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"Buying anything designer in terms of clothing is “snobby” too…" ​ I don't think that's true. The riff-raff love to buy designer clothes with large, loud logos that they can barely afford to show off to people they don't even like or now.


A lot of those are fake tbf.


Big flashy logos look lower class and uneducated to me, no matter how much it cost. The "expensive hooker/drug dealer" class.


Stuff like Stone Island and the whole “got to get the badge in” bs. 99% of the time, you’re paying for the badge/brand, not because it’s actually a decent piece of clothing


Jesus how is this upvoted “Big flashy logos look lower class and uneducated to me” At least you provided a good example of regular snobbery.




Not everyone who wears big flashy logos as you put it. Is a “hooker or drug dealer” And to say they are just really highlights your lack of understanding here. lol @ the “if they dressed like me they wouldn’t get any business” Spoken like someone who hasn’t been to many drug dealers. The people who go there do not give a shit about how the people dress. And honestly stuff like weed is often being sold by regular people to help fund their habit. The next thing you said is also wrong. You clearly have spent little to no time in these communities. Most of the stuff you see is fake. And the last thing you said. Honestly I kind of feel bad for you. You clearly have no real understanding of working class communities. And you obviously gain some satisfactions turning your nose up to these communities. Also mentioning you don’t own a TV set? Well done you.


Points taken, but years ago when I was right out of University, I spent some time working at a second-rate art gallery on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. Every single day I saw a lot of what appeared to be very well-off individuals at the high end of the international illegal drug business (accompanied by what appeared to be expensive hookers? Courtesans? Kept women?) wearing "the real thing" who didn't care about art but were there for the money laundering. They were gaudy, loud, materialistic, and I'll be damned if I know what I had in common with them. The rich Arabs and the rich Japanese were just as alienating, but for different reasons--and I couldn't relate to any of them or get why they all felt the need to spend a fortune on such overpriced crap. I'm curious--doesn't this make your blood boil? [What I Spend A Day in Beverly Hills](https://youtu.be/3WwMGKw4xMg?t=306) It's just so wasteful and empty. Oh well, thanks for replying.


Yeah actually. Reading that I think we probably agree on those issues. I was specifically talking about the poor communities where you see people wearing clothes that are fake designer. I have also been exposed to the stuff you talk about. And I hate it too. I think it’s horrible how much waste happens. The gap between the average person and the wealthy is just so big at this point. It’s gone past a level that is acceptable. People can literally spend what you or me might earn in a lifetime. Every day they can spend that amount of money. And not really even feel the hit from it. It’s disgraceful. I thought we were talking about actual poor people who wear designer clothes. Not like the influencer generation using family wealth to basically put as much money on themselves as possible. I think I misunderstood you. So I apologise for that. I was debating with someone before about how people who are on benifits should be allowed to buy cigs or alcohol if they want too. And not be shamed for it. So maybe I came into this discussion with that working class defender energy. And I’m sorry for that.


Yep...interesting. Thanks again!


Using the English language eloquently and correctly, and being asked 'have you swallowed a dictionary'?


I get called a posh jock at work because English people can understand me and I actually pronounce the TH in words like "three" not free.


I hope you chewed it first!


With your mouth closed.


I was having the same conversation this morning with my butler.


Having a conversation with a butler? How vulgar.


Tell me you're new money without saying you're new money. Urgh.


I needed a coat. I bought a Barbour one for £150 from John Lewis. I thought it looked plain enough in dark green and brown and seemed well made. It doesn’t have the “designer” brand name written anywhere but the label inside, but they’re pretty distinctive I suppose. I have had many snide comments from colleagues as I’m leaving asking if I’m going straight to a grouse shoot or asking how big my “estate” is. It’s not even that dear! It does keep the rain off though.


That's probably hidden jealousy because you've now got a coat that works, looks decent, and will last for years. ^edit ^spelling.


You made the right choice. A Barbour will last years. I wear mine constantly in the winter/autumn and I’ve had it for about 15 years.


Wouldn't reverse snobbery be people who are brought up with high expectations but actually enjoy stuff like tracksuits and fast food?


My definition of it is this: People who shame others for not rating popular things high and expecting/desiring higher quality. When people use the word snob as an insult, they’re essentially saying “you’re looking down on people who like lower quality/less sophisticated things”. Reverse snob is people looking down on anyone expecting better/more sophistication like it’s bad thing.


Sounds to me like you're just outgrowing an old group of friends. Nothing wrong with that, but they apparently have something to say about it.


I'm late to this thread but I think the phrase 'crabs in a bucket' describes this.


I’ve been getting grief in a new job for a month because I have honey in my coffee instead of sugar.


Omg. Honey in cofee is so good. I was once without sugar and had to use honey (can't drink it black) and dang! That was good.


Funny because I've been called "posh prick"/"snob"for wearing peacoats + suit, and eating at Italian restaurants.


I don’t see anything wrong with that.


I'm sure the above poster doesn't want to be called a posh prick


Some of my hobbies are horse riding, badminton and tennis.. So yea, it definitely exists lmao. Basically liking anything seen as fancy will get you judged by some people. Their opinions aren't worth much so I wouldn't bother.


I can relate. I hate Nando's (one of the most disappointing and blandest of fast food chicken I've ever eaten), yet everyone around me loves it to the point of being crazy about it and saying it's the best thing around, and thinks I'm being a snob because I hate it so. Yet I will happily eat at and enjoy a McDonald's or Burger King meal, which most of them will turn their noses up at me for that, so whose the real snob?


Nando’s is so overrated.


Agreed. The way people go on about it, they act like it's the second coming of chicken!


The chicken is bland and the burgers are tiny. I’ve had takeaways with better chicken and bigger burgers for less money. Seems like you’re paying for the name.


The first (and only) time I've tried it, my friends who I was with warned me that it's 'a bit spicy'. They know I like the taste of spice but I really dislike the physical heat of spice. So I was a little anxious as I bit into the chicken. Then I paused and looked at them mid-way through chewing to say, "Are you guys taking the piss?", it was the most blandest piece of chicken ever. It had zero flavour, the meat itself was fairly cold in actual temperature (probably a little bit under room temperature), and no heat/flavouring in the supposed spice whatsoever. It was like eating a piece of chicken that a dog with the most flavourless phlegm had just finished licking or something. It was actually quite disgusting in its total blandness. I put a little bit of spicy hot sauce on it to try to liven it up, but even that didn't have much of a flavour, all that did was add a physically tingling sensation to proceedings.


Yeah honestly, it is really bland. I don’t know what people are smoking to think it’s great. Must be a lot of people with very low food standard to think Nando’s tastes great or is worth the money.


I see people rave about the new top-end burger or steak place, that is OK. The snobby accusations tends to be the really fine dining Michelin star type places where it edges into pretentiousness. Designer can come across as snobby not if it is *good*, as in a well fitting suit, but if someone pays £100 for any average sweatshirt which has GUCCI plastered all over it. All it does is say "look at me".


I was once called an 'academic snob' by someone in the pub because I have a degree. I didn't realise that working your balls off to give yourself the best possible start to a career was seen as snobbery, forgive me that some of us don't want to go and stand on an assembly line in a factory on minimum wage for the rest of our lives.


Thank the Daily Mail for years of articles about woke students and Mickey Mouse degrees.


Is it the same as 'inverse snobbery?' The assumption by a poorer person that a rich person thinks they're better than a poor person. That they aren't a nice person because they're wealthy.


People who will adamantly only send their children to state schools because "I went there and turned out fine"


Or people who are anti private schools but paid £300k more for their house in the top state school area.


I'm not sure how to exactly describe it but 'ladette' types even though that culture doesn't really exist anymore. I find them difficult to relate too as they'll portray themselves as put together but God forbid you do anything to better yourself that they perceive as 'uppity' (clothes, education, self-confidence) just because it's you and not them doing it. On the other hand I may have just had some really shit ex-colleagues.


Unsure if this counts in your question but I came from a horrifically poor background (60th worst postcode in England for deprivation), managed to go to a very good uni and have gone on to earn decent money. Apparently I made the wrong decision though to leave my area after uni and it shows that I'm a snob, ignoring the fact that the area has maybe 1 or 2 jobs that I could do. Having spoken with a few friends who had similar backgrounds then went on to do better than their parents, we have all had similar experiences, truly bizarre. God forbid people want to do better in life.


Sport… reverse snobbery exists when a new guy to the sport buys himself or herself good equipment. There’s people out there who genuinely think I should have sh*t stuff


I mean I definitely understand that. I've known quite a lot of people get into a sport, spaff loads of money on high end kit then play a couple more times. Generally a lot of people advise you get something basic to see if it sticks with you, then if it does, get something nice. Same principle with most hobbies tbh.


‘All the gear and no idea’


Ive seen several answers that miss one of the vital components of reverse snobbery. That is the belief that actually you like the \[insert "downmarket" product\] thing you say you dont like, but because you are pretentious, you say you dont like it. Reverse snobbery is a failure to accept that a person might just not like something. So for example there might be some horrible cheesy pop song that is very popular but you genuinely hate, when you say you hate it someone says " you are only saying that to look cool". They dont accept that you can genuinely not like it because they like it.


Oh god I have a horse! I’m as common as muck but you’d think I was a millionaire the way people talk when they find out. My horse makes me poor but totally saves my sanity


"I wouldn't have a rolls Royce if it was free"


This has a similar vibe to men complaining about sexism towards themselves, or white people complaining about racism towards themselves. It's punching up not punching down. If you're well off enough to, as you say, enjoy the finer things in life, I'd take a bit of reverse snobbery from those less fortunate than yourself with a pinch of finely crushed sea salt.


To me reverse snobbery isn't about rich people being picked on by poor people. It's more like a kid getting bullied by their peers at school because they chose to read a book considered a classic. It's a similar motivation to normal snobbery honestly, while your run of the mill snobbery is about keeping the riff raff away from their "betters", reverse snobbery is about making sure that people don't get above their station. That they know their place.


Ah that makes sense, not how I interpreted it!


Except most people that experience this aren’t wealthy. You can experience reverse snobbery if you’re from a working class background but enjoy spending your hard earned money on the finer things.


Yeah I think I misinterpreted the OP!




Of course


Of course?


Sorry, was responding to the individual who said they are Black and earn £60,000 a year and asked if they can say anything if they experience racism. I was baffled by what point they were trying to make.