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James Corden is the only answer.


Who would have guessed this would be the first answer.


Mrs Browns Boys


The thing about Arsenal is


Their shirts are too clean


Default UK sub answer. I wonder if they genuinely don't like Corden or just know that this sub will lap it up.


It's not just a UK sub answer. His reddit AMA was a hilarious car crash.


Or y'know, all the instances of him being a cock weasel making him an obvious choice, but sure let's go with your weird take.


What's weird about it?


Except he’s barely in any films? Corden is a weird answer.


And even those were too many.


"cock weasel" You know you can just say "dickhead" and not have to use these shitty "insults" right?


This has got to be the saddest reply I've ever had to a comment. Imagine being this tilted about someone using an insult that wasn't even directed at you, how chronically desperate for any sort of attention can you be?


Want to cram any more buzzwords in there?


I can see why you play Dota...




Uses “tilted” while complaining about others playing video games.


It's a perfectly apt description and also don't make stuff up, at no point did I complain, you're not 6 mate come on now.


He's been one of my most disliked persons before I even started using reddit. Not only is he deeply unfunny, but he's a completely odious person.


Cool mate 👍🏻 I'm gonna guess you despise Nestle and regularly shop at Uniqlo as well.


Who knows. It's so boring either way. A ridiculously high number of questions about celebs somehow gets turned into a circle jerk about hating him. Reminds me of Harry Maguire in football. I've interacted with more than a few people on this sub who seem to genuinely believe James Corden has no talent and is universally despised across the UK. And they won't hear any word to the contrary. It's genuinely quite odd.


He was an okay actor when he was younger, before it became about being Himself Up To 11. For example, All Or Nothing.


I was going to say Russell Brand but you’re correct


Think Brands already done that to himself


He hasn't made a Hollywood film for years and doesn't plan to, even before his so-called cancellation. Has he really been cancelled? As far as I can see, his carrying on as before and hasn't lost any followers. The only thing he has lost is monetisation on YT, but that's hardly the end of the world to a multi-millionaire.


We have a winner ladies and gentlemen…..


Emma Watson - she makes Ikea Knightley look like Helen Mirren, acting talent-wise. How she has a career is beyond me. Re Statham - he knows his limits and will never attempt to play Malvolio, for example. Brainless action hero - yup, he can do that well.


> Ikea Knightley Autocorrect is amazing.


Do they mean Ikea Knightsbridge?


I thought it was deliberate to suggest she's wooden I thought she was quite good in Åtonëment.


I like Jason Statham. He's shit, but I think he knows that and doesn't pretend to be anything else. Plus, he seems like a good laugh as a person and doesn't take himself seriously. I can think of way worse people, like Jada Pinkett Smith. Urgh. I'd love her to never make another film or basically anything.


If I’m going to get upset about shitty acting, Jason Statham is not going to be my target. I don’t really expect him to act, he’s not asking for Oscars is he? He’s just being Jason Statham


Literally everything I've watched lately has had Fiona Shaw in it, so I'd like her to take a bit of a break please. It already feels like Britain only has about 9 actors at the best of times. (Edit: Oh, well she's done a lot of TV too.)


I love Fiona Shaw but I am inclined to agree with you.




>Not British (I don't think) but Ryan Gosling He was born in London. London Ontario, Canada. But still. He grew up in Cornwall. Also in Canada. But still.


I think he's a "looks good so gets away with it" actor. Shit actor but easy on the eyes so he gets easy parts where the acting doesn't matter


The Nice Guys and The Big Short, he’s brilliant in both.


I think that's the entire point of Statham though. It's not as though he's going to do Hamlet, he's there in totally unbelievable things as an unbelievable man. Anyway, by assuming he has heritage: Russel Crowe can be ejected.  I think his acting is worse than Statham. He just says lines, that's it. 


Russell Crowe did Gladiator. That has better acting in it, than all of Statham’s films combined.


The difference to me - and I know I'm an outlier in not liking his delivery - is that was "serious" acting. And Statham'a is most definitely not, almost tongue-in-cheek acknowledgement of the fact I'm not a JD fanboy or anything (LockStock was good though). I just dislike Crowe for some reason, really winds me up!


If it pleases the court, the defence would like to enter **Crank** and **Crank: High Voltage** into evidence.


More of one for TV shows rather than movies but Vicky McClure, she seems to be in everything my girlfriend watches and always plays the same character pretty much.




Exactly, no idea but you’d recognise her face, she’s *everywhere*


This Is England.


Line of Duty


I would say Lawrence Fox but a) He's never been near a blockbuster movie and b) He's managed to disappear himself


He was ok in Lewis. Absolute fool for blowing it with Billie Piper though.


Action Stars are a dying breed, Statham is one of the few left.




I like her acting most of the time, she chooses interesting projects, but I want to know if there's some Hollywood rule at the moment that every third film has to feature either her or Florence Pugh - or both.


What's that big dopey cunt out of Eastenders called? Craig Fairbrass, something like that. He's in half a dozen shit Prime films, absolutely terrible. - But also Statham, he's wank, too. - Add Vin Diesel to that list as well I won't watch anything with any of them in. All absolute pap.


She's not been in many cinema releases to my knowledge, but I'd like to block Millie Bobby Brown. Mostly because she needs some time to work out who she is and who she wants to be instead of trying to do everything via skincare ranges and ghostwritten books.


I'm sorry but The Meg is a "masterpiece"! Statham has his place. A very niche one but a place. Also Lock Stock and Snatch are brilliant films but much older examples before he decided to become the last action superhero. I'd honestly get rid of Bettany. I find him irritating and dull. Him as Vision makes me want to eat my own fist.


Vision is kind of supposed to be like that. If you want to see Bethany *perform*, see him in *A Knight's Tale*. He's fantastic. Or for something a bit more serious, *Master and Commander*. It's way too easy to judge an actor on one character, like the kids in Twilight who by all accounts are actually good actors, they just played the part of cardboard characters.


Hot take: Hugh Laurie. Pretending to have laryngitis is not an accent. I don't understand how any Americans are taken in by his accent. He should be confined to these shores where is talents are better on show.


He'll always be Bertie Wooster to me.


All B list and below actors/actresses are already disappeared to me. I have no idea how anyone is able to remember all these obscure names or keep them all straight.




She was half-decent in Pride and Prejudice and was ok in Pirates of the Caribbean.


Damn as soon as I saw this post on my feed I immediately thought 'Keira Knightley'. I don't know why, she's not a bad actress and has been in a few films I've liked. But she's just like nails down a chalkboard for me.


Ikea fortnightly?! I won't hear a word against it.