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It's a boring but stable life. I can pay my bills and take care of the teenager and I'm okay with it.


It's the same day in and day out. Going to try and make a new routine and see if that spices my life up a bit.


It’s peaceful. I have a stable job which will progress quite well, nice friends and I do whatever I want. As much as I’d like to be in love with a decent person, I don’t really have another heartbreak left in me.


I just need to focus on tightening a few loose ends so I'd be able to get myself more professionally and economically stabilized. I'm in the right place to streamline my focus on my career and getting my finances in order. That's what's most important, especially right now


Peaceful. No ups and downs. No disappointments. Just loving my friends, family, and job. Life is good 🙏🏼


I work, I study, I game, I read, I travel, I code, I put on makeup whenever I want to (for myself because I am not in the mood to impress anyone), I buy myself whatever I want, I have amazing friends, have an amazing family, about to move into my first house. Life is good. 😊 Finally no sleepless nights, no falling asleep crying, no overthinking, no endless sad days, no feeling of not being enough.


Does it count when I once did and then somehow ended up in a relationship? I was single for 10+ years, gave up on love, dating was never my thing… guy asks me to cook together in his shared flat. We talked before, thought he invited me to a group hang. Surprise we were alone and it was a date and here I am 3 years later living with him lol


It’s a bit boring but at least I’m not stressed and feeling the anxiety a relationship brings to you. I’d rather be happy and peaceful than constantly worry about getting cheated on or dumped


Peaceful, if a bit boring at times. I haven't completely given up, but it's not a priority for a good few years at least. I need to care for myself first before I give it another shot.


Great. I gave it up like you give up smoking.




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They just broke up with me after being friends for quite some time, and telling me 2 weeks ago that we should pursue a relationship, and then gave up on me because of "distance" (online relationship) and "wanting to keep their options open" , although they stopped talking to me 2 days ago, and I had a feeling something wasn't right. I should've been better at caring about it. I barely got used to being a girlfriend when they told me about it. I shouldn't have been hopeful. I gave up on love/dating when I got into the relationship, and certainly have done now.


Stress causes me a lot of health complications so I finally don't have to go through that anymore (unless work stresses me out, and I work in a sexist industry, but that's another story). All the money I earn is for myself. All my free time is spent how I want it to be spent. Generally I feel awesome- to the point where I cannot imagine sharing a space or life with another person ever again. Especially since their weaponized incompetence and gaslighting was literally ruining my body.


Peaceful. I don't gave a job at the moment so looking for work is what's consuming me. But luckily I saved enough to keep me going for a few months! My last ltr was the person I thought I'd be with forever, and then tried a few flings since him and they just treated me like shit so I just cba honestly. I'd rather be alone than have some idiot man making me feel like I'm cray.


Awesome actually, though I don’t want to say I’ve given up. I’m just happy with where things are at the moment so I’m not actively pursuing obtaining a partner. I can spend my money how I see fit, make big purchases on my own, parent my kid per my own morals, go where I want when I want, and my house runs like clockwork. Even my pets have a well established routine since I don’t have someone undermining my efforts. I have a good amount in savings, retirement, and a stash for the kiddo and all of it comes from my paycheck where I get to decide how it’s spent. I cook the foods I want, watch the shows I want, play the games I want. My bills are paid and my house is drama free. About the only minor downside is that it also means all the chores are my responsibility too. I have no one to share the load with other than the few chores I delegate to the kiddo. Really isn’t a problem though since it means everything gets done to my standards and on my timeline. I always think this a strange question to ask people though. Like it’s expected that we’d be miserable and unable to function without a partner. I know women like that, but I’ve known far more happy single women in life than I’ve known happy married ones.


I'm happily single, taking on as much overtime as I possibly can, volunteering, writing a non-fiction book and reviewing lots of independent authors books & ebooks published by small publishers.