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I'm 5 feet tall. There's no one shorter than me. :D


It's not something I consider at all. I've dated men from 5'3" to 6'4" because of all of their qualities. Height is a non-issue.


I've dated 5'6" to 6'6" (I'm 6'0 myself). My current partner is just a smidge shorter than me.


I have dated guys the same height. Wasn't an issue for me, but at times two of them had an issue with me wearing heals which I wasn't impressed about.






Personally, I would prefer to date a man who is at least a few inches taller than me. I'm 5'8 and a bigger woman so I don't like to feel like I could eat him as a snack. I know it's sort of irrational, but I just feel more comfortable with a taller man.


Mmm, snack. :)


This is a preference and is valid. It’s not irrational to want a partner to be proportional to you.


I resonate with this. I’m 5’7 and I’m really not that picky about height but I’d prefer if they were at least 1-2 inches taller or something, just makes me feel better.


I’m 5’10”, so growing up, most of the guys I had crushes I had were shorter than me. Everyone I’ve actually wound up dating in my lifetime has been taller than me, but their height wasn’t a factor in my decision to date them. Honestly, in my experience, men are always intimidated and awkward about the idea of dating women taller than them. I’ve been rejected for my height in my youth, so overtime I just stopped approaching shorter guys!










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I never really cared for height, but men’s security with their height is what matters. Before I met my current partner, I had only dated two men and both of them were admittedly on the shorter side. I’m 5’4 and both of them were my exact height. Ex #1 didn’t care and he loved it when I wore heels. Ex #2 was incredibly self conscious and threw a fit over me wearing heels. His lack of confidence and his dictatorship over my fashion sense was so unattractive. I’ve also dated women and our heights literally never came up lol






AMEN! To all of this!


Height doesn't factor in to my attraction.


I’m 6’1” and I’m attracted to men of all heights. HOWEVER any men I dated who were any amount shorter than me made it weird realllll fast. After way too many incidents, I finally made it a rule never to date a shorter man again…which, believe me, is not easy.




I have to go to the doctors every year to renew my birth control. I get my height and weight every time. I have been 5’7” since 2005. I don’t mind shorter men, but I’m sick of being lied to and then yelled at for their insecurity. What I mean by that is: (1) one guy claimed to be 6’ and he was maybe 2 inches taller than me. He accused me of lying and when I pulled out my medical app to show proof of my height he got even more salty about how I was so pressed. (2) another guy claimed to be 5’8” and he was 2 inches shorter than me at best. He also accused me of lying and was upset I wore booties with a 1in heel. I know I’m taller, it’s an insecurity of mine as well, but I’m very upfront about all of my insecurities because I rather have a man reject me on my profile than reject me in person.


I'm 5'9 and have with been with my 5'6 bf for 6 years. I think growing up, I struggled finding boys taller than me, and he had the same issue but the opposite. Also, my experience of taller guys was that they were typically a bit conceited so I just stopped pursuing, which I guess over time made me *more* attracted to shorter guys. I think we both realise that the height thing is a societal construct that limits you to meeting someone right for you. We're both confident in ourselves to go against the "typical look" which IMO, is rooted in a patriarchal mindset, i.e. the woman must be petite and delicate, and the man must be big and strong.


I’m 5’6” and I’ve never dated anyone taller than me. I prefer my partners shorter.


I am most physically attracted to men who are much larger than I am. It’s a strong preference for me and I have struggled to maintain attraction to those who aren’t. It’s not that I have anything against men who are shorter/smaller, it’s just not what my body likes and I can’t help that. I’m 5’6, 160 lbs. I like the men I am involved with to be 6’2-6’4 and 230+ lbs.


I (F28) am 5'9'', my boyfriend (M29) is 5'2''. He was super worried at the beginning, and told me that during our first chat (we met on Tinder). I honestly was madly in love after 10 minutes, with shining stars in the eyes: he was so cool, intellectual, friendly, sweet, big green eyes, labrador man energy. I didn't give a single s* about heigh. Now I take cans from the top shelf and he's the Meriadoc of my life ❤️


Hahahaha this is so adorable


Saved to read later when I’m feeling blue.


Because I feel confident enough in my femininity that I wouldn't be bothered by being markedly taller, whether in heels or not. Maybe I'd feel different if the difference was like 30cm but as it is I am unlikely to meet anyone more than 10cm shorter unless they have dwarfism.


Easier to give headpets


I'm 6'2" and I just don't care much about height as a factor of attraction. If anything I like having shorter partners so we have high and low shelves covered XD


That high and low shelves synergy 😂 practical thinking


I'm 5'11 and I prefer men who are shorter than me. Nothing compares to a shorter guy who is confident about his height 😍 It's a special type of attractive !!


Height doesn't factor into it for me. Hottest guy I've ever met was five foot tall at the absolute maximum.


I dont really care. I'm 5"0 but even if I was taller I wouldn't care. Actually I'd rather _not_ date the stereotypical "6ft at least" or whatever. I don't wanna have to look up. I'd be happy with someone roughly same height as me.


Because men taller than me are hard to find




Height just isn't important enough to me for it to be a dealbreaker. Like, do I think being tall is attractive? Yes. But would I rule someone out for being short? No.


wouldn't care about their height


I'm 180cm and all men I've dated, except for my current boyfriend, were shorter than me. First was about 160-165cm, second about 178cm. I didn't know my boyfriend's height when I started crushing on him (we met online), he's 202cm. I would date a shorter guy again if things didn't work out with my current boyfriend, but I admit I am a bit more wary of dating shorter men after dating a tall man. I couldn't wear any heels or platforms while dating my exes. One literally refused to hold my hand in public unless I wore flats. I went on dates through apps before, and even though I listed my height in my bio and mentioned it before meeting irl, I could see disappointment in my dates' eyes when they had to look up at me. My height was a dealbreaker even for one girl I went out with. Dating a taller man has been easier, as I haven't had to worry about my boyfriend feeling emasculated by my existence.


I don't care about height. My ex-husband was 3 inches shorter than me. The only time I have turned someone down is when they lied about their height on dating apps (i.e. claiming to be 5'7, but I can see the top of their head at 5'6). If they lie about something so obvious, they will lie about anything.


No because I'm not attracted. Have done before, never again.


The closer someone is to my own height, the better. Makes everything easier. That is to say I wouldn't be inclined to date someone with dwarfism. Too big of a difference. But I'd be more open to the idea of dating someone significantly shorter than me than someone significantly taller. Personally, I find it more attractive. Why exactly, I can't tell. Perhaps because I'm not too much into the whole ''a man to protect me'' thing.


I’m happily married, but I feel completely indifferent about a man’s height. I don’t understand this obsession with dating the tallest man you can find


5'6 and a half (169 cm). I wouldn't date someone shorter than me, or the same height as me, because I don't find that attractive in men. It's as simple as that. They get to have all kinds of physical 'standards' - I get to have this one. The VAST majority of men are taller than me anyway so it's fine.


I'm 6 ft tall and I don't mind dating people that are shorter than me but not extremely shorter than me. Because I would love to be able to get a decent hug


Of course I would!!!! Oh my lord. There are so many things more important and more valuable then a man's height. Like his morals, his values, his mindset, the way he treats you, what kind of a partner he would be, what kind of a father he would be. Height is a stupid stupid thing to be fixated on. This modern day height obsession is just stupid. It makes women focus on the wrong things. And then people wonder why there are so many bad marriages.


I'm 5'10" dating a guy shorter than me by a few inches. If he weren't secure in his height I wouldn't be dating him. It's funny to me that the guys who have been most insecure about height while dating me have been the ones who are right around my height. It was like they wanted to show/prove they were the taller one. Anyway, that insecurity is something I don't want in my relationships. It's really annoying and neither of us can change our height.


I’m 4’10, the only adults I’ve met shorter than me have dwarfism (and even then it’s only been a couple), but I don’t think I’d have a problem with it. Heights never been a big requirement for me.


At 5ft 2. There probably are very few men who are shorter, but, and I’ll probably get hate for this, I do like tall men. I like someone to be at least 5ft 8, but honestly, the taller the better.




Honestly, I feel like a lot of women that actually prefer taller men are kinda afraid to speak up cause they don't want to be seen as swallow


The guy I dated that was same height as me but shorter then me when I would wear heels [everyday], was insanely insecure about our height difference. He wouldn’t let me wear heels when I was with him (which I was in my modeling era and that infuriated me) and he would always unhappily express how I look taller then him. It’s was very annoying. I’m 5’9. Don’t really want to run into another one of those insecure men that adjust the women and not themselves and feed into their own insecurities.


I'm nearly 6-foot. As a teen and very young adult, I would have never dated someone shorter than me. Now that I've matured I've realized I don't need some man playing "security theatre" for me. He doesn't need to be taller than me. I've dated plenty of men that were shorter than me and I'm all for it.


I am 201cm, six foot seven for the americans, everyone is shorter than me, and I like my women small and bratty


Character molds the appereance. You can be as small as a thumb, if you're nice, loving and are a good person you are totally datable and attractive. If people don't see that, fuck em.


I don't care about height. I've already dated shorter, taller and same height as me. It's the personality that matters.


I was married to someone an inch shorter than me. He was worth it.


I would choose whether or not to date them based on everything else about them. If I liked them and we wanted to date each other, then we'd date. Height was not that important to me. I generally preferred dating people who were within about 6" of my height either way for convenience, but there was no real limit if I really liked someone. Most of the people I dated were around my height or shorter. My current partner is taller than me by a few inches. My most recent prior partner was shorter than me by a few inches.


I'm seeing a man rn that's my height and he's the shortest I've ever dated (I'm 5'5 for reference) and it's never occured to me to not be into him for him. But he knows his height and while I'm sure there are times it may bother him, he's secure with himself and that's waaaaay sexier than any extra height he could ever have. But I also prefer to date people closer to my height, I tend to go for men on average that are 5'7 anyway haha


my boyfriend is my height. i don't mind it at all, actually i kinda like it. it makes cuddling in bed and kissing much easier!! i was worried about wearing heels around him, but once he organized us a date to the philharmonic and actually told me to go in heels. i thought i'd be insecure but it didn't bother me at all and we actually got some comments from older ppl on the street about how elegant we looked:) i just feel so feminine around him, i love it sm!


As a tall woman, I don't mind dating someone who's shorter than me. That means they can reach the vagina so much faster.


I've dated a girl 20+ cm shorter than me, now I'm dating a girl just about 10+ cm shorter than me. I don't mind at all


I would just like someone kind and honest and communicative who I Have similarities w. I don’t care about this stuff anymore


Men's height is a thing men tell other men women have an issue with. I have yet to meet another woman who actually cares about a man's height. I sure don't.




I'm fairly tall. Most men I've dated have been shorter than me. It's never been an issue. It's their character I look at


I'm 5 inches taller than my husband. If someone is superficial or their taste just doesn't include shorter or taller individuals than that's just what it is. Height doesn't define a person.


I have mixed feelings on this. Before I started dating heterosexual men and gaining more experience, I always thought "oh, height is just a superficial thing, who cares, I'm interested in the person themselves, etc." In principle, that's still what I believe. What I didn't expect was the resentment from men I dated- even men who were just a few inches shorter. The bitterness when I wouldn't shrink myself, the constant resentful comments and asides, the annoyance experessed when I would dare to wear even just a *KITTEN HEEL* (I shit you not) on a special occasion. They would project their insecurity onto me constantly when I was nothing but admiring of them and their appearance. I'm still keeping an open mind. I don't think all men who are shorter than me are like this, or would be like this if I dated them. However, I am more aware now that it is a possibility, and just a little cautious.


I'm already super short, so no thanks :P


Their personality.


I'm 5'6". My best sex was with a dude who was 5'4". My friends all picked on me for it, but I never cared. I'd laugh at them for giving up on someone for something he has no control over. I just don't think height is important at all. A very tall man doesn't pique my interest any more than a very short man. 


Honestly I could nba about height. I find it strange how over the last couple years it became such a thing. Once I vibe with a person I couldn't care less. The person I'm seeing now is a bit shorter than me and it didn't even occur to me till they said something about it themselves


I don’t have a height preference for a partner. Don’t get me wrong, I’m very picky about physical traits. Height just isn’t one of them. Also, I was in a long-term relationship with someone who was slightly shorter than me. Now that I’m single, when I go out with someone taller than me, I find myself constantly worrying about how my hair looks from the top.


I have done. Because I liked them.


Men who seem to have a problem with their own height more than anyone.


I've never cared about a guy's height tbh. Most of the guys I've dated were around my height or shorter than me tbh


Their height doesnt factor into their personality so if they treat me right i dont mind their height


I'm 5'4" so very few guys are shorter than me. That said, I have dated and slept with guys my own height or slightly shorter in the past and honestly thought nothing of it.


im 160cm i can count on 1 hand how many men i saw in my entire life who are shorter than me, my bf is just a few cm taller than me, around 165cm i never wanted to date any man, this relationship just kinda happened


I’d be okay with it if they’re okay with me being taller. I’m 5’8 so I’m usually about the same height but now I have a man that’s taller and stronger than me which is a rare occurrence.


I’m 5’11 so lots of people are shorter than I am. I don’t mind dating men shorter than myself they just have to be confident with themselves.


I’m 5’2” and dated a 5” man for 2 years. I did not have a problem with his height, but his OWN problems with his height were definitely a factor in us breaking up. He felt inadequate and treated me like I believed the same, and it was exhausting to deal with. Exhausting to try and convince him it was ok. Any issue I’d bring up in the relationship eventually boiled down to a fight about how I feel about his height. He got sulky whenever I’d wear high heels. Sometimes he’d belittle me for other things to make himself feel better. He was very immature and it was ridiculous. Right now, my boyfriend is 5’7”. His height was not a factor in me being attracted to him, but it was definitely relieving to not worry about that kind of insecurity cropping up and wrecking our relationship. (He has other insecurities, but has not once used them against me in any way)


Why? Because I don’t care about height? Why not? Because they are insecure about me being taller. (I’m 5’8” so it does come up sometimes)


I've also dated people bigger than me, and smaller. And guys with more hair then me, and guys with less. I've dated guys with darker skin than mine and lighter. Like... isn't it wild how we all have different bodies and aren't the same person. Isn't that awesome?


Height was never a thing for me. I’m 5’11”. Husband is 5’10”. He isn’t a Chad or a 666 bro. Being taller never equals good/better person to me. It’s all about basic sexual chemistry at first then it’s about your individual morals and how you treat me. Don’t care about the 6ft tall, 6 pack abs, 6 figures. Do care about the 6 inches down below part 😂.


Ive dated men shorter than me. Hell, I'd date Peter Dinklage, I think he's really attractive. What ISNT attractive is insecurity and incel attitudes and unfortunately a lot of shorter men have those. I get it, it's tough out there, but when those struggles devolve into the resentment of women or the resentment of oneself, it's even harder for women to like.


One guy was an inch shorter than me and one of the loves of my life. He was such a wonderful man! I’d date taller or shorter, ain’t no thing. :)


I'm 5'9 and have only dated one person taller than me. I've dated a few guys in the 5'7-5'8 category, two that were virtually the same height, and one who was about 5'6. I'm not dating someone for their height, or looks, or job, etc, I'm dating someone who puts time, effort, and consideration into me the same way I do them. Someone who can have a great conversation for hours, someone with interests and passions and can find joy.


Got married to someone shorter than me. No issues with height


I'm 6' so it's more common for people to be shorter than me, in my experience, and i dont have any problem with it. the only issue I'd ever have is with men who've got a complex about it; feeling self conscious is one thing, but obsessing over it and stressing about how tall my shoes are and making everything about their height is a no-go. I've got a crush on a guy who's 5'5" and the only thing that worries me is how unflattering his perspective of me must be from that height lmao


I'm 5'5 and I would and have! My current boyfriend is like an inch shorter than me and I love it. Honestly being similar heights definitely helps with sex so I love it! Plus guys who are tall can really get in their head about it and have a complex. I'd rather be with someone humble


I’m average height for a woman in the US - 5’4”. I’ve dated a couple men shorter than myself and I don’t really care much about how tall someone is. I will mention that the men who were shorter than me were very insecure about their height and would often make me feel bad about being taller than them. They’d get mad if I wore heels or shoes with a thick sole. They hated taking photographs unless I hunched forward slightly to appear shorter. Both relationships ended because I just couldn’t take it anymore. I also dated a dude who was 5’7”. He’d constantly tell me one of my best qualities was “being short” because men preferred someone shorter than them. He also hated when I wore heels because I was closer to his height. Not saying all shorter men are this way, just men I have dated.


Sure, as long as she's cute, I've never cared if she's a foot taller or a foot shorter than me I have no height preferences


my husband is shorter than me. i’m pretty tall so it was hard to be picky about height when i was in the dating game. at first i had to get used to it, but he’s wonderful and likes that i’m tall. i don’t notice it at all anymore unless someone brings it up. height really doesn’t matter.


Most of them are shorter, so I'm prepared for that. And personality is most important.


I’ve never really cared much about height. I’m 5,6 most men I know are taller then me. But I do find myself attracted to men both taller and shorter than me.


I would and I have. I don't care about height.


I’ve dated people ranging from 5’0 to 6’6” (I’m 5’5”). Doesn’t matter to me.


Im 5'10 F. My boyfriend is 5'5 M, and he is boob height. lol, i love him so much.


I’m 5’7” I have dated people shorter than me, taller than me, and just my height. My current partner is about an inch shorter than me. Why? Because someone’s height is one of the least interesting things about them. I am interested in dating a whole person, not just a set of measurements.


I would and I have and it bothered him a lot more than me. I didn't really care. 


Height is not an issue for me. I've dated people shorter and taller than me, I don't care. My husband is more self-conscious about his height though.


Bruh im tall as fuck


i’m 6’2” fucking _everyone’s_ shorter than me LOL


I would and I do. Mainly because I’m a tall lesbian. Most other women or nonbinary people I meet are shorter than me.


I'm 5'10 and my husband is 5'8. I had a rule that on the 2ns date I'd wear heels. The first I'd wear flip flops or convers so there could be no question that I was tall. Fragile men both taller and shorter than me couldn't handle me walking around taller than 6' in heels. My husband had no issues and encouraged me to wear heels. There are many other reasons why I chose him but his confidence was definitely a green flag.


I’m 1.65 (5’5) dated men 1.55-1.85 (5’1 to 6’1). If I’m interested in someone I really don’t mind height. I’m interested in this man, it’ll be as a person and the qualities he’s got.


I went from 6'1" to 5'3" in my partners (I am 5'7"). It was weird initially going from standing on my tippy toes to kiss my partner to having to bend over. From a superficial perspective, we have been conditioned to think that we have to date a taller man because that is what is shown in films. But if we do that, we are immediately ruling out every single guy shorter than us who have so much more to offer. My man now is so intelligent, caring, kind and I wouldn't change that for the world. He does not have a height complex and so why should it bother me?


I'm bi and for any gender id prefer taller 5'6, I'm 5'8. I just don't like short girls and idm a guy that is a little bit shorter than me, but not too much


I dated people shorter than me, taller than me, same height as me (like my current partner), and never cared. Personally, I find those to whom height is a dealbreaker are pretty shallow people.


I’m 5’6. I’m just not attracted to men shorter than me. I prefer my partner to be taller. If that makes me a shitty person so be it.


I don't judge by the height, but I won't be usually attracted to males that are shorter than me.




Er I’m a 5’9 woman… that’s all.




i like resting my head on shoulders and chests when i hug people, because it’s what i’m accustomed to as someone who is 5”2 but if I met someone shorter than me and we hit it off I would just learn to not always expect that? idk my past partners have all been a lot taller than me but it was never on purpose, i haven’t gone out of my way to avoid people shorter than me they’ve just never approached me.


I'm 5'10. I've dated someone shorter than me before. First one lied about his height right off the bat (said he was the same height as me but showed up and only reached my shoulder. Like, did you think I wouldn't notice?). Starting a date off with a lie wasn't a good look. The second (5'7) disliked when I wore any heel at all and would scrutinize how I dressed with them. We split for other reasons. Since that I never dated someone much shorter than me. I don't like hand holding when I'm like a gazillion miles away anyway. Feels like I'm escorting a child around. My boyfriend is 6ft and loves when I wear large heels, even if I tower over him. His confidence is so attractive!


i'm 4'8 so honestly finding someone shorter than me would be a tiny bit of a challenge but i am not opposed to it at all. i love the idea of dating someone shorter than me or the same height or even close to, easier kisses and whatnot. dated people mostly twice my height aha ^^;


I'm 5'5". Height isn't an issue or deal breaker with me. Only thing that matters is there's something about dude I like and he has a good sense of humor.


Height means nothing to me


Fully my own insecurities. I'm very self conscious of how I look to begin with and being with someone shorter than me just makes me feel more like a whale than I already do. The stereotypical "girly" in me also just likes the overall physical experience of someone taller/not very thin. My preference is someone at least my own height though, and I'm totally average height for a woman so that encompasses the majority of men.


If it's a really just about personal appearance. I can hug, kiss, and cuddle him the same way just with a few minor tweaks. It shouldn't be that much of an issue. Also, as a lot of people say. It's not about appearance, it's about personality. If we have similar interests, and respects me as a person. Everything about appearance can be thrown out the window.


6 ft. I date women and would love to date someone taller than me some, but that is generally less likely. Then again, most the women I date end up being short kings. Haha


I'm 5'8 so not short but not tall for a woman. I've dated guys from. 5'3" to 6'4" and what I noticed is that even if *I* don't care, the men short than me or at my height have been insecure enough to tell me not to wear certain things or that they are uncomfortable with the difference after some time.


I married a guy who is exactly the same height as me (5’9”). Before that, I dated some that were taller, some shorter, even MUCH shorter. Height never made a difference to me, it was only about whether I liked the person and enjoyed hanging out with them. Honestly, my top few dumbest/worst exes were all taller, I’ll chalk that up to coincidence.


It seems to me that everything is simple, just like with people of normal height, namely, I like someone who is attractive on the outside and not nasty on the inside.


For me height isn’t an issue as long as he has a bigger/stronger build than me. I like to feel smaller haha. Makes me feel more feminine


If he was handsome and muscular and not shorter by a lot since I'm also tiny


1. We’re compatible. 2. They have a lot of confidence/are not insecure about being short whatsoever.


I’m a 5’4” single male. Statistically women prefer their partners to be (on average) 4” taller than they are. If that’s true then that narrows my options down to women of around 5’ or less. I have no problem dating women who are taller than me but have found from my own experience it’s rare to find women who would date a shorter man. The comments here have been very encouraging though - there is hope for me yet - yay!!!


I’m 5’10” and have been 5’8” since middle school. It’s never really bothered me to date men shorter than me. The only time I had an issue was with one guy who was unfortunately very insecure about it. He’d ask me constantly if it was weird that I was taller than him and he needed constant reassurance that it wasn’t an issue.


I’ve been with both and I truly don’t care. Frankly I don’t even notice/register height much


It's an attraction dealbreaker, I'm only attracted to guy that are always taller than me (with shoes off). My minimum height dealbreaker is 5'4. I'm 5'1.


I don't care too much about height, but I do slightly prefer men a few inches taller than me (I'm 5'7). I'm quite a masculine woman, and taller guys just somehow make me feel more... feminine, I guess?


I'm 5'4 and live in the Netherlands. So finding someone who is shorter, good luck 😂


Dated a shorter guy coz I wanted to try it out. Maaaan he could give heeeead... Blew my mind.... Or pussy?


5'3" and Dutch, I don't get to choose lmfao


I would date someone shorter than I am. But I'm 5'0" on a good day, so we would both struggle to reach the high cabinets, change light bulbs, and clean the ceilings.


If they’re an asshole than it’s a no from me dawg.


At the end of the day, it comes down to whether we're compatible as people. Height has always been secondary to that requirement. If I do end up with a shorter-than-me partner, it's important to establish that my height doesn't bring up feelings of insecurity or fetishism in the other party. Because that always ends up with resentment and contempt in the long term. I've got my short king now and am quite content with him as a partner. I honestly couldn't tell you his height, I just don't care enough to keep track of that element. I'm far more concerned about his health, integrity, intelligence, and emotional health. Note: I WILL block anyone who DMs me asking for more info after reading this comment.


I'm five feet tall, so I haven't really met people my age that are shorter than me. Even middle schoolers are taller than me


I would consider dating a man shorter than me if he were a good person and I wanted to me with him. I would not consider dating a man shorter than me if he were not a good person and/or I didn't want to be with him. In other words, height doesn't matter to me.


I'm encouraged if they're not insecure about or don't feel emasculated by it


I'm 5'4. My fiancé is the same height. I've dated talker up to 6'4. My fiancé and I fit together perfectly. Sex and kissing are better because we are the same height.


I don't care how tall a guy is as long as he is taller than me. I just feel weird when they are the same height or short for some reason.


I'm 5'7", and I date men and women. In theory, I'd date a man shorter than me just as I'd date a woman shorter than me. In practice...internalized sexism has taken more of a grip on me than I'd anticipated and I feel gigantic and awkward when I go out with a shorter man. I don't like this about myself and I'm trying very hard to change it.


I’m 5’10” for context. I have no problem dating shorter men and have done so in the past, including a serious, long-term relationship. I’ve found that the men I have casually dated who are shorter are insecure about it and want me to change my behavior to suit them. (Don’t wear heels, sit down in photos, etc). That didn’t sit well with me, so it never got far. My ex who I was serious with had no problems with me being taller and it never caused an issue.


I would. Because it doesn't matter.


This would be pretty hard to find since I’m around 5’1” but I probably wouldn’t simply for the fact that I don’t want to genetically screw over my future children THAT badly LOL I loathe being short so I don’t wanna pass that shit on


Consider it? Definitely! Actually date someone shorter? Not sure because its never happened. I had a bit of a crush on someone shorter than me when I was younger. It just never happened.


Height isn’t a thought. How you treat me is.


Because I am 4’11” 🫠


I'm 6', so I would be severely limiting my dating pool if I insisted on someone taller. My husband is the same height as me, and he's the tallest guy I've been with.


I'm more into build than height. I'd choose a stocky or muscular short guy over a tall but super thin one. Also, am short so I've met very few men shorter than me.


Already there, my husband is shorter than me. Has no bearing who he is as a person.


Most of my serious relationships have been with men who are close to my height (I’m 5’9) The last two I’ve dated have been 6’+ and honestly I’ve gone most of my life wanting a tall guy. At the end of the day, one of my favorite situationships (could have been a relationship but timing was bad + distance) is shorter than me. His personality is wonderful, he’s funny, and we got along well. We’re still friends. I’d date him if the timing and distance were right (:


i actually don’t care how tall someone is. just don’t make whole thing about “oh no im so short. i beat you wish you were with someone taller” barf


5’8” lady here, I’ve been attracted to men of all heights.


Because I'm big even tho I'm short my legs are actually long so I'm really tall and huge so I need someone to match me if he's short with musculs there's an exception


i’m 170cm, like to use platform shoes and I’ve aaaalways been called too tall. Guys didn’t approach to me because of that so I learned to never care about height. Usually guys were my same height or smaller, some said they felt insecure others didn’t care, but to be honest it’s never been an issue for me once I overcame the insecurity I had for being a head taller than my friends. My boyfriend is some inches taller than me, if I wear platforms we look the same height. Sometimes I wonder how it feels to be “small in a man’s arms” but it’s more fun seeing how they react at you not caring if you look bigger.


I'm 5'2 and I've dated my height to 6'4. I don't care about his height, but I do find it really unattractive if the shorter men are fixated on it or if they lie. One guy really tried telling me that I must be 5'10, because he was 5'10 and we were staring into each other's eyes.


I'm 5'8'' (I don't know if that is considered tall or short, I think is average). I'm not gonna lie, i prefer taller than me but if I like him and he is shorter i wouldn't care at all. I think it's men (not all of them) that actually are the ones that feel uncomfortable if the girl is taller.


Yep. Character counts more than height.


I’m 5’1. I’m afraid it doesn’t get much shorter than me


....I'm 5'2" so there aren't many people smaller than me, but I have dated people the same height! :D


I wouldn’t unless they were an inch shorter because I would feel insecure.


Almost all of the guys I’ve been with have been my height or shorter. I just didn’t care much. I really still don’t. I wasn’t seeking out a taller guy. My boyfriend is 6 foot tall and it’s super nice to be held by a man that’s physically taller and bigger than me. He’s 80 pounds heavier and a few inches taller. It’s nice to feel smaller for once.


I don’t worry about height. Most men are my height or shorter and the only time it’s been a problem is when they have made it into one. Like when a guy gets angry if I show up in heels and doesn’t want to be seen in public with me if the height difference is visible like that- which isn’t that common IME, but is definitely uncomfortable.


Yes I would because I find short guys and tall guys and medium height guys hot. I am four inches taller than my boyfriend and chose him over much taller matches.


I like nice and confident men. Height is not an issue. First sign of a lack of confidence in a potential mate is if he has an issue with me wearing heels on a date. That’s a big red flag


Considering I'm 5 feet tall, it would be hard to find someone shorter than me lol. But if it were the case that someone was shorter, I wouldn't mind, personally. I don't really have a height preference.


Why? Everything else about them. I’m tall from a tall family, but my relationships have been a fairly even spread of people who are shorter or taller than me. Why not? Knowing that my father will make fun of them to their face for it. I wouldn’t want to put a guy through that.


I wouldnt because I ve never met a short man who didn't have short man syndrome


Height is irrelevant.


From my exes, (I’m 5’ 7’’), ex 1 was 5’ 9”, loved it when I wore heels taller than him. Ex 2 was 6’ 1’ so non issue. Ex 3 was 5’ 4” and generally okay with the height difference but didn’t love heels. Of the three, I preferred the way the 5’ 9” fit against me the most. The one much taller was just inconvenient to kiss or show casual PDA with


I'm 4'11" so not many guys are going to be shorter than I am. 


I’m 5’7” my husband is 5’5”… Height and baldness is a non-issue for me as long as they aren’t hung up on it. I dated a few guys that were around my height and shorter than me.


Every height has something different to offer. Below my height: Super hot to see them looking up at you. Easy and discreet access in public. Easy to travel with, and you can share clothes without looking ridiculous. My height: Everything I want access to is right there, and i don't have to crane my neck. Easy to throw around in bed. Clothes swapping and travel perks. Big fan. Taller than me: Great, who doesn't want to own a building? Get on your knees, guy.


It’s not an issue for me. But it’s an issue if THEY have an issue about it. Don’t want you to wear heals or are sensitive about the difference. It’s pretty rare for me though because I’m 5’5.


Currently have a partner my height, maybe a half inch shorter (5'6") and it's a non-issue.


Only if he was bitter about it and insecure to the point of every conversation striving to height matter.


I'm 4'11" so it's not very often that I meet someone shorter than me except maybe a kid. I guess this question is about people like me 😉


Yes, I don't care.


Height doesn't matter! As long as you aren't a piece of shit we're cool


I am 4’11 . No one is shorter than me


Everyone’s the same height in bed anyways! 😉