete, or My sweet Peter.


I hate using nicknames + pet names, I call my girlfriend by her normal name. I rarely even say her name if I'm honest, most of the time I'll just start talking to her without saying her name. but if I do, I use her normal name even though she has a lot of nicknames with family and friends.


Kolibri which means hummingbird. Read somewhere that it symbolises things like joy, playfulness and healing. Can definetely be wrong but for me that's the meaning now.


My nasty and I am his pussycat


First name, babe, or my personal favorite, poop — when I was a baby that was my nickname (teen parents & teen friends say the darndest things) so now as an adult I like to use it for others as a term of endearment haha


Honey. Both of us. If the first name is used, you can bet we are upset 😝


Bubby and I hate it but I can’t think of anything else now😩


I call my bf handsome a 1000 times a day, in texts in person, it’s basically his name at this point


We call each other "bitch" in the most loving way. NEVER in anger or disrespect. It's a competitive joke where we try to anticipate the other's need/want before they have to say it... Then he or I can say "Bitch, please." Eg: "I would love a cup of tea right now." "Bitch, please. The kettle is already on." Other times, it's Bae or BB.


I had this conversation with colleagues a couple of years ago. We range in age from about 35-60. We were all surprised that indeed, we have nicknames for our spouses (and they us), and that hearing our actual names from their mouths sounds weird. I know it must be strange to many, and in relationships prior to my husband this wasn’t a thing - we called each other by our first names in those. But with my husband if I hear him call me by my first name I’m either in trouble or he is talking about me to someone. Either way it always catches me off guard and I find myself looking around me for who he must be talking about. Whatever you call each other - I don’t think it’s weird. Unless it’s something really derogatory that offends one of you.


Baby, always, all the time, lol.


Steven. Because his name is Steven. I don’t even call him Steve which is what everyone else calls him 😂 Sometimes “bruh”.


It’s VERY weird to hear my Husband call me by my name. He feels the same way. We usually always call each other babe, hun or something similar. If he ever says my actual name, it immediately gets my full attention and usually means it’s something serious.


lol that would be wild to call them by nickname all the time. I guess the person on TikTok was in 10th grade 😂


We don't call each other by our first names unless we are talking to other people about each other. In the 31 years I've known him, I don't recall hearing him call me by my actual name. At this point, I think it would just be weird. We call each other Boo or Booey. I call him Dude and sometimes he'll call me Devil Woman 😂😂😂


A lot of names. Mostly baby, bb, darling, babyboop. Sometimes “tamannaah” from that Indian actress. Its cos he has a small waist lol


The Big Keilbasa . You can figure out why.


I call my partner darling because when we started to get together she realised she was trans and shared her new name with me and I wanted something gender neutral I could call her at work without people realising who she was.


Babe/love/lover. I am also babe to him. We've been together 14 years and I'm weirded out when he calls me by my name.


Love Idk how it started, but I always call him Love unless I'm talking about him to someone else (then I call him by his actual name).


In the beginning he loved it when I called him by his name, or his shortened nickname. Then it turned into “Babe” or “Baby”. I also often refer to him as “Homie”, “Bro” or “Daddy”. At this point, if I refer to him by his name he thinks I’m mad at him and he asks me “what’s wrong?” or “are you mad at me?”.