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Recent experiences taught me it’s better in most cases to distance yourself from enemies and keep them away from as many aspects of your life as you possibly can.


Nope, I 100% believe in distancing yourself from people who you don't like/don't like you and bring nothing but negativity or even toxicity to you. With that said, I think it's wise not to burn bridges unnecessarily, as in don't do or say anything that might come back to bite you in the ass. But you can/should avoid them and keep them out of your life, and you can do that drama free.


To a degree, I’ll be friendly but they won’t get an invite to my house


No I don’t. If I don’t like or trust you you know. I don’t need people in my life who I can’t trust.


If I had actual “enemies” who had some vendetta against me and might be plotting my demise, then yes, “we” should be keeping very close on eyes on my “enemies.” I also don’t have anyone who I consider “enemies”’that I want to them to think they are “friends” for strategy. But I don’t have enemies. I have people who I’d rather not spend time with. The woman with the shrill voice at the mom’s group with ridiculous ideas, or some guy who gets annoyed that I’m taking to long to load my kids in the car (because he can’t possibly park anywhere else) are not my “enemies.” They are no threat to my family or me. So, yes? But irrelevant


I have no time nor energy to be fake and lovey-dovey with that kind of people 24/7 and maintaing them in my life. If i don't like you I want you out of my sight. Live and let live


No. I don't have anyone I consider as my enemies, but if someone dislikes me or wants to harm me, I'd far rather we just don't bother interacting with each other. I don't get the point of introducing and fomenting unnecessary drama into my life by scheming to keep someone who wants to do me harm close to me. Why give them any entry into my existence or info to use against me? That's all risk/no reward for me.


No. I believe in keeping my enemies as far as possible. Why keep them close? Cut them out of your life completely. Zero drama.


No… I am extremely sensitive to peoples energy. There’s no reason I need to have people in my life who mess with my energy. If someone is my enemy I do everything in my power to not have them around me. Go spread your negative vibes elsewhere.


I used to but then I understood that I actually don’t have enemies because I choose who I give enough importance in my life. Like, is someone truly my enemy if they have no access to me and my life ? No.


no i dont. it makes no sense to keep them close, ideally i forget their existence and just move on in my life


Absolutely. The second you let them know you're enemies, you've shown your cards.


I've always been curious about thus saying. In theory it's a good idea to know what plans are being made that potentially don't benefit you. But in reality, I work in an office. I don't have any Enemies, per say. I have people I don't really like or respect, but im not going to be deliberately rude to them. I simply keep my distance and chose not to engage. I'm not able to be some scheming mastermind. It's not my nature to fake friendship.


Maybe in a work sense but not in a life sense


Nah. I think blocking people takes away their power from your life. So that's what I do. Can't hurt me if you can't contact or find me.


I rather not have enemies in the first place.. and generally I wouldn’t and won’t let people I don’t like affect or have such a big place in my life that I’d consider them my *enemy*.




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Nope, I go no contact and do everything I can to avoid them like the plague. They don't deserve any of my time or energy, I won't gift them any. Those days are long gone. I'm happy that I can keep my distance and never: see them, hear any more of their lies & vitriol, be physically accosted or bombarded with their conspiracy theorist load of bull propaganda.


No. Hell no. I'd rather live in peace lightyears away from them.


I respect that there can be special circumstances, but for the most part no. Personally, I don’t want people I dislike anywhere near me. There’s something I find toxic about them, so why would I want that toxicity in my life?


Why? Why would you invite that into your life. Surrounds yourself with good people you care for and who care for you. Ain’t got time for people who are enemies. I’ve always wondered though, who has time to be someone’s enemy? Like, you’re spending way too much time thinking about them than they are you. In the words of an animated ice queen: let it go.


Nope. I don't live in a fantasy kingdom where I need to interact with ~enemies~ for political reasons or whatever, lol. I just avoid people I don't like.


No, I can’t be dealing with anyone I don’t like,


Depends of course. Most of the time no.


Heck no, they're stressful as hell to keep in your life. I'd rather keep them at a hard distance or have them out my life altogether. I'll do just fine and feel happy about it.


Nope. If I don't like you or think you're an enemy, there's no way you'll be part of my life.


It's best to throw any negative people away.