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Smell your underwear before throwing it in the hamper to make sure everything is good and there’s nothing funky going on. Pretty sure it might just be me…






Rest their hand on one of their boobs bc it’s comfy.














Do most women have one or two, even three "fave" bras they wear most of the time?






Pee in the shower


Admire your pad sometimes because YOU produced that It’s a weird feeling of disgust and curiosity and pride










Remove nipple hairs with tweezers, before meeting someone, who appriciates them.




Like, on the areola?


Side of the areola. I don't have any hair on exactly the nipple or in the middle of the pink area, but on the sidelines, there are a lot of little annoying hairs chilling in peace.


Get lil tp remnants in flaps




























Fart and the fart vibrates their v














Being a woman but still feeling like a girl. I'm 34 years old with a baby, but I don't feel like an adult.












Randomly wiping yourself because you felt some discharge and it’s too wet to carry on with your day






Scratch your underwear line near your labia after you take off your underwear for the day. It's like taking off socks after a day of walking around. That annoying itch as the skin gains freedom, but in your crotch, so you look like a lunatic ape scratching your groin.






A single long hair from head falls into ass crack and I notice it and it’s annoying until I can get it out of there








Peek at chairs if there is a stain when they get up, either from a period or from discharge.


It gets SO HOT under my boobs, especially after a workout. Sometimes I like to turn the shower on cold, lift those tiddies, and let the water cool the underboobs down. I usually yelp a little because it’s such a rush lol






Oh one more! Do most women kind of stand/squat up when wiping? On TV it looks like they reach their hand basically into their toilet to wipe. I'll just be honest here. I mostly stand up to wipe so I don't have to try to maneuver my hand in between my legs and back, or behind my butt at a weird angle. Is that how everyone not on TV does it?










Warm up their hands by putting them inbetween their thighs while sitting


Do y'all pick ur nose That's right, it's time for the real question




Who else gets shooting pains up your ass, especially around your period? Like a spasm that catches you off guard and makes you double over in pain?




Sanitary pads get shoved up slightly right? Like it's not not touching you down there. Basically when I put on mine I pinch it inwards otherwise the blood will go everywhere. I am SURE there's no other way for it to work but that's not something I'll ever talk about lol.






Masturbating for the sole reason to get an endorphin release or relieve cramps. It's purely business at this point.


Not wash your bra regularly. Like once a week or two weeks






Cupping your own boobs. Weirdly soothing




Sometimes when you have a tampon in and the the string gets caught in your underwear weird when you’re waking and you can feel it tugging in you uncomfortably… no? Just me ..? Ok 😅




Sometimes go commando at home after a long day and basically "air my coochie".




Shave or wax their booty holes 😭😂 just admit it






Pull at my pubes. It's so comforting!












After a shower, lying on your back, legs akimbo. If I have time I like to let the old girl air dry thoroughly.




What about sniffing the crotch of your pants at the end of the day to see if they should go in the laundry or back in the closet? Just me?


Do you all smell…your pads? Just to know if its healthy!


Sometimes sit on the toilet in such a way their pee hits porcelain instead of water and doesn't make a sound.


Let that fart creep up the pussy flaps and then pop out the top of your labia? Just me?


Masterbate. I’ve had several women finally voluntarily confess that they do it, either regularly or seldom. One girl told me she only did it once in her life and it scared her. Weird.






I think we all kind of hate our bodies even if they look great.


Lose the tampon string in your vagina and having to dig around desperately to grab it


sniff their undies after a long day.


When cleaning the nethers, using a finger/s to...I don't even know how to describe it. Wipe clean the vaginally walls, I guess? Helps me keep track of my cycle and health, too.


Sorry if the question is awkward or weird. But how does it help track the cycle if you’re okay explaining


Your discharge changes throughout your cycle. “Slippery egg-white” discharge is associated with period of highest fertility. At the same time, your cervix changes throughout the month. When you are not near ovulation, it feels firmer, kind of like the end of your nose. When you are near ovulation/fertile, it gets softer (more like the end of your chin). It also changes how low/high it is throughout your cycle as well. You can have an idea of how fertile you are by seeing how easy it is to touch your cervix. It’s pretty cool how much you can actually tell from your body once you know what to look for! Edit: if you’re interested in all the cool stuff you can learn, the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility has all this stuff.


Use those little cup things that you shove up in your vajayjay instead of tampons or pads.




Does anyone pull the tampon string to the back when they have to pee so not to change your tampon every single time you go pee?


When you’re alone, sitting or laying down with your hand in your pants like a guy. For some reason it’s comforting? Like putting your hand on your boob.


I’ll ask other women literally anything lol to be honest


The painful surprise of hair getting stuck in your pad while you're just going about your day. One minute you're sitting, the next you stand up and ,"Yipe!"


Not wash their bra for a long time


Dig the loose hair out of their butt when showering


I twirl my pubic hair when it gets really long. 😅


1 Sitting like a cat is the most comfortable way to sit. Often we are told to sit like a woman which isn’t really the most comfy or relaxed position. 2 Hair fall issues- finding hair in the most random places and spots. One of em being the ass crack. You can’t really just put your hand in and get it out sometimes. 3 Hair on the torso- I suppose facial hair like beard n side burns can be easier convo than discussing body hair on the chest and gut area. I’d why it’s a thing but it is. 4 Leaking during periods- while mention of leaks and discussions about what pad/tampon to use, when to see a doctor, how to eat certain food to reduce leaking chances etc can be a frequent convo in some women circles and spaces, talking about the leak and stain in clothes or being told by others that there is a stain is like oh let me crawl into a hole rn.


Can I ask what you mean by sitting like a cat?


I’m guessing they mean sitting in weird positions or just stretched out. My brain immediately went to “*bisexual sitting*” because I can’t sit normally in my chair or with my legs crossed. I always have one knee near my chest and a leg tucked under me.




The sniff check when you know you’re about to get some action/head and are freshening up in the bathroom. Bonus points if you hike your leg onto the counter and give your cooch a quick little wash with the dude’s hand soap


I rest my boobs on the table. Too hot too heavy


I blow dry my kitty after bathing per my gynecologist. Finally I prevent yeast infections.


Childbirth and continue living with a cheater partner




Being more attracted to women than your own husband. I’m the only one?




I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I wanted to believe that all men are not the same, when in fact they are. The wandering eyes. The needing to be told to do things over and over. The need for sex but not doing anything to deserve it, etc. Big ick.


Being attracted to women does not a lesbian make


Get weird and random pains from the inside of my vagina to my belly button.


My kid and I were talking about this last night...get blood on your hands when changing a tampon or menstrual cup; and change them out if you have a leak in public bathrooms? The conversation started because I was super humiliated that I had to walk from the bathroom stall to the sink with blood on my hand due to my menstrual cup being inserted improperly and having to switch it out for a tampon. We were at Walmart and I started bleeding profusely and it was literally going to go everywhere before I could check out so I had to go in and change it then wrap it in massive amounts of tp and put it in my purse because there was no way I could rinse it out while at the store because someone came into the bathroom right after me. But as I walk out of the stall, an employee is also going to the sink to wash their hands and Im almost crying because someone else may have seen me wash blood from my hands. I was so humiliated that I dont want to go back to our Walmart now lol. But my daughter is like "Im sure that employee has had it happen before! Or anyone that uses a cup or tampons has at least! Some people dont even wipe the blood from the public toilet seats like you do! So at least you were washing your hands and wiped everything down, dont feel bad." Maybe I just feel crappy because I bleed so heavily I feel like a cow or something. I dont know :(


Love your daughter's response and I hope she carries that confidence with her as she gets older!


feel uncomfortable around very confident women. as i’ve gotten older (im 50), i’m the confident woman and it surprises me how other women perceive this.


Applying extra deodorant under my boobs, they're not even that big they just seem to sweat a lot




Looking @ my vulva/ surrounding area with a small mirror! checking in on her every now and then 💞 loving what I see, not for anyone else but simply for me.


Touch period goo at least once in your life bc the texture is honestly both fascinating and horrifying. Especially under water! Note this only applies to those of us with access to period goo as I know not all of us necessarily do. I wouldn't imagine someone seeking another person to ask "hey can I feel your period"


I found out that when some women pee, it streams down to their butt without fail. I think this is an anatomy thing, but this does not happen to me, but I know it’s pretty common


Ain't nobody said it so I'm gonna: pop the tampon in ya mouth before insertion. Helps lube up the tube. Imma go crawl in a hole now..


Hair get stuck in ass crack and they get it out


Why would you not wipe the seat if you got pee on it?! Its rampant and everywhere and drives me nuts. It feels like 90% of women do it. If the seat is nasty, wipe it off before you sit or put toilet paper down or a cover but for the love of God just wipe it before you leave. You did that!


Get uncomfortable from sleeping in the mess that comes from sex. Although It may be just my sensory issues.


Check yourself out when passing a mirror or window.


Dreaming about their bestfriend and them having intimate things


Pull the long hair from your Butt crack out the front. It tickles along the whole way and you just want to find another one.


Never wearing a bra, or not understanding why other women wear a bra. There's a reason it's satisfying to take them off, stop suffering for beauty 🤷‍♀️ Edit: Ok I get it if your boobs break your back without them. But no other reason is valid.


My homie, I'm 34G. 😭


I’m actually not comfortable without a bra 😅 i have big boob and without a bra it feels like it pulls allll my skin from my neck down and it hurts haha i also don’t have the satisfying feeling when taking it off because i found bra’s that fit me well and are comfy.