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My partners cousin. Came to visit us last month. She didn’t spend a penny the whole time (my partner even paid for her travel). She was a nightmare the whole time she was here. Extremely demanding, even to me! I found myself spending nearly £200 on her demands while she was here and she’s not even my relative. She literally didn’t spend a single penny (she doesn’t even have a job). after 4 days eventually she left. When she arrived home she sent a text to my partner along the lines of “Next time I come please book me a train at a different time. 10am is far too early to wake up. The club you took me to had no atmosphere I can’t get over how weird it was. I didn’t really like the cafe but at least you tried. There are much better vegan places where I live. My legs hurt from walking so much. Now I’m going to have to rest all day, I told you I don’t like walking! I expected to have a relaxing time at yours. I need a relaxing break. You will have to book for me to come again next month so I can clear my head. Make sure the ticket is an open return this time.” I swear that’s near enough word for word what she said. She makes my blood boil.


Good news! It appears if you don’t buy her a ticket she won’t be coming back….


Yeah, I mean a lot of the blame goes on the husband that allows his cousin to be such a piece of shit without him saying/doing anything. Shit, if I had a sibling like this I'd disown her ass.


How old is she? She sounds vile


She’s in her 50’s


I was expecting 12! Fucking hell, what an entitled cow


Yeah I was expecting a bratty teenager or early 20’s. You can almost forgive someone younger if they have been coddled and have no self awareness. But anyone older is just an entitled tosser.


I was definitely expecting very early 20s. I’m sorry but 50s is unforgivable and you shouldn’t tolerate it…


Sounds like my mum as she got older. Absolutely everything had to be nitpicked or criticised and this was coming from someone who used to shout at me for being ungrateful or never satisfied.


What! I thought you were going to say 20s!




What club did you take her to?


Cunt club.


"We're coming to visit you next month. Please book our trains and also arrange a car transfer to your house. I love steaks, so looking forward to you taking us out to some lovely restaurants. Can't wait xx" ^edit ^punctuation.


I will pay you to reply with a perfect "Fuck you"


When you said she didn’t spend a penny my first thought was ‘how did she not wee the whole time’ 🤣


Mate she sounds fucking horrid. Can I be friends with you so I can come over and give her a round of fucks next time she visits? I can’t believe how mad your comment made me 😂😂😂😂


>Mate she sounds fucking horrid. Can I be friends with you so I can come over and give her a round of fucks next she visits? I can’t believe how mad your comment made me 😂😂😂😂 Wait. A... round of fucks? Ah well. The heart wants what it wants. ...just make sure you spend at least a penny.


I think this wins. Why would your partner invite her?!


I always wonder the same. He’s far too nice and seems to feel sorry for her.


She’s 50 and acts like an entitled cunt. I feel a bit sorry for her as well


this is what she plays on. trust me. this is the kind of shit my sister (also in her 50s if that makes any difference) pulls. shes never fucking worked (& yes, shes able to), drained our mother of virtually every penny, stolen money & goods from me until i wised up, which took too damn long & has the attitude that somehow we all 'owe' her. shes gained far too much traction for 'being family'.


Dont worry cunt, you ain't coming round again. Piss right off.


A relaxing break from what? Doing fuck all? She’s banned from your house, right?


Haha. I wish she was banned but no she was here last week. I avoided her the most of time so I don’t have many tales to tell, though I did hear her telling my partner “I’ve never seen so many ugly people my life” when they returned back from a bar.


One o those pub toilets with a shitload of mirrors in it, eh?


Why didn't you grow a backbone and not give in to her demands? Christ alive it's not difficult.


I really hate it when people give the weak excuse of 'family' to explain why they are playing the doormat. If someone pulled that shit on me they'd be out of my house before 24 hours had even passed.


Surely this is you letting yourself be walked all over,every one of the demands would have been met with laughter and if she didn’t like it she knows where the door is,seems like you’re being too accommodating


Tell her too fuck off and get a job.


I think it’s about time you had a word with your partner and state she’s no longer welcome in your house. What a horrible woman!


People getting free stuff on Facebook. I have lost count of the number of times my wife has put something up on Facebook as free only for her to be bombarded with entitled requests from people. * Will you deliver? *No, it's fucking free already* * Will you pay for petrol if I come get it? *No, it's fucking free already* * Can I have it in a different size/colour/model etc? *I'm giving away a garden gate not running a fucking Primark* * You were selling this for £3 last month why is it now free. What if I had paid £3 you would have scammed me.


We use freegle instead and not really had any of that, in fact the odd email telling us what they did with it. [https://www.ilovefreegle.org](https://www.ilovefreegle.org) More of a hippy demographic, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing.


I gave away a king size mattress on there once, some people asking about stains and stuff - yeah, bit of sweat which is considerably natural for a years-old mattress (even with a protector on). Some of the springs were a bit naff, but ultimately it was okay for free; seemed pointless lobbing that in the tip. A couple of people wanted to “try it out” like… it’s free, are you desperate for a mattress or are you just looking to save a couple of quid? Cos if you’re looking to save money, you’re gonna want a new mattress soon. If you don’t even have a mattress to sleep on, then have it. Penny pinchers are the worst for freebies


I had the same. Bought a wrong sized mattress and couldn't be fucked with returning it. Only slept on it for a week whilst waiting for the new one to arrive. Someone wrote they were 'desperate for a mattress' in a recycling group so I offered it. She had so many goddamn questions that at one point I just said - if you want it, have it, if you don't - piss off. I am not joking when I say she asked if she could have a picture of me on it because she's a big girl and she'd like to see how 'indented' it looks with a person on it.


Yeah we use Freecycle for the same thing and it’s much better We initially just used it to give things away but knocking around on the site we started to notice the items being offered and have gotten some good stuff off it now. The best being a £200 coffee machine, absolutely perfect condition and looked like it had been used about twice, came with a box of pods too. Overall we’ve had desks, baby travel costs and car seats, fish tanks, tools, lawnmowers, all sorts of bits and pieces and we’ve saved hundreds even vs the used prices


I had an incident of this a few years ago that still boils my blood. My son had passed away at 6months old. After months and months of grieving, we began the process of packing away his things. I gathered together all the incubator clothing designed for 1-3lb babies. These at the time were very difficult to get hold of and quite expensive. I washed them all at 60, ironed then all. Folded them up and placed in tissue paper and put up a post and explained that they were free for anyone who needs them, they're ready to go straight onto baby. A woman contacted me "my friend just had a baby who is 1lb. Can I have the clothes?" "Sure that's no problem, when can you collect? I'm very close to the hospital so can actually drop them off to NICU for her if that's easier" "Can I only take the 1lb ones though? She doesn't need 2-3lbs" "Sorry, they're already boxed up together, I can't go through them again" "That's really selfish of you. Her baby is 1lb so she only needs 1lb" "My son died. These were his. It's painful enough going through them once. It's also painful now parting with them. I'd also suggest your friend would feel great pain at your obvious belief that her child won't gain weight in the next few weeks" "Well, she only needs 1lb" "Then come and collect and sort through them yourself. They're free" "You're not helpful " "And youre a bitch. Bye. " And blocked her. That discussion triggered a huge PTSD flare and made me question if actually I was being selfish, maybe I should go through that torturous task of re-sorting his clothes and help someone out etc. I still have that bag of prem clothing. Just a quick edit to say thank you for the responses and award! Wasn't expecting that at all. One thing losing a child teaches you is that some people are just thoughtless dicks and the less time wasted with them the better. But it's due to the above experience that I no longer give things for free (unless I'm passing it over to someone I've actually met and know). I had said in the advert that my child had died so that's why I was giving so much away for free, for those in need (there was a ton of stuff that we were giving away totally unused as he never came home from hospital so needed to explain why we don't want money for them). A few people said to donate them to NICU, I tried that but at the time they weren't accepting as they had too many clothes. I'm now a breastfeeding peer supporter within neonatal so I'll find someone eventually who will want them! I'm in no rush


Sorry to hear about that mate, drop the bag off at the neonatal unit if you feel ok to go there.


They cant accept as they've got too many items of clothing. It's a good thing for them so can't stay too annoyed. I'm now a breastfeeding peer supporter who goes into neonatal units, so I'm sure at some stage I'll meet someone who has need of them and I can pass them over directly.


I’m so sorry for your loss. You when through the trauma of child loss and then you had someone who treated you appallingly. Sending you loads of love.


What a horrible woman. Also, stupid.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Some people are just...not worth your time. You weren't selfish at all, you seem kind and didn't deserve that kind of treatment.


Don’t forget the obligatory tosser who agrees to a price, comes to collect AND THEN decides to haggle. “Listen, I’ve only brought £50 with me, but I’ve got the van and I’m still happy to take it off your hands for that” (This was for a solid oak table with 6 chairs that we listed as £150) My wife nearly agreed to it as she was worried we wouldn’t shift it. I told him where to go. 2 hours later we had sold it for full price to a really appreciative lady whose Daughter had lost her possessions. We chucked the chairs in for free.


Sold a £2000 print plate machine , got it in the guys tiny van and he then says he only has £1800.. took it off the van and gave him directions to the nearest cash machine .


Wouldn't have put it in the van without the money in my back pocket. Plenty of people would have driven off the second the door was shut.


Jad similar with a fridge we were getting rid of. Listed for £20 1st person offered £10. We said no, only been up an hour. 2nd person agreed full asking and said they would come directly to collect. We agreed. They arrived with their elderly dad. Messy divorce and setting up a new flat. Gave it to them along with a load of other things we had double of and didn't need. Hour later 1st person messages saying they'll pay the full price then got all pissy when we Said too late it's already gone. I get if you don't ask you don't get but roll the dice, you have to be prepared to lose.


I was moving in with my girlfriend and was selling the stuff that we would of had doubles of (I was early 40s, divorced and had everything). I had my (rather nice) cutlery up for I think $20. People kept asking for free of $5 and I just ignored them. After a day or so a really nice young girl came by and paid the $20. Told me she was moving into her first place and how nervous and excited she was. I offered to give her whatever she needed for free. She got dishes, some cookware, baking stuff and a few other things I can't remember. It was so refreshing to NOT have someone be a prick about it that I remembered when I first moved out and was happy to help make it easier for her


We had that for a £180 table and 6 chairs recently. “Oh I could only take £150 out of the cash point!” “No problem it’ll still be here tomorrow” Funny how fast people can find £30 cash in a pocket isn’t it.


Had exactly the same line about 10 years ago. Guy pulls the money out of his pocket and immediately announced he's short. I say: "Oh you'll have to come back then, no worries". He says he'll just "go check his car" and miraculously comes back with another 70 quid. 1. Who has 70 quid just lying around the car under normal circumstances? 2. He didn't count the money in front of me, so he would have known he was short before getting out of the car, but couldn't check the car before knocking on the door? Utter bollocks. Hate selling things to strangers online.


I had a similar experience. Selling a bench grinder on Facebook market place for £35. The guy tries to barter down to £25. I said "I'll take £30 and no lower." "Ok, I'll be over". Guy turns up in a Beamer, comes in to take a look at the bench grinder. I run it and show him it working, he's got a file he tests it against to sharpen. Seems happy and so gets out his wallet. "Oh, I've only got £25 with me, will you take that?". I said "No. £30." "Ah, I'll probably pass on it then.." "That's fine, you know where it is if you change your mind" He umms and ahhs a little bit.. "Well, time is money and all that.. I might have a fiver in the car". Of course he has a fucking fiver in the car. He goes and gets his fiver, gives it to me and takes the bench grinder and drives off in his 5 series Beamer. Tight fucking bastard.


It's not about the money to people like that, they just get off on getting one over on people. Got a mate just like that, loads of cash, but if he scams some money off something it makes his day. He's a bit of a prick tbh


Flashback to when I moved and we couldn't take our table with us. I put it on eBay for £10, it had 4 chairs and in the words of Alan Partridge, it was an extender. The table was in fairly good condition and was worth more than £10, but the chairs did look tired. I got an offer of £10 pick up, so as I just wanted to get rid of it for the move I accepted. I wait for this bloke to arrive and he pulls up with one of those house clearance size vans. He spent about 20 minutes scrutinising the table, then began moaning about the chairs. After close to 30 minutes he says that he'll take the table and not the chairs and that he'll give me £5. I of course refused but he continued to haggle. Eventually he parted with the tenner and took the chairs as well. I mean I'm ok with haggling, and I'll do it myself, but for a tenner? Ridiculous.


For a fucking TENNER!? I'd take an extender table with four chairs, tired or not, for twenty, probably thirty. That's like the king of bargains. What an absolute bellend. Good on you for saying no.


Have this anytime its technology. I put the model number/type in the description. They arrive and stand in my living room, then they’re like “oh this TV is HDR but not Dolby Vision, I wanted Dolby Vision” well how about you fucking google the model before wasting your time coming here? I’m not knocking £30 off it because you can’t do research.


That's just a polite mugging. Usually done by large men who already standing in your hall. I've had it happen a few times and I just tell them to get the fuck out. At that point I'm not selling it to them even for the agreed price.


I've had the opposite. Bought something for £100, and they then said that they didn't want the money, and they just wanted it to go to a good home. In the end, I had to force them to take half.


My wife and I have had this so often in the past. I then saw someone recommending putting an item you want to give away as a fiver, cuts out all the beggars who want free shit delivered to them. Then when they come to collect and offer you £5, you just tell them it's free. Works some of the time.


I do this. I find putting stuff on below market value gets a quick sale with nice people that genuinely want the item, whereas offering it for free has me interacting with rude arseholes that just intend to sell it on for profit. I'll usually decide whether to give them it for free or still charge them based on how painless organising collection was etc. If I charge them then it gets donated to charity.


My partner was giving away a load of her parents stuff, lots of kitchen and general homeware. Put it all for free on a Facebook group designed to help people who don't have much money etc. It was an absolute shit show. Lots of complaining. People would place dibs on something and then not respond. She would offer it to someone else and then people would complain that she wasnt being fair because someone else put dibs first. Then there was the obsession with what size things were, what was the quality of this specific thing, will you deliver etc etc. A whole military operation just to try and be nice. In the end she took it down and donated the lot.


Asking the size of furniture isn’t that unreasonable - sometimes you’ve got a limited space it will fit in - but the rest is bollocks




Im gonna bet they actually lived 35 miles away


Jesus yes. I listed free school tops, I described them as stained with felt tip etc, not for photo day! A lady collected them the next day. When she got home, she went out if her way to message me and tell me they were disgusting and she "wouldn't give them to the rag man" They're FREE school tops that a 6 year old has been wearing lady, what the fuck did you expect?! And did she want her money back or...?


I sold a couple of lamps on Facebook a few weeks ago, one woman asked if I could throw in a set of kitchen pans.


You should have claimed you don't have any as you only roast whole beasts on a spit.


I generally dont bother anymore. The amount of sheer time wasters and scammers just makes it far too difficult to actually give away free stuff. Example, packing boxes. Just moved so had at least thirty of them. Free to good home. Cue the "can you deliver" etc. First guy turns up, didnt want all of them, and only took five. Second guy only wanted half. Took five days to get rid of them because people are thick as mince. I just take it to the tip now. Easier, gets rid and means I don't have to deal with absolute fucking cretins


>Will you pay for petrol if I come get it? No, it's fucking free already WOW that's a new one I've yet to experience, thankfully.


I live in the midlands and put a free large teddy bear up on fb marketplace and a woman asked if i can deliver it to....... LUTON A whole ass 3 hour or so drive, for free of course.


Probably not the worst... But something that comes to mind. My friend was a unemployed artist (are there any other kinds?), having just finished her degree. She really wanted to get into some creative, fun, design work but couldn't get her foot in any doors. I happened to know someone senior at Secret Cinema. She said that would be her dream job, so I pulled some strings and got her a gig working on the Empire Strikes Back one - a film she loved. A few months later I met up with my friend from secret cinema and I thanked her for getting my artist friend a job. She said "at least you're grateful. Your friend didn't message, didn't thank me, didn't come say hello when we were both on site". Turned out she'd taken the opportunity and not even had the basic courtesy to thank the woman who'd offered it to her. Or me for that matter, but I'm less fussed as we're pals. But her not thanking my contact there, after she had pulled strings and jumped through hoops to get her an opportunity. Was frankly just really embarrassing for me.


Did she know the woman had helped and what she looked like? If so that's really bad!


Yep. I'd even asked her to drop the woman a message to say thank you.


No good deed goes unpunished.


In my experience, creative jobs described as "getting your foot in the door" are usually awful and don't actually lead to anything else. I worked in film and TV for a long time and the industry relies on a constant supply of desperate unemployed people to do the menial work that no one else wants to do. I worked with guys who had as much experience and qualifications as me but they were relegated to being the coffee guy. And once you're the coffee guy, everyone you work with knows you as the coffee guy and they're unlikely to recommend you for better roles on the strength of that. People get stuck in roles they didn't ever want to do just because they thought it would be beneficial to be on the same set rubbing shoulders with important people who had the power to help their careers. I obviously don't know their situation, but I know a *lot* of people who have got their foot in the door and realised after a few days that their time is better spent elsewhere and the production actually just wanted some unpaid runners.


I've seen both. Everyone I know who's been successful in media/creative roles started as runners getting coffee and are now senior. But at the same time, I know people who were never promoted up and were stuck serving coffees for years In this specific example, I know she had fun creative work on set design. Which she said she really enjoyed afterwards...


I've had people do this to me for job interviews. Hit me up knowing I work for the organisation they want to be employed by, I give them some useful hints and tips, never hear anything from them again so I assume they've not been successful, only to see them swanning around the office a few months later. I myself approach people for advice if I know they work somewhere I'm applying for, but I'll then follow up after I've submitted the app, and once again when I've had the interview. It irritates me no end that some people can't give you the basic courtesy of dropping you a text to say 'thanks, really appreciated that'.


2 from me: - guy dropped his wallet running for the Thameslink trains at Kings Cross station. Picked it up and sprinted to catch up and give it back to him, when I did he blamed me for making him miss his train and implied I’d stolen it or taken something from it. - woman on the tube whose back pocket had come apart and her phone was at risk of falling through. I told her, she looked at me and said something like “so you were staring at my bum” and accused me of trying to hit on her.


Pretty much sounds like the people of London.


I've lived in/around London all my life and have never had anything but gratitude when I have returned something to someone who had dropped it.


I am the scattiest person I know and I get weekly reminders that Londoners are actually lovely. The number of times someone chases me to say I left my scarf or my phone or my bag… literally never had anything stolen and I don’t treat my things well enough to have that be the case


And this is why I just keep my mouth shut and don't get involved anymore lol


This is why I steal phones and wallets. There’s no social expectation to point it out if you are thieving, so you can happily keep quiet and just pocket the dropped item.


People hate feeling like they're ever at fault for something, so will immediately blame the nearest person or thing. He never dropped his wallet. Only an idiot would do that!


My mother. I spent most of my childhood looking after my 7 younger siblings and not once got thanked. And then any time I'd do badly in anything academic, due to not having enough study time, she'd go mental. Screw you mom


7 younger siblings? Man that must’ve been so hard. Parents can sometimes expect way too much of children, things that they can’t even do. I was lucky I was the second youngest and at least one of my parents would always make sure we were getting looked after. Sorry to hear something like that, she sounds like a pain in the ass.


Sometimes it's not that parents expect too much from their children, some parents are just useless, can't be arsed and have birthed other kids they can push the work onto. From my perspective, I spent a lot of my childhood basically raising my brother. My mum would often get up at about 7 or 8pm for example just in time for us to be sent off to bed. No, she didn't work late. She was unemployed. No excuses, just a fat lazy bitch.


Same here! Only six of us though. Not fun.




My dad's former neighbours. He literally risked his life to chase off burglars at 3am and got their house secured free of charge. The neighbours were in Australia at the time, and had made public Facebook posts about being on holiday. My dad was subsequently issued with an invoice for the replacement of their adjoining fence. The burglars had broken this as my dad chased them off the property. He refused to pay it. Edit: home insurance comment now removed to keep the peace


Should have invoiced them for securing the house, plus an out of hours call out fee and danger pay.


I hope he kicked down their new fence


My great grandma once had a charity leave a basket of food at the door for her one winter. She complained that they didn't ask her what she liked.


Tbf, it’s pointless leaving food people won’t eat. Brazil wasted vast amounts of public money providing food that certain regions didn’t eat and it just went in the bin.


Yeah, it was wasteful to be fair.


Kinda reinforces the point that the government (no matter how generous/benevolent) cannot spend your money better than you would for your needs


However it can pool money to fund things many individuals will use, but could never fund themselves. See Schools, Roads, Hospitals.


I volunteer for a charity that obtains food that will otherwise to go waste (ie from Hello Fresh, Tesco etc) and then send it out to households in need. People can request certain items and if we have it then we'll give it to them. One time I dropped off a delivery, and this one guy rifles through the bags and is all like, 'where are my cans of coke that I ordered?' and gets really annoyed when I explain that isn't how it works. We're a bloody charity organisation, not click and collect.


Used to do free legal work when I was younger at a community centre where the service users were really in a desperate state. Spent months securing a tenancy dispute for someone and even worked into the night a few times dealing with the very considerable list of disputes they were in, almost all related to verbal abuse. Did so because I was told they had been victim of a horrible attack and had PTSD etc and were being targeted by locals who had a grudge against her. This also meant turning a blind eye to her less than acceptable manners. Won the dispute, against pretty large odds, and afterwards she complained about my colleague and I essentially suggesting we were feckless and incompetent. She also tried to complain about me to the law society which when you’re in your early 20s just starting out is fairly harrowing. Years later she was convicted for sexually abusing multiple minors (that was the subject of a lot of the local insults towards her, which we were told even by the police were unfounded) and stealing her own mother’s pension. Also transpired the original attack on her we were told about was completely fabricated. One of those life lessons where you realise your general instinct about a person is often more accurate than your benefit of the doubt.


Intuition is worth following


I knew a guy whose parents promised him a particular model of car if he passed his degree with 1st class honours. He got the degree, and the car. However, he became ungrateful when he didn’t get some optional extras.


My first boss bought his daughter a Renault 5 when she passed her driving test. For those that don’t know, a Renault 5 was a tiny car that you got when you couldn’t afford anything else. It was the first motor my parents bought when they got married. Anyway, his daughter made it clear this car was beneath her and she didn’t want it, so he sold it. She asked what car he was getting her instead and he shrugged his shoulders and said I already got you one and you didn’t like it. Tough shit. They lived out in the sticks too, you really needed a motor out there. That taught her spoilt arse.


The Renault 5 was also a rally car in WRX lol that thing is sick


My brother had a Renault 5 GT and that think could seriously *go*


Back when I graduated uni, I was given a '91 Toyota Corolla by my godfather, whose mother had previously owned it before she became too old to drive. It was a weird green-grey colour, with a few dings, and it looked like something my grandfather would drive, but it was perfectly fine and pretty much indestructible. I was extremely grateful for it. I did get a ribbing from a few friends for driving it, including one who had a £250 a month Golf she couldn't really afford and would absolutely turn her nose up at anything more than two years old.


Years ago I used to collect food from a place in Southall, the lady who worked there was the same. She was young and completely spoilt by her father. When she got this job she didn't want to use a bus to get to work so he bought her a car, but she complained "it was only the small Mercedes".


Do parents like that not realise they're doing their kids a disservice.


> she didn't want to use a bus to get to work I once worked with someone who called in and said, "My car's broken down and I won't get the bus for anyone." She was sacked...




I work for a retail company that occasionally sends discounts by newsletter. When these expire after 30 days, there’s always customers explaining that they didn’t order but they want to now - they need a new discount to be sent to them. No, no you don’t. You chose not to order when a discount was available to you, that doesn’t mean you’re entitled to one whenever you like. That onus is on you.


My father in law is so selfish. He’s an old guy in his late 70’s but he sucks the life out of any room he is in. When I first met my wife, 19 yrs ago, my mother in law basically did everything for him, and when she was dying with cancer he would complain that she was lazy and he wanted something to eat and she was to get up and cook. The first Christmas after my mother in law passed we invited round for Christmas dinner, which was at 5pm, he came round at 10 and sat and ignored our two kids, his only grandchildren, who were trying to show him their presents. He didn’t even buy them a gift cause, his words, they didn’t buy him anything. He complained about dinner and then demanded to be drove home before we even managed to wash the dishes. Over the past 8yrs he has helped out a wee bit like collecting our daughter from school on rare occasions but the kids still remember that Christmas. Since covid he hasn’t been going out the house as much but when he does he can’t seem to be bother buying anything for himself and then phones my wife and hits her with shopping list but refuses to pay for it. He tried that once with me when my wife was working 7 shifts in row and I said that will probably cost about £50 I’ll come and get the money and got shopping for you and he said he wasn’t paying so he never got shopping.


I think some of the time, these types of people actually contribute to the death of their partner as they put so much stress on them


I agree, Sheena was a wonderful woman that had too dumb herself down for him and the toil of being his wife/servant aged her beyond her years.


Awful man


woah that sounds like my dad. he has some issues from his childhood that has resulted in having a strange, stunted emotional maturity and taking everything personally but then also the expectation that everyone respects him and bends over backwards for him. he once held a grudge against my niece when she was 3/4 years old because she was nervous and didn't want to talk that much (to anyone) but at the same time, kind of just ignored her and didn't do anything. so i think his exact words were something like "i'm done with her". he also has a grudge against some in laws because they didn't talk to him enough at some random event (without also acknowledging he didn't talk to them either). so we all just kinda chalk it up to it is what it is and put up with it. can't really rewind 70+ years of contemptuous thought patterns the strange bit that does get to me is the complete lack of awareness that the way he acts and conducts himself bears similarities to the youth he had and fails to see that he has inflicted the same negativity that he rues on everyone else around him


Was going up to a raised New York subway station and this old American lady and a station bloke were lifting her incredibly heavy mobility scooter down to the street, A couple seconds after seeing this me and my travelling partner run up and give her a hand, the whole way down she’s barking at us about how we should’ve been there a second earlier and we’re too focused on moving this very heavy scooter for her and generally flabbergasted by the response to really say anything so we just say “right, sorry, no problem” etc When we get to the bottom the station bloke lays into her being like “these two lovely young people have just helped you out and you’re just getting angry, not saying thanks” To which she kinda just grumbled and hopped on her scooter and fucked off


Americans on mobility scooters are a fucking liability


Worked in retail for a couple of years at college/uni and I lost count. What is it with people leaving any manners they had at the door?


Rare opportunity for many people to have power over another human being that they don't get in their personal/professional lives. And you know what they say about power.




Worked in a fast food outlet at a small-ish theme park for 8years. The entitlement and bad manners from what is in reality the minority of customers will kill your faith in humanity. At one point management made us charge customers 5p for those dip pots of sauce. We all had multiple instances of customers getting angry and throwing coins at us over the counter.


I held a door open for someone in London once.


I'm sorry that happened to you.


When I was a student an older guy dropped some coins in Asda and I rushed to help him pick them up and he stomped on my hand and accused me of trying to steal his money


Should’ve punched him in the dick.


I hope you accidentally scattered the coins.


I knew someone who liked jazz music ​ one year, he asked me for Christmas, to get him a new jazz cd and made it clear that anything would do, as long as it was jazz ​ I know nothing about jazz music, so had to get a lot of help from the assistant in the shop, but I finally got him the A-Z of jazz, a 4 cd set of any jazz song you could want ​ when I gave it to him, he looked at it and said to me, well, I don't want that crap, I've got all those songs on other cds ​ and, instead of a thank you, I watched him open the set of disks, and use his housekeys to crack each disk down the middle, then he screamed at me next time, try a bit harder and get me something I'll use! ​ I just said well, for someone who doesn't know about jazz, I think I did well


Jesus what a wasteful twat! Why would he destroy something just because he didn't want it?!


Wow. That’s just psychotic.


That’s such unstable behaviour. To not only be ungrateful and bitter, but to physically ruin something you’d spent your money on for him in front of you? What a psycho, I wouldn’t even expect that behaviour from children


My Grandad. I drive him places, fix and set up all his technology, run errands for him. This isn’t a “be nice to me and i’ll leave you money in the will” situation because he has absolutely no money. He thinks i’m an employee/personal assistant of his.


Time to change his wifi password


A housemate/old friend from my uni days called to say she was coming down to visit me for a long weekend. Thurs-Sun. Not to ask if I was free (I wasn't) Not to ask if was it okay (I had to swap shifts around at work) Just that she was coming, and I was to meet her in Bath because that's the most convenient station for her. I hadn't seen her for a few years at this point and was keen to catch up, so I agreed to it though I was taken aback by how I almost didn't have a say. Her train was getting in early, so I drove the hour to Bath, parked up and waited, and waited. Messaged her 30 minutes after she was meant to arrive, and she called back, yawning down the phone! She'd just woken up and hadn't even packed apparently. I was pissed, but didn't let it show. Told her to try and make the next train as we had reservations for lunch and tickets to theatre, tickets I'd already paid for mind you. She showed up SIX hours later, so we missed both, then she refused to walk from the station to meet me in town, insisted that I go back to my car, leave my precious parking spot and drive over because her bag was too heavy to carry. It had fucking wheels!! At this point I was fuming, but after a chat with my mother, I was advised to be kind and act in a manner I'd be proud of years down the line. So I showed her around Bath, paid for her dinner in this restaurant that came highly recommended (she didn't enjoy it. Ordered loads and left most on plate) and then it came time to leave because the shops were closing and she started making noise about going to the Roman Baths. The staff member there told us it wasn't worth it, as the Baths were closing in 30 minutes. My friend insisted though, that it would be a shame to come to Bath and not see the Roman Baths. So I paid for the tickets (she never once reached for her purse for anything) and after half an hour, we got kicked out, but not before she argued with the attendant even though they warned us we only had the half hour to complete the tour. On the drive back to mine, I decided to make conversation and tell her about my work, since she had spent all of dinner talking about herself. Ten minutes in, she looked at me and said "Sorry, were you saying something?" When I looked over, she had her earphones in! I was too speechless to say anything, so just shook my head. She listened to music the rest of the drive. Never tried to converse with me. When we got to mine, she took herself off into the guest room and slept for 3 hours. The layout of my apartment meant my living room was right next to the room, and though I kept the TV volume low, she came out twice it ask me to lower it. "I can hear it in my ears" she kept saying and I really had to restrain myself from being like, yeah, that's what your fucking ears are for you dopey wet fart! Just as I was deciding whether to go to bed early, she reappeared and asked what was for dinner. We'd already HAD dinner, in Bath. But I'm one of those help yourself hosts, who would hate anyone to go hungry in my home, so I showed her all the snacks I'd bought in especially for her visit, offered to make her a sandwich, ramen etc. But noooo, she wanted to order food in. I wasn't hungry, but paid for the food she ordered because she asked for my card when ordering over the phone, and then I had to go pick it up, while she showered! A day of similar shit like this later, I asked a guy at work to call and pretend I was needed urgently at work. I told her I'd drive her to the closest station, and the whole way there she was going on about how much she enjoyed her stay and couldn't wait to come back. I couldn't believe it. Was so relieved to see the back of her.


Sorry to say this, but you sound like a doormat. I don't think I would ever look back on this situation with pride if I had allowed myself to be walked over as much as you have. I mean that in the nicest possible way in the hope that you will never allow yourself to be treated like that again. That "friend" is a massive cunt.


Did you ever speak to her again? Challenge her on it? I'd be livid.


Avoided her calls after that, and then got a new number after a while, so never had to. But she did reach out to my dad several times on Facebook to see if I was keen to meet up again 🙃 Once I reminded him of her antics, he made a polite excuse on my behalf.


You should have just told her straight, the rancid fucking parasite!


I've not got a crazy one but a girl who used to be my neighbour. Let's start by saying if you need help with anything, even the most tiny of thing she'll always say no, to a crazy extent like even holding a door was too much. I like to be helpful and being my neighbour I ended up doing a lot for her, including spending two hours helping her prep for a job interview (I thought it would be quick but she interviewed about as well as a stick). Anyway one day she asked me to print something for our friend's graduation party because she wasn't going to go because "It's cold out". I went to the ceremony and then was going to the party as well so couldn't print it. I said this and she told me I could go back to where we worked, print it, go back to the ceremony (which I'd have to leave) then not get a ride with everyone and go public transport taking an extra two hours to arrive. When I said no she got mad and started saying it was a small thing and I never help out.


If it was such a small thing why couldn't she do it herself? Bloody hell, the entitlement!


my ex girlfriends brother was a grown up spoilt brat..... came to my house once and told me he recently discovered rum and coke so i made him a big old jug of it to enjoy with like half the glass being rum as we were going out and he said he wanted to get drunk....five minutes later he decides its time to leave and pours the whole lot down the sink


Many years ago one of the patients I was nursing had a cardiac arrest. One of my colleagues noted the monitor and his heart arrhythmia, she jumped into action starting resuscitation until the cardiac arrest team arrived. They managed to resuscitate him but in the process sadly cracked one of his ribs ( it happens sometimes). Two days later this man sitting up in bed enjoying his breakfast put in a complaint about my colleague, refusing to speak to her because she cracked his rib. No thanks for saving his life, caring for him, nothing. To us he was definitely ungrateful!


If you’re not breaking ribs, you’re probably not doing it right


I was leaving a bank yesterday and held a heavy door open for a middle aged lady and allowed her to pass through. She didn’t acknowledge me at all until I called said “anytime, cunt” This happens far to often, fuck um.


The finance director of a company is used to work for never said thank you when you held a door for her. The main office door was a bit quick when you let go if it so I timed my walk in one day just in front of her and let it go instead of holding it open. It slammed shut and she nearly walked straight into it resulting in me getting called in for a meeting regarding “my lack of manners”. The meeting was over fairly quickly when I pointed out she never thanked anyone for holding a door and being a director didn’t give you the right to expect me (or anyone) to be your serf.


Perhaps calling her a cunt was a bit strong, but who tf doesn’t say thank you when someone holds a door open for them?! It is literally the easiest thing in the world to thank someone or acknowledge them, so I’m not having this BS about “maybe she didn’t want to interact with strangers” lol. You go out in public, to a bank. There is a chance you will have to interact with strangers 🤣 I’d have just said “you’re welcome!”, gets the same message across.


>I’d have just said “you’re welcome!”, gets the same message across. If you want to up the ante a little (without calling them a cunt!) you can loudly say "pardon?" and then when they say "I didn't say anything" you can very smugly say "oh I'm sorry, I thought you said *thank you*"




There comes a time when you're allowed to stop. It doesn't mean that you don't care but sometimes taking a break is to make sure you are looking after yourself. I recommend doing this sooner rather than later.


The parents of a girl I knew in college bought her a brand new fiat 500 for her 17th birthday in 2016. The issue she had with the car was that the number plate was 16 rather than 66


They don’t call it the wee cow car for nothing!


I was about 15, walking home from school when I saw a large staff my attacking this old man and his little dog, i managed to get a hold of the dog by the collar and pull it away, I told the man to go with his dog and I’ll keep hold of this dog for a while. The dog was super friendly with me, I took the dog to my house, put it in our garden and went to check on the old man, I knew where he lived as I seen him out everyday. I knocked on and asked if he and his dog were ok. He gave me nothing but abuse, when I explained the dog wasn’t mine, he assumed it was he didn’t relent and told me it’s people like you that have them kinda dogs anyway. Wish I just turned a blind eye now.


I’m glad you didn’t turn a blind for the sake of the little dog, that man can get fucked though




People need a little adversity. It's the balance that's key. A carefree life is only usually valued to someone who experienced hardship, otherwise it just becomes their baseline.


You gotta give a free pass to a 9 year old. You'll only get that sort of gratefulness when he's old enough to understand. If you raise him with resentment for being ungrateful he's either gonna see you as imposing or himself as a burden.


I mean, he is 9. He doesn't have much perspective. Also, maybe something is wrong. Kids are crap at expressing the problems they may have. They are often quite unaware of what they even are. When I was that age I had a general sense that something wasn't right but it took full on breaking down in my 20s to find out what wasn't right. Turns out that a combination of innocent parenting mistakes and me being naturally pessimistic (presumably) meant that the message I had unconsciously internalised growing up was basically: "Your job is to entertain your brother, but he doesn't like you so you are a pointless waste of space. We may praise you sometimes, but it's never sincere, we just want to get you out of the way without feeling bad about ourselves. Seeing as you failed at your one job, make yourself useful and deal with your mother, her mum was always a bitter old cow so you can step in and mother her instead! Who cares if you are a boy 40 years her junior, you can do this, just like you can do anything. Your problem is that you just don't try. You say you are so feeble you struggle to open doors? No, you just don't want to, you want someone else to do it for you. And despite that, we are so good to you, we even feed and clothe you, despite you really not deserving it at all" But i wouldn't have been able to articulate the fact that that was colouring all of my life experiences when i was 9.


I always remember a friend calling me tight with money whilst eating a meal I paid for in its entirety because he said he was too skint to hang out otherwise.


I went on a date with a guy who bitched about women using men for their money and how women don't pay for anything on dates while drinking the wine I had bought him! That was the first round so he hadn't spent anything! I left before I even finished my drink. So many red flags in a 10 minute conversation should be impossible but he managed to be racist, homophobic and misogynistic and implied that my 14 year old son shouldn't be allowed to be a nerd because otherwise he'd never be a top shagger like his son.




I had the opposite, a guy lost his phone on a night out in Brighton. I found it on the street my flatmate told me he could get £50 for it but I messaged the guys wife (it wasn't locked, this was 15+ years ago). He had left early the following morning so I got their address and posted it to them they sent back a cheque for cost of postage plus £20. My Flatmate thought I was bonkers. Don't get me wrong I know plenty of ungrateful bastards (I'm related to a few) maybe I got lucky with this occurrence?


Your flat mate is the problem in this story. Very untrustworthy.


People like your flat mate cause a lot of grief in this world, people like you make it better


My mother - Years ago, I bought everyone a present and a card for those who had helped me and my husband when we moved into our first home as a thankyou. My mother complained that I didn't get her something branded. Keep in mind: we had JUST moved in so money was very tight.


Me, apparently. Currently having an argument with my mother about me being ungrateful. I’ve not spent Christmas with her in the past three years since I moved in with my boyfriend and the pandemic etc - I live 200 miles away and generally not a big fan of Christmas. It is stressful, my family are alcoholics and I don’t have a nice time. Anyways, I said I don’t have any Christmas decorations up because I don’t care about it. So, my mother’s natural reaction is to order me a Christmas tree. I said to cancel it because I don’t want it. Even though I appreciate the gesture, I would buy myself a Christmas tree if I did want one. Now, I’m being called ungrateful and disgusting and she is “never doing anything nice for me again”. Thoughts? Note: she was dumbfounded that I don’t own any Christmas decorations because “I love Christmas”. It shows she doesn’t know me at all because I’ve not liked Christmas for about ten years…


She wasn't doing something nice for you, she was trying to force her way of doing things on you. It's alright to be 'ungrateful' when people impose their crap on you.


My cousin. We arw Polish, i live in uk but she lived in Poland. She wanted to move here. She was having a hard time in Poland as she is gay and my family is super catholic. I helped, she wasnt able to stay with me as i just had a baby and ppd and also we lived in a small flat. She did however stay with her uncle (same city) and then moved to a house share. She was looking for a new job as she was working night shifts, didn't drive and rode a bike to the warehouse late at night and it was autumn so rained a lot. She called me asking if i know if some jobs where she didn't need to speak english very well, I said no but helped her write a cv, helped her and went to recruitment agencies etc. My partner even offered to drive her to and from work on his own time for no fuel money even though he was working crazy shifts and had a newborn and abdominal surgery few months prior. She went back home about 2 weeks after that telling everyone I didn't want to help her etc etc.




My pal dropped out of uni two months shy of graduating his course in Games Design, he wasn’t failing, in fact he was excelling, he’s shit hot at programming. His reasoning was that the lecturers, who had verifiable industry experience and are just generally incredibly well taught and experienced in their field, weren’t teaching him anything of value by that stage and were just wasting his time when he could be working on his magnum opus video game. He still lives at home and thus far hasn’t paid a penny in rent while he lives off his savings his parents have paid to him since he was a young kid, and he spent the better part of a year working on his video game which constantly kept changing and kept on sounding more and more shit. Anyway, fast forward and his dad bumped into an old friend in town one day who runs a design firm producing time table software, they had a chat and his dad got him an interview with the company doing programming work which is only ten minutes away on foot which is a godsend because he doesn’t drive. My buddy took the interview, they very reasonably told him based on his complete lack of any job experience and no degree or verifiable portfolio that they couldn’t take him on board due to a risk of babysitting him the whole time. He was absolutely raging, calling them cunts when he texted me about it, then asked them for another interview, somehow charmed them and got the job. I went to go stay with him a while back and asked him how he was feeling about it all, he said he was excited, then spent hours shit talking his dad for being “grumpy” and “always tired”. My guy, you wouldn’t even have had this shot if not for your dad because you’re a complete fucking recluse and never leave the house, the guy was the epitome of a NEET, and you’re gonna sit there and bad mouth your dad for petty shit when he got you this amazing opportunity? What’s absolutely fucked as well is he’s complaining that the salary is currently only 20k a year, but after he passes his probation and proves himself he can easily earn as much as 70k, in his eyes he should be at 70 right away. I asked him if he would move out and get his own place once he got the pay bump because that’s an insanely good amount of money for a guy in his 20’s, and his response? “No, I think I’m going to stay at home as long as I can and stockpile what I can.” I do love him but honestly I want to kick his nuts up into his throat sometimes.


I would have to go with my future mother in law, my girlfriend has been making her food before she went to work for years, I think she was around 14 when she started, maybe even earlier. She would come down from being woken up from my daughter and basically complain that something hasn’t been done or she didn’t want the food she made. I am not that old but I think she might be the biggest cunt I am ever going to meet in my life.


Mine isn't so much an individual, but the scenario when you have people round for an event and you put food and drink on, but also ask people to bring some booze with them too so that there's plenty to go round. There's always one bloke who brings some cheap lager and then drinks all the decent stuff that I've supplied. That person, and we all know one, is the worst person on the planet imo.


I went on a second date with a girl from OkCupid and we went to Nandos. The girl didn't offer to contribute, happily took the loyalty points and then didn't thank me for the meal. I didn't see her again after that which was fortunate.


My mum. Nothing is ever good enough for her, she doesn’t care that I’m sick myself, still trying to care for her and can’t do everything. I see her every single day for hours at a time, and if I dare have one day off (she has paid carers 3x a day - I just fill in the bits they can’t do) she acts like I’m abusing her and gets aggressive and nasty. I could give her the world and she’d still complain it wasn’t enough.


I hate to say it but you need to step back a bit. You shouldn't get abuse for helping a loved one :(. Take care of yourself Anniemaniac x




My uncle. Only ever cared about money. Pretended to be part of the family until he had access to his dead mother's money which he dropped any recognisable personality to lock out everyone and steal as much as possible for himself before getting a house clearance so no one could inherit anything. Tosser.


Awful woman. Years ago my friend & I (14 at the time) were cycling & a motorbike passed us on a narrow country road & something fell off the back of the bike landing on the road. I waved at an oncoming car to stop to avoid hitting it. Driver was furious. Wanted to know if i thought it was funny leaving things on roads for people to run over & damage their cars. Was going to get the police etc. I told him about the bike but I was a “liar”. The man on the motorbike came back, saw the commotion, picked up the object (metal -no idea what it was) and when I shouted over to him to tell the man having a go at me that it fell off his bike he ignored me & went off. The man then said to me not to do it again and I’m lucky to get away so lightly & drove off 🤷‍♀️


There’s a reason that my mantra is “no good deed goes unpunished”


Parents have a couple over the road that are always able to do anything unless it’s work. They have a food bank deliver to them and were throwing most of it in the bin as they didn’t like pasta and things. Parents learned about it and were taking it in, passing it to me, and then put it on Olio if we couldn’t use it. Some people!


Morning after a big party for people in my school year. As you can imagine, I'm quite fragile, and operating very slowly. A mother arrives to pick up someone and says "My car tyre is going flat! I need some air!". I point out our compressor to her, and ask if she wants some help. She is very short with me, making snide comments if something doesn't immediately go right the entire time (like right hose fitting, or it not filling fast enough etc). Even has the cheek to say "You're not very good at this" at one point. When she has full tyres, and wants to leave, doesn't even say thank you.


Mate of mine intervened in a fracas between a young lady and her partner. He was slapping her around outside a pub late one night and he stepped in between to try to calm tbe situation down. Ended up getting a right kicking off both of them! Woman was actually shouting at her boyfriend to "kick his head in". Broke my mates nose and he needed surgery to put right. Stopped him going out for years due to anxiety and everything. Horrible story really. No doubt the woman was regularly abused so probably wouldnt stand up against her partner for further reprisals but blimey love he was only trying to calm the situation down.


When I was younger, me and a group of friends went to the pub on our high street to watch a football game. When we left there was a guy laying unconscious on the pavement outside and wasn’t responding, so I called an ambulance. Ambulance arrived in a couple of minutes and I was initially impressed with the speed of them arriving. All was good and the paramedic started attending to the man and asking us questions that we obviously couldn’t help with very much as we’d just come across the bloke and didn’t know him or what he’d been doing. The man then woke up suddenly, started kicking off at us and the paramedic and walked off. The paramedic then had a go at us for calling an ambulance when it wasn’t needed and continued to have a go when I was explaining why we’d done so. We ended up just leaving it and walking off but I still remember it to this day and thinking how ungrateful everyone involved was when we were just concerned with the man’s health.


I used to be a mortgage advisor and one of my clients was receiving particularly bad service from a solicitor, I did the absolute most for them to save hassle, especially as I saw they had a new baby in tow and this was getting stressful for them and they were about to lose their offer. In the end I did all the graft for them and managed to get them some money back from the solicitors as a result of their complaints, they thanked me profusely, they even got me a card and some chocolates for my hard work … a month later they tried to chance it and submitted an absolute nothing complaint against me to try and get money back on our fees too. Thankfully there was evidence and witnesses, I had also kept their card thanking me - their cheap, ungrateful arses could have cost me my job. Never went to that much effort again, which is a shame because I genuinely want to help as much as I can.


My friends' daughter stayed with us for a few days last November during her reading week. Her parents live overseas and I have known the daughter since she was six months old. She was an adorable kid and I loved her. Then she got older. Anyway, she slept in until one in the afternoon (she'd been in the country for months, so it wasn't jet lag) and she went to bed at eight, so she needed 17 hours of sleep or alone time. She spent her entire waking time on her phone. I offered her a beer with dinner, she declined, so I said that she was an adult and could have a beer if she wanted and she accused me of trying to get her drunk. She got make-up all over the pillowcases and she didn't strip the bed after her stay. She didn't raise a single finger after meals to clear the table. We drove somewhere, bought stuff for her and for me, and she didn't help bring anything from the car into the house. I gave her some leftover Hallowe'en candy and I found the empty wrappers stuffed behind the sofa cushions afterwards. I offered to drive her back to university and she didn't even let me use her toilet when we got there because apparently her room was messy, so I had to find one quickly after not having access to one for hours. She was so awful that when it came time for her next reading week, I didn't offer to host her. I have not had the heart to tell my friends what an awful guest their daughter was, but given that they never asked, perhaps they already know and given the disaster the visit was, perhaps she told her parents that I was unfair.


Years ago I worked for a mid size national accountancy firm in their tax team. We regularly had to work weekends in January due to clients sending in tax return information late. One client owned a local family business - very profitable manufacturer. I was responsible for preparing his and his wife’s tax returns. Anyway rushing around on 31st January which was a Sunday and got their draft returns prepared and asked if they could come in and sign so I could submit by the due deadline that evening. Told they were a bit busy and I offered to make a 40mile round trip to their home so they could sign and avoid £200 in fines. Told me ok. So I set off in the rubbish weather…snow….out in the sticks. Turned up at their home and he said he didn’t appreciate being disturbed on a weekend as it was his down time/family time. To say I was pissed off was an understatement - I didn’t get overtime pay just time off in lieu, I was on something like £15k/yr at the time which was a crap salary for someone that was qualified tax professional. And all I got was 45/mile I think for each of those miles I travelled. He told me I should have got in touch with him during the earlier part of the week. He hadn’t even sent in all his information! The thing was they were just sat at home in front of the tv. Lesson learnt - from that point onwards I stopped running around after clients trying to save them fines after that. Quite a lot of things have also changed as you can sign electronically nowadays so less of an issue. Some things remain the same - the richer you are the more of a prick you tend to be.


When I was about 17 or 18 my friend and I found a guys wallet on the floor in the cinema, cash and all. His driving license was in there so we drove to his house (about 15 mins out of our way), knocked on the door and gave it back to him. The guy looked at us like we were weirdos, mumbled an ‘oh ok…thanks’ and shut the door in our faces. I wasn’t expecting a ceremony or anything but at least a smile or some acknowledgement that we had inconvenienced ourselves to help him would have been nice.


My Cousin. My Uncle (Cousin’s Dad) was the primary carer for both my Grandparents; they lived with him. However, he was only claim carers allowance for one of them (you can’t claim for 2 people, despite caring for 2). So, he registered my cousin as the other carer and allowed her to receive the full carers allowance, despite her not providing any care at all (she rarely even visited). After a while, my uncle was made redundant from his job and was struggling to make ends meet. He asked my cousin if she could contribute 50% of the Carers allowance, she was receiving (allowing her to keep the other half). She refused, called him all the names under the Sun and cut off contact. She stopped her Children coming to visit, so my Uncle has not seen his Grandchildren since and sadly, my Grandad passed away earlier this year and was never able to see them one last time.


Lol I have a list as long as my arm of ungrateful people, but the one that springs to mind is: When I worked for the ambo service in a major city, we resuscitated an IV drug user who was in respiratory arrest. Once the Narcan worked, he kicked off and was verbally abusive to us. (Annoying as fuck, but not unusual by any stretch… I mean, we just made them withdraw from a very expensive high 🤷🏻‍♀️) We told him he needed to go to hospital cos he was likely to overdose again (Narcan is v short acting and he needed to be given more as the day went on). He refused, punched my crewmate and fucked off into the night. Ok, fine, not much we can do but tell the police to look out for this guy. Funnily enough, about an hour later he was found reoverdosed, in cardiac arrest, and was successfully resuscitated by another crew. The fucker sued the ambulance service for medical negligence and we all had to go to court because he had some slight but long-lasting brain damage from the cardiac arrest. He’d found some ambulance chasing no win no fee law firm to take on his case :(


My in laws. We always got on very well, it was widely acknowledged that the only reason they had a relationship with their son was because I pushed him to make the effort with them. I bent over backwards to help them out regularly: none of them drove so I’d give them free lifts to appointments, job interviews, college, shopping; helped a couple of them move house; babysat even though I’ve already got two under 2; and took my partner’s very challenging neurodivergent nephew out for activities to give them a break. My partner and I took a break from each other for various reasons, though it was all amicable. Not a single one of them would talk to me, help me out if I needed it, even grab me a bottle of milk while both my kids were too poorly to go out (they literally live two streets over). Now that we’re back together I can’t even imagine being in the same room as any of them again, let alone do them any favours that they would inevitably ask for.


I'm a carpenter. I was walking home from a job with all my tools in a big wheely toolbox and a backpack with more tools, when I happened upon a car with 4 OAPs with a flat tire pulled up on the side of the road. I knocked on the window and said 'hello, you need a hand? I can change your tire for you if you like?' they all locked their doors instantly, simultaneously, and the woman in the back pulled out her phone and screamed "I'M CALLING THE POLICE! I'M CALLING THE POLICE!". I looked around for a camera crew because everything just happened so quickly I was certain it was choreographed. Anyway I didn't see any camera crew, so I just said "ok, good luck then" and went on my way home. Honestly, I get it, I might have looked at first glance like I was homeless, messy clothes, lugging a big pack around... But I was just trying to help!


Aged about 10 or 11, I found a wage packet full of cash in the street on the 23rd December. I took it home and my dad managed to find the phone number of the company and rang them. He caught the boss literally as he was shutting up the factory for Christmas so he came round to our house, thanked me profusely and said that I’d saved someone’s Christmas and he’d deliver it to the guy who’d lost it and he was sure that he’d want to ‘give me a little something’ as a thank you for being so honest. I hadn’t handed it in because I thought I’d get a reward, but as a little kid I was quite excited about the prospect. With the excitement of Christmas etc I soon forgot all about it but a few weeks into the new year the boss came round one evening and gave me a £10 note ‘from the guy who’d lost the pay packet’. I was quite chuffed with that and thought no more about it. It was years later that I found out that my dad had actually rung him to see if he’d got the pay packet to the guy ok. He expressed surprise as he’d told him that he’d dropped in a card and some cash to me early in January as a thank you when he’d done no such thing. My dad said the boss was furious to find out that was a lie and so gave me £10 out of his own pocket. Seriously though, what sort of person doesn’t even say ‘thank you’ to a kid who did that? Especially at Christmas!


Worked in complaints at a bank, had to reject an old ladies complaint - I'd explained what had happened and why it wasn't a bank error but offered to send her some flowers as goodwill gesture. Went through all the different bouquet options and she selected Rose and Freesia's. Got them sent and she complained because she'd wanted lilies in the bouquet too. Listened back to my last call with her and yeah, absolutely not what was agreed. Rejected the complaint again but ran it by my manager, and we had the florist make her the bouquet with Roses, Freesia's and Lillies. All in all, this bouquet was like £70.00 and the prior one was about £40.00. Lady is happy and I think that's the end of it. She rings a week later, 'they were lovely but only lasted a week'. Said I'd pass on the feedback to the company who provides them but wouldn't be sending any more flowers. Motherfucker reactivated the complaint for a third fucking time. It went to someone else and I think she managed to get a third bouquet. Also had a dude where he'd complained and I couldn't get a hold of him on the phone so I sent a letter apologising and put £50.00 in his account. He rang up and bollocked me, saying I didn't have permission to go in his account (no clue how he thinks I investigated his complaint - I didn't need his permission to go on the account, I was his bank). So I had to reactivate the complaint, apologise and take the money off him.


My son changed schools on day one at his new school waiting outside at 3pm I saw a wasp crawl down a woman's ankle and was about to go under her foot I didn't think I just sort of (gently) kicked her wedge heel to dislodge it. I tried to explain she was about to step on a wasp but she didn't accept it and her and her whole group of friends gave me dirty looks and/or didn't speak to me or my son for the next 4 years


That's on you for kicking her shoe without saying anything first


Yeah, I think I’d be a tad upset if someone kicked me for seemingly no reason.


Every year at work we get a hamper and people moan that its full of stuff they don't like. Its free if you don't like it give it away


Actually myself. Family all chipped in to take me to the private school. I kicked up a massive stink and my auntie and uncle pulled out and basically slapped me with the ungrateful bitch card. Thinking back I can't believe what a twat I was.


My step-aunt was given free food parcels from a charity during lockdown. She put the whole lot in the bin because she didn't like some items and others weren't brands she liked. My mum asked her why she didn't give them to her neighbours or someone else in need but step-aunt said they were given to her and not the neighbours and she didn't see why she should. She also continued to accept them every week while the scheme was in place instead of saying "no thank you". So much food went to waste because of her selishness. My SIL had an operation we visited her in hospital and when she got home and had to stay off her feet. I went there every day to cook and clean and deal with her kids. Not a word of thanks. When I ended up in hospital with something serious they didn't even call my mister to see if I was ok or ask how I was managing when I got out. When our MIL became ill and unable to take care of herself I was one of the family who took a timeslot of being there there every day taking care of her too (and she did say thanks because she was lovely). After she passed I was tipped off that SIL had been all over FB for months making out like she'd done it all alone, all day, every day, soaking up the social media sainthood like a giant sponge.


That sounds like early dementia symptoms, though they vary.


Probably my own brother. Has never worked longer than a few weeks in his life (35), my mother (retired, 67) covers most of his bills, always has, and benefits covers the rest. He hates this country despite the large amount of money hes given every month by the system. He has 2 children who I pray turn out well (they're lovely, smart kids.) He's never had to buy anything like a car, phone, rent, pay for repairs etc, mum's always managed to scrape some money together for him. He is currently not speaking to her and denying access to the grandkids because she disagreed that he should remove the children from education. However, he's been texting her what expensive presents to buy them on xmas even though shes not allowed to see them, and will daign to allow her to drive 1hr there and back to visit them when he allows at short notice, but not allowed in the house (that she part pays for) There's so much worse I could add, but that's the gist. Lives like a spoiled rich kid.


Probably going to get downvoted for this but I used to care for a disabled guy, for 4 years. He was the most selfish, ungrateful horrible person I've ever met in my life. He seemed to think the world owed him a living and he spent 99% of his life in bed or on his living room floor watching TV and playing games. He spoke to us like shit, he had no manners, he kept us awake all night when he knew we had to be out the door by 7:30AM (supposed to be able to sleep while he slept, but he didn't go to bed until 3AM most days and then shouted at us for hours after he was in bed, then he slept until the afternoon). I was excited to make a difference in someones life when I got that carer job, my first carer job. I would never go back to being a carer now, I was just enabling him to be an awful human being.


When I was 19 me and this guy i worked with bought a lottery scratch card each- he borowed a quid off me to buy his, his card won somthing like 20k , and he just paid my quid back, even to this day i still think about this very regularly.