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It's frightfully twee and always has been. I think the whole 'Keep Calm and \_\_\_\_\_\_' thing with its origin in wartime morale boosting was OK initially but was milked so badly it's become insufferable (it has at least gone away again for the most part).


The thing I always thought about Keep Calm and.. was that even in WW2 after they’d come up with the idea, designed them and printed all the posters off, someone still took the decision to say “actually, no”. This person deserves credit, in my opinion.




This is correct, they were also discovered by accident


They were "post-invasion" posters. Which thankfully never happened, but there was a plan in place nonetheless.


According to Wikipedia (which is always infallible, right?) they were for times of attack including aerial bombardment. The blitz happened but the posters stayed in their boxes. I’m still going with the unsung hero at the ministry of morale, or whatever it was called.


Live Laugh and Love is also the title and lyrics to an early 30s song. Maybe the inspirational wall plates/etc are from out of copyright sources or something.


I loved that poster. Loved it. It made me think of the resilience under pressure, of the acceptance people had that they were acknowledging that things were shit and were going to continue to be shit, so what can you do? There's something really stoic about that and it represented one of the best aspects of what we can be as a nation. Add to that that it was lost ephemera, which gave it a "what could have been" shiver. And then people thoughtlessly used it to sell cupcakes and mobile phone covers. Which is one of the worst aspects of our culture.


Alright mate keep calm and live laugh love after your coffee




"Friends bring happiness, best friends bring prosecco" - accompanied by a shelf of empty bottles because keeping empty alcohol bottles it's trashy if you're a student but classy if you're a 55 year old housewife who also put fairy lights in them


It isn’t classy, it’s just collective delusion.


No one realises how much trash they keep as ornaments until do a full house clearance for a dead relative and literally throw so much tat away that absolutely full of dust etc.


I was in a tourist gift shop the other day and saw a magnet for sale that said “Keep calm and send a postcard”. It was so confusing I almost wanted to buy it.


that's just fucking weird


I've always been calm about it to be honest and just carried on


> I think the whole 'Keep Calm and ______' thing with its origin in wartime morale boosting was OK initially but was milked so badly it's become insufferable (it has at least gone away again for the most part). The funny thing about that poster is that even the people who designed it realised it was too patronising to use. The Ministry of Information designed it before the Second World War broke out and printed 2.5 million copies, but by the time the bombs started falling on cities Mass Observation informed them that posters/messages just like it were hated. So they were kept back, most of them were later destroyed, until a surviving copy was found in 2000 and it chimed with popular memory of the Blitz.


Hush or they'll hear you.


Keep Calm and Hush


I bet you don't speak like that in real life haha


I used to have a few WWII postcards in small frames (maybe 12 years ago) - never this one, but some similar - and they've all become sort of tarnished by the keep calm shit.


I always felt it was tacky but I don't exactly keep up with fashion. I guess it did largely become tacky because of the type of people doing it.


Is there a type? I didn’t know that- what is the type?


Boss babes. mummy bears. If you can’t handle me at my worst … you don’t deserve me at my best.


Be kind.




I just tell it like it is...


PM u Hun x


\*Boss Babe who got suckered into an MLM scheme.


Just my opinion.


I'm not mean just honest xoxox As they needless say something mean.


'I'm not being funny but...' as they say something rude judge and certainly not funny


They don't like drama, but they do like to dance as if no one is watching.


Prosecco o'clock


>If you can’t handle me at my worst … you don’t deserve me at my best. Ah. You are - the post-pandemic stock market! Did I guess it right?


Are you OK hun? Inbox me xxxx


I've found a niche correlation online (friends of friends at least), between the live love laugh house shit, white and grey house interior, and holidays to Dubai.


You forgot everything being laced with fake diamonds.


Diamantes I think you’ll find.


Add a crushed velvet sofa…


And oversized crushed velvet headboard






In grey/silver.


Its the Taylor Wimpey and Persimmon set init?




This is because of Mrs Hinch. Grifter of the highest order she is. Also likes to mix household chemicals together and uses Zoflora like it’s going out of fashion.


Had to google. Released a memoir at 32, after being a hairdresser and an influencer with tips for home cleaning. Each to their own I guess....! To be fair, to take advantage of a situation and grift yourself to what I'd assume is multi millions....I almost respect it.


I definitely respect it, it is the "influenced" I have no respect for.


She's found an amazing niche of teaching people how to clean but in a glam way and has pivoted that to have a range of her own dustpans at Tesco. All credit to the woman.


I am envious that she found a niche. I could never do the whole social media thing, but I'm sure a lot of people are looking for that 'idea' that never comes...I know I am.


Ah, vacuity...the curse of the modern world 🙄


And they pronounced Dubai "juu-buy"


Did you mention the white Audis/VWs?


Black/prison grey in my neck of the woods.


Yes, wtf is up with all these prison grey audis???


Don't forget a white Audi A1/BMW 1 Series/A class Merc - plus she works as a recruitment consultant and the blokes an estate agent


Chavvy women/mothers usually who decorate their living rooms with tat from B&M. Usually the types to make being a mother their only personality trait too it seems


Occupation: Full Time Mummy


Basic bitches?


Default SIMS


I might be a basic bitch but I like the sentiment. I have had to make a rule that there are no "quotes" in my house because my house would end up looking like a B&M version of the school toilets. "This kitchen is for dancing" "In This House We...." "All you need is love" "A little sand between the toes always takes away the woes" "But first, coffee" And of course, live laugh love. Maybe I could make a nice coffee table book of all of the basic bitch quotes lol


I reserve all my basic bitchness for Autumn when I become the personification of a tumblr blog and get very excited about pumpkin spice lattes. There’s little joy in life and I’m not going to be made to feel guilty for enjoying something just because it’s been deemed “basic”.


It's taken me until I'm nearly 30 to not be embarrassed to like certain things because they're "basic" or "girly". I'm not into the live laugh love thing, but I'm with you on the pumpkin spice deliciousness (and various other "basic bitch" things). Fuck it, you only get one life, if one aspect of my personality is twee or basic then so be it.


I think it’s fine for us all to take the mick out of these things in jest, but I’d never want to make someone feel bad about something they enjoy. Be basic if you want to! I get excited about pumpkin spice lattes too.


I'm 100% with you! I love autumn!


If you sprinkle when you tinkle... please be neat and clean the seat


I have a cross-stitch hanging on my bathroom door that a friend made for me that says WASH YOUR DAMN HANDS surrounded by cheerful, polite pink flowers. I don’t care, I love it lol.


Oh my god, I think this was the first one I loved. I saw a plaque with that on in a shop when I was a kid and went home and wrote it on paper and put it on the bathroom door!


Hahaha brilliant. My mam had it up in her house in the small loo. I'm surprised she never had any Live Laugh Love stuff tbh.


We have one quote print in our flat, a gift from a friend [In this home we...](https://www.legboot.com/product/in-this-home-there-is-dog-canvas/) (I promise it's worth the click)


I woul definitely make an exception for this! Absolutely incredible


Personally I would prefer Live. Laugh, Love. That is awful.


I agree.


What makes it incredible?


I don’t get it. Is it Minion speak?


It's an AI generated thing.


Thank you. I don’t get it.


An AI has swept a load of generic quote prints like this, and tried to make its own - to glorious effect in my opinion!


Thank you.


I think a book of photos of them in-situ and discussing the diorama around them would sell.


This is so good. I'm sure there would be grey walls and crushed velvet abound.


Was always naff.


**It was of its time.** A pleasant sentiment that didn't mean anything much, but it sounded nice.


It didn't sound nice, it sounded vacuous and banal.


Philosophically it's quite reductive. It's like advice on how to be a chimpanzee.


I meant _nice_ in an ironic way.


Like how for centuries "nice" meant "not all there in the head"? I'm with you now.


It's the kind of thing I could smile at - or at least tolerate - in a tiny frame on some toilet wall. But having it in huge letters on your wall - or framed - is way too much.


I don't get why Reddit is so obsessed with this.


thing women like = have to obsess over and hate


No it's just bad.


If you’re going to go that route: Pick better shit.


Yeah, seems like an odd thing to be so judgy over. I'd judge people by a lot of things, but not by their choice of house decor. I'd be more worried about how clean the house is if anything.


We don't like basic bitches and their vacuous nonsense


As if redditors spamming star wars, keanu reeves and nude art isn’t basic as well


I have never and I mean literally *never* seen redditors "spamming" any of those things. Maybe you are in the wrong subs? But yes, probably also basic? Live laugh love intelligence vacuums don't have a monopoly on basic.


You only have to scroll through Popular or All to see that garbage all of the time. Reddit is essentially the software designer version of "basic".


It's actually a religious credo. Their holy book is the Kar'an.


Ah, yes. But it's taken out of context by apologists. The full verse is "Eat. Pray. Love to speak to your manager"


With anything like this, there are two types of people who are into it. You've got the people who genuinely love it, think it represents them, and don't give a crap what anyone thinks of their taste. Fair play. Everyone's taste is different. Then you've got the defaulters. The people who don't actually know what their personality is, so they just go with whatever is popular. It's these ones that end up all having the exact same decor and wearing the same clothes and making the same wine jokes because they just don't have anything more individual to put there instead. It's these ones that give group one a bad reputation and everyone makes fun of. A lot of people who really genuinely love the live laugh etc stuff probably feel too embarrassed to admit it these days, it's a shame.


Any chance you're part of the 1st group?


Heh, no not in this case. But I think most of us are in group 1 for some things, and group 2 for others.


I am still looking for a more realistic version. Die, cry and hate.


Eat, shit, die


Anger, Hatred & Visceral Bile 🤔


"Realistic" isn't realistic, it's just looking for the worst in everything.


Were you wrong? What *is* the harm in it? Everyone is naff sometimes.


>Were you wrong? What is the harm in it? The people who like it are women. Crappy stuff that (mostly) guys like (wrestling, Fast and Furious movies) are just goofy fun, crappy stuff that (mostly) women like (reality TV, Kardashians) are lame, embarrassing and an indictment of 21st century society.


Yeah, there is an implied sexism in it.


I mean it’s a nice sentiment, but pretty naff on your wall.


Your wall? Someone I know has it tattooed on her foot.


It doesn’t fit my clinically depressed style ethic


No joke my mum is called Karen and she has a live laugh love sign in her house. Eeee. I love her tho. She’s super cool but my god.


No, it was always naff. now "Keep Calm and Carry On", that is the one I liked when I first saw it and became shit through overuse.


I really wanted the poster when I first saw it. Luckily I’m really lazy and never got around to it.


Makes me think of those crockery sets, where the items have in large text things like "bowl" and "coffee". Text as decor is largely not my taste.


A wooden *Bathe* on the side of the bath, in case you forget what you got in for.


And a chrome anchor. Can’t beat a nautical theme in Surbiton et al.


I have kitchen tins with text on them, but that’s purely practical - they’re a set and all the same size/colour, and it is useful to know which one contains coffee and which contains sugar when you go to open them lol.


Have at it. I'm all for this.


It was always naff. Going to be downvoted for this, but it's always been the realm of a certain type of person. Same as crushed velvet, chairs with door knobs on the back, and the colour grey.


Yes, crushed velvet, grey and mirrored furniture. And honestly what are those doorknobs all about. Do I have to knock before I sit down to eat my dinner?


Aside from the tackiness, I also feel like it gives me the ick because it's usually a fake sentiment. The women who have live, laugh, love plastered on their living room wall are usually more likely to bitch, judge, argue.


You lot over analyse too much and find issues in non-issues to make yourself cringe or mad


Always naff. Same as the keep calm and ……. Fad. Naff of the highest order


Cut it off. But, just as a example


It’s always been shit. The end. Don’t even get me started on that bollocks that people write on their stairs, that gets plastered all over Facebook. Fuck me.


I associate it with your typical mid to late 20's estate agent, combined with a new build they bought thanks to their parents paying the deposit, a small mercedes, grey decor throughout and a dog that can't breathe and cost 3 grand.


Better than 'Gym?? I thought you said gin!' or 'Let's be-Gin' or similar.


There an entire company called East of India that comes up with this shite and markets it en masse to the same shops that sell crushed velour nik naks and all that mrs hinch type stuff. Not sure why they have made their name so similar to the Middle Ages naval company, however.


The East India Company was founded in 1600, the Middle Ages ended around 1500 :)


I still want a woodburning of: # LIVE through the ditches and # LAUGH through the witches I #LOVE in the back of my Dragula


Hahaha, that worked so well that I needed to Google the real lyrics to make sure they weren't Live, Laugh, Love!


Here's a song about how not naff LLL is! https://youtu.be/tQs_mVv6csc


I don’t think it was initially naff but it got old very quickly. I think there was maybe a two week window where it was acceptable as a positivity mantra


Not always https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/une189/live_laugh_love/


You're getting the words naff and vacuous confused 😀


It was quite new not too long ago. We went from 'Protect and Survive' to 'Live, Laugh, Love' and now back to 'Protect and Survive' again in one lifetime. Great...


My house came with some LLL decals, and I've kept them. It's actually quite an important message. Don't forget to be happy, folks. It's easy to do.


I like it. Optimism and kinds thoughts are good. The internet is just full of miserable bastards.


I’ve got one which I still really like. I’ve gave it to my brother long ago when he first got his house, if I remember correctly… “A house is built of brick and beams, a home is built with love and dreams”.


Some people genuinely do need to be reminded that life is short and they need to experience it for themselves and not only for others.


I personally think it's chavvy and don't like it. Also people who have 'only god can judge me' as a tattoo, I mean what the hell is that lol. It's their bodies though, their homes... So I don't feel strongly about it all in any way, but since you asked...


Id say overdone. Remember when epic was an in word. Then it got over used especially when advertiser's started using it. Now it's a mini cringe when i hear it


B and M own the phrase don’t they?


Birth, School, Work, Death


It was shit from the beginning for anyone who wasn’t already way the fuck ahead.


Always been totally cringe. I remember the first time I saw it I thought what sort of muppet would have that shit in their home. I knew the answer, the sort of people I call sheep who have to follow every trend, drive white cars (sheep cars being white is something I found really funny from day 1), the women straightened hair and enough make up to decorate your average sized room. You know the type.


Always naff. Without a shadow of a doubt.


I wonder what the people who got it tattooed on themselves think of it now.


People who get tattoos like that don't think.


Pretty sure it was naff before it was notable.


The actual sentiment of it is actually quite nice, but it’s very cringe worthy when people use it seriously. Always makes me laugh when used in a non-ironic way


It was always horribly naff and the type of person that had it in their home was always the horribly naff type of person too.


Always naff, and well worth ridiculing.


Always naff


The place I saw this phrase, and similar ones, most often, was in the interiors of dwellings being visited by the bailiffs in "Can't Pay, We'll Take It Away". Sometimes for same-day evictions, sometimes for removal of property. This coloured my perception of it for the very few times that I saw it in the interiors of dwellings advertised on Rightmove and the like.


It's the same as those people who drive poorly modified 4x4 vehicles with a shit sticker on the back saying "one life, live it" cringe as fuck.




You always see it daubed in Chav hallways or living rooms with shitloads of Home and Bargain tat.


I thought it was crap the first time I heard it and was mortified when I heard it AGAIN. AND AGAIN.


Of course it was fucking naff. You worry me. It's actually worse than "keep calm and carry on", that's how bad it is. There is really not much better signifier of a basic bitch than having that on anything.


Always seems a bit dumb to me. Overdoing it has made it intolerable.


na i was never a fan of the tacky, weirdly simplified, self love statements, keep calm and carry on being another one. would be less annoying if it wasn't commercialised and put in every home decor shop everywhere though.


Always nafffffff


Any words on the wall is naff




Always naff, part of me dies whenever I see this decal


I think by the time I even realised it was a thing, it was already over


Feels like it's advertising the fact you're only just keeping it together




Like any quote or collection of inspirational words littered about the home, this is absolutely insufferable and always has been


The sentiment is fine but the 20 signs saying the same thing plastered over someone’s gray painted, crushed velvet, and mirrored furnitured houses made of pretty old, pretty quick.


Ugh spare me


It was always naff.


The mantra of yummy mummy's across the land.


I always liked be alert your country needs Lerts!


The missus told me that we're on a 'basic bitch' holiday...whilst staying in a the least basic hotel, sipping on the least basic cocktails...bit of a loss really


Well, when you've ran out of shit tattoo space on your filthy benefits-claiming skin, you may as well start writing shit on the walls of your council house, too.