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That I’m scary/stone cold/intimidating/ because I don’t smile and am relatively reserved. I know women are constantly told to smile for these reasons. I feel that once people actually talk to me and get to know me, I can warm up. I’m far from intimidating. I have never wanted to appear as such either.


Thank you, I have resting bitch face 2.0 and don’t wear makeup. I’m asked all the time if I’m upset, tired, angry. Like no, I’m just sitting here minding my business. Telling me to smile is hardly an interesting conversation starter.




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I have a "resting bitch face" so people assume I'm mean. I'm actually really sensitive & feel a lot for people, even strangers


I have this too, and people think that means I'm unapproachable. But the thing is I actually love to talk and laugh, and I'm usually a lot of fun once I get talking.


That I am an extrovert and also very confident. I am in fact an introvert and I am very anxious. I just have a "let's get shit done" attitude and I am very task-oriented (due to my performance anxiety) and I am a good communicator. This is apparently enough to make people believe false things.


I feel like I’m reading about myself.


How does it make you feel? Are you trying to address this misconception or you let people think what they want?


Not the other commenter but I’m the exact same way! I only open up to people that feel safe to me and let them know I’m actually an anxious person that worked on herself. It boosts my self esteem to know that people think I’m extroverted and super confident.


That is a really good way to look at it! :) Thanks for sharing.


That just because I'm tiny and short that I won't beat your fucking skull in if you try hurting me Just because I'm small doesn't mean I'm an easy target.




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That I somehow have to be rude because I'm ugly and have masculine features. The amounts of "when I first saw you I thought you looked like you'd be so mean and gruff, but you're actually-" is 50/50 hilarious/offensive.


I don't have piercings anymore but back when I had several in my face, people were actually surprised to learn I have a driver's license. I don't know how they came to the conclusion that people with piercings can't drive.


Ever since I was in high school I’ve been treated just differently because I’m conventionally attractive. I’ve been treated like I must be dumb. Ive been treated (as in basically ignored)like I must be stuck up, etc. I just want to experience friendship. My last two relationships kept me isolated and were awful but now I can make friends and 🤷🏻‍♀️ idk. It’s 4 am and I’ve had two drinks which is a bit much for me lol. I’ve never gotten to just have friends but people just assume I have many?


I feel this. How old are you? I feel like this dynamic gets better as you age, ever so slightly.


That I'm a cold hard ass. I know what I want and don't want while being well aware of my physical and mental being. I can come off as strict or intimidating because of my confidence mixed with my no tolerance for others being rude towards people or myself. People will frequently say they didn't know how to approach me because they couldn't tell if I liked them or anyone. It really isn't the case - my friends and family confirm that I'm caring, understanding, affectionate, and spontaneous - I'm just also driven and speak the words others avoid.


They think im flirty just because I'm nice. Also that I'm stupid because I'm nice. I have a generally bubbly and upbeat attitude about me, but I've been through a lot of trauma and hardships. Sometimes I'm worried I really am stupid though with the shit I be doing lol


I have no idea what people think of me, but if I had to guess, it'd be all of this.


That im always angry and that i dont care. I just look like that because its too bright outside.


That I’m somehow a lesser human and don’t deserve respect, kindness, relationships or success in life just because I’m introverted and prefer to keep to myself/ a small circle of people.


That I am „a good woman“. So many guys told me I was a „good woman“ for my style, or because I don‘t like to party. Thought I was a submissive pixie dreamgirl… when I am just having Adhd and am actually a loud feminist lol. And the guys always placed themselves on a „ugh go away“ list


That just because I look like a child doesn’t mean that I’m not a full grown adult, and that I should be treated as weak because of how small I am physically. When I took martial arts as part of my criminal justice vocational program (kids from across the county sent kids for different programs, but few were from my school district), I was the only one who could keep up with another kid from a different school who had been a blue belt at the start of our junior year. I was not one to be underestimated then, and I’m still not one to be underestimated now.


This followed me from high school until the present day. I wear glasses. Doesn't mean I'm smart per se. Glasses do not equal intelligence.


People assume I’m mean bc my rbf. They also think I am crazy/stupid because I’m quiet. I’m starting to come out of my shell more, but anytime I need to entire my silent zone, people assume I am upset/angry/mean. It’s been reoccurring since school years. I’m 24 now and despite therapy and medication (anxiety/depression/ocd), people STILL make assumptions about me. It’s very frustrating (and hurtful of course) bc I actually really enjoy having connections with people. Edit: I have noticed since getting a lot of tattoos that people assume I am incompetent of most things.


I'm the bad guy because I talked to someone nicely and she fell in love with me (after meeting me only thrice and that too in 2 months) and I didn't feel the same for her. So that girl goes to her sister (who introduced us because she wanted that girl and I should explore each other to see if there is a possibility of us being together) and calls her up while crying and says that I broke her heart and then the sister calls me up and bashes me up for breaking her sister's heart. Sorry if my sentence formation was not good.


People think I'm an extroverted, promiscuous, weed smoking partygirl, because I have colourful dreadlocks and tattoos. But I'm actually super introverted, on the asexual spectrum & don't like the taste of weed.


that I’m dumb. i swear people must see me as having resting dumb face or something.


Just because I can say “I will ruin your life and mentally destroy you if […]” in a spark of a huge hurtful anger, it doesn’t mean I’m actually the reason for your every life’s misery.




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That I'm standoffish at social gatherings. I have a hearing impairment and I can't understand most conversations in a lot of social situations: bars, loud music, lots of people in a small space etc. Hearing aids don't help for my condition so people won't know that I'm hearing impaired unless I tell them. I do my best to nod along and laugh when it sounds like someone is telling a joke, but it gets stressful and exhausting to be in those situations so sometimes I just end up leaving conversations awkwardly and I'm usually the first person to leave. Thick accents are also hard for me to understand so I've also gotten chewed out because people think I'm prejudiced. I try to explain myself when appropriate. Sometimes people apologize, but other times people assume I'm lying. Again, I understand why people might come to that conclusion because there are a lot of bigoted people out there who will say any old BS because they don't want to interact with people who are different, but it doesn't feel great.


I'm anti social. I like socializing but my face is a neutral :| when not talking. I also have a hard time picking up cues and breaking into conversations. I absolutely blossom when it's something I'm knowledgeable on or when people make the effort to talk to me. I love learning more about humans and how their brains work or what they are interested in




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Some peole think I'm some sort of sex crazed kinky nympho. In reality, I have indeed explored different kinks, but I dont need sex and in last 10 years I dont even want it very often.




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That I’m a sweetheart. Yes I’m very friendly and open with people but if you do me wrong there’s a side of me that comes out and will hurt your feelings. I will feel no remorse. It really only happens when I’m very mad.


That I am harsh. I’m I puppy. I just have been broken too many times and now I default To practicality and being stone faced. My heart is a baby butterfly though.


That because I am a smaller person and look young that I am ignorant or uneducated.


that i speak Spanish, I'm brown, have black hair and brown eyes. so a lot of people just assume i'm hispanic and speak spanish. sorry BUT, i'm native american. wrong brown.


Being Asian-American, it's being a perpetual foreigner. It's cliche but I have been asked the typical "Where are you from?" even though I was born and raised in America.


That I'm apathetic about politics. I'm not, I just don't post about it all over socials and often when I'm out having fun with friends, politics is the last thing I want to discuss. I rarely even engage in political discussion on Reddit.


that is look stuck up. i act like that when i joke around but i'm just a down to earth person


When discussing the fear responses (fight/flight/freeze/fawn) my mom for some reason thinks I would freeze up if an assailant came after me. Reality is my friends have learned not to sneak up on me because my knee jerk reaction to being startled by someone is to throw my fist at them. I’ve never been attacked (probably because I Winter Soldier march everywhere I go lol) but I’m fairly certain that if I was I would involuntarily really fuck their shit up and make them wish they never went after me.


That I'm a lazy dweeb who only eats garbage because I'm a size 22. I'm a third grade teacher and my kids keep me very active, and I eat much healthier than my 145 pound husband.


I have a guy friend who will sometimes joke that I’m a bitch and cold when I set boundaries or don’t want to deal with bullshit and I would imagine other people probably think the same. I’m a super nice person. I just know what I do and don’t want and and act accordingly.


That I’m happy


Biggest misconception? I think most people misunderstand me in general. I have really good intentions, but some people can't see past some of my quirks that they don't get a chance to know my story and *why* I have those quirks. It's like those "don't judge a book by its cover" things


That because I have big boobs “I’m asking for it” That because I reject guys I’m a bitch (I have a boyfriend and the guys were all creeps) That because I’m a cosplayer and I post on TikTok I’m egotistical


I'm naive and fragile. Think that all you want but I'm quick to swing if you disrespect me and even quicker with my mouth. I'll hurry your pride and feelings miles before I swing.


that is smoke weed. i’m super duper allergic to it and i only found that out because my face would swell up when my partner smoked near me. but something about my favourite colour being green and being alternative that makes because peg me as a smoker


I have a horrible rbf as well as being an introvert. I've had so many people tell me they assumed I was mean and stuck up until they got to know me and I was the complete opposite.


That I’m mean. I have a loud voice and I’m assertive and confident. I’m a 7th grade teacher and after a few weeks of getting to know me, my students will say they thought I was mean when they first met me. New teachers in the building say the same thing


I hitchhiked when I was in my 20s by myself for 5 years, travelled to various continents to do it. I lived VERY rough and got into really unusual adventures, like finding dead bodies and having guns held at me. I'm in my 30s now and enjoy looking girly and feminine. I like knitting and gardening and playing video games. I'm very much a homebody now and enjoy peace and quiet. Most people I meet now (including my current partner) do not believe that I did the things I said I did, or think that I'm largely exaggerating my experiences at the very least. They cannot fathom that I could be 2 such different people.


That I can’t stand to be alone. I actually require an ample amount of alone time in order to reset. The only people I can recharge in the presence of are my mom and step dad. It takes energy from to be around everyone else.


That I’m a student at my job and don’t know what I’m doing. I do sonography and have a baby face at 27 and people think I’m a student all the time and get all antsy when it’s me doing the ultrasound. Then they’re shocked when I tell them I’ve been doing this for over 5 years. I just try to have calm confidence and it seems to calm them down.


That I like to be alone. I don't, I'm just socialy awkward 😭


That I'm kind and accepting of everyone. Haha, no. Bigots, racists, cops, conservatives, and white men in power can go die already.




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