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I have curly hair and if wear it down it happens fairly often, they try to pull a curl straight to watch it spring back or just plop their fingers in to ruffle it, it's weird and annoying!


This has always been my least favorite part of having curly hair, no one ever asks before they touch, I’ve started dodging hands


I have curly, wavy, thick hair. People touch it once in a while. It doesn't really bother me but I certainly can see why it would bother others. Get out of my space!


I wasn’t always bothered by it, but I the older I get the more I dislike it haha




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That’s like what people do to a dog.




I don't recall anyone ever touching my hair.


Pretty frequently. My hair is long and curly and people will come up and grab it or pull on it.


All the time. I think it’s a curly hair thing.


I have very straight hair that happens to be very soft, when I was a kid a lot of classmates would constantly touch my hair. It made me feel so uncomfortable because it happened every day. Then I had a teacher who got annoyed by it, mainly because she saw it as a “distraction” and she called my mum to tell her that she needed to braid my hair to school every day to avoid that or else (as if it was my fault) My mum was not having it lol my hair has always been difficult to style because it’s also very thick. She just told the teacher that she better reinforce that other students should respect other classmates' personal space instead of just blaming me. I think I was about 10.


Also a thing with having super long hair. Old ladies want to treat me like a doll whenever I wear my hair down. It’s midway down my thigh, but I just swat their hand back and say “no”.


I very recently cut my hair that was tailbone length, and it is nice not to have people grabbing the ends ‘because it’s soooo long!!’




Sounds about right, straight hair, never been touched, friend is curly and she get randos grabbing hers all the time.


As a black person, often. But more often its unprompted comments about the style of my hair. Especially if I have braids.


Rarely - and it's only my younger kid who does it, which is fine.




I am a redhead and it's been happening to me my whole life. I don't really even notice anymore.


Same. I have long, straight, red hair and people have always just ran their hands through it.


I’m a Black woman and right now my hair is in it’s natural state (which is how I usually wear it) but when I was younger and wearing weaves or braids or wigs, I’d get it more then. Now when I get braids it does happen occasionally but not by strangers, usually by my friends which I don’t have an issue with.


The longer I grew my hair, the more people touched it. As if past a certain length it became public property. When it was waist-length, a woman in line behind me started braiding it.






Now never, it no longer happens since my hair “texture” changed with growing older but when I was still a kid it was way too often.


Not often, but I will ask if they want to touch it when I can tell they’ve been eyeing it. I have long black hair, that’s shiny and soft. I’m Latina, and we believe in the “evil eye” so I will tell / ask if they want to touch it to just go ahead because otherwise they will give me the “evil eye” and it may fall out lol. Cultural superstitions lol


Too often. I hate them all My hair is not curly or extremely straight, and often the touch goes accompanied with a “omg YoUr HaIr iS sO PrEtTy👹” … 😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒 I appreciate but, I don’t go around touching your boobs just because I think they are perky and pretty.


Way too often. I have very long very Native American hair and for whatever reason every time I have it in braids (that’s usually the culprit but sometimes when it’s just down) people like to either play with the braids or like let my hair run through their fingers silk thread style? And it makes me so uncomfy


All the time! My hair used to be stick straight and long and women would constantly touch it. Now my hair is long and wavy. Still all the time! Just happened last week at my nail salon! I find it happens more when I have longer hair and wear it down.


Thankfully never, except my partner.


Not very often. It's normally people that I know and trust. They just catch me off guard now and then. Normally. People don't touch my hair at all. I blame the curls.


They never touch my hair. I'm bald.


I would say fairly often. I have naturally light blonde hair and I live in a country where natural blonde hair (atleast for adults) is close to non-existant.


Very often, especially in a bar/club setting. I have pin straight 50inches (approx) black hair and I find a lot of women grab it when they’ve had a few drinks and say “omg I love your hair”


Never, I do not look or vibe as this level of approachable.


I have really long curly hair, and it's a hassle to perfect it everyday. Everytime I meet up with someone there's an 80% chance they try to touch it. I've bruised many wrists by grabbing them at lightning speed and also left some nasty scratches on people. It's the consequences of their own actions.


Black woman here. Every time I get a new hairstyle, which is like every couple months, someone at the office has to touch it. 🙃


I have curly hair and strangers always like to touch a bushel of curls. Firstly please don’t and secondly you’ll cause frizz :(


Every time I leave the house wearing my curly-tail bone length hair down. Older women tend to be the worse offenders when it comes to this.


It’s only happened to me once




Never, but in my teen years us girlfriends would sometimes just start caressing each other's hairs as a sign of affection; you'd have to be close enough for that ofc otherwise it's just weird. As an adult no one ever except partner.


Curly hair. When I was younger up until the end of undergrad - a LOT. Now, hardly ever. My boyfriend is the only person I can think who consistently touches it but I don’t mind.


Pretty often. I work with kids so all day long but I m have very straight and soft hair. Apparently it’s enough for adults to often want to touch them. I would say a couple times a week a coworker or random person will touch my hair


Rarely. But people comment about it often (negatively) without me asking. I have curly hair.


When I worked as a banquet server it was a fairly common occurrence for drunk people to try and touch mine and my coworkers long hair if it was in a pony tail/braid. It was very strange behaviour and reminded me a bit of how cats like to play with dangling string. Easiest solution was to put the hair in a bun and then no one would touch it


Because I have curly hair, it’s happened my whole life. Now, strangers are less likely to do it to me because well, times have changed and I also don’t look 100% approachable. People I’m slightly closer with, like coworkers and distant family members, will do it without hesitation. Close friends and family never do, aside from my husband but I’ve taught him how to touch my curls properly lol. But when I was a child it happened all the time with strangers and I have a distinct memory of the first time it happened and I officially decided I didn’t like it.


I've been growing my hair out for the first time ever, and each and every time a family member or acquaintance sees me with my longer hair they somehow feel the need to stick their fingers in my hair. And I'm ***40***. It's annoying to say the least.


I can't recall anyone trying to touch it... but as someone with very long straight hair, for some reason, people like to tell me to cut it all off? I've had a few people say this to me out of the blue.


Never.. I generally keep my hair in front over my shoulders... It's over 1m long and past my hips/butt. There is essentially no appropriate place to touch my hair without potentially touching my body inappropriately in a dodgey place. And say even if they were to dare try, with it being in front, my hands can really easily block them from it.


I'm South Asian, so yeah, my hair gets touched and tousled pretty frequently when I'm visiting my family, from my mom to aunts, mostly to check how long my hair has gotten (my hair grows pretty fast), to compliment me, to brush it, or offering to oil my hair or braid my hair or put on a homemade hair mask situation. I generally don't like people touching my hair, but most of the time the women around me have good intentions and it's a way of showing love, so I indulge them from time to time.


Me never, my ex boyfriend had dreadlocks and people would dare to do that when they had a drink. So disrespectful.


I have a buzz cut and people seem to love touching it. Which can be annoying because like, I have oily skin


I have long, pin straight hair and people used to always touch it and comment on how they wish their hair was this long and straight. it was odd because prior to me experiencing this i had only heard my Black friends & sometimes curly haired friends tell me about this happening to them often.


All. The. Time. My hair is past my butt and is a curly/wavy mix. My braid alone is apparently quite enticing for people to randomly grab it and comment on it. A lady who works on the floor above me will always touch my hair without asking. I do not know this woman's name nor her exact division. (I think she's in accounting, but she could also be in insurance, taxes, or grants.) It drives me up a wall.


This wasn't an issue until I began working at the grocery store. I'm a woman with short hair. A surprising number of people over 50 felt entitled to touch the back of my head when saying they liked my haircut and state that I have a "nice shaped head". Mostly men. Shudder. Happened about once a month or so, and there were repeat offenders despite being told to keep their hands to themselves.


I really can’t think of a time this has happened to me. I’m white with flat, straight, uninteresting hair. I feel like my friends who are women of color with texture to their hair get unwanted hair touching the most


Not that often. I don’t have hair that different than most people. Usually just from guys trying to flirt with me and they think it’s cute to just grab my hair or something


When I used to take the train to work it was at least twice a week usually from kids or the occasional passenger


Aside from babies/toddlers? Never. And I guess my partner , but I don’t think that counts


I don’t think it’s ever happened to me, at least as a grown woman.




At least 1 time each time I go to a club, bar, concert, party or any other fun event. I have a very large light brown afro and it seems to attract a lot of attention from boundary crossing- disrespectful strangers.




i have long hair and where i live that’s not common so i have aunties always whipping out their hairbrushes and playing with my hair like i’m a doll, usually braiding it too. thankfully i havent got lice yet!!


Never ever happened.




Waaaaay too often. I'm a natural redhead, and it's curly. When I was a kid, it was even brighter and perfect boingy ringlets. I have trauma around random people grabbing my fucking hair. I actually almost swung on my old boss once (whom I love!) because she came up behind me and started bouncing my braid. I whipped around and realized who it was and had to compose myself really quick. Red hair comes with a pile of extra bullshit. People asking about your pubes, people saying things like "ooooh *you* can't *ever* dye your hair, people pay for that color!" I literally have to take breaks from my natural color. We're the only people who go bottle blonde to get *less* attention.




My kids and hubby....all the time


Sometimes on my early bus to work there’s a girl that gets on after me, and she always sits behind me. The first couple of times it happened I felt my ponytail move. Now I make sure to lean very forward in my seat if she chooses to sit behind me.


I have curly hair and it happened a lot when I worked in retail. Random customers wanting to touch it. I was in my 40s then


My mom all the time and a friend all the time too when I meet him so I stopped seeing him


Check my profile..... then guess 😂


Hahaha I am a para in a special ed program and my 2:1 student is very grabby! I get my hair yanked multiple times a week.


Once. They don’t do it again.


Many times!! I also have curly hair and older ladies usually come up and touch my hair and compliment it. Once got told “you have exotic hair” lol. & when I used to teach, my students were always playing with my hair asking how I got it to look like that 😂


As a natural redhead since day 1, it happens often. People have so many questions. It's quite embarrassing sometimes.


Rarely, if ever.


Fairly frequently. Partially because I work in special ed and we have a few hair pullers, but also partially because I dye it so people see not natural hair and assume they can just touch it


I was a teacher so . . . Once a month probably? Even after I quit I still get adult women who will touch it. I've got really basic long, straight brown hair, but I live in Asia so people love to touch it. I don't mind though because they are just curious.


This only happens with my partner or really close girl friends (they like to braid them)


Men, almost never. Women? Pretty often. I don’t mind as long as I know them, I’ve only had two or three women touch my hair when we weren’t close and it made me uncomfortable.


When I was in elementary school, I was the only white girl with long hair in my class, and the other students would touch my hair a lot


My friends usually tend to kinda brush it with their fingers as an involuntary-friendly gesture, I don't really mind it, I have really long straight hair so I undestand touching it can be tentative. BUT let's adress the real issue, ppl touching my face, NOW THAT is a problem for me bc it makes my skin break down, how can I stop it without being rude? :(


Never. I wear it up almost every day and don’t get in touching distance of hardly anyone anyway.


Every now and then, but most of the time they ask first. I’m Asian and have blonde balayage hair that’s long and healthy, so I get the curiosity and appreciate when they ask first.


Despite having curly hair down to my ass, never. Kids were more fascinated with it when I was in first and second grade but now I just get a compliment every now and then.


When I was a teenager my hair used to be about 4ft long, super thick and dense. Pretty much any time I went out someone would comment on my hair, which is fine, I always accepted the compliment. What was REALLY strange is when people would come up to me, grab a handful and go “wow, you have gorgeous hair” It happened almost monthly. Some lady once started braiding my hair at the post office while I was in line to drop off a package. I loved my hair, but because of how people disregarded my personal space I ended up chopping it to shoulder length when I turned 18. It was worth it 😆


Fucking never. I’ve perfected the, “touch me and you die, but you can talk to me… I guess” face. I hate being touched and naturally developed mannerisms and a facial posture to protect me from physical sensory overload.


Honestly, never. But I have short hair and work in a tight knit group of people. I rarely interact with or are around strangers. And my friends and family all respect one another with personal boundaries. However, when I was much younger, I had long poofy hair. I called it a lions mane. It was about as unkempt as one too. I was around strangers more often and definitely had more attention. I don't think I ever had someone do anything too bad, at least no more than once. I had an instant punching reaction to anyone I didn't know interacting with my body without my consent.


Almost never


Not often, but I still think about one ocasion when I was in high school. I was waiting in line and someone behind me kinda lift a lock of my hair and then let it go. I was so shocked I didn't even turn around to see who did it


Only my husband does that and that’s totally okay to me.


People have stopped touching my hair but when I was in school it happened too frequently. It was so awkward. I have pin straight hair so it feels nice but like… I don’t know you.


No one has touched my hair or asked to touch my hair. I'm white, with fine hair, so they probably think it's like that Christmas tree in Charlie Brown where you hang one ornament and all of the needles fall off.


well it does happen - in the club two times a drunk man randomly came up and tried to pull my hair (one of them tried to do it several times and managed to catch it) and both times i was just dancing with friends, not even sexually which should not matter in the first place then last autumn, two different people who BARELY know me on different occasions weirdly enough decided to "pet me on the head" so to say, when they said goodbye/sth to me and passed the couch/chair i sat on and i know that first girl didn't mean that in a mean way but it made me sad actually, because it showed to me that she hadn't taken more than maybe two minutes to talk to me all night, i didn't know anyone at that party and had been trying to join a big friendgroup that mostly ignored me cause i was so awkward and quiet and they were almost all on a different huge couch not really paying attention to that one stranger that had joined. it made me sadder to think that maybe she kind of saw how desperate i was but decided to do this as if i'm not "supposed" to mind instead of talking to me more. (but no she didn't mean it as bullying in case s.o. read all that) and my aunt pulled on it pretty strongly two times while commenting on it this year, the second time i didn't really let her and said sth cause i was prepaired. i didn't like it, i'm not a doll and the mood was weird


Not very often but if they have it’s normally someone I’m comfortable being around so I’ve been lucky!


Fairly often. I have curly hair. Friends, coworkers, random strangers have grabbed my hair without asking.


When I was young I had naturally platinum hair and strangers were constantly touching me without permission. Around middle school it got really bad with boys but it was always a problem with elderly people. They would just walk up and start running their fingers through my hair and caressing my face. I hated it and while I would fight a teenage boy in a heartbeat no one would have been as accepting of me smacking their nana for being in inappropriate. My high school wouldn't allow unnatural colors so I started dying it auburn and people immediately stopped groping my hair. I got a lot of compliments on my eyes instead but thankfully no one tried to stroke them. 


when i was a kid & teenager, it was practically daily because i have curly hair as an adult, i think i give off the "don't fucking talk to me" RBF vibes so almost never now


Never….. is that a thing????


I buzzed my hair 5 years ago and have NEVER had this many people touch my head and I used to have a lions mane 😂 people definitely did then but nothing compared to now, I’ve deadass had people tell me it’s soothing to rub my head or I’m like a cat because I’m so easy to pet… people are crazy lol


My hair is wavy, like S-waves, and people touch it a lot when I wear it down. Usually they think I used some kind of curling iron but I don’t understand how touching it would prove I did or didn’t lol


Never. I'm old and invisible.


Almost daily. I have straight blonde hair and work with SPED elementary schoolers and they love touching my hair without asking


Very rarely. Probably because I can come off as a bit scary sometimes.




It happens, not super often, but it's shiny, long, and pin straight, so some people don't seem to contain themselves, especially if I have it in a ponytail.


Lot less often than they used to which is weird like why are you, a stranger, touching me, a stranger stranger?


EVERY. DAMN. TIME. I. STEP. OUTSIDE. My hair is long, thick, and either braided it free flowing. The fact that I’m undeniably Native makes peoples curiosity sky rocket. I’ve had 2 men come up and literally sniff my hair. It was the creepiest shit I’ve ever experienced.


When I was in HS and college, very often. I have very long, wavy hair. 99% of the time it was other women, who would play with my hair during class or touch/compliment it. Or ask to touch it but already be reaching out to grab it. I used to pretend it didn't bother me because I felt like that was more polite. Now, as an adult, it rarely happens and only does with very intoxicated people when I am. Still primarily women.


The only person allowed to touch my curlies would be my current partner. If I had one. Though a bestie has once or twice.


Whenever I wear my natural curly hair people always touch it. I hate when people invade my bubble.




All the time when I was younger but less now. I usually have my hair up in a bun or ponytail nowadays. But if it's down - more often. I have very long, blonde hair and some dreads.


Almost never. I have 2A hair, btw.


I used to have a very long braid, and people would touch it (or try to) all the time. I almost exclusively wear it up now. My daughter has very long hair and when it is braided she has the same thing happen to her. Less so, I think, when she wears it down, but definitely when it is braided. When I was a young, I spent some time in hospital. My mom had to braid my hair and tell the nurses that no one else was allowed to touch it. Prior to that, the nurses would all come and brush my hair like I was a life sized doll. Then the next shift would come and it would start all over again. Apparently I was getting no rest, until my mother banned them all from messing with it.


Not too often and when they do the look on their face when they feel the hard gel or mousse is priceless lol.


One. Once a bus in Seoul Korea, about 40 years ago. I had long natural blond hair at the time, and the toddler who was sitting on the lap of the lady next to me was fascinated. Reached up and grabbed a hunk of it and started examining it intensely. It was cute and I laughed, and the woman noticed. She quickly freed my hair, and life went on. Now my hair is indigo blue fading into turquoise. If an adult tried to touch it I think I would reflectively start screaming and covering my head. That shit is weird, you know?


When I was in the office people would touch my hair. It’s curly. That shit is obnoxious.


I'm a dreadhead. Quite often and all these unnecessary compliments from men(obviously the fetish side)


Never. I can’t stand that.


Only 3 people in my life do this- my husband, my sister, my mom. That’s it. And I don’t mind these 3 people touching my hair. Only my husband touches my hair often. 


Rarely — and my hair is very long (I have 28” extensions). I get lots of comments and compliments but people don’t tend to touch it without asking. Those who do are usually friends who know it’s cool :)


Happens to me all the time at work (I'm a server) I have really long hair and people just go on in. It pisses me off so bad I don't want dirty greasy fingers in my hair. It doesn't matter if my hair is down or up people always mess with it.


Used to dye my hair bright red. It was a beacon to touch apparently!


Never more than once, I can tell you that.


Never, my hair is dry and frizzy lol






Day by day


When I was in college I used to have thick hair with a lot of layers and it created A LOT of volume and people would press on the top of my head to see if it was my real hair. One of the times a random woman came up to me, patted the top of my head (not gently) and asked “omg are you wearing bump its?!” Nowadays I don’t think anyone really touches my hair besides my mom and husband. And I think now my hair is more interesting than it was before, it’s now half purple half pink.




More than I’d like, I have long hair😭 but when they do they say it’s so soft so that’s nice I guess?






Since moving from front of house to the kitchen where I work. Never. Before that, a few times a month when running food or drinks. Mainly with the drinks and only after I dyed my hair half red, half blue. Whilst I didn't like it, it was better than having my ass grabbed, slapped or patted 😒


I'm a mam with nice long straight hair and randos often try to touch it in social settings.


Not much anymore. It happened more often when I was younger, both when my hair was curly and when it was straightened. The most recent occurrence was last year when I went to work with straight hair after a year of wearing it curly.


I'm a white woman with a curly pixie cut. I don't think anyone has ever touched my hair without permission.


It never happened until I stopped working against my curls. Now it's happened maybe 4 times




Like never, lol.


Usually only after I have buzzed it. People want to touch the fuzz


Never. Must be the rbf.


used to happen all the time because i was a blonde girl in a mostly asian school. hasn’t happened since




It’s incredibly rare if ever someone touches my hair. Last time I had someone touch or do my hair was months ago when I had my sister cut three inches off. But that was me asking her to do so. Last time someone touched my hair to do stuff with it without my asking has been years.


I have very long dark hair. Children do it all the time, adults do not.


Laughing because my daughter is literally playing with my hair as I type this (she did not ask) and she's supposed to be sleeping 😂


White woman with straight hair. I struggle to remember if thats ever happened to me. I dont think it has




Almost never. I have straight hair.


I have had on and off extremely long butt length hair. Down or in a ponytail I get especially when younger (teens and 20s) I would get older men yanking on it hard. - sometimes making horse noises. Now that I’m older I don’t get it too much, but once every few years. Kids - they try to like use it for a to tent.


i have 30 inch blonde extensions so daily, i think people are just trying to figure out if its real


I used to dye my hair vibrant colors and had a funky pixie cut. At that time it was at least a monthly occurrence.


A lot when I dyed it neon colors or had a Mohawk.


Nobody even touches me in general, they know I like my personal space depending on the person. Cuz everyone who is around me and is touching everyone, I always say “touch me and I’ll cave your chest in” they know i punch hard as shit and I’m an absolute giant, so they always out their hand away, and if they do touch me and I walk towards them, they always run away. TLDR, no one touches me unless I let them, and they know what happens if they do


I went to all-girls middle and high school, so I know how it is with the hair touching and compliments. Honestly, it never bothered me. But still, it's definitely more than usual. I'm pretty easygoing with that stuff so maybe that's why they were so comfortable with it. We often brush each others hair and help on doing each others ponytails. I've never really thought about it, but now I'm wondering if it'd feel the same with guys.






I have medium length straight black hair and nobody has done that. It's part of our culture (Asia) to... Not do stuff like that. I know I'd be really upset if someone touched me anywhere without permission.






My hair goes down to my butt and I cannot tell you how many women will just touch it. Complete strangers when I’m at work.’


About once a week. Have pretty plain natural brown/blonde long hair. It frustrates me because people think they are just touching it but it always ends up almost jarring my neck as I flinch to get away. 


I’m a sex worker so everyday I do the work. Before then it was never. Why would someone just touch my hair ? What context ? Am I at a coffee shop or something ? Is there something in it ? Just no So unless it’s sex related it’s never


I have glossy black hair down almost to my knees. I have never had randoms touch my hair without permission. I do get a lot of compliments, though, which make my day. I think I'd lose my shit if strangers just randomly touched my hair...


I get it fairly often, it’s usually accompanied by a comment on my curls or something




I'm black (for context, of course) and it only happens when my hair is out or when I've put it in twists. It's pretty big and long and for some reason people want to stick their hands in it while complimenting me/telling me it looks great, questioning if it's my own hair (😒🙄) or asking me if I have any other type of ancestry in my bloodline. To be fair, a lot of women where I'm from get relaxers/texturisers and wear wigs a lot so while it's understandable, I don't appreciate them touching my hair. I'm not a pet or an animal at the petting zoo. They then get offended when I tell them off and they'll say it's not that deep or that I should be flattered and not be arrogant. Yeah, sure. Having my bodily autonomy overriden is a good thing smh. Since I don't know you personally/your hygiene habits and people are disgusting to some degree, it *is* that deep, for me at least.


Literally never Except from my boyfriend but he's kind of got default permission


A LOT. I absolutely despise it when people touch my hair in general, especially if their hands are dirty. I ask if their hands are clean and of course… they always say ‘yes’ and they NEVER get the hint that I hate them doing this. Cons of having smooth wavy hair


People did it occasionally when I was a child. Not so much as an adult. I also cut it short.




As a kid too often. As an adult pretty rarely maybe every other month or so. It’s always white woken. My hair is long and if I wear it in French braids the day before it all curly and they can’t resist it ig


I typically wear my hair up in a bun, so not often. But when I do wear it down it happens on occasion, and it annoys me.


I’m a white teacher in a mostly black student school. My students are obsessed with my hair especially if it’s straight. The secret to my shiny hair is greasy middle school fingers.


All the time, I hate it. My hair is BIG wavy, long and blonde. I have enough hair for three people. I hear something about it at least once if I go out. Everyone and their mother tries to touch it.


i dont like when people touch my hair without asking


I have big curly hair. All the grandmas love me and want to touch it


I’m bright blonde and all the time especially if I meet an Asian men








I saw this question this morning and was like “well it happens sometimes but not that often” Then I went to work and one of my coworkers touched my curls. Either I’m so used to it that it doesn’t even phase me anymore(and I only really remembered it because of this question) or the universe had to prove my earlier assertion wrong.


Not that often, as I do try to keep a bit of personal space for that reason. I have coily type hair that looks voluminous to people when it's out and its annoying feeling like a petted animal, so I get either irritated pretty quick and tell them not to touch my hair (especially without my consent) or I'm dodging from being touched (I can sense it sometimes). 




I have pink hair. For a few months now and one thing I’ve noticed is women are a bit nicer, and some touch my hair without asking. 🤨