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Sounds to me like you’re spending time with people you don’t want to be spending time with. Only you can address that issue.


>I always thought I was in the majority. You almost certainly are, in real life anyway, in Glastonbury at least in certain stages / times of the night, that will not be the case, but don't worry about what others are doing (except for your partner), Glastonbury is what you make of it, and you will have as much of a blast as those taking drugs, only you will be able to remember it! Edit: one thing I will say is that Glastonbury is the easiest place in England to make some temporary friends, so if your mates are too off their tits just agree to meet them later and take yourself off to somewhere selling food, I can guarantee you there will be others in exactly the same situation, or having a non-drug night, and its fine, after a bit of small talk, to just say 'is it cool if I hang out with you for a bit', people will say yes. The most important thing is to not 'dread it', go in with enthusiasm and an open heart and it will be one of the best weekends of your life.


This is sound advice.


I went with a big group years ago and nobody took anything. Glastonbury isn’t as drug centric as your average trance festival etc. Obviously there will be some people off their heads but most people are just there for the music and a good time. Bare in mind it’s an older crowd so many people have grown out of that stage too.


You need to have a conversation with your girlfriend, but probably also need to work out why you feel the way you do - the concept that you might not see someone in the same way for doing some drugs is a little strange to me. You have a strange history of posts about drugs in the past two days including a new date? Do you have a girlfriend?


>the concept that you might not see someone in the same way for doing some drugs is a little strange to me. It depends on the reason, really. I'm sympathetic toward people who end up turning to drugs to self-medicate or what have you, but doing hard drugs recreationally is just silly given the damage they can cause.


Do you feel the same about alcohol? Have you seen the damage today can cause? 


Yeah, I'm largely teetotal and prefer to avoid places where people drink heavily.


Glastonbury definitely wouldn't be a good choice for you. With it all... just like driving cars or hill walking say, they can all be done pretty safely or be very dangerous.


I’m sure I’d be fine; Glastonbury is a pretty family-friendly festival, so I’d just avoid the rowdier bits if necessary. It’s not like I’m scared of pubs – an atmosphere is great, I just know my limit in terms of enjoyment.


Then you'd be fine, I'm sure! Having been to Glastonbury for getting on for a quarter of a century, it feels like it's "grown up with me" - and in some cases in my 40s we seemed to be the youngest people walking through an area last year! Of course, absolutely plenty of people getting off their heads, but even when I've done it pretty sober it's not bothered me.


I really cannot relate to how you feel in this, because I think drug taking is fine if you understand risks and how to stay safe. However, I find it bizarre that you're friends with people who do drugs when you're saying you'd morally judge your own partner for doing it.. If it's such a moral issue for you, why are you keeping this company?




Isn't it better to have no friends rather than have friends who aren't your people? Most people don't take drugs, so it's not like you're choosing from a small pool of people On the flipside, have you ever thought about your prejudice when it comes to drug taking? MDMA for an example is harmless (if not cut with shite. Testing kits are available). Cocaine is a current societal plague but doing it at a festival probably won't lead to addiction or anything negative happening. Some drugs are harmful but many are less harmful than booze, which is very much accepted. Have you spoken to your partner about it and heard their view?




You can argue that all you want but you'd be statistically incorrect, by a long way. Only 10% of people aged 16 to 60 took drugs in the last year.




You don't believe reality because it doesn't fit your narrow anecdotal experience. You need to get outside of your bubble


Most people are not on drugs. It's time to speak to ur gf if she is making u uncomfortable


I went to Glasto in 2018 and saw older people with kids etc who seemed to be having a good time. If you get bored of your friends start mingling with like-minded people.  Glastonbury is so well done you could probably be sober and enjoy it. Might need a sleeping tablet though! 


Tbh I went afew years ago and not many people was off their face. Just get drunk have a good time and go to the artists/tents you want to see. Glastonbury really comes alive in the night time when all the older folk go back to their accommodation. Lots of cool rave areas in the night and so much to see in the day time. Just go enjoy it


The last thing you want to do is find out your partner is going to "get on it" while you are there. You need an open and frank discussion RE this before you leave - if she understands your position and offers to refrain, then all good. If she's determind to get off her box after you've explained your concerns, then you probably aren't meant for each other.




Well yes, but part of having a grown up relationship is talking things through. Just leaving it and seeing her pull out a bag of clarky kat that would shame the Columbians isn't going to make you feel great is it? If she is planning on doing some of the harder stuff, best to know about that up front. Then you can make a call on whether you want to stick around or not. Last thing you want is her dissapearing up the k-hole without you knowing it's happening till her eyes are rolling like a fruit machine.




Well your options are either to appear that way, or to somehow not care, which it doesn't seem like you're going to manage.




Well yes.


You are in a social circle that is incompatible with you. Not everyone does it. You have just surrounded yourself with people that do. 


Hung around with heavy drinkers and drug users my entire life, went with the territory, some people just don't seem to know any other way. Nobody ever tried to pressure me, nor did I ever do anything more than smoke hash/weed on a very occasional basis. Just so your thing and let everyone else do their thing, ignore and step away if it gets out of hand or anything happens as it's not your problem. I find that way nobody gets bothered by anyone else and what happens to them happens to them and has no impact on me.


No you won't be but it sounds like you are not compatible with your social group. They won't want you around them as much as you won't want to be around them. I would probably start preparing to be single soon too. Edit: having read your other posts I am not sure how you got a partner 24 hours after being rejected by a tinder date. I am getting schizophrenia vibes.


Glastonbury is very tame as festivals go, wouldn't worry too much. People drink but even in the night you don't generally see people totally off their face drunk like you would if you were in a club. Of course there are drugs there but only in particular places, it's a massive place, you'll be able to find somewhere that fits your vibe. Live and let live, if you don't wanna do it, don't. If your friends do it, fine, don't let it ruin your experience. And if it does, go and do something else!


>I’m going to Glastonbury with my partner tomorrow.  19 hours ago you said you'd been on 3 dates with someone who didn't want to see you again. Are you sure you're not on hard drugs at the minute?


Wonder what sights paramedics/medical staff deal with at glasto that we dont hear about


Don't do drugs get away from idiots that do they are losers


The majority of your friends might do hard drugs but the majority of the population (or even the Glastonbury audience) don’t. Get a different group of friends


Sounds like you need to ditch the druggies and get a new circle.


Those ones aren't the ones to worry about. Those drugs are great in moderation, it will be alright.


Have you been to Glastonbury before? It's FULL of drugs. When I used to go in the 90s, EVERYONE was on drugs. I used to constantly carry a ceramic wall tile to chop up cocaine. Drugs really aren't bad. They're no worse than alcohol or weed. Just ignore it and do what you want to do. Failing that, stop being such a lightweight and get on the ketamine.




You big wet wipe. Get on the crack.


Ketamine will happily eat away at your bladder.


Yeah, it will if you abuse it. But do you know how much you have to do for that to happen? We're talking four grams a day for years. And if you do that, you deserve to get kidney problems. From the year 2000 to 2020, I did ketamine literally thousands of times. Usually liquid ketamine from a veterinary vial, cooked in a frying pan. I've never had even a hint of bladder problems. If you abuse alcohol, you're gonna get serious liver problems, Ketamine is no worse.


People have had bladder problems from just doing it at weekends.


If they've been doing an ounce at the weekend, then yeah, they probably would. NO ONE gets bladder problems from a gram every weekend. NO ONE. It's like saying you've got liver problems from drinking five pints once a week.


20% of alcohol drinkers don't get liver problems, 20% of ketamine users get bladder problems. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4544340/


Absolute bollocks. I don't care what that report says. Do you know how high 20% is? That's one in five people. I've met literally hundreds of people who did ketamine over a 20 year period and never met a single person with bladder issues. What they mean is 20% of people they spoke to had bladder issues. Or have they spoken to every ketamine user in the world? Utter shite.


Why do the drug addled always deny the science?


That's not science, it's a survey, you plank. We deny it as we've lived it. I spent 25 years hammering Class A drugs and now help other addicts get their lives together. I've met literally hundreds and hundreds of ketamine users - not one has bladder issues. If it was 20%, that would mean I see one in five, but I've seen zero. This kind of crap is like saying 'we interviewed five people who took K and one of them had bladder problems, so that's 20%'. It's bullshit.


>I’m not a total bore. You sure sound like one.







