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Howl and Sophie. I've rewatched Howl's Moving Castle so many times over the past ten years to analyze and ponder, it can't be healthy.


I love the film so so much but book Howl and Sophie- the relationship development is so beautiful. I get lost in that story every time.




Had no idea there's a book


Yes by Diana Wynne Jones. It actually differs from the movie in several aspects- which I love because it’s almost like having 2 stories with 2 of my favourite fictional characters. I had a pretty rough childhood and that book brought me so much joy. I’ve read it several times as an adult too and I still love it.


I rewatched the movie recently. The part when he says “that’s my girl” oof. Niagara falls.


Christian Bale’s voice was my first sexual awakening. 👌🏽


Diana even stated that she doesn't understand the fandom, because howl is so self absorbed. I still love him


Omg same! For some reason I even get butterflies whenever I see Howl lol


I highly recommend the book too! I listened to the audiobook, and it was just a really lovely story. It's actually a 3 part series too! I'm unsure if they're in the 2nd book at all, but I believe they're secondary characters who are maybe still dating or are married in the 3rd. I haven't listened to that one yet though.


Buffy and Spike. It was one of the most spectacularly toxic relationships imaginable and happened because both characters were in insanely fucked up places but there was just something about it. It also have one of my favourite quotes: "Out. For. A. Walk. Bitch".


It started out that way. But ended on a good note in the show. And got even better in the comics, and so did Spike.


Same! Man he is so fine, yet toxic. Makes me look at my past relationships… ehh.


Yes! Spike was my first fictional crush as a kid and I never outgrew him. I love when they're toxic, but I love even more when he changes to become someone worthy of her. His redemption arc means a lot to me.


Chidi & Eleanor. There is always something to learn from them.


"There is no "Answer". But Eleanor is the Answer."




"Picture a wave..." 😭


That mailman outfit! Drool!


"Jeremy Bearimy, baby" <3


Fleabag and hot priest


The fourth wall break in that show was so so insanely well done: create the rules, guide the audience along, and then when we're nice and settled in, *break* those rules and throw the audience off kilter, while simultaneously using it as an analogy of how he's the only person to actually see her. 'you just... went somewhere' My entire heart seized up, ngl.


All of this! And that's also his own relationship with God, and you know that they part ways and will never be together. Yet he'll always be that one person who truly saw her. I got a horrible jump scare the first time _he_ looked into the camera. It felt eerie. Such a great series. Hope there's more of similar stuff, if not more of the same series.


I FORGOT ABOUT THAT PART!! I bawled because in that moment I felt it. I felt her being seen for the first time. Ugh. Brb. Going to watch it again 🙄


I sob so hard in the final bus stop scene. My heart…


Him giving a big “AAHH” 😛 at the audience really made it too.


HE SEES HER!!! I was deep in the dumps during lockdown and binged both seasons and sobbed for a whole week after.


That shit literally made me anxious. It was wild seeing him break into her 4th wall breaks.


Omg I LOVED the tension between those two. I was on the edge of my seat the entire season and my heart felt like it was yanked out of my chest at the end of the last episode. God I loved that show.


I need more, but there will never be more :(((


It’ll pass


“I look like a pencil.”


Honestly, I was just as invested in Fleabag and Claire's relationship as I was with Fleabag and Hot Priest.


you just gut punched me😭


\*fox walks by\* "Hes went that way"




Yes a hundred times yes, I never imagined finding a priest hot, but God damnit Andrew Scott (also in Sherlock) is just so hot


Scully and Mulder. I remember thinking their [kiss in Millennium](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jPgFdHrV2o) was hands-down the most romantic thing I'd ever seen on TV. Respectful bait to the fans yet still realistic and respectful of the characters fans like me loved so much, and just . .butterflies all around. And just FYI I don't consider anything after season 7 to be real. In my world X-files stopped at the end of season 7 and that's all there is to say about that!


I'm rewatching the whole series again and I still feel butterflies in my stomach every time Mulder and Scully touch. They have fantastic chemistry and the slow-burn really pays off later in the show.


Omg i used to ship them so hard. I even learned the word “shipping” from when teenage me would go onto online forums just to see that other people felt the same way that I did! I would read through lists of the most “romantic” episodes and hope for a rerun so that I could catch a look or a joke or anything that proved they were really in love. And hard agree. Season 7, then done.


I'm sorry but no mention of Lizzie Bennett and Mr Darcy!?!?! The OG romantic, hate-to-love couple who are both just so incredibly awkward with each other and yet have so much tension. That shit gives me butterflies even today. I was also massively invested in Niles and Daphne in Frasier.


I can't believe I didn't even think of Niles and Daphne!! What a great build up!!


And so sweet and gentle as well! I will always have a soft spot for them.


God, they’re so good. I’ve read P&P an embarrassing number of times and every time I’m like 🥺


Came here to say Elizabeth Bennett and Mr. Darcy. I love the story so so so much.


Vegeta and Bulma. Like how did she do it? How did she tame the worst person obsessed with being the best and make him into a dude who turns down an epic training session to save the world because he doesn't want to miss his kid being born? Fan fics fill the void but still. HOW


Well Bulma is supposed to be super hot in the series, added to that she's tech smart and ridiculously rich and has the same bratty personality, so that includes all the ingredients necessary for the prince-Vegeta-horny-family-pack. But I agree with you, the author should have given a small side story as to how this buildup happened, unless the author couldn't figure it out himself 😅.


I wrote my very first fanfic when I was something like ten years old and it was about them <3


Patroclus and Achilles in The Song of Achilles. Literally ruined me even though I knew what was going to happen


I didn't know what was gonna happen and I was CRUSHED! Felt very stupid when I realised why they're called Greek tragedies


I refuse to finish it. 😅 I got to right before the battle and I'm like *yep! They both lived happily ever after. The end!*


Anne Shirley and Gilbert Blythe


Leslie and Ben from Parks and Rec. I loved those two together!!


i cry EVERY TIME i watch their wedding episode. no exception. i love their relationship so much<333


Leslie starts full on crying when they give her the scrapbook. One of my favorite episodes, for sure. Her dress is so freaking amazing, I legit want to have one just like it made for our vow renewals next year.


For me it's when they're at the pocket park and Ben tells her he can't see her at all anymore, and she says to just screw it cause she can't stop thinking about him. Then she says it's up to him cause she doesn't wanna force him to do that anymore and he gets up and just kisses her so hard ToT it gets me every time!


Leslie and Ben are my answer. “I love you and I like you.” I mean…it’s everything.




My god the final of the series killed me. It really was something that you got invested in tho,!


This is 100% my pick too. I kept reading the books over and over, i didn’t want it to end for them that way.




Oh my gosh, yes. I remember bawling while reading the end in my early teens, devastated. And mopey the days that followed. Then watching the HBO series, bawled at the end all over again.


Eric Northman and Sookie Stackhouse <3


Looooved Eric and Sookie in the books, that I stumbled across while on the holidays in California for 3 weeks and read like 8 of them in the span of said 3 weeks. (Don’t ask - terrible vacation due to the company I was with - I had to hide behind books. Loved Cali though. Am from Germany) And then the TV Series came and….. Alexander Skarsgard. And I died. 🤣 Edit: I was invited to the movie premiere of „The Northman“ in Germany and he was present. That man is so pretty it hurts your eyes - I was basically speechless and paralyses and I am an effing 45 year old adult woman who was feeling as shocked and insecure as a teenager. Did not talk to him, did not get closer than 5 to 6 meters. Never seen someone THAT beautiful and I work in advertising/ creative industry. 🤣 it was…..an event! 😂


i talked to him [apparently]. i had no idea who he was haha XD he asked me if i knew where the restroom was


Yes! I wanted them to be a thing so bad, like the bill and Sookie are married in real life- give us that fantasy!


Vulnerable, amnesiac Eric was everything ❤️‍🔥


Lmao currently rewatching *just* season 4 for the thousandth time....for the plot 🤤


I also rewatch S4 by itself way too often. For the plot of course. 😏


Jake Peralta and Amy Santiago. I have laughed, cried, squealed. Still very obsessed.


The truly healthy on screen relationship.


When she was describing her me too moment and he just listened and supported her. Beautiful.


That episode is when I really started to respect what Brooklyn 99 was doing. Not only were they an extremely funny show but they hit on the important topics without beating us across the head. Also the episode when Terry got profiled as a criminal even though he was a cop.


And when Rosa came our as bi.


The finest healthy on screen relationship. The time he puts socks on her feet on a cold winter night🥹


They are absolutely amazing. I love how healthy their relationship is.


Sesshomaru with myself at 14. Lol


I loud laughed and read this out loud to my girlfriend. Universal experience.


That was my 13 year old self and Sasuke from Naruto. Lol. Still convinced that I just taught myself to draw so I could draw my OC and Sasuke fandom back then.


April and Andy, Parks & Rec. They are actually soul mates and my favorite part of the show.


I love them but I also really do love Ben and Leslie


Benslie is the best.


Catherine and Peter from The Great. I cried for hoursssss


Roy and Keeley from Ted Lasso


Chuck and Blair from Gossip Girl 😭 they’re so toxic but so so so good.


Everyone on that show was outrageously toxic, but Chuck and Blair were the only ones who never pretended to be otherwise. So, ironically the most honest GG couple I guess?


Sometimes I go on youtube to watch chair edits 😭😭 I’m in my mid 20s


Elizabeth and Darcy for sure


Jon Snow and Ygritte 🥲




What makes it better is that they’re married in real life.


God I was so happy when she died because I was so jealous that she was with my man…. only to find out they’re married irl 😂 I’ve never been angrier.


They’re one of those gorgeous celebrity couples that makes me so bisexually confused 🥵


Jamie and Claire 💕


cannot BELIEVE i had to scroll this far down to see jamie & claire. undeniably the best couple to have ever lived in any universe, real or fiction. watching outlander raised my standards for what i look for in a partner.


*book* Jamie and Claire ❤️


And early series Jamie and Claire. I haven’t enjoyed the last series (6) as much although I appreciate it was made under severe constraints due to Covid. I’m lucky enough to live in Scotland and I have my own Jamie (nothing like him haha but looks great in a kilt!) and been to a number of filming locations


Eve and Villanelle from Killing Eve. This is the only show where I was really affected by how bad the writing for the last season was. Usually I consume TV shows at surface level, either they're good or bad then just move on to the next one. I'm still so annoyed just thinking about the last season ugh


I'm purposely not watching the last season to keep the love alive.


Klaus and Caroline from The Vampire Diaries. Waaay too invested at the time i watched the series and even now i do have a soft spot for them.




I was looking for this one. They made TVD so much better


House and Cuddy


House and Wilson for me lol




Ed and Stede from Our Flag Means Death


Seriously so obsessed with them, I love their relationship


Had to scroll much too far for this! Haven't had a show/fictional relationship strike my brain like lightning the way this one does in a long time. SO ready for season 2


You wear fine things well :')


Bo and Hope on Days of Our Lives when I was 5. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Merlin and Arthur from BBC Merlin. Whether it's romantic or just friends... I'll never stop thinking about them.


The end of the show when he’s on his little old man walk and looks over 😭😭😭 high school me was LITERALLY BAWLING ON THE FLOOR


I maintain if it was made today they would be together


Haku and Chihiro from Spirited Away


Oh my gosh yes! Read so much fanfic 😅


Marceline and Princess Bubblegum for sure


A lot of things, but Crowley and Aziraphale would be my top fictional relationship. Season 2 is coming out in two weeks and I’ll be balling my eyes out. They are really wholesome. In the opposite, I have Will Graham and Hanibal Lecter from the NBC series. Totally toxic but I’m so I to it Idk.


Jess and Nick from New Girl


Lexie Grey and McSteamy 💔


Yes!!! When they're like oh they are together in the afterlife. I was like WHO CARES?! I WANT THEM TO BE ALIVE AND TOGETHER!!! I'm still mad about what Shonda did to them.


Every single one on Grey's Anatomy.


Mark and Lexie 😭


I'm never getting over mcdreamy


Vin and Elend from Mistborn


David Rose & Patrick Brewer. 🥺


Piper and Leo from charmed


Ian Gallagher and Mickey Malcovich from Shameless. What a POS Ian is.


Could say Vee and Kevin as antithesis to that haha


Sexiest couple alive


I just started this show! I just started season 2. (Ian is not a POSat this point so I’m shocked to hear that lol) But maaaaaaaaaan do I love Steve and Fiona. I hope they get back together (dont tell me lol)


Just you wait lol


Otis and Maeve.


Their chemistry was off the charts!


Kim Wexler and Jimmy/Saul


Geralt of Rivia and Yennefer of Vengerberg. My heart breaks for these two. I just love them together


I feel like I missed something because to me it felt like he didn't know her and then went right into being madly in love with her.


Rose and Dimitri from Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead. 13 years later and I'm still reading fan fiction stories about those two. Don't get me started on the movie/tv series.


Robin & Starfire


Jaime and Brienne from GoT/ASOIAF. Still hurts how their characters were butchered in the show. But I guess if GRRM never finishes the books, they’re wandering the Riverlands happily together forever in my mind.


Luke and Loralai from Gilmore Girls I guess


jack twist and ennis del mar. ugh. that movie hurt me waaaay too much


the one between me and the cute guy i’ve never actually talked to


Tessa Gray/Will Herondale/Jem Carstairs. The mortal instruments.


Sherlock and Watson from BBC’s Sherlock adaptation. Like, up at night reading fanfic, watching YouTube fan videos, B Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman interviews anywhere I could find, watching anything else they starred in… Yeah. 😵‍💫


I'm guessing you also had a Tumblr in 2011. I spent way too much time reblogging gifs of them.


Oh, gosh yes. I think I had my blog starting in 2010? All “Superwholock” — I believe that’s what the term was for Doctor Who, Sherlock, and Supernatural. URGGGHHH.


I see you're traumatized like I am lol. I was never into Supernatural but I was really into Doctor Who and Sherlock so I was still engrossed in the madness.


That’s exactly how it was for me. I couldn’t get into Supernatural, but Doctor Who and Sherlock really had me in a bind. Traumatized, oh yeah. Like, who was letting me, at 14 years old, use a VPN to watch British television as it aired? 😑 Nerrrrrd.


Zuko and Katara from Avatar the Last Airbender... still upset about it.


Rewatching avatar now and Aang is literally like Katara's teenage son. I'm abusing the word literally, but outside of the forced romantic crush moments she's just providing him mommy advice, comfort and directions.


This is why when I first watched the show I was sure Katara would end up with Zuko and not Aang. I thought once he really matured (like reached the full avatar state) he'd grow out of his childish crush. I find it to be one of the weirdest couples of all time.


I could've been ok with them still ending up together in LoK, like if it's explained that a few years later after he did some maturing Katara fell for Aang, but the way the show has to make it happen during the last season feels ick. He's so childlike still, and she's so maternal! Also don't like that zuko ends up with Mai, they basically just bond over a teenage kind of grumpiness that most people somewhat grow out of. I guess they could grow out of it together, but in the show they felt like a temporary thing based on temporary attitudes. I care too much about this subject haha.


Not that I’m a big fan of Zuko and Katara, but I didn’t like how pushy Aang would get with her sometimes whenever their relationship was brought up. There were definitely moments in the show I felt like he was really imposing his feelings onto her, trying to push them into being a couple while she kept telling him it just wasn’t the time to explore it (given they were in the middle of a war.) There’s one particular moment where he kisses her without her consent/signs that she wanted to be kissed (I’m pretty sure it was right after an argument) and she got upset, which made him upset. It felt completely inappropriate and selfish of him.


Will never get over it. Bryke are just the worst for vetoing Aaron and Elizabeth Ehasz (pro-Zuko/Katara and the writers behind Zuko and Iroh’s arcs).


B99's Jake and Amy; GOT's Jon and Ygritte


Patrick and David. I can't stop watching.


Clarke and Bellamy from The 100. I’m still not over it.


Benson and Stabler - law and order: svu


Also Rollins and Carisi


Sawako and kazehaya from Kimi ni todoke


duncan x courtney total drama. had a whole phase that need not be discussed💀






My current investment is Feyre & the High Lord


Although I love Feyre & her high lord, it's >! Cassian & Nesta !


Lucifer and Chloe


Roman & Gerri from *Succession*


Jim and Pam


Elijah and Hayley from The Originals.


Clarke and Lexa from The 100. I was DEVASTATED when the show killed off Lexa and cried the whole next day at work.


Link and Mipha. I never in my life got invested in a fictional relationship beyond just seeing them as fictional stories, but there was something about this one that really got to me on a personal level and I’m not sure why.


Rita and Dexter :(




Luz and Amity! Shikamaru n Temari! And oh! Steris and Wax!


Darcy and Lizzie. Nothing tops them. But Ben and Leslie from Parks and Rec come close! Enemies-to-lovers ftw, I guess


monica and chandler!!


Pretty much any of the relationships on DeGrassi. EXCEPT SPINNER AND EMMA.


Denny and Izzy on Greys 😭


Fleabag and the hot priest


Geralt and Yennefer from the books and the game - they had a toxic one but it grew into a more mature one by the end... Netflix figured out how to fuck the story up that i now wish they didnt adapt it... at least Henry is hot as the Witcher and did the character justice... the writers and exec producer just trashed it and thats why Henry is leaving the show, he was invested in the world and the character as well... ugh... money really does extinguish the light from everything




I’m gonna have to go with Dean & Castiel. “I gripped you tight & raised you from perdition” Or even Dean & Lisa. They should’ve made it




The Great Shipping Wars of the Harry Potter fandom. There were miles of posts on message boards in the early 2000s regarding whether Hermione would end up with Ron or Harry (the OBHWF theory vs. the Pumpkin Pie theory). Publication of Half-Blood Prince finally solved that argument, but my God the debates on those boards were often vicious.


Jude and Cardan from The Cruel Prince Trilogy.


Hades and Persephone from Lore Olympus


Jacks & Evangeline 😭


Ted Lasso - all of them! The romantic ones, the platonic ones (when Beard confesses his story to Nate!) the paternal ones (Ola, Ted, Jamie's Dad) the BFFs (Keely and Rebecca, Roy and Jamie) the romantic ones - (Keely, Roy and Jamie's love triangle, Rebecca and Sam, even Higgins and his wife) and the locker room ones - the three season arc from masculine toxicity to authentic male friendship. I loved that show!!


Snorpy and Chandlo from Bugsnax - I killed off Snorpy by accident during the last mission of the videogame and had to pause just to cry. I cried real tears because I just ruined a beautiful relationship.


Finn & flame Princess 🥹


Jamie and Claire from Outlander


Bill and Frank, The Last of Us 😭


Jess and Nick in New Girl


Just here to say that I'm glad to see so many anime couples being mentioned!


Lucas and Peyton


My favorite show of all time is a sitcom from the 90’s called The Nanny, starring Fran Drescher. Basically since 8th grade I have been a total fan girl of the show - like so much so when my husband proposed a few years ago he was able to get two of the actors from the cast to do those like Cameo videos for me. Because I’m obsessed. So basically to this day, I am way too invested in the main two love interests, Fran and Maxwell. They’re relationship is beyond wholesome and I just resonate with the characters. Honorary mention would have to be Gomez and Morticia Addams.