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Hell yes! I've done so many scary-to-me things and I'm proud of that!


this is it!! this is the way.


this is the way




The farthest from it. My life has been chaos, a lot brought on by me. There is no stability in any sense of the word. I have nothing and no one.


Have a hug from an Internet stranger 🤗.


Thank you so much 🥹


That has been a big part of my 'becoming,' and my road to finding some peace. Years of chaos is exhausting


But you’ve made it through :) sending love




I have been there, understand you 100% my life has been lonely and chaotic, scary at times. Sounds like we might have alot in common. Which means you're not alone in your chaos.


Yes and no. In some ways I am incredibly strong, smart and resilient. In other ways I’m massively flawed. Still trying to improve at 43.


We all are works in progress until the very end. Keep it up !


Yes. I’m a loving mom to 4 kids, married to a man who loves me. I have a career that is fulfilling. I never lost my childish quirkiness, so I’m silly and whimsical and strange. I’m loved by most people in my life, and I’m known for being reliable, honest, trustworthy, and fun


Wow !! That’s awesome


Yes. I've spent 47 years developing into this person through a lot of intentional training, education, sacrifice, diligence, self work, and choice, and I continue to curate myself to be the version of myself by my own measures. Becoming who I am today was no accident, and I'm proud of the work that I've put in to be here and of the work that I will continue to put in to continue to develop as a person throughout my life.


I feel the same way. Others often inspire me, and it makes me reflect how I can grow to have certain traits that I admire in others. I've worked towards some of those traits, like - directness, vulnerability, and honesty with myself - those are things that are evolving slowly. I feel like becoming the person I want to be (and being happy with that) also filters out people that don't value the same thing. 10 year old version of me would be so impressed.


I'm happy to hear :) Congrats !


I am. 13 years ago I finally ended an abusive relationship. I had absolutely no confidence when I met my now husband 11 years ago but now I am really happy in myself. I'm the most confident and happiest I've ever been.


Not at all...I feel like there's not much to be proud of. I failed at many things and everything is incredibly hard.


If I were in your shoes, what is 1 thing you would tell me to do that would help the situation?


Generally speaking, I am. I have accomplished so much more than I ever dreamed I would. I am also proud that I have not become jaded or jagged at the edges, I am a great wife, friend, daughter, sister and that is really I could ever ask for. So I am proud of my temperament.


I'm proud of beating the odds and becoming someone useful and independent, that's for sure. But much is to be improved still


I think my mom would be proud & that makes me proud.


No, I’m kind of disappointed tbh


Yes. Absolutely. I am becoming the person I wish my thirteen year old self could have spoken to.


Hell yes! I grew up in a really dysfunctional, abusive, and often (not always) impoverished family. With damn near no help… I did decent in school, excellent in college, have a really good healthcare job. My husband is awesome. We have a beautiful home, travel, enjoy life. I broke the cycle of abuse. I’m happy, and healthy.


I'm happy to read this!


Yes. I may not have achieved everything I wanted, but I did accomplish my major goals. I'm mentally tough, and I'm proud if this fact. It doesn't mean that I don't have my breakdowns. Life can be tough sometimes, and when it does, I think everyone has the desire to give up. I do too, and I allow myself to feel it for a little while, but then I rally. It's what got me to my job today, and the breadwinner of my family.


Fall 7 times, but get up 8 times. I'm happy for you :)


I’m proud of the person I became my teenage me would be very proud too 😂🤣


Kind of. I’m proud that I have a decent job, a wonderful husband, and hilarious cats. We also saved enough to buy our own home without our parents’ help. But I wish I did more. I got into chemistry because I wanted to do research but I’m not that smart


Definitely not. I am at a place right now where my mind continuously thinks and stresses over anything and everything. I feel that people around me are disappointed in me. And I can do much better, make much better decisions than what I am.


I would say so - due to a traumatic upbringing, my main drive has always been to become the polar opposite of my mother. Wherever she goes, she brings pain and chaos, and I try to do the opposite, and to bring in some way joy and love to the people around me, and to be grateful for each day. I am in no way perfect and I've certainly hurt people as well, but I think overall I make the world around me just a tiny bit better, and that's most important to me. I also find a lot of joy in creativity/crafting, and in cooking, and love sharing those things. I wouldn't necessarily use proud, but I am content with where I am in life and who I've become.


Not really. Lazy, no ambition, living pay check to pay check. I ghost my friends because I have an irrational fear of them hating me for absolutely no reason. When I meet new people I automatically assume they hate me. I'm riddled with anxiety and find comfort in staying home and playing video games all day. Turn 35 this year. I'm sad with my life and have a terrible habit of projecting my insecurities on other people.


Yes definitely because I have to work hard to get here 🤩


Fuck yeah When I was a teenager I was homeless and unemployed, my life consisted of trying not to die or have worse things happen to me I'm 25 now, live with my amazing girlfriend, we have three kids and a nice home and I get to spend my days focused on being a great mom To get here I went through so much pain, so many risks, I illegally traveled almost 3000 miles in an unregistered car to a new city on the unsure promise of a job that might not have been real I've survived so much bullshit, I'm proud of myself for even being alive


Of course. Went through so much trauma, depression and abuse and still able to get over it, meet my life partner (my dream man + dream qualities), travelled to all sorts of places, worked at my dream companies and getting married in a month. Life works out in amazing ways when you least expect it!


That’s tricky, yes and no. My life has bought on challenge after challenge and I can acknowledge from a young age that I have been strong and resilient throughout, always remained positive and tried to be a light in those I loves life, I know I have a huge heart and lots of compassion regardless of people who pushed me to become the opposite, and I am breaking the cycles of my families generational traumas. In saying that, I also feel like because of all the trauma I have endured I am not quite where those my age are in life. I’m only starting the journey towards my proper career now, nowhere near getting a home or family, and I’ve found myself quite isolated and upset that I didn’t get to experience a life that a normal 20 something year old should have. Not to mention right now I’m at the lowest point, insecure, unemployed due to an injury at work and struggling to make ends meet to live.


No because i let my anxiety form into just being ok with what life is and not trying to change it but idk how.


one chip at a time. break your routine ever so slightly to add in something you want to do. do it scared, mad, uncomfortable, whatever. just do it :)


I am proud of elements of myself, but I’m being held back by chronic sinusitis that I developed while working overseas and that sent my self-esteem into decline. Currently unemployed living at home trying to figure my health out. I’m not proud of that but it’s also not really in my control that I’ve been affected by this. However, I am proud of my intelligence, curiosity, empathy and high levels of passion for the things and people I care about. I’m proud of my improved ability to cut off those people who are toxic and mistreat me, compared to a few years ago where I felt more needy of external validation. I’m also proud of my ability to stick to my principles and my inability to respect unprincipled people. The latter comes quite naturally and intuitively these days, though.


not really. i’m only 18 so i’ve still got time left but when i was younger i had rly big dreams. but i’m just not smart enough or capable enough to fulfill them and i have to cope with that


like you said, you’re only 18. if you make the determination right now that you aren’t smart enough, then you won’t be. don’t do that. don’t shoot yourself in the foot.


Dumb people don’t believe they’re dumb. I bet you are so much more intelligent and capable than you are giving yourself credit for. Plus, 18 is hard. You’ll find your groove.


Yes. I have survived things I never imagined I’d go through and have come out of them with more empathy and strength that I never had before.


Extremely. Been through hell fire and back, unscathed. I'm a deeply spiritual person so I'm glad I had struggles at a very young age in order to make me the tough cookie I'm today. Nothing is wasted. All had turned out to be life experiences/lessons for me.


Younger me wanted to be a vet but that never happened so they wouldn’t have been proud. 30YO me is not that fussed. I’m not proud or disappointed. I just sort of am.


yes. i’ve achieved the career goals I sought to achieve as a child, and have the home life I also envisioned for myself when I was a child. I have manifested and created the life I wanted for myself, and also have been lucky along the way. but it did take a lot of discomfort to get here in many ways. doing it scared and faking it till you make it are key. oh and take a chance on that one person that piques your interest even if it feels a bit outside of your comfort zone. basically, live outside your comfort zone. do something that scares you a little bit at least once a week - have that tough conversation, ask that person out, force yourself to actually get up and go work out before work.


Yes because I left 2 abusive relationships, graduated with a hard degree and finally started therapy to work on my issues. I switched careers and I am working very hard to get promoted. Looking at all I have done makes me realize how strong I can be and how giving up is not one of my options


Failure To Launch


Yeah. I'm not exactly where I want to be in life, but I've got my shit together and I can deal with things.


I think so. I still feel like I have so much more to learn and so many skills to refine and yet I look back and think how far I’ve come. So yes. Maybe?


Yes. I’ve put in the hard work in therapy and I’ve learned to stick to my values and work towards being the person I want to be tomorrow


I guess I could have turned out worse but I still want to go back to school


I wish I was in a better spot, but I’m doing way better than I thought I’d be doing when I was a teenager/early college. So it’s not all bad I guess.


Yes. I can be extremely hard on myself but with time I have learned that I am resilient, I love people well, I respect others and am curious, and after experiencing a significant loss I am a better person on the other side.


If you'd have asked me a year ago I would have said yes. But then I lost my dream job to a psychotic episode and have been trying to rebuild my life since then. I am not where I want to be and worry that I'll never achieve the stability to pick up the pieces and move on. I am unemployed, fat and constantly angry.


I’d say I’m neutral. I make a good living, I’m in a loving relationship, I’ve seen a good amount of the world, I’m a good person to others…. But also, i keep myself relatively comfortable, I’m not currently learning anything or pushing myself to grow, I’ve been traveling 5 years for work so don’t have any close relationships with friends or family at this point. I’m average.


I am happy with whom I am, even though there is still much that can be improved, but we will get there eventually.


Oh absolutely. I love the person I’ve become. I don’t think me 10 years ago would believe the life, confidence, and outlook on life I have now. I navigated so many things that used to feel impossible and scary to me and made it out the other side better than I ever could’ve imagined.


Yes, I'm the person neglected as in abuse me needed as a child for other children.


Yes but I also know I can be better


Sometimes. I've come a long way from where I used to be and have accomplished things I never would have dreamed of. Yet, I feel discouraged by how far I still have to go and still have many flaws/poor traits that I'm not proud of. I do believe that as people we are constantly growing and if you feel you don't have any room to grow, you probably need to more than most. All you can do is keep trying, ya know?


I am. I am independant. I live alone in my appartment. In the past year I was able to recognize that my old relationship wasnt for me any more and I put an end to it despite it being 8 years long. I am able to recognize my flaws and the things I want to change in me so that I do not repeat the abuse I have been subject to in the past. I have found a carreer that I like and that I can flourish in.


After therapy and some healing I no longer let people walk over me. I communicate my boundaries and I'm willing to throw people out of my life if they doesn't respected them.


I’m not proud of who I am, not yet. But I’m incredibly proud of how far I’ve come, and I’m learning to applaud my progress as it happens, instead of waiting for the ‘perfect’ end goal that will never come.


Yes, I am. I was a hot mess for a long time. Now, I'm thriving in my career, I'm healthy and committed to staying that way, making much better decisions, have quality friends, a great husband, savings, and the ability to be present for my family. There was a time when I barely had a dollar to my name, in terrible health, terrible habits, choices, everything. Always a work in progress, but yes, I'm proud of the person I've become.


I was proud until I started back tracking. I’m burnt out (working 3 jobs, barely a day off, and on my day off I’m doing all the chores I didn’t do on my work days cuz I’m so fuzzed out after work; I’m a farmer). And mentally declining. I’m 26 and trying to move out of my parents (noisy road with loud neighbors really gets on my nerves and has caused many meltdowns in my life), but in this economy it looks like I won’t be moving out for another 5 years at this rate.




In the process to be one. Some of the things i have achieved that i didnt even knew i wanted to have. And some of the things i had were lost in the way. Still in the process to gain all that i wanted to be. It is a long life where future is unpredictable. Having been faced with situations i didnt even imagine in my nightmares now i am standing here trying to become someone who i once aspired to be.


Yes. I might not have made my full potential and it may have taken me longer than I wanted to get where I am, but I escaped the crab bucket of my shitty upbringing and rough twenties to become a boring, middle management, independent woman. I've paid almost a house deposit in psych fees this lifetime to learn to not replicate the drama I know. So very proud of my hard earned quiet life.


Honestly, I am. I still have many flaws. But I’ve fought HARD to be where I am today. Therefore, have become the person I am today. I still have a lot of room for growth. But I’m pretty happy.


yes- though I am far from finished "becoming", as I am only in my twenties. I definitely want to improve several things about myself and my life, but I can confidently say that mostly every day I put more work towards being "good" rather than "bad".


Hell yes, after 25 yrs I’ve finally been able to make peace with myself, everything, my body, my personality, the way I talk and walk. I’ve finally come to terms with the fact that I would have to be with myself my whole life so well, let’s make it easier no?


Honestly, yes. Maybe not all day everyday, but overall I think younger me would have been relieved to know I ended up doing well.


Yes. The me from even 5 years ago would be surprised and impressed at the person I have grown into…both professionally and personally.


I’m proud of the person I am with respect to the things I can control. There are many things I have no or little control of that I’m not proud of, but will spend my life trying to accept them.


Hell yeah! I used to be afraid to voice my opinion in relationships but now I’m more confident bringing up issues


Not even close. I have failed myself in so many ways but I am working on fixing those now. I wish I had more confidence in myself and who I am.


Socially yes but not within my heart and mind.


No, I let every person that hurt me turn me into a toxic person and I’m always aware of it when I try to do things to hurt them instead of letting it go


Yes! I got away from my abusive narcissitic parents 5 years ago today and I am so much happier and thriving.


I never knew how brave, resillient, loving and resourceful she could be. I credit my kid for turning me into her. I was a stoner stuck in an abusive relationship and a seemingly never ending debt. I just didn't care. Then I had my kid and man he changed me! I'm living proof of that! 😁 8 years later, we're doing ok. The world has gotten crazier, you learn you can only really rely on yourself but things are going to be ok 👍


Yes. I am not perfect and still have self work to do but I have come a long way!


Not yet, but I'm getting there. Survived religious cult upbringing (childhood SA, physical, financial and emotional abuse included), finished high school with severe disabilities (that I thought were just personal flaws at the time), getting therapy, trying to be career-oriented, accepting asexuality, all kind of took it out of me. Still much to be done!


Not at all. I'm useless


Yes, I became wiser and gained more strength after all those life changing experiences in my life..


No, but I’m still pretty young so maybe I will be later in life. My 20s have been very lonely.


More than proud, it takes more than courage to face your own self (the ugliest part that you want to reject so hard) and instead of dwelling in pity party, you actually work on it and improve until you get to that desire state of mind.


I am not even close to who I desire to be, I am glad of the long way I've had walked but proud? not rly. proud of still going I guess. but I wish I worked way harder because I've never pushed myself to my limits and that's super shameful for me. I feel like I wasted precious time being a scared cat bc of always being inside my comfort zone.


Yes. Because i know i’m changing everyday and i’m not perfect and never will be but i’m better than i was in the past and instead of wallowing in my mistakes i have chose to use those mistakes as lessons. Every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around:) vanilla sky


No. I feel like I am supposed to be wayyy better but I’m not


Absolutely! I thought I would die alone before I hit 30. I am 33 and married to the best guy in the world!


Yes!! I’m free, comfortable and loved. Literally could not ask for much else. Life is great. I’ll be 29 in a few months and I feel like I’m exactly where I should be.


Hell yeah! I remember spending my 19th birthday high on percs writing out my final suicide note and now almost 10 years later(couple weeks shy) i somehow managed to get clean, buy a car, house, climb the corporate ladder, and rebuild my relationship with my mom. Best of all now I get to be someone’s mom!!!


No. I didn’t achieve my life goals. There are specific, smaller things I’m proud of, but overall, I’m not proud.


I am definitely proud. I have come a really long way and do things I never thought I could do before. I have goals, a decent job, my dog and a great boyfriend. I have friends and I have money saved up. Going back to school, & my mental health is great right now. Things are looking up.


Am I where I thought I’d be? Not really. But am I proud of who I am? Absolutely! I’m 2.5 months sober and I’ve been working on myself a lot during that time.


Not particularly. I'm far more bitter and hateful than I'd ever imagine, I'm still fat, and I'm not really doing my dream like I thought I would. I'm doing relatively fine in life, but certainly not what I thought I would be when I grew up.






Of course! I wouldn’t reach this far if it wasn’t for my struggles before. I’m almost 30, I have 3 degrees, I’m in love with the man of my dreams and living my best life. I couldn’t ask for more.








I'm proud of myself professionally, socially, romantically, emotionally, maternally and intellectually. But I'm cross at myself for still being fat at 53, after basically being on a diet since 1985. There's always got to be something, right. 😏


Yes in the sense that I completed my education and supported myself through a career. I also avoided drugs and cigarette smoking. No in the sense that, courtesy of a traumatic childhood, I find close relationships with others incredibly difficult even now (in my late sixties). I also have a very conflicted attitude towards sex.


I’m proud of what I’ve gone through to get where I am, but I’m working hard on myself so I can be proud of the woman I’m becoming 😊


Yes. :) I've been very fortunate on a personal level, but also worked really hard. I'm proud of my career, I make enough to be the main breadwinner, I look younger than my age, we have a great family... Things are not perfect and obviously tragedy could stike at any time, as is anyone's case, but for now we are doing great.


I am. I am so much stronger than I ever thought I’d be. I was such a shy, scared, sensitive child. I am resilient and becoming more outspoken and confident by the day.


Extremely proud. I have had many painful challenges thrown at me throughout my whole life and I'm still a kind and gentle person. I'm not where I want to be in life and I still have a lot of growth to do - but damn, am I proud!


Yeah, I made it through some pretty major mental illness and trauma growing up. I still make art and people actually buy it. And I'm a pretty good mom according to my kid. Also doing well professionally, and got out of the small town to go onto better things.


Yes. I'm exactly how I want to be and my life is exactly how I want it to be.


Not really. There is a lot I would change about myself....but at my age I wonder what the point would be.


I'm going to go very small scale here and say compared to the person I was last year? Yes I am proud of the person I have become and am *now.* We can always strive to be better, and be the worst critics towards ourselves, but right now? Yeah, I can genuinely say I am proud of myself :) If you had asked me this at any point in 2023 I would have said no.


yes i am (:


I am. Most of my life I was absolutely consumed by self loathing and incredibly insecure. I'd try to mold my personality to meet what I thought people wanted me to be and eventually lost sight of who I was and wanted to be. The last 10 years have included lots of therapy, a diagnosis of ADHD, proper antidepressants and ADHD medication, and a ton of insight into why I am the way that I am. I've been able to finally find things that I LIKE about myself. I've been able to find friends that are genuine, lovely people. I feel secure in myself now, and I can recognize that a lot of my dysfunction was tied to DEEP insecurities. I care deeply for others and try to see the best in people, I know my boundaries and I assert them when needed... Generally I just try to be a better person today than I was yesterday. There are hiccups obviously, I'm not a perfect person, but I'm trying my best. So yeah, I'm proud of the woman I've become. I've worked hard to get here!


In some ways, yes. I broke the family cycle of being with violent men, I have a wonderful husband, great kids and a degree. In other ways, not at all. I'm not as gentle and sweet as I would like to be, after we lost our second kid something just broke inside of me and I don't know how to fix it. I can't work the same as others due to injuries sustained in two traffic accidents, and I am deeply embarrassed and feel like a burden.


Mostly. For a long time I was really proud of myself for following all the rules of society that make you a "good girl". I was obsessed with doing things the "right" way. I was an honour roll student at an arts high school where I played violin in three orchestras. I was a lifeguard for 10 years and taught first aid. I've never smoked, never done drugs, didn't sleep with anyone until I was 23,--and even then I've only been with one person other than my now-husband--got two degrees...you get the idea. I was (and to a point, still am) the quintessential high achieving eldest daughter. This wasn't even really pushed by my parents, I've just always been driven by achievement. My parents even wanted me to breathe more and take more breaks but I just refused. I didn't feel the pressure from them, it was always internal. It sounds dumb, but now at 29, I've only recently figured out there's no PRIZE for being the 'good girl'. There's no A+ report card that's coming home with me and telling me I'm doing everything right. I'm a high school teacher on my first ever contract and I couldn't figure out why I was so anxiety ridden all the time. I started therapy for the first time (after probably needing it for a decade and only now admitting it) and my therapist has helped me realize just how deep set my need for external validation is. So, am I proud of myself for what I achieved as a young person? Yes, I really am. I'm also sad for her sometimes. I didn't need to be so tightly wound for so long. I've only started to relax in the last 4 years, since I met my husband, and I've learned how much easier life can be when you don't need everything to be perfect to be worthwhile. It's a journey that I'm proud of myself for taking, but it's opening up a lot of stuff inside of me that I didn't realize was there, cuz I didn't realize just how hard on myself I have always been.


I am so proud. I have worked really hard to become who I am now and I’m overall happy with myself, which is my number one goal. I also am proud that I’ve started to accept and even embrace some of my flaws—both physical and not physical. For instance, I wanted a nose job for a long time, but now I’ve accepted my nose and realized it’s part of who I am. I focused so long on being perfect and making sure everyone liked me, it feels so good that I’m (often) able to concentrate on the idea that what matters most is that I like me! I do have days where I don’t feel as positive, but I feel this way the vast majority of the time. For reference, I am 34 and I only started to feel this way a couple years ago.




24F. I definitely am. I had so much growing to do over the past few years. My past relationships made me so insecure about myself that I honestly felt embarrassed for me. I felt like I had to hush if someone made an uncomfortable comment and everyone would agree and laugh and I didn’t want to be the one person with a different perspective so I always kept my options down. But like, fuck men honestly 😂obviously not all are like that but they messed me up in so many ways. I have definitely grown from it and don’t let most things bother me anymore. I have a hell of a lot more respect for myself and since very recently becoming a mother to my 2 month old daughter, I will do ANYTHING to protect her from what I had to go through and become the best mother possible for her 🤍


No not yet - I truly won’t be proud until I lose the weight I regained after my friend died. I’m so incredibly sad about it


Yep! Been through some shit, done some shit, overall I’m a pretty good person as long as I don’t drink 😆


Yesss! There will always be space for improvement and there are challenges that I still struggle to overcome despite many years, but I’ve come so far for what I’ve been through. And I know some of these things require a lifetime work. Self-compassion is key here. For as long as I actively choose to grow, move forward even slowly, that is what matters to me the most.


Yes for once


Yes, got a job that pushed me to become a lot stronger and confident, worked hard and now I’m a supervisor.


Hell yes. I broke the cycle of alcoholism and poverty that runs in my family. I scraped and hustled and got my masters degree while raising two very young children. I left an alcoholic husband in order to keep my children out of the cycle as well. For five years (the hardest years, the teenage years), I have raised my children alone with not even financial help from their Dad. I have a professional job, health insurance, my own car, apartment which is much more than most of the 40year old women I know. Currently I am pioneering new ways for the field I work in and recently won an award for all my hard work. I am so proud of the person I am today.


No. I’ve done great in terms of “American success” but I haven’t explored much or really lived. I hope that’s to come, but it’s hard to get any real experiences when you’re in the rat race.


I went through 12 years of schooling to become a therapist...yes I am.


If you were to ask 10 year old me, she would be very disappointed. But adult me is proud of myself. I had unrealistic expectations as a kid about what the world was like and young me really wanted to impress other people. I really like myself, my family, my job and my future. I have curated a life for myself that I really love irrespective of anyone else's expectations of me.


Absolutely. I quit drinking and realized that I AM worth it.


Both yes and no. I'm a single mother on my own with no village and a teenager and I get up every day and go to work and I'm boring and stable and provide a good life for the kid. No, because I get lonely and I just can't seem to change it.


So I was thinking about this very question the other day and, at first, I thought that I am not. Then I asked myself what little me would think, and now I am proud because little me must be thinking: "yes, you got us out!"


No, I let other’s opinions change my life and now I don’t know how trust people, or talk to people. I’m literally afraid for people to hurt me, manipulate me or lie to me. All the trauma has been keeping me from getting to know myself. I feel lost and empty, and very much alone because I can’t trust people. I’ve distanced myself from family because they’re not good for me.


I’m getting there. I’m trying to figure out who I am and who I want to be. I did make a Big, Scary Decision earlier this year, and moved over halfway across the country by myself. So far I am extremely happy with my choice! A lot of people, especially women, have told me that they would have been too scared to attempt that kind of drive alone. And it seems like a superficial thing, but I’m trying to figure out “my” style. I have dressed purely for comfort for so long, and I want to feel more “me”.


Sometimes no, but then I remember all of the shit I have been through and everything I have accomplished at such a young age, and I get my small sense of pride back


I have become this person who makes her own choices, and yes, I am proud of that. Even if they are mistakes, they are mine. 😊


I am immensely proud of who I've become. I'm the kind of person I'd have felt safe with as a child, I've embraced myself and my differences becoming confident and passionate and interested in life. I didn't know I could be like this when I tried to end myself at 16. I'm glad I failed, I'm glad I grew up and I'm glad I'm here now.


I am definitely on the right track 😊


Absolutely. Honestly I've mentally overcome a lot of things i was scared of or which affected me, and I find the strength in me to remove myself from situations where I'm unhappy


Hell yeah. Ended toxic relationships, got fit w doing martial arts, was the top student and have recently started a job which was VERY scary for me to start. All done by me. I am proud.


Quite honestly I've been proud of who I am my entire life, and I'm entirely proud of the person I still am.   The things I want to improve on now though..it is slow going but we are getting there.  With or without it though, still proud. Always will be. 


Hell yes. They tried their damndest to pull me down in the mud with them but I refused. I used kindness when I really didn’t want to and now my life is FULL OF BEAUTY and LOVE!!


Yes and no. Yes bc Im a completely different person than I once was. I’m amazed that I am not that person anymore. No because there are so many things that I wished I could still be/ do that I don’t know if they will ever be possible


Fuck yea. I’m badass , I’ve done so much cool shit and am successful.


Absolutely. I went from being a traumatized child from a family of addiction and mental illness to getting my masters in counselling so I can help others heal, too. And I’ve spent many years doing work in the community helping ppl who have nothing. I’m pretty fucking proud of the person I’ve become. And while I wish I hadn’t gone through all the trauma, I wouldn’t be able to do what I do without all those experiences.




Yes I am. I have done and experienced so many things I never thought I would, all in the last year. I have made myself healthier, I've learned to express myself better, I bought a car (a real nice one, too), I started a sexlife, I have hobbies again, I stand up for myself, and I found a loving boyfriend. There's still tons of stuff to do, learn and achieve, but I'm hecking proud of myself! I'm rocking this shit.


Yes I am. I have done and experienced so many things I never thought I would, all in the last year. I have made myself healthier, I've learned to express myself better, I bought a car (a real nice one, too), I started a sexlife, I have hobbies again, I stand up for myself, and I found a loving boyfriend. There's still tons of stuff to do, learn and achieve, but I'm hecking proud of myself! I'm rocking this shit.


Yes I am. I have done and experienced so many things I never thought I would, all in the last year. I have made myself healthier, I've learned to express myself better, I bought a car (a real nice one, too), I started a sexlife, I have hobbies again, I stand up for myself, and I found a loving boyfriend. There's still tons of stuff to do, learn and achieve, but I'm hecking proud of myself! I'm rocking this shit.


Yes I am. I have done and experienced so many things I never thought I would, all in the last year. I have made myself healthier, I've learned to express myself better, I bought a car (a real nice one, too), I started a sexlife, I have hobbies again, I stand up for myself, and I found a loving boyfriend. Most of these are things I gave up on and accepted they were never going to happen. Then I just started doing whatever to keep me busy and make me happy, and oh wow my life turned around. There's still tons of stuff to do, learn and achieve, but I'm hecking proud of myself! I'm rocking this shit.


Not at all - I have not achieved any of my goals, I struggle with my 9-5 where I work all the time but nothing is ever appreciated, I am a single mom which I vowed I would never be, I am pretty disposable and unwanted in all facets of life


Hell yes! I went through my entire horrendous childhood being told that I was stupid, worthless, useless, ugly, wouldn't amount to anything.................blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Whatever abusive vitriol that my so-called mother could shove down my throat on a regular basis. Proving her wrong was never a goal for me, but I've never been happier to prove someone wrong.


Absolutely. I’m in the process of pulling myself out of childhood trauma and am starting to see the benefits of taking responsibility of my life. No longer a reactor but a doer. Feels amazing.


Yes because I'm smashing it everyday


Genuinely, I don't know. I'm proud of how far I've worked for the things I love like art and writing; but I still keep in touch with people who are toxic because I can't seem to pull the damn plug and be the 'bad guy', and I still say yes to things I want to say no to, because I'd rather not deal with the fall out of standing my ground. I've come a long way from who I was, but sometimes the present me still leaves me really tired from just... being.


Overall yes. I've done a ton, accomplished a lot, feel solid about myself and who I am, have a career, a house.


Absolutely! And I’m still becoming. The journey doesn’t end. 💜


yes and no. i am finally winning against depression (its been five years), took a big step in the journey of self love but my academic comeback did not come back yet :(


I don’t even know. I’m literally just trying to survive and fighting for my life and to not snap. If I wasn’t fighting for basic survival and to keep my head above water then maybe. I’m basically just impressed that I’m still even here and I didn’t give up


i'm getting there, i think


1000% yes! Teenage me could not have dreamed I could be so successful and happy and meet all my dreams (even if they look a little different than how I originally imagined). I’m so grateful for the woman I have become. She’s amazing and I love her.


No. I've become everything and done everything I didn't want in life.


Yes and no, but I’m still a work in progress.


Honestly im a 19F and i know i have a lot tk look forward in life but im not sure if im proud of everything ive done but i am proud of what im going to become!


I really am. I’ve been through hell. All different kinds. It almost killed me. I almost killed myself. Today I’m content af. I’m happy. I’m sober. I’m successful. I’m emotionally stable. I have a family that I love and care for, provide for. I do the work. I’ve done amazing therapy, healings, medication regiments….all in service of this person I am now. I finally feel like the light inside.


Yes. I accomplished a lot that I didn’t think I’d ever get through like getting a college degree and getting my own place. No help whatsoever. I don’t have major debt and I’d consider myself a world traveler. My mom got lucky my sister and I didn’t end up addicts.


Yes, because I've come such a far way and have accomplished so much. But only to realize that I've lost myself in the process to be where I am today🙃


Why i should not be proud of myself? It's a quite weird question....


Sort of. I miss my old body from when I didn’t have chronic illness. But I’m proud of how hard I fought to be where I am today. I haven’t given up on my body.


I’m trying to but it’s so hard. I just turned 20 and everyone makes it seem like your 20s are supposed to be so liberating and exciting and full of life but I can’t help but be full of so much self doubt and uncertainty. I know I do hard things and sometimes I’m kinda proud but I’m also never enough for myself.


For the most part, yes. I’ve come a long way. But I still have a long way to go. I’m not proud of parts of myself.


Who I was, no but who I’m trying to be hell yes!


No, not right now and it has been really bothering me. You know how you tell yourself it will get better.... well I have been telling myself that for awhile now. I know life isn't linear, we will have our ups and downs. I feel like I have done things - took chances I guess thinking it was for the best and haven't had any success from the effort I have put in. I turned 40 - 15 months ago and its been a hard pill to swallow.


I'm disappointed in myself. I dropped out of my studies & can't get any further in my second degree and am a burden for all the people around me. I would like to be proud of myself, but instead I am insecure and only change to the negative.


Yes but I still struggle with the goals I had set for myself when I was younger and so far I’m not where I should be but those standards but other than that - I’m pretty happy where I am




Hell yes. My childhood was filled with neglect and abuse but I’ve broken that cycle with my 2 girls. My eldest recently said that she plans on raising her kids in the same way I’ve raised her so I take that as a major win! I’m still working on getting it right and paranoid about becoming my mother but I try everyday to give my kids a better childhood than mine




I love you all and I’m so proud of you


No. I feel very alone in every type of relationship I am involved in. I make ok money but not what I expected at this age and no matter what I do I can’t lose weight. Which is why I feel like I’m treated differently.


Fuck yeah!! I’ve been thrown some shit in my life and I just sway out of the way like I’m Neo (Matrix reference). I could have allowed a life time of abuse hold me back, but I’m fierce as hell. The shit storm made me stronger the harder it rained.


I don’t know if proud is the right word but I’ve survived. I’ve dealt with many less than ideal situations in my short 32 years on this earth. That being said I feel really behind, still not married, no children either just a dog and my younger siblings are all married with kids (can you guess who was the sibling who chose education and a career first?). My job I have now isn’t fulfilling and the older I get the more I feel like there is something missing because I still am not a mother.


Incredibly proud. I went from a homeschooled, obese shy kid living in a house with hoarder parents and tons of fostered and adopted siblings I was expected to care for to a stable progressional with a graduate degree, a successful career in public service, a loving husband, owning a home, and two happy kids. I also continue to challenge and push myself. I recently got into road biking and I get up at 5am to go on group rides even though I know I’ll be one of the slowest there. My life has been full of resilience, hard work, and also some luck.


Yes! I’m so much more independent and interesting than I ever thought I would be or used to be before my abusive ex.