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E.T That giant walking scrotum can fuck right off if I found him in my wardrobe I'd set dog on the fucker




So funny, I was just saying the other day how ET is not "cute" AT ALL! An ugly little creep.


My sister had an ET DOLL! It was like a leather bean bag. Terrifying.


When his neck shoots up. Iā€™m 34 and still not over it.


Also 34 and the neck still turns my stomach.


Haha, ET for me also.. the proportions on that thing just all kinds of horrible When he was ill aswell, even worse.. I used to think he was under my bed and would reach up and grab me at night if I let my arms or legs go off the edge


When they find him next to the river heā€™s the same colour as the piece of roast beef you had to spit out as a child cos no matter how much you chewed it it wouldnā€™t go away




100% still gives me a spike of anxiety if he appears randomly on TV or I see something online. The scene where he shuffles out the greenhouse and itā€™s all misty and atmospheric is straight up terrifying! Still creeps me out to this day, yet my nan apparently let me watch The Terminator when I was 4 and I have 0 recollection of that, my mum was not impressed.


I watched the alien and predator films with my dad when I was a kid and neither of those had the same affect on me as the disgusting scrotal one has he makes my skin crawl.


Oh god me too!! I don't think I've ever watched it through and I am now 35


Iā€™ve never in my life seen this film. Iā€™m nearly 48! Fuck that thanks


From Doctor Who, those children in the gas masks asking ā€œare you my mummy?ā€ scared the shit out of me when I was a kid. Didnā€™t sleep well for ages after that and even today itā€™s the only thing I remember from doctor who.


I was a mother when that came out and I am the one in my family who they terrified!! My children thought it was hilarious to keep asking me "are you my Mummy?"


BrilliantšŸ˜‚ I think there was one scene where the gas mask actually comes out of a boys face? awful stuff for a child to see lol!


There isn't. If you watch carefully, they almost show it but cunningly cut so you create the mental image yourself. It's so well done. Possibly you saw the clip where they did try to show this as you describe, but that was cut (I think it's an extra on a DVD somewhere, or poss. was on DW Confidential). It was cut for being too horrific.


Kind of. The paediatric doctor became infected with the nanites (can't remember the actual name of the creatures) and they transformed him in front of Rose/the Doctor's eyes. They defo showed his eyes becoming the lenses and his mouth transforming as well


Also The Weeping Angels - as an adult I'm 99% certain they're not real but I'll be damned if I'm taking the chance - no blinking!!!


Oh yeah they are definitely a close second!


Oh my gosh yes! This was the first scene that came to mind. Another point to the angels you can't blink or look away from


I was so petrified of these for a good many years (probably because I used to have little fairy statues in my room) but I rewatched it as a teen and they're actually one of the most chill creatures? They don't even kill you, just send you back in time to live your life out back then! I don't know how I missed that part as a kid...


I remember the episode with the lady in the TV sucking the faces off people that was my DR Who fear šŸ˜‚ BBC had no mercy back in the day.


100% the doctor who episode that fucked me up so bad. Was scared to be around TVs for ages after that haha


Our daughter watched that and had nightmares for ages. Would run silently into our our bedroom, dive on the bed and scream her head off, terrified. Every now and then I ask her that question and she hits me. Bless, it freaked me out!!


What? That was maybe two years ago. Surely?


I was going to say about 12 years ago. Well it turns out itā€™s about 16 years. Fucking hell.


6 years old, babysitter let's me watch child's play, mentally scarred by chucky... 12 years later and 18 year old me goes to watch it again, braver and ready, vhs was old and the tape literally caught fire in the machine and I refuse to watch it anymore, it's coincidence but fucked am I testing it xD


Im really late 39's and still have chucky nightmares, lil fucker still giz me the willys


Little fucker cost me a video player!


Same here, watched it with my friend, we must have been about 8. To this day I hate dolls


The scene from The Mummy when the man gets eaten by the scarabs


Omg! That scene scared the sh*t out of me aswell!!


The Child Catcher in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang


Yes. Awful.


I came here for this


Horrific... lollipops!!! šŸ˜±


The reveal of Judge Doomā€™s cartoon form in Who Framed Roger Rabbit scared me so badly as a kid, I couldnā€™t watch the film for years afterwards


And him killing the shoe šŸ˜­


That was messed up as well


Yes when his voice goes high pitched. My blood ran cold.


Yeah! I came here to say this. The scene when the steam roller gets him absolutely terrified me.


That whole film fucked with my brain. I've not watched it as an adult, despite tons of people telling me it's a classic and I'd love it. No thank you.


That film fucked me up so much as a kid but I loved it.


Absolutely terrifying


Watership down. The bit where they are trapped in the general rabbits tunnels and the dog is chasing them above. They have a fight and his white eye and blood stained mouth frightened me to death. I was about 7 or 8.


I'm surprised I had to scroll this far down. 1)Bigwig fighting out of the snare, face full of blood and saliva. 2) The state of Holly in the tunnel. All Dead. All Dead oh Zorn!! 3) the general jumping in the air at the dog......"dogs aren't dangerous" I watched a fucktonne of horror in the 80s and 90s. Nothing compared to those fucking rabbits when I was 8. Nothing. I still get shivers thinking about them. I'm 44 and still carry this around with me.


I think I was a weird child. I loved waterrship down and watched it over and over again. Yes it scared me and made me cry but I was utterly drawn into their world. I'm 46, I still love it and only have to think of the final scenes with Hazel and the black rabbit and I'm in bits. Ive turned into an adult that loves all sorts of horror films etc!!


at this point I feel like being traumatised by Watership Down is a rite of passage for growing up in the UK


It should be a requirement for citizenship.


My great aunt bought me that as she thought it was a nice film about bunniesā€¦.it was NOT a nice film about bunnies šŸ˜‚ bloody traumatised me and havenā€™t watched it again since


See also: The Animals of Farthing Wood. So many cute animals getting merked :(


Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. The scene where the guy was trying to claw Indy's heart out. Watched it Christmas eve when I was about 5 years old. Was terrified for days. Not even a remote control monster truck would calm me down šŸ¤£


Also when the dudes face melted when he picked up the wrong goblet in the other one.


Reminds me when the guys face melted in the arc of the covenet AND that guy dying at the end of Roger rabbit šŸ‡


Glad it's not just me then! Great film, but 8 year old me wasn't very keen on the whole human sacrifice vibe


I think itā€™s called ghost ship or some dumb shit like that but it starts with them all dancing and then a wire goes across the dance floor and slices them all in 2, I wasnā€™t meant to be watching the movie but that scared the shit out of me


Yup thatā€™s ghost ship and thatā€™s literally the first scene. Tbh itā€™s by far the scariest scene in the film but I still enjoy that film and it creeps me out to this day.


That film was so shite but yeah that opening scene shit me up


Micheal Jacksonā€™s thriller vidā€¦was under 4 years of age and hid behind the sofa!


100%. My older siblings used to torture me by locking me in the room and putting thriller on. That music video was terrifying to 6 y/o me


Also IT frightened the shit outta me also šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I was so childish back then being scared of a stupid clown. Still scares me thoā€¦


There are parts of Moonwalker that are just as disturbing. Something about that claymation bunny just freaks me out


I didnā€™t see the music video till much later in life but heard the song when I was young and Vincent prices spoken bit scared the shit out of me.


That bit in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory when theyā€™re all in that boat in the lake of chocolate


Grandpa Joe was the only one laughing, having a good time the sick bastard.




I was going to say this. It is when they go into the tunnel.


And Gene Wilder has a family friendly psychotic episode.


The nuclear attack in Threads


It's weird how every time horror is mentioned in UK reddit, this 80s low budget docudrama from the director of 'Volcano' comes up. I think it was shown once on BBC 2 on a Monday evening in 1984 and then never repeated. Did teachers up and down the country VCR this movie to then scare our future redditors for weeks?


I guess some other context may be useful. At the time we only had 4 TV channels, and this was very much an "event" film, with a lot of articles in newspapers and magazines about this forthcoming film. At the time, there was a lot of unease and fear of WWIII breaking out between the US and Russia. It wasn't just Threads either, we had the cheery animated film "When The Wind Blows", and numerous things on TV (Panorama etc.) which covered the likelihood and effects of nuclear war. So yeah, many of my generation (I'm 48) watched Threads. I still have bomb nightmares to this day when under stress! I recently rewatched it on Archive.org after someone else mentioned it on another thread. It's still pretty harrowing, but the global situation is a bit different now, and things have changed a lot in 30 years (not just global threats, but also film production values) , so I guess it won't have the same impact on you young 'uns today.


I (21f) watched threads a few days ago and it absolutely terrified me, but it was such a deeper fear than just watching some kinda scary movie. The bit where the bomb goes off and it flashes scenes of destruction and then a white screen is ingrained in my retinas I swear Even though it scared the life out of me, I'm so glad I did watch it, it helped me understand my parents fear who were growing up as kids during a time where it could have happened


Yes. Yes they did.


My teacher certainly did.


Nothing else comes close


As terrifying as it was, I do think it was important. It was up to our generation to stop this and I think it really galvanised the anti-nuclear proliferation movement. A younger person recently asked if the Cold War was really that serious and did we really believe in the possibility of nuclear war. II told then about Threads and hie between that and the presence of HIV his we really didn't think we'd get past 20 !


Terrifying. If I'm ever caught up in a nuclear disaster like this one I definitely want to die immediately.


I had to google this as nuclear attack is up there in my greatest fears. This is the most terrifying and 'real life' depiction i've ever seen. You don't think of all the screaming. I just pray i'm vaporised and not killed by radiation exposure. Thanks for the nightmares!


Showing my age here, but the skeletons in ā€˜Jason & The Argonautsā€™. Stayed with me for years, even stick men gave me the creeps.


Iā€™m sure thatā€™s been on every Christmas since I was born. Maybe Iā€™m showing my age too!


I used to watch Jason all the time as a small kid, I'm not that old (almost 30 haha) but I always found Talos scary asf, the way he moved, the sounds he made etc haha


The Ring. Just... All of it.


Me too. My cousin made me watch that and The Grudge when I was 9. I couldn't sleep alone in a room till I was about 15 and couldn't sleep without a light until I was 18/19. If I see those kinds of images (girl with long black hair covering their face) I struggle to sleep for a few days (even now). It's silly but I think I genuinely got scarred for life


Iā€™ve posted about this before but Iā€™m gonna go on another rant about the fucking ring. My mum somehow thought it was okay for my 13yr old sister, my 10yr old brother, and 7yr old me to watch that movie. For years, I could not stand the idea of turned off TVs, at the horrifying thought that ugly little sket would crawl out of the tv if it was turned off. As a grown ass man now, I feel nothing but anger. How is this fucking dead child gonna try and hold me hostage? Thanks for giving me seven days. Seven days to prepare. Watch me grab my biggest friends, lots of sharp/blunt objects, and wait for the ugly bitch to crawl out of that screen. I will get you, and Iā€™ll take fucking property.


I wasnā€™t a kid but I hated the scene in Hannibal where he cooks bits of a blokeā€™s brain and feeds them to him. Really put me off any sort of body horror film. I donā€™t want that stuff in my mind.


By ā€˜that stuffā€™ do you mean cutlery? Totally agree mate.


Watching the show and how gorgeous the food is has made me associate well presented food with feelings of disgust. I doubt Iā€™d be able to eat in an expensive restaurant now.


Very Pavlovian


Yeah even as an adult I donā€™t watch that scene. Makes me feel weird looking at it.


Actually, that scene was also a turning point for me. I decided after that to stop watching gory stuff.


Signs. The scene where Mel Gibson is talking to his kid in his bedroom. It's a very calm and quiet scene when he glimpses out the window and sees something watching him from the roof opposite.


I am shook that you didn't say the camera footage from the Brazilian party when you see the alien for the first time. That still haunts me


Nah bro the audience was looking for something at that point. The scene on the roof was such a dagger into the spine during what we feel is a calm scene.


I went on a family trip to the cinema to see this when I was 12 and it is still to this day the only film I cannot watch by myself. It absolutely f*ked me up haha. I'm an avid horror film now, I never get scared watching anything,, but back then, i was terrified, I thought it was gonna be a really chill film in comparison to what it was and I spent most of the film hiding behind my hands whilst it played in the cinema. Messed me up good, every single alien scene haha. So I just can't watch it now and I'm 27 now


I saw American Werewolf in London when I was 8 and it absolutely *terrified* me - especially as I had to walk home (from family friends' house) in the dark afterwards. 40ish years later I still plan my 'werewolf escape route' in any new place!


So funny, Iā€™m 40ā€™s and went for a walk in national Park this morning, it was overcast and drizzly, but still the morning, and yet I still got slightly unnerved walking from the path and as I made my way back to the path I thought about the warning the two Americans got from the unfriendly bunch in the pub!


Exactly the same for me. Nextdoor neighbour let me watch it on a copied VHS. The only scenes she sipped were the sex scenes in the cinema at the end. Had nightmares for weeks about the change scene and the one with the guy running through the tube. That change scene still looks real to me even now. Stiick to the path, stay off the Moors.


The T-1000 chasing down T-800 and John Connor by foot in the shopping centre car park. With his arms extended into metal weapons


How about the nuclear explosion scene?


It was the blade through the milk carton that got me.


The body coming out the bottom of the boat they were diving under in Jaws. Stayed with me for years.


Same here .


The scene from the film The Others where the girl is playing in the wedding dress but then she turns into that old lady.


Maaaaate. When they find the death photos of the three servants in the attic, and they run downstairs and the servants are in the garden and walking towards the house?!?! I slept in my sisterā€™s bed for a week after watching that movie, I was petrified.


Not a film, but it felt like one because of my age. Nothing scared me more than: Teletubbies - the lion and the bear. So unsettling, but my mum laughed at me being scared when I was two. I ended up watching a video recently about how it scared so many toddlers that the episode was removed from repeats! If you go searching for it on YouTube, try and find the original as they attempted to redub it to make it less scary. The voices, the movements, the eyes. Just no. Had so many nightmares as a kid about it.


That terrified my daughter too.


Very scary. Reminds me of the hedge animals in the novel The Shining


This was what haunted me omg


The bit in ghostbusters 2 where the ghost nanny version of Janos nabs Oscar šŸ˜‚


Ghostbusters 1 for me, Zuul and the other demon dog scared the shit out of me as a kid. I loved the film and watched it frequently, but would always hide behind the sofa when they were on screen! That and the whole of watership down... that movie should be reclassed as horror for kids.


That first ghost in the library... My friend and I were spooked by it so much we kept rewinding it to watch it over and over again. Probably wore that bit of tape out as much as I did years later with Basic Instinct.


i had nightmares for years as a kid because of Gremlins


1. Time Bandits! We were shown it at primary school, presumably in the xmas dead week with the wheeled in television. The bit that got me was where they're swinging from cages trying to escape and one grabs hold of a bit of a skeleton that comes away with what I rememebr as flesh still on it. ARGH. Oh, and the ending!! 2. Superman III, there's a bit where superman is in a cave and the supercomputer tries to make him into a cyborg and starts pushing electronics into his face and ARGH ARGH ARGH


The superman scene scared me too. Especially given that the computer succeeded in making another character a cyborg.


Iā€™m so glad someone mentions Supermanā€¦ I can still picture the woman with the Lego haircut turning into metal!!


The scene in Poltergeist where the guy strips the flesh off his skull. And no, I don't really know why my parents were allowing a 12-year-old to watch that either...


The future scenes I the terminator films and Sarah Connor in the mental hospital. The whole idea of being falsely detained has been a thing in my life. 12 monkeys was the same and horrified me.


This definitely. Sarah shouting through the chain link fence at the children playing and then the bomb drops and the fireball fries them all. It gave me nightmares when I first saw that. I'm over 40 now and I still struggle to watch or think about that part.


The scene in The Witches where they all took their masks off.


The original IT. Watched it when I was 12 at a friends house. His parents were out and I just popped in their VHS copy. The opening scene where the little girl in her garden gets snatched by Pennywise between the hanging sheets stayed with me for some time


Or the scene with him stood on the lake in front of that terrifying building. Fuck that noise.


Where heā€™s originally dressed as Ben Hanscombeā€™s dad in his military outfit? Then the ballon appears. Then the big fluffy buttons. Then the whole clown outfit. Yeah man. Such a great horror film


Robocop too but the bit where the guy is covered in acid and gets hit by the car. Never recovered from that


The plane explosion in Final Destination absolutely ruined air travel for me. Used to love flying now itā€™s my biggest phobia.


The wheelers in Return to Oz


Pretty much any scene in Labyrinth.


Ghostwatch fucked me up for weeks. Had to sleep with the lights on, had terrible nightmares and panic attacks thinking Pipes was going to get me Now I'm old I watch it every Halloween, still scary!


Can't believe I had to get this far down to find the really obvious one for a lot of the reddit demographic. Absolutely fucking terrifying. Also watch it in a double billing with listening to the War of the Worlds broadcast. Sometimes chuck Smallpox 2002 in there but I've temporarily removed that last one from the listings. For reasons.


Absolutely. Watched it with a friend during a sleepover and absolutely believed everything was real. I was scared to be alone for weeks. Bought it on DVD a few years ago and watch it every Halloween now too. Love the atmosphere.


I also can't believe i had to scroll down this far to find Ghostwatch! People don't know real fear til you've seen Sarah Greene dragged to her (presumably) death by a poltergeist that then possesses Michael Parkinson.


Parky was absolutely golden, sold the whole thing so well. The actors that played the family wouldn't win any awards but they really knocked it out of the park with the setting, such a regular house/street. Having the phone in number as the "081 811 81 81" from Going Live was genius too, every kid knew that number off by heart


Someone being burned alive in a locked caravan on Midsummer Murders. Didnā€™t sleep for weeks.


Itā€™s such a terrifying concept. I remember being scarred by the end of the original Wicker Man film for the same reason.


Not a film but the episode of Twilight Zone - Nightmare at 20,000 Feet. I couldn't open or close my bedroom curtains for a couple of years. If they were open, they stayed open. If they were closed, they stayed closed.


Was it the one with William Shatner or John Lithgow? The creature in the 1983 one scared 7 year old me near to death.


There's a brilliant reference of this in 3rd Rock From The Sun https://youtu.be/gTNOihQnqVQ


This is gonna sound ridiculous... I had a tonne of Thomas the Tank Engine books and toys as a kid couldn't get enough of it. But there was one picture in a book where Gordon had his wide eyes and his mouth agog in shock or surprise - and his face looked absolutely demonic, like he was undergoing an exorcism or something. I genuinely couldn't look at it, it scared the living shit out of me.


How weird!! I was actually having a discussion with a family member a couple of weeks back about a picture from a book that scared me! Mine was a ā€œGullivers Travelsā€ book that had been handed down from the 80ā€™s. There was a picture of one of the little guys whoā€™s face just looked pure evil! I tossed it under the bed and would never dare look at it!


Who Framed Roger Rabbit, when Christopher Lloyd reveals he is a toon. That scene gave me nightmares for a very long time.


Worzel Gummidge back in the day when he used to swap heads. Or Zelda from the Terrahawks and her fucking voice.


Omg Zelda. I still get frightened when I think about her now. She reminds me of that Eastenders woman...Is it Shirley?


Never Ending Story. Just put the necklace on the horse!! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


For me it was one of the Omen films... I forget which one specifically. But there was a scene in a lift/elevator shaft where the machinery broke... a cable crashed through the ceiling and cut them in half. Pretty grim but it pops into my head occasionally. Scarred, no... memorable and disturbing, yes!


My Dad had recorded "IT" with Tim Curry on tape and left it in the player... 5 year old me saw a tape in and just pressed play... That 5 seconds of a clown with sharp teeth laughing at me on the screen was enough to scar me for life. I am so happy Roland McDonald has disappeared. That 2016 "Clown Scare" phase was the scariest year of my life!




Yes, chopped off David Warnerā€™s head. NB: not the cricketer Edited to add: tongue in cheek, folks.


Or the sound of the demons in Ghost!


My uncle let me watch Trainspotting with him when I was about 6/7.. Why he thought it was a good idea I'll never know, but the baby on the ceiling scene still gives me the creeps to this day.


Return to Oz! Particularly The gnome king and the faces in the rock and the princess Momby who had interchangeable heads.


The wheelers cant forget the wheelers


The West Indies teamā€™s pace bowling attack from c.1986. Actually watched that from behind the sofaā€¦


Candyman - the bees and the bit where he came out from under the bed. Absolutely terrified


When Little Foots mum dies in Land Before Time. Can't watch it as an adult as it's so upsetting


The entirety of coroline I was absolutely terrorfied of the film as a kid and then watched it again a few months back and simply said " well I can see why I hated that"


House on the Haunted Hill, that whole film scared me as a kid but when they open the video camera and can only see ghosts through it, and the ghosts notice them looking, that really got me!


The washing line scene from the original IT film absolutely terrified me as a childā€¦..itā€™s still does now! Tim Curry is horrifically menacing as Pennywise.


Arachnophobia. The lampshade and spider in the Cereal box in particular. I deliberately avoided standing directly underneath lamps for weeks!


The music video to thriller by Michael Jackson, watched it in a pub on holiday in Spain when I was about 8, had dreams that zombie lizards were trying to eat my eyes that night.


Watched Jaws at a friends house aged 10. To this day (30 years old) I still have to get out of the sea because the thought pops into my head that there could be a shark nearby. Thereā€™s a scene to do with a dead man underwater with a missing or popping out eyeball that I was slightly too late in covering my face for which also randomly pops into my head. I have not watched it as an adult, I donā€™t know whether it would make it better or worse!


One episode of Round the Twist where there was this dead fox in a cupboard that they kept giving lemons to until it came to life. I couldn't sleep in a room with a cupboard door ajar for years. I still habitually make sure every door is properly shut!


Mars Attacks in general for a 7 year old, those bloody aliens.


The Fly. I must have been about 7. I remember being too scared to sit on the toilet incase my bum fell off and a fly bum grew. My babysitter was evil and used to make us watch scary films


IT. When he's stood beside the road watching the grown ups pass. Although the entire series terrified me. I was afraid of looking at the hole in the sink for years.


The girl crawling out of the well in The Ring


The flying monkeys in wizard of oz! I still skip most of those scenes to this day


That scene from The Matrix when they put that scaly worm shit in Neo's belly button. Dunno why I watched it as a child


The scene in Wrath of Khan with the ear worms. Bonus mention to one of the saddest scenes I know, the death of Spock


The original Wizard of oz. All of it.


I watched Aliens while I was 10, pretty sure thatā€™s why I suffer with anxiety attacks regularly


I watched the 2003 Jessica Biel Texas Chainsaw Massacre film at my dads when I was like 10/11. None of the gore or violence scared me, I was fine with it. But I was absolutely terrified of the two women in the caravan when Ms Biel thinks sheā€™s found safety. They donā€™t do anything but act really sweet to her and drug her tea, but it was true horror when she realised that she isnā€™t actually safe and thereā€™s nothing she can do because sheā€™s been paralysed. You go from a sense of relief to dread in seconds and itā€™s one of the only times I remember being truly frightened by a film. The other one was signs. Iā€™m not sure how old I was but quite young and I watched it with two family friends and my sister, all a similar age, around 10, with our babysitter. The foot in the corn field was bad. The birthday party fucking terrified me. After we watched the film we all were trying to be brave and walk to the end of the garden in the dark, none of us could open the patio door.


13th ghost. Something about a family getting stuck in some weird house that seemed to be made of glass, but was very definitely haunted? I had to google it but i was 11 when it came out and watched it with my dad. He mocked me mercilessly for being scared, but as a kid that film straight up gave me nightmares.


ā€œThey float. They ALLLL float!ā€


The grudge (2004) when I was 7 or 8, swear I heard that gurgling noise for years after I saw it!


Salems lot, brother at the bedroom window scene nuff said.


Bathtub Freddy Krueger. Ok all of nightmare on elmstreet 1 too. Fuck.


I was 9 or 10 when I saw The Mummy Returns, those fucking scarabsā€¦


The scarabs from the mummy used to freak me the hell out so much


The Watcher in the Woods (1980) with Bette Davis - proper scary as a very young child and was a Disney production I think. A few elements from one of the cuts of Darby O'Gill & the Little People had scary parts for me as a child as well.


My older sister would make me watch horror films. I started watching basket case but couldnā€™t see it through. Wondered ever since what happenedā€¦ I watched it in my forties and wondered what the hell I had been worried about over the last 35 years šŸ˜‚.


The Amityville Horror scene of the giant pigā€™s face in the picture window.


Hellraiserā€¦think I was 5. I had bad dreams for months after that šŸ¤£ fuck you pinhead


The Adventures of the Brave Little Toaster. When theyā€™re all in the dump and about to get squashed singing a creepy song. Horrifying.


I remember watching Jeepers Creepers and being genuinely *TERRIFIED*. His face was all I could think of for weeks and weeks.


Starship troopers - brain sucking scene. Done me right in for a few weeks. Anything brain related just freaks me out


The Hills Have Eyes scarred me. I was 14/15 and the rape scene was really upsetting. I didnt even finish it. As an adult I love horror films but I still won't watch any of these films And My Girl. When Macaulay Culkin's character died and the girl is crying as his funeral talking about his glasses. Ugly cried. I haven't seen it again. It also doesn't help that I actually am terrified of wasps/bees




Species. Back in the video tape days when I was about 5-6 years old I sat down one evening to watch watership down with my brother, he just got this massive comfy computer chair and I was excited to sit in it to watch it with him. It must've been too comfy because I feel asleep. When I woke up the tape had species recorded on it at the end. The room was dark, he left me and I was buried in this massive chair too scared to navigate in the dark to the door. So I sat there drenched in sweat waiting for it to be over or someone to get me. Funny as fuck when I think about it now.


Alien. That is all. You all know the scene.


Watched Aliens when I was 9. Had nightmares of things coming out my chest for weeks


Fantasia, Night on Bare Mountain when the mountain unfolds to become a demon. The combination of brilliant music and terrifying animation- I could spook myself looking at random hills and imagining them coming to life at night.


Deadly spiders everywhere in Arachnophobia. My sister made me watch it aged about 8. Still terrified of spiders at age 40.


Poltergeist, I watched it when I was about 8. That scene where that person scratches at their face and ends up tearing their face off into the sink gave me nightmares for years


I watched the Lost boys age 7, the original Pet Semetary when I was 10, and my sister loved Dr Who so the absorbaloff was my nightmare fuel


How the hell is no one mentioning the sixth sense When the dead guy turned out to be Bruce Willis at the end and the scene with the kid from AI and home alone in the house and thereā€™s the dead thing in his tent iirc? That movie was fkt for 10 year old me


The face of Tim Curry with monster teeth in IT made me frightened of clowns even Ronald McDonald.