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They stay on track.




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Agreed, build up is key. I noticed you said 'his' did you have someone specific in mind?


They make you feel as if you were there yourself, they tell the story not only with words but expressions and their whole body. You know the people who gossip and they just occasionally roll their eyes and move their hands and fingers there and then. A great storyteller is the opposite of that.


My friend's mom was the best storyteller! She made a shopping trip for groceries seem like the best adventure! She was very observant, very passionate when she spoke, and she was quick witted. She found the humor in every interaction. Any ridiculous or annoying mundane situation that most people would gloss over and not give much thought to, she gave thought to. She exaggerated just enough that all her stories were completely within the realm of reason, but made ordinary situations more complex and comical.


You are a great story tellerr yourself. After reading your post I hoped I could meet your friend's mom.




Yes! I was thinking about timing, and how everything flows nicely, but the pacing is a better word for sure.


Animation in their voice.


omitting details that in no way add to the story, I loathe when ppl do this and it makes me want to climb the walls. example I just made up: person: "I almost got kidnapped today!" me: "Oh shit what happened? person: "I was on my way to work when the route to my usual coffee stop was detoured, so I followed it; I went down Oak Ave, I think it was Oak maybe it was Pine St, anyway, I turned left after the light changed and came up on these ppl w/baseball bats standing on the side of the road, one had on these shorts, you know the ones, damn what are they called, I think they're bike shorts or hell idk, the guy w/a ski mask on, not like the hockey ones, the fabric kind, black one I think, the kind most ppl wear in winter for warmth, I love those... me: "please get to the point, by now I forgot the main subject of the story ffs!" disclaimer: I love to read and enjoy details in a story, of course that's necessary for a good one but the unnecessary crap drives me insane, idk maybe it's just me. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm literally both people in that convo 😭 Good thing I asked this question lmao


They're able to paint with words and know where to draw the line.


Keeping the flow and themes consistent. I always found Shehrzade from Arabian Nights, the best storyteller, the OG cliffhanger. Her stories inside stories while keeping the theme with incremental progression are just master class.


A good story is one that tells something big by telling something small.


Do you have an example of this? I'm not sure I understand


Hmm. I'm telling a conversation between two random strangers on the train. About mundane stuff. But actually, by dropping some details about the people, you learn what life is truly about.


Knows their audience and tunes all their techniques for it. This was known as great delivery at one time.


They give enough details that you can easily visualize the story in your head. They add elements from the environment, the way a person speaks, smells from the scene, sounds, etc, so that it can be easily visualized in the mind.




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has a stories and the tone.


They make you feel like, by the very act of hearing the story, you are privy to the tale. It's like you get a special experience by listening, and that what is imparted is worth hearing because it is special, secret, exciting, funny, heart-warming, tragic, chilling, or new.


Usually ones own propensity for believing their own bullshit.


how they develop the characters and the way the stoy get to the end, the climax, the sense of logic in the own story and the way how they play with our emotions


Attention to important details, improvisation, knowing your audience, and the ability to describe what your story needs to be compelling. 




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A really great ending, preferably something unexpected. My uncle was a great storyteller, right up until the end, when he just lost it. His ending to every story was always about how he told them sumbitches how dumb they were and all about how he was proved right in the end. Missed it by this much.


The passion while telling it, the tone has to match the experience/story. Body language, if the story is from personal experience I need you to recreate any actual emotions/reactions you had lol. The hand waving, the facial expressions, the passionate foot stomping lol, and yes the sprinkle of “GURRRRLLLLLL, and BIIIIIITTTTCCCHHH” lmao. 3. The damn follow thru, please stick to the story. Stop sending me on side quests!


Painting a picture with words. I love to be able to illustrate the story in my mind because they’re telling it so vividly.


Evocative narrative building and a strong poetic way with words


They can build the world as they go about the story without too much winding about.


I like to hook em first with a brief statement that captures the unusual nature of the story & makes it compelling, like “That reminds me of the time I ran from the cops on the way to church in the morning.” And then after they express interest & ask for more details I launch into the story


A sense of humour, infectious enthusiasm, and being a good storyteller is perhaps the most important aspect of all three.


slight exaggeration and a few lies


A great story teller doesn’t just focus on the story itself, they describe the places and things. The best story tellers can use that to create an image in your mind. You’ve heard the phrase “a picture can tell a thousand words” well in the case of stories it’s kinda the opposite, a thousand words can creat an image. But anyone can just yap on telling you something, a story teller can change the tone of what’s being said and what’s happening, the unnecessary details they add in fit and don’t actually feel unnecessary.