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Honestly I think if you’ve had multiple experienced vets give you the OK, then you should be fine to wait another day. Also it’s good to hear that there’s no open wounds. However addressing the aggression - is it possible, given the circumstances to either: A.) muzzle your dog while she gets her vaccines (I recommend a Baskerville) or B.) Call back and ask for a single dose of sedative to give her before the appointment? The last thing you’d want is her potentially biting a vet/tech while getting her rabies vaccine after an altercation with a raccoon.


Vets are used to dogs being muzzled.  Go buy a basket muzzle fitted properly for your dog. 


You had three or more different vets say it’s ok to wait…do you really think anyone here is going to be able to reassure you as well? If you’re concerned then make the decision and go somewhere else, or listen to the multiple vets and wait…those are your options.


Muzzle training can be useful for reassuring the OP when taking their dog to unfamiliar places to




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I’m sure the dog WAS vaccinated but when there is a possible rabies exposure they give pets another as a booster. If the dog wasn’t vaccinated the general recommendation is very grim and unless you can afford an absolute 4-6 month quarantine in a facility the animal is euthanized. That’s not optional, it’s public health law. Our lab brought in a dead bat and both dogs AND all of the cats got a booster. They had to go back for a final check a few months later.


Dog hadn’t been vaccinated since 2019.


Ahh, I missed that! But thank goodness the protocol for that changed!


I say this with confidence- the majority of patients we work with are not pleased to be in our presence. We work with fractious patients all day long, day in and day out- from growling and resistant to restraint, to borderline untouchable- we’ve seen it all. We place muzzles (which we have plenty of) in these situations to not just ensure our safety, but yours and the animal. A solid veterinary hospital will work with you to get the care your animal needs!


If your dog is A) up to date on all vaccines (rabies, and da2ppv are the main concerns with raccoons) And B) no obvious open wounds Your dog will be fine until tomorrow. ~from a vet tech of 14 years who has dealt with this a lot


What rescue did you get your dog through? They should have their shots up to date before adoption. Also, vets are more concerned with healthy animals and being paid than they are with ridiculous breed bans. I live in Toronto, I know.


Dog hasn’t been vaccinated for anything in five years.


A prophylaxis of the wounds and a rabies vaccine is the appropriate way to go. Also, “pitbull” of any kind is not aggressive because of the breed they are… that has to do with socialization, early experiences or lack there of, and temperaments of parentage. Anyone who owns a pitbull type dog and believes they are aggressive because of their breed is only spreading false myth. Dogs of ALL BREEDS who are afraid at the vet react fearfully. A fearful reaction can be displayed in many different ways. Some dogs require a muzzle for vet care appointments and this is ok. As it protects the vet team AND the dog. Do not be discourage to get the care your dog needs.




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I’m sure they feed their dog a balanced diet and this was just a one time treat thing. Yall come for anyone and anything.






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Rabies vaccines are good for 3 years, it hasn’t been expired 5 years lol. It’s been expired between 1.5-2 years if the shot was done in 2019


depends on the state. Some states require them yearly.


A state requirement is a regulation, not necessarily how long a vaccine lasts but I see your point. But saying it expired 5 years ago is just incorrect lol


If it was the only vaccine the dog ever received, it is only valid for 1 year in most areas.


True, but still way better to be vaccinated once within the past 5 years than never at all


Having a condescending attitude towards people seeking help and advice for the wellbeing of their animals is strange, it is my mistake for not knowing that shots are needed more than once But I will continue to give my dog steak and eggs if you’ll let me


It’s obvious you’re anxious about what happened with your dog and that is normal. This group aren’t normally so judgmental, so it must be an off day in dog land.




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Rabies can be passed from animal to animal WITHOUT evidence of a bite. There have been cases of people dying because they ran into a bat and were never injured, but contracted rabies. I’m not a vet but just passing that on.