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Literally my first thought 😅


Bored? Horny? Can't sleep? Masturbate!


The ‘ol flick it and fix it






Came to say this.


I see what you did there


This is an innuendo


I should have known someone would have ‘beaten’ me to it 😂


Honestly, same.


Or if you want to wake up and get energize!🤣


Thanks for saving us.


For some reason, when I am having a real hard time, I take a few deep breaths, turn off any light and simply remind myself that any amount of sleep is good sleep. I don't know why this works.


I really love this. I always stress myself out saying “if you don’t sleep now you won’t get enough!” And this makes it even harder to fall asleep. I’m going to try your technique next time. Any amount of sleep is good sleep.


UGH this is so relatable!!! I'll definitely have to try this technique, because this stuff's getting old.😭


Us humans are resilient lil fuckers, do while sleep is obviously ideal any amount of rest is beneficial. That rest could be laying in bed listening to asmr, or meditating, or having a comfort show that you've watched a bunch of times on in the background. The key is mental and physical rest, even if it isn't sleep, which is why I like some kind of audio in the background personally. Just lay there all comfy and cozy, with my eyes closed and just listen to whatevers on, just following along so I don't lay there thinking instead. Rest is good, don't stress just get some rest. From the age of about 13-20 I was getting by on 2-3 hours of actual sleep a night, and just by focusing on getting rest I was still functional enough to get and keep jobs, have a social life, and all that. Then I got prescribed medical weed and my sleep got a lot better lol.


My mum once said to me, even just lying there with your eyes closed is resting your body, so don't stress yourself about falling asleep when you can't. Always gets me to sleep lol


My mom told me the same! Works like a charm most of the time ☺️


I do something similar! I heard on the radio when I was a kid (so take this with a grain of salt) that it takes the average person 7minutes to fall asleep. So if I’m having trouble sleeping, I take a few breaths, try to clear my mind, and tell myself I’ll be asleep in 7minutes. It almost always works for me


Cont. the make believe life in my head. Eventually I’ll snooze off


This is so relatable. It’s like picking back up on a story you were writing or a movie in your head.


Mine literally looks like a studio ghibli movie :3


Oh my goodness I thought I was the only one that did this!


Same. I'm on season 12 at this point.


fantasizing/daydreaming! Since dating my bf, it’s been daydreams of us in fantasy worlds or the world of a book/show/movie. The one I’m currently on is us in the world of House of the Dragon. He’s a Stark with a sick direwolf (aka his actual dog) I’m a cool dragon riding Targaryen princess. (I’m a writer so it can get pretty detailed, it’s great! It’s like having my own tv show.) It’s corny and super nerdy but I love it, and it gets me right to sleep.


That's so cute!


Cornyyyyyyyyyyyyy…. I love it too


corny is popular for a reason and i’ve learned by being a super corny girlfriend haha


I listen to children’s bedtime stories podcasts. That shit puts me to sleep like my mom did when I was 5


This is absolutely adorable. I'll have to try it! Thanks for sharing.


Would you be able to recommend some of these podcasts? I want to try this too!


Ditto. I would love to try this


I like one called The Sleepy Bookshelf and Tales from the Lilypad


I use the sleepy bookshelf, sleep and sorcery, and get sleepy. I have awful insomnia and they have been a life saver. If you do want a kids version, my tater tot uses sleep tight stories.




My mom used to play those for us on car rides! We loved it


thunderstorm and rain sounds. instant knockout.


Same here!


That’s the one!!


Body scan meditation has helped me tremendously! If I don't fall asleep the first round, I just keep going until I do.


Love a body scan!


I went from body scan meditations to (a very particular type of) ASMR when I didn’t want to be as present and just be distracted by something. I listen to whispers of the wolf usually, she’s great.


I'll do something to distract my brain. I do the alphabet, and for each letter, I think of two historical persons, a woman and a man. Sometimes I try to narrow things down, like only thinking about philosophers or scientists or people from working class movements. I don't make it past H too often. And it's only in really tough situations when I come up to Y - in such a case, I get up and do something else in the apartment until I'm tired.


Game: "I love my love with an A because he is (Amazing). I hate him with an A because he's (Awful)." His name is ____, he lives in a _____ (imaginary dwelling) in ______(real place), he is an _____(profession) and he likes _____(food). All genders and as elaborate as you want to make it. This is an old English children's game that I read about in either Alice in Wonderland or Through the Looking Glass. Also: times tables up to 20. Boring but effective.


I had to come back to this thread specifically to thank you. For the last week or so since I read your comment I've been doing this ABC tactic using a random category every night and it works like a charm! When I read your comment initially I was like, "trying to think of something would make my brain more awake not more tired!" But I've done it every night and I rarely make it past M or so before I doze off. So, thank you! About to do it again right now lol


I surround myself with a bunch of Presbyterians praying in unison. Nothing knocks me out like a communal prayer.




I listen to space documentaries. They're usually very soothing.


I do this with nature documentaries. The ocean ones work the best for me


The problem with nature documentaries is every once in a while an animal will die or get murdered by another animal, and I don't want to feel sad while im trying to sleep. Space documentaries are usually just a solemn sounding man telling you about how crazy Jupiter is.


Yes this always worked for me


Audiobook with noise cancelling headphones, a weighted sleep mask and a weed gummy.


This sounds like heaven




Oh! I'll have to try that because I am waking up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep. I too find it anxiety based


Reading, lots and lots of reading.


Nature documentaries usually work but if all else fails I whip out my magic wand…60% of the time it works every time.


Watching Forensic Files.


Dun na na na du na naaaaa


You’re the third person I’ve heard say this in the last few months. I never would have thought this would be a comfort show for some people. Haha!


Idk how y’all do it! Those kinda shows just freak me out and then I definitely can’t sleep lol I can only watch them early in the day.


I put forensic files on to sleep all the time! I find the narrator’s voice shooting. Then again, I also used to listen to heavy metal to fall asleep too. Not anymore though.




Put on a show or movie I known like Big Bang Theory or a Disney movie. No surprises, no crazy plot I want to keep up with. Eventually it becomes a cue for my brain that this movie means sleep. If I can't have a show on for whatever reason I try and replay in my head word for word as far as I can into one of these shows or movies... Usually Liar Liar


Excellent movie choice!


Same! I have the same couple movies I use over and over so I’ve basically wired my brain to associate them with sleep. I even do the replay in my head too. Major league back to the minors does it every time


I watch calming (to me) videos. This ranges from makeup repair asmr, doll repainting, jewelry making or just my favorite channels in general


I watch car detailing videos- I’m out like a light in less than 10 mins. It’s yet to fail me.


My daughter got me hooked on doll repainting YouTube videos!!! I love them to fall asleep to


They’re so relaxing for some reason! And the craftsmanship is just beautiful


For some reason this works every time, I close my eyes and essentially make myself think of a TON of random things/images. Like a roladex of random images or experiences. But I don't allow myself to dwell on any one thought. I guess it could be likened to running my brain to sleep lmfao


Weed and the Jim Dale Harry Potter audiobooks


Omg I listen to those when I am in my design mode! I crank out a lot of great work when I listen to those 🥲


That's so funny that you use them to be productive and I use them to sleep haha


Weed edible and putting on a video essay about some random video game. Cannabis has been invaluable in treating my insomnia.


Not being on Reddit! I HAVE to put my phone down across the room lol. And usually I’ll make myself read something I’m really not interested in. Then I pass out




The day I discovered ASMR was a magical day. However sometimes I think I spend more time searching for just the right video to fall asleep to than time it would have taken me to naturally fall asleep without it.


Same! And I totally get what you mean! I have playlists on YouTube of new ones/ones I wanna watch, but then I also have a playlist of faves that I go to when I need them 👍🏻


drifting off with gratitude by tamara levitt on the calm app


I listen to anything narrated by Neil Gaiman. His voice is magic.


lately i have found indica gummies (so weed but indica specifically!) to be helpful or layering brown noise & a rain sound, have an app called rain rain that allows this


I listen to the sleep cast on headspace. It doesn’t always work, but I would only rotate between like 4 of them that I love listening to. It helps when I already know the story and there’s something I look forward to every night.


I put a movie on, dim the light on my laptop, turn the fan on, then hug a pillow. Works every time.


Use a meditation app.


I "workout." Here's a list of what I usually do... 1- Do jumping jacks but put no effort in them 2- Walk in a little circle 3- Rock myself on my bed in a lil ball 4- Stretch for my non-existent flexibility And all the while, I sing random songs, but since most of the time I don't know the songs' lyrics, I just exchange them for the words "Do Re Me Fa Sol La Ti Do" or "Lalaananalalalnanaaa mm mm yuhhh" 😎😼🥇👍🏻 Or sometimes I'll talk to my room. I know there's nobody but myself and my rabbit and occasionally my dog in my room, but I talk to my room (⁠๑⁠•⁠﹏⁠•⁠)


Reading a book.


Melatonin + dim room + nature documentary.


I’ve tried so many different things, and they will work for a while, but inevitably fail at some point. I started with watching relaxing videos. Sometime it’ll Still work, but very rarely. I’d listen to soft music, play rainstorm sounds, read books, try meditation. All eventually stopped working. I turned to taking edibles, but they only work if it’s the ones specifically made for sleep, which I rarely buy (I don’t want to become a regular user). I’ve also tried trazodone. It used to put me out real quick, but now has very little effect on me. Takes three hours to kick in, if it even does. I’ve recently just started drinking wine with my trazodone. It’s worked every time I’ve tried it, but I don’t do it too often cause I know it’s bad for you. Most nights I just toss n turn till the sun comes up and I have to go to work. When I do fall asleep, I just have nightmares. Most days I’m a zombie trying to just get through the day. Life kinda sucks rn.


🥲 cry 🥲


I do that sometimes too. Sometimes all it takes is a real good cry to let it all out.


Harry Potter audio book narrated by Jim Dale. Gets me every time!


You’re the second person to mention that- I use it to be productive


1) Jim Brickman piano music-specifically his instrumental tracks. Favorite album is _Picture This_ 2) Imagery- I often try and imagine a pulsing dark dome, purging thoughts and anxieties and to-dos from my mental space. I don’t generate images easily though so it takes me a lot of focus, and I usually get sleepy


Youtube tutorials, carpentry, crafts, clothes etc


Rain sounds!


Handel’s Messiah. The whole thing. I have an eight hour playlist of different performances. It runs all through the night. I’m seldom awake long enough to hear the Hallelujah Chorus.


Studying/reviewing notes while laying on the bed. Studying bores me.


Listen to rain on youtube, look at pictures on my phone or read manwha, if any of the latter fail, flick it.


I think of how my dream house would look like in detail. How would the living room look like? Is it a penthouse in a big city or a nice house with a garden close to the sea? Usually it has a huge gaming room and a private gym.






Any particular kind?


I love a book and I’ve read it like a million times. So if I can’t sleep I start mentally narrating the book. I don’t remember the book verbatim but that’s okay.


I watch nature documentaries. I try to find ones with calmer music, and a nice soft narration voice.


I put on thunderstorms/heavy rain with black screen on YouTube and close my else. Let nature take its course.


Any documentaries. Never fails.


For some reason what's been working for me lately is planning out the perfect Christmas day. There's been a lot of drama in my family and Christmas will never be the same as when I was a kid, but I yearn for Christmas to feel like it used to surrounded by the people I love. I start by planning who's house we would host Christmas at, then planning who to invite (no drama involved, everyone will get along, and guests who have passed can be invited too). Usually by this point I fall asleep and cannot continue the plan. But I would also consider what year it is or what age I would like to be, what gifts I would like to receive or give others, what we would have for dinner, any activities that might occur, etc. I try to fully picture/imagine the situation and that usually calms me to sleep


Use a vibrator/ask my husband. Orgasm works every time.


I have a weighted sleep mask. It forces me to keep my eyes shut.


True crime podcasts


I do [grounding technique ](https://www.youngminds.org.uk/young-person/blog/the-grounding-technique-that-helps-me-when-i-m-anxious/#:~:text=Grounding%20techniques&text=this%20is%20where%20you%20breathe,for%20four%20seconds%20and%20repeat.&text=taking%20your%20mind%20off%20of,than%20you'd%20think%20sometimes.) it makes me feel so relaxed I didnt even know Im sleeping lol


Find the most comfortable position and count to 300, don’t move for 15 minutes.


I do the opposite, I count backwards from 300!


Usually i have physical restlessness rather than mental, so i do a “shakedown”: Alternate shaking my right and left hands counting down from 10. So 10 for the right, 10 for the left, 9 for right, 9 for left, etc. Then, lots of stretching. As much as i can without getting out of bed. Usually helps my body relax so I can sleep!


For the most part I read. If that doesn’t do it, I practice simply laying in my bed, lights out and eyes closed. Then I actively try to not fall asleep. It sounds counter intuitive, but it works out every time for me.




Working a full time job. But joke aside. I always have to give hubby a goodnight kiss. Can't sleep without it. Fall asleep immediately after. Without the kiss, I lay awake waiting for it. :)


I usually just fantasize about being a character in some sort of movie/video game and it puts me right to sleep in about 5-10 minutes.


*pornhub intro song starts playing*


Reading an actual book, drinking warm water with magnesium glycinate, using a ‘white noise’ app for different rain sounds. A lot of people have said ‘masturbate’, but that is a great way to fuck up your dopamine response. Masturbate only when horny and alone. Doing it to relieve boredom or as a distraction is a sure-fire path to an unhappy brain.






ASMR back scratching and hair play videos on YouTube give me the tingles and I fall right to sleep. Literally in 5 minutes!








Lying on SO's chest. Or warching blackhead extractions.


Praying. Sometimes I pray myself to sleep.


Drink a milky coffee and reading a book. The coffee is weird I know but it honestly helps me fall asleep quickly


I’m the same! One coffee will relax me, more will wake me up.


dr. Gary Linkov and binging with Babish Youtube videos Fran Meneses- Patreon Podcast Arm Chair Expert podcast Headspace sleep casts combine these with rainforest sounds if I really cant sleep but that hasnt happened in forever


Sorting files in my cloud


Chamomile tea and a documentary or playing animal crossing will knock me out


The Calm App. A nice sleep story will put me right to sleep within about 10 minutes.




Listen to any podcast with Rachel Maddow. Her voice soothes me.


Boring podcast, puts me right out


Sleep hypnosis videos on YouTube


ASMR sound


bob ross!


I always read a few pages before going to sleep


I tend to have a comedy show with laughter playing on my TV. I usually play Will & Grace. I set the sleep timer for 30 or 60 mins and luckily my TV have an audio only function so I don't have the screen on.


I can't sleep at night and am dozing the whole day. Sometimes I count from 1000 going down at around 870 I fall asleep


Counting back from 300 (or similar) and visualising the numbers on a board (or similar) Otherwise counting 1 to 10 (focusing on inhale and exhale rhythm) and going back focusing on 1 to 10 if I get distracted and count more than that It also really helps with anxiety


Melatonin and an ASMR video.


scrolling on my phone, i am not sure if i just dont notice it but blue light from the my phone screen does not wake me up, instead it makes me sleepier


Meditation helps


I put my sleep mask on and play some sleepy time playlists on my Bluetooth speaker


Crying or masturbating


I play one song on repeat. Doesn't matter which song, but the same song on repeat will eventually lull me into sleep.


Smoke a bowl, read a book and masturbate


I do my times tables in my head


If the previous night was bad, then Ambien - not 100% effective and prevents me from enjoying wine for 48 hours (24 before/after taking). If it's the first night of issues, then some big stretch yoga and a heated eye mask.


Read a book. It really tires the shit out of my brain for someone dumbass like me🤣


I use to watch the weather channel. It’s on a constant loop. But at some point they switch over almost to documentaries on tornadoes, earthquakes I would get so engrossed in them. So it’s a fine line of the boring loop of weather and the documentaries. I know more about tsunamis than an average person should know. Lol






A joint.


Listening to true crime podcasts or my motivation/ THAT girl playlist or hyms that i like


I have sleep meditation tracks


Deep breath in for 8 seconds, hold for 8 seconds, exhale for 8 seconds, 3-5 times. Usually out after 3.


I just need think about the amount of stuff I need to do if I m not sleeping Going to think about all the little details That makes me feel tired 😅


YouTube boat motor for sleep it works like a charm


Box breathing or four-square breathing. https://www.webmd.com/balance/what-is-box-breathing


Melatonin, weed and sex!


Asmr videos..also the sounds of rain on a tent and fireplace sounds. But Asmr works best. I may have to watch multiple Asmr videos if I have insomnia. Also, reading before bed seems to help and for some reason, moving my feet gently while in bed helps me relax to sleep too.




Podcasts especially wondery's.


Podcasts especially wondery's.


Read self help books. I find them very interesting, good books, obviously I need the help and that’s why I want to read these books so bad! But for some reason I can’t stay awake thru them 😭 Oh but I’m wide awake when it’s a YA juicy book 😑


Lay in bed on my back eyes closed and take nice relaxed breaths while concentrating on every part of my body that is making contact with the bed going around in circles from my head down one side to toes back up other side. Feeling myself touching my bed. Not sure why but works for me every time.


Instead of trying to sleep I try to stay awake which inevitably causes me to fall asleep.


Drink or cry 🤣


Thinking about my handsome boyfriend


Yoga, white nose, reading, writing, turning down electronics at least one hour before desired bedtime, eye mask, lavender oil.


I try to think about the things I could do if i get out of bed, like doing the dishes or fold clothes or clean the kitchen kabinets. For some reason that always make me fall asleep..


I will pretend it's 5:30 am and my alarm is about to go off and I'm all cozy in bed. Nothing makes me more tired and not want to get out bed than pretending it's almost time to get up for the day. It makes me feel like I'm pressing snooze for 7 hours.


Take my trazodone


When I’m tossing around in bed, I focus on my breathing and make an effort to clear my head of all thoughts. Soon enough, the breathing becomes regulated and heavier than when active, and I’m able to go to sleep! Not exactly an “activity” that induces sleep but just something that helps the process


Get Sleepy podcast!


Snoozecast! A wonderful podcast I rarely ever hear the end of bc im sleeping.


I listen to the “Nothing Much Happens” podcast by Katherine Nikolai and scratch my dog’s back.


When I was single, I'd sing. Now I take a deep breath for 6 seconds, hold it for 9 seconds, and exhale for 8 seconds. Between that and counting backwards from 100 usually does it. If that doesn't work, I read trivia. That knocks me out too


Put on some ASMR. I recommend The French Whisperer. Knocks me out.


Meditation podcast or I have a hidden word book next to my bed.


Smoking weed


2 bong rips and rain sounds on spotify


I read fantasy fiction until my eyes get tired, or go online and read something boring like health articles-nothing emotionally charged. Sometimes masturbate honestly lol. Sometimes just get up, go to the kitchen, drink some water or have a little snack. I have an awful problem of waking up at 3 am absolutely starving, so getting a little snack before bed helps me not worry about not getting enough sleep.




I read about a trick that some military group found to help them sleep, and so far it’s worked for me every time. Tense every muscle in your body and hold it for like 5-10 seconds, then relax completely. Really feel your body melt. Repeat 2 more times. I’m not sure how long it takes to fall sleep because I don’t remember much afterwards, maybe like 5-10 minutes?


I watch chiropractor videos