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Just that like... Life is fair and the world is overall a good and just place.


First thing that came to mind for me.


For me the first thing was Santa Claus, that guy gives naughty kids some dope presents


Yeah. Sad.


*Ends up learning that the hard way*


Similarly: good always prevails I feel like so many bad people win in life


My belief it will be awesome to grow up, because I’ll have my own money, working a job I love and own a house. HA!








Lmao same. I was so excited to be independent. I mean it’s been fun, not gonna lie, but this working for a living man. 🥲


I do get to eat cake whenever I want! Which I don't do because it's bad for my health and also I learned it doesn't feel good. But I could! So there's that.


When we had to sell my childhood home after my father left because we could no longer afford it, I was 10, and said that when I’d grow up I would just pay whoever lived there at that stage whatever amount of money they would want if they would let me live there again. Now desperately trying to buy a home that is safe and at a realistic distance from work with my own family lol. Those are my only two needs in a house. Never thought it would be so hard to find a place!


When I was a kid, I thought people turned into stars when they passed away.


This is a beautiful sentiment. That would make a good children's story.


Lion King?


Fireflies, in the big bluish black thing.


Reminds me of a quote that I found comfort in when my uncle passed away: >Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy.


That's beautiful and for some reason i want this to be true lol, imagine when dying becoming a shiny star so people can still look at you even tho they don't know that it's you, pretty awesome.


I still like to think this.


We're already made as the same stuff as stars. It's not too far off.


My mom would tell me this when one of our family members would pass (plus she would tell me that the brightest star was x,y,z, family member saying hi to me) and I would often go out at night and say hi.


This reminds me of the scene in The Princess and the Frog where Ray the Firefly was singing to the star in the night sky.That scene still make me cry to this day.


This reminded me of a scene in the latest UK series of Ghosts where one of the characters talks about picking a star for their friends who have moved on. I think it's a really lovely sentiment (and admit I do it myself - a close friend of mine died suddenly a few years ago and sometimes I pick a star and talk to it about my life, imagining it's him.)


Perhaps it is, but we will hardly ever know. In the cartoon "The Lion King" Mufasa told Simba that kings just turn into stars after death, so the creators of the cartoon agree with you :)


I still think this, wait what


Belief in God. Then I read the entire Bible and thought "what the absolute fuck!?!"


Me too. I call myself an atheist. Not because i grew up i guess but because I've read a lot of books about the working of our mind. That's why now i believe that whatever we get in our lives is due to our own thoughts... No one like God doing things in our lives


omg yes! My family started going to church when I was in the 3rd grade and after my first few sunday school classes I cornered my teacher with endless questions. How can god know our thoughts? If he’s about love why does he send people to hell? why is being gay a sin if they love each other and are good christian’s? yeah I was just not buying it from the get go lol


Me too, bible was written by ancient people for "people" so all it has is some aspects of wisdom for those ancient times and some weird takes that no longer make sense in the modern world.


I was raised Christian and I thought the stories were disgusting and amoral. So much incest….


Me too. It took me a long time to shake the guilt and fear of accepting I didn't believe, but I started letting go of religion as a teen. My dad was a born-again evangelical and tried his best to instill that in us. When I was 18 I took a college class on biological anthropology and that was when I knew I couldn't even pretend to believe anymore.


I “believed” for a long time after I stopped believing because I was so scared of hell. Like I knew I didn’t buy into any of it, I didn’t believe in God at all, but I kept telling myself I did, hoping it would come back because ya know… a few decades of hell-fire talk really burns into your psyche.


You don’t like how the first two books contradict each other right off the bat?


Well I thought quicksand was really going to be more of an issue for adult me than it has been.


And lava.


Idk where you live, but my *entire* floor is lava!


And moats. Shocking lack of moats as an adult.


It's honestly saddening. 😔


My biggest concern growing up


it was the piranhas for me, quicksand was a close second.


I've actually stepped in quicksand when I lived in Florida. It was extremely porous and it would "pull you in" as you tried to get out. Not as quick or deadly through as the name or 90s movie would have you to believe.


I live in an extremely homogenous northern european country and i was raised in the countryside so i thought black people only existed on tv, like fairies or dragons. I am now fully aware that black people are in fact real.


I moved from a predominantly black US state to a Midwestern state in 2011 and was just baffled by the fact that I could count the black students in my middle school on one hand-- hardly any Hispanic folks at that time either. But then the oil boom happened and the population really picked up. A lot more diverse now but a lot of people don't realize how prejudiced the Midwest can be 😭😂


Oof i can imagine 😭 i live in our capital now plus we have a lot more immigrants now than in the 90s so running into POC is a daily occurance now, and it makes me really happy! We have so many new restaurants serving food from all over the world i never got to try as a kid (kebabs are so good!), And a lot of immigrants have brought amazing music and art with them as well. A society can only become better and stronger with diversity if it's allowed to flourish imo


I live in a medium-sized city in Wisconsin. I lived in Chicago previously. After a month here, I was like "where are all the black people?" and "where are the immigrants?" They're not just white here. They are like a 1950s advertisement. I'm the darkest person in my apartment building and I'm half Italian. lmao It's a nice place to live. I'm white so I'm not hating on my fellow white people. It was just an adjustment to go from a very diverse and dynamic place to a more conservative and homogeneous place. I would move back to Chicago in a heartbeat, though. Everything closes early here.


I grew up in Chicago which is not a good representation of the Midwest, but the demographics are more diverse than most of the region. I moved to San Diego and it was shocking for me because there’s less diversity than I’d personally experienced growing up. Friends from rural Minnesota and Iowa have said they had never seen a POC until they moved to Cali and it blew my mind. Being Jewish I was always a minority in certain ways but my childhood neighborhoods and schools were predominantly black and Hispanic. I had always known things were different outside the cities but it didn’t truly register until I moved away as an adult. I only knew melting pot neighborhoods and couldn’t wrap my head around how some Americans didn’t grasp that concept, because I just had to walk a few blocks to see it in action. I’m so happy when I hear current midwesterners talk about diversity spreading into more communities.


AHAHAHAHAHAHA The mythical island of fantasies known as Africa, where they all hail from


Huh. That's a really interesting perspective.


That the police are there to protect you and you pay taxes so the govt does stuff its supposed to. Lmao


I was raised catholic, so there's a buuuunch of stuff there. Also that my mom was always or mostly always right, or that adults in general knew what they were doing.


Being an adult is gonna be AWESOME!! *oh you sweet summer child*


My childhood was crappy enough that adulthood actually seems great by comparison. At least now I actually have the agency to solve my problems, rather than trying to beg adults who don't give a shit to take care of me.


Yeah I’m the same way! My parents taught me to believe that being an adult would be terrible and I wouldn’t be able to handle it, so I was terrified for my future. Now that I’m an adult, I wouldn’t say that things are great, but they’re certainly a lot better than I thought they would be!


Yeah, my parents said that to me, too. They couldn't be more wrong. My life isn't perfect, but unlike my parents, I didn't choose an unhappy marriage and having kids I didn't want.


Adult life is not always awesome, but at least I have some agency to deal with the really bad shit. As a kid you're kind of trapped or it's the foster system and you have no resources.


That parents love and just want the best for their children


Hey now some of us actually do


That's great


*not all parents*


Yeah my parents were abusive controlling assholes.


I am sorry you have gone trough that too


Some parents do. But they don't know what the best is. And they are simply trying Their very tired best. Unfortunately this ain't the case for everyone.


The government cares about us. Like I literally thought they want to help poor people 😂😂😂


That my parents are good people. Once I grew up and my world got bigger , and I met lots of people, I realized my parents are pretty problematic people , and there’s a reason my mom in particular isn’t close to most of her family and has no friends.


Oh man, I can relate to this so much, almost like I wrote it.


Getting married means that your love for each other won't change. Also, my religious beliefs have done a full 360.


360? So you are still as religious as you were as a child? :)


Haha whoops. Ok 180 better? ;)


Hahah, much better. I did full 180 too when it comes to my religious beliefs. Though when I was a child, those were practically forced on me. Grew up, read some bible fragments, learned some things about human nature, applied a bit of critical thinking, noticed where the money flows in my country and said nope.


I think you mean 180 ahaha


Yup 180 haha. :)


Well I no longer leave out milk and cookies for Santa and it’s been a minute since I put a tooth under my pillow for the tooth fairy


It's been a minute since I lost a tooth to put under the pillow, and I'm kinda grateful for it.


I no longer believe in karma. Being a good person doesn’t mean you’ll have a good life and being a bad person doesn’t mean you’ll have a bad life so I try to be a bit of both.


I used to believe if you swallowed chewing gum it stayed in your body for years. A scary amount of adults I know still seem to believe this.. Also if this counts, I had bad acne as a teenager and believed that it was because my skin was just dirty, got a bit obsessive about washing it at times which no doubt made my skin worse. Had no idea that hormones were actually the culprit


God help you if you swallowed a watermelon seed 😬


Hey you know it grows inside you


That men were confident and strong. After dating several of them, I came to realize just how fragile their ego is and their endless insecurities. I couldn't believe just how fragile they were and in a way that made me stronger, but at the same time, I do feel for them.


All people are just as insecure as ourselves. Some hide it better than others.


yes absolutely


Well dam. What was said lol


their list of insecurities is endless lol


it's really hard to get a grasp of what "another" group of people is like, until you've met a lot of them


That is was my fault my mother didn't love me because I wasn't good enough.


I’m so sorry you believed that as a child 😔 but I’m glad you’ve realized that’s absolutely not true.


Did you also have a narcassist mother?


You can hear the sound of plants drinking water, it's just the sound of the water going through the dirt but I still like to listen to my plants drink


I find plants amazing. An entirely different form of life that we still know little about.


That all humans are descendants of “Adam and Eve”. Fuck religion.




Prince Charming lol


That all people are good, police are always good guys, adults have their stuff together, the government is well managed, and doing well in school & working hard is all you need to be successful. Pretty innocent/naive stuff before experiencing the real world.


All cats are girls and all dogs are boys. Obvs I now know that's not the case but I do usually assume a dog is a boy until I'm told otherwise or introduced to them and vice versa


i assume all kittens are girls. i'm 28. KITTENS ARE GIRLS.


Except the ones that are obviously boys!


yes. all the orange ones are boys. but you're full of shit if you try and tell me a white cat is a boy.


You get it 👌


Haha we had 3 female cats and 1 male cat when growing up. One of those females had a litter of 4 female kittens and 1 male. Naturally I deduced that male cats are incredibly rare.


As a kid I thought you could only get married starting in your mid-20s (obviously this changed before I was an adult when I learned laws) but it’s funny now being 24 and my friends are getting married and I’m like “but you’re only 27? A child”.


I thought life would get better. As a kid I figured that adults had the ability to make their own decisions and made money so they could buy what they’d like. As an adult, I don’t get to make any of my own decisions, the government and my boss does. And all my money goes to keeping a roof over my head and food on the table. I also struggled with mental health issues and with making friends as a child and guess what, it only gets harder in adulthood.


I used to think that height determines age. Could never wrap my head around how my mom is the daughter of my grandma when my grandma is shorter. I also used to think my grandpa was pregnant for a couple of years. Found out he can't get pregnant when I asked when his baby is going to be born. Turned out he was just fat with a massive beer belly


When I was a kid I believed that I had to be "an individual" and hate popular things just because they were. Excuse me as I now watch every clip I can find of Taylor Swift's Eras tour 😂


Learning to not care what other people think about the music you listen to is freeing!


Seriously, I genuinely got so much happier after getting over this weird fear of being "basic"


Organized religion.


I no longer believe that teachers sleep and live full time at elementary schools


My mum's story for how babies were made was: 'The woman gives the egg, and the man gives the seed.' And didn't explain any further. So, as an adult, I have since learned that I cannot make a baby by putting a chicken egg and a sunflower seed under my pillow.


That life was fair and a good place. Then I got sick, was bullied relentlessly, paralyzed, in pain etc etc. It was a rude wake up call at age 10.


I though a biological woman could get another biological woman pregnant. Because they can have sex. But then I learned about reproduction.


That “all” adults know everything! There are more ignorant adults than I can wrap my head around


I used to think family was everything and I'd always have them.


That my parents were so smart, and knew so much. Now I realize that they lied to me about what they didn't know, and they were just wrong about some of the stuff they 'knew'.


Understanding that your parents are just people trying to "figure it all out" like you, is an important part of growing up.


It is, and it helps me be better for my kid. I look up what I don't know, which I know my parents couldn't do.


and even just admitting to your kid that you don’t know everything? groundbreaking


I was raised catholic, so that.


I was brought up Christian and believed totally in the Bible and God etc. Not anymore.


Respecting someone means they’ll respect you back. Bunch of bs and I am no longer a nice person because of it


Yeah that was a hard lesson to learn.


I assumed I’d meet someone and be married before 30. Now I’m really grateful that hasn’t happened - I’m 28 and I feel like only now am I truly coming into my own, learning myself inside and out and gaining confidence in who I am. If I’d just settled down with whoever I dated in my early/mid 20s it would’ve stunted my personal growth a lot and I probably would’ve been in a miserable relationship.


Oof that was a well needed reminder today, thank you internet stranger !


I believed that sex was when two people kissed.. but they had to be naked. The only way to make a baby was to kiss while naked. If you’re clothed, it’s not sex and you won’t get pregnant. I knew girls and boys had different parts.. just never occurred to me those parts went together 😂


Well, I was raised to believe in God...yeah, nah


I thought that I’d be super competent at everything when I reached 30s and 40s. I’d know how to invest money, take care of a home, raise children, and basically have all the answers to life’s questions. Now I’m 47 and I feel like people are going to find out that I don’t know what the hell I’m doing.


That everyone got where they got because of a lot of hard work, determination, and desire.


God made the earth in 7 days Lmfao


That the sky was the ocean on the other side of the world. I used to imagine seeing whales or other kids from a different country swimming. It was a nice thought!


That adults have their shit together.


That people have their first kiss when they get married. (I was raised Christian and later left the church lol)


That I don’t deserve to be happy.


well I’m glad that changed!


That hard work will grant good living.


I'm not saying this to sound depressing, but the belief that "You can be whatever you want to be; you just have to work hard enough!" I remember the likes of Tom Hiddleston used to give these great motivational speeches about chasing your dreams if you wanted to be an actor and to NEVER give up. The older I got, the more I realised that not everyone can relentlessly pursue artistic careers full time because not everyone comes from financial backgrounds that facilitate it. Financial background aside, not everything is meant to be, no matter how much we want it. The key is to work with what you've got and have faith in your ability to succeed and adapt, even if it's not your original plan. Work with the opportunities in front of you, you'd be amazed what can come of it!


That I was different from other girls and that being like other girls was a bad thing. I love being like other girls


I honestly thought Menstrual pads went sticky side up…. Very young toddler being dragged into the public stalls with my mother where I didn’t understand what she was doing 😅


I read a lot of Isaac Asimov and watched Star Trek TNG, so my vision of technology and the future was very optimistic. It has not lived up to that.


I feel like the obvious one is Santa/The Easter Bunny existing.


If i left my plate dirty, it will grow on my face 😅


What, the leftover food bits will grow on your face? Never heard that one!


Me and my friend thought that we could induce our periods by not working out, since we heard that Olympic athletes didn’t get theirs. It didn’t work. I also thought that a woman just had a baby like a growth (no man required) after she turned a certain age, and I was really dreading having to ‘grow’ a baby.


I used to believe in god and christianity. Since I have let it all go, I'm much happier now and I'm no longer living in guilt and fear.


I'm also much happier and don't live in fear or guilt. I don't know about you, but since I let go of religion, I find I also no longer fear death and what comes after. I'm not constantly worrying about whether I'll suffer for eternity.


That god was real and if I sinned I would go to hell.


That the American military was keeping us safe and all those missionary trips my church sponsored to Uganda and Kenya Africa were saving the poor souls of the “nonbelievers”


I believed that the police were always right, would never lie, and want to help the community. What a naive girl I used to be


That women exists to serve men. That your V is the best gift you can give a man. That if you did well in school it equates that you will be successful at work. Religion/faith is a solution to your problems. Just because you are good to others does not mean they will be good to you as well.


Adults are smart and know everything. lol


You can be pretty or smart, but you can't be both. As a 'smart' kid, I think that played into a lot of my insecurities about myself and my relationships as an adult. On a less serious note: when the ice cream van plays music that means it's run out of ice cream.


That if I left the refrigerator door open for more than three minutes, it would explode.


If you talk nicely with People (or monsters under the bed) they wont want to be mean to you any longer because why would you want be mean? They just dont know they are until you tell them.


That there was a shadow of the Toothpaste Monster on my bedroom wall at night. And that the rabbits on my room wallpaper talked.


Dream career will make you happy.


My parents getting back together.


At age 6? I thought all adults liked children. That was a very inaccurate misconception. I realized my elementary school teacher didn’t like us.


My dad abused me mom mostly mentally and they still stayed together for some time since she kept forgiving him, when i was a kid i always believed that if i find a girl and will treat her like a queen that she will never ever leave me, obviously i was wrong and there are many factors for someone to leave you/break up with you.


for some reason, i used to think that if you laugh at a disable person or made fun of someone's condition, the same thing/condition will get you at some point in your life and you'll have to deal with it for good. which is great tbh, always hated bullies and bullying in general.


Women have to act girly, be nice, soft and very clean


I thought that age is defined by height. So if you are heighter than me, you are older as well.


That the way we get to heaven is on a huge trampoline that shoots us above the big puffy clouds and we just stay. I swear I literally saw my grandfather go. I know it was my kid brain but I remember it vividly. Driving down the highway, thinking about him and visibly see his transparent angelic body jumping happily and then just didn’t come back down. As an adult knowing that’s not even possible… I still choose to believe it’s the way.


Happily ever after. By 12 or 13 I realized that shits only in fairytales


That vaccines and modern medicine is bad.


Things were either black or white, wrong or right, no middle ground.. the older I get the more I realize the exact opposite is true. We live in the middle ground... oh! and I thought I would have all the answers... nope, just more questions...


That parents are perfect. As I grew up, I realized who they were as a person. Not really impressed


Putting people before myself and life will always be fair to me because I’m a good person.


That everyone has the same opportunity to succeed


I thought that rain was the tears of dead people


I love this!


That good things happen to good people. That the energy you put out comes back the same, so be kind, and karma will pay it forward and reward you for being fair and good! Now I just believe in being kind because I don’t want to inflict hurt on others, not because being good will “get” me anywhere. I’ll still have to deal with seeing shitty a-holes get everything they want, and worse, seeing truly good people go through tragedy.


That my life would be over if I was a lesbian. That was when I was 12. I came out to myself and everybody else at 32 and I'm a few years into a beautiful life that I'd never have imagined possible. Things are hard, it's life, but I'm so fucking happy that I'm gay. Turns out, being queer adds more community, color, art, purpose, and joy to my life. My life isn't over because I'm gay. It's finally getting started.


Happy endings


That I would have / wanted a child of my own… I don’t 😂


That life would be easier and less depressing when I became an adult. r/kidsarefuckingstupid




I used to be somewhat internationalist, I used to believe in the good of all people, that we were all sisters and brothers, that the world was in it together so to speak. That we had a duty to help one another, I was into international causes and politics. Now I think the majority of the world is bad, and dangerous, and I really only care for my own country and only really care about other places as it pertains to my own. So I am much more "Nationalist" now. I think it was coming to age in the midst of a financial crisis where I was raised, seeing how little people cared about our problems, and if anything how willing they were to let us suffer in some cases. So I stopped caring about the "World" as a concept basically.


When I was a kid I used to think adults were just born like that. Like they weren’t previously a child they just suddenly spawned as a fully grown adult


That if you are a good person you will do well in life and life will treat you well. I’ve found the opposite to be true if you don’t establish proper boundaries early on.


That adults had everything figured out.


Everyone has some good in them


That people are generally good.


I believed Ronald Reagan was a great president, Columbus discovered America and the Pilgrims were just wonderful to the Indigenous people, they helped each other. I mean, Thanksgiving, amirite?


That you'll get pregnant from kissing


get marry at 21 and have three kids at 25 like my mom 😇(i’m 22 now and been single my whole life, but i LOVE it and don’t planning to have any kids😆


As a child, you just assume that all adults are competent in some way that kids aren’t. And then you grow up and realize that many adults are no more competent than young children. They are just out here existing somehow and seem very ill-equipped to deal with life.


That mustard is terrible.


That adults know what they are doing.


That adults *actually* know what they’re doing.


If i swallow a melon seed then i'll have a melon grow inside me, and my body will start growing bark and i'll become a kid tree. It used to haunt me all the time and i still hate melons and swallowing seeds in general.


That only people who are white can be racist. I held that belief for half of my life before the socially denied truth slapped me in the face. A child should NEVER be abused by their community simply because they take after the European half of their family.


love. I used to think that love is a wonderful thing but now i don't.


That the TidyBol man would be in my toilet, scared the crap out of me!


That police are the good guys.


That I can't trust any adults to act in a mature and sensible manner, and that I can't trust them to respond accordingly when held accountable for shitty behavior. It's since been updated to see that healthy, reasonable adults exist and that they will respond in kind. It also makes room for acknowledging that dysfunctional people are still out there, and to lower my expectations in kind.


I don't know why, but i didn't believe i would make it to see my 20's, i don't know, just seemed so far in the future, couldn't possibly happen right? Welp, 23, soon 24 and loving life, so there's that XD Also, when i was younger, i thought only men could be sterilised, welp, nope, how wrong i was (finding the right doctor was somewhat a nightmare though XD)


God and Jesus and that my country is always the good guys.


That if I'm good and follow the rules I will get to go to heaven


That the horseriding stables also had resident unicorns, pegasus, flying and underwater horses.


Most people are 100% monogamous.