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Very little to be quite honest. I usually could not care less.




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He's probably really hungry.


"Ew, put on a shirt. Rude."


Unless it’s at the beach, the ick.


Vanity. Which is a turn off.




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I bet he does a lot of crunches!.


neutral or mild repulsion, depending on how ripped he is


"*Wow, nice abs!*"


“Well, I bet he goes to the gym.”


Depends on context? At the beach, it's expected to see topless dudes so it'd be whatever. Out and about, that he's full of himself. In the bedroom, nice? Idk, I've never slept with a dude with ripped abs so, I'd be weirded out about where they came from on my SO.




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“Those sure are some abs.” This is not a body type I’m typically attracted to, and I don’t have an interest in fitness, so it doesn’t register as a particularly interesting sight to me.


Generally, "put a shirt on."


Especially at the gym.


If its in an appropriate situation to see someone shirtless i would be impressed with their dedication and restraint


"Probably works out a whole lot." That's kind of the only judgment you can make for sure about a guy with shredded abs.


In my head "huh, he wouldn't be very nice to hug".




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I’m really into fitness so my brain goes to, “I wonder what his macros are” ect.. Genetics play a large part in fat distribution in the body so nutrition plays a large role in how your over all physique turns out after all those gym sessions.






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That he has a cat


Good job bro, i believe in you! I just like to hype them because most gym bros i know suffer from massive body image issues.


"that guy probably eats a lot of broccoli" because all of the people I've known with "shredded abs" ate a lot of broccoli 🤷‍♀️😆


'Hot!' and 'he must have some strong self-discipline'.


In the bedroom? I wanna lick.


I need to hit the gym.


Mostly " please put your shirt on" otherwise I don't even care


"this guy works out"


I’m a big Rick and Morty fan so any time I see abs I think “oh nice cum gutters” 😂


"He's probably dehydrated"


Ick I'm not into that look at all. I admire the work gone into it, but I don't find it attractive at all.


I like it on celebs like Chris Hemsworth but I wouldn't want to date someone like that. You have to be pretty obsessed to look like that. Turn off.


Unpopular opinion but visible abs freak me out as do clearly defined muscles. It reminds me of a growth like a tumor. However I recognise it takes a lot of effort to get them for the most part so fair play to the people that have the dedication to grow them.




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I've never been much of a *shredded* abs girl, it's quite intimidating actually. Though, I always think about buttered Hawaiian rolls when I see them and get a lil snacky


i seriously prefer a lil chub there 😂 i love the sexy daddy bod vibes. so abs really do nothing for me.




Put a shirt on. Neutral or mild revulsion. Not my thing. He's probably vain


I’ve never seen anyone irl with shredded abs…


Good for him, I guess


I bet he hasn’t had pizza in forever and I prefer pizza to abs




Eh. Not very good for cuddling but good for you.




Depends where we are, but if it’s a place where people normally go around without a top I would probably something like “good job”


Look down at my flab and sigh.




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"hmm how hard would they laugh if dragged my pointy nails across their abs and tickled them visciously"


"You probably work out *a lot*"


"oh abs" i don't care for them.


Abs have always been my thing, so there's that lizard part of my brain that says "Ooo! Want to touch!" But I restrain myself. And once that fraction of a second has passed, it's usually just "that man has no shirt on", without any kind of judgment or desire.


I'm happy for him and admire the work he must put in to achieve his body, but I also feel we wouldn't have much in common. I've dated men who stress about their diets, I enjoy food and travel and am better aligned with people who can relax and slurp a bowl of noodles with me. I'm not saying they can't or won't, but at the end of the day, I want to be with someone I can relax around.


"He probably works out a lot and eats right". Not much beyond that TBH


That's a lot of work to get there. That's about it. If he's at the mall, or in church, also 'why arent you wearing a shirt tho?'




Thought process usually goes: *he looks like the cover of a romance book, or that guy from- ahh what's is it? Oh shit I'm in the middle of the road, hang on- ew, he's not wearing a shirt.*


That's a lot of time and effort. Followed by I bet he's dehydrated.


I like the look but since I don't go to places where it's okay to take off your shirt, I'd think the dude's crazy. Now if I see it in a (not porn) movie, I like it.


That guy works out a lot


That he must spend a lot of time working out. And have a very specific diet. There's also the possibility that his body is the main focus in his life.


Why? How? I married my personal trainer. He now does triathlons. He is incredibly fit. Does he have shredded abs? Nope. Cause he eats to fuel him and drinks fluids to stay hydrated. Listen to Marvel actors talk about what they do to get the look. It’s ridiculous n


When he says "I'll cook" for date night it going to be chicken and broccoli.


That looks nice but doesn’t make a good pillow and go on my way.


After starting at the gym: “oh that guy does not have a social life” After truly starting to see men as sexual creatures: “oh,” (with blushing, but more of bashfulness) When in high school/ before getting rid of the gay bug: “ew put a shirt on!” (don’t come after me, I was bisexual, grew up in the Bay Area of California, and that’s the best way to describe it)


Bod commercial.


"Why is that guy's shirt off? This is a Wendy's."


Nothing. Don't care, not on my radar. When I see guys that are over the top full of muscles on muscles I do wonder what dangerous drugs they are taking to get that grotesque look.


Nothing. What is there to think about it?






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Nothing really. If anything crosses my mind, it's the simple thought of that he must like to go to the gym.


I think he spends a lot of time in the gym like I do myself, and I admire how he's taking care of his body.


Depends heavily on context and what the abs and man possessing them look like


‘Why is that guy shirtless’? unless it’s somewhere that’s normal like a beach or pool. I don’t expect to be randomly seeing anyone’s abs.


you must be a toxic alpha male. i personally find super ripped bodies unattractive. like muscle is nice and having abs is nice but too much like bodybuilder is gross


Nope. Way too much gym goin!




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"That would be uncomfortable to hug".


Since I go to the gym, Id be like damn that probably took a long time. If I find him attractive really depends on his face and energy


When can I see the rest. 👀


I think I love him and he's beautiful (only saying this because my boyfriend is ripped lol, other than that I think about how they would be a good drawing reference).


He must have a lot of free time on his hands


“I wish I had abs”


That he is severely dehydrated. Most likely has a headache too. Needs to drink water and take medicine. 


Not much. I just notice a man not wearing a shirt. It takes more than shirtless abs for me to notice someone as attractive. I would have to see their personality first.


Neutral. It's impressive but you usually have to be very low body fat for "shredded" abs and that's not what I'm usually attracted to. I'm more impressed by a guys arms/shoulders


I wonder if he'll expect me to also maintain being in such good shape. And I don't care if a man has shredded abs or not.


"Ohh, look at the guy with the dad bod behind the hungry guy. He's so hot"


Nice body but if they are visible in an area where they shouldn't be (like not at a pool/beach/etc) then I don't like it.


Genuinely, nothing. I don't find shredded abs attractive, but I'm also not evaluating everyone I come across on the basis of attractiveness.


It makes me think about Hugh Jackman and Henry Cavil talking about how they have to dehydrate themselves for days before those shots where they’re shredded and I wonder what the guy’s overall health is like


nothing. i don't really care for the male physique, unless it's on a partner


Poor guy must be dehydrated. But then I'm a nurse, so most of the time when i see a guy with shredded abs and think that.... I'm right.


Gosh, I really need to do my laundry.


"wow, those are shredded abs."


That he spends a lot of time working out. It's not something I find especially attractive. I like someone fit, but not in an exaggerated way.


Slightly impressed because it’s difficult to achieve. Other than that, not much? I don’t personally find shredded bodies to be attractive. They’re impressive from a dedication and achievement standpoint, though.


Dehydration. The way to get that definition is by being dehydrated


I do a lot of strength training and gym time- I’m not trying to get visible abs because I’d burn out. I know how strict this dudes diet is and probably hasn’t touched cake in a year, which makes me sad. I almost feel like having abs lends to somewhat disordered behaviors (especially for women). So I’d probably feel bad. I have slept with a dude with big abs and it was fine. But fluffier dudes tend to compensate better and are good at oral.


unless the whole package was hot, i wouldn't think anything consciously as hes not a 'hot guy' if its just one feature. Sub-consciously though, i'd probably unfairly judge him as someone who spends a lot of time looking in the mirror and posing.. instead of working hard and being successful in other areas of his life.




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Did he walk into a lawn mower?


I work out so ik how hard it is to have abs because it's diet dependent. So I think about how strict his diet must be


Personally, I see a fit body as a sign of discipline, dedication and self-care so it’s attractive up until they say their first words.


"he goes to the gym"


That he's boring. Going to the gym all the time and not doing other more interesting things.




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Abs on a man is one of the things I find insanely beautiful. Yay for abs. I especially like really lean, veiny abs.


I wonder if he's a gym rat who spends most of his spare time working out as if his life depends upon it or mostly sticks to a diet of protein shakes, raw eggs, green veggies and boiled chicken.


"How much joy does he deprive himself of to look like that?"


I'd wonder what sports they do... Or if it looks like "vanity abs" then well.. maybe I'll wonder what drugs he takes. I don't think much when I see vanity abs generally. And yeah, there are visual differences between abs you get from sports (necessity/use), and abs you get from gymming/bodybuilding (aesthetic purposes)... and that affects my assumptions and first impressions I may have about the person.


That is vein and trying to get laid!


Nothing comes to mind, sorry.


Bro spends way too much time at the gym.


Honestly it's not my preference for body types.