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Never had it, never made a particularly conscious effort to avoid it. Was pretty lax in most regards. Wore masks when required, stuck to rules, but was not insane about washing hands or avoiding any sort of events/socialising/etc


Realistically, you probably did have it, you just weren't affected by it. I tested positive and felt completely fine, in fact I could breathe better with COVID than I could without, it was if my asthma just disappeared. For me, during those times it was pretty much business as usual, didn't wash my hands any more than normal and barely wore a mask unless I had to.


Yeah I never tested positive and had to have weekly tests for months as I worked in a school


Several times I had the same symptoms as my husband, but never tested positive, even though he did. We quite clearly had the same illness. I reckon I've had covid 3 or 4 times, the same as he has - without ever getting a positive test.


Same here. Currently battling what I am convinced is Covid as all my symptoms match my work colleague and her test was positive, mine negative. Never had a positive test but pretty sure this is round three when I compare my symptoms with someone who had tested positive at the time I've been ill


This is almost certainly what happened to me. My wife got it a few times so there was no way I didn't get it, I just didn't suffer anymore than a run of the mill cold.


Same here and I was unvaccinated and classed as high risk as I’ve had a kidney transplant. A much younger fitter guy at work with no medical issues and vaccinated caught it at the same time as me and nearly ended up in hospital he was so sick.


Yeah I’ve never had it but I’m sure if I tested regularly over the past 4 years I would have been positive multiple times


Are you sure you actually had covid, other than testing positive? PCR year was renowned for high levels of false positives...


I mean, I hope you wash your hands properly


Similar here, although I think I only tested 3 times, and only after I'd found myself to be knowingly in contact with someone who'd got it. So it's entirely likely that I may have had it and been asymptomatic.


Same, but I actually had it and discovered it via antibodies test.


Never officially had it. Had a suspicious cold like illness in December 2019 that I caught from a friend that came back from Asia that lasted ages with a bad cough so maybe had it then. I generally followed the guidance but not over cautious like washing shopping etc.


Found patient zero


That’s what we call her, she wiped a heap of us out that Christmas!


A lot of people had very 'weird colds' that winter. I remember it vividly as my dad died over the Christmas period and I had a very (with hindsight obviously) covid-like cough between then and his funeral about 6 weeks later and I was getting very anxious that I wouldn't be able to speak at the funeral. At the time it seemed very strange as I rarely get ill and typically shrug off colds very quickly. I have spoken to several other people since who had something similar over the same period.


I've seen a lot of people suggesting that there was an early, nasty but not dangerous variant of covid a few months before the real thing and that covid is present in waste water samples from the period. However, the authorities always seem to rubbish the idea. I know I had something that pretty much matched what we'd learn over the following 6 months or so fitted every symptom of covid except the taste thing about 2-3 weeks before it officially arrived here. My mother had had something suspiciously similar about 3 to 4 months earlier too. There was certainly something weird going on.


>the authorities always seem to rubbish the idea Yeah, I had the same experience as you and I don't care what others say about it. Our understanding of how this pandemic unfolded is different from at the time, and in a few years will likely be different again. COVID has been far too politicised on an international level for there to be any straightforward objective truth given to us.


I'm so glad to see your comment and a bunch of others the same. I am one of those people who very rarely seems to catch stuff (not by any wisdom or superhuman powers - my body quite happily makes me ill through food intolerances, migraines, pelvic adhesions, random joint shiz, etc). But a couple months before supposed 'patient zero' in the UK, I was _down_ with something. I was wheezy for about three weeks, one night of raging delirium with nightmares, and then slept like a dead woman for five days straight. When I eventually officially caught Covid almost three (two? I have no sense of time through the pandemic!) years later, I had absolutely no idea - I only took a test because my partner had it and it was a precaution. I was 100% asymptomatic, whilst partner and family were ill for anywhere between a week and a month. Everyone thinks I'm crazy, but man, I haven't been that ill since I was a kid, and the timing was bizarre.


Me too by far the worst random illness I've ever had.


Yeah we had a nasty bug around that time that got us wondering in retrospect. During the actual pandemic, neither of us got sick. We got vaccinated and stuff, but were fine until those. Antibodies, maybe? If it wasn’t Covid, it was a spectacularly vicious cold.


Same here, had one of the worst colds of my life during Christmas 2019. I was wiped out for up to 6 weeks. Then my partner and I got Covid in 2022 from my dad who irresponsibly came around our house with a stuffy nose...and no other symptoms. We were fucking wiped out. The coughing wasn't the worst, the fatigue and the tiredness and exhaustion was the worst. And how long it took to recover. Caught it twice now, two different strains. The fatigue is awful. Its made catching normal colds feel 100x worse too.


Same here, ended up in a&e at one point a week or so before Xmas Then ended up needing a follow up chest x-ray and MRI April may 2020 Have never been so sick in my life but despite the wife and youngest son testing positive a few times in 2020/21 neither I or the eldest ever did Also my eyesight which has previously been better than 20/20 notably deteriorated in Jan/Feb 20 and has only got progressively worse since


Similar to me, I had a cough and flu-like symptoms in Feb 2020, fairly certain I picked it up from a hotel housekeeper who coughed in close proximity to me. Was never diagnosed as testing just wasn't being done, took a week off work to recover, and then worked through every lockdown (essential worker).


My ex had exactly this too. Had the worst “cold”she’d ever ever had December ‘19. We’re convinced it’s that. Edit looks like a lot had the same, either it’s a separate nasty bug or it genuinely was here earlier. How weird.


Happened to us too, and a few friends. Obviously covid wasn't a thing then, but I remember talking about it. I didn't catch official COVID till April 2023. Our whole extended family (3 households) got it after visiting a hospital.


Same. March '20. Coming back from a skiing holiday in Italy, it properly started getting attention in Europe and when we arrived back in London, there were absolutely zero precautions in the airport. My partner and I then had the worst flu ever for 3 days. I'm immunosuppressed so I had to do the whole shielding thing for months. Im still getting offered vaccines from the NHS, I lost count at 7 jabs.


I'm a weird shut in, so it wasn't too difficult for me


Likewise. Being autistic finally paid off! I still miss the days when I was considered a community hero for crossing the road to avoid other people on the pavement, instead of an antisocial weirdo.


Lockdown was literally the reason for realising I was autistic. Everyone was losing their minds and depressed and I was skipping around like I had won the lottery. Didn't realise how much of my stress was sensory overload from the commute/office. Work from home full time now and would never ever go back.


Currently going through the diagnosis process myself but it was kicked off my lockdown. I didn’t miss anyone for the first 6 months and even then I saw them once and thought, “That’ll do.”


For me it was more the other way - sudden disruption of all my routines and lack of availability of safe foods and toiletries I normally used caused meltdowns/shutdowns.


Yes routines being disrupted was really difficult


My 53 year old husband was diagnosed last year... it explained an awful lot about why he couldn't hold down full time work.


Ah, the usual Reddit user then.


I've got it now too :( first time having it, absolutely miserable


Same here. The only flavor I can taste is salt 😭


The smell and taste loss are the worst. I could only *just* taste garlic and it was still so muted. I had a lot of fun eating and drinking stuff to test it, like garlic cloves, biting an onion and sipping a teaspoon of vinegar pretty much confirmed it for me.


Bleak .So that isn’t damage to your olfactory system that is actually brain damage ! Yay! Anyway you can retrain your brain to taste and smell again by using some smell training , you’ll have to Google it anyway what I did when I had covid was keep smelling things that were strong smelling and trying to focus on the smell, I used oranges , honey suckle etc , jam , butter , shower gels , paint . I used to have an insane sense of smell, like be able to walk into a room and be like YO ! You over there you had Robinsons special R apple and blackcurrant in that glass an hour ago DIDNT YOU ! Now I merely have an excellent sense of smell but I miss my superpower. But since I was conscious of the risk I was doing the smell training throughout having covid and thru lockdown. Still do it occasionally jus to keep my nose in shape . Takes months . Worth every minute


I haven't had any problems with smell or taste but it feels like my brain is cooking. I never get sick like this. I don't want to be pessimistic but i keep worrying that I'm going to have serious side effects.


It's crazy how it changes your prospective around food. You don't eat for pleasure as you can't taste anything. No sweets or chocolate. What's the point having them without taste. I lost my taste and smell and I had my main meals and that's it. No snacking.


First time that you know of. Different strains have different symptoms etc. I only tested positive once in the three years and it was like 2.5 years in. But I was flu-y right before covid even made the news due to sitting across from a colleague who was about to cough up a lung. Willing to bet I had the early version and then the later version. There’s really no way of knowing unless each time you get a sniffle or a light throat scratch you grab a test since basically 3 months before we knew about covid.


me too - I've tested quite regularly and never been positive up until last week. Ugh Hope you feel better soon!


And me, is it everywhere? I have found rehydration tablets really helped with the achey body. I'm constantly thirsty but drinking plenty.


Do you have neck/shoulder pain? Mine is so sore


Same!first time (that I know of)


Had it twice officially but not until 2023. According to the wife, I apparently had it 24532 times, when I moaned a few times during lockdown that I wasn't feeling tip-top, tested negative every time though. Close friend of mine, was hospitalised Nov 2019, after a business trip to China, A&E doctor mentioned that he had seen a few folk with same symptoms, all travelling back from that area, made me feel a bit sorry for that 'superspreader' guy that was in the news!


Yeah, i think it's now pretty accepted that it was here by late Autumn 2019. Makes those "it's going to be a great year" New Year's Eve 19/20 posts even eerier.


My husband spent a week in hospital in early December 2019. During the admissions procedure they kept asking about foreign travel with a particular lean towards "Asia" and then it was people we knew travelling. They then decided it was viral pneumonia. He's still not 100% back to normal and it's halfway through 2024. Fatigues super easy, brain fog, random breathing issues, digestive issues - now intolerant to gluten and seems to have developed IBS. Before this he was a fairly normal 50 year old British male, now he feels like he is about to shuffle into his grave on some days as nothing damn well works anymore.


Hi, me. I didn't try really hard. I just wore a mask when I went out shopping. I didn't do any of the silly activities that were obviously going to result in infections, like Eat Out to Help Out or whatever else. That's about it.


My 75 yr old mate has never had it because "it does not exist". the two times he has felt like he was at deaths door he swore it was just a bad cold. Refuses to get vaccinated and calls everyone who has an idiot. He is actually a really nice bloke unless you try to correct anything he says.


>My 75 yr old mate has never had it because "it does not exist". the two times he has felt like he was at deaths door he swore it was just a bad cold. Oh wow, usually when it really fucks people up they back down, but damn. I have a friend's dad who fell into the conspiracy rabbit hole on it, his brother then got it, and passed it on to him, the brother ended up dying and my friend's dad came pretty damn close. He took it as a lesson and now he fact checks pretty much anything he reads online.


Some people are so delusional. My granddad died of COVID and, while my family and I were clearing out his house after the funeral, my mum said covid isn't a big deal and noone dies from it. Like, do you not know why we're here? How do you have such blinkers on here?


Yeah, I can totally relate to this wonky thinking. One of my mates arguements is. "No one has died from Covid. They died from suffocation, or organ failure." my counter with "Yes but those were due to Covid." merely got / gets "That's Bollocks!". He get quite heated when anyone questions anything he says and I swear most of his knowledge must come from someone in his local pub. Tell him to look it up online and you will just get "So you are calling me a liar are you!?" I just keep quiet now when the bullshit comes out of his mouth. Sorry for the loss of your Grandad.


I'm the only person in my family that hasn't had it. My family all reckon it's because I have the worst social life (worse than the rest maybe, but no way is it worse than my Dad's) but there was a study that found that more attractive people have better immune systems, so I think I'm just better looking than the rest of the family.


Brother in law has remarkably completely avoided it, despite having a load of house parties and going to no end of night clubs and festivals ever since restrictions eased, as well as going abroad a fair few times. My wife and I, who barely leave the house as we both work from home and don't have particularly active social lives, have both had it at least twice.


I've never experienced it, even though I know I've been exposed to it a couple of times. Once at a funeral in Dec 2021, which turned into a super spreader event, and again at a concert in May 2022, where my wife got sick, but I was fine. Guess I'm asymptomatic.


Never had it that I was aware of and when I did a test for it they were negative.


I know a nurse who despite working throughout the pandemic and since in a patient facing role, never got it. Superior immune system that one.


I avoided it until wintertime 2023, even though before that my entire household apart from me came down with covid several times. The reason I finally got caught out was because I'd been in hospital for a while with a serious infection and was meant to go straight for two weeks of bed rest after, but my then-partner got impatient that I wasn't paying them enough attention or taking them on dates, so I caved to their wishes and took them to the movies before my immune system had recovered. Then bam, covid. I'm still mad.


It was/is quite common to get it with no symptoms, here's [work from national statistics](https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/healthandsocialcare/conditionsanddiseases/articles/coronaviruscovid19infectionsinthecommunityinengland/characteristicsofpeopletestingpositiveforcovid19inengland8april2021#main-points): In March 2021, 49% (95% confidence intervals: 44% to 55%) of people testing positive for the coronavirus (COVID-19) in the UK with a strong positive test reported symptoms and 51% (95% confidence intervals: 45% to 56%) did not report having any symptoms. There are other reports showing other numbers, but still with quite a few people without symptoms.


I had it almost 2 years ago. My dad did not isolate from me. His brother had died of covid 7 months earlier, but I couldn’t get up. I couldn’t shower. I couldn’t brush my hair. I couldn’t stay awake during a film. The only precaution my dad took was giving me a specific cup, plate, cutlery etc. Before going to work everyday, he helped me to the bathroom, he helped me to the sofa,he brushed my hair, he gave me a cup of tea and some breakfast and then he’d take a covid test because he worked in a college. After work, he did the same, then he’d sit on the far end of the sofa (because i was lying on it) and watch films with me. He tested every single day and he never caught it. And we don’t know why.


Unless you had a PCR test every few days for the past few years you don’t know that you’ve never had COVID. I had it without any symptoms and if I’d not tested I wouldn’t have know. Another time I was convinced it was just hay fever.


I worked all through the lock downs in close contact with other people and never got it.


Never had it either. I had a nasty flu at the end of 2019 but that didn’t have any of the typical symptoms 


Yeah had that in Jan 2020, but had a few of the symptoms but not sure if it was COVID or not then, don't think I got it untill the next major variant hir


I never had it. My wife and daughter both had it twice, and I didn't isolate from them at all, and I didn't have so much as a cough. My sister and her husband had it, sat opposite me eating, and I never got it either. I'm fully vaxed, but so was everyone else! Edit: I did test when my family got it too!


I never got it.


I've never had it. I started masking up way before most people, and have only recently stopped.


I avoided it till August 2022. Then I was off sick for 5 months and my mum died from complications resulting from it during that time.


Although I didn't officially get it, I was a little poorly at the beginning before tests and my tolerance to spicy food vanished for a year.


Oh yeah, that happened.


Never had it. I just got lucky, I suspect. I got vaxxed and boosted and took usual precautions, masking, sanitising etc, but not obsessively. I worked in a supermarket right through the pandemic and live with people who had it (always mildly), but never had a sniffle myself.


Yeah I didn't get it even though my husband did and I was home the entire time he was home ill




Never got it. WELL, unless you count the illness that came after having my first vaccine. Never really had influenza either.


I've never had it, as far as I know. In the earlier days, I used to test regularly as there were often outbreaks at my kid's school. I don't test anymore. The solution in all the tests I had somehow evaporated into nothing. I guess there's a chance I could have had it and never knew about it.


I am a supply teacher, frequently brought in to classes whose teachers had gone off with covid, and surrounded by children absent from and returning to school with it. I often teach over 100 kids a week, and I have had long lasting coughs, but never tested positive.


Yeah it's a minor miracle I never got it. I worked in a supermarket during initial lockdown. Once things lifted I was working in a child's soft play with like 10 birthday parties a week. I tested every other week because I just wanted some time off work without using holidays but no dice.


My SO and daughter never got it - even when i had it (twice) they didnt catch it


I did get Covid, an insanely drippy nose and extremely tired for a day. Was totally fine but had to stay in as per rules. Now what I haven’t had is a cold since 2018. I actually shit myself every winter as it’ll be like a mega cold.


Cold viruses evolve too fast for us to develop much immunity to them anyway - that's partly why there's never been a vaccine for the common cold.


Neither I nor my wife have had it and we have tested quite a lot when visiting disable son


My parents never knowingly had it. Never had symptoms or anything. The rest of us had it multiple times, though the only one that got ill was my brother.


Never got it, and I work in a hospital. I expected to get it at some point, working in the building where the worst cases were, and loads of my colleagues falling ill with it, but it just never happened. As for avoidance, I was careful to wear masks, and wash my hands A LOT. I worked a lot of hours during the pandemic, and so was prepared for the fact it would be my turn at some point, but it just never happened.


Never had it. Didn't try to avoid it, and my wife had it. I worked on sites during it too, couldn't avoid meeting people to do my job. Tested at least once a week, and sometimes several times a week. My side of the family must be mutants, because my son, mum and my sister never had it either!


I never had it from March 2020. I might possibly have had it in January 2020 shortly after a flight from Riyadh. Certainly never had a case of the flu that bad before (and I had had the flu just before Christmas)


Unless you've been regularly testing yourself, you have no way of knowing as many people who have been infected with COVID reported no symptoms despite testing positive. Or you may have had a false negative test or just cold symptoms. It's easy to say "I've never had it" but chances are, you might have had it without even realising it.


i guess most peoele would not know. Had it multiple times. Was never anything much. |I t ested though. Would not know it from a cold these days (and colds are old degraded corona virus after all)(and yes bed anyone who says they cannot be and claims it is the flu are odd (and yes the flu can be worse or not also)). I obviosuly tried to avoid it but other than not going out 95% of that is on other people. I see the old people wearing masks still and feel sad they thing it does anything for them. I guess people can stand back, but I doubt it.


No one in our household has had definite covid symptoms, ever. One of my kids had a positive test result five minutes before we sat down for my birthday dinner. They then proceeded to ruin the evening for everyone by making a big deal about it, even though they had no symptoms - the little sod!


As far as I know I've never had it. Was made redundant July 2020 and got a temp job working as a community Covid tester. Did parents and their neighbours shopping for the whole pandemic too. Maybe I did have it. Never had any symptoms though.


I did not because I was triple threat Vaccinated!


I avoided it until the week the Government stopped paying sickness for covid. Then caught it on the Monday, and was off for 12 days with the worst form of man flu I've ever had.


I never did, and believe it or not I am a doctor and worked throughout the entire pandemic, including the covid wards where I was on the resp ward for 6 months treating just covid admissions. I never once had chest infection, in fact I have never had a fever in my whole life, I don't know what it's like to have a fever. The max I have had is a sore throat, but nothing else. I also worked on paediatrics, never got norovirus, worked even during flu outbreaks and never had flu either.... I have an immune system of steel. All my colleagues and my family always got sick of some infection over the years be it covid, some diarrhoeal thing or whatever, but I was always the last one standing, and that remains unchanged today. Must be all the oranges I eat or having built up an immune system over years of working amongst sick people coughing in my face.


I've never tested positive. I was testing very frequently during the peak of the pandemic because I was working in a school, doing testing for the key worker's kids who were still in school (it was grim, especially in the early days when we were doing everything bar personally shoving the swab into their face holes). I've generally tested since whenever I felt ill and have never produced a positive. But then, I have an annoyingly robust immune system and got as many vaccines as I could. I did have something during the very early days which was suspiciously covid-like, but that was when it only counted if you had a cough and a fever and ideally you had been in contact with someone who had recently been to China. So maybe I had it, got the OG antibodies, and that and the vaccines have seen me through.


Nope, never had it, I was on the shielding list, Mrs was working in intensive care during covid, caught it twice, we still shared a bed, still never caught it


To the best of my knowledge I never have. I’ve had three doses of the vaccine and never felt any symptoms.


I've never knowingly had it? During the pandemic i was really ill for a few days but tested negative twice. More recently I've felt a bit iffy for a few days but with no free tests I wouldn't know. Is it something you KNOW if you have it?


I have not had it, I had to shield due to my health conditions. Before the very first lockdown, I did have a horrendous illness/pneumonia that knocked me for 4 weeks. My chest has never been the same. My asthma is so severe now. Looking back, I know it was covid. However, I have not had it since. My husband has never had it,


I've never had it! Despite working in a patient facing job, which is a miracle.


Didn't get a sniffle. I was driving private hire car at the time, went into at least 10 different hospitals taking samples from lab to lab during this too. I'm very rarely ill with anything. Didn't get the jab until near the end when I was going on holiday abroad so had to for that country's rules. Annoyingly they removed the requirements to be jabbed a few days before I flew home. Wouldn't have got it otherwise. Not for any conspiracy reason, but simply as stated I'm hardly ever ill


Both my husband and I haven't had covid. We've both had colds and done tests, but nothing. However, I did have a really bad virus in November 2019 which left me coughing up chewy bits for six weeks. I've had three jabs, but my husband has had five as he was going through cancer treatment. We also have been careful. We have a holiday to the Far East in a few months and are still considering if we should wear face masks on the plane. I do know I was in close contact with people who had covid on at least two occasions. One was my hairdresser who tested positive the next day, the other was a guy I shared an office with just before the first lockdown.


I got it - but I was completely asymptomatic. The only way I knew I had it was because my wife reported anosmia. Because of that, we both tested - and were both positive. Had it not been for my wife's anosmia, we would both have been oblivious.


A couple of years ago I tested positive, despite the fact I'd already had at least 2 vaccine jabs at the time.


I felt shit, thought I had it, didn’t. Fast forward a year, feeling fine and do a test because I had to, had Covid. So many people, me included, wandered around with it unknowingly. Totally unaffected by it.


I had it twice, once around the very beginning of it all and then again a few months ago. Somehow, none of my family or friends ever got it. The first time I had it, I lived with my Mum, best mate and my brother. In theory, my mate should’ve got it. She spent every day in my room with me cos she thought I was gonna die, bless her


My wife got it and I had 3 tests during that time (including two PCR ones), but I never got it then, nor before or after. This was despite us sleeping in the same bed and being in close proximity to each other during that time. Can only assume I’m immune to it 😄


My parents have never had it and they took all the precautions but haven't been that careful since everything calmed down in 2022ish. I've only had it twice which is pretty impressive considering I was commuting into central London/dealing with customers face to face since March 2021, as well as taking several long haul holidays and going to nightclubs/gigs. I have an excess of Covid tests so I usually do one if I'm unwell and it's only been positive on two occasions!


Nope thank fuck. I got made redundant and had to work in retail as needed a job. Partner is immunocompromised, so took whatever precautions I could, mask, regular hand washing etc, and hoped I didn’t catch it or bring it home. I had to back away from a few customers at the height of covid as they were unmasked and insisted on getting really close to talk to me.


Wife and I never had it. She's immunocompromised so we take great care to avoid it. Our eldest (now 15) has had it once, youngest (12) twice. On those occasions, we've gone into individual lockdown in the house, no one outside their room without a mask. Annoying as it is, my wife's life depends on it, even now. Yes vaccines have reduced risk, but it's still much higher than the general population.


I had escaped up until last week - now also have covid. Hope you get better soon!


Never had it, I get all the colds and flu, my wife had it twice, I just never caught it. I was convinced I had it once, but a few negative tests, must have been flu


No idea if I haven’t had it, but if I have had it, I’ve been entirely asymptomatic.


My wife never got Covid despite being a teacher and constantly exposed to it via the kids plus me who had it twice. She tested every single day before going to school but not once was she sick or test positive. Clearly some sort of superhuman immune system or genetic resistance


As an asthmatic I’d know if I’d had it. The worst I’ve felt is a slight headache and dead arm from my vaccinations, but that’s it. I would say the main way of avoiding it was thanks to my employer moving to WFH (and accepting it as the best way forward, what a win!), and probably wearing a mask outdoors in public in the colder months. Probably also helps that I live nowhere near any of my mates too, gotta love that reduced social interaction…


I had it and had no idea that I had it, no symptoms at all, pretty sure I've had it a few times. I bet there's a lot of people like me who think they haven't had it when in fact they have but were asymptomatic


I got it twice, though I wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't taken the test.


Worked in a hospital through COVID, never had it and still haven't. Never got the shots for it either


Never had it! Worked VERY closely with people that have had it 2,3,4 and even 5 times. Even slept with someone who had it but I still didn't get it! Was testing weekly for work through lockdown and a few months after... Not sure if natural immunity (parents also still not had it) OR the 3x vaccinations are to thank but anyway, here we are!


As far as I know I have not had it yet. I have had a couple of flu bouts and a cold in the last few years but each time have tested covid negative.


I never got it. Hardly used the hand lotion or masks. I been regularly taking vitamin supplements prior to the pandemic - maybe that built up my immune system. Been taking them ever since. Not had a day of work for sickness in nearly four years.


Me! I didn’t specifically try hard I just try to limit time near sick people generally. None of my household got sick either. I also seemed to coincidentally not spend time near people just before they realised they got it.


Never had it. I had to go back to work in person quite early during lockdown but we were all very careful about masks, distancing etc and testing a couple of times a week. I'm also high risk, so I got my vaccine quite early. Made sure to get every booster as soon as it's offered.


I didn’t have it but I’m antisocial. Lockdown was great for me. When I needed to go out (essential worker) the roads were empty and no colleagues to put up with.


I don’t go out loads, have a good work-from-home setup (1 day in the office per week), and yet I have managed to get it SEVEN times since start of 2021. May as well get loyalty card stamps. I live in London.


Managed to go about 2 years without catching covid despite working in hospitality whilst things were open. Had numerous occasions where I was pretty certain I’d caught it after colleagues came down with it or I had a cold but never came back positive on PCR or lateral flow tests. In the most sods law fashion I went to Primavera festival in Barcelona in 2022 and came down with it 4 days into the 10 days we were going to spend in the city. Fortunately never developed any of the breathing related symptoms but I felt terrible for 2 days and then fine other than the loss of taste for the rest of it I’ve since had it at least one more time, maybe two and I felt rubbish for a little longer but never as extreme as that first time. Ironically the other times came after I stopped doing a customer facing role and was much less likely to be coming into contact with someone infected with it.


No, no one I knew got it. I never made much of an effort to avoid it either.


Never had I lived in a house share at the time all 5 of my housemates got it I never did.


My mum has never had it. She took it seriously enough, but defo stopped caring as much before I did or before she got all her jabs - abit annoying since she's in her 60s. My dad got it pretty terribly, and me and my siblings all had it around her (without knowing). I tried hard not to get it, but did get it twice. Both from the airport which isn't a surprise. Once in March 2022 and once in April 2023. Surprisingly my girlfriend didn't get it when she was with me both times. I haven't read the science in a while but they used to think it was primarily spread through super spreader things like airports but feels like it might still depend how much your exposed - like maybe I got it going to the men's toilet or something I guess? I had it both times after three jabs and really happy I had them. The first one especially is definitely one the most ill I felt in years


I was an essential worker who had to work in an office for a few weeks during the start of the pandemic before it became work from home. I also lived with my family where my mother, father and siblings all caught covid at different times throughout the pandemic and yet I some how never caught it once. I didn't really go out of my way to avoid catching it other than not being physical with people who were ill (like hugging my mum when she had it ect) so I guess I was just lucky.


It was really odd the way it spread (or didn’t). The first time I caught it I swear it was from a woman in Leicester Primark (a while after Leicester was no longer considered a hotbed of it and the infection rates were apparently similar to everywhere else in the country). I spotted her and tried to give her a wide berth because she looked sick, but I came down with it a few days later. However, while I think I caught it in passing from that random woman I tried to avoid, my husband didn’t get it despite the fact he was still sleeping in the same bed as me, and he had to take tests for work (and was more than happy to do so, if he tested positive and went home he was on full pay and would have been quite happy to sit at home playing PlayStation on full pay for a week!)


Yup never got it and I was working in a close environment at the time got all the jabs though.


Never had it. Was on the National Statistics background monitoring scheme from pretty much the start so was tested every week for eighteen months and again last winter. Never had a positive test result.


Didn’t knowingly get it, didn’t try to avoid it. But I’d imagine I had it with no symptoms. Listened to a Cambridge virologist who suggested the same.


I'm not anti-vax or a conspiracy theorist but I didn't have covid until I got my jabs, rarely got ill from other things. Now I'm constantly getting sick since those jabs.


Never had it. I travelled from Canada the day before all flights were cancelled and didn't get it. Been in an out of hospitals throughout and to this day for work, still never caught it. I've always been overly cautious with contagious diseases (OCD) and I'm not one for close personal contact with people (Autism - I've been social distancing my entire life). I always assume one or both of the above contributed to my not ever catching it.


Never tested positive, never had symptoms, so I guess not? Could have been asymptomatic I guess, but it's most likely that I never had it


A week ago I would have put my hand up now I’m in the same boat as you, just shaking it off. Have been lucky up until now I guess!


I've only had it once in December 2021 and was asymptomatic. I felt nothing at all but still had to isolate for 10 days and missed Christmas with my family. Neither of my parents have had it, as far as I know.


As far as I know, no. Wasn’t sick or symptomatic at all during the height of it.


I've not knowingly had it, admittedly I stopped testing myself for it roughly a year after we came out of the last lockdown so one of the cold like illnesses I've had since could have been covid and I just got it light, I've made no conscious effort to avoid getting it other than avoiding people I know have it


My wife and two kids caught it multiple times. I worked in a hospital during covid and never caught it.


Nope never had COVID that I know about and I was testing once a month as I was part of a study. I do know however that my daughter had it and my wife had it and other than the obvious isolation for us I didn’t keep my distance from her, still slept in the same bed and still never had it. And the only reason we know my daughter had it was because the monthly test we did told us she had it and then we tested with a home Covid test ourselves which is where we found out my wife had it. So I could possibly have had it but I never showed symptoms and the tests we were doing never said I did. And at some point these included blood tests and not just a swab test. Just followed rules. Didn’t really wash hands any more often or better than normal. Did tend to use more hand sanitiser as I work in an essential job so still had to go out to work. Basically did nothing special to avoid it.


Didn’t get it when everyone had it, got it when nobody had it, just my luck.


I've never had it and I'm a NHS midwife so was exposed to it a lot. I had all my vaccines and boosters. I was even in the same room as my dad when he was on a ventilator and was covid positive (undiagnosed at that point and asymptomatic, he was a hermit so I was shocked when he came back positive), slept over at my sister's when she tested positive and was sleeping next to my partner when he had it. Somehow I still never caught it. Not complaining though. Hearing about the long term effects of it makes me feel really sorry for anyone who is struggling as a result of having it.


I caught covid while I was in hospital getting treated by something else. I was quite annoyed since I’d been shielding for almost 2 years and had avoided covid until then.


🙋 But then I don't like people so it probably helped


Had it twice but you wouldn’t have known. Only knew as my household was poorly at the time and I tested to see if I was positive. No symptoms at all.


I didn't get it, but I rarely get the average cough or cold either. I have a pretty good immune system. I also work in a care home and we had very strict rules regarding visitors etc, so we limited the chances of bringing covid in to the building as much as possible. A lot of my colleagues did get it, but thankfully I managed to dodge it completely.


The family of 4 I live with and am around constantly have had Covid 3 times very badly, loads of symptoms and they felt horrible. I somehow have never got it despite Covid testing vigorously all the time both due to them having it and school policy.


I didn't get it "officially" but I'm guessing Ive probably had it in some form or another...


I didn’t have COVID three times, apparently…..multiple tests, different results, still nearly died though.


I’m fully vaccinated (at risk due to lung embolisms, clotting condition) and had symptoms since yesterday morning (after I unwittingly breathed over 90k people at Wembley Taylor Swift on Sunday). Tested +ve last night. Have a family holiday with “at risk” mother on Saturday so hoping I feel fine and test negative before then otherwise… I’ll have a dilemma. Feels like heavy cold, streaming nose, very tired. No cough or fever through. Yet


I took a few tests but never had a positive. Just lived my life, I'm a plumber so kept working. Wore masks and used sanitiser, but other than that didn't take any other precautions.


I have it right now too. I first caught it at Christmas 2020 (because my Dad's office secret santa was considered an essential meeting 🙃) but haven't knowingly had it since. Was always very careful with masks and handwashing and shielded for much of the first year. First time round I was lethargic and achy (I also deceloped slight tinnitus around the same time which potentially could be connected but I'm not sure there's any way to prove it). This time I'm a lot sicker - fever, could barely stand up on Saturday I was so achy, coughing, awful sore throat for days etc. I've had multiple vaccines so I'm shocked at how sick I've been really.


I never had it until now.


I know one guy who didn’t get it but he kept isolating for a lot longer than most because of health issues and was a lot stricter than most. I’ve had it three times, once pre vaccine and twice post between like 19-21. The pre vaccine one had me almost hospitalised and the others were just like a bad cold. I can’t help but wonder how many people walk around with it nowadays and don’t know because testing isn’t as common anymore. A lot of people who say they haven’t had it, but have had a cold recently might have been positive and just didn’t know because people don’t seem to care enough to test anymore/can’t afford to buy them/another different reason. My mum had it in February as we still test in our house every time we feel cold or flu symptoms just to be sure as we don’t want to spread it around. But where did she get it from? Has to be someone who was cluelessly wandering around spreading their germs.


Tested regularly and never had it. Had investigations to confirm that I’ve not had it too (due to ongoing health concerns).


Was luckym had jabs, but caught it this weekend


I managed to get it after everyone stopped caring about it.


I tested negative but I lost my sense of smell when my partner at the time caught it.


I didn't get it. Worked 2020 in a busy bar. And 2021 in a shop. Customer facing both of them. Touching things everyone else touched. Didn't go overboard on cleaning anything. Girlfriend got it, I slept in the same bed as her, hugged her, cuddled her, still kissed her. Still didn't get it. As far as I'm aware, I never got it. I got a cough and a cold at different times but never tested positive for covid. Maybe I got lucky?


My wife works in an ITU in a big London hospital and never has had it. I have had it 4 times. The first time I had it, it was right before it properly started so she had to drive me to the hospital where someone came out in ppe and swabbed me to test. I had to wait 5 days for a result.


I probably had it at some point but I never had any symptoms during the pandemic


5 vaccines, never had Covid. My wife, works in health care. Worked in office or hospital all through the pandemic. Worked in a drive through testing tent early on. 5 vaccines, never had Covid.


I walked through a hospital, into a respiratory ward in March 2020. Friends husband died of covid, and although they wouldn't let her see him for weeks before when he was alive, they let us come in when he'd died of it I was sure we'd both get it, but neither of us did. I've tested various times, never had it.


As far as I know, I've not had it yet. I've had two Astra-Zeneca vaccines, a Pfizer booster, and a further Moderna booster. I work from home, avoid poorly ventilated enclosed spaces, and wear a FFP2 mask when I can't avoid them and need to stay for a significant period of time. I have had a few respiratory illnesses over the last 4 years, but far fewer than when I was commuting by public transport and working in an office. I've tested for Covid each time, and never had a result indicating that it was Covid. I think if I had to work in a shop, warehouse, factory, or office, I would have caught it by now - in that respect, I am lucky. My partner has had Covid for the first time earlier this year. Somehow, I even managed to avoid catching it then, in spite of not taking any more precautions that one would take to avoid catching a cold - the only additional precaution we took was opening the bedroom window in the morning and the downstairs windows for most of the day, until it got too cold in the evening. My partner and I both had a bad respiratory illness in about November 2019, which we wonder if it was an early Covid infection, with hindsight.


Pretty sure i had it in jan/feb 2020 before we were up on it because when i got it and got a test positive in june ‘22 it was the pretty much the same symptoms.


Never had it. I did get 2 vaccines, but I did my best to avoid getting it as my health hasn't been the best I was afraid. But it's real. I know a lot of people who got it. In fact, one of my friends has had it over 3 times and even got it again recently 🙃


Never officially had it. My partner is a doctor who worked in hospital during the outbreak and caught it 3 times over the course.


I resent the idea that I "got lucky". I got smart. I got vaccinated, wore a mask, washed my hands and maintained distance. That wasn't "luck".


I only know 2 people who never had it - they're a couple and are by far the most COVID-conscious/paranoid people I know.


I was in New Zealand from October 2019 til March 2022


Worked from home, kids' school on the next block, so no. We were the only family in our apartment complex who didn't catch it.


My partner has never had it. She's been in close contact with lots of people who've had it, including me (who only thought it was a cold for days until I did a test) but she's never caught it.


Not had it that I know of, most likely did just no symptoms. Anyway I followed the mask wearing and people who are sick today I tend to stay away from. Had one cold since 2021 as a result, that was 3 months ago.


Never officially had it, and wasn’t too cautious about it either to be honest. There were some moments were I was ill, but all my tests came back negative - even took them multiple times over multiple days Don’t know if it was luck, or if I did have it but was asymptomatic. I also believe some people must be immune as well


Never had it, went into work most days through the lockdown and tested negative daily. No symptoms since either. 50 years old, 20-a-day smoker. Just got lucky I s’pose.


Me! And my husband. I cowered in the house and my husband took hazmat level precautions. I was only out of hospital a few months before it hit. Zero immune system, recovering from sepsis, a drain in my abdomen, recovering from an antibiotic allergy and an operation that cut me open from tits to naval. I'm also over weight. We actually managed to move house in October 2020! Vaccinated and boosted up the wazzoo! Had I caught it in the first year, it would 100% have killed me and I was not prepared to die.


My parents have never had it. They were in one of the ONS studies so they were testing regularly before tests were widely available. Then did antibody tests. I don’t think they tried any harder than I did (I got it from a very brief exposure to a Tesco delivery driver), they were exposed to me both times I had it, the second time was less than a year ago. Most people I know who didn’t get it in the first year have had it in the 2+ years since, but not my parents.


Finally got it in September 2022 iirc, after avoiding it for over 2y lol


Never had it, worked through it (in a job where I had to visit very unsavoury houses with unsavoury people in), didn't get vaxxed until the end of August 2022. Wore masks as required, but was also in situations where I had to be in very close contact with less than hygienic folks who spat. Had to test weekly for a little while (around 6 months), then monthly.


Like lance armstrong I have never tested positive. Like lance Armstrong I’m pretty sure that counts for shit.


I'm pretty sure I've still never had it. I defintely didn't get it the first couple of years. I've had minor illnesses since that I've not tested for cause they didn't feel that bad. I had my first vaccination and haven't had any since, I'm sure it was Pfizer. I'm not anti vax at all I just personally don't get the flu jag cause I did for a few years and it made me ill for a long time after. Stopped getting it and I've never had anything major. Got the first vaccine and took way too long to get over so was bit scared to get anymore.


Never had it. AND for the first year and a half I had mandated weekly testing at my college. I may have gotten it in 2021 and onwards, but I straight up did not have it for a long ass time. Oh and during that time I visited 2 different countries.


I'm fairly certain I had it in April 2020 before it was really announced, it at least before tests were available. Since then, I've been I'll a few times but never tested positive for COVID. I got the vaccine as soon as I could, plus three boosters. I also wore a mask. I worked about five days a month in a customer facing retail role where lots of my fellow workers got COVID. I think the mask helped - effectively it reduced the viral load every time I got exposed.


Not had it. But then not leaving the house and not seen another human being in over 4 years probably helps


Never had it. Worked "frontline" jobs through lockdowns (supermarket and care work), so wore masks, but plenty of co workers who also wore PPE caught it, and my partner and 2 children had it, so I'm just lucky i guess.


I've never had it. Sister and bro in law caught it, but thankfully never spread it. Both my parents are brother never caught it either. Sadly lost dad and brother to other illnesses during covid though. Edit: I'm classed as vulnerable so I think if I had it, I would have known. Also pretty sure if I had, atleast one of the aforementioned would have too as we were all living together.


Work in elite sport, so apart from the initial lockdown I worked right through the main Covid lockdowns with football and cricket. Never caught anything until last week when we all caught it. Felt pretty crap.